• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:06For those watching, I thank you for watching.
00:09This is going to be some crime against me, my twin flame.
00:15If whoever is watching, the only people who are allowed to watch are people who want to help Shia and Alyssa, not hurt Shia and Alyssa.
00:22And remember, anyone who is watching that wants to frame Shia and Alyssa, for the information in this video,
00:29I'm not saying anything in this video is true or not, and it cannot be used against me, or else that is illegal.
00:37And in the last video, Shia, the computer kept freezing, and I'll show you, I made a clip,
00:45but actually, I'm not sure if I said information in the clip, so I'll show you tomorrow.
00:55This is a new laptop that I just rented at the library.
01:09And see how it says Logan?
01:15Logan Heights Library.
01:18Logan Heights Library Computer.
01:21So I have this recorded in the background.
01:24The computer kept freezing, it was the criminal that was freezing the computer over and over and over.
01:29So I went to Logan Heights Library, and I have this computer now.
01:34And I had to return that other laptop anyways on the 12th of August.
01:42So now I have this laptop until October.
01:51That was kind of stressful, however, I had to get it because I have to make sure that this video records,
02:01and I will make sure to document any time this computer gets frozen.
02:10It wasn't frozen. The mouse could move, but the windows couldn't move.
02:17And so in this video, Shia, I'm not going to make it too long because that just took a lot of energy from me.
02:26It just stole a lot of energy.
02:29And it was supposed to be like an extreme attack, but honestly, the more and more we deactivate the HiveMind,
02:38the more and more it's not going to be able to affect us.
02:44So I need to make sure I went through all the notes.
02:49And I have to get a haircut, it's getting a little too long.
02:52I like my hair to be about this length.
02:58I don't like it too long.
03:01I think it's like a hygiene issue when hair gets too long.
03:05And so I've already read all the notes, so I'm going to talk to you now about Sedona.
03:18And I'm going to start from the beginning.
03:24And I'm not going to talk too much about this, but this is a spiritual ascension.
03:32I really have to start taking this video.
03:37Hold on, I wonder if, okay, it's not a touch screen.
03:41I think I'm going to put this camera and going to, I'm going to put the backup camera right in front of me
03:52so that it's not off to the side so much because I don't like it when it's off to the side.
04:06So I have been getting some kind of a spiritual activation from reading the Sedona Vortex guidebook
04:16and the channelings.
04:28Basically, there's a, this is what I'm going to talk about now with the notes.
04:36I'm going to talk about the notes.
04:39I brought the coffee because I just ran to the library to get this laptop.
04:58So there's a lot of satanic cults that surround Vortex to abuse the Vortex.
05:06And a lot of passive idolizations.
05:11There's like this good versus evil going on.
05:18And these criminals are, they hate the good so much that they are willing and have in the past to destroy themselves to be able to destroy the good.
05:34So they've literally killed themselves.
05:40You know those people that put a bomb, drop a bomb to themselves and go into an area and the bomb goes off and they die with the bomb?
05:49These criminals are so angry at the good beings, the light beings, that they are willing to destroy themselves to destroy the good people.
06:03And the ancient Indians, Native American Indians, are the ones that discovered Sedona.
06:21In like, I think it was the 60s or the 50s, the 60s and the 70s more and more people started to live there.
06:35There are more Vortexes than anyone knows about in the Red Rock Paradise is what Sedona is called.
06:43And it's really like a fun place because it's all about the arts.
07:04There's tons of art museums and art galleries.
07:07It's all about alternative healing practitioners.
07:11A lot of people though that live there are probably not good because a lot of evil people like to surround the Vortex and abuse the Vortex.
07:25So there's Vortex guides, spiritual experiences, New Age activities.
07:36Obviously New Age activities can be evil, however a lot of the evil take the truth and then mix false with it.
07:48It's a place for authors, artists, musicians.
07:53Obviously anywhere I go I keep to myself and the moment someone tries to talk to me I either get attacked or...
08:10A lot of Sedona is about community but a lot of those community gatherings are just cult gatherings.
08:23It's not all about community, that's cult gatherings.
08:27So it's a sacred place, Sedona is a very sacred place.
08:41There's a lot of...
08:45Let me just skip to the notes that I want to talk about.
08:55People that visit Sedona find their life purpose.
08:59I visited Sedona twice through road trips and I realized that the energy healing and the traveling to Vortex is me and you's life purpose Shaya.
09:39People weren't really that mean in Sedona.
09:55So when you go to Sedona and we can watch the YouTube videos Shaya to watch Sedona Vortex.
10:06When you watch the Sedona, like the treadmill videos where you're on the trail.
10:13I wouldn't watch the videos where there's someone in front of the trail but if you're on the trail and the drones that go above Sedona.
10:22When we watch that we're immediately at Sedona.
10:26So we'll have UFO experiences.
10:31This is what Sedona is all about.
10:34Planetary changes, sacred sites, ancient wisdom, metaphysics, channeling, crystals.
10:42And the crystals are inside Sedona.
10:45The Sedona Red Rocks, there's crystals inside the Sedona Red Rocks.
10:56You become open to the new dimensions in Sedona.
11:04So in the 70's only 2,500 people lived in Sedona.
11:10One thing that I absolutely hate is when you go onto the trails and they leave all these crystals and feathers on the ground and all these like offerings.
11:38And that's actually pollution and it's evil.
11:41They're leaving like energy behind.
11:45The Hopi tribal elders, the Native American Indians said you're not supposed to leave anything behind when you go on the trails.
11:56I've literally seen like...
12:19So part of this hive mind disconnects everyone from nature.
12:26That's why like my whole life I wasn't really allowed to like connect with nature at all that much.
12:32So these are all notes from the book.
12:49And there's different vortexes in different places around the world.
13:07And Shai, I'm getting itch-tortured.
13:09Just so you know, they already lost a long time ago.
13:18They already lost a long time ago.
13:22If just because we're getting tortured doesn't mean they're winning.
13:26Just because we're not together doesn't mean they're winning.
13:31Or technically, if we're not together then it's a serious problem and it does feel like they're winning if we're not together, Shai.
13:43So we have to continue to do the lumarian technology.
13:48Because apparently we're never going to be together until we deactivate the hive mind.
13:53That's what I'm told.
13:55That's what I'm told every single day and it feels hopeless and impossible.
14:00Why would God give us the task to deactivate the fucking planet?
14:03And I'm not saying deactivate the fucking planet.
14:06I didn't say the word, the F word.
14:11And humans are electro...
14:14So there's different vortexes that do different things.
14:16Some of them do light beams within the earth and without.
14:22And the vortex energy comes from the universe and outer space and from deep within the core of the earth.
14:30So there's beacons of energy, there's spirals of energy, and then there's weavings of energy, like patterns of weaves of energy.
14:44And some of this I did know, but some of this confirmation, things I already kind of knew, and a lot of it I didn't know.
14:53So some of the vortexes are time warp vortexes and I went to Gold Hill in Oregon where there was a time warp vortex.
15:07A lot of times there was evil people around that kind of shooed me away and I just had to leave.
15:18Like in that case, I was parked in the parking lot just to be around the vortex.
15:25And there was something about someone was cleaning the pavement and there was all this dust or something and I couldn't roll the window so I had to leave.
15:40There's all kinds of things like that that happened to me when I was traveling to the vortexes.
15:48You can actually feel, your energy field can tap into the vortexes from a quarter to three miles away.
15:58So I know Coronado is a vortex and it's only two miles away, so I think I'm tapping into the vortex.
16:05Obviously the ocean is a vortex, but Coronado specifically is a vortex and where you are in those hills, that's definitely a vortex.
16:17I think I'm going to try to cut my hair.
16:33Honestly, look at how jaggedy it is.
16:41I don't think I could do worse than what it looks like right now.
16:45Because I told you there's a lot of broken pieces of hair that made everything all different lengths because of the hair dye.
16:54It's possible I'll cut my hair, I might not.
16:58So there is some vortexes are like not actual vortexes yet, but then they become vortexes on the planet.
17:13Like the Red Sea or the Lake Bukele in Siberia or the Red Sea in the Middle East, those are vortexes.
17:21So I could Google YouTube the Red Sea and watch the Red Sea and connect to the vortex.
17:26And me and you are already walking vortexes because we've connected so much with the vortexes for a long time that we're like walking vortexes.
17:45And that's basically when people go visit the vortexes in Sedona, how they get 3 million visitors a year.
17:53All those people walking through those vortexes are getting connected to the vortex.
17:58So there's the Yellowstone Falls in Wyoming is a vortex, the Niagara Falls is a vortex, the Appalachian, Blue Ridge, Smoky and Rocky Mountains are the vortexes.
18:20I just recently learned about that.
18:23I know the Himalayan Mountains are vortexes and it's connected with the Ascendant Masters with the Gold Ray, the Golden Ray Beams.
18:37Grand Canyon, Mount Everest.
18:42I knew that a lot of national parks are vortexes, so we'll be visiting the national parks, Cheyenne.
18:53So when the planet ascends, there's always these earth destroyers and I'm still just trying to wonder why they would have entities that mock gyms that our mortals try to K-I-L-L us.
19:24I'm still trying to figure that out.
19:27They don't actually even exist to begin with because they're mock gyms and why would they choose people that are mortal?
19:48They don't even have a chance to exist in the future, no matter what.
19:56So, I told you, we're kind of doing the cleansing on the earth before the Lumerians and other light ETs in the middle of the earth are going to come back and come on the surface.
20:08So there's all these evil people on the surface of the planet and they all have to kind of be deactivated so that the light beings in the middle of the earth, I mean within the earth, can go on the top of the surface of the earth and help rebuild the planet.
20:27So they can't be on this planet because it's too evil, they'll die from the energy of this planet.
20:34So, this is what I said in the other video, light ETs from space, they can't always contact us, try to help us and other people because it can be detrimental and they can get hurt or be killed.
21:05Because of the energy, the evil energy that exists on this planet.
21:11So they can't tap into our energy field and consciousness unless they're able to, which is kind of rare, not completely rare, but kind of.
21:33So all this violence is just from past ancient times of constant evil people trying to destroy and take over the planet earth.
21:48And there's so many times that this planet earth has moved, shaken and the place of the earth has shattered and moved apart and back together again.
22:00In Sedona used to be the point at the North Pole and the South Pole and those are entry points into the middle of the earth.
22:08And that's part of why it's the crystal lumerian, it used to be the lumerian city of crystal light.
22:15Because, I'm not sure where I was going with that.
22:22But Sedona is really a communication center of other dimensions and I never heard really, I don't remember really having communication with the UFOs on Mount Shasta and Joshua Tree and all the other vortexes.
22:45Creston, Colorado, however I was communicating with UFOs of other dimensions but it was just all with my higher self unconscious.
23:01So Sedona was also the center of the earth in one time period.
23:14And there are two kinds of, there are the good and evil that live on the inside of the earth, not just the good beings.
23:24And there's a difference between evil people and criminals.
23:30Not everybody on the evil side are criminals, the criminals are the ones that are not going to exist in the future no matter what.
23:38The evil people, not all evil people are criminals, so they're not all going to go to hell.
23:46If they don't, if they don't, if they're not criminals they don't go to hell.
23:51In regards to...
24:00There's a battle of positive and negative energies.
24:05There's going to be a die off where like the seed of the serpent is going to die off.
24:13They're not going to be able to, the criminals are no longer going to be able to exist.
24:26So Sedona has the Lumerian priest and priestess patterns of the past from Lumeria, so that's why we go there Shaya.
24:34We connect with our priest and priestess patterns, energy patterns.
24:39And it's a place of safety and security.
24:45I did feel very safe going to Sedona because there's a very clean feeling there.
24:50And people are not like really violent and aggressive I noticed.
24:56Even if they're like not good people, they didn't have that like real violent feeling, like of attack towards me.
25:05And Sedona has an expression of what the planet will be on planet earth.
25:09So when I go to visit the planet, the vortexes, there's a feeling of paradise at these vortexes.
25:14And that's what the planet, the whole planet is going to feel like eventually.
25:34So as it is said Lumerians live beneath Mount Shasta, I'm pretty sure that Lumerians live beneath Sedona.
26:04And there's a shield around Sedona's territory because of all the crystals and crystal energy from Sedona structures and the red rocks.
26:30A lot of times though I saw a lot of pretentious ego around the vortexes.
26:43So they can use the vortex energy, misuse it and like receive the vortex energy and like convert it into like making them feel like they're powerful when it's all coming from false power.
26:57And they're not, they're using it just to, they're using it for false power.
27:04I saw a lot of that.
27:12And there are invisible governments around the Sedona.
27:19A lot of covert government intelligence operations based in the areas of the vortex.
27:24Especially Colorado, I read there somewhere and I believe that.
27:32I definitely believe Colorado's a vortex and it's not really talked about on the internet.
27:42I think they're trying to keep it so hidden because Colorado, there's so much vortex energy in Colorado.
27:49But there's a lot of bustling signs of the invisible government in residents around these vortexes.
28:02But they use it, these governments will use the vortex for like mind control.
28:18I've been, they've been suffocating me all day today.
28:25Excuse me.
28:27If I like stop breathing, the torture will be less.
28:31So I like, I tend to like shallow breathe a lot to make the torture less.
28:38I can't do that.
28:40But that's just an excuse.
28:42I'm still very possessed shy and so are you.
28:45So I have to stop this video soon, Sian.
28:49And I'm going to continue reading these notes.
28:54Is there anything specifically that I really want to say?
29:08There's a lot of angelic presence in Sedona.
29:15And this explains, so planet Earth has been like 4 million years old.
29:27Probably more than 4 million years old.
29:30And I'm kept, I keep being mind controlled to think it's only 2,000 years old.
29:36Because there's only people that originated 2,000 years ago.
29:412,000 years ago is a complete lie.
29:43That's just a recent mind control thing.
29:52But Sedona is a communication center and it maintains the communication with the universe.
30:02And basically, when we visit the vortex of Shia soon, we're going to be like helping the planet grow and ascend.
30:18That's the whole point.
30:20And obviously, help our own body grow.
30:32Because the humans contribute and receive from the vortex.
30:37So when we go to the vortexes, we're contributing to the ascension.
30:46Because we're channeled, Shia.
30:48Irene, I know you know most all of this, Shia.
31:02So, I'm on page 53 now.
31:16But yeah, the humans are the vehicle of manifestation.
31:20So we're like the channels that's going to be able to
31:25get the planet to ascend.
31:35For planetary and universal growth as well.
31:38So when planet Earth ascends, the universe will be ascending.
31:44So that's all I have for the notes now.
31:56I'm not going to talk about any...
31:59We weren't supposed to talk about crime all the time.
32:03So I really wanted to talk to you about those notes.
32:14I'm not going to have a good day. I'm going to get tortured.
32:17Specifically because of the lumarian technology that I do.
32:20I'm getting kind of sick of doing the lumarian technology.
32:22It's kind of boring.
32:24However, I do feel better after I do the lumarian technology.
32:29So if it makes me feel better, I should not care that it's boring.
32:36Sometimes it's not boring.
32:38Especially reading the decrees.
32:45I'm probably going to...
32:47I'm listening to the decrees.
32:49I'm listening to the Kyran Machias.
32:53I'm listening to the spiritual zen frequencies.
32:59I'm getting kind of burnt out by sound.
33:02So I'm going to take...
33:04Even if I take a couple of hours off of listening to things.
33:12But then I hear the fan. That's what I think about.
33:15I'm still hearing sound.
33:17So it doesn't really matter.
33:19I'm really, really itchy right now.
33:25They're using an artificial intelligence to itch torture me right now.
33:29And they're torturing me other ways.
33:34That's their way of telling us shy that they're still winning.
33:39Because their artificial intelligence weapons still work.
33:42Against us.
33:44It's a complete lie.
33:45And all this being blindfolded, not knowing what we're doing.
33:50To help the planet.
33:52It's all going to be returned back to the sender.
33:54It's all witchcraft.
33:56Not just witchcraft.
33:58It's going to be an extreme return back to sender.
34:02That they blindfolded us for 38 years.
34:05They're not going to not just exist.
34:08It's all going to be returned back to the sender before they don't exist.
34:13I'm going to stop this video, Shaya.
34:17And Shaya.
34:33This is something about Shaya.
34:41Your eyes are very bewitching, Shaya.
34:44You're a very cool person.
34:49I love your eyebrows.
34:51They're not too thick.
34:53I love your brown hair.
34:55I love how your hair is a little wavy.
35:03I love your sideburns, Shaya.
35:06I love your nose.
35:07And your lips.
35:09I like how you like to shave.
35:13I like how you have the look of innocence.
35:18And you have a boyishness.
35:20I love your ears.
35:22They remind me of my ears so much.
35:25This makes me happy.
35:27I love your chest, Shaya.
35:29I love your legs.
35:33And I love your butt, Shaya.
35:35And your back and your shoulders.
35:37I love everything about you, Shaya.
35:40Physically and mentally.
35:42And you've been neglected, Shaya.
35:46And I know that you're upset, Shaya.
35:50I know that you're sad.
35:52I know that you're upset.
35:54I know that you're sad.
35:56I know that you're sad.
35:57I know that you're upset, Shaya.
35:59And you are feeling nervous.
36:02And I am too.
36:13Just keep doing the lumerian technology, Shaya.
36:16Because I know that you're doing it.
36:18It's very painful because they constrict and do something where they'll hold...
36:27all of our different body parts and suffocate us while we're doing the lumerian technology.
36:34It's really painful.
36:36And it's not just spiritual hemorrhoids where we're just trying so hard to do the Reiki or the bioflame.
36:46They're actually suffocating and hurting our body while we do it.
36:49But we have to do that even while we're still possessed.
36:54So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shaya.
37:07I don't like it when this...
37:09I don't like the backup video.
37:13How it slanted.
37:16So I'm going to put it here.
37:18But I was just so worried that if this cell phone falls down...
37:23it could mess up and stop this video from recording.
37:31Because that, by the way, it kind of stretches out what I look like.
37:39It doesn't really look completely like me when it's on the side, just so you know, Shaya.
37:47I'm going to make sure that I keep writing notes for you, Shaya.
37:53And I'm going to continue reading that book.
38:00Because it's not just a book, it's a spiritual activation.
38:05And I will talk to you tomorrow.
38:12I love you, Shaya.
38:16I love you, Shaya.
38:18Thank you everybody for watching.
38:20Thank you so much, Shaya, for watching.
