• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:07Hi, Shia.
00:08For everyone who's watching, I thank you for watching.
00:11In this video, anyone who watches this video cannot use any of this information that I
00:17say in this video against me, because that would be framing, and that's illegal.
00:23And whoever's watching, the only people who are allowed to watch, the people that want
00:28Shia Alyssa not hurt Shia Alyssa.
00:32And I just created a video of watching the computer screen freeze before I could make
00:51this video, so I had to restart the computer.
00:54So, Shia, I'm going to talk about the Sedona Vortex.
00:57And I am getting towards it right now, because I just recited, I just recited I'm a Being
01:07of Isle of Fire and the Pretty God Desires.
01:09I did the mirroring technology.
01:11I recited the invocation in the channeled decree book.
01:20I am still possessed, and I did not review that video two days ago, because I reviewed
01:32yesterday's video yesterday, and I just got too tired.
01:35So if I set something off, I just got too tired, and it was just too hot, and I didn't
01:42want to sit there and watch my video, watch two videos.
01:47So I'm drinking a cup of coffee.
01:52And this video might get messed up, so the backup video is going to, I'm probably going
02:03to have to use the backup video.
02:06And I'm only going to make this video half an hour, because I have a feeling there's
02:11going to be a problem with the video uploading, because of the criminal hacker.
02:27So I, I have some photos to share with you, not a lot.
02:43I had some, I had a bagel and tuna with tomatoes yesterday.
02:50Tomato salad, bagel with some tuna, and I put some herbs and spices in the tuna.
03:01I have some other things that I don't want to talk about.
03:11This is my feet.
03:13I wanted to show you my toes, to show you, like, they're not really that ugly looking,
03:18the nail.
03:19It looks pretty normal.
03:24I mean, it's not extremely ugly.
03:32Like, it could be way worse.
03:34It could be, like, way worse if there was no nail.
03:37I think it will get better.
03:39I still have to grind it down a little more.
03:43I think it will get better, my toenail.
03:45I'm not really, the essential oil, tea tree oil, I'm still putting it on, but I don't
03:50think it's going to work.
03:52So, I have to, I have to use a different remedy.
04:02I have to work on next month's shopping list.
04:05In regards to the mini fridge, if I get it at Ikea and say something happens and I can't
04:14use the fridge, I can return it and, well, if something happens within 30 days, I can
04:22get my money back.
04:23If something happens after 30 days, I can get store credit Ikea and I'll just buy a
04:30bunch of home decor with the $110, which is how much the fridge is.
04:37$110 plus tax.
04:41So, I have some notes here and I'm timing this on the timer to make sure I don't go
04:57over half an hour.
05:00I'm going to use the highlighter to make sure I don't miss anything that I say to you.
05:14I'm kind of hungry because I had a bagel and a granola bar and I haven't been eating as
05:20I haven't been overeating these past couple of days because I'm trying to lose weight.
05:30I believe we're going to be together before 2025.
05:45Also, I received some information and confirmation that, remember that big, huge, red dot on
05:58that t-shirt?
06:00That was a threat.
06:02That was a threat.
06:04That's going to be used in the court of law against that person that wore that big, huge,
06:09red dot.
06:10Like a period, a menstrual cycle dot.
06:15And other things on the internet.
06:21You can't, it's not covert.
06:24Those types of harassment is not covert.
06:29Like this, all these advertisements.
06:35It's not covert.
06:38Those public images are going to be used against these criminals with the court of law.
06:50And as regards to the hacker, he has no future existence.
06:55He's not even a real gen.
06:58He's a mock gen.
07:00And something's going to happen to him in prison.
07:04Based on what he's done to me, he doesn't have the legal right to be alive.
07:10This hacker deserves D-E-A-T-H P-E-N-L-A-L-T-Y.
07:15It's not humanly possible to be alive based on what this criminal has done to me.
07:29I'm actually paralyzed.
07:31When someone does so much crime to you, you become paralyzed.
07:34You go into a state of paralysis.
07:40However, this...
07:48I'm not going to continue talking about that hacker because they're trying to use A.I. right now.
07:54And I'm not doing this.
07:57All this artificial intelligence and B2K that's being used against me is going to be used against you.
08:05And the amount of punishment and return to sender that's going to occur...
08:10If they torture us shy at this point, torture us in any way...
08:16For, say, an hour, they're going to get 100-300 hours of return to sender, back and return of what they sent to us.
08:37So there's layers and layers of deactivations occurring, Shaya.
08:41I'm pretty sure within the last 48 hours, there's been a layer of deactivation.
09:02Did you hear the sound?
09:12And I'm hearing metal clanking against sheetrock. Metal clanking.
09:22What's metal?
09:28And then I'm hearing B2K, what the metal is.
09:41And I'm being told that if I decree out loud, it's going to be used against me.
10:01I've never heard of... You can't sue someone for being religious and saying Jesus out loud.
10:14So some of what I'm saying right now, I am not actually saying they're trying to talk to me with A.I.
10:30And no, I have no reason to delete this film. I have no reason to delete this film.
10:39I'm being threatened. My life is being threatened so much.
10:45It's interesting how they use the entities, the mortal entities.
11:04Did they think that they were going to receive eternal life if they murdered me and you, Shaya?
11:12These mortal entities? No, they wouldn't.
11:18So in regards to your family members, Shaya, I'm being told that a family member is neutral to the situation.
11:30And it's not against you, the way my family members are against me.
11:35And cannot help me. They can't help me.
11:43There's no way that the family member would hurt you, Shaya.
11:49So in regards to protection, we're eventually going to keep doing the layers of deactivation.
12:00And if we call upon God, angels, archangels, a set of masters, to seal our body and seal the apartment in a crystal box so that nothing can enter, nothing evil can enter.
12:20That actually will be able to work eventually.
12:23And in regards to this battle, which some people are not even qualified to fight if they don't have a future existence, it's Lumerian against Atlantis.
12:42And Shaya, this isn't supposed to be occurring.
12:45I went to Sedona and was told, oh, I was supposed to meet you 20 years ago.
12:51You were supposed to show up, you know, something like this. You were supposed to show up here 20 years ago.
12:57This has been a 20-year-long delay because they're criminals that kidnapped and tortured us, Shaya.
13:0720-year-long delay.
13:08I was walking around Sedona and I walked into a shop, and the owner said it to me, covertly, you were supposed to be here 20 years ago.
13:23So there's a Lumerian versus Atlantis, and I don't even know if that person was good or bad.
13:32Atlantis, they're trying to make Sedona into like an Atlantis. It's not working. It won't work.
13:40In regards to what happened to your DNA, that is a pure theft.
13:45And luckily it happened to the right person.
13:50In regards to what happened to your DNA, that is a pure theft.
14:06And luckily it happened to more than just you.
14:11And luckily there was a merging that made it even more synthetic and more not you.
14:21But you're a victim, Shaya, and basically we both probably do the same thing.
14:29It's not about ignoring and avoiding. We have to protect ourselves.
14:33And when you're tortured 24-7, no one should have to dwell on things.
14:38No one should have to be attacked over and over and over on things.
14:43That's why I don't look anything up on the internet.
14:45I only go on YouTube and go on Kiran, Rekia, Spiritual Zen, and now I have the internet archive where I can look and read books.
14:54I'm on page 45 now of Sedona Vortex Guide in regards to the notes.
15:01This book is actually a spiritual activation. It's not just a book.
15:06I'm getting a spiritual activation when I read it.
15:11Also it's been confirmed that PEDO has happened to you based on what has happened to your DNA since you're 38 years old.
15:24No, for 38 years what has happened to your DNA.
15:27And in regards to the past 20 years with that criminal who stole your DNA, she is actually older than you.
15:37She's a PEDO. She's not your age.
15:42And there's multiple reasons as to why she's not your age and why it is PEDO. I'm not going to explain it.
15:51But I was given confirmation about that.
15:55In regards to...
16:06In the name of God, all that is evil needs to be returned to the source now. It's sealed there.
16:12That's another thing that we can say.
16:25Shia, another thing that I get a lot is when I land on the pendulum.
16:32I mean when I use the pendulum book.
16:35In love. You're in love with me, Shia. I get that a lot.
16:39And I don't write it down and tell you in the video because I don't want to get you in trouble.
16:46But we're both in love, Shia. And we've been married for 7 years.
16:51And we've been married for 7 years now. Or longer.
17:01There's nothing... I love you, Shia. I know that you love me, Shia.
17:06I love you, Shia.
17:14And one thing that I was reminded by the pendulum is your body has been protected.
17:24And you have physical health.
17:28Your DNA is obviously not completely in good health.
17:36And neither is mine because we're twin flames and you're half my soul.
17:44But your body is protected, Shia.
17:47Even though they do a lot of trickery into making you think that it's not true. Your body's not protected.
18:09There's a weird thing where these entities are turning into like the metaverse.
18:14With this V2K, these criminals are turning into the metaverse.
18:18And they're doing all these TikTok things. Like movements.
18:24Like this. Like really weirdo perverted movements.
18:30Like that. Like they'll constantly repeat doing that.
18:34Like these weird TikTok things.
18:37And actually it's harassing TikTok to do that.
18:41It's actually harassing TikTok.
18:44And TikTok management doesn't approve of these criminals doing all these weird TikTok things.
18:53Like movements.
18:55There's more than just those two things that are constantly being repeated.
19:01That's just like they're really turning into like...
19:05That's just like they're really turning into like...
19:09They've been chronically pure humiliation and ridiculous.
19:13However, at this point, because of the return back to center,
19:17like something's happening where like...
19:22I can't explain it.
19:23I can't explain it.
19:29But TikTok doesn't endorse any of these criminals that are like
19:34trying to convince everybody that they're like viral on TikTok by harassing my brain.
19:43TikTok's not endorsing these criminals.
19:46And they actually want to S.U.E. these criminals that are doing that.
20:09I already read this.
20:11I already read this.
20:17So there is one vortex that's kind of like has a ghetto feeling in Sedona
20:24because it's being abused by the dark.
20:29It's the one specifically that's known to have UFO sightings and spaceships connect through it
20:35from the universe.
20:36But there's evil ETs that come down onto it.
20:41The vortex is called Bell Rock.
20:43And I was...
20:45I actually did do a small hike there and I felt a very strong feeling of ghetto-ness.
20:52I actually did do a small hike there and I felt a very strong feeling of ghetto-ness.
20:53Like kind of like pollution.
20:56And that is from all the dark ETs abusing the vortex.
21:00And I was actually constantly threatened on all those hikes that I was going to be K.I.L.L.E.D.
21:06That's why I only went on three hikes.
21:09I mostly sat in my car.
21:15However, I was getting some people that were smiling at me on those hikes.
21:20Like they knew who I was and I was like...
21:23Like they knew something about me and I was like...
21:25I was so surprised.
21:26Like wow, you're really friendly, smiling at me like that.
21:56So now I'm going to talk to you about the Lumerians.
22:00I'm not going to make this a long video, Shreya.
22:03I'm actually going to just make this one video and probably make it like 40 minutes.
22:22I have to review these videos and I know that you have to make videos on top of the videos that you have to watch.
22:29What is this?
22:32Oh, so the computer is frozen.
22:38The computer is frozen again.
22:41So the hacker has frozen the computer.
22:49So I can't see my hand.
22:52It's not moving. Nothing's moving.
22:55And I can't stop it from recording.
22:59So the hacker has frozen the computer.
23:05So I'm going to stop this video, Shreya.
23:08And just publish this.
23:12I definitely don't look as good in this video.
23:23So I'm going to stop this and make part two.
23:27There's nothing wrong with this computer.
23:29I will show you what has happened.
23:32Previous to making this first video, I had to restart the computer and it's doing the same thing.
23:39The computer is frozen.
23:45So I want to show you my toes in case I didn't show you.
23:50On this...
23:53See, it's not that bad. It's not that ugly.
24:02It could be a lot worse.
24:04And what else did I want to show you on here?
24:13Here's some lunch I had yesterday.
24:17Tomatoes and bagels.
24:18And if it's really blurry, let me show you something to show you if it's really blurry.
24:31I mean, you'll be able to see if it's really blurry.
24:44I don't want to just show you a random text, actually.
24:51So I'm going to make part two.
24:54I'm going to try to restart the computer.
24:57But as you can see, I'm pressing the stop button.
25:03And it's not stopping.
25:06It's not stopping.
25:12So I'm not going to...
25:15And if this video doesn't get published, I'm going to just re-record it.
25:20So I will make part two.
25:22Thank you everybody for watching.
25:24Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
25:26I love you, Shia.
