Blast Wind 2P SR

  • 2 months ago
00:00All right, all right, all right.
00:05World of Technology.
00:07What's going on today, Moon Crew?
00:11Today we're playing a not quite arcade Sega Saturn shmup called Blast Wave, only released
00:18in Japan, as far as I know.
00:21And we got High Warlord JC here with us for the hot two player co-op action.
00:24You know, the shmup barrel is running a little low.
00:27So we're expanding our outlook to find other consoles where shmups are present.
00:33This one used to be moderated by BossCat, but she decided she wanted to focus on fighting
00:39So we're going to move in on that moderator spot and try to grow the community a little
00:44because, you know, we love the shmups here.
00:49I don't really know what the story is here.
00:50I don't know what's going on.
00:53Some dude, some lady, some vault.
00:58Oh, some abs, yeah, I don't forget them.
01:07Ultimate Destroyer Forn and Ultimate Destroyer Noah.
01:13And another Ultimate Destroyer, Kyo.
01:17You might really start to doubt the word ultimate in that after the third one, but...
01:23Hey, it's time for Blast Wind.
01:26Let's go.
01:27They really missed out on a chance to wrap that circle around the right edge of that
01:32logo into the D, but oh well.
01:34No matter.
01:35Here we go.
01:53Alright well now, fearing for my own mortality, I will attempt to play better.
02:00I say we take it straight.
02:25Alright, let's go.
02:53Alright, let's go.
03:22Alright, let's go.
03:28Absolutely annihilated him.
03:31Alright, just hang straight I guess.
03:48Way between two points, you know what I'm saying?
03:53Seems to be.
03:54Holy shit.
03:55Things are getting a little crazy, I'm not going to lie.
04:16Oh I can pause, oh shit.
04:27Yeah, that's definitely not the button to get down for.
04:35They're coming at us in waves and they're dying.
05:00I think we're doing alright.
05:10Don't, don't hit the button, don't hit the button.
05:13Stay the straight course.
05:15It's worked for us so far.
05:59Alright, let's go.
06:28Did that just say Sodom?
06:55I don't want to fight this boss anymore.
07:10Reminds me of the sign at the end of Sonic Levels.
07:15Just spinning around getting his ass kicked.
07:19Oh, you got an extra life, I saw that.
07:21Oh, you did too.
07:35I'm going to scope it out on this boss, see if it gives it to me after every boss.
07:43Oh, did I get a buddy?
07:46Yay, buddy.
07:48I don't know what it does.
07:54I guess I should put it out in front, but who knows.
08:02Whoa, didn't save me from getting hit from behind.
08:20Yeah, where were you when they were coming up on me?
08:27Have we even used a continue yet?
08:31No, I'm not sure the game has them.
08:35We put credits up to five in the dips, so I'm hoping that meant five credits worth of lives.
08:44That'd be fantastic.
09:43Damn, we must have been close on him.
09:50Dimension Cave.
09:54That was ominous.
09:58Hit him with the bombs.
10:23Wouldn't be sitting at the back of the screen if I were you.
10:44Alright, I think we go straight.
10:48Hasn't failed us yet.
10:51Except maybe in stage three, I'm not convinced on that one.
11:04I definitely don't want to go back.
11:20Sorry, he snuck up on me.
11:23Oh, there's different routes to the boss.
11:39Different bosses, different routes.
12:07You too can have an S-ball.
12:30Get out of my room, Dread.
12:35Some people see you, they're like, ah, it's Dread, damn.
12:39Dread, it's Dread.
13:04Paul did a pretty good job of protecting me.
13:08Yeah, Gorn last battle, alright, this is it.
13:13Just don't blow 23 lives or however many we have.
13:24Nope, I'm not doing it.
13:28Haters want to try and make me, but I can't be bought.
13:35Hey, it did protect you, I saw it there.
13:38Saw it do its job.
13:42Why did my S-ball not protect me back in the last boss?
13:49Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
13:51Definitely want to drop a bomb on that thing.
14:18Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:19Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:20Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:21Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:22Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:23Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:24Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:25Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:26Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:27Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:28Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:29Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:30Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:31Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:32Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:33Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:34Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:35Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:36Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:37Oh, it's a unicorn down there.
14:39Yeah, you gained a life somewhere along the way from points, I think.
15:29Even worse at positive.
15:31Yeah, that's plain disgusting.
15:37Alright, I'm not pushing it, I don't know what it is.
15:45That's how you get sucked into the engine.
15:47Yeah, exactly.
15:49That's how you get sucked into the engine.
16:01Nice try, game, nice try.
16:19Whatcha gonna do?
16:27Whatcha gonna do?
16:33That was bad.
16:39Whoa, a little early there, champ.
16:43Thought I saw movement.
16:46Oh, they're... they're rushing it.
16:51What, they didn't even load it up?
16:54I'm insulted, frankly.
17:00Yeah, we just got wiped out by the blast.
17:04The engine's on.
17:16We are out of credits.
17:19Hopefully it doesn't matter as the Gorn just went down in flames.
17:22Oh, but it's still here!
17:24It wants some more!
17:56Close, poor bastard didn't even have a parachute.
18:02As a result of long history of human environmental abuses, the Earth is approaching the final limit of its life.
18:08The people of Noah have returned to a simpler and more natural way of life.
18:13In this existence, they have achieved the ability to communicate with the Earth,
18:18and have received messages that confirm the impending end of the planet.
18:24Wait, we lost?
18:26In response to these messages, the people of Noah have put their children into suspended animation on a small spaceship.
18:33Guarded by two deities, the ship will carry the children of Noah to a new future.
18:39Now, the long voyage begins.
18:42So wait, we did lose.
18:44We got promoted from heroes to deities.
18:48So wait, I have to escort this thing thousands of years to some...
18:55Ro, into the sun. Okay, that's one way to do it.
19:02Alright, well, hey, that was pretty good.
19:06Yeah, and with solar flares like that, I guess we know what happened to the Earth.
19:12Best that we left.
19:15Solar winds are gonna wipe the atmosphere right away.
19:20How did the Earth know, though?
19:22Because the Earth told people she was about to die, and was like,
19:26the sun's about to punch me in the face, you gotta run.
19:32I don't know, I mean, how could the Earth talk at all?
19:35Maybe they were just, like, crazy.
19:38Yeah, that's definitely possible.
19:42Ninkum Poop, the converter.
20:07I'm not even gonna try to pronounce that one.
20:19My best attempt.
20:23Boo him in the comments, folks, boo.
20:30Better not boo Neptune.
20:32Better not boo Neptune.
20:35Yeah, he'll go full Caligula on ya.
20:44Special thanks...
20:47to a random Andrew Zimmerman.
20:50And me!
20:53Not you. No, not you.
20:57No, not me. You.
20:59You. Mooncrew.
21:14Fade me out, Mooncrew, fade me out.
21:18Yeah, it's just standing there, menacingly.
21:30Oh, you're top, huh? Damn.
21:37Well, show it to us, then.
21:40Oh, yeah, all.
21:44Very nice.
21:46See you next time, Mooncrew.
21:49Peace, Mooncrew.
21:59Till next time.