UK Greenlights Netanyahu Arrest

  • 3 months ago
uk will arrest natanyahu
UK will arrest Natanyahu -
UK Greenlights Netanyahu Arrest; Starmer Drops Legal Challenge To ICC Warrant Against Israel PM
UK dropping its objection to ICC arrest warrant for Israel's Netanyahu
00:00There is a piece out in the Times today, and it has also been covered by other outlets
00:06as well, entitled, Israel Condemns Stahmer for Dropping Challenge to Netanyahu Arrest
00:15Now, what is this about?
00:18Zakir Stahmer has opened up a diplomatic row with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime
00:23Minister, after Britain abandoned its challenge at the International Criminal Court in The
00:28Hague to the arrest warrant proceedings against the Israeli Prime Minister.
00:33Now, a senior Israeli official denounced the fundamentally wrong decision after No. 10
00:39confirmed on Friday morning that the UK would not pursue its case against The Hague.
00:45This was the case that the previous government, the Conservative government, was challenging
00:50the prosecutor at The Hague who wanted to issue an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu
00:56on grounds of war crimes, and also Yair Sinwar, the head of Hamas as well, not just Netanyahu
01:02but both of them, on grounds of committing war crimes, which is going through a process
01:06before it can be formally issued by the International Court of Justice.
01:10The previous Tory government was bringing up objections against it to try and to try
01:16and scupper this actually happening.
01:18Labour is now not going to stand in the way of that process.
01:23That is what this is about.
01:25Now, it came off to Kareem Khan, the ICC's chief prosecutor, applied for arrest warrants
01:30targeting Netanyahu, Yoav Galant, the Israeli defence minister, and senior Hamas leaders
01:35Yair Sinwar, Mohamed Daif and Ismail Haniyeh.
01:39The deadline, as the deadline passed, No. 10 spokesman confirmed that the government
01:43will, I quote this, the government will not be pursuing this in line with our longstanding
01:48position that it's a matter for and it's that it's a matter rather for the courts to decide.
01:55So Labour wants to let, the Labour government wants to let the ICJ, the International Court
02:00of Justice, make its own decisions in relation to this matter.
02:05Now, it's interesting because it comes at a time when Bini Menet and Netanyahu is at
02:09a lot of pressure, under a lot of pressure at home at the moment in relation to his prosecution
02:16of the war in Gaza.
02:18The fact that you still have over 100 hostages that are languishing somewhere in Gaza.
02:23We don't know if they're all safe and sound or not.
02:26We hope they are.
02:27And they're not been returned yet.
02:28So the families of a lot of these people are getting increasingly agitated and have been
02:32for some time.
02:33And also his support is waning, including him having lost some members of his government
02:38in recent months as well.
02:40But he was in Washington on Wednesday and he appealed to America in Congress for more
02:47arms to Israel in his speech.
02:50But this is an exceptional moment.
02:52Fast-tracking U.S. military aid can dramatically expedite an end to the war in Gaza and help
02:59prevent a broader war in the Middle East.
03:01In World War II, as Britain fought on the front lines of civilization, Winston Churchill
03:07appealed to Americans with these famous words, give us the tools and we'll finish the job.
03:15Today, as Israel fights on the front line of civilization, I, too, appeal to America.
03:21Give us the tools faster and we'll finish the job faster.
03:27That's Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressing Congress.
03:29He then went on in the speech to condemn pro-Palestinian protesters, saying they chose to stand with
03:37My friends, defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity.
03:44Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil.
03:50Yet incredibly, many anti-Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil.
03:58They stand with Hamas.
04:00They stand with rapists and murderers.
04:02Well, I have a message for these protesters.
04:06When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering
04:12their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran's useful
04:20They become useful idiots, according to Benjamin Netanyahu.
04:22I listened to the speech.
04:23I must say, look, I think Benjamin Netanyahu has been leading a government that is increasingly
04:30right wing, extreme in many, many ways.
04:32And even before the heinous attack on Israel on October the 7th was seeing his popularity
04:39wane very, very rapidly.
04:43Then those appalling, the appalling atrocity happened.
04:47Many people, of course, understandably in Israel were deeply shaken by this, the worst
04:52attack that Jews have faced since the Holocaust.
04:56And clearly there was an appetite to take action to prevent this ever happening again.
05:01Perfectly understandable in my view.
05:05Benjamin Netanyahu clearly is a man now that is desperate to cling on to power, to do anything
05:10in his power to do it.
05:12And increasingly you have to question what the end game is of this war, whether it is
05:16actually helping or harming Israel's perception in the international world and whether it's
05:21actually serving the interests of the hostages, over 100 of them, as I say, who are still
05:26in harm's way and not safely returned to their families.
05:29So these discussions are now going to be continuing, I believe, in Rome.
05:33There are going to be further discussions happening in the coming days.
05:35We hope that there is a breakthrough.
05:36We haven't seen one yet, but he's a man under pressure.
05:39But I tell you this, whatever you think of Benjamin Netanyahu, and I'm not a fan, his
05:43speech was a masterclass in oratory.
05:48I mean, he held that room.
05:50Yes, there were many Republicans there.
05:51A number of Democrats didn't attend, including Kamala Harris, who had other things to do,
05:57although she was going to meet Ben.
05:59I think she did meet Benjamin Netanyahu separately, but it was a masterclass in oratory.
06:04He absolutely gave an unequivocal defense of his country's prosecution of this war and
06:11why it was not only Israel's war, but America's war as well.
06:16Now, Labour Party here is basically saying that, one, it's not going to stand in the
06:20way of an arrest warrant for him if that's where it goes.
06:24Number two, it has also restored money to the United Nations, a human and relief works
06:32And third, it is now also looking at British arms sales to Israel and what should happen
06:39there, whether they should just be purely defensive or whether offensive weapons should
06:42also be provided.
06:44My question to you on the back of all this is this, is Labour's tougher approach to relations
06:48with Israel right?
06:51What do you make of the new indications coming out, the noises coming out of the new Labour
06:57government in its approach to Israel?
06:59Well, I think it's definitely welcome to see Labour showing recognition that it is crucial
07:08to uphold international human rights, the rule of law and allow the institutions that
07:13have been set up to protect all of us to work unabated.
07:17I think that this also reflects not only the restoration of UNRWA funding and also these
07:23potential arms embargoes as well as the ICC complaint withdrawal, really also reflect
07:28and there's a credit to the huge number of civil society organisations, grassroots campaigners
07:35and party members who kept up the pressure on Labour over the last few months to ensure
07:41that if they were to get into power, they would hold Israel to account.
07:45Obviously this is not enough just now, we do need increased pressure from the UK as
07:51well as the wider international community to ensure that Israel is forced to stop their
07:55brutal assault on Gaza, but this is a necessary first step and we should welcome it and celebrate
08:01the victory of these civil society campaigners.
08:03Emily, what do you make of the response from the Board of Deputies of British Jews and
08:08the Jewish Leadership Council that issued a joint statement on Friday saying and I quote,
08:12We are concerned that the cumulative effect of these announcements in quick succession
08:16signal a significant shift in policy away from Israel being a key UK ally.
08:22This would not only be a strategic error, but a moral one.
08:28You know, as a member of the Jewish community, myself and others, particularly other Jewish
08:32people of my generation, I think have been astounded, frankly, by the moral failing of
08:38many of these institutions, like the Board of Deputies, like the JLD, to fail to condemn
08:44what Israel is doing in Gaza, to position the safety of Jewish people or Jewish people's
08:48interests on the side of a government that is willing to cause such violence and mass
08:54death and destruction.
08:56I don't think that they do actually have the interests of Jewish people at heart, because
09:02the interests of Jewish people are the same as all minority communities in this country.
09:06It's making sure that democracy is upheld, that human rights are respected, that the
09:10rule of law is enshrined, you know, where Israel does not get a free pass.
09:14It is a country like any other and should be treated as such.
09:17And to see our institutions over and over again defend what is inherently becoming increasingly
09:23or is already indefensible is both embarrassing and a deep moral failing.
09:29Why do you think, if that's the case, Emily, that Binyamin Netanyahu in Washington on Wednesday
09:34was cheered to the rafters and given standing ovation after standing ovation practically
09:40after every major point that he made during the course of his speech?
09:46Yeah, I mean, it's a great question.
09:47I also watched with shock, actually.
09:50It's a brilliant piece of oratory, though.
09:53I mean, maybe, but I mean, he's still obviously doing some terrible things.
09:56And it's really disappointing.
09:58A lot of people would argue that, but it was well delivered.
10:01Yeah, I mean, lots of things are well delivered.
10:03But I think that, you know, what I think is concerning or what is important for us to
10:06remember, I think, is the broader geopolitical context.
10:09So what we saw there is a reminder that, you know, there's lots of different international
10:13governments, such as the US, who have a vested interest potentially in this war continuing.
10:18And we need to ask ourselves why.
10:20You know, we need to ask ourselves who benefits from arms being continued to be sold to regimes
10:26that commit human rights abuses.
10:27Israel's one of those.
10:28It's not the only one.
10:29And use this moment to think about what kind of political reality or political future we
10:33We do not want people who are war criminals being applauded in governments that are supposed
10:37to uphold democracy.
10:38We do not want to see, you know, even in the last hour, Israel just bombed a school and
10:43killed 30 people.
10:44You know, the signal of what happened in Washington earlier this week is that Palestinian lives
10:49don't matter.
10:50And, you know, for myself and for many others who see this war being perpetrated in the
10:54name of Jewish people, we are here to say, no, that is not.
10:57That is both immoral, unjustifiable.
11:00And we will take a stand against that.
11:02And I think that, you know, people who stood up and applauded Bibi Netanyahu in Congress
11:06last week should be frankly ashamed of themselves.
11:08Emily, do you want to hear more from the Labour government about expansion of settlements
11:15in the West Bank?
11:16There are 700,000 people now living in the West Bank.
11:18Bibi Netanyahu the other day came out in his typically pugilistic manner, saying that this
11:25is the ancient land of the Jews.
11:26This is part of Judea and Samaria, and we're not going to move anywhere.
11:30And this has already been, again, the International Court of Justice basically saying that this
11:35is in contravention of international law.
11:36Would you like to see the Labour government go further and actually also talk about settlements
11:40in the West Bank?
11:43I mean, I think that, you know, Labour and all of the international community should
11:47now be really putting their utmost attention onto not only what has happened, what happened
11:53on October 7th and since, but also what has been happening arguably since 1948 and particularly
11:58since 1967 as well, which is deep injustice around land theft, the erasure of Palestinian
12:05identity, human rights within the area, the treatment of Palestinians within 48 as well.
12:10And this is a whole package.
12:11We have to look at the systems that exist rather than try and look at isolated incidents.
12:15You know, I think sanctions on individual settlers is obviously one step, but we need
12:18to be looking at this as a whole and making sure that the government is also responding
12:23to the ICJ announcement around the occupied territories and apartheid that came out last
12:28week as well.
12:29And these are all things that Labour should be focusing on in conjunction with the European
12:34Union and other international community members to make sure that Israel is held accountable
12:38and that we can actually see a resolution between the river and the sea that ensures
12:43freedom, democracy and human rights for all.
12:44Emily, my final question to you is this, and I'm always very conscious about drawing
12:48conclusions about communities and treating them as monolithic blocks, which I think is
12:52dangerous to do.
12:53To what extent are you regarded as a sellout by your fellow compatriots, Jewish compatriots,
13:01or as actually someone whose views are widely shared amongst certain Jews?
13:05I mean, can you give us a sense of whether you're on an island on your own or whether
13:09this is quite a widespread view that you're promulgating here?
13:13Yeah, I mean, I think it's an interesting question.
13:15You know, what we've seen particularly, I think, you know, there's increasingly numbers
13:18of Jewish people speaking out against Israel's actions, both in Gaza, but broadly in general,
13:24who are forming new communities.
13:26You know, Nahman is a good example of that.
13:28I think the pushback to that has been to potentially sort of chastise us or attack us as self-hating
13:33Jews or not really Jewish or whatever it is they want to say.
13:36But actually, we know that we, in many ways, are the future of our community.
13:41You know, we are the people who are standing up and saying we want to live and understand
13:45our Jewish values as ones which uphold freedom and justice and human rights and a way to
13:52exist in the world and make sure our Jewishness is not in competition with our broader value.
13:59You know, I think often at this time, support for Israel means that often you have to sort
14:03of siphon off your other values in order to support what Israel is doing.
14:08And there's so many more Jewish people waking up and saying, I don't want to do that anymore.
14:11And I think what we, you know, whether we're a minority or not, you know,
14:14you never can tell that, you know, there's always that joke, two Jews, three opinions.
14:18But I do think there are increasing numbers of Jewish people who see what Israel is doing and
14:22say, this is not my Jewish values and we are providing a home for that.
14:26That two Jews, three opinions is not confined to Jews, by the way.
14:29I can tell you it also applies to many other people as well.
