China k Kamalat

  • 2 months ago
00:00The Lord of the East and the Lord of the West
00:06Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
00:14The two seas meet
00:20Between them is a barrier which neither of them desires
00:25Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
00:33Pearls and emeralds come forth from it
00:39Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
00:48The Lord of the East and the Lord of the West
00:54Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
01:02The two seas meet
01:08Between them is a barrier which neither of them desires
01:13Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
01:21Pearls and emeralds come forth from it
01:27Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?