During House floor remarks on Thursday, Rep. Kathy Manning (D-NC) spoke about social security benefits.
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00:00Without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute.
00:07Mr. Speaker, hardworking North Carolinians pay into Social Security year after year with
00:14the promise that they will be able to retire with comfort and dignity.
00:19In my district, over 158,000 retirees and families rely on Social Security, yet House
00:27Republicans' extreme budget plans to raise the retirement age to force Americans to work
00:34longer for less.
00:36That means cutting Social Security benefits for three out of every four people in my district.
00:43While extremist Republicans are pushing to cut Americans' hard-earned benefits, we Democrats
00:49are fighting to protect and strengthen Social Security.
00:53That's why I'm a proud co-sponsor of the Social Security 2100 Act, legislation to enhance
01:01Social Security benefits for the first time in 50 years and ensure the program's solvency
01:09for years to come.
01:11Social Security is a sacred promise that Congress must keep, and I will always fight to ensure
01:19hardworking North Carolinians' benefits are protected.
01:23I yield back.