Message to the Technophobic Pastor

  • 15 years ago Tree of Life's First Free Webinar Just for you, the technophobic minister. Do you find yourself wanting to embrace technology, but cannot seem to understand how? Does is seem like there are so many options that you just are not comfortable with picking one? Would you like some interactive guidance in how to take the next step? Then today is your day. Friday, May 1 Pastor Lance Rhoades will be broadcasting over the internet into your home or workplace. Pull up a chair and get ready to be challenged and inspired. It time we embraced technology to bring the Kingdom of God to the Internet. This first webinar will be discussing some of the following topics: * How to broadcast services online, live or recorded, at little to no cost to the ministry * How to promote return visitors to such online events * How to use social & viral media platforms to reach a larger audience * And most importantly, how not to look like an idiot in the process The webinar starts at 8:00 EST Friday night. There will be opportunities for you to ask questions and benefit from the collective creative mind of the audience. This is an interactive event; please mark it on your calendar and invite a minister or associate who desires to branch out into this media, too. To access this event, please go to our Webinar page at 8:00 PM. The broadcasting and chatroom will open around 7:30 PM. [email_link] a friend today, click here.