• last year
The Day of the Jackal - Plot Synopsis: A ruthless assassin, the Jackal, (Eddie Redmayne) makes his living carrying out hits for the highest fee. But following his latest kill, he meets his match in a tenacious British intelligence officer (Lashana Lynch) who starts to track down the Jackal in a thrilling cat-and-mouse chase across Europe, leaving destruction in its wake.

directed by Brian Kirk

starring Eddie Redmayne, Lashana Lynch, Ursula Corbero, Charles Dance, Richard Dormer, Chukwudi Iwuji, Lia Williams, Khalid Abdalla, Eleanor Matsuura, Jonjo O'Neill, Sule Rimi

release date November 7, 2024 (on Peacock)


00:01Our man works alone.
00:05An exceptional assassin.
00:10And never looks the same way twice.
00:16I know I can find him.
00:30In a trap.
00:39In a trap.
00:44In a trap.
00:53Who exactly is this man?
00:56You know who I am.
00:57In a trap.
01:27In a trap.
