HD القرصان - مدبلج - الحلقة 25 - بجودة

  • 3 months ago
HD القرصان - مدبلج - الحلقة 25 - بجودة


00:00Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new!
00:33My friends!
00:34It's so nice to see you all here.
00:40What do you sell and buy in Alexandria?
00:45I buy souls.
00:53What else?
00:56I mean, I started selling souls, which are abundant in Egypt.
01:08By the way, I heard that you have been supporting Kalminos Castle lately.
01:13Isn't this a risk?
01:16This is the fate of the sailors.
01:19If you mean that they are dangerous, let them come to us.
01:22We have sharpened our swords to cut off their necks.
01:31However, be careful.
01:34These men are not like the pirates of the seas.
01:37They may suddenly attack you and be unaware of you.
01:44They may even sneak up on you and look into your eyes when you don't realize it yet.
01:53If they look into our eyes, does that mean we see them?
01:59Rest assured.
02:09If you're done talking, get back to work.
02:12Yes, sir.
02:21The soul trade is abundant in our market.
02:25But not only the souls of the survivors.
02:29Be careful.
02:43When I open the treasure to your souls,
02:47I will see your face.
02:53Your daughter's closeness to the throne is not good.
02:58Whoever works for Salih Lonitey should never be so close to her enemy.
03:05I asked her to talk to him about that smuggler.
03:08However, be careful.
03:11As you know, Lonitey only trusts her sworn brothers, not their families and children.
03:23Your daughter is a beautiful flower.
03:27Like the flowers that bloom in spring.
03:31And Lonitey is a big tree, as you know.
03:34But picking a flower from its branch will cause it to die.
03:39And it will harm itself.
03:54Oh no! Take it easy!
03:57Be polite, man! Oh no!
04:00Oh no! Take it easy!
04:02Be polite, man! Oh no!
04:05I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else.
04:08Were you outside?
04:11I walked a little.
04:13What's the matter? Are you interrogating me or what?
04:17You are in our custody.
04:19As you are injured, you must not go out alone.
04:23And you are injured. Why are you going out?
04:26Are you comparing us?
04:27I'm a man, and I can protect myself from danger.
04:32Why didn't you participate in Kalminus's attack, man?
04:36To show us how you will protect yourself when you are injured.
04:41Listen, Esther.
04:43Don't try to provoke me.
04:46And don't leave the house without permission.
04:49And don't think that your magic will save you.
04:58Magic helps me protect myself.
05:01But what will you do without your dagger?
05:04That man you sing to won't help you without it.
05:27Il dolore che ho sofferto evidente
05:39Cancelato la tua traccia della mia memoria
05:51E come se non ti avessi mai visto
06:14E come se non ti avessi mai visto
06:45What a beautiful song, Maria!
06:47Well done, Maria!
06:50What a beautiful song, sister!
06:57This will always remind me of you, my beautiful daughter.
07:15Mr. Petro.
07:19We know where Abu Muhammad is.
07:22Radko also sent word that he is waiting for you with the soldiers in the forest.
07:29Well done, Salvio.
07:31It's our turn now.
07:33We're going to arrest Abu Muhammad.
07:40That girl who was singing...
07:42Who is she?
07:44A poor girl trying to raise her family.
07:48We owe her a lot.
07:50That's why we gave her a job.
07:54Pay her debt.
07:56And bring her family back soon.
07:59So that she can sing her songs to her loved ones and her brothers.
08:03As you wish, sir.
08:13How long are we going to wait?
08:16Are we going to stand here helpless while they try to solve the mystery of the book in Kalimnos?
08:22Don't worry, we're not helpless.
08:25We didn't say our last words.
08:28But I'm thinking about what we have.
08:31This won't be solved by thinking, but by action.
08:34And how are we going to act before we get ready for our campaign?
08:39Peace be upon you.
08:41And upon you.
08:43What is it that worries you so much?
08:46We can't solve complicated matters with tension and action.
08:51It's as if you don't know, Darwish.
08:54We've been without the book.
08:56And we're thinking about how we can get it back.
08:59And we're thinking about how we can get it back.
09:02And we're thinking about how we can get it back.
09:05And we're thinking about how we can get it back.
09:08You've put a disobedient mystery before us.
09:11It's getting more complicated day after day.
09:14Even the girl is not the real Esther.
09:17What are we going to do now?
09:19How is she not the real one?
09:21It's obvious that she's another girl who doesn't know anything.
09:24She pushed Esther to the front to hide herself.
09:29What's going on, Darwish?
09:31How did you know that she's not the real one?
09:34If Esther had known me and told me the truth,
09:39I would have thought that she wouldn't have revealed herself so easily.
09:42She knows a lot of secrets.
09:44I'm just a guide.
09:46But you have the sword and the pen.
09:53And you will find the real girl for sure.
09:56Don't worry about that now.
09:58The most important thing is to get the book back.
10:00If they solve the mystery of the book and take it to Rome,
10:04the sword and the pen will become worthless.
10:07They can't take it.
10:09And the book won't help them.
10:11They'll need Abba Muhammad first.
10:13Because they can't take advantage of the book without him.
10:17So if we take Abba Muhammad,
10:19we'll hold their hands
10:21and we'll get the time we need.
10:24This is the right time.
10:26It's a valuable opportunity.
10:27We must move to get to Abba Muhammad.
10:31He's in the protection of Khayrabi.
10:34I'll send a messenger to find out where he is.
10:37And we'll start the preparations.
10:41Your path will be hard and difficult.
10:45And if your feet fall, bear it.
10:48Because in the book,
10:50many of the oppressed will be saved from torture and pain.
10:58Abba Muhammad
11:10Kill everyone we see.
11:13We need Abba Muhammad alive.
11:16Yes, sir.
11:19Let's go.
11:27Let's go.
11:33Abba Muhammad is near the old Mamluk headquarters,
11:36east of the lake of Maryod.
11:38Khayrabi is with him.
11:40It seems they reserved the place for him to stay.
11:42I read about that headquarters in one of the books.
11:44And it has only two roads.
11:46The sons of Kalim will go with him.
11:49We'll go on both roads.
11:51Moses, Mesket,
11:53take some soldiers and go south.
11:55As you wish, Baba Aruj.
11:57We'll go north.
12:00Come on.
12:02We must reach him before them.
12:04As you wish, Baba Aruj.
12:27Let's go.
12:58Abba Muhammad
13:08Here he is, sir.
13:11Be ready.
13:13You'll kill them all.
13:15I want Abba Muhammad alive.
13:20Hey, hey!
13:24These are the men of Aruj.
13:27What did he bring them?
13:29His staff is good.
13:44Khayran, what's the matter?
13:46Baba Aruj sent us to warn you.
13:48They will attack this place.
13:51Who are they?
13:53Those are the men of Aruj.
13:55What did he bring them here?
13:58Don't worry, your highness.
14:00The number of those we'll kill has increased.
14:03And they are Aruj's friends.
14:06I'll make his heart burn with pain
14:08because he dared to attack my castle.
14:11Kill them all.
14:13I want Abba Muhammad alive.
14:16Attack them.
14:18Come on.
14:28He's dead.
14:30Protect Abba Muhammad.
14:32Surround us.
16:58Kill them all.
17:23Kill them all.
17:27Kill them all.
18:25Kill them all.
18:27Kill them all.
18:57Kill them all.
19:08You won't escape from Baba Aruj's wrath.
19:14We are sure that he will avenge us.
19:19I wanted to keep seeing his face.
19:22But I took possession of the treasure.
19:25I must take it and leave.
19:28Won't you leave a memento for him, sir?
19:35You know which memento you'll leave for Aruj.
20:25Kill them all.
20:31Who are the owners of this treasure?
20:34Are they your masters, the sons of Kalimnos?
20:39They will be waiting for you like the dead at every step.
20:52They tried to stop us from chasing Abba Muhammad.
20:55Time is running out.
20:57Let's go.
20:58Let's go.
21:00Let's go.
21:25Let's go.
21:37Are you sure they took Abba Muhammad?
21:42Khairabai, what happened?
21:44The sons of Kalimnos have betrayed us.
21:48And they took Abba Muhammad.
21:52Khairabai, the wounded.
21:53Let's go.
21:54Let's go.
22:24My brothers.
22:27My companions.
22:33You have crushed many of our enemies.
22:39And you left us in a carriage like this.
22:42There is no carriage like this.
22:52They gave us a carriage to make us last.
22:56How did they know we were coming?
22:59We thought it was a secret.
23:03Did someone else know about it, Munajjim?
23:35You have been betrayed by the Kalimnos.
23:38Now you are sending us to the Mamluks to save you.
23:42The cursed Ja'far asked me to meet the Mamluks' soldiers
23:48and I told him that I was in a hurry because we have an important task
23:53This is what I said
23:57Did you give such an important information to an enemy like Ja'far?
24:03I didn't give it in the memory of Abu Muhammad
24:06Your words are important
24:08He was enough to run after you
24:10Isn't it our custom to keep what we intend to do a secret between us?
24:16Do you think we have a plan?
24:18How can you be so careless?
24:21Believe me, Baba Arouj
24:33Your carelessness has burned the blood of our martyrs
24:38This wound is worse than the slap you received
25:01We won't leave the book or Abu Muhammad to be killed
25:06Even if they avenge us, we will make them pay dearly
25:11We will not leave the book
25:30Let's go
25:33Let's say goodbye to our brothers and to Qubima
25:42I wanted you to accompany us on this trip
25:45based on a kind invitation from us
25:47but the circumstances did not help us
25:49I hope you will forgive us
25:51because we were forced to kidnap a talented engineer like you
25:54I will not forgive you
25:56You have gone too far
25:58What do you want from me?
26:00Why did you kill all those men?
26:02We will take you to Rome, the city of Baba
26:05There they will tell you in detail what they want from you
26:09Don't be sad to leave your work here
26:12There they will give you what you need to achieve everything you dreamed of
26:17However, I can't serve Baba
26:22It doesn't matter what you say or what you want
26:25When we get there, be sure
26:29that they will take you to a situation that will make you happy serving Baba
26:34You can take Abu Muhammad, the respected one
26:46Aruj and the Mamluks may be trying to attack us
26:49to take Abu Muhammad while we are heading to Rome
26:53and our ships are not ready to go through a battle like this
26:57I have thought about this before
26:59Selfie will take care of it
27:02and this will enable us to take Abu Muhammad and the book to Baba quickly
27:08Mr. Petro wants you to prepare warships
27:11to take the book and Abu Muhammad to Rome
27:15He wants warships
27:17Can't he take them with the ships he has?
27:20He fears that the Turks will attack him
27:22That's why he wants it
27:24Send warships after you prepare them
27:27to the island of Carpathos
27:29to wait for Mr. Petro's arrival
27:32Why the island of Carpathos?
27:34Because Mr. Petro doesn't want the warships to appear
27:38or be seen by anyone
27:40That's why you will sail to Carpathos
27:43and then he will go to Rome
27:46Warships are precious to us
27:49and if they are harmed, Mr. Petro will not be able to justify the matter
27:53Start with the equipment
27:55and send it to Carpathos
27:57As you wish
27:59I will do this
28:15God is great
28:28is the highest level a person can reach
28:33A martyr is ready to meet his Lord
28:37carrying the wound he has inflicted on his chest
28:42so that the wound he received in the way of God
28:45remains a source of pride in the souls of the living
28:49and besides the martyrdom he carries
28:52there is no value left
28:54for the silk clothes others wear
29:03May God restrain the souls of our brothers in His mercy
29:10What they bought in this world was broken
29:15and they went on a journey to the hereafter
29:19It is our duty
29:21to carry the cause they died for on our shoulders
29:25Their death will not be in vain
29:28and their blood will not go in vain
29:31but it will make us raise our heads
29:34and our eyes will be filled with the enemy
29:37and our hearts will be stronger than ever
29:42and the wolf will be theirs
29:45It is a new goal we are striving for
29:51The blood of our martyrs will not go in vain
29:54and we swear to God
29:56that we will fight to the death
29:59and that we will make the bottom of the sea
30:02their grave
30:04We swear to God
30:15May God bless you
30:33Come on
30:35Come on
30:37Bring more wine
30:40Kill yourselves so you can take your man off my table.
30:45Look how they entered the place.
30:47What do you want from me?
30:51Who did you say we were taking Abu Muhammad?
30:55Who is Abu Muhammad?
30:56What is this you want?
31:01I killed your sons, my half-brother, and many of my soldiers.
31:05And we were exposed to a deadly poison.
31:08I will tear your body to shreds in revenge for them.
31:15Who did you say?
31:17I didn't tell anyone anything.
31:19What does your sons have to do with us?
31:22What does he want from us?
31:25What do you think you are doing?
31:28What right do you have to act like a tree in my tent?
31:33This scoundrel informed one of them of our mission.
31:38So he accused us of treason.
31:40And he killed many of my soldiers.
31:48There is a man named Arooj.
31:50He talked to the Mamluk soldiers and learned something.
31:53So I asked him to tell me what happened between them.
31:57He told me he was in a hurry.
31:59It seems they are planning something.
32:02So when Mr. Petro went to take Abu Muhammad,
32:06Arooj sent someone to get information from the Mamluks.
32:10We must act quickly.
32:13It seems your sadness made you lose your sanity.
32:16He told you that he didn't tell anyone.
32:19This scoundrel is working for your sake as well.
32:24Maybe he told you and you told them the truth.
32:28You must be a Jew, Arooj.
32:31And if you want to cut down trees,
32:34don't take a detour.
32:36Don't you dare look at me.
32:38Get out of here right now.
32:42I will go.
32:45But I want to be sure
32:48that I will be alone in what happened today.
33:04Look at me.
33:07I will cut your finger off from every mistake you make.
33:20I cut his finger.
33:23And when the time comes, I will cut his head off.
33:41Our prices are competitive.
33:43My hands are better than yours.
33:45Your prices are competitive.
33:48He has deserved this for a long time.
33:50You did a good job, brother.
33:57My condolences.
33:59I am saddened by what happened.
34:01You are safe, Isabel.
34:04We have counted Jafar for his actions.
34:09Can I help you with anything?
34:11Kalimnos' sons were able to take Abu Muhammad and the Book.
34:15We want to know their whereabouts.
34:17If you can tell us that.
34:20The women are the allies of Kalimnos' sons.
34:22And your father knows them.
34:24If you can get information through him, tell us.
34:28This is an important matter.
34:31Don't worry.
34:33I will do what I can.
34:35And if I know anything, I will tell you.
34:41Good vegetables.
34:44Thank you.
34:47Khairabay has regained consciousness.
34:51Check with the girl in the house.
34:53She was their prisoner.
34:56They are trying to get information from her.
35:01I will go to Khairabay.
35:04Maybe the Mamluks will help us to get Abu Muhammad and the Book back.
35:16He put some gold on the table.
35:19And it seemed to me that the gold was stolen.
35:23This is your chance.
35:26Go with him in the way you prefer.
35:29Let's find out where the gold is.
35:32As you wish, Baba Arooj.
35:34My pleasure.
35:36To be continued
35:57What is the matter?
36:00Master Silvio asked you to register these documents in the UNITE records.
36:06Let's go.
36:15The UNITE will not give her ships easily.
36:18Who asked her?
36:20I don't know. He didn't tell me anything.
36:22He asked me to give it to you just to register it.
36:26Okay, I understand.
36:28I will take care of it. You can go.
36:31The UNITE is your children's ally.
36:33And your father knows them.
36:35If you can get information through them, tell us.
36:39The matter is important.
36:46Where will these ships go?
37:01Does your name hurt?
37:03We want more than your name.
37:05Don't tire us with your torture.
37:08Come on, speak.
37:10Where did you get the gold for the adventure?
37:13I swear this is my gold.
37:15Will you hold people accountable for their money?
37:20You are a coward and a loser.
37:22Give up the admonition and tell us the truth.
37:25You are the one who informed us to assign the ship to us.
37:27Our brothers were martyred because of you.
37:29And you ruined my relationship with Baba Arooj.
37:33Listen, Jafar. If you don't confess,
37:35I swear I will kill you and hang your body here.
37:41He is not only a traitor.
37:43He is also a liar.
37:47Baba Arooj said, from now on,
37:49we will cut your finger off.
37:51For every mistake you make.
37:54Give it to me.
37:56Which finger will we cut now?
37:58Don't do it.
38:00Please don't do it.
38:06His name is Yorgo.
38:08I took him from a man named Yorgo.
38:10I played with him and took his gold.
38:12You shouldn't kill a coward.
38:14You should only fear him.
38:16Did you see how you spoke immediately?
38:24We got what we deserved.
38:28Let's go.
38:42The warships.
38:44The warships.
38:46Where are you going, Tura?
38:48He must have targeted us.
38:54You will go to Carpathos Island
38:56and then to Rome.
38:58As I expected.
39:00This is the plan of your sons, Luminos.
39:06Have the ships been recorded?
39:08I gave it to Isabel.
39:10Aroush shouldn't know
39:12that the ships will go to Carpathos Island.
39:14And Isabel too.
39:16You shouldn't know anything.
39:19I will go alone.
39:29Let's go.
39:31Let's go.
39:33Let's go.
39:35Let's go.
39:37Let's go.
39:39to do anything about it.
