مسلسل كل ما يخص الزواج الحلقة 33 والاخيرة مترجمة

  • 3 months ago
مسلسل كل ما يخص الزواج الحلقة 33 والاخيرة مترجمة


00:00:07Benim hayatım bitmiş benim hayatım bitmiş bu bu kadın benim hayatımı bitirmiş
00:00:12Sen bana sen bana hat diyorsun öyle mi? Ben mahvolmuşum zaten ben mahvolmuşum
00:00:18Haddimi bileceğim öyle mi? Ne haddi be?
00:01:00Doğru ya çoluk adamı hadsiz demeye bir başlarsa vay adamın haline
00:01:06Melek sanıyorum şeytan şeytan bir gülmeye başladıysa
00:01:10Güneşimde basmıştır o diz çığlığını kulaklarını patlatmıştır adamı ya benim Azra'mın kırk yılda bir gördüğüm sinirine denk gelirlerse ne olacak peki
00:01:19Kırk yılda bilmem
00:01:21Emin misin?
00:01:23Efe'cim seni bir konuda bilgilendirmemiz gerek
00:01:26Tamam Azra sinirlenince gerçekten fenadır ancak tatlı tatlı konuşmaya başlarsa asıl o zaman korkacaksın
00:01:32Hele yemekte sana sürprizim var derse Efe abi arkana bakmadan kaç
00:01:36Yapma ya
00:01:39Hadi vur hadi oğlum hadi
00:01:47Yaklaşma yaklaşma gel tatlılıkla çözelim şu işi yaklaşma
00:01:52Elinde silah olan sensin korkacak bir şeyin yok
00:01:56Bak zaten batırdın her şeyi
00:01:59Senin iyi bir avukata ihtiyacın var ne avukatı ya nereden bulacağım ben avukatı şimdi
00:02:20Benim de kafam var
00:02:29İyi olacak hastanın ayağına doktor gelirmiş
00:02:33Gerçi teknik olarak o bizim ayağımıza geldi ama bu arada teknik olarak ben avukat değilim hala öğrenciyim okulu devam ediyor mu?
00:02:39Bu arada teknik olarak benden manken olacağım ama yani
00:02:44Kızım ne alaka şimdi
00:02:46Ya Allah aşkınıza yeniden başlamayın lütfen çok rica edeceğim. Tamam bak şimdi
00:02:54Bu kadının adının iffet olduğunu iddia ediyorsun öyle mi?
00:02:58İddia falan etmiyorum o zaten iffet
00:03:02Hayatımı karartan kadın
00:03:06Yaptıklarını burnundan fitil fitil getireceğim bak sürekli bunu söylüyorsun bu da yapamayacağın anlamına geliyor
00:03:13Ya sen belli ki sadece yüzleşmek istiyorsun gel her şeyi en başından anlat bize
00:03:29Bununla üç ay önce resmi nikahla evlendik biz
00:03:33Balayı suitinde beni uyutmuş para altın ne varsa alıp gitmiş daha önce de bankadan beş yüz bin lira kredi çektirmişti bana
00:03:43Sonunda buldum seni
00:03:45Şerefimi haysiyetimi iki paralık ettin
00:03:54Beni kendine aşık ettin
00:03:58Şimdi herkes bana gülüyor arkamdan bak şimdi adım adım gidelim olur mu?
00:04:07Üç ay önce tanıştık işte
00:04:10Duydunuz üç ay önce dedi
00:04:12Nazif bu manyağın söylediklerine inanmıyorsun değil mi?
00:04:17Yok canım inanmıyorum inanır mıyım hiç yani
00:04:22Yanında kimliğin var mı? Evet hemen çıkar ver bakalım
00:04:30Bak bakalım kimmiş
00:04:35Hilal mi?
00:04:37İkna oldun mu şimdi?
00:04:39Ama ama bu bunu imkansız
00:04:42İffet olmalı o yani
00:04:45Al bak fotoğrafını göstereyim sana görünce anlayacaksınız zaten işte
00:04:49Bayağı benziyor ama fotoğraftaki kadının saçı çok kısa yani bir ayda o kadar çabuk uzayamaz kaynak da yok tabi peruk değil
00:05:07Aaa ne yapıyorsun be?
00:05:09Ne yapıyorsun be?
00:05:14Ayrıca o fotoğraftaki kadının göz rengiyle bu kadının göz rengi aynı değil
00:05:22Şimdi de parmağınızı gözüme mi sokacaksınız?
00:05:25Lens kendini belli eder
00:05:29Lens yok
00:05:32İkna oldun mu şimdi?
00:05:34Sonuçta insan insana benzer öyle değil mi?
00:05:38O olmalı
00:05:42Peki sesi benziyor mu?
00:05:46Onunki biraz daha şeydi
00:05:50Demek ki aradığın kadın değilmiş
00:06:02Galiba değil
00:06:04Bırak şimdi o silahı
00:06:08Hadi canım kardeşim
00:06:10Mahvoldum mahvoldum köpeğimiz ne olur ya
00:06:12Tamam değilmiş işte
00:06:14Hadi indir lütfen
00:06:28At silahını teslim ol
00:06:30Kimse kımıldamasın
00:06:38Bittim ben
00:06:40Sakın bir delilik yapma
00:06:42At silahını
00:06:44Atamam silahımı atarsam vururlar beni
00:06:46Atsın silahını bırakmazsan vuracaklar seni
00:06:48At silahını teslim ol
00:06:50Lütfen bir delilik yapma
00:06:52Geç geç
00:06:54Geç geç
00:06:56Geç geç
00:06:58Geç geç
00:07:08Sana soruyorum
00:07:10Memur bey
00:07:12Reyneler bizim yakınımız
00:07:14Biz de gidelim lütfen
00:07:16Lütfen sakin bırakın işimizi yapalım
00:07:20Memur bey
00:07:22İçerikler bizim her şeyimiz
00:07:24Onun saçının teline zarar gelmemesi lazım
00:07:26İçerikler iyi mi?
00:07:28Evet herkesi kurtaracağız merak etmeyin bize güvenin
00:07:30Eğer silahını bırakmazsan
00:07:325 dakika içerisinde içeri gireceksin
00:07:34Kimse kımıldamasın
00:07:37Kimse kımıldamasın
00:07:47Bu durumun
00:07:49Ciddiyetinin farkına var artık
00:07:51Lütfen bak şuraya
00:08:07O ne böyle
00:08:13En son ciddiyet diyordunuz
00:08:15Ciddiyet çok öyle
00:08:21Ne oluyor
00:08:23Bana bak Allah aşkına
00:08:29Çolpan değil mi o?
00:08:31Üstünde gelinlik var
00:08:33Vallahi gelinlik giymiş
00:08:35Allah Allah
00:08:47O niye gülümsüyor
00:08:57Rezil ettiniz beni
00:08:59Rezil ettiniz
00:09:01Siz manyak mısınız
00:09:04Geç yerine geç
00:09:08Hiç kimse bu camın önüne gelmeyecek anlaşıldı mı
00:09:10Hiç kimse
00:09:12Bu masanın bu tarafına geçeni vururum
00:09:14Duydunuz mu beni
00:09:20Memur bey
00:09:22Memur bey
00:09:24O manyak bir şey yaptı cam verdiler az önce
00:09:26Beyefendi sakin ol lütfen
00:09:28Bir şey oldu
00:09:30Beyler bu iş böyle olmaz
00:09:32Kesin arkada bir kapı filan vardır
00:09:34Hadi dolanalım
00:09:36Bırak silahını
00:09:38Teslim ol
00:09:40Bak henüz bir suç işlemedi
00:09:42Nasıl işlememiş
00:09:44Aslında hürriyeti tehdit yaptı
00:09:46Bak bu kadın
00:09:48Doğru adamla evlenmek için 40 yıl bekledi
00:09:50Sen aslında
00:09:52Araçsın araç
00:09:54Bizim düğünlerde mutlaka bir aksillik olur
00:09:56Sen o yüzden şu an buradasın
00:10:02Yok anlamadı bu
00:10:04Diyorum ki bırak şu silahı da bitsin
00:10:06Gitsin bu lanet ya
00:10:08Tamam tamam ablacım
00:10:10Uzatmayalım istersen daha fazla
00:10:12Sen de bırak artık şu silahı da bitsin
00:10:14Canım bu iş
00:10:16Sen şimdi boşluğa düştün
00:10:18Ne yapacağını filan bilmiyorsun
00:10:20Ben hemen söyleyeyim sana ne yapacağını
00:10:22Sen şimdi yani
00:10:24Burada hepimizi rehin alsan
00:10:26Desen ki o iffet veren kadını
00:10:28Siz buraya getirin
00:10:31Ben yine anlayacağım
00:10:33Ama sen onu yine yapmıyorsun
00:10:35Aferin kız sana
00:10:37Helal olsun aferin
00:10:39İşte aradığım fikir bu
00:10:43Aferin sana
00:11:07Polisler gelmeden girelim içeri
00:11:13Baba sen gelme tehlikede olabilirsin
00:11:15Oğlum sevdiklerim tehlikedeyken ben güvenli olsam ne olur
00:11:17Çık çık
00:11:27Sen ne diyorsun kızım
00:11:29Ya çok mantıklı değil miydi abi yani şimdi
00:11:31Başlatma şimdi mantığına Miray
00:11:33Saçma sapan giriyorsun ya
00:11:35Ölüm kanım derdinde insan niye saçmalıyorsun
00:11:37Sen var ya gerçekten manken olsan
00:11:39Yok yok başka şey patlamaz seni
00:11:41Bir dakika anne ben bir şey söyleyeceğim
00:11:43Yani sen şu an mankenler zeki değil
00:11:45İmajımı yaratmaya çalışıyorsun ben anlamıyorum
00:11:47Benimle konemeye girme
00:11:49Bir kere de anneanneyle hoşça kal
00:11:54Kesin sesinizi
00:12:00Asıl sen
00:12:02Kes sesini
00:12:04Daraldım artık
00:12:06Böyle tutmuşsun onu
00:12:08Bunu aldım
00:12:10Benim tansiyonum var
00:12:12Tansiyonum çıktı benim
00:12:14Bana bak
00:12:16Sen neyin peşindesin
00:12:18Yolun sonu işte görmüyor musun
00:12:20Yiyeceksin alnının ortasına bir kurşun
00:12:22Ben zaten bitmişim
00:12:24Azdan az çoktan çok gider
00:12:26Ne saçmalıyorsun be
00:12:28Bilmiyorsun değil mi ne dediğini
00:12:30Bu mafya ağızları falan
00:12:32Hadi oradan hadi ses
00:12:34Bana bak elinde silah falan var demem
00:12:36Çıkarırım o saç
00:12:40Gebertirim seni tut beni
00:12:42Silah falan demem
00:12:44Seni bu pabucumla gebertirim
00:12:46Gelirim buradan
00:12:49Ben avukatım her istediğini yaparım
00:12:51Sana söz veriyorum
00:12:53Tamam mı her şeyi yaparım
00:12:55Hem ne en iyisi
00:12:57Tabi hepimiz avukatız
00:12:59İsveti bulacağına da söz verir misin
00:13:01Bulurum sana söz veriyorum bulurum
00:13:03Yeter ki o silahı bırak
00:13:05Ve verdiği her sözü sor
00:13:07Söz mü?
00:13:09Sana yardım edeceğim söz veriyorum
00:13:11Hadi bırak ne olur
00:13:13Bırak o silahı hadi bırak
00:13:19Hadi yavrum
00:13:21Hadi ver şu silahı
00:13:27Ver hadi
00:13:35Zaten gerçek değildi
00:13:39Ne yazık ki
00:13:45Hadsiz seni
00:13:48Hadi o silahı köpek
00:13:52Köpek mi dedin bana
00:13:54Hayır sana demedim ona dedim
00:13:56Bana dedim
00:13:58O silahın sende ne işi var
00:14:00Ben kaptım onun elinden kaptım
00:14:06Ay korkma Erman
00:14:08Bu şey sahte bu
00:14:18Hani sahteydi bu
00:14:22Kuru sıkı kuru
00:14:24Kuru kuru sıkıcı
00:14:30Şey aşağıda bir kapı açıktı
00:14:32Biz oradan girerken bizi de burada bulduk
00:14:40Az daha ölüyordum
00:14:44Herkes iyi mi her şey yolunda mı
00:14:46İyiyiz aşkım
00:14:48İyiyiz hepimiz
00:14:52Yok sürpriz falan kalmadı onun da haberi var
00:14:54Hangi bülbül öttüyse artık
00:14:56Neyse canım
00:14:58Hepimiz iyiyiz önemli olan da bu
00:15:02Canım fotoğrafını çekmemi istememiştim
00:15:04Olmazdı böyle
00:15:08Bak orada ne var
00:15:10Akşam haberde izleriz artık gelinlikle halini
00:15:19Hırçın kızım sakin
00:15:43Sözünü tutacaksın değil mi
00:15:49Ne sözü verdin
00:15:51Teslim olması halinde ona yardım edeceğime söz verdim de
00:15:55Sonra anlatırım
00:15:59Uzun uzun mu anlatacaksın
00:16:07Eğer kısa kesmemi istersen
00:16:12Uzun uzun anlat sen
00:16:18Hatta bir ömür
00:16:28Sizin ifadenizi almamız gerekiyor
00:16:36Yalnız bir şey diyeyim mi
00:16:38Bu fotoğraftaki kadın gerçekten sana çok benziyordu
00:16:44İnsanlar çift yaratılmış derler
00:16:46Öyle değil mi
00:16:48Öyle sanırım
00:16:50Hadi gidelim
00:17:00Çok pardon
00:17:02Öyle korktum ki buraya nasıl geldim bilemedim
00:17:09Gelinlerin kraliçesi
00:17:11Benim üstüme başıma bakma
00:17:13Bizim kızlar tutturdu
00:17:15Bir gelinlikle görelim seni diye
00:17:17Biraz eğleniriz falan
00:17:19Hemen çıkaracağım zaten
00:17:21Ben de o kadar temizli yürekliymişim ki
00:17:23Seni böyle görmek nasip oldu
00:17:25Ama çok yakışmış
00:17:27İşte gördüğün kadarıyla nasiplen
00:17:29Hemen çıkaracağım
00:17:31Sabahtan beri üşüttüm de
00:17:33Belki iade almazlar bile
00:17:36Akşamları bana giyersin
00:17:46Hadi üstünü değiştir de ben seni yemeğe götüreyim
00:17:48Gelemem ki
00:17:50Büroda toplantım var
00:17:52Hadi ya
00:17:54Ne yapalım
00:17:56Bana gel
00:17:58Akşama gelir
00:18:00Ben üstümü değiştiririm
00:18:02Kuyruk yakıştı yalnız
00:18:32Yine de
00:18:34Yine de
00:18:36Yine de
00:18:38Yine de
00:18:40Yine de
00:18:42Yine de
00:18:44Yine de
00:18:46Yine de
00:18:48Yine de
00:18:50Yine de
00:18:52Yine de
00:18:54Yine de
00:18:56Yine de
00:18:58Yine de
00:19:01Yine de
00:19:03Yine de
00:19:05Yine de
00:19:07Yine de
00:19:09Yine de
00:19:11Yine de
00:19:13Yine de
00:19:15Nasıl bir gündü ya
00:19:25Bir an
00:19:27Sana ve
00:19:29Bebeğe bir şey olacak diye
00:19:31O kadar korktum ki anlatamam
00:19:35Ama sonra
00:19:37Arabada giderken
00:19:39Aramızda konuşurken
00:19:41Bir şey fark ettik
00:19:43Endişemiz azaldı
00:19:45Neymiş o
00:19:51Cevher kadınları olduğunuz
00:20:00Her şeyi yapabileceğinizi
00:20:02Her şeyin üstesinden girebileceğinizi
00:20:04Fark ettik
00:20:06Süper kahramanlar gibi
00:20:12Aynı zamanda
00:20:14Senin annen gibi de
00:20:18Öyle mi diyorsun
00:20:22Öyle diyorum
00:20:24Kimse mükemmel değildir
00:20:26Süper kahramanlar bile
00:20:32Sakın bir yere kıpırdama
00:20:36Sana bir şey getireceğim
00:20:38Umarım yiyecek bir şeydir çünkü çok acıktım
00:20:42Merak etme o konuyu da halledeceğim
00:20:44Aşkım bu karnımdaki bana biraz yedirecek
00:20:46Davul gibi şişersem
00:20:48Dalga geçmezsin benimle değil mi
00:20:52Güldürme beni ya
00:20:56Senin sırf zayıf olduğun için sevdiğimi mi zannediyorsun
00:20:58Hayır zeki ve samimi olduğum için
00:21:02İşte bunu inkar edemeyeceğim
00:21:06O ne
00:21:10Küçük bir hediye
00:21:12Annenden mi
00:21:14Evet baksana
00:21:24Ne bunlar
00:21:26Hastalandığında ölmüştüm
00:21:28Eğer ileride bir çocuğun olursa
00:21:30Torunuma benden el emeği bir hatıra kalsın demiştim
00:21:32Çok güzeller
00:21:34Çok beğendim
00:21:36Keşke görevlisiydim
00:21:53Görmediğini nereden çıkarıyorsun
00:21:59Feriha anneciğim
00:22:01Bu şahane hediye için gerçekten çok teşekkür ederim
00:22:09Ve sana söz veriyorum
00:22:11Yaşamım boyunca
00:22:13Oğluna ve torununa gözüm gibi bakacağım
00:22:17Ve onların mutlu olması için elimden ne geliyorsa yapacağım
00:22:21Sen benim hayatımdaki en güzel şeysin
00:22:27Bu şahane hediyeyi karşılıksız bırakmamak için
00:22:29Bir fikrim var
00:22:31Kızımız olursa
00:22:33Adını Feriha koyalım
00:22:37Hemde susuz
00:22:39Sadece Feriha
00:22:43Yalnız çorban çok kızacak buna
00:22:47Onu da Güneş düşünsün
00:22:51Seni seviyorum
00:22:53Ben daha çok
00:22:55Dünyanın en şahane babası olacaksın
00:22:59Erman babam gibi mi?
00:23:01Aynen öyle
00:23:17Tekin hocam
00:23:19Hocam hoş geldin
00:23:25Ne işin var burada
00:23:27Her yerde ajan olan bir tek sen değilsin
00:23:31Kuşlar saatlerdir hastanede olduğunu söyleyince
00:23:33Dayanamadım atlayıp geldim
00:23:35İyi et
00:23:37Hadi otursun
00:23:43Mevzu nedir anlatın bakalım
00:23:46Mevzu şu
00:23:4810 yıldan beri bende
00:23:50Sen bilmezsin
00:23:52Yüksek tavsiyon var
00:23:54Bu illet yapıştı yakama
00:23:56Olay bu yani
00:23:5810 sene 6 ay evvel
00:24:00Nurten Kaman davasından sonra
00:24:02İlk ataklar başlamıştı sende
00:24:04Tabi bütün sonuçları öğrendim
00:24:06Ama konuşmasak da
00:24:08Hiçbir zaman elini çekmedim üstünden
00:24:17Evet Ferucu ilerlemiş mi yoksa
00:24:19Efansiyel hipertansiyon
00:24:21Şöyle oldu
00:24:23Tabi bir anda
00:24:25Gelinlikçide ortalık bir karışınca
00:24:29Benim de tansiyonum fırladı
00:24:31Senin anlattığı gibi değil o iş
00:24:33Efansiyel diyor duymadın mı
00:24:35Nasıl tam nasıl
00:24:37Yani şunu demek istiyor
00:24:39Tek bir olaya bağlı değil demek istiyor
00:24:41Ani strese bağlı olarak
00:24:43Ortizol artışı nedeniyle
00:24:45Sağ kronol artırdı
00:24:47Enflamasyon oluşumu var
00:24:49Öyle değil mi Peru
00:24:51Evet enflamasyon hadisesi çok önemli
00:24:53Bir dakika Allah aşkına
00:24:55Şunun bir Türkçesini söyleyebilir misiniz
00:24:57Bana söylediklerinizden hiçbir şey anlamıyorum
00:24:59Efendim Türkçesi
00:25:01Yüksek tansiyona
00:25:03Şeker eklenmiş
00:25:05Hayırlı olsun çorbanın
00:25:07Atipik olanından
00:25:09Bugün yaşadıklarım değil senin
00:25:12Neden oluyor bu bana
00:25:16Hadi oradan abi sen kendine bak ben yaşlı falan değilim
00:25:18Ben genceciyim
00:25:22Bizim o tıp fakültesindeki Sadi Hoca ne derdi
00:25:26Hiç unutmam hocam
00:25:28İnsan damarlarının yaşındadır derdi
00:25:30Sen istediğin kadar kendini genç hisset
00:25:32Ya insan yaşlandıkça
00:25:34Damarları artık elastikiyetini kaybediyor
00:25:38Kendine iyi bakarsan
00:25:40Korunabilirsin çorban hanım
00:25:42Çok çalışmayı da
00:25:44Bir tür obezite gibi düşünebilirsin çorban hanım
00:25:46Hele sizin gibi yüksek strese tabi mesleklerde
00:25:48Ben onu defalarca söyledim
00:25:50Ama dinleyen kim
00:25:52Pardon abi ama
00:25:54Biz 40 yıl seninle görüşmedik
00:25:56İçimden söyledim içimden
00:25:58Oh taneler
00:26:02En önemli faktör stres
00:26:04Stres onun ikinci adı
00:26:06Onun hiçbir zaman stresiz günü yok ki
00:26:09Ya kadın boşanma avukatı
00:26:13Bundan sonra stres yok
00:26:15Beyin gibi kalp gibi
00:26:17Çokça damarı olan organlar için
00:26:19Artık büyük risk var
00:26:25Yani bu demek oluyor ki
00:26:31Emekli olma vaktin geldi
00:26:33Çorban cevher
00:26:43Çoğu bitti
00:26:45Azı kaldı aşkım
00:26:47Dedi mi ya
00:26:55Senden bir şey isteyeceğim ama
00:26:57Yapacağına dair söz vereceksin
00:26:59Ne isteyeceksin?
00:27:01Ama itiraz etmeyeceğine söz almadan söylemem
00:27:03Hilal lütfen zorlama beni haydi
00:27:09Ben evlilik sözleşmesi imzalamak istiyorum
00:27:13Nasıl yani
00:27:15Bugünkü olay
00:27:17Bana hissettirmemeye çalışsam da canını sıktı
00:27:21Yok aslında
00:27:23Lütfen benden saklamana gerek yok
00:27:25İçinde bana ve aşkıma dair
00:27:27Ufacık minicik bir şüphe kalsın istemiyorum
00:27:29Ben sana aşığım
00:27:31Servetin umurumda bile değil
00:27:35Sen gerçekten bir meleksin biliyor musun
00:27:37Meleksisin sen
00:27:39Avukatın yurt dışındaydı değil mi
00:27:41Evet yurt dışında ay sonu gelecek
00:27:45Ben kimlerin bize yardım edeceğini biliyorum
00:27:49Haydi gidelim
00:27:51Gidelim aşkım
00:27:57Yemek için teşekkür ederim bu arada çok güzeldi
00:27:59Aslında bu yemeği
00:28:01Evde kendi ellerimle sana hazırlamak isterdim ama
00:28:04Son olanlardan sonra
00:28:08Evet olanlardan sonra
00:28:12Cesaret edemedim Azra
00:28:16Azra farkındayım
00:28:18Son zamanlar
00:28:20Senin biraz fazla
00:28:22Üzerime geldin
00:28:26Hayır mı
00:28:28Yani aslında
00:28:30Ben senin biraz fazla üzerine geldim
00:28:32Şu bebek meselesi
00:28:36Galiba bu aramızdaki hızla ilerleyiş
00:28:38Beni biraz korkuttu
00:28:40Aslında ben
00:28:42Azra böyle bir adam değildim
00:28:44Hayatı daha çok böyle akışına bırakan
00:28:46Anı yaşayan biriydim
00:28:50Ama seninle tanıştıktan sonra
00:28:52Hayatım değişti
00:28:54Bağlandım sana
00:28:58Sevdim seni
00:29:01Eğer aramızdaki bu ilerleme
00:29:03Sana biraz fazla geldiyse
00:29:05Seni korkuttuysa
00:29:07Ben yavaşlamaya hazırım
00:29:11Ağırdan alabiliriz biraz
00:29:13Eğer sen de öyle istiyorsan
00:29:15Ağırdan almak mı
00:29:19Tam da ben sana
00:29:21Beraber yaşamayı teklif edecekken
00:29:25Beraber yaşamak mı
00:29:28Azra şaka mı yapıyorsun sen
00:29:34Şaka yapıyorum
00:29:38Benim üç çocuğum var
00:29:40Of ya hiç komik değilsin
00:29:42Gerçekten hiç komik değilsin sen
00:29:46Hep aynı şakaları yapıyorsun
00:29:48Ama yüzün hiç öyle söylemiyordu gayet komikti
00:29:50Azra bence
00:29:52Bu şakayı yapmanın
00:29:54Hiç yeri ve zamanı değil şu an
00:29:58Çünkü şu an
00:30:00Tam da burada
00:30:04Ben sana
00:30:14Dizlerimin üstüne çöküp
00:30:20Neredeydi bu ya
00:30:22Ne arıyorsun
00:30:25Burada şu an
00:30:29Böyle dizlerimin üzerine çöküp
00:30:45Yarınki tiyatro oyunda gidelim mi diyecektim
00:30:47Sumru yavrucuğun oyunu
00:30:49Çok güzel bir oyunmuş
00:30:51Ne dersin
00:30:57Tiyatro mu
00:31:01Evlenme teklif edeceğim sandın değil mi
00:31:07Sen var ya sen
00:31:11Çok kötüsün
00:31:13Senden öğrendim
00:31:17Biz var ya
00:31:19Çok pis bir çift olduk
00:31:21Şikayetçi misin
00:31:23Bu aralar büro var ya
00:31:25Kıyamet yere
00:31:27Boşanmak isteyen isteyene
00:31:29Sezon açıldı
00:31:31Herkes gidiyor Mersin'e
00:31:33Biz gidiyoruz Tersin'e
00:31:39Sana bir sır vereyim mi
00:31:43Ne oluyor böyle sırlar mırlar
00:31:47Ben çok önceden
00:31:49Faruk'un ölmediğini biliyordum
00:31:53Biliyor muydun
00:31:59O mu söyledi sana bunu
00:32:03Senin gözlerin söyledi
00:32:05Herkesten bir şeyler saklayabilirsin ama
00:32:07Benden asla
00:32:13Bu keyifli görünme çabasıyla baskıladığın şu
00:32:15Göz bebeklerindeki acı
00:32:17Bana bir sır sakladığını söylüyor
00:32:20Hadi çorpan
00:32:22Ver bana o sırrı
00:32:40Evlilik tarihi yaklaştı diye mi durgunlaştın
00:32:42Eğer öyle bir şeyse hemen bana şimdi söyle
00:32:44Hadi hemen söyle çorpan
00:32:46Hadi söyle
00:32:48Senin saçmalama katsayını biliyorum ama
00:32:50Bu kadar ileri gideceğini tahmin etmiyordum
00:32:52Ne alakası var canım
00:32:54Bizim evlenmemizle
00:32:56Ne bileyim ben gelinlikçiden beri bir değişiksin
00:32:58Bana gelinlikçi deme
00:33:00Hala düşündükçe cinlerim tepeme çıkıyor
00:33:04Ne çorpan
00:33:06Bak biz evleniyoruz
00:33:08Eş oluyoruz
00:33:10Eğer birbirimizden bir şeyler saklayacaksak
00:33:12O evlilik akdinin
00:33:14Ne anlamı var söyler misin
00:33:19Sen benim en yakınımsın
00:33:21Ama eğer ben senin en yakınım
00:33:25Ama ama ama
00:33:27Sen de benim en yakınımsın
00:33:31Öyleyse ne çorpan
00:33:39Ben de aslında tam bir karar
00:33:41Veremediğim için sana söyleyemedim
00:33:46Benim biraz tansiyonum yükseldi
00:33:48Ben bir doktora gittim
00:33:50Neden ne oldu
00:33:52Ben şüphelenmiştim
00:33:54Anlamıştım biliyor musun
00:33:56Ben biliyordum
00:33:58Sen şu an benim cenazemdesin herhalde
00:34:00Ne yapıyorsun
00:34:02Kendine gel
00:34:04Böyle korkulacak bir şey yok
00:34:08Doktor şey dedi
00:34:10Tansiyonum vardı biliyorsun
00:34:12Yıllardan beri
00:34:14Bir de şeker eklenmiş
00:34:18Stres yok dedi
00:34:20Yorulmak yok dedi
00:34:22Tamam çorban tamam
00:34:24Bundan sonra stres yok dediyse
00:34:26Stres yok
00:34:28Çalışma yok dediyse çalışma da yok
00:34:30Yeter artık paramız var
00:34:32Seninle şöyle güzel uzun bir tatili çıkarız
00:34:34Ne dersin
00:34:36Niye dönünce
00:34:40Hayatım boyunca ben hep çalıştım
00:34:43Durmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu bilmiyorum
00:34:47Buna alışabilir miyim
00:34:49Hiç bilemiyorum
00:34:57Emeklilik demek
00:34:59Yaratıcı olmak için bitmek bilmeyen
00:35:01Bir çaba demektir belki de
00:35:05Ben sana şöyle bir bakıyorum da
00:35:07Arkasında büyük işler başarmış
00:35:09Hayatını müthiş bir servere dönüştürmüş bir kadın görüyorum
00:35:15İçimdeki bu işe yaramama
00:35:19Bir türlü kurtulamıyorum
00:35:23Bana bir daha hiç ihtiyaç duyulmayacakmış
00:35:25Gibi hissediyorum
00:35:31Bugüne kadar yaptıkların için kendini harika hissetmen gerek
00:35:33Çorban ki
00:35:35Bundan sonra da
00:35:38Yapacağı şeyleri için harika hissedebilirsin
00:35:42Bana bak
00:35:44Bunu senden kimsenin almasına
00:35:46Sakın izin verme
00:35:50O mu sanki
00:35:52Birileri kalbin böyle birazcık yoruldu dediyse
00:35:54Bundan vaz mı geçeceksin
00:35:58Hiç sanmıyorum
00:36:00Bu senin yapında yok
00:36:02Sen önder olmak
00:36:04Örnek olmak için varsın
00:36:06Zaten başka türlüsü de mümkün değil ki
00:36:08Ben galiba
00:36:12Hayatımda ilk kez ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum
00:36:28Bu soruyu kalbine sor
00:36:32Eğer bütün kalbinle sevebiliyorsan
00:36:35Ve sevgini verebiliyorsan
00:36:39Hala gençsin demek ki
00:36:41Mesela bana bak
00:36:43Şöyle bir bak bana
00:36:47Kaç gösteriyorum acaba
00:36:55Sana bakıyoruz
00:36:57Kaç desek acaba
00:37:03Şımartıyorsun beni Erman Bey
00:37:09İkimiz de şımaralım
00:37:11Şımarmak ikimizin de hak
00:37:13Merak etme
00:37:17Sen Çorban Cefer'sin
00:37:19İşe yarayacak bir şeyler yapmanın yolunu
00:37:21Mutlaka bulursun
00:37:25Zorun değil mi
00:37:31İyi ki varsın
00:37:35İyi ki
00:37:37İyi ki
00:37:43Hep yanında olacağım
00:37:45Bundan sonra hep yanında olacağım
00:38:35Bu işe bak ya
00:38:37Melek gibi
00:38:43Bebeğimin annesi
00:38:57Günaydın aşkım
00:39:07Sanem Bey
00:39:09Hadi çay koy da içek
00:39:13Ay çok romantiksin
00:39:17Gerçekten ilk cümlem bu mu
00:39:19Bana bak
00:39:21Seninle şu konuda anlaşalım artık
00:39:23Ben sabah gözümü açar açmaz
00:39:25Çay içmezsem kendime gelemiyorum
00:39:27Çay benim kırmızı çizgim
00:39:30Hem de hamile hamile
00:39:32Ne yani
00:39:34Hamileler çay demleyemiyor mu
00:39:38Yoksa bebeğimin zararı var
00:39:40Akıllara zararı var aşkım
00:39:42Akıllara zararı
00:39:44Hem hani akşam yemekleri bende
00:39:46Kahvaltılar sendeydi
00:39:48O da doğru
00:39:50Bir saniye ya
00:39:52Sen artık akşam yemeği de yapmıyorsun
00:39:54E tamam kahvaltıydı dışarıda yaparız oldu bitti
00:39:57Ne muhteşem fikir
00:39:59İyi ki evlenmişim ya
00:40:01İyi ki evlenmişim
00:40:03Ay tamam söylenme
00:40:05Koyuyorum çayını
00:40:07Çocuk adam
00:40:11Ne oldu be
00:40:13Ne oldu
00:40:15Başım döndü
00:40:17Ayağa kalkınca
00:40:19Başım yat şuraya
00:40:21Yok yok yürürsem geçer
00:40:23Delirdin herhalde yat bakayım şuraya
00:40:25Uzat uzat
00:40:27Tamam tamam tamam
00:40:31Tamam aşkım
00:40:33Daha iyi misin
00:40:35Sen hiç kalkma rahatına bak ben kahvaltıyı hazırlarım
00:40:39Kaşarlı mı
00:40:41Duble kaşar
00:40:45Midem de bulanıyor ama bilemedim aşkım
00:40:47Başka bir şey yapayım
00:40:49Yok menemen yap menemen
00:40:51Daha iyi misin
00:40:54Kahvaltın 20 dakikaya hazır
00:40:56Sağ ol aşkım
00:41:00Aşkım ya
00:41:02O niğde domateslerin kabuklarını soyarsın değil mi
00:41:04Soymam mı
00:41:08Aferin çocuğum
00:41:12Şimdiden başladın annene yardım etmeye
00:41:14Aynen böyle deme
00:41:20Kötü oldum ya
00:41:30Çocuklar sizin ne işiniz var burada
00:41:32Günaydın anneciğim
00:41:34Günaydın anneciğim
00:41:36Ayol hayırdır hem uyanmışsınız hem giyinmişsiniz
00:41:38Alışık değilim size
00:41:48Bizim seninle konuşmak istediğimiz
00:41:51Çok önemli bir şey var
00:42:03Deniz gel gel
00:42:05Kapıyı açık bırakmışsınız girdim ben de
00:42:07Ya poğaça almıştım da
00:42:09Unutmuşum kapıyı
00:42:15Sesi dinliyorum
00:42:17Ne söyleyecekler ki
00:42:19Bana çok önemli bir şey söyleyecekler
00:42:23Söyleyecektik ama
00:42:27Ay çok pardon ben
00:42:29Üveyim şimdi siz benim yanımda konuşamazsınız
00:42:33Ya Deniz saçmalama ya gel lütfen
00:42:35İyi tamam çok ısrar ediyorsanız
00:42:39Sen bir kendini bir yenile olur mu
00:42:41Tatlım hep aynı şey olmuyor yani
00:42:48Şey anneciğim
00:42:50Biz sana
00:42:52Bizim bir haberimiz var
00:42:56Hamilesin biliyordum anlamıştım işte
00:42:58Anlamıştım ama ben gerçekten
00:43:00Sen var ya
00:43:04Sen var ya
00:43:08Az değilsin sen de
00:43:12Aferin sana ailemiz büyüyor
00:43:16Bu sefer adını ben koymak istiyorum
00:43:18Erkek olacak
00:43:20Bak farkında mısın
00:43:22Bir erkek bakışı şey oluyor
00:43:24Çünkü erkek çocuk hep annenin o güzelliğini alır derler
00:43:26Kuzum benim
00:43:30Aşkım aşkım
00:43:32Sen baktın rekabet kızışıyor
00:43:34Sanem ablaya hemen dedin rakip olayım
00:43:36Hemen hamleni yaptın değil mi
00:43:38Bizde öyledir tatlım bizde öyledir
00:43:40Ya bir dakika
00:43:43Ya ne hamileliği ne bebeği
00:43:45Yok öyle bir şey
00:43:47Evet Deniz 5 dakika dolayı karıştırdın ya
00:43:49Çocuk falan yok bize bir tanesi yetiyor
00:43:51İsterini Allah nasip etsin
00:43:53Ay niye olmasın canım
00:43:55Azra'ya bak bana bak cevher kanunları ayol
00:43:57Ya nereden çıktı bu çocuk muhabbeti
00:43:59Ayol senden çıktı
00:44:05Benden çıkacak hali yok
00:44:07Ya çocuk mocuk yok
00:44:09Biz başka bir şey anlatmak istiyoruz
00:44:25Güneşle taşınmaya karar verdik
00:44:37Bir süredir düşünüyorduk zaten
00:44:40Sonunda bir yer bulduk
00:44:42Tam istediğimiz gibi bir ev
00:44:48Çok güzel
00:44:54Bu evde
00:44:56İstemediğiniz ne var
00:45:02Kahve içersiniz değil mi
00:45:04Ben bir kahve yapıp geleyim en iyisi
00:45:14Sen tüm hayatını bize adadın
00:45:18Her gününü bize göre yaşadın
00:45:20Bizim için ne gerekiyorsa yaptın
00:45:22Ben buna hiç şikayet etmeden
00:45:24Hep severek yaptım
00:45:28Biliyoruz anneciğim
00:45:32Bu evi ne kadar sevdiğini de biliyoruz
00:45:36Ermen babayla burada
00:45:38İkinci bağrınızı yaşamanı istiyoruz
00:45:46Hem artık bizim de kendi ayaklarımızın üzerinde durma vakti
00:45:48Geldi de geçiyor anneciğim
00:45:52Ben daha Sanem'in yokluğuna alışamadım
00:45:56Sizin yokluğunuza nasıl alışacağım
00:46:04Siz Ermen babayla yeni bir hayata başlıyorsunuz
00:46:08Bu zamana kadar yaşayamadığın ne varsa
00:46:10Hepsini yaşamanı istiyoruz
00:46:16Babam ben ne yapacağım
00:46:18Biz ne yapacağız bu koca evde iki kişi
00:46:20Yapacak o kadar çok şey var ki
00:46:26Artık sizin de kendi hayatınızı yaşama vaktiniz geldi
00:46:30Anneciğim izin verirseniz
00:46:32Biz de kendi yolumuza gidelim
00:46:50Ne istiyorsanız öyle olsun
00:46:54Ne istiyorsanız çocuklar
00:47:08İffet Aybakan
00:47:14Sizden haber bekliyorum ben
00:47:18Ne bu acele
00:47:20Naber annecik
00:47:22Önder Bey ile görüşmeye gidiyorum
00:47:24Önder kim
00:47:26Dünkü manyak
00:47:28Söz vermiştim hatırlarsan
00:47:30Anladığım kadarıyla sözünü de tutacaksın
00:47:32Ahlaklılıkta Azra Cevher gibi ol
00:47:34Bu yönünle bana benzeyebilirsin ufaklık
00:47:37Aynı zamanda kötüsün de bak bu bir çelişki
00:47:39Bu arada
00:47:41Bu dün gelinlikçideki kadın
00:47:45Önder'in iddia ettiği gibi İffet olabilir mi ya
00:47:47Sen de şüphelenmedin mi
00:47:49Yani ama bir yandan da diyorum ki
00:47:51Bir insanın saçı bir ayda o kadar uzayamaz
00:47:53Demek ki
00:47:55Eski halindeki saçı peruk
00:47:57Demek ki
00:47:59O halinde lens takıyordu şimdi değil
00:48:01Bu da demek oluyor ki
00:48:03Biz bir profesyonelle karşı karşıyayız
00:48:09Hiç bir profesyonel işini şansa bırakmaz
00:48:11Şekilde de görüldüğü gibi
00:48:15Vay vay vay
00:48:17Kesin var bir karın ağrısı
00:48:19Hemen buraya geldiğine göre
00:48:23Ama benim görüşme saatini geciktirmemem lazım
00:48:25Önder Bey'den şu kadınla ilgili bilgi almalıyım
00:48:27Ben gideyim diyeceğim ama benim de toplantım var
00:48:29Ne yapalım
00:48:31Efe ve Bora
00:48:34Biraz çalıştıralım şunları
00:48:36Ne güne duruyorlar
00:48:42Azra Hanım
00:48:44Sanem Hanım
00:48:46Hilal Hanım merhaba
00:48:48Nasıl yardımcı olabiliriz
00:48:50Böyle de damdan düşer gibi oldu ama
00:48:52Biraz vaktiniz varsa konuşmak istiyoruz
00:48:56Buyurun şöyle odama geçelim
00:49:04Herman Bey'in işi doğru vallahi
00:49:06Seninki çok kolay tabi
00:49:08Oğlum Azra çarpıyor ki çoban
00:49:10Ya sana
00:49:14En tehlikelileri o
00:49:15Sen farkında değilsin
00:49:19Bana bak
00:49:21Biz korkuyor muyuz bunlardan
00:49:23Ne korkacağız
00:49:25Korkma filan yok
00:49:27Bizimkisi saygıdan dostumuz
00:49:31Respect, my friend. Respect.
00:49:34Look, you may be right. Respect is the right word. Respect.
00:49:39How are you, Mr. Zilzop?
00:49:42My dear wife. My dear wife.
00:49:45Oh, honey is dripping from your mouth again.
00:49:50We need your help.
00:49:53What kind of help?
00:49:55You need to go to the prison and talk to Önder.
00:50:00To take you hostage.
00:50:02Azra is pushing the limits of mercy.
00:50:04Azra promised the man.
00:50:06Okay, let's go.
00:50:08So, what kind of help do you want?
00:50:14After that ridiculous incident yesterday, I was a little upset with my fiancée.
00:50:19My dear, I'm sorry again and again.
00:50:23It's over, my love.
00:50:25You don't even have to stay with me.
00:50:28I want you to prepare a marriage contract.
00:50:31I will not ask my husband for anything.
00:50:39Actually, it's not necessary, but...
00:50:41Oh, please, dear. We've talked about it.
00:50:44I'll feel better this way.
00:50:48Of course, Miss Hilal. Of course, I'll get it ready right away. With pleasure.
00:50:56Ceylan, can you come to my room right now?
00:50:59When will it be ready?
00:51:01I'll take care of it in a day or two.
00:51:03You know, we're in a hurry for the wedding.
00:51:07So, when is your wedding?
00:51:09Fortunately, a week later.
00:51:14Oh, that's nice.
00:51:17Well, yours is also a love story.
00:51:22A kind of love that won't hurt anyone.
00:51:24I fell in love with Hilal as soon as I saw her.
00:51:26I feel like I've known her for years.
00:51:34Ceylan, we will prepare a marriage contract with Miss Hilal based on Mr. Nazif's identity.
00:51:41Oh, you're the guy from yesterday, aren't you?
00:51:49I mean, I wanted to say that you look like her.
00:51:52Don't ask.
00:51:55So, what happened?
00:51:57Are you investigating that strange case?
00:52:02Why did you ask?
00:52:06I remembered that you made a promise yesterday.
00:52:09If we had kept our promise, we wouldn't have been lawyers.
00:52:15Come on, let's go.
00:52:23Come on.
00:52:45I love you.
00:53:15I love you.
00:53:31Come in.
00:53:39Wow, what a big surprise!
00:53:42Oh, dear.
00:53:44Çolpan Cevher is here!
00:53:49Nothing has changed. It's the same.
00:53:52Law is a concept that has been formed over the years and is changing very slowly.
00:53:57Do you remember?
00:53:58How can I not remember, dear?
00:53:59The first lesson of Mr. Suher.
00:54:02Won't you sit down?
00:54:03Of course.
00:54:05If I had to tell the truth, I wouldn't be able to see you here today.
00:54:11If I had to tell the truth, it would be me.
00:54:37So, what do we owe this great visit to?
00:54:41You know, you had an offer to me.
00:54:44I came here to find out if it's still valid.
00:54:48Are you serious?
00:54:50I'm as serious as I've ever been.
00:54:55I made that offer when Cevher Law was in trouble.
00:54:59And you made the wrong offer.
00:55:01I made that offer when Cevher Law was in trouble.
00:55:03And you made the wrong offer.
00:55:04If I'm not mistaken, you said you'd rather be with Erman Arsen than leave Cevher Law.
00:55:10That's right. I said that.
00:55:12Well, you're better now.
00:55:15Why now?
00:55:16I'm curious about your decision now.
00:55:19I mean, is the offer still valid or not?
00:55:22Tell me that.
00:55:24Of course it's valid.
00:55:28Then let's talk about the conditions.
00:55:32What did you do, honey?
00:55:35She's waiting. She's not here yet.
00:55:37The ID of Minister İffet has arrived.
00:55:39I sent it by phone.
00:55:42It has nothing to do with the woman we saw in the photo yesterday.
00:55:47They're pretty professional.
00:55:51We need to learn as much as possible about this woman.
00:55:54Don't worry, honey.
00:55:55We'll do our best. I think we can do it.
00:56:10I was waiting for Mrs. Azra, but...
00:56:12She had something to do.
00:56:13They sent us on leave.
00:56:23Look at the photo.
00:56:24Can you recognize her?
00:56:32No. Who is she?
00:56:34Your wife. Minister İffet.
00:56:37How is that possible? She's not my wife.
00:56:40Is that her ID?
00:56:41She probably married you using someone else's ID.
00:56:44Here's the thing.
00:56:46You may be right.
00:56:47Hila may be your wife.
00:56:49I knew it.
00:56:50I knew she was Hila.
00:56:53We need to know something, too.
00:56:55We need to be sure that we can go after her.
00:56:59You need to tell us everything you know about Hila.
00:57:02We need some evidence.
00:57:07We have wedding videos.
00:57:09We have wedding photos.
00:57:12I don't have anything else.
00:57:15What about her relatives?
00:57:18Her siblings? Her parents?
00:57:23She told me she grew up in an orphanage.
00:57:26She doesn't have any friends?
00:57:28She just came back from Germany.
00:57:30She lives there.
00:57:35That's great.
00:57:37How did you meet?
00:57:38I met her on social media.
00:57:41I wrote to her to send her a message.
00:57:44She sent me the first message.
00:57:54Did you marry the person who sent you the first message?
00:57:59I was supposed to marry the person who sent me the last message.
00:58:02Maybe you should have done that.
00:58:04You wouldn't be like this.
00:58:07Oh, my silly brother.
00:58:10Would I marry a person who sent me the first message on social media?
00:58:14If I had met her a little.
00:58:16If you had met her at first, you wouldn't have said that.
00:58:19She was so sweet, so good, so beautiful.
00:58:22I was fooled.
00:58:24Anyway, we understand.
00:58:25Let's get back to our subject.
00:58:27Confessing to a woman is the only way.
00:58:29It seems so.
00:58:30If that's the case, of course.
00:58:31But we have to be sure.
00:58:32If we are sure, we can go to court.
00:58:34We can demand that the blood samples in the marriage file be compared to DNA.
00:58:38Look at me.
00:58:39If we're not sure, if those blood samples don't match, it means we've made a mistake.
00:58:44Mental and physical compensation, according to him.
00:58:46I mean, I don't know if it will work for you, but I think there's a way you can be sure of.
00:58:58What is it?
00:59:01Her hip.
00:59:06Her hip.
00:59:07There was a birthmark on her hip.
00:59:10It might work for you.
00:59:13Bro, are you kidding me?
00:59:15I mean, do you want us to look at her hip?
00:59:19I don't care anymore.
00:59:21But we care a lot.
00:59:25The birthmark on her hip was 33.
00:59:28How many?
00:59:36Grand finale.
00:59:37Like this.
00:59:40If we look at this, this will be our finale.
00:59:46Don't get me wrong, it's not the season finale.
00:59:48It's the finale.
00:59:55Anyway, let's think about what we can do.
00:59:58There's nothing to think about.
01:00:00If it was in the past, I would look at it in detail.
01:00:03But if I look at it now, Sanem will tear me apart.
01:00:05If it was in the past, I would look at it in detail.
01:00:09But if I look at it now, Sanem will tear me apart.
01:00:11I would look at it in detail.
01:00:14We can't look at it, right?
01:00:15We can't.
01:00:18Anyway, it's not possible for us to do this.
01:00:21But we can find someone to look at our place.
01:00:25What else could it be?
01:00:29Sorry, did I hear wrong?
01:00:31Say it again.
01:00:33I didn't understand.
01:00:35I mean, to be sure, we need to look at the girl's thing.
01:00:42Her butt.
01:00:43No, dear.
01:00:44What butt?
01:00:45We said butt.
01:00:49Her hip.
01:00:50Her hip?
01:00:51Her hip.
01:00:52Her birthmark.
01:00:56Önder, was it Ömer?
01:00:57Önder said so.
01:00:59The number was something like 33.
01:01:02The number was something like 33.
01:01:03A birthmark that looked like 33.
01:01:05With a number?
01:01:06With a purple alphabet.
01:01:09Sanem, you ask such questions.
01:01:11I mean, really.
01:01:12My love, how can I know?
01:01:13I mean, did you see?
01:01:15My love, how can I know?
01:01:16Am I aware of what I'm asking out of anger?
01:01:23Hello, Ms. Hilal.
01:01:24The marriage contract is ready.
01:01:26How fast.
01:01:27You said it would take a few days.
01:01:29We shouldn't leave today's work for tomorrow, right?
01:01:33We're waiting for you at the office.
01:01:35Okay, fine.
01:01:36We'll be there in an hour.
01:01:38Okay, see you.
01:01:46Now, I don't understand.
01:01:47Are we looking at the rest of this woman?
01:01:49Where are we looking at?
01:01:51I mean, a little.
01:01:54That's all from us.
01:01:57That's all.
01:01:59So, how are we going to do it?
01:02:00Well, don't get us involved in this.
01:02:02Just tell us what to do and we'll sort it out.
01:02:05Where is this going?
01:02:06I don't understand anything.
01:02:09There's nothing to understand, Sanem.
01:02:11We see 33 and this job is over.
01:02:15We need your permission.
01:02:17Come on, let's go.
01:02:22Have a good day.
01:02:23Have a good day.
01:02:24Thank you, thank you.
01:02:25Who's going to look?
01:02:29Who's going to look? I don't understand.
01:03:00Engin, go in from the first aisle.
01:03:03Aren't we going to the office?
01:03:08I need to go to the notary first.
01:03:10Okay, Ms. Çolkan.
01:03:23Ms. Azra, the people from the neighborhood are here.
01:03:25They're heading to the room.
01:03:27Ceylan, you know what to do, don't you?
01:03:29I don't know.
01:03:30I'm going to pour that coffee on your skirt.
01:03:32Then when you take it to the bathroom and take it out to dry the skirt ...
01:03:36Let's pour fruit juice, Ceylan.
01:03:38Let's not burn the woman.
01:03:42This girl is crazy.
01:03:43Let me tell you, she has the potential to be a gem.
01:03:48I think so.
01:03:57My love, you go.
01:03:58I'm going to the bathroom.
01:03:59Okay, love.
01:04:10Don't you have a fiancee?
01:04:11He went to the bathroom. He'll be right back.
01:04:13Here you go.
01:04:16Well, you surprised us a little bit.
01:04:19Yeah, we're fast.
01:04:21Mr. Nazif, if it's not too special, I'm curious about something.
01:04:25How did you meet?
01:04:27We met on social media.
01:04:29I guess he sent the first message.
01:04:31How do you know?
01:04:33Let's say I threw it.
01:04:48Is there anyone?
01:04:55I've been looking for you for two hours.
01:04:56Why don't you pick up the phone?
01:04:57Nazif does not leave my side.
01:04:59That's why I couldn't open it.
01:05:01I'm going to pull him such a trick ...
01:05:03He's going to tear up the marriage contract.
01:05:07They're doing the magic of the real trick to you.
01:05:11Do you believe it?
01:05:12Hilal thinks more of me than I do.
01:05:15Ring stone you know.
01:05:17So it's so shiny.
01:05:19They just don't have wings.
01:05:20That's all I can say.
01:05:21Yeah, it's summer, of course.
01:05:24It's warm in the air.
01:05:29I said I'd bring something cold.
01:05:31Let's do this.
01:05:32You leave Mr. Nazif's drink.
01:05:35You can bring Hilal's later.
01:05:41Leave Hilal's too, dear.
01:05:42It's coming soon.
01:05:43No, no.
01:05:45So your cold jokes ...
01:05:49I wanted to say it's running out of gas.
01:05:51I don't give up.
01:05:52No problem.
01:05:53I can bring myself again.
01:05:57Okay then.
01:06:00Should I drink this too?
01:06:01Cold, cold goes well.
01:06:25I'm passing your hand right now.
01:06:37Who went to see the prison chief's secret?
01:06:39The lawyers in the bride.
01:06:41Efe and Bora.
01:06:42I watched from afar.
01:06:43God damn it.
01:06:44So we exploded.
01:06:47I don't know what they've found yet, of course.
01:06:49Maybe nothing.
01:06:51Should I try my luck?
01:06:53Run away from there.
01:06:54It's not worth taking a risk.
01:06:56This is a huge law firm.
01:06:58It's not a lie.
01:06:59They care a lot about the case.
01:07:01Brother, the man is a big fish.
01:07:03Very rich.
01:07:04Don't take a risk.
01:07:06We set up a new identity and find a new hunt.
01:07:09Come on, be careful.
01:07:13It went like a rose.
01:07:14My God, my punishments.
01:07:34Is he running away?
01:07:36Oh, he's really running away.
01:07:40Sometimes I think.
01:07:41My God, what kind of good deeds did I do to deserve this?
01:07:44He's running away, he's running away, he's running away.
01:07:46What are you saying, Ceylan?
01:07:47I don't know how, but he knows we're after him.
01:07:49He's running away.
01:07:50Are you sure?
01:08:12What's going on? Can someone explain to me now?
01:08:14It's a long story.
01:08:15Do you have a birthmark on your fiancée's hip?
01:08:17What a weird question.
01:08:18Look, the groom may be right.
01:08:21Do you have a birthmark?
01:08:22I don't know.
01:08:23He said no without getting married.
01:08:24He's very shy.
01:08:35I don't want to interrupt you, but the woman is running away.
01:08:37Let's catch her.
01:08:38If she changes her identity again, we can never catch her.
01:08:40Come on.
01:08:44Let's go.
01:08:49What are you doing, sir?
01:09:15What do you want from me?
01:09:16I don't want anything.
01:09:18But there's something I need to see.
01:09:32So, what does this mean?
01:09:35What's going on, guys?
01:09:45I don't want anything.
01:09:51I don't want anything.
01:09:57I don't want anything.
01:10:05Yes, Mr. Nazif.
01:10:07Your fiancée is a professional bride.
01:10:11She was going to cheat on you like Mr. Önder.
01:10:13Are you sure?
01:10:14Yes, yes, I'm sure.
01:10:17It was tested and approved.
01:10:25Did you check?
01:10:33I wanted to follow you when I saw your eyebrows, Hilal.
01:10:37Did I do the right thing?
01:10:39Or should I call you Ife?
01:10:41What are you talking about?
01:10:43I'm talking about the birthmark that looks like 33.
01:10:48How do you know?
01:10:50I didn't know.
01:10:51But did you learn it now?
01:10:57Your husband wanted me to look at Önder, but I couldn't do it.
01:11:02Please, let me go.
01:11:03I'll give you whatever you want.
01:11:04Do you understand?
01:11:05I'll do whatever you want.
01:11:06Will you do whatever I want?
01:11:10I want to go to Zeminkata.
01:11:13God damn it.
01:11:15No trouble.
01:11:16Look, he'll come back and find you.
01:11:18No trouble, it's a bad thing.
01:11:19Don't do it again.
01:11:31Mr. Abdurrahman.
01:11:32Madam, let's hand him over to the police right away.
01:11:34Of course.
01:11:36I believed you, Hilal.
01:11:38I believed you, Hilal.
01:11:39I believed you.
01:11:40Of course, whatever your name is.
01:11:42God damn you.
01:11:43You fooled me.
01:11:44God damn it.
01:11:45Cut it out.
01:11:47And I can't stand you sneaking around.
01:11:48My problem is enough for me anyway.
01:12:05You haven't answered yet?
01:12:09Did you look?
01:12:10Didn't you look?
01:12:13I guess I won't answer this.
01:12:17If you were in the same situation and I asked you this question, what would you do?
01:12:22Of course I would be angry.
01:12:24Be sure.
01:12:25If you were in the same situation, I wouldn't ask you this question.
01:12:33I would trust.
01:12:34Just like you need to trust me.
01:12:50I didn't understand anything.
01:12:52I mean, did he look?
01:12:54Didn't he look?
01:12:55Shut up, Ceylan.
01:12:56Yes, Ceylan.
01:12:57Please shut up.
01:12:58My sister chose to trust.
01:13:00But I don't understand why Eygidi's Efe was fixing me when the door opened.
01:13:12Did he see the 33?
01:13:14Didn't he see?
01:13:17I said Sanem.
01:13:18Is it written in numbers?
01:13:20You're done, girl.
01:13:21You're done now.
01:13:27I wonder what he's going to tell us again.
01:13:30Give me a spoiler.
01:13:31Did he tell you anything?
01:13:32He didn't tell me anything.
01:13:34At least I'm as curious as you are.
01:13:37What did he tell you?
01:13:38It's very important.
01:13:40You have to come.
01:13:42He told me the same thing.
01:13:43Didn't he say anything else?
01:13:44No, dear.
01:13:45Would he tell me what he didn't tell you anyway?
01:13:48He would never tell this.
01:13:51But you're being rude.
01:13:53What happened, honey?
01:13:54When you were doing emotional massage saying I'm Üvey, I'm Üvey, when I said it, did I become cruel?
01:13:59That's different, dear.
01:14:02I found it.
01:14:03He definitely gave up on getting married.
01:14:05No, of course.
01:14:07Sanem, don't be ridiculous.
01:14:09I guess you met Güneş a lot by the way.
01:14:11He hit you.
01:14:12No, no, sister.
01:14:14It's clear.
01:14:15Sanem's pregnancy head has come.
01:14:19I'm sorry, girls.
01:14:22I'm a little late.
01:14:23Mom, we're dying of curiosity.
01:14:25What are these mysterious attitudes?
01:14:27Tell me, what's going on?
01:14:28Yes, mom.
01:14:30Sit here.
01:14:31Sit in front of me.
01:14:41You sit too.
01:14:47What I have to say is not that easy.
01:14:51That's why I prefer to say it in one voice.
01:14:58I'm revoking Çolpan Cevher Law.
01:15:16Where did this come from?
01:15:18And we saw it once again.
01:15:20Çolpan Cevher never hears the need to consult his daughters when making vital decisions.
01:15:25Yes, mom. Sanem is right.
01:15:27You can't make such a decision alone.
01:15:29At least tell me who you're going to turn to, so we don't have to be surprised.
01:15:35Actually, I was going to do this before.
01:15:39But now...
01:15:41I understand why I couldn't do it.
01:15:46Is it about Mr. Erman?
01:15:48No, no.
01:15:49This is entirely my personal decision.
01:15:52Of course, Erman supported it.
01:16:00It's finally time.
01:16:03To do what I had to do a few years ago.
01:16:13Is that my sister? Are you turning to Azra?
01:16:19Where did that come from?
01:16:22Where did that come from?
01:16:29Who are you turning to?
01:16:35All three of you.
01:16:43All three of you.
01:16:45But you.
01:16:46You're going to wait 10 years, okay?
01:16:49You need to be a little more experienced to get to the bottom of this.
01:16:55I don't understand.
01:16:58Are you giving me a feeling, too?
01:17:01Despite all the things my mother has done.
01:17:03That's your grandfather's office. Of course I'll give it to you.
01:17:11Okay, I'm in charge.
01:17:14Calm down.
01:17:15Calm down, Maria.
01:17:19You are my precious jewel.
01:17:22You have surpassed yourself and me in the past year or two.
01:17:29You are creating miracles.
01:17:31And I believe that you will be much stronger and more successful with your sister.
01:17:40And you are my first child.
01:17:49You will get what you deserve now.
01:17:55I wish you success.
01:17:58I believe that Çolpan Jewel Law will be much more successful and stronger with you.
01:18:07And when the day comes, you will raise more talented lawyers than you.
01:18:15You will hand the flag to them.
01:18:18Just like I did.
01:18:33Come on, good luck.
01:18:37Come on.
01:18:47What are you going to do?
01:18:49Don't tell me that you will take care of my grandchildren.
01:18:53You expect too much.
01:18:55Come on.
01:18:57My name is Çolpan Jewel.
01:19:00I will continue to work until my last breath.
01:19:14Don't be surprised by the mind of the one who thinks the opposite.
01:19:30I love you.
01:19:31I love you.
01:19:32I love you.
01:19:33I love you.
01:19:34I love you.
01:19:35I love you.
01:19:36I love you.
01:19:37I love you.
01:19:38I love you.
01:19:39I love you.
01:19:40I love you.
01:19:41I love you.
01:19:42I love you.
01:19:43I love you.
01:19:44I love you.
01:19:45I love you.
01:19:46I love you.
01:19:47I love you.
01:19:48I love you.
01:19:49I love you.
01:19:50I love you.
01:19:51I love you.
01:19:52I love you.
01:19:53I love you.
01:19:54I love you.
01:19:55I love you.
01:19:56I love you.
01:19:57I love you.
01:19:58I love you.
01:20:11Have a nice lesson, Mr. Çolpan.
01:20:12Thank you, Mr. Taner.
01:20:19Mr. Çolpan.
01:20:23From educational to the library.
01:20:26It's not bad at all.
01:20:29You are a teacher.
01:20:49My son.
01:20:54Look at me.
01:20:58My son.
01:21:04Who? Me, teacher?
01:21:05Yes, you.
01:21:06Your teacher is in class.
01:21:08What are you talking about?
01:21:09Nothing, teacher.
01:21:10My friend asked me something.
01:21:12What's your name?
01:21:13Hasan Ali.
01:21:15I can't hear you. What's your name?
01:21:17Hasan Ali.
01:21:18No one can talk in my class.
01:21:27Get up. You are punished.
01:21:29Until the end of the lesson.
01:21:37And stand on your feet again.
01:21:39I got this idea.
01:21:41Come here.
01:21:44Get up.
01:21:47You must be kidding, teacher.
01:21:51Do I look like I'm kidding?
01:21:53But this is ridiculous.
01:21:55I wouldn't do such a thing.
01:22:01You will stand on your own feet.
01:22:04Or you will leave the class.
01:22:06You will not take my lessons again.
01:22:09The decision is yours.
01:22:10But that means I won't stay in this lesson.
01:22:13You will either stand on your feet...
01:22:15...or you will forget to take my lesson.
01:22:26What are you looking at?
01:22:28Stand on your feet.
01:22:34Come on.
01:22:42Now, stand on your feet.
01:22:44Stand on your feet.
01:22:46Stand on your feet.
01:22:48Stand on your feet.
01:22:50Stand on your feet.
01:22:52Stand on your feet.
01:22:59I will put you all in line.
01:23:04Come on.
01:23:06This is not a cafe.
01:23:08Come on.
01:23:10Don't sleep.
01:23:18Teacher, when will you start the lesson?
01:23:21The lesson has already started, dear.
01:23:52To protect everyone's rights in society.
01:23:55Anything else?
01:23:56You tell me.
01:23:58To protect the order...
01:23:59...and to protect everyone's rights...
01:24:00...in the framework of the laws.
01:24:02You spoke like a book.
01:24:04You are my memorizer.
01:24:05Anything else?
01:24:09To protect everyone's right to life...
01:24:11...and to protect everyone's right to life.
01:24:13Anything else?
01:24:15For justice.
01:24:17That's it.
01:24:19For justice.
01:24:25Have I been fair to your friend?
01:24:29Absolutely not.
01:24:30No, teacher.
01:24:31You have never been fair.
01:24:33It was ridiculous.
01:24:35Why didn't you object?
01:24:39Why didn't you defend your friend?
01:24:44Thank you, Hasan Ali.
01:24:46Come on, sit down.
01:24:48Sit, sit.
01:24:54Yes, I ask you again.
01:24:57Why didn't you defend your friend?
01:25:00But you are a teacher.
01:25:01So you are more authoritative than us here.
01:25:04What could we say to you?
01:25:06A lot.
01:25:08A lot.
01:25:11Friends, you could say a lot to me.
01:25:17Law is important.
01:25:19The subtleties of law are very important.
01:25:25But of course, since you are in this position...
01:25:31...you have a potential in this field, right?
01:25:34We are not discussing this at all.
01:25:36I will teach you something else, friends.
01:25:38Something else.
01:25:42Because without morality, there is no justice.
01:25:49You just accepted my despotism.
01:25:53You will not accept it.
01:25:55When you graduate from this school...
01:25:58...you will be the prosecutors, judges and lawyers of this country.
01:26:04Those who are more powerful than you...
01:26:07...can ask you to make unfair decisions.
01:26:11You will not accept this.
01:26:14I will teach you to say no.
01:26:18Of course, while teaching you this...
01:26:21...I will also learn.
01:26:23Because teaching is learning twice as much.
01:26:28By the way, let me tell you one thing about myself.
01:26:32You should know...
01:26:34...I am a bit shy.
01:26:36Don't let this scare you, okay?
01:26:39Don't go back on what you know.
01:26:47You can be the best teacher in this class.
01:26:51Is that so? Thank you.
01:26:54Thank you.
01:26:56I guess you can be the first one without a cross.
01:27:02May the cross be with you.
01:27:19You will see the energy of the children.
01:27:21They are so bright.
01:27:23I was created to be a teacher.
01:27:26Did you realize that now?
01:27:28What do you mean?
01:27:30We will be late.
01:27:32Come on.
01:27:34Don't you worry a bit?
01:27:36We will miss our own wedding.
01:27:39You found a day to teach.
01:27:41Education does not wait.
01:27:43I wanted it to be a memory.
01:27:45Two days in the palace.
01:27:47If we miss our own wedding, it will be more meaningful.
01:27:50I waited 40 years for this day.
01:27:52Come on, run.
01:27:54I am running.
01:28:21To explain to you what I feel
01:28:26The world becomes a beautiful Eden
01:28:31Every moment I see you
01:28:36I dream of you at night
01:28:42And I think of you when I wake up
01:28:47You are always in my thoughts
01:28:52What I feel is so beautiful
01:28:58I am falling in love with you
01:29:09I want to live only for you
01:29:14And give you my love
01:29:19Days go by and love is bigger
01:29:25What I feel is so beautiful
01:29:33Do you know what is the biggest problem of a wedding?
01:29:37What is it, Güneş?
01:29:39You shouldn't think that everything will be fine.
01:29:43You are exaggerating.
01:29:45Should we go to a doctor?
01:29:47Come on, Güneş.
01:29:53You have applied to our municipality to get married.
01:29:56Do you, Çolpan Cevher, accept Mr. Erman Ersene as your wife?
01:30:07Did he say no?
01:30:09He didn't hear.
01:30:11He didn't hear.
01:30:19I do.
01:30:28Do you, Erman Ersene, accept Çolpan Cevher as your wife?
01:30:38Yes, forever.
01:30:49Do you, Çolpan Cevher, accept Çolpan Cevher as your wife?
01:30:54Yes, we do.
01:30:56We do.
01:31:00My love, how did they come to the age to get married?
01:31:04I don't know.
01:31:34I declare you husband and wife with the authority our municipality has given me.
01:31:47Mom, look at your feet.
01:31:49Look at your feet.
01:31:51Come on, step on it.
01:31:53That's the way it is.
01:31:56Don't believe her. She's cheating.
01:31:58She's cheating. Look at her face.
01:32:05Kiss, kiss, kiss.
01:32:25Are you ready?
01:33:05Mom, my love.
01:33:07My love.
01:33:08I love you so much.
01:33:10My love.
01:33:11My love.
01:33:12My love.
01:33:13My love.
01:33:14My love.
01:33:15My love.
01:33:16My love.
01:33:17My love.
01:33:18I love you so much.
01:33:20Where did this coming from?
01:33:22It came from inside.
01:33:24It came from inside.
01:33:26My love.
01:33:29You caught the flower very well.
01:33:32You caught it very well, right?
01:33:34You caught it very well, right?
01:34:02My love.
01:34:03My love.
01:34:04My love.
01:34:05My love.
01:34:06My love.
01:34:07My love.
01:34:08My love.
01:34:09My love.
01:34:10My love.
01:34:11My love.
01:34:12My love.
01:34:13My love.
01:34:14My love.
01:34:15My love.
01:34:16My love.
01:34:17My love.
01:34:18My love.
01:34:19My love.
01:34:20My love.
01:34:21My love.
01:34:22My love.
01:34:23My love.
01:34:24My love.
01:34:25My love.
01:34:26My love.
01:34:27My love.
01:34:28My love.
01:34:29My love.
01:34:30My love.
01:34:31My love.
01:34:32My love.
01:34:33My love.
01:34:34My love.
01:34:35My love.
01:34:36My love.
01:34:37My love.
01:34:38My love.
01:34:39My love.
01:34:40My love.
01:34:41My love.
01:34:42My love.
01:34:43My love.
01:34:44My love.
01:34:45My love.
01:34:46My love.
01:34:47My love.
01:34:48My love.
01:34:49My love.
01:34:50My love.
01:34:51My love.
01:34:52My love.
01:34:53My love.
01:34:54My love.
01:34:55My love.
01:34:56My love.
01:34:57My love.
01:34:58My love.
01:34:59My love.
01:35:00My love.
01:35:01My love.
01:35:02My love.
01:35:03My love.
01:35:04My love.
01:35:05My love.
01:35:06My love.
01:35:07My love.
01:35:08My love.
01:35:09My love.
01:35:10My love.
01:35:11My love.
01:35:12My love.
01:35:13My love.
01:35:14My love.
01:35:15My love.
01:35:16My love.
01:35:17My love.
01:35:18My love.
01:35:19My love.
01:35:20My love.
01:35:21My love.
01:35:22My love.
01:35:23My love.
01:35:24My love.
01:35:25My love.
01:35:26My love.
01:35:27My love.
01:35:28My love.
01:36:29I had so much fun
01:36:54You danced so well, dear
01:36:57What happened to your guess?
01:37:00Güneş, look at me
01:37:02I'm glad it didn't work
01:37:04What do you think?
01:37:05But it's so weird
01:37:07Because there were all the conditions
01:37:09for an event to happen
01:37:12One, a jewel woman
01:37:14Two, a bride
01:37:17Three, Sanem
01:37:24Because today, Sanem is in jewel mode
01:37:29I guess that's why your guess didn't work
01:37:32Whatever, I'm glad it didn't
01:37:36Thank God
01:37:37Let's go
01:37:38It's late
01:37:40A bride shouldn't be late
01:37:42Let's go
01:37:43Wait a minute, uncle
01:37:44We have one last thing to do
01:37:46and then we'll leave
01:37:55I can't believe we got married
01:38:00Thank you so much for being with us
01:38:03on this special and beautiful day of our lives
01:38:07Mom, dear
01:38:09You're finally happy
01:38:16My dear
01:38:19Give me a kiss
01:38:25Be very happy
01:38:27Thank you
01:38:29Mom, dear
01:38:34There's no cheating anymore
01:38:37Whatever your brain says
01:38:39Come on, partner
01:38:41You're welcome
01:38:45Look at me
01:38:47I don't want any siblings
01:38:49Look at me
01:38:53Let me tell you
01:38:57I hope nothing bad happens to you, mom
01:39:00I hope nothing bad happens to you
01:39:02Thank God, of course
01:39:04Of course
01:39:06Mom, you know I don't like the sun
01:39:10Come, my love
01:39:12Come, my love
01:39:15I hope nothing bad happens to you
01:39:17I hope nothing bad happens to you
01:39:23You've done so much for me
01:39:29Actually, I should thank you
01:39:31You've done so much for us
01:39:35A double agent plan
01:39:38It would be nice if it was two
01:39:46Ceylan has overcome herself
01:39:50If it wasn't for you
01:39:53maybe I wouldn't be alive right now
01:39:56Shut up, what kind of promise is that?
01:39:59Thanks to you, I'll be a lawyer soon
01:40:05You gave me hope
01:40:08You gave me a new life
01:40:10Thank you
01:40:13I love you all so much
01:40:17You're so beautiful
01:40:22I won't cry
01:40:24No, I won't
01:40:26Thank God for you
01:40:28You look so beautiful
01:40:30I hope God makes you both happy forever
01:40:33Thank you
01:40:37Thank you for everything
01:40:47I was going to miss you so much
01:40:52But I don't want to miss you anymore
01:40:55I'm so happy that I got my family back
01:41:00God bless you
01:41:05You said the same thing again
01:41:07Let's go
01:41:09Son-in-law Erman?
01:41:12Who is where?
01:41:14At this age, you can learn a lot
01:41:18He's learning, don't doubt it
01:41:20We saw Tekin when we met
01:41:24It's okay, we'll tell him something
01:41:26Don't miss it
01:41:28He's going
01:41:30Where are you going?
01:41:32I'll see
01:41:43I've been happy for a lifetime
01:41:45You all mean a lot to me
01:41:49Thanks to you, I was able to start over
01:41:54Thank you
01:41:57You revived the fire that I thought was extinguished
01:42:06Thank you all
01:42:12Come, come
01:42:17Look at me
01:42:19Don't touch my daughter's ring
01:42:22Take it
01:42:25Don't worry
01:42:36We have to get rid of him
01:42:38What are we going to do?
01:42:40I'll tell him
01:42:42Yes, tell him
01:42:44I'll tell him when the season starts
01:42:47Oh my dear
01:42:49My dear
01:42:51Uncle Erman
01:42:53I've been happy for a lifetime
01:42:55We'll be together, I promise
01:42:57Thank you
01:43:01My beauties
01:43:05Did you have fun?
01:43:09How nice
01:43:13I'll eat you
01:43:15I'll eat you
01:43:18It's time to sleep
01:43:20Miray, take your sister
01:43:22I'll take you
01:43:24Let's go
01:43:26Let's go
01:43:31I'm so happy
01:43:39You're doing this for me
01:43:45Thank you
01:43:50My daughter
01:43:56You're four
01:43:59Look at me
01:44:01I'll marry you with my own hands
01:44:03Don't worry
01:44:07And our brother
01:44:09He's going to be an asylum seeker
01:44:16Thank you so much
01:44:18My dear
01:44:20I wish you happiness
01:44:22Thank you so much
01:44:24Thank you so much
01:44:26Mr. Erman
01:44:28No, I don't like milk
01:44:36Thanks to this wedding
01:44:39The curse on our family
01:44:41Has been broken
01:44:46We're back
01:44:49You're the best couple I've ever seen
01:44:52After us
01:44:58You never made us feel the absence of our father
01:45:01Thanks to you
01:45:03We never needed a father
01:45:08We realized that
01:45:10You need a companion
01:45:12Too late
01:45:16What does it mean
01:45:18Not to look back
01:45:20Now I understand
01:45:24When I look at you
01:45:26I see a whole
01:45:28And because I'm a part of this whole
01:45:30I'm happy
01:45:32I'm happy
01:45:34Because I'm a part of it
01:45:36I feel very lucky
01:45:40Of course
01:45:42I can't wish you happiness
01:45:46I'm sure you'll be happy
01:45:51Okay, I'm taking back what I said
01:45:53Write us back
01:45:5540 years
01:46:00I think it's my turn to speak
01:46:04When I first came here
01:46:06I thought people wouldn't change
01:46:08I always said that people are what they are
01:46:12I was like that when I first came here
01:46:15But I changed
01:46:17Because people can change
01:46:19You taught me that
01:46:21Love can heal all wounds
01:46:25Being a family
01:46:28Being a brother
01:46:30Being a mother and a father
01:46:32Thank you
01:46:35You taught me all of this
01:46:37One by one
01:46:40I thank you all
01:46:42First you
01:46:46My dear
01:46:50My dear
01:46:52Don't cry
01:46:54Don't cry
01:46:58My dear
01:47:01We'll be together from now on
01:47:03We'll see each other
01:47:08We'll see each other
01:47:11You can call me whenever you want
01:47:13I'll never forget this
01:47:18Everyone said so many good things
01:47:21I don't know what to say
01:47:30The only thing I can say to you
01:47:34You deserve to be happy
01:47:38I love you so much
01:47:50You showed us what real love is
01:47:54I've been waiting for this moment for 40 years
01:47:57I think it's worth it
01:48:00Of course
01:48:03I'm so happy
01:48:07Let's take a photo
01:48:09Come on
01:48:11I'm glad you remembered
01:48:18Come on
01:48:22Come on
01:48:26Who's going to take it?
01:48:30You're so funny
01:48:32Mr. Efe is here
01:48:34Let him take it
01:48:36He's so funny
01:48:38I'll take it
01:48:43I'll take it then
01:48:47You're not here
01:48:49You're right
01:48:51I'll be there then
01:48:55I'm taking it
01:48:57Let's see
01:49:01I'll take it
01:49:06We have one last thing to do
01:49:16Don't be silly
01:49:18No, no
01:49:44Thank you
01:49:46It was so hard
01:49:48I was going to hug you
01:49:50I wouldn't want to hug you
01:49:54Come on
01:49:56I can't joke with you
01:49:58You're making a big deal out of this
01:50:00I'm going to slap you
01:50:02I'm not
01:50:08You think I'm a fool
01:50:14I told him
01:50:16But he is upset
01:50:18What did you tell him?
01:50:20I'm going to divorce you
01:50:22I'm going to divorce you
01:50:26Erhan Bey! Erhan Bey!
01:50:28Erhan Bey!
01:50:30Erhan Bey!
01:50:32Calm down!
01:50:34Calm down!
01:50:36Calm down!
01:50:38One minute! One minute!
01:50:40This can't go on like this.
01:50:42We're going to the family tragedy. We have to go inside.
01:50:44I'll take care of it. I can't do anything without you.
01:50:46I can't.
01:50:50Don't hurt anyone.
01:50:52I'm going.
01:50:56What's going on, kids?
01:50:58What are you doing here?
01:51:02Is there any way to get into the nanny's room?
01:51:04Don't you have manners?
01:51:08But you were fighting.
01:51:10No, we weren't.
01:51:14The season of Sazan
01:51:16has just begun.
01:51:20Were you all going to make fun of us?
01:51:22Were you all going to make fun of us?
01:51:26How did you fall?
01:51:30whoever broke that door,
01:51:32will have it repaired.
01:51:34I don't get it.
01:51:36Is there anything else?
01:51:38We reunited after 40 years.
01:51:40Would we ever fight?
01:51:44One, two, three.
01:51:46Come on!
01:51:52Come on!
01:51:58Come on!
01:52:18Come on!
01:52:36I always tried
01:52:38to be a good mother to my children,
01:52:40to be a good wife
01:52:42to Erman.
01:52:48But the result is loneliness.
01:52:54I don't even know
01:52:56where I made a mistake this time.
01:53:04It's so hard to forget.
01:53:10It's so hard to ignore.
01:53:18I can't believe
01:53:20you did this to me.
01:53:48It's so hard to forget.
01:53:50I can't ignore it.
01:54:06It's so hard to make up for it.
01:54:08I can't even think of it.
01:54:10I tried not to think,
01:54:12but I can't bring myself to think about it.
01:54:14And to think about it
01:54:16We will be able to make a big surprise.
01:54:18When you see the happiness on your face, you will understand that everything is worth it.
01:54:23I hope so.
01:54:27We only have three minutes.
01:54:34I'm stalling.
01:54:35Come on.
01:54:36I'm stalling.
01:54:39Give birth, grow up, give your life.
01:54:42Don't even think about anyone.
01:54:50Hello, Elma.
01:54:52Güya has been waiting for 40 years.
01:54:54He forgot my birthday to marry me.
01:54:59He forgot my birthday.
01:55:01I'll ask you.
01:55:04I'll ask you.
01:55:09Come on, Mr. Elma.
01:55:10Come on.
01:55:12If you have something to say, you have something to see.
01:55:16Thank you.
01:55:19Thank you.
01:55:35I threw it away.
01:55:41I don't know how to finish the job today.
01:55:47I'm so hungry.
01:55:49I'm so hungry.
01:55:52Can you cook for your husband?
01:56:00Did you say food?
01:56:03Did you say food?
01:56:04Do you want food?
01:56:06I'm hungry.
01:56:07I'm hungry too.
01:56:08I'm starving.
01:56:09I'm starving.
01:56:10Why are you angry?
01:56:12I'm hungry, right?
01:56:13Why are you angry?
01:56:14Why are you angry?
01:56:15I'm angry.
01:56:16Don't you know?
01:56:17I don't know.
01:56:18Don't you know?
01:56:19I'll kill you.
01:56:20What's going on?
01:56:21Why are you angry?
01:56:22You're very angry.
01:56:23Why are you angry?
01:56:24I don't know.
01:56:25Leave me alone.
01:56:26Leave me alone.
01:56:27Leave me alone.
01:56:28Leave me alone.
01:56:29Leave me alone.
01:56:30I'm asking you.
01:56:31Why are you angry?
01:56:33Calm down, my little girl.
01:56:35Don't call me a little girl.
01:56:37Elma, today is my birthday.
01:56:45Thank you very much!
01:57:00Happy Birthday to you!
01:57:04Happy Birthday to you!
01:57:13Happy birthday to you!
01:57:18Oh, dear children.
01:57:21What was the need?
01:57:23Don't say, I can't say.
01:57:25My mom doesn't like her birthday at all.
01:57:27Especially the ones that are a surprise.
01:57:31I can't believe it.
01:57:34Ah, where is Sanemler?
01:57:36We're here, we're here mom.
01:57:38We're here mom.
01:57:39I'm sorry Feriha.
01:57:40Feriha, you're so cute today.
01:57:43But anyway, you're doing the wrong thing.
01:57:45Erman, you're more stylish.
01:57:52The most stylish ones are Yıldırım.
01:57:56Right, my pretty aunt?
01:58:14What is this?
01:58:25Come on, make a wish.
01:58:32Everything I want in this life has come true.
01:58:37I love you all so much.
01:58:38Thank you so much.
01:58:54Really, I was sleeping too.
01:58:57What was the need?
01:58:58You're in trouble.
01:59:02We're a very happy family.
01:59:05Even though sometimes a naughty girl comes out.
01:59:09Erman, you're embarrassing me.
01:59:14Don't cry.
01:59:16The beginning of a happy family with love in the dough is Çolpan Cevher.
01:59:22Çolpan Cevher, who raised such a strong, such a smart woman.
01:59:31I'm glad you were born.
01:59:33I'm glad you're here.
01:59:36I'm glad you're here.
01:59:38You showed everyone the virtue of a woman who is strong and strong-footed.
