Britain banned documentary - SILENCED

  • 3 months ago
Britain banned documentary SILENCED

#Britain #documentary - #SILENCED
00:00:00The documentary you're about to watch is the most important documentary I've ever made.
00:00:06This story is far bigger than Tommy Robinson.
00:00:08This is about the weaponization and the politicization of these buildings.
00:00:12Court buildings across the West.
00:00:14The Royal Courts of Justice, ironically named.
00:00:17These buildings have been weaponized and used against members of the public to destroy them
00:00:20if they speak out.
00:00:22From Donald Trump, to Steve Bannon, to Gert Wilders, to Marie Le Pen, to Katie Hopkins.
00:00:27That's what's happening.
00:00:28My job as a journalist, I stand for freedom of speech, I stand for freedom of the press.
00:00:32And I failed.
00:00:33Because three years ago, when I lost a court case in here, and they bankrupt me to the
00:00:36tune of 1.6 million pounds, on a documentary you're going to see, the entire story was
00:00:40a lie.
00:00:42I failed because I should have come out of court and I should have played you that film.
00:00:44Why didn't I play you that film?
00:00:46Because I was given a gagging order by this building, by this judge.
00:00:49I was silenced.
00:00:50And I allowed them to silence me.
00:00:53Because I was scared.
00:00:54I was scared of two years in prison.
00:00:55I was scared of the effect that solitary confinement for that length of time would have on me.
00:00:59I was scared of jihadi gangs in jail.
00:01:01And I was scared of the effect it would have on my family.
00:01:04I failed me, and I failed you.
00:01:06I'm not going to fail myself again.
00:01:09You're now going to watch the best citizen journalism and the most incredible expose
00:01:14of the establishment you've ever seen.
00:01:16The news.
00:01:24It's how we find out what's happening in the world.
00:01:27It's how we form our opinions.
00:01:29Opinions based on facts.
00:01:31That's the key.
00:01:34Facts should be delivered to you by journalists based on the truth.
00:01:39But what if what they're delivering you isn't the truth?
00:01:42What if it's stories that are manipulated to make you think a certain way?
00:01:46To follow a certain narrative?
00:01:48Different people's agendas?
00:01:50And what do they do to those who go against that mainstream narrative?
00:01:54Those who try to expose the truth?
00:01:57This is a documentary about the lengths they will go to to shut down and silence anyone
00:02:04from bringing you, the British public, the truth.
00:02:06I lost my job over this.
00:02:10I don't understand you doing this.
00:02:11He's a nasty little piece of shit.
00:02:13He swung the hockey stick over his head and hit me in the spine with it.
00:02:16Well, it's already in the news.
00:02:18This kid was out unconscious already.
00:02:20That's just malicious.
00:02:21I'm not signing.
00:02:22You're not going.
00:02:23No, because I know what yous are doing.
00:02:24I know what yous are doing.
00:02:25Tommy, I am going to mince your kids, mate.
00:02:31This is a documentary about the unholy alliance between the media, the justice system, and
00:02:36our politicians.
00:02:37How they conspire to suppress free speech.
00:02:39How they pervert democracy.
00:02:41And how the truth and your freedoms are just two of the casualties.
00:02:45We will show how the mainstream media deceives people.
00:02:47How they ignore the truth.
00:02:49How the lies of The Virtue Signaling, BBC, ITV, and Channel 4 are all about their poisonous
00:02:54agenda, no matter the cost to innocent people.
00:02:57It's also a documentary about how an everyday playground incident between two young lads
00:03:02was spun into global news, at a terrible cost to so many people, not least the two young
00:03:08lads themselves.
00:03:10We will show how the law is being abused.
00:03:11How people driven by hateful ideologies attempt to intimidate and silence anyone who dares
00:03:17to challenge the so-called progressive, so-called liberal narrative.
00:03:22We will show the foolishness of our fear-driven political leaders, who jumped on a story,
00:03:28took a side, without knowing the truth.
00:03:30Or worse still, knowing it, but hiding it.
00:03:33Because the truth didn't fit their narrative, regardless of the human cost.
00:03:38And we'll ask three important questions.
00:03:40Firstly, is the media accountable to anyone, in any way, for what they report?
00:03:45Years after the Leveson Inquiry, has anything changed, or do they continue to act with impunity?
00:03:51Secondly, is our legal system still fit for purpose?
00:03:54We will show how lawyers who hate Britain, but loved Jihadi warriors, have weaponised
00:03:59the law system against us, and how the legal system really only works for the rich.
00:04:04And finally, how do we keep our politicians accountable?
00:04:08If the police, the courts, and the state can silence anyone for speaking inconvenient
00:04:13truths, truths that may raise questions about government policy, is the UK any different
00:04:18from China, Russia, or Iran in their treatment of dissidents?
00:04:23And of course, for Piers Morgan, for Jeremy Fine, for the BBC, ITV and Channel 4, it's
00:04:28a tutorial on journalism.
00:04:30Keep watching it, you'll learn a lot.
00:04:39Our story appears to start and end in a brief playground incident at Ormondbury Community
00:04:45School in Huddersfield.
00:04:46A playground scuffle.
00:04:48One boy poured a bottle of water on another child, the school dealt with it, and that
00:04:52should have been that.
00:04:53Three weeks later, however, a video clip of the incident surfaced, and within hours, with
00:04:57the help of lawyers and the ignorant rantings of ITV's Piers Morgan and the BBC's Jeremy
00:05:02Fine, it was made into a global news event, and the lives of so many people were turned
00:05:07upside down.
00:05:09Such playground incidents happen every day.
00:05:11So why was this spat between two boys transformed into global news?
00:05:17One of the boys was white, and the other, a Syrian refugee, at which point the truth
00:05:21of the matter was buried beneath an avalanche of agendas and opportunism.
00:05:26Within hours, the race-hate brigade was sharpening their blades.
00:05:29Clearly when somebody comes from Syria, fleeing Assad's regime, coming to a place like this,
00:05:36when they get treated that way, that's an issue.
00:05:39And the whole world is looking at us.
00:05:41Where are we?
00:05:42We're in Ormondbury.
00:05:43Do I say the scene of the incident?
00:05:46Is it a scene in the incident?
00:05:47It's the scene of the great lie.
00:05:49I call it the great lie because this lie was pushed around the globe.
00:05:54This here is the school where the world was told a Syrian refugee was waterboarded by
00:06:01a racist English bully.
00:06:03I was in a playing field here, and do you know what?
00:06:05This is the first time I've been here.
00:06:07Because when this blew up on the news, it's a child's school.
00:06:10Kids are in school.
00:06:11I didn't come outside here.
00:06:12You'd see the scenes outside here where the imam was here with mobs of men, mobs of Muslim
00:06:18Extremists travelled up from London, such as Ali Dower, to cause a scene outside this
00:06:23kid's school.
00:06:25But I'm here.
00:06:26Why am I here?
00:06:27I'm here because I face a court case.
00:06:28I'm being prosecuted.
00:06:29It's gone to the high court.
00:06:30And I have to prove.
00:06:31I made a video stating that it was a lie, stating that Jamal wasn't innocent, and telling
00:06:35some facts about Jamal beating up girls, an instance that I've been warned about by the
00:06:39members of this community to tell the truth about what happened at this school.
00:06:43I've got to prove it in court.
00:06:45So I've come to Huddersfield.
00:06:46I'm now going to knock.
00:06:47I need to find witnesses.
00:06:48I've got addresses for many.
00:06:50I need to knock and talk to them and see who I can get to come to court to help me prove
00:06:55to you, the public, this is about as much as proving in court, as proving to you, the
00:07:00British public, that I was the only journalist in the country who told the truth about what
00:07:04happened in this community.
00:07:06The story you were told.
00:07:10You were told that a vulnerable Syrian child refugee had been bullied and waterboarded
00:07:14by a nasty white boy.
00:07:15You were told it was a racist attack.
00:07:17You were told of the dangers of far-right extremism.
00:07:21You were invited to agree that this kind of intolerance could not be tolerated.
00:07:25Was he vulnerable?
00:07:27Was it a racist attack?
00:07:29Our evidence shows the answers to both these questions was no.
00:07:32Was the Syrian lad waterboarded?
00:07:34Why was this word used?
00:07:35What about this?
00:07:41Was that waterboarding?
00:07:44Take a look at this.
00:07:45Hey, white girl!
00:07:56So it's a group of non-white children beating up a white girl.
00:08:00It went viral online, but it wasn't touched by the mainstream media.
00:08:05It wasn't made into a global story.
00:08:08Why not?
00:08:09Meanwhile, the usual suspects had lit the fire and were gleefully stoking the flames.
00:08:14Somebody was exposing the scumbag that did this, who I hope gets severe retribution.
00:08:19And of course, the politicians.
00:08:21They're always quick to jump on the bandwagon.
00:08:24Theresa May, Sajid Javid, Naz Shah, Nicholas Soames, Winston Churchill's grandson.
00:08:33Such moral outrage.
00:08:35And it's not just the media and the politicians.
00:08:39In today's Twitter and Facebook-driven worlds, where celebrities and groups compete to virtue
00:08:44signal, most of them driven by the warm feeling they get by expressing their moral outrage
00:08:49or by fear.
00:08:50The fear of what might happen to them if they don't.
00:08:54Everyone who's anyone pumped the Bailey Jamal story.
00:08:58Boxers, Lennox Lewis, Huddersfield Football Club, celebrities from across the globe.
00:09:03Let's have a look at all of the celebrities and blue tick brigade who pumped the Jamal
00:09:10And here are some of the people who pumped the story you watched earlier of the white
00:09:14girl getting beaten up.
00:09:17Sadly, whether it's politicians, celebrities or other groups, none of them are wise enough
00:09:24or pause long enough to ask whether they have the whole story, to check the facts, to find
00:09:30the truth.
00:09:31But why let the truth get in the way of such a good story?
00:09:35And this story was just too good a story.
00:09:38Two lads in a playground, scrap, is not international news, but racist white thug, waterboards,
00:09:44helpless Syrian refugee, boom.
00:09:47Racism can't be tolerated, beware of the far-right.
00:09:51That's their kind of story.
00:09:52We'll hear more about the Miller and Left later, but they clearly weren't going to miss
00:09:56out on this.
00:09:58Well, representing might be too harsh a word, but I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm here as a concerned
00:10:11Mohammed Amin Pandor, a Mufti on a mission.
00:10:13He rushed to Almanbri from his mosque in Bali, a town at the far end of the district.
00:10:17In fact, there's 40 mosques closer to this school.
00:10:21But perhaps Mufti Pandor had his own agenda.
00:10:24You see, his little brother, Councillor Shabbir Pandor, is the leader of Kirklees Council
00:10:28in Huddersfield.
00:10:29And they were having some pretty bad news days at that time.
00:10:32By the way, Mufti Pandor, he's the same guy who ordered the Islamic mob to come to the
00:10:36school in Bali and demand the second of the RE teacher who showed a cartoon of Mohammed
00:10:41in a discussion about free speech.
00:10:43Look, look at what we do as a community and you'd understand our stance.
00:10:47So what has happened is totally unacceptable.
00:10:50And we have made sure that the school understands that.
00:10:52The teacher has been suspended.
00:10:55The teacher has been suspended.
00:11:09You may recall the teacher had to flee and he's still in hiding under police protection.
00:11:14Luckily, he hasn't ended up like Samuel Patti, the French teacher who was beheaded for having
00:11:20a similar discussion in a classroom about free speech.
00:11:24You see, free speech is essential for any society wishing to maintain intellectual and
00:11:28social progress.
00:11:29But not all societies are bothered about intellectual and social progress.
00:11:34Should we be silenced by the demands of Mufti Pandor and Sharia law?
00:11:40Should we sacrifice our freedom of speech?
00:11:43Should we sacrifice the free and open exchange of ideas?
00:11:48Should we sacrifice the cultural inheritance of which we are all custodians?
00:11:53But back to the bad news days in Kirklees and the playground incident in 2018.
00:11:58There was also Kirklees councillor Masood Ahmed.
00:12:02I'm not aware of there's a problem at the school.
00:12:06That's something I need to find out in terms of there is a problem at the school and that
00:12:12is something I will definitely be picking up.
00:12:14Now some of you may remember this.
00:12:16My colleagues are going to explain what's going to happen next, right?
00:12:18Am I being arrested?
00:12:20I am being arrested.
00:12:22I've caused a breach of peace.
00:12:24I'm being arrested.
00:12:26The content of what you're streaming.
00:12:28The content of what I'm streaming.
00:12:30I'm being arrested for breach of peace.
00:12:32I'm being arrested for breach of peace.
00:12:34You've all watched this.
00:12:36You've all watched this.
00:12:38Can you get me a solicitor?
00:12:40Can you get me a solicitor?
00:12:44Can you explain it again?
00:12:46I'm being arrested on suspicion of causing a breach of peace.
00:12:48What does that mean?
00:12:50At the same time as this playground spat between two young lads, 20 Huddersfield men were being
00:12:55jailed across Yorkshire at Leeds Crown Court for what would be the biggest grooming gang
00:13:00Britain has ever seen.
00:13:02Ultimately, 35 almost exclusively Muslim men would be given 380 years in prison for grooming,
00:13:08trafficking and raping young children.
00:13:12Most of whom were known to councillor Pandore's Kirklees Council.
00:13:16Mufti Pandore travelled for half an hour to rabble-rouse a gang outside the school gates
00:13:20over this playground incident.
00:13:22When within a couple of mile radius in Batley, police have arrested a further 99 men in relation
00:13:28to historic sex crimes.
00:13:30So far 32 have been charged, including one Ibrahim Pandore, 41 of Batley.
00:13:36That makes it the highest destination of grooming gang arrests anywhere in the UK.
00:13:41Can we Google to see what Mufti Pandore has said about these grooming gang atrocities?
00:13:47We Googled to see what councillor Masood Ahmed's condemnation?
00:13:52In fact, we can't find the condemnation from the Mufti's brother either, councillor Shabbir
00:13:57Pandore, leader of the council.
00:13:59Just one statement from him, reported in June 2019, telling the National Working Group of
00:14:04Child Sexual Exploitation Response Unit that his authority had moved forward.
00:14:11That's it.
00:14:12They've moved on.
00:14:13Never mind grooming gangs, gang rape of young children, all these men seem to be far more
00:14:17concerned about what happened in a playground at Ormondbury Community School.
00:14:22Or about cartoons of their prophet, Mohammed.
00:14:33I think I now realise how difficult this is going to be, because everyone we've spoke
00:14:37to today, they're all confirming what I said was true, everyone's confirming what Jamal
00:14:40was like, including school staff, but as soon as I mention this camera, as soon as I mention
00:14:46court, I need someone to come to court, they just totally silence straight away.
00:14:50No, no one can know I've said that, no one can know I've said this.
00:14:53If you jump in, it's raining.
00:14:55I'm realising how difficult it's going to be, but I have got an idea for that now, after
00:14:58today, so.
00:14:59But first stop, McDonald's, yeah?
00:15:00Let's go to McDonald's, because I'm starving, it's been a long day.
00:15:03Yeah, I see you on YouTube.
00:15:05Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:15:06Nice to see you.
00:15:07Smaller in real life, innit?
00:15:08Nice to see you, man.
00:15:09Nice to meet you, man.
00:15:10Yeah, no, I'm fine, thank you.
00:15:11Cheers, though.
00:15:12Yeah, thanks, man.
00:15:13No, no, mate, nice to see you.
00:15:14No, thank you, bruv.
00:15:16Steve, how are you, mate?
00:15:18Hi, how are you?
00:15:19I'm good, mate.
00:15:20I'm good.
00:15:21Bro, mate, have you still got all those hidden cameras?
00:15:22Yeah, of course I have, yeah.
00:15:23Can I borrow them?
00:15:24Yeah, but when I say borrow them, can I borrow, I'm going to need to take them for weeks,
00:15:30because I've got so much to do.
00:15:31It's a long story, I'll explain when I see you, but I'm in a bit of a situation and I
00:15:36need some hidden cameras.
00:15:38This is not a problem, I've put some kit together for you.
00:15:42That's it.
00:15:43So that's the idea.
00:15:44The idea is, I've got a friend there, Secret Steve, who has all sorts of cameras, yeah.
00:15:49He's a private investigator.
00:15:51I need to show the public everything that I've heard today.
00:15:54I need the public to hear and know the truth.
00:15:56I need them to know how much they've been lied to by the media about what happened in
00:15:59this town.
00:16:00And the only way, unfortunately, the only way I'm going to be able to do that is with
00:16:04hidden cameras.
00:16:05Because today, I've heard the truth, but I need every one of you to know the truth.
00:16:10And everyone's too scared.
00:16:12That's why I said Project Fear.
00:16:14Everyone is too scared to speak the truth or to come to court.
00:16:17So I'm going to end up getting, I'm going to end up getting hammered in court.
00:16:20The whole world told I've lied, when I haven't.
00:16:23I was the only journalist in the UK who told the truth.
00:16:25So we need to prove it.
00:16:26So we'll shoot down the motorway now.
00:16:28We'll go get these hidden cameras.
00:16:30These are all, so this is a tie.
00:16:34Where's the camera in that?
00:16:36That's the camera.
00:16:37Mad, isn't it?
00:16:39That's the camera there.
00:16:40You've got everything here.
00:16:42Cameras, glasses.
00:16:43I don't wear glasses, so that's going to be awkward.
00:16:45That's the bottom of a coffee cup.
00:16:48So you put that on the bottom of the coffee cup.
00:16:50I feel like James Bond.
00:17:00This today, that's the camera.
00:17:05I'll have to take this off, but it doesn't matter,
00:17:07because apparently this records all the audio, records everything.
00:17:10That's the camera, and I feel a little bit dirty doing this.
00:17:13But it is the only way I'm going to get people to speak.
00:17:17And then I need you to hear what I hear.
00:17:19The idea that people would maraud the streets looking for him was appalling.
00:17:24The fact that the video itself, although it showed the accumulation of things
00:17:31that are built up to that, did not deserve what happened to him
00:17:36or to anybody else in that situation.
00:17:39I'm afraid the media, I call it the perfect storm.
00:17:42I was getting emails from Pakistan, from Australia, from America,
00:17:46telling me to resign.
00:17:47So it went worldwide, and I'm afraid I came into teaching
00:17:53to help poor people.
00:17:55And they got rid of me.
00:17:59I've got a problem here.
00:18:01I lost my job over this.
00:18:04And as a result, the council has told me that I cannot speak to anybody ever about it.
00:18:10So unfortunately...
00:18:12You lost your job over the Jamaican thing?
00:18:16I was there when it happened.
00:18:18I was there when I dealt with all the situation.
00:18:20And then Ostead came.
00:18:24Then Trevor wasn't there anymore.
00:18:26That's all I can say.
00:18:28I can't get a job.
00:18:30So that's where it's left me.
00:18:33And I can live with that, but barely.
00:18:38We're only 15.
00:18:39I can't live with that.
00:18:40That's different.
00:18:41He's a young man with a life that he should be...
00:18:45He's an articulate lad.
00:18:47He's got a lot about him.
00:18:49That's terrible.
00:18:50I can't.
00:18:52If I do, I could get myself into real trouble.
00:18:55I call it really serious trouble.
00:18:57Legal trouble, because part of the council's...
00:19:00You've signed an NDA or something?
00:19:02So they've said you can't discuss it.
00:19:04And what was the NDA?
00:19:05So you keep your pension?
00:19:06So you get a pension?
00:19:08Fucking hell, bruv.
00:19:10I have to be very careful about what I say to anybody.
00:19:13I'm not allowed to talk about it.
00:19:14I really am not.
00:19:15So I can't discuss it.
00:19:17I can't discuss it with the media.
00:19:18I've always wanted to have my say.
00:19:20Against it, yeah.
00:19:21Which I've never had.
00:19:22Never been allowed to have.
00:19:24Never been allowed to say goodbye to my staff.
00:19:26I was just told to leave.
00:19:28So I worked there nearly 30 years.
00:19:31Sorry, 20 years.
00:19:32And never got a card.
00:19:34Never got a goodbye.
00:19:36This whole thing was just used.
00:19:38The whole thing was used to push him over the edge.
00:19:40I was hijacked.
00:19:41And by the right...
00:19:44I'm quite a political person.
00:19:46By the right and the left.
00:19:47It was hijacked and spun all out of proportion.
00:19:51And now we've got problems.
00:19:53But essentially what I've got...
00:19:55What you'll meet is a wall of silence.
00:19:58What a mess.
00:19:59It is a mess.
00:20:00But it's a tragedy.
00:20:02It's a tragedy for Bailey.
00:20:03I'm not sure Jamal will get anything out of this ever in his life.
00:20:07Positive out of it either.
00:20:10He might have got a few silver coins from Judas.
00:20:13But that's about it.
00:20:14You know, that's it.
00:20:15The thing is that the incident happened six weeks prior.
00:20:17Or weeks prior.
00:20:18And then on the same day at the same time,
00:20:20I've looked at the timings.
00:20:21The GoFundMe set up.
00:20:22The statement's released.
00:20:23Now you see you're putting the picture together.
00:20:25And then they've built it up.
00:20:26I couldn't comment on that.
00:20:27But he's got a little picture there.
00:20:29And built it up as a racist incident.
00:20:32He's Syrian.
00:20:33He's English.
00:20:35Job done.
00:20:40Already, that's gold, yeah?
00:20:41I know that's gold.
00:20:42All I hope...
00:20:43I hope that's recorded.
00:20:44I can't turn a computer on.
00:20:45So I just pray that's got the audio.
00:20:48And the visual.
00:20:49And it's not pointing up there.
00:20:50That we've got it.
00:20:51Because that was the head teacher.
00:20:52And that's the first visit.
00:20:54And I know this is going to work.
00:20:55So I now need...
00:20:57I know.
00:20:58Just off that, I didn't think he'd talk.
00:20:59I thought he'd shut the door on my face.
00:21:00He didn't.
00:21:01He seemed like he wanted to talk.
00:21:02There's a lot he wants to say.
00:21:04So, but yeah, let's go.
00:21:05Next dress, yeah?
00:21:08This is exciting.
00:21:10Was there a racism problem in the school?
00:21:12Well, no.
00:21:13I don't think there was.
00:21:15What about other Syrian refugees?
00:21:17Do you think what happened to Jamal in the school
00:21:19was because he was a Syrian refugee?
00:21:21No, no.
00:21:22I told you before.
00:21:23That would have happened
00:21:24if the child was white, big, blue, whatever colour.
00:21:27They're all scared.
00:21:29A lot of careers, aren't there?
00:21:30I work for probation service now.
00:21:32You do now?
00:21:34So I don't know where I stand with it.
00:21:38If I go, I could lose my job.
00:21:41What about if...
00:21:42No, no, I wouldn't...
00:21:43Do you understand what I'm saying?
00:21:44I'll get it, bud.
00:21:45I work for probation service now.
00:21:47You see, if I didn't work for...
00:21:48You see if you were someone's tool.
00:21:49If I didn't work for the fucking public sector no more,
00:21:52I'd say they can go fuck themselves.
00:21:54Do you know what I mean?
00:21:55So they seem to be pretty keen on these NDAs.
00:21:58Who is that?
00:21:59Turkish council.
00:22:00But I can't disclose that with you.
00:22:02Like what?
00:22:05I'm saying I can't disclose it because I signed it.
00:22:08I signed it.
00:22:13was talked about by Theresa May at a G20 summit.
00:22:18Somebody asked her a question about it.
00:22:21We were then off-studded
00:22:23by five of the top inspectors in the country.
00:22:30They only send one registered inspector.
00:22:33We had the head of safeguarding,
00:22:35I had Amanda Spielman, the head of off-stud speaking to me about it.
00:22:40If you want my honest opinion,
00:22:42they said,
00:22:43get up there,
00:22:44this is, I don't know who they is,
00:22:46get up there and shut that school.
00:22:48Get up there and get rid of this.
00:22:50Get rid of the problem.
00:22:51Over the bailey.
00:22:53Over Jamal.
00:22:55Get up there and get rid of it.
00:22:56But why do you think that is?
00:22:57Do you think...
00:22:58Because I looked at Jamal.
00:22:59Jamal, because he came here two years ago.
00:23:00I've got so many negative things said about him now by so many people.
00:23:03Like I'm in so many.
00:23:04I'm in so many.
00:23:06I've got children at school.
00:23:08We had nine Syrian children.
00:23:10Nine families.
00:23:12We were never an issue.
00:23:14Well, my view is
00:23:16that you won't get much of an answer out of Rob
00:23:19because he worked there
00:23:20and he was bound by various confidentialities, so...
00:23:23Non-disclosure agreements.
00:23:25Did he get paid as well?
00:23:26Not going to comment.
00:23:28They all have.
00:23:29Every teacher got paid, not to tell the truth.
00:23:31The head teacher can't even talk about Jamal at all.
00:23:33No, neither can I.
00:23:34Neither can you.
00:23:35Well, if you work it out, it must be a good one, mustn't it?
00:23:39Oh, yeah.
00:23:40Did you work there as well?
00:23:41No, I was the Chair of Governors there, but...
00:23:43So, it's not...
00:23:44My issue is...
00:23:45You're not going to get anywhere with it.
00:23:46No, no, no, yeah.
00:23:47And Rob wouldn't talk to you either, so it's pointless.
00:23:49They're trying to...
00:23:50It's pointless me even giving you this big...
00:23:51But I told the truth.
00:23:52...your contact details.
00:23:55It wouldn't work with me.
00:23:56I told the truth about what happened that day.
00:23:57I am not even arguing.
00:23:58His life was destroyed.
00:23:59Well, that's not fair either, is it?
00:24:01As a racist bully.
00:24:03And he wasn't.
00:24:04I know.
00:24:05And I both know that.
00:24:06I know.
00:24:07But the truth is just...
00:24:09How much money was it?
00:24:10I can't see the figure, because if I see the figure, it goes out.
00:24:19How much, mate?
00:24:22I've just found out...
00:24:24Well, the headteacher's told us already that he was blackmailed and threatened.
00:24:28I've just found out off Kumar.
00:24:31He was paid £18,000.
00:24:34He said, I can't say.
00:24:36I signed.
00:24:37I was paid.
00:24:38He said, paid what?
00:24:39He was paid money by the local council,
00:24:42so he can't tell the truth about what's going on in that school.
00:24:46They've given everyone non-disclosure agreements.
00:24:48From school staff, to governors,
00:24:51and Paul Kumar to get £18,000.
00:24:54He's not even involved.
00:24:55If you live here, if you live in this area,
00:24:59He's got £18,000.
00:25:00What must the headteacher have got?
00:25:02He must have got six figures.
00:25:04How much money have they spent on this lie?
00:25:06We put in a Freedom of Information request to Kirklees Council
00:25:09to find out exactly how much they'd spent of taxpayers' money
00:25:13to get the silence of their staff.
00:25:16They didn't answer the first request.
00:25:18They avoided the second.
00:25:20Only when we sent them legal letters,
00:25:22because they have to, by law, answer these questions,
00:25:25did we get our answer.
00:25:27They'd spent over a quarter of a million pounds.
00:25:30Nearly £275,000 of taxpayers' money
00:25:35was spent making people remain silent.
00:25:38But they've spent money silencing everybody,
00:25:41so no one can ever,
00:25:42this is forever, once you sign that agreement,
00:25:44no one can ever tell the truth.
00:25:46While they push this manufactured lie
00:25:48that destroyed lives, schools, communities, everyone's life,
00:25:52I've seen life after life after life,
00:25:53person after person's life destroyed,
00:25:55while the council, your local council, Kirklees Council,
00:25:58give away hundreds of thousands of pounds
00:26:00to make sure that the truth can never be told.
00:26:04I can't believe it.
00:26:06I knew from day dot, I asked myself the question,
00:26:08when this was blowing up and I knew the truth,
00:26:10I kept saying, how come no teacher's telling the truth?
00:26:12If all those teachers know what's gone on in that school,
00:26:14how come none of them are coming out and saying,
00:26:17well, now we know.
00:26:19Now the whole world's going to know.
00:26:21Because Kirklees Council paid them not to.
00:26:35Jamal was in your year?
00:26:36Yeah, he was in the same year as me.
00:26:39What was Jamal's attitude like at school?
00:26:43He wasn't very nice.
00:26:44He called female teachers bitches.
00:26:48He just didn't really have respect
00:26:51for the female students, to be honest.
00:26:55Yeah, basically, we were in a PE lesson
00:26:58and we were playing hockey with a teacher called Mr. Cattell
00:27:03and I had taken the hockey puck off of Jamal
00:27:07because I was on the other team
00:27:09and sent it to the other side of the room
00:27:11where my teammates were and I then turned around
00:27:14and just felt a really sharp pain in my back
00:27:16and he'd swung the hockey stick over his head
00:27:18and hit me in the spine with it.
00:27:22Do you think there's any way that could have been an accident?
00:27:26It knocked me to my knees.
00:27:28It knocked you to your knees.
00:27:30How long had Jamal been at school when this happened?
00:27:33About two weeks.
00:27:35I've had lasting injuries from it.
00:27:37It's caused me to have severe pain in the top of my back
00:27:43and I'm on medication for the pain.
00:27:46Still now?
00:27:49Did Jamal get in trouble for this?
00:27:51Not that I'm aware of.
00:27:53First, I want to apologise to anyone I've been forced to record
00:27:56with a hidden camera.
00:27:57Sadly, people are terrified to tell the truth
00:28:00because of the potential consequences
00:28:02but the truth still needs to be told.
00:28:05Do you remember of any incidents specifically with Jamal with girls?
00:28:10Well, remember that one where he hit that girl with the hockey stick, wasn't it?
00:28:15Yeah, Charlie.
00:28:17I don't think I've ever heard of him.
00:28:18Yeah, you must have.
00:28:19Lovely little girl, that.
00:28:21It was just rude to him, obnoxious, bloody nasty.
00:28:27No respect for our ladies, no respect for girls.
00:28:31I expected everybody to bow down to him.
00:28:35Because he was to the side of me so he tried pushing me
00:28:39so I quickly moved out of the way
00:28:41because obviously I knew what he was like.
00:28:42He would have actually hit me and stuff.
00:28:44So I moved and that's when he moved his arms
00:28:46if he was going to try and slap my face back.
00:28:50But on that day, he spat at you multiple times?
00:28:54Where'd the spit go?
00:28:55Literally all over me and the front of my side
00:28:57and all down my school bag.
00:28:58Because when I went home, I told Mum and Mum were disgusted in it
00:29:01but the school said that because it was outside of school times
00:29:04they probably didn't know much about it.
00:29:07He was a nasty little piece of shit.
00:29:09Was he?
00:29:11And I told you to listen to that when she hung me.
00:29:15Horrible boy.
00:29:16Was he?
00:29:18And it's all that.
00:29:19What was he like at school then?
00:29:23Everybody and anybody.
00:29:24He had no respect for women at all.
00:29:29Did he even snap?
00:29:31No respect for them?
00:29:33I told you to listen to all this on the phone.
00:29:36Jamal grabbed him by his tie and just threw him against the wall
00:29:40and she kept throwing him against the wall.
00:29:42This kid was out unconscious already.
00:29:44That's just malicious.
00:29:45That's just intent to kill.
00:29:48Were they?
00:29:49They had a young lad and a girl
00:29:54and they were absolutely horrendous.
00:29:58The kids, they were just horrific.
00:30:01The couple of kids that they had, they used to bully the kids.
00:30:05See, what was Jamal like then?
00:30:08A dickhead.
00:30:09Was he?
00:30:10He came to isolation a few times.
00:30:12He wasn't a perfect child.
00:30:13No, no.
00:30:14He was betrayed?
00:30:15Well, you know what job I did, don't you?
00:30:16He was in isolation?
00:30:18Yeah, yeah.
00:30:19In isolation loads of times.
00:30:20Was he?
00:30:22What was he like then?
00:30:23Troublesome child.
00:30:29He used to make up fucking stories.
00:30:31He used to make up stories?
00:30:33At one stage, I think he said something to do with his sister.
00:30:39Somebody said something to his sister and I was in isolation.
00:30:41I just got come out and he was waiting outside isolation and wanted to beat the girl up or something.
00:30:46I can't remember.
00:30:47He wanted to beat the girl up?
00:30:49I said something to his sister.
00:30:50Just one second.
00:30:51Yeah, no problem.
00:30:52Yeah, no problem, mate.
00:30:53He used to lie.
00:30:55Lie a lot.
00:30:57But this whole thing was built off what he said and if he lied a lot it's a big problem.
00:31:01What's that?
00:31:02He was quite a violent person at one point.
00:31:04He was a violent person?
00:31:07Started the year below and he was the year above.
00:31:10He used to, every time I walked past him, he'd grab me and...
00:31:13Every time you passed him?
00:31:14What happened with you and him?
00:31:23What was that over?
00:31:25Nothing over?
00:31:28Every day?
00:31:29Every day?
00:31:32But when you saw him?
00:31:34Did he just attack you?
00:31:39Is he like that with lots of kids?
00:31:42Not really, no.
00:31:43Just certain kids?
00:31:46So he thought he could?
00:31:51What, did he just randomly attack you?
00:31:55What about, your mum said something about he put something in between his hands?
00:32:00Oh yeah.
00:32:01It was a compass.
00:32:02I remembered it yesterday.
00:32:03It was just as he went.
00:32:04It was a compass.
00:32:05It got a compass and he was going around like...
00:32:08When he got to me he went proper hard into me, made me bleed and everything.
00:32:11And I think it was Miss Ennis that proper gave him a telling off.
00:32:17You know you said, so say like that incident there, you said some girl said something to Jamal's sister
00:32:22and he what, waited outside to beat her up?
00:32:24Well there are testimonies from several children who allege they were being bullied by him.
00:32:28Younger children.
00:32:29Little girls.
00:32:30Mostly girls.
00:32:32Is Jamal the innocent victim?
00:32:34You've been told.
00:32:35I gathered these testimonies over just a few hours filming in Huthersfield.
00:32:39I could have carried on.
00:32:40Yeah he was waiting outside isolation to beat the girl up.
00:32:43And about the lies.
00:32:44Yeah I say about Jamal he used to tell fibs, several times got investigated
00:32:49and it just fucking turned out to be fucking lies.
00:32:51The fact he always lied is a big point.
00:32:53The fact that you know that the police, the school investigated incidents where he said things happened
00:32:58and they turned out to be made up.
00:33:00Yeah it was fibs.
00:33:01It couldn't have happened.
00:33:02It couldn't have happened because I think one, the child wasn't even in school got accused.
00:33:08I can remember.
00:33:09Oh my God.
00:33:11Oh my God.
00:33:12I'm sure he accused another guy called Jaden, I can't remember his last name.
00:33:16Called what?
00:33:19He accused Jaden of something.
00:33:21I mean mis-investigated.
00:33:23They were fucking bollocks.
00:33:24Not very likeable really.
00:33:27You know about what he was going to do to his sisters and what have you.
00:33:30Who? Terry Bailey?
00:33:31To Bailey and to Huthers.
00:33:33Oh and to Huthers.
00:33:34But not a very nice boy.
00:33:36When you say what was he going to do to his sisters?
00:33:38Well he told Bailey he was going to rape them.
00:33:40Told Bailey he was going to rape his sister.
00:33:42And I've tried to argue that it was in the public's interest for them to know the truth about Jamal.
00:33:46Bailey was just retaliating.
00:33:49You know which most people don't want somebody threatening their own sisters.
00:33:53But Jamal seems like, every kid I've spoke to that he attacked was younger.
00:33:59Do you remember who Jamal?
00:34:01Yeah, that's what I'm finding out.
00:34:02That's what I remember.
00:34:03He said he was going to stab him, I think it was the science or something.
00:34:06But I remember he said yeah, so he goes to come and then, what are you saying now?
00:34:10Because that thing of him getting caught with a knife in school.
00:34:12It's like, what?
00:34:13Caught with a knife and a screwdriver?
00:34:15Bailey gets expelled for pouring a bottle of water?
00:34:18What the fuck?
00:34:19Surely he gets...
00:34:20Have you got a statement on that?
00:34:21No, because there's things missing.
00:34:23But I've got his dad mentioning it in the minutes of the meeting.
00:34:26His dad mentions it in the meeting with the school.
00:34:28His dad mentions about them catching him with a knife and a screwdriver.
00:34:31There you are.
00:34:32His dad brought it up.
00:34:33I've got it in black and white.
00:34:34You've got a good case there.
00:34:36I've got it, yeah, he got caught with a knife.
00:34:37They can't deny it.
00:34:38You see, the truth was there for the media.
00:34:41It was there for celebrities and politicians to see.
00:34:44They could have told you the truth at the time,
00:34:46before some of you gave over £160,000 of your money to the poor victim, Jamal.
00:34:52Well, not so poor anymore.
00:34:54But none of this was true.
00:34:56A key part of this case is that I reported what I was told.
00:35:00Before my involvement in this story,
00:35:02a mother went online and said her daughter had been attacked by Jamal.
00:35:06I contacted that mother.
00:35:08She sent me images of her daughter.
00:35:10She said her little daughter was beaten by three Muslim girls
00:35:13and that Jamal jumped in and bit her daughter on the head.
00:35:17She sent me the images of the bite marks on her daughter's head.
00:35:21I said, can I speak to you? Can I interview you?
00:35:24I rang the mother, but the child was too scared to talk to me.
00:35:29She's scared.
00:35:31Oh, no, everyone's scared.
00:35:33A girl went online and said that she had been attacked by Jamal.
00:35:38Both of these victims deleted their comments. Why?
00:35:42Both of these victims had gone online and reported this
00:35:44before my involvement at all in this case.
00:35:47I simply reported what they were saying.
00:35:50We revisited the mother's house to try and get confirmation
00:35:53as to why she backtracked on the story she had put out
00:35:57and the story she had told me.
00:35:59I don't care if you're driving. Tommy Robinson's here.
00:36:02Tell him not to worry. Don't worry.
00:36:04He said, don't worry.
00:36:06So when you put online about Jamal, what happened?
00:36:12What was the response to that?
00:36:17What do you mean?
00:36:19I mean, did you receive...
00:36:21Did I receive threats? Yeah, I did.
00:36:24What sort of threats?
00:36:26All sorts. All sorts, Tommy. All sorts.
00:36:31What I'm trying to understand is, is that...
00:36:35Because what I've looked at...
00:36:37Jamal's solicitors are using a statement that you made
00:36:41saying that Jamal had nothing to do with it,
00:36:45but was that, I'm asking,
00:36:47was that in response to the threats you received?
00:36:51Yeah. It was. OK.
00:36:56It was just a liar.
00:36:58Jamal telling fibs all the time.
00:37:00Several times investigated,
00:37:03found out that he was talking fucking shit.
00:37:05I don't think the whole...
00:37:06But then I read Jamal reading what was blatantly
00:37:08a prepared statement on the news.
00:37:10I don't feel safe at school.
00:37:11Sometimes I say to my dad,
00:37:13I don't want to go to school anymore.
00:37:15I was just crying and I didn't do nothing
00:37:17because I respect the school rules.
00:37:19Yeah, he used to break rules all the time.
00:37:21Yeah, he used to lie. He used to lie a lot.
00:37:23He lied several times.
00:37:25He lied several times. I caught him several times lying.
00:37:28He's suing me for defamation for what I've said about him.
00:37:30And I'm finding out after teacher, after teacher, after teacher,
00:37:33he's far worse than what I said. Far worse.
00:37:36I mean, like, far worse.
00:37:38He was put up on a pedestal by every single media outlet.
00:37:41Politicians, footballers, celebrities, boxers, everybody.
00:37:46He's suing me for defamation for what I've said about him.
00:37:48All I'm knocking on the door and asking,
00:37:50teacher, after teacher, after teacher,
00:37:52is what was Jamal like?
00:37:54And it's just flowing.
00:37:56It's just boom.
00:37:59And he was far worse than anything I said. Far worse.
00:38:05I find it insane.
00:38:07Because there is no way that all the things I'm now finding out,
00:38:11that no other journalist has found this out.
00:38:14They must have known what he was like because it hasn't been hard.
00:38:29But I reported poor Bailey was disgusting.
00:38:32He really was.
00:38:34Because that's what I spoke to loads of people who said,
00:38:36no, Bailey wasn't a bully.
00:38:38No, he wasn't. He wasn't racist.
00:38:40His mum had a bit of a go, don't get me wrong,
00:38:42because they live up here.
00:38:44Bailey wasn't like that.
00:38:46He had two half-caste sisters.
00:38:48I know.
00:38:50But Bailey wasn't racist.
00:38:52Far from it.
00:38:54He wasn't a bully. He was a good lad.
00:38:56Oh no.
00:38:58I see him, and I'm wearing it,
00:39:00and I always say, oh yeah, no, she's a bad lad, you know.
00:39:04Because he got betrayed.
00:39:06The way the media portrayed it was that Bailey was a horrible racist kid.
00:39:08And that Jamal was an innocent little refugee.
00:39:10He wasn't.
00:39:12Far from it.
00:39:14So you were told Bailey was a bully.
00:39:16And he was a racist.
00:39:18He wasn't a saint in school.
00:39:20He'd be the first to admit that.
00:39:22But he wasn't a bully. Or a racist.
00:39:24The police concluded there was nothing racist about the scuffle.
00:39:26Yet you were told he was vermin.
00:39:28You were told he needed to be dealt with.
00:39:30He was vilified by the media, by politicians,
00:39:32and by celebrities.
00:39:34Bailey a bully.
00:39:36Bailey a racist.
00:39:38Not according to his teachers and other children.
00:39:40Not according to his head teacher of his school.
00:39:42He is. He was a 15-year-old kid.
00:39:44And he would have been, could be,
00:39:46have a great future.
00:39:48He's a very articulate lad.
00:39:50He's got a lot of issue about justice.
00:39:52Yeah, I think, you know,
00:39:54I could have seen him being a lawyer or something like that
00:39:56because he has that in him.
00:39:58Really? Yeah.
00:40:00And he would stand up for his peers
00:40:02in school when he felt things weren't
00:40:04fair enough.
00:40:06Yeah. You know, he would do that.
00:40:08I just want to tell the truth about Bailey.
00:40:10His life was destroyed.
00:40:12Well, that's not fair either, is it?
00:40:14As a racist bully. And he wasn't.
00:40:16And I both know that.
00:40:18But the truth is just...
00:40:20But Bailey didn't even get to sit his GCSEs
00:40:22because of this campaign
00:40:24of hate. This perversion
00:40:26of the truth. What about Jamal's broken arm?
00:40:28Which the world was told
00:40:30was because of bullying.
00:40:32Meh, that was a lie. School incident
00:40:34reports record that he had been
00:40:36punching a much younger child in the face
00:40:38while holding him in a headlock.
00:40:40And he was pushed off him, fell
00:40:42and broke his arm. The police considered
00:40:44the incident to have been dealt with properly.
00:40:46You were picking...
00:40:48I don't know who somebody
00:40:50pushed him to get him off.
00:40:52He started calling my mum a white fat bitch
00:40:54and then he like...
00:40:56He started calling your mum, eh? A white fat bitch.
00:40:58A white fat bitch. And then I
00:41:00went up to him and then he
00:41:02like I chucked a bottle at him
00:41:04and then he put me in a headlock and then my mate
00:41:06pushed him off me.
00:41:08And I believe that's how he broke his arm. Yeah.
00:41:10So he had you in a headlock? Yeah.
00:41:12So he physically assaulted you? Yeah.
00:41:14He said he called your mum
00:41:16a white bitch? Yeah. Is that sort of
00:41:18terminology he uses a lot?
00:41:20Yeah. Yeah.
00:41:22There were all sorts of misconceptions like the fact that he had a broken arm.
00:41:24Oh, I've got
00:41:26two independent witnesses, Terry. No, he hit
00:41:28a year 8 kid.
00:41:30And another kid in year
00:41:3211 stepped in and said, what are you doing? Pushed him
00:41:34over. Broke his arm.
00:41:36Who he had in a headlock.
00:41:38It must have been just the start of year 11.
00:41:40Put this kid in a headlock. One of my friends
00:41:42weren't having it. Didn't like how
00:41:44he was behaving.
00:41:46Grabbed him and just threw him off him.
00:41:48Like anyone do, break up a fight,
00:41:50they just throw him off him. But this
00:41:52wasn't a fight. This was just an all out brawl
00:41:54one-sided. Completely one-sided.
00:41:56Because this kid had no match against
00:41:58Jamal. Just threw him off him and he landed on a curb.
00:42:00How big was the kid?
00:42:02Jamal was in year 11?
00:42:04Half the size of Jamal easily.
00:42:08He was 12 and Jamal was 15.
00:42:10But he was kind of like half
00:42:12size-ish, kind of like up to shoulders kind of thing.
00:42:14But he still had no match against him.
00:42:16And my friend just grabbed him,
00:42:18threw him off him, he landed on a curb.
00:42:20And that was about it.
00:42:22So I've read it reported in by Jeremy
00:42:24Vine and in the newspapers that
00:42:26that was an incident of Jamal being bullied.
00:42:30Exact opposite. He was bullying
00:42:32this kid.
00:42:34So you see people thought that was all part of it.
00:42:36But that's because you know why they...
00:42:38How can somebody be thrown to the floor with a broken arm?
00:42:40Do you know why they thought it was part of it?
00:42:42Because the solicitor said it was.
00:42:44No. That's not true.
00:42:46That genuinely is not true.
00:42:48I could even name, I won't, but I could name the child
00:42:50in year 8 that he did it to.
00:42:52And I could name the child in year 11 that
00:42:54stepped in.
00:42:56Because basically the school was a
00:42:58pretty good place. Kids had good values.
00:43:00So if you saw a bigger kid hitting
00:43:02a little kid,
00:43:04you'd step in and say, what are you doing?
00:43:06You're off him.
00:43:08Do you know what he said to the year 8 kid?
00:43:12Called his mum a white slag.
00:43:16Now you say it, yes he would have done that.
00:43:18And that would have been incredibly
00:43:20provocative for him.
00:43:22Even in his statement to court, Jamal claims
00:43:24they were forced to relocate from Huddersfield
00:43:26for their own safety, to a different
00:43:28part of the country.
00:43:30Really? Because the records say
00:43:32there was no racial motivation
00:43:34and there was no threat at home.
00:43:36That's what the records say.
00:43:38And this is why the authorities
00:43:40refused to move them.
00:43:42And while all this was going on, records also
00:43:44show that his dad, Jihad,
00:43:46yeah, his dad's name
00:43:48is Jihad, he'd threatened to kill himself
00:43:50if the rest of his family weren't brought in from Syria.
00:43:52It's not surprising that some authorities
00:43:54expressed concerns that Jihad Hijazi
00:43:56was trying to manipulate the system
00:43:58to get what he wanted, including
00:44:00better housing. You were not
00:44:02told the truth, the whole truth and nothing
00:44:04but the truth. You weren't told anything
00:44:06approaching the truth by the mainstream
00:44:08media. And in
00:44:10Jihad's holy war statement to the
00:44:12court, Jihad said that he wished
00:44:14he had died in the war
00:44:16with his family, rather than go through
00:44:18what happened at Ormondbury
00:44:20Community School.
00:44:24He wished he was dead and all his family were
00:44:26dead, rather than go through this school playground
00:44:28incident. Listen to the clip again.
00:44:30Say no then.
00:44:32Say no then.
00:44:34Say no then.
00:44:36Listen to what Bailey's
00:44:38saying. He's asking Jamal repeatedly.
00:44:40What are you saying now?
00:44:42It wasn't a random attack. It wasn't
00:44:44a racist attack. Bailey didn't
00:44:46threaten to stab Jamal. The playground
00:44:48incident was not the beginning of the
00:44:50story. It was a culmination
00:44:52of many events. Not least,
00:44:54it was a response to Jamal's alleged
00:44:56threats to rape Bailey's
00:44:58younger sisters.
00:45:00They're about nine years old
00:45:02at the time of this. So how's it
00:45:04go at that school when you saw the portrayal of
00:45:06what happened with Bailey
00:45:08and him?
00:45:10Because he was painted as this innocent little kid.
00:45:12He wasn't innocent. He started living.
00:45:14And I used to see him bully Bailey's
00:45:16little sisters and stuff.
00:45:26Everybody was exposing the scumbag
00:45:28that did this, who I hope gets
00:45:30severe retribution. I hope his parents
00:45:32take action. Never mind anything else.
00:45:34What are you producing
00:45:36here with this vermin
00:45:38doing what he's doing here? That's not
00:45:40Britain. That's not what we do as a country.
00:45:42You can hear him there describe Bailey
00:45:44as vermin. Words are important
00:45:46when you're on a daytime platform
00:45:48and people listen to what you say.
00:45:50What do you do to vermin?
00:45:52You exterminate. You kill it.
00:45:54Low life?
00:45:56Called him a thug.
00:45:58But worst of all, he demanded
00:46:00severe retribution
00:46:02against this child.
00:46:04At the same time as this, Jeremy Vine was reporting.
00:46:06He didn't tell people the bully's
00:46:08name, although he was finding it hard not to.
00:46:10Name a child.
00:46:12Instead he told his followers where they could find
00:46:14that name. Now this is
00:46:16a direct response of both
00:46:18of you reporting. Because when
00:46:20you reported, you can follow the timeline
00:46:22and the repercussions
00:46:24of what that bore.
00:46:26What I've done here, in 2018
00:46:28there's a charity called Tell Mama
00:46:30that records Muslim hate incidents.
00:46:32Even though they've been
00:46:34in the past penalised
00:46:36for exaggerating the figures,
00:46:38let's work off their figures.
00:46:40They say there are over a thousand hate
00:46:42incidents, with 325
00:46:44of them being online.
00:46:46Some of them Islamophobic, which means
00:46:48criticising Islam as well.
00:46:50Here I've printed a piece of paper
00:46:52for each one of those
00:46:54hate incidents.
00:46:56327 hate incidents
00:46:58online against
00:47:00the entire Muslim community
00:47:02of the UK in 2018.
00:47:04The 325
00:47:06Islamophobic comments, they're the ones
00:47:08you read about on the news every day.
00:47:10They're the ones people are in jail for.
00:47:12They're the hate incidents the media
00:47:14keep shoving down your throat.
00:47:16So each piece of paper here
00:47:18represents a hate
00:47:20comment aimed at a
00:47:22child after a playground
00:47:26I want to read these now, and Piers
00:47:28you demanded severe retribution.
00:47:30That's what you demanded
00:47:32against this child.
00:47:34Let's see
00:47:36if you're happy
00:47:38with some of this.
00:47:40I pray someone rapes you and your whole family
00:47:42while you watch.
00:47:44Fuck your mother, fuck
00:47:46your love, the Syrians will rape your
00:47:48family. If I saw you
00:47:50I would rape you to death.
00:47:52You'll be raped
00:47:54by the Fallujah group.
00:47:56I hope your mother will
00:47:58not be racist when she is raped.
00:48:00I'm going to
00:48:02bum your nan alive
00:48:04then dead her again.
00:48:06And the threats of rape, all of these threats
00:48:08of rape, imagine being these children.
00:48:10Imagine being a 15 year old child
00:48:12living in Huddersfield with your
00:48:14little sisters. Muslim men are jailed
00:48:16in the biggest scandal in the history
00:48:18of our country for mass rapes
00:48:20in that town. And then you're receiving
00:48:22and you're reading these messages.
00:48:24You're going to die. You're going to
00:48:26fucking die. We're going to strangle your mum,
00:48:28your dad, your friends.
00:48:30I'll kill your whole family.
00:48:32I can't wait to find you so I can slit
00:48:34your throat. You're the person who
00:48:36should be killed in those ISIS videos.
00:48:38You, your parents and your whole
00:48:40family have to be burned.
00:48:42Do everyone a favour and fucking
00:48:44off yourself. Looking at you
00:48:46makes me want to commit suicide.
00:48:48Go commit suicide
00:48:50you oxygen
00:48:52thief. Jump off a bridge
00:48:54bro. Do
00:48:56humans a favour and kill yourself. We don't want you
00:48:58and you don't belong in this world.
00:49:00Again, imagine being that child
00:49:02reading them. Piers,
00:49:04is that severe enough
00:49:06for you? This is
00:49:08a mental health record
00:49:10for Bailey McLaren.
00:49:12He was referred to Luton Cams by Luton
00:49:14and Dunstable psychiatry liaison
00:49:16on the 31st of December 2018.
00:49:18Reason, patient involved in
00:49:20incident in Huddersfield and has been relocated
00:49:22to Luton with family. Patient unable to
00:49:24cope with not returning home
00:49:26and has taken an overdose.
00:49:28So this
00:49:30lie, this narrative,
00:49:32this agenda
00:49:34which comes before anything else
00:49:36by the politicians,
00:49:38by the media that was pumped.
00:49:40This child,
00:49:42it doesn't matter.
00:49:44His life didn't matter. You know if he killed himself
00:49:46no one would have cared. We wouldn't have
00:49:48heard condemnation from any of the politicians
00:49:50or from any of the media.
00:49:52No one cared because
00:49:54everyone from start to finish in this
00:49:56story is collateral damage
00:49:58so long as they have the narrative.
00:50:00And Piers,
00:50:02you have a son, you have children.
00:50:06severe retribution against a child
00:50:08for a school playground dispute
00:50:10is unforgivable.
00:50:12You sit there and you preach.
00:50:14You preach against
00:50:16us. You make your accusations against me.
00:50:18Never have I labelled
00:50:20Muslim children as vermin.
00:50:22Never have I demanded my followers
00:50:24to commit severe retribution against anybody.
00:50:26And this is what the media, the politicians
00:50:28and the celebrities created.
00:50:30Aided and abetted by the left wing activism
00:50:32and the selective indignation of Islam.
00:50:34Hypocrites out there might say
00:50:36Who cares?
00:50:38That's what he deserved, right?
00:50:40Imagine for one moment if I had incited
00:50:42violence against a young Muslim lad.
00:50:44In the reversal of this situation.
00:50:46And you see, in a district
00:50:48where a generation of young girls have been
00:50:50raped, these threats are far from empty.
00:50:52What do you think, if you were working in the school
00:50:54at that time, what do you think the media would have done?
00:50:56I think the media would have
00:50:58fucking blew it out of proportion.
00:51:00I don't know.
00:51:02But then the media run that Jamal was being bullied.
00:51:04You see,
00:51:06he used to complain that he used to be bullied.
00:51:08There was another, I think,
00:51:10Kirklees guy
00:51:12that came, that Jamal
00:51:14that Jamal said
00:51:16somebody was going to knife him
00:51:18or something.
00:51:20I think that should be on record.
00:51:22Yeah, yeah.
00:51:24I think when we investigated,
00:51:26I think it was a load of bollocks.
00:51:28I'm gathering that by reading the school records.
00:51:30He made accusations
00:51:32when they were investigated.
00:51:34Yeah, and there were a lot of bollocks.
00:51:36It lied.
00:51:38Now ITV, Piers Morgan.
00:51:40You used your platform to incite hatred
00:51:42of a young child.
00:51:44No time for facts or the inconvenient truth.
00:51:46Surely you must have known the truth.
00:51:48Because within a few hours of the story breaking,
00:51:50I was receiving dozens of messages
00:51:52from parents, pupils and staff
00:51:54saying there was much more to the story
00:51:56than met the eye.
00:51:58So I did what any journalist could have done.
00:52:00Should have done.
00:52:02I asked questions.
00:52:04Were you just being lazy?
00:52:06Was it willful blindness?
00:52:08Or are you just incompetent, Piers?
00:52:10And the BBC's Jeremy Vine.
00:52:12To you personally,
00:52:14was it clinical cowardice?
00:52:16After all, you didn't reveal
00:52:18the white boy's name.
00:52:20You just told everyone where to find it.
00:52:22On Twitter.
00:52:24Were you afraid of being sued?
00:52:26Although it wouldn't have been the BBC
00:52:28Or was this your Pontius Pilate moment?
00:52:30Condemning a child whilst
00:52:32washing your hands of any responsibility?
00:52:34Because that's what you did.
00:52:36And you didn't seek the truth either.
00:52:38Piers, Jeremy, your lazy,
00:52:40inept reporting was not without consequence.
00:52:42As we will see.
00:52:44You incited hatred, you succeeded.
00:52:46And that's contempt.
00:52:48Your actions, not Bailey's,
00:52:50led to Bailey and his family being driven
00:52:52from their home in the middle of the night.
00:52:54Like the very refugees you claim
00:52:56you care about.
00:52:58The hate you incited was off the scale.
00:53:00Men with machetes had arrived at the school.
00:53:02Gangs were roaming the streets
00:53:04looking for Bailey.
00:53:14West Yorkshire police told Bailey's mum
00:53:16that the terrorism threat had been raised
00:53:18to red.
00:53:20They had intelligence of people coming from Bradford
00:53:22to get Bailey and his family.
00:53:24Rather than deal with a threat,
00:53:26they moved Bailey and his family
00:53:28to a place of safety.
00:53:30So, whilst one child
00:53:32had the support of the whole country,
00:53:34had the support of the Prime Minister,
00:53:36Sajid Javid,
00:53:38the local football club,
00:53:40everyone rallying behind this child,
00:53:42£160,000 donated to him,
00:53:44the other child,
00:53:46in this incident,
00:53:48his family were driven from their home.
00:53:50Threats, groups of men looking for him,
00:53:52violence against him.
00:53:54And the police, the police stopped the mum.
00:53:56So the police took the family, the police went and got the family
00:53:58to get them out of their house
00:54:00through imminent danger
00:54:02and they were taking them to relocate them
00:54:06Let's have a look.
00:54:08The night inn.
00:54:10This is the accommodation
00:54:12that Bailey's mother
00:54:14with two nine-year-old sisters
00:54:16and children
00:54:18were being relocated to.
00:54:20It's a one-star hotel
00:54:22where rooms are rented by the hour
00:54:24next door to a brothel.
00:54:26The imam,
00:54:28who brought a mob of men up to the school,
00:54:30he has three mosques
00:54:32within a stone's throw
00:54:34of where we're standing now.
00:54:36Bailey's mother, through her sense,
00:54:38looked up this hotel,
00:54:40saw it was owned by Muslims,
00:54:42read the reviews that it's a prostitute racket,
00:54:44drug hole,
00:54:46and got out of the police meat wagon
00:54:48to take them to safety herself.
00:54:50But this is where Kirklees Council
00:54:52were housing
00:54:54those children and that family.
00:54:56This is the most Muslim-populated
00:54:58area of Leeds.
00:55:00That family were taken
00:55:02to so-called safety,
00:55:04surrounded by mosques
00:55:06in what is a Muslim ghetto.
00:55:08Which is why I'm getting bibbed.
00:55:10I'm going to cause a scene now.
00:55:12We went to see from neighbours
00:55:14what it was like at the time of the incident.
00:55:16I think it was a BMW S5.
00:55:20And there were about six
00:55:22boys and lads in it.
00:55:24They threatened to firebomb the house.
00:55:30They threatened to shoot
00:55:32To shoot the mum?
00:55:34The mum.
00:55:36They threatened to
00:55:40the kids.
00:55:42What, they came outside and done all that?
00:55:44Shout and scream.
00:55:46Well I saw the video because
00:55:48a neighbour had shared it.
00:55:50And then I saw on the Yorkshire Live
00:55:52them making Bailey out to be
00:55:54really horrible and that Jamal
00:55:56was a poor little victim and it wound me up.
00:55:58So I commented on it.
00:56:00The victim wasn't a victim.
00:56:02He hit me in the back with a hockey stick.
00:56:04And then within the space of two hours
00:56:06I had about 250 comments saying that I was
00:56:08lying, that I must have been excluded
00:56:10from the school because I'm a liar.
00:56:12Just horrible comments like that.
00:56:14None of them believe in me.
00:56:16And did you take the comment down?
00:56:20I didn't want to but my mum was worried
00:56:22for repercussions so she asked me to
00:56:24take it down so I did.
00:56:26This is the area that Kirklees Council
00:56:28thought it was the right place to send a child
00:56:30and his family who were wanted at the time.
00:56:32The main imam outside
00:56:34their school with mobs of Muslim men
00:56:36looking for them and this is
00:56:38where they decided to send them.
00:56:40They basically dropped them
00:56:42in their backyard.
00:56:44That's what they were doing.
00:56:46This is the hotel.
00:56:48This is, I believe, a four-star hotel.
00:56:50That is
00:56:52totally full of illegal immigrants.
00:56:54This is across the country
00:56:56so the point to make is that illegal immigrants come here.
00:56:58Young fighting age men.
00:57:00Not families, not children.
00:57:02And this is where councils
00:57:04house them. Let's have a look.
00:57:06Hello boys.
00:57:08How you doing?
00:57:10Do you mind if I ask, what country are you from lads?
00:57:12I do not speak English.
00:57:14You do speak English.
00:57:16Just what country are you from?
00:57:20Iran, okay.
00:57:22Kurdistan, Iran, okay. Nice call man.
00:57:24I'm just seeing. Is the hotel full?
00:57:28You enjoying it here?
00:57:30Nice hotel, nice food.
00:57:32Healthy food.
00:57:34Healthy food. It looks like a nice hotel.
00:57:36How many people are in here?
00:57:38I think 200.
00:57:40Lots of children?
00:57:44I think
00:57:46half of the children.
00:57:48No children?
00:57:50No, not many children.
00:57:52But it's a nice hotel.
00:57:54It is a nice hotel.
00:57:56If you look at where the other family
00:57:58were being housed in Beeston
00:58:00and you compare it to this
00:58:02four-star hotel
00:58:04four-star hotel, nice food
00:58:06as our friend says.
00:58:08Healthy food.
00:58:10Hello bro.
00:58:12How you doing?
00:58:14We're off now mate.
00:58:16We're done now.
00:58:18Do you know what they have in here?
00:58:20They have a full-time doctor and nurses.
00:58:24My dad tried to get a doctor's appointment earlier.
00:58:26Couldn't get one.
00:58:30The food's bad?
00:58:32Is it free?
00:58:34Yeah, it's free.
00:58:44They closed our school.
00:58:46As soon as the media
00:58:48and all that died
00:58:50they sent in chief inspectors.
00:58:52Chief inspectors of f***ing Upstate.
00:58:54We knew they were going to fail it
00:58:56on every f***ing thing they could think of.
00:58:58I have customers
00:59:00who have friends
00:59:02in the media
00:59:04who tried to explain to them
00:59:06There's a lot more to this.
00:59:08All of that
00:59:10and the Upstate and you know
00:59:12the whole shebang, but it was never picked up.
00:59:14Apart from my reporting
00:59:16there was not a single media statement
00:59:18giving the other side of this story.
00:59:20The staff knew, other pupils knew.
00:59:22They could have exposed the lie.
00:59:24Why didn't they?
00:59:26The incident, I always quote the incident.
00:59:28The incident has reoccurred.
00:59:30It's come to my door.
00:59:32They said you can't talk about it.
00:59:34Because you've got a non-disclosure agreement.
00:59:36They're not satisfactory.
00:59:38So that was the reason they triggered it.
00:59:40They were even not free to tell you the truth.
00:59:42Or they were terrified
00:59:44of the consequences.
00:59:46And as for so-called journalists
00:59:48some can't find the truth.
00:59:50Some won't tell the truth.
00:59:52And some, they're afraid of the truth.
00:59:54But me, as a journalist
00:59:56it is my job to present you
00:59:58the truth.
01:00:00If you want my honest opinion
01:00:02they said, get up there
01:00:04I don't know who they is
01:00:06get up there and shut that school.
01:00:08Get up there and get rid of this.
01:00:10You see, when the media and politicians decide to kill a story
01:00:12when they decide to hide the truth from you
01:00:14they'll do whatever it takes.
01:00:16They shut down the school.
01:00:18It's gone.
01:00:20Everyone lost their jobs.
01:00:22You see, once this lie about
01:00:24a racist attack had gone global
01:00:26the truth could never be allowed to come out.
01:00:28The real truth, that a young Syrian refugee
01:00:30was struggling to fit into his new environment
01:00:32was problematic.
01:00:34His allegedly abusive and violent
01:00:36conduct towards teachers and children
01:00:38was allowed to run unchecked.
01:00:42Did the school authorities turn a blind eye
01:00:44rather than be accused of victimising the boy?
01:00:46Of being racist towards him?
01:00:48They stayed silent.
01:00:50The truth may have triggered accusations of racism
01:00:52or sparked discussion about immigration policies
01:00:54the challenges of achieving
01:00:56the successful integration
01:00:58of migrants we welcome into the United Kingdom.
01:01:00And the need to take those challenges seriously.
01:01:02You see,
01:01:04Jamal was one of 20,000 Syrian refugees
01:01:06who come to the UK
01:01:08as part of the United Nations Resettlement Programme.
01:01:10The government could not allow their policies
01:01:12to be examined and the consequences
01:01:14and their incompetence
01:01:16to be exposed.
01:01:18And if you don't think the government is incompetent
01:01:20you ain't been paying attention
01:01:22to anything.
01:01:24Priya Patel has been talking tough, really tough
01:01:26on controlling our borders for years
01:01:28and yet we have boatloads of illegal
01:01:30economic migrants being escorted
01:01:32across the English Channel
01:01:34and put into these luxury accommodation
01:01:36at your expense.
01:01:38This ineptitude does nothing
01:01:40for the refugees who come here legally
01:01:42who we welcome into England.
01:01:44Refugees who are trying to integrate
01:01:46and make a new life here.
01:01:48The rage directed at
01:01:50all Syrian refugees.
01:01:52That's who.
01:01:54When in fact, there are many families
01:01:56of Syrian refugees in the area.
01:01:58We're told, all of them delightful,
01:02:00working hard to settle and integrate
01:02:02into the country they can now call home.
01:02:04I spoke to
01:02:06multiple refugee families.
01:02:08In the school, problem,
01:02:10my children,
01:02:12no any problem.
01:02:14No problems with your children?
01:02:16You've had a good experience in the school?
01:02:18I used to have two friends
01:02:20and they don't care where
01:02:22from country I come or anything.
01:02:24And when I spoke English,
01:02:26it was about one month
01:02:28we've been here and I used to not
01:02:30speak English very much.
01:02:32So they used to tell me how to speak
01:02:34and now I'm in year 8 and I know
01:02:36how to speak English and I made
01:02:38more friends and now I'm fine.
01:02:40And you're fine? No problems?
01:02:47I don't feel safe at school.
01:02:51Sometimes I say to my dad,
01:02:53I don't want to go to school anymore.
01:02:55I was just crying and I didn't do nothing
01:02:57because I respect the school rules.
01:02:59Who told Jamal to go on camera
01:03:01and say this? Who arranged
01:03:03the media tour?
01:03:05Who encouraged him to take legal action?
01:03:07He was originally going to sue the school
01:03:09for not looking after him
01:03:11and then decided to sue me instead.
01:03:13Who told him to put this in his
01:03:15statement to the High Court?
01:03:17You see, Jamal doesn't like to break
01:03:19the school rules. Here's the problem.
01:03:21This is his behaviour record.
01:03:23Almost a hundred codes for bad
01:03:25behaviour, truancy, verbal
01:03:27abuse to teachers, physical violence
01:03:29towards pupils and lying.
01:03:31Yeah, there's plenty
01:03:33for lying. You see,
01:03:35I haven't got all of Jamal's school records.
01:03:37Large sections of documents I was given
01:03:39were blacked out.
01:03:41We tried to get access but we weren't
01:03:43allowed. And the lawyers wrote to
01:03:45the court to explain they had
01:03:47misplaced documentation.
01:03:49And finally, as you
01:03:51can hear, the lawyers decided
01:03:53what they were going to allow me to see.
01:03:55Whilst I was preparing my defence,
01:03:57Jamal's lawyers decided
01:03:59what I could see. And this global
01:04:01news story wasn't an accident.
01:04:03It was all carefully planned.
01:04:05You see, the day before the video went
01:04:07viral, a GoFundMe page was set up
01:04:09for Jamal. And the video went viral
01:04:11the day after a criminal record
01:04:13check come back on Jamal.
01:04:15Why would his lawyers do a criminal
01:04:17record check? Well, they had
01:04:19to make sure this was a financially
01:04:21beneficial exercise. It wasn't going to be
01:04:23derailed by an unhelpful
01:04:25pass. 15-year-old Jamal?
01:04:27His record was clean, by the way.
01:04:29Muhammad Akunji, the jihadist
01:04:31lawyer of choice, was immediately
01:04:33on the global media blitz.
01:04:35Listen, I'll be Akunji himself. I'm after
01:04:37him for my own reason.
01:04:39Right, okay.
01:04:41Nothing sinister, though, is it? Oh, fuck, no,
01:04:43no, journalistic. Oh, journalistic,
01:04:45oh, that's good. Oh, no, no, no, no, fuck, I'm
01:04:47totally journalistic. I want to get all the background
01:04:49on him. You reckon he, you reckon
01:04:51he was a member of that?
01:04:53Yeah. Al-Midra Haroon
01:04:55are a prescribed terrorist
01:04:57organisation. Almost 60%
01:04:59of terrorists in British prisons
01:05:01are ex-members of this
01:05:03organisation. They kill,
01:05:05they murder, they slaughter.
01:05:07That is the organisation
01:05:09that Muhammad Akunji and his
01:05:11brother were allegedly,
01:05:13according to this top mainstream
01:05:15Muslim British journalist,
01:05:17they were members of it.
01:05:19How does a Syrian lad find himself working
01:05:21with a jihadist lawyer of choice
01:05:23before this video even went out?
01:05:25Before anyone has seen this viral video,
01:05:27within two weeks the lawyers have been made
01:05:29the beneficiaries of the GoFundMe
01:05:31page of £160,000.
01:05:33A plan to sue the school?
01:05:35That's put on hold. And a plan to sue
01:05:39The libel was launched.
01:05:41What riches
01:05:43had these lawyers promised Jamal
01:05:45and his family? School
01:05:47records were edited.
01:05:49Migration Yorkshire clamoured to make this
01:05:51playground fight about race and hate.
01:05:53They contacted the Home Office
01:05:55as soon as they heard about this playground fight.
01:05:57Yeah, the Home
01:05:59Office, a playground scuffle.
01:06:01Why are they contacting the Home Office instantly?
01:06:03Someone went further.
01:06:05You see, we had this school
01:06:07incident report analysed by a
01:06:09graphologist, someone who analyses
01:06:11handwriting. It appears
01:06:13to show that a second person
01:06:15with very different handwriting doctored
01:06:17the report to allege that
01:06:19Bailey had threatened to stab
01:06:23Even though all the witness reports mentioned there was only one teacher
01:06:25there, so only one teacher could have done an incident
01:06:27report. So, with the careful
01:06:29planning of the jihadist's favourite
01:06:31lawyer, and the enthusiastic support
01:06:33of some useful idiots, it was possible
01:06:35for the lies to go round the world twice
01:06:37before the truth had
01:06:39had a chance to put his pants on.
01:06:41I now need to mention
01:06:43other repercussions of what happened in
01:06:45Ormondbury. I was being sued for reporting
01:06:47the things that were said to me about Jamal.
01:06:49I had to defend myself.
01:06:51The judges had already ruled
01:06:53that I was not allowed to argue what was in the public's
01:06:55interest for people to hear a different
01:06:57perspective of Jamal. I had to
01:06:59prove that the information reported to me
01:07:01was true.
01:07:03That's not the kind of burden placed
01:07:05on Piers Morgan or Jeremy Vine. Piers
01:07:07can describe Bailey as vermin, without being
01:07:09held to account. And who is
01:07:11behind propagating this deception and the
01:07:13lawsuit against me? You see,
01:07:15this is where we get to meet the most
01:07:17sinister part of the unholy alliance.
01:07:19All sorts of people are helping
01:07:21out, but leading the posse from the front
01:07:23is the jihadist lawyer of choice.
01:07:25He represented Shamina Begum.
01:07:27You know the jihadi terrorist
01:07:29that's out in Syria?
01:07:31He represented, I think, Michael Adel Belagio,
01:07:33Lee Rigby's killer.
01:07:35I think he's even had to change his name because he's got such a
01:07:37terrible track record.
01:07:39So this is the lawyer who's
01:07:41suing me. And who the
01:07:43media celebrated that he had
01:07:45served me papers, even though
01:07:47I wasn't in the country. If you've pillaged,
01:07:49if you've plundered, if you've raped and you've
01:07:51beheaded, and you say you've done it
01:07:53in the name of Islam,
01:07:55well, these are the lawyers for you.
01:07:57The lawyers who stepped forward for ISIS-bide
01:07:59Shamina Begum, who've been fighting to get her
01:08:01back into our country, who defended
01:08:03Michael Adel Belagio, who beheaded
01:08:05Lee Rigby. This
01:08:07is Mohamed Akunji. And his
01:08:09colleague, Farouk Bajra, who's been
01:08:11banned from claiming legal aid.
01:08:13Yeah, banned from claiming legal aid for
01:08:15putting in fraudulent expense claims.
01:08:17Let me rewind a bit. Let's go back a few
01:08:19weeks. There's an important piece of
01:08:21background information to this.
01:08:23I don't know the full ins and outs of it,
01:08:25but, basically,
01:08:27to inform, the group call
01:08:29themselves Antifa
01:08:31UK. Heard of them? Yeah.
01:08:33To be honest, I kind of haven't.
01:08:35And Antifa Dundee
01:08:37basically says they're planning to
01:08:39possibly kill Tommy Robinson.
01:08:41Because they know where he lives and want to silence
01:08:43him. They've got their hands
01:08:45on, it says, they've got their hands
01:08:47on some AK-47s,
01:08:49make petrol bombs and stuff.
01:08:51Allegedly say
01:08:53they're going to put these
01:08:55petrol bombs through your door
01:08:57when he sleeps.
01:08:59They say they're also planning to attack a few MPs.
01:09:01Now, at the height of
01:09:03tensions with multiple Osmond warnings,
01:09:05they now take back
01:09:07the radar phone. The one
01:09:09option we have to go
01:09:11direct to the police. And they're
01:09:13removing it at this current moment.
01:09:15Where are you from?
01:09:17I'm from
01:09:21police unit that Carla
01:09:23works with. Carla and I work
01:09:25closely together.
01:09:27So what did you just say, basically,
01:09:29the radar phone or whatever it is,
01:09:31the emergency phone,
01:09:33we'll be taking that back.
01:09:35You'll be taking that back.
01:09:37Those phones are designed for...
01:09:39Are you for real?
01:09:41So when there's a heightened threat and people
01:09:43have come to the house and the address has been put out where my kids
01:09:45are, you're then going to take the panic phone
01:09:47back. It's Christmas 2018, the police
01:09:49come to my family's home to tell me that people
01:09:51in Antifa, a far-left violent
01:09:53extremist organisation, are planning to
01:09:55kill me and my family.
01:09:57See, who were the first to comment on
01:09:59this video? Well,
01:10:01Mohammed Akunji of Faruq Bajranko, of course,
01:10:03the jihadist lawyers of choice, but also
01:10:05Mike Stutchbury, an independent
01:10:09and Antifa activist.
01:10:11So the jihadist lawyers knew
01:10:13Antifa were planning to kill me,
01:10:15then actually commented on the video
01:10:17of the Osman warning.
01:10:19You see, what happened next
01:10:21is interesting, although not
01:10:23interesting to the Solicitors Regulation Authority
01:10:25or the Law Society.
01:10:27The people who should be interested in the
01:10:29integrity of our lawyers.
01:10:41So two lawyers who know
01:10:43Antifa are planning to kill me.
01:10:45Seek out an Antifa extremist,
01:10:47hire him for one day, just one
01:10:49day, and send him to
01:10:51livestream the serving of papers to my
01:10:53home, my family's home.
01:10:55Papers which had already been served, by the
01:10:57way, with a gang.
01:10:59When my wife and children were there,
01:11:01when they knew I was abroad,
01:11:03lawyers commissioned the Antifa extremist
01:11:05to broadcast my home address
01:11:07in order, as they put it,
01:11:09to cause a spectacle.
01:11:11The law firm or the lawyer who's
01:11:13been, you know, sort of taking the lead
01:11:15on the Tommy case, wanted to make sure,
01:11:17doubly sure, that
01:11:19A. Tommy got the
01:11:23actually went out two different
01:11:25ways, and he wanted to make a bit of a spectacle
01:11:27out of it. This is all very,
01:11:29amusing. A group supported
01:11:31by Mike Sturtsbury
01:11:33came to the home that
01:11:35my wife and children were in
01:11:37on a Sunday afternoon, when I
01:11:39wasn't even in the country.
01:11:41So let's have a look at Mike Sturtsbury,
01:11:43who calls himself a journalist,
01:11:45who promoted this event,
01:11:47who shared it and encouraged it,
01:11:49who found it amusing that my
01:11:51wife was so scared she had to
01:11:53ring the police. My wife has been sat down and
01:11:55told in her home that Antifa are planning
01:11:57to kill her. They're planning to
01:11:59kill our family and harm our family.
01:12:01She's been told that she may get acid in her
01:12:03face. Well, how do you think
01:12:05she felt on a Sunday afternoon, whilst
01:12:07my children are playing outside on their bikes?
01:12:09To be told that Antifa
01:12:11were on their way
01:12:13to our home. Let's have a look at Mike
01:12:15Sturtsbury, the man that sent them.
01:12:17Here he is, self-admitting
01:12:19that he is part of Antifa.
01:12:21Here he is, promoting violence
01:12:23against his opposition. Punch them,
01:12:25punch them, punch them.
01:12:27Here he is, hoping that
01:12:29buses full of Antifa get shipped in
01:12:31to smash people's skulls in.
01:12:33Here he is, calling for white
01:12:37Mike Sturtsbury is an
01:12:39extremist. He's a far
01:12:41left extremist who currently
01:12:43is playing a victim.
01:12:45He encouraged people to
01:12:47come and he sent people
01:12:49and was part of an organisation
01:12:51that communicated together
01:12:53to send people to the home
01:12:55where my wife and children were
01:12:57when I wasn't there. He even
01:12:59crowdfunded to support
01:13:01them in their action.
01:13:03He was looking at various people
01:13:05and eventually he came on to
01:13:07Dick Cochlan
01:13:09I can't say it properly
01:13:11who is a
01:13:13YouTuber who has made videos about Tommy
01:13:15for almost
01:13:1710 years, I think. He's a real
01:13:19critic. I don't know if you've
01:13:21checked him out, but he's a funny guy.
01:13:25sort of
01:13:27got red hair.
01:13:29He's an ex-crackhead
01:13:33And who is this Antifa extremist hired to come to
01:13:35my kid's home?
01:13:37Keep watching.
01:13:51I went up to where
01:13:53and I said, right, we'll take that from you.
01:13:55We'll make sure he gets it.
01:13:57And later that night, the Antifa extremist hired by
01:13:59their lawyers had a message
01:14:01for me and my children.
01:14:05And on that note,
01:14:07on that happy note,
01:14:09oh, by
01:14:11the way, Tommy, I am going to
01:14:13mince your kids, mate.
01:14:15Let's have a look at the man that they sent.
01:14:17The man that you can see the Muslim lawyer hand
01:14:19in privileged documentation
01:14:21giving this
01:14:23man my children's
01:14:25home address.
01:14:27Fully aware of the
01:14:29serious danger my family
01:14:31are in. And he hands
01:14:33them my children's address.
01:14:35They then come
01:14:37to my children's home. My wife
01:14:39gets a phone call. My children run
01:14:41off the drive. They lock themselves
01:14:43in the house. They ring emergency
01:14:45999 call for the police to
01:14:47come. They press panic buttons.
01:14:49They need support because
01:14:51Antifa are coming.
01:14:53They came. They told the Muslim lawyer. He's fully aware
01:14:55they're coming to live stream where
01:14:57my family are. They live stream
01:14:59and dox the name of the road.
01:15:01They dox the door number.
01:15:07The man specifically chosen, he was chosen.
01:15:09He says in his own video.
01:15:11The lawyer in this case was a guy called
01:15:13Mohammed Sanimi
01:15:15Akundra who works
01:15:17for a solicitors in London called
01:15:19I shit you not Farouk
01:15:21Bajwa and Co.
01:15:23He's a solicitors of London.
01:15:25I get asked by this guy
01:15:27that they've decided
01:15:29that they're going to, Tommy
01:15:31is going to be served legal
01:15:33papers so he can be
01:15:35sued by this family.
01:15:37And they ask
01:15:39me do I want
01:15:41to be the one to go along
01:15:43to serve the legal
01:15:45documents. Let's have a look at who
01:15:47Dick Coughlin is. Let's have a look at some of the things
01:15:49he said. Here
01:15:51he is promoting hatred against black people.
01:15:53Serious, this is a crime.
01:15:55The comments he makes are a crime.
01:15:57Here he is promoting
01:15:59hatred against Pakistanis.
01:16:01Here he is
01:16:03singing a song promoting
01:16:05antisemitism. Singing a song
01:16:07about lampshades being made out of Jewish people's
01:16:09skin from
01:16:11the Holocaust.
01:16:21A self-confessed
01:16:23racist antisemitic crackhead
01:16:25was sent to my
01:16:27children's property.
01:16:29He talked about raping my wife
01:16:31in her skull socket.
01:16:33He talked about my children being fed
01:16:35for a meat grinder.
01:16:37He talked about burning
01:16:39my house down
01:16:41whilst masturbating
01:16:43with my family in it.
01:16:45Now, other than to terrorise
01:16:47me and my family
01:16:49Now, other than to terrorise
01:16:51my wife and children, why
01:16:53would any sane person do this?
01:16:55It worked.
01:16:57Tipped off by a friend who saw
01:16:59the gang on livestream approaching, my
01:17:01ex-wife hit the panic button and
01:17:03barricaded herself and our children
01:17:05in a bedroom. The police thankfully
01:17:07responded in time.
01:17:09And these are exactly the same tactics
01:17:11being used against
01:17:13the unbelievably courageous
01:17:15children in Ulmbri.
01:17:17Threats of violence and rape against children
01:17:19who are willing to stand with me in
01:17:21defence of the truth at the High Court
01:17:23of London. The video
01:17:25release, media, GoFundMe,
01:17:27Antifa, it all happened
01:17:29at the same time. It was coordinated
01:17:31and it was about hate
01:17:33and making money. And how that far-left
01:17:35activist, who appears to be an antisemitic
01:17:37Jew-hating, black-hating
01:17:39racist, came to my home
01:17:41with his gang and
01:17:43threatened to kill my children.
01:17:45These lawyers, the mainstream media,
01:17:47they don't care about refugees.
01:17:49They don't care about Jamal.
01:17:51They don't care about the truth.
01:17:53Say that bloke who made the video, saying he's going to kill the kids.
01:17:57If you didn't do it, I know
01:17:59100% you didn't give a statement.
01:18:01I know I was there.
01:18:03You didn't give a statement about that. She complained about it.
01:18:05She contacted
01:18:07a member, it would have been the liaison officer at the time,
01:18:09to ask
01:18:11if he was arrested. I found out his address and I gave
01:18:13you all the information for him.
01:18:15So even now, say now,
01:18:17looking at that, can he be arrested now then?
01:18:19I don't know what happened
01:18:21with the previous report, because when we search
01:18:23on our system that we currently use,
01:18:25I can't see any
01:18:27crime report that was linked to it.
01:18:29You see, the next day,
01:18:31knowing I'd been provoked with threats
01:18:33against my ex-wife and my children,
01:18:35no doubt thinking they would catch
01:18:37me conspiring to commit violence
01:18:39and lock me up on a conspiracy charge.
01:18:41Here, outside
01:18:43my ex-wife's house, men in a
01:18:45car that has never been registered
01:18:47check the registration plate, so presumably
01:18:49from the security services, with
01:18:51listening devices recording what's being said
01:18:53in my home. The involvement
01:18:55of the security services may explain why
01:18:57Dick Coughlan, the man who publicly
01:18:59threatened to murder my children,
01:19:01has never even been spoken to
01:19:03or arrested, despite
01:19:05my wife's complaints.
01:19:07What are you doing? Show me who's in the back of your car.
01:19:09There's no one in the back of the car.
01:19:11So what are you doing then? We're not here
01:19:13anything to do with you. What are you doing then?
01:19:15What do you think we're doing?
01:19:17I think it's something to do with me.
01:19:19Who's your ex-wife?
01:19:23So what are you doing? And there is someone in the back, I know there's someone.
01:19:27So what are you doing here?
01:19:31I don't know who you are, that's all.
01:19:33Go on, tell me what you're doing.
01:19:35Can you tell me what you're doing here?
01:19:37Because essentially, I've got threats
01:19:39against me.
01:19:43So what are you doing here?
01:19:47If I turn that off, are you going to tell me what you're doing?
01:19:49Who's in the back of your car?
01:19:51Who's in the back of your car? You're not going anywhere.
01:19:53You're not going nowhere.
01:19:55I'm not moving.
01:19:57Let me see who's in the back of your car. Tell me what you're doing in my house.
01:20:01I want to know what you're doing. That's all I want to know is what you're doing.
01:20:03I've got police officers sat
01:20:05in a recording van.
01:20:07In the back of this van is a recording station.
01:20:09I'm not standing, you're not going anywhere.
01:20:11I know what you're doing.
01:20:13I know what you're doing.
01:20:15They're sat in the back of their van, this is recording devices.
01:20:17The whole of this back thing,
01:20:19because he just opened it up when I got him out.
01:20:21The whole of this back thing is recording.
01:20:23What this is, has been a set up.
01:20:25These police officers are setting me up.
01:20:31It's a set up.
01:20:33They're setting me up by sending people to my house
01:20:35because they think I'm going to react and do something
01:20:37and they're recording it with listening devices.
01:20:39We checked the vehicle registration plate
01:20:41outside the house on the government website
01:20:43and there's no such vehicle.
01:20:45Let's not forget the politicians.
01:20:47Our fearless leaders.
01:20:49It was only when I went alone
01:20:51to the home of self-declared
01:20:53journalist Mike Stutchbee to ask him why
01:20:55he had done what he had
01:20:57and why he thought it was funny to intimidate
01:20:59my children.
01:21:01I don't know.
01:21:03Some of you may have seen
01:21:05that people have been outside my home
01:21:07intimidating my family.
01:21:09The difference is
01:21:11when they come to my home, five men
01:21:13come to my home.
01:21:15I'm on my own.
01:21:17I've had to
01:21:19move my children who are scared and upset
01:21:23people encouraged people
01:21:25to participate
01:21:27in coming to my address.
01:21:29One of those such people
01:21:37It was only then
01:21:39that the fearless then deputy
01:21:41leader of the Labour Party Tom Watson
01:21:43steps forward.
01:21:45Ignoring reality completely.
01:21:47Every major social media platform
01:21:49other than YouTube has taken down
01:21:51Stephen Yaxley-Lennon's
01:21:53profile because of his hateful conduct.
01:21:55Late on Monday night
01:21:57Yaxley-Lennon turned up at a journalist's home
01:21:59banging on the doors and windows demanding
01:22:01to be let in. And after being
01:22:03escorted away by the police
01:22:05he returned at 5am
01:22:07and continued his intimidation.
01:22:09The incident was live streamed.
01:22:11He later warned journalists
01:22:13in a YouTube video to expect
01:22:15a knock at the door.
01:22:17Does the Secretary of State think that he's
01:22:19right that YouTube and the parent
01:22:21company Alphabet continues
01:22:23to give this man a platform?
01:22:25It'd be funny, you know, if it wasn't
01:22:27so insidious. The hardly
01:22:29honourable Mr Watson totally misrepresented
01:22:31what had happened. And from behind
01:22:33his shield of parliamentary privilege
01:22:35bravely declared that I'd been
01:22:37terrorising a journalist.
01:22:39Journalist? Sturgebree's
01:22:41an Antifa activist who incites
01:22:43violence and wants to kill white people.
01:22:45Terrorising? Was I terrorising?
01:22:47Mr Watson bravely
01:22:49demanded that I be removed from
01:22:51YouTube. YouTube had
01:22:53only recently
01:22:55confirmed that none, not one, of my videos
01:22:57had broken any of their stringent
01:22:59guidelines. And my videos hadn't broken any
01:23:01laws. It was clear
01:23:03I hadn't harassed anyone.
01:23:05Certainly not Mike Sturgebree, if indeed
01:23:07he is a journalist. But none of that
01:23:09mattered. My wife and children
01:23:11left their family home that night.
01:23:13They never went back.
01:23:15Thanks to having their lives endangered
01:23:17by their jihadist lawyers.
01:23:19You see, my wife started legal action against
01:23:21Mohamed Akunji and Farooq
01:23:23Bajra's firm. But Mohenco?
01:23:25Mohamed Akunji and Farooq Bajra?
01:23:27You see, they weren't so keen
01:23:29on facing the law as they were
01:23:31on abusing the law to persecute
01:23:33others for financial and ideological
01:23:35reasons. On the 31st of March
01:23:372019, they promptly collapsed
01:23:39their law firm. They'll never be
01:23:41involved in the case. That's what they said.
01:23:43And Dr Farooq Bajra? Well, he's no longer
01:23:45going to be a lawyer. He'll be living in Pakistan.
01:23:47That's it. That's what
01:23:49they said. That's how easy it was
01:23:51for Mohenco to escape justice.
01:23:53Interestingly, they're still
01:23:55signing documents on the case
01:23:57on the 6th of June. Months
01:23:59after saying they're not involved.
01:24:01Several other law firms have reported
01:24:03them to the Law Society.
01:24:05The body that is supposed to make sure lawyers
01:24:07behave ethically.
01:24:09Nothing's been done.
01:24:11I wonder why. In fact,
01:24:13all the lawyers working at Farooq Bajra and Co
01:24:15just moved across
01:24:17to a new law firm called Burlington's.
01:24:19And guess what? Yeah.
01:24:21Burlington's took on Jamal's case
01:24:23against me. Farooq Bajra now works
01:24:25for Burlington's. Farooq Bajra's son
01:24:27now works for Burlington's.
01:24:29Farooq Bajra is Burlington's
01:24:31GDPR expert. Pretty
01:24:33ironic, no? Farooq Bajra and Co
01:24:35leaked my children's
01:24:37address to an Antifa activist
01:24:39to put online for everyone.
01:24:41And if we've been stupid enough to expect
01:24:43more ethical behaviour from Burlington's
01:24:45than from Farooq Bajra and Mohamed Akunji,
01:24:49we'd have been disappointed.
01:24:51I just really, which I've been trying to do,
01:24:53I need all of the disclosure, which I haven't
01:24:55had. I haven't had full disclosure
01:24:57of his school records. make sure that we haven't,
01:25:01that some documents haven't
01:25:03been lost in the transfer of the
01:25:05bar from Farooq Bajra to
01:25:07Burlington's. We have done
01:25:09another subject access request
01:25:11to the council for Jamal.
01:25:13And how long will the council take for that?
01:25:15I don't know.
01:25:17I don't think they gave us a time frame, did they, Luke?
01:25:19No, they didn't,
01:25:21unfortunately. So you're asking, so what
01:25:23you're saying is you believe there may be things
01:25:25that I haven't been disclosed. You don't
01:25:27know how long they're going to take, but you won't agree
01:25:29to an adjournment?
01:25:31No, no. Our position is that we're
01:25:33not agreeing to an adjournment. Those are
01:25:35my instructions. Because my
01:25:37concern, and serious concern,
01:25:39is the safety of the witnesses.
01:25:41And it's a genuine, and
01:25:43if you... I don't believe, for one
01:25:45minute, that Mohamed Akunji or Farooq Bajra
01:25:47give a shit about any of this, or Jamal.
01:25:49I generally don't think they do.
01:25:51I'm just going to tell you, Farooq Bajra
01:25:53and Mohamed Akunji have
01:25:55nothing to do with this case. This is my
01:25:59How come then...
01:26:01...anybody from Farooq Bajra...
01:26:03How come then Farooq...
01:26:05How come Farooq Bajra
01:26:07signed a form three months after we left him
01:26:09to do this case?
01:26:11It's absolutely...
01:26:13If that was the case
01:26:15it was before I gave the undertaking, and he
01:26:17wasn't involved in this case at all.
01:26:19He signed a form dated June.
01:26:21In June. He signed a form,
01:26:23and the date on that form that he signed
01:26:25is June. He left this case in March, apparently.
01:26:27How come?
01:26:29Well, I...
01:26:31If you send it through to me, I'll have a look, and I'll give you an
01:26:33explanation as to why. I'm not quite sure
01:26:35what form you're talking about.
01:26:37You'll see it on my documentary.
01:26:39Okay, so when you send me what you decide
01:26:41is relevant, yeah?
01:26:43How am I going to know what you've cut out?
01:26:49Well, I suppose you wouldn't.
01:26:51I wouldn't. Does that seem fair?
01:26:55If the information is not relevant,
01:26:57then what harm could it do to me having it?
01:27:01But it's not about harm, Stephen.
01:27:03It's about privacy.
01:27:05Okay, for the last three days,
01:27:07since I gave you, since you received
01:27:09videos so that you become aware
01:27:11that I have video evidence that's going to prove my case,
01:27:13since that point,
01:27:15my ex-wife and my children, for the last
01:27:17two days, have had police at their house
01:27:19because they've been receiving threats.
01:27:21On top of that, pictures of my ex-wife have been put online
01:27:23by the same people who were in bed with Mohamed Akungi.
01:27:25Then, two days ago,
01:27:27Mohamed Akungi doxed my mother and father's house.
01:27:29Last night, that house,
01:27:31at one o'clock in the morning, was smashed to pieces
01:27:33with bricks through the windows.
01:27:35This is all going on in the background.
01:27:37I've been trying to get my stuff ready,
01:27:39but just so that you're aware of what's going on,
01:27:41as to why I don't trust the words you say.
01:27:43When you have Farouk Bajwa's son
01:27:45working for your company,
01:27:47and Farouk Bajwa's the man that sent people to threaten to kill my children,
01:27:49I'm wondering why,
01:27:51in the last 48 hours, or last 72 hours,
01:27:53since I disclosed information to you,
01:27:55why my family and loved ones
01:27:57have become under persecuted harm,
01:27:59of which is all detailed with police records
01:28:01and video footage of everything that's been going on.
01:28:03So, I'm super concerned,
01:28:05and don't trust you, or your party,
01:28:07to decide what's relevant in this case.
01:28:09I don't trust you.
01:28:11So, if this is a fair trial,
01:28:13about getting out the truth,
01:28:15if that's what you're working for,
01:28:17you need to give me your disclosure,
01:28:19instead of reviewing it and taking bits out,
01:28:21which is what you've already done with the school records,
01:28:23because I know that's not the full school records,
01:28:25and you've covered up things,
01:28:27and Luke, Francesca told me,
01:28:29I have a recording of her telling me
01:28:31that Burlington's did not retract anything.
01:28:33Redact anything.
01:28:35Yet in court, you had to admit you did.
01:28:37I've got the recording of her telling me it.
01:28:39Everything was redacted prior to coming to you.
01:28:41Everything was redacted prior to coming to you.
01:28:43And then in court, you sit and admit that
01:28:45you have been redacting things.
01:28:47So, forgive me, it's just lie after lie.
01:28:49This is Burlington's lawyers
01:28:51losing documents
01:28:53that they're supposed to send to me,
01:28:55and deleting things that they
01:28:57don't want me to see. Misplaced!
01:28:59How do you misplace documents
01:29:01that were electronically filed
01:29:03on their case management system
01:29:05at Fruit Basher & Co, then passed over
01:29:07to Burlington's?
01:29:09All of this is because they're sharing it.
01:29:11And all of this is to put pressure on me
01:29:13in the weeks before it.
01:29:15And all this. And this is a congee.
01:29:17I guarantee you this is a congee.
01:29:19A congee working with resistant hate.
01:29:21The account that's put it on is resistant hate.
01:29:23Yeah? Resistant hate who a country
01:29:25hired, with Dick Coughlin, to send to the house before.
01:29:27They're like his little minions.
01:29:29So now he knows that
01:29:31it's going to land on his lap.
01:29:33The whole lie that they've told.
01:29:35And this is the actions they use.
01:29:37Can't play the man,
01:29:39so they play the kids. And the family.
01:29:41You don't need to be scared,
01:29:43Sonia, because
01:29:45they're doing this... They just called me and said
01:29:49Yeah, I know, babe. But they're purposely
01:29:51just doing that. I don't want my number!
01:29:53But when they're
01:29:55doing this, they're just doing this to try and
01:29:57cause me shit and make you worry.
01:30:01I know it's easier said, but you don't need
01:30:03to worry, yeah? They're doing this
01:30:05so that I don't beat them in court.
01:30:07That's why they're doing this, yeah?
01:30:09Do they know where we live?
01:30:13No, mate.
01:30:17Danny Barker rang me
01:30:19saying if anyone
01:30:21turns up to the house, just
01:30:23ring him and he'll come and meet.
01:30:25Yeah, yeah, he will, mate.
01:30:27It's me.
01:30:29Alright, cool.
01:30:31Alright, cool.
01:30:39The mad thing
01:30:41is, the whole time this goes on,
01:30:43the media
01:30:45and all of them act like we're the bad guys.
01:30:47That we've been up...
01:30:49Like I'm the one persecuting people.
01:30:51Or targeting them.
01:30:53And they're such cowards.
01:30:57They're such cowards, man.
01:30:59I just got a phone call
01:31:01and they said goodbye. I'm so scared.
01:31:03I've told the police, but I'm so scared.
01:31:07Jenna, who's just rung Spencer?
01:31:09Oh, we don't know at the minute.
01:31:11What are the police saying?
01:31:13I'm just making a statement.
01:31:15Okay, but
01:31:17just quickly, what are they...
01:31:19Are they getting that account?
01:31:21Let's put a picture of you online. Who showed you that picture, Jenna?
01:31:23It's on Twitter.
01:31:25I saw it myself.
01:31:27You saw it yourself.
01:31:29Are the police sorting it out?
01:31:31Yeah, they're taking the address
01:31:33of the Twitter person that put it out.
01:31:35If you can say
01:31:37I've given them 50 addresses
01:31:39of people who have done exactly this over the years.
01:31:41Including the redhead man.
01:31:43What about the redhead bloke who threatened to kill the kids?
01:31:45What have they said about that?
01:31:47Well, nothing really.
01:31:51It's a crime, don't they?
01:31:53If I make a video threatening to kill some kids,
01:31:55I'll be arrested.
01:31:57So, the point...
01:31:59What you need to ask them specifically
01:32:01and say to them, you made a complaint.
01:32:03Someone threatened to murder your children.
01:32:05You had to leave your home.
01:32:07Those threats have now followed you to where you're now living.
01:32:09And they're coming from the same people,
01:32:11the same organisations,
01:32:13the same people about last time.
01:32:15They didn't nick them.
01:32:17They didn't speak to them.
01:32:19The solicitor is still acting with impunity,
01:32:21doing it to my mum and dad yesterday.
01:32:25You need to specifically ask them.
01:32:27I want to answer out of them.
01:32:29When you made a complaint against Richard Coughlin,
01:32:31Dick Coughlin last year,
01:32:33why have they not done anything?
01:32:35And get you a follow-up and an answer
01:32:37as to why they haven't done anything, if you can.
01:32:39Are the kids alright?
01:32:41And you managed to track the number?
01:32:45So you know who made those phone calls to her?
01:32:47We know where the number came from
01:32:49and who that phone
01:32:51was registered to.
01:32:53Obviously, we cannot prove...
01:32:55At that time, I wasn't able to prove who.
01:32:57I only could say where the number came from.
01:32:59As in whose phone it is?
01:33:01Who the phone is registered to.
01:33:05Because obviously, for me, this was
01:33:07threatening phone calls a week before a high court trial,
01:33:09trying to pervert the course of justice.
01:33:11How come no one's been arrested?
01:33:15I can't see anything on the crime report.
01:33:17If I send you evidence, which I'm going to anyway,
01:33:19because it's all going to the judge.
01:33:21If I send you evidence of Mohammed Akhanji
01:33:23doxing my mum and dad's address,
01:33:25if I send you evidence of criminal damage and attacks
01:33:27in the middle of the night at an old pensioner's home,
01:33:29and I show you evidence of pictures of my ex-wife
01:33:31being put online,
01:33:33and my son, they've hung my 11-year-old son's phone.
01:33:35The police were all involved.
01:33:37They've been threatening my 11-year-old son.
01:33:39This is what's gone on.
01:33:41If I send you evidence of that,
01:33:43do you think you'll support an anonymity order
01:33:45to protect the children in this case?
01:33:49Stephen, I can't answer that
01:33:51because I don't have instructions to answer that.
01:33:53I don't have conduct to the matter.
01:33:55But what I can clarify for you
01:33:57is some of the issues that I can give answers on.
01:33:59One of those, of which I heard you
01:34:01make reference to Farouk's son working,
01:34:03he is not involved in the case
01:34:05in any way at all,
01:34:07has no access to any files whatsoever.
01:34:09You've heard how Luke hacked it.
01:34:11He couldn't explain why they were
01:34:13redacting and deleting information from documents
01:34:15before handing them over to me.
01:34:17Information I
01:34:19should have been given.
01:34:21He couldn't answer the simple question,
01:34:23who decides what's relevant?
01:34:25Unfortunately, in terms of integrity,
01:34:27Burlington's don't appear
01:34:29to be any better than Farouk Bajwa
01:34:31and Mohammed Akunji.
01:34:35You see,
01:34:37I was told he'd violently
01:34:39attacked a girl.
01:34:41I was told he'd attacked someone
01:34:43as part of a gang.
01:34:45And I was told he'd threatened to stab someone.
01:34:47In fact,
01:34:49Jamal had violently
01:34:51attacked more than one girl
01:34:53and we presented the evidence
01:34:55to the court,
01:34:57including the testimony of courageous children
01:34:59who came to court.
01:35:03who came to court.
01:35:05These children weren't Tommy Robinson fans,
01:35:07but they came to the High Court
01:35:09to speak the truth.
01:35:11So let me just look at one of the pupils
01:35:13that come to court and testified.
01:35:15This young girl wasn't a supporter of mine,
01:35:17didn't support my politics,
01:35:19but she still came to court and testified.
01:35:21Let me have a look at her school record
01:35:23and read what her teacher says about her.
01:35:25Charlie is a very mature and hard-working
01:35:27member of the forum.
01:35:29She has been an absolute pleasure to have in the forum.
01:35:31In the school council and in various events
01:35:33across the school throughout the school year.
01:35:35She represents all that is positive and exciting
01:35:37about studying at Ormondbury.
01:35:39Charlie is now currently
01:35:41studying law at university.
01:35:43Why would this girl
01:35:45lie, randomly lie,
01:35:47before I was involved?
01:35:49Why would she then travel to the High Court of London
01:35:51and commit perjury?
01:35:53Because that is what the judge
01:35:55has found, that she's made it all up.
01:35:57And Jamal,
01:35:59the Syrian refugee,
01:36:01the one with multiple lies in his school records
01:36:03and behavioural disciplinaries everywhere,
01:36:05he was telling the truth.
01:36:07That is what he found in this case.
01:36:09Why would a mother post images
01:36:11and send me those images of her daughter
01:36:13beaten black and blue?
01:36:15Why? For what reason?
01:36:17Why would the staff lie?
01:36:19Why would the headteacher lie?
01:36:21Why would every single person
01:36:23who was recorded covertly
01:36:25lie about what Jamal was like?
01:36:27Twelve different people
01:36:29lying about what Jamal
01:36:31was like. Why?
01:36:33You see, the judge has really helped us out
01:36:35here. The judge says
01:36:37people can lie for reasons that make no sense.
01:36:41for no reason at all.
01:36:43He could not readily identify
01:36:45any explanation
01:36:47for why some of these people were prepared
01:36:49to do so and lie. He concludes
01:36:51the alleged assaults
01:36:53never happened at all.
01:36:55Despite Jamal's
01:36:57school record, which you've seen,
01:36:59the judge states
01:37:01the claimant's record
01:37:03is overwhelmingly
01:37:05positive. He acknowledged
01:37:07Jamal has a record of lying
01:37:09but decides on this occasion
01:37:11it's Jamal who's telling
01:37:13the truth and everyone else
01:37:17else is
01:37:19lying. Really?
01:37:21We waited ten weeks for this?
01:37:23That's your conclusion?
01:37:25That's the logic from the highest
01:37:27libel judge in our land?
01:37:29There was no jury?
01:37:31That's right, there's no jury. All of these
01:37:33people were lying.
01:37:35But Jamal, he was telling the truth.
01:37:37Jamal, who could only find his
01:37:39dad, Jihad, to speak for him
01:37:41not a single teacher, not a classmate
01:37:43not a friend, not a neighbour or a
01:37:45support worker, came to court to support
01:37:47Jamal's version of events. Jamal
01:37:49who says he only broke the rules a few
01:37:51times at school and even then
01:37:53it weren't his fault. His school record
01:37:55suggests something very different.
01:37:57I want to be clear and fair to Jamal.
01:37:59He denies every accusation
01:38:01against him, completely and utterly.
01:38:03On the day the five
01:38:05courageous children appeared in the dock
01:38:07given testimony against Jamal
01:38:09Jamal didn't even show up in court
01:38:11that day to face his accusers.
01:38:13Neither did the press.
01:38:15The press actually left court
01:38:17when the witnesses stood up
01:38:19to give their evidence in my defence.
01:38:21It's alarming to think
01:38:23we have this kind of intellect
01:38:25at the top of our judiciary.
01:38:35The story of these two
01:38:37children is actually a story about
01:38:39free speech.
01:38:41Or the death of it. It's a story
01:38:43about how the mainstream media
01:38:45is more interested in pushing an agenda
01:38:47than giving you balance and truth.
01:38:49How it continues, despite Leveson,
01:38:51to act with impunity.
01:38:53Is the media held to account for what they
01:38:55report? Have Piers Morgan or Jeremy Vine
01:38:57been held to account?
01:38:59No. It's a story
01:39:01about how the law is being manipulated
01:39:03and exploited by the far left and Islamists
01:39:05to destroy the lives of anyone
01:39:07who speaks out
01:39:09against the accepted
01:39:11so-called progressive, so-called liberal narrative.
01:39:13Or about
01:39:15the poisonous influence of Islam's sharia law
01:39:17in our society.
01:39:19Is the law fit for purpose? No.
01:39:21And it's a story about
01:39:23our government and judiciary's disdain
01:39:25for free speech and the
01:39:27truth, and the lengths that they will go
01:39:29to in order to silence dissent,
01:39:31especially with its new and increasing
01:39:33powers. Is our
01:39:35government being held accountable
01:39:37for its actions? No.
01:39:39Is the judiciary
01:39:41independent of political influence?
01:39:43You've seen all the evidence.
01:39:45You decide. Whether you agree
01:39:47in my politics is irrelevant.
01:39:49When dissent is crushed, free speech
01:39:51dies, and governments move one
01:39:53step closer to tyranny.
01:39:55The lawyers know the truth. Even
01:39:57Jamal's father, Jihad,
01:39:59he knows the truth about his son.
01:40:01They all knew the truth and were using
01:40:03Jamal to further their agenda.
01:40:05Regardless of the consequences for Jamal,
01:40:07they continued to
01:40:09pursue the case, which incidentally
01:40:11has caused my divorce and bankruptcy.
01:40:13My ex-wife had to choose between
01:40:15her marriage to me and the safety
01:40:17of our children. I'm glad
01:40:19she chose our children.
01:40:21We're still best mates. You see,
01:40:23Jamal's lawyers told me very early on,
01:40:25if I apologised and paid them 50 grand,
01:40:27they'd drop their case.
01:40:29If you're watching this, you know
01:40:31the decision I made. I won't apologise
01:40:33for reporting what I was told,
01:40:35for what I believe to be true,
01:40:37for standing up for Bailey, a young lad
01:40:39unjustly vilified by pretty much
01:40:41everyone. But in silencing
01:40:43dissent, are the media
01:40:45and our government any different
01:40:47to the governments they criticise so much?
01:40:49China, Russia,
01:40:51Iran. Immigration,
01:40:53Covid, Brexit. If it doesn't
01:40:55fit the narrative, you will not hear
01:40:57the alternative view. And where else
01:40:59have we seen this? Where else
01:41:01have the media, politicians, police and social
01:41:03services hidden the truth
01:41:05for decades?
01:41:07Fearful of being called racist.
01:41:09Grooming gangs. That's where
01:41:11a cover-up of such horrific
01:41:13cost to thousands of young
01:41:15girls in towns and cities across our country.
01:41:17And nowhere worse than under the stewardship
01:41:19of Councillor Shabbir Pandore's
01:41:21Kirklees Council. You see,
01:41:23hiding the truth doesn't protect
01:41:25community cohesion. It does the total
01:41:27opposite. It undermines trust
01:41:29in public institutions. It stokes
01:41:31resentment and conflict
01:41:33in our communities.
01:41:35Specifically, those who lead us
01:41:37don't seem to have the moral clarity or
01:41:39courage to speak the truth.
01:41:41They cause the division that they're
01:41:43trying to prevent.
01:41:45People ask me,
01:41:47was it worth it?
01:41:51It was worth it.
01:41:53The truth is always
01:41:55worth defending.
01:41:57I'm still here. If you were
01:41:59born in the United Kingdom,
01:42:01you've already won the lottery of life.
01:42:03The inheritance from our parents and grandparents
01:42:05of freedom, equality under English law
01:42:07and democracy.
01:42:09If we allow ourselves to be silenced,
01:42:11that inheritance is rendered
01:42:15What legacy will we leave
01:42:17for the children and grandchildren
01:42:19who come after us?
01:42:21None of us can afford to let
01:42:23free speech die. We cannot
01:42:25and we will not
01:42:27be silenced.
01:42:33Thank you for watching.
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01:44:31Thank you for watching.
01:44:33Thank you for watching.
01:44:35Thank you for watching.
01:44:37Thank you for watching.
01:44:39Thank you for watching.
01:44:41Thank you for watching.
01:44:43Thank you for watching.
01:44:45Thank you for watching.
01:44:47Thank you for watching.
01:44:49Thank you for watching.
01:44:51Thank you for watching.
01:44:53Thank you for watching.
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