Khuwab Kya Kehtay Hain
Host: Ashkar Dawar
Speaker: Mufti Sohail Raza Amjadi
#KhuwabKyaKehtayHain #MuftiSuhailRazaAmjadi
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In this program Mufti Suhai Raza Amjadi discusses the mysterious and puzzled World of Dreams, in the light of Quran and Sunnah, entertains live calls, answers the callers’ queries regarding their dreams and tells the meanings of the dreams asked through call and emails.
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Host: Ashkar Dawar
Speaker: Mufti Sohail Raza Amjadi
#KhuwabKyaKehtayHain #MuftiSuhailRazaAmjadi
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In this program Mufti Suhai Raza Amjadi discusses the mysterious and puzzled World of Dreams, in the light of Quran and Sunnah, entertains live calls, answers the callers’ queries regarding their dreams and tells the meanings of the dreams asked through call and emails.
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00:00In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you, O Master of the Seal of the Prophets, peace and blessings be upon him, what do you call a dream?
00:19Yes, a program that you are very eagerly waiting for. I am its host, Ashkar Dawar, present at your service. And I have with me the one who is going to set this program in motion.
00:29Yes, according to Shariah references, he has complete knowledge of dreams. Allama Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Sahib.
00:37Ladies and gentlemen, you must have heard the phrase, milk and fruits, or when someone is being offered milk in a celebration, or the streams of milk are flowing.
00:51We have such common phrases as well, and these phrases always come from the realities of life.
00:57Now the question is, if someone is being offered milk in a dream, or he is seeing someone drinking milk, or he is seeing a stream of milk, or he is seeing something in the form of milk, then what do you call this dream?
01:12In this regard, we will have our discussion with Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Sahib. You see, we are displaying your telephone number on your screen.
01:20You remember your good deeds, and tell us about your true dreams. Mufti Sahib will tell us what a dream is. Thank you very much. We will begin our discussion with Mufti Sahib.
01:29Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
01:31Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
01:33Mufti Sahib, milk is a material that is a great blessing of Allah, and there are streams of milk in heaven, and people in the world also use the phrase, streams of milk are flowing, streams of milk are flowing,
01:44or we have seen people offering milk in a celebration, milk has become a brother and sister. So if someone is being offered milk in a dream, or he is seeing someone drinking milk, or someone is drinking milk, then what do you call this dream?
01:59Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allahumma Salli ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barik wa sallim.
02:09In the Holy Qur'an, Allah says,
02:16that in Surah Nahl, there is a mention of shepherds whose meat is eaten, on whom goods are brought.
02:24So Allah says,
02:27that for example, the animal whose milk is drunk,
02:33on one side there is dust and on the other side there is blood,
02:40and in between, Allah Almighty gives pure, shining white milk, which is very good for our digestion.
02:49So in this context, Imam Mubarin says that in a dream,
02:54it is not that whose milk is it, what is it, if it is of a goat, a cow, whose is it?
02:59If in a dream he sees that he is drinking milk,
03:04or milk is kept in front of him and he picks it up to drink,
03:10or he sees milk,
03:13then it means that he is on Islam, i.e. on the religion of Fitrah.
03:19This is what the scholars have said.
03:24And at the same time, it is on the religion of Fitrah, it is on Islam,
03:28and it is on the ways of Huzoor Nabi Kareem A.S.
03:31Because pure milk does not have any kind of adulteration.
03:38So there is no adulteration in its Islam and the ways of Huzoor Nabi Kareem A.S.
03:45With this, he says that if he sees that he has drunk an unknown kind of milk,
03:52i.e. there is no specificity of whose milk is it,
03:57or milk is in his possession and he has to drink it,
04:02then it means that he will find goodness, i.e. Allah will give him goodness from anywhere,
04:09and his religion will be excellent.
04:12He will be on his religion, i.e. he will be on the religion of Islam.
04:15Milk was such that its kind and species is known,
04:20that what kind of milk is it, or what is its species,
04:25then it means that Allah will give it the lawful wealth,
04:30Allah will give it the means of lawful wealth,
04:33and Allah will give it to him in a very good form.
04:37Ok, by rizq it does not mean only wealth,
04:40everything that benefits a person is his rizq.
04:45Whether it is in the form of food and drink,
04:47whether it is in the form of relatives,
04:50whether it is in the form of loved ones,
04:52in any form that is beneficial to him,
04:55my Lord will give it to him.
04:58Not only will he give it to him, but he will also benefit from it.
05:02He will also benefit from it.
05:04Ok, it is said in this that if the milk is sour,
05:10or the milk is such that its smoothness has been removed,
05:14i.e. either the milk is sour, or it is burnt,
05:18or its smoothness has been removed,
05:21then it means that the field in which it is present,
05:25from there it will reach some pain, sorrow or loss.
05:29Ok, see, you have told the benefits of milk,
05:32and then you have said this.
05:34In any case, we will talk about these questions when we get a chance.
05:37Actually, there are millions of dreams,
05:40so we select such topics that are seen by most people.
05:44So if you have any in your mind,
05:46then you also put it under our control that we will talk about it today.
05:49Inshallah, I will talk to you about it.
05:51Thank you very much.
05:52We will include the first caller.
05:54Walaikum Assalam.
05:55Yes, my sister, from where are you talking?
05:58Mufti Sahab, I am Harim speaking from Kanpur.
06:01Yes, Harim sister, tell me about your dream.
06:04I have a small dream and a small thing that I want to tell you.
06:08Yes, tell me.
06:09My dream is that my sister has seen in a dream this afternoon
06:12that there is a strange boy and a strange girl.
06:16The boy gives a plate of sweets to the girl and asks her to distribute it.
06:23That's all I have seen.
06:24Ok, ok.
06:25What else do you want to talk about?
06:29Ok, Harim, the call has been disconnected.
06:31Ok, thank you very much, Harim.
06:33We will include one more caller.
06:34Walaikum Assalam.
06:35Walaikum Assalam.
06:36Yes, my sister, from where are you and who are you talking to?
06:39I am talking to Dr. Shree.
06:41Yes, you tell me about your dream.
06:45My dream is that I have seen four-legged animals again and again.
06:52Which four-legged animals?
06:57Yes, my sister, what did you say?
06:59You have seen four-legged animals?
07:00Which animals have you seen?
07:01Again and again.
07:02Now she is not telling me about four-legged animals.
07:03Are you present in the telephone line?
07:05Halal animals, halal animals.
07:07You have seen halal animals.
07:08Ok, fine.
07:09What are you doing?
07:10So what did you see?
07:11Did you see them walking or playing with you?
07:14Or are you afraid of them?
07:15What did you see?
07:16I am more afraid.
07:18I am more afraid.
07:20You are afraid of them.
07:21Are they halal animals or four-legged animals?
07:22Ok, my sister.
07:23Is there anyone sick in the house?
07:24Ok, is there anyone sick in your house?
07:27No, someone is sick.
07:29Someone is worried.
07:30Ok, fine.
07:31Someone is worried.
07:32May Allah remove their worries.
07:34My sister is present in the telephone line.
07:36Thank you very much.
07:37We will include one more caller.
07:45The call has been dropped.
07:46Ok, we will line up the next caller.
07:49Let's go to Mr. Mufti.
07:51Mr. Mufti, my sister had a dream.
07:54What would you like to say about this?
07:56Hareem asked Khanpur that his sister had a dream
08:00that there is a strange boy and a strange girl.
08:04They are unknown.
08:06The boy gives a plate of sweets to the girl
08:09and asks her to share it.
08:12If she is worried about her sister's marriage,
08:18sometimes a strange scene appears in the dream.
08:25The dream has nothing to do with it.
08:29There is no relation.
08:30But there is a scene in the dream
08:32whose interpretation is coming out.
08:34The boy gives a plate of sweets to the girl
08:36and asks her to share it.
08:37The sweets are not shared on a sad occasion.
08:40For example, if you come and tell me a good news,
08:45the first sentence that comes out of my mouth is,
08:47where is the sweet?
08:48The sweet is a sign of happiness.
08:51It is not shared on a sad occasion
08:53like someone's death, God forbid,
08:56or a funeral or something like that.
08:59It is not like that.
09:00On a happy occasion,
09:01like someone's birthday,
09:02or someone's wedding,
09:06or a marriage is fixed,
09:07a sign is coming out that
09:09if there is any problem related to the relationship,
09:12God willing, it will be solved soon.
09:14And God will give the best relationship.
09:16I will tell my sister that
09:18with the prohibition of prayer,
09:20after Fajr, Asr and Isha,
09:24read it 33 times.
09:29Let's call her.
09:34Where is my sister talking from?
09:36My grandmother is my granddaughter.
09:40I can see her in my dreams,
09:43but I can't see her face.
09:46You can't see your grandmother's face
09:48in your dreams,
09:49but you can't see her face.
09:51What condition is she in?
09:52What condition is your grandmother in?
09:57Is she sad?
09:58Is she happy?
10:05She is happy.
10:06She is happy.
10:07She is wearing clean clothes,
10:08but I can't see her face.
10:11When did she pass away?
10:18The television is on.
10:21I would like to request my brothers and sisters,
10:22when you join the program,
10:24I would like to greet you.
10:25You have already joined the program.
10:27Please turn off the sound of your television.
10:29Did you see?
10:30I am talking,
10:31and after a few seconds,
10:32I am hearing the same voice again.
10:34This creates a lot of confusion.
10:36Let's call one more person.
10:42Where is my sister talking from?
10:44I am Mehwish from Quetta.
10:47Tell me about your dream.
10:49I wanted to tell you about my dream.
10:52I saw a dream.
10:53When I see in a dream,
10:55it is hidden.
10:56When I tell this to my family,
11:00they don't see anything.
11:02They say,
11:03it is your illusion.
11:04But I see,
11:05after a while,
11:06it is hidden.
11:07Like a hair,
11:08it starts to walk on the wall.
11:12Are you sick?
11:16My health is not good.
11:17My health is bad.
11:21My sister,
11:22you have joined the program.
11:23Thank you very much.
11:24One more caller is waiting.
11:25Let's call him.
11:31Tell me,
11:32where are you talking from?
11:33I am talking from Guyana,
11:34Mumtaz Ahmed Taj.
11:36Mumtaz Ahmed,
11:37tell me about your dream.
11:39My father passed away
11:4120-25 years ago.
11:43But in my mind,
11:45I wanted him to do Hajj.
11:47But I couldn't.
11:48I used to pray for him.
11:50But I saw in a dream,
11:52that I was working in my shop
11:54and a big cheque was in my hand.
11:56I kept the cheque in my drawer
11:59and saw that my father
12:01came in front of me.
12:03I asked him,
12:04where are you going?
12:05Are you going for Hajj?
12:07I said,
12:08you can't go alone.
12:09I have also done Hajj a few times.
12:11I know that it is very crowded there.
12:13I said,
12:14you can't go alone.
12:15I will have to go with you.
12:17He said,
12:18where will you go with me?
12:19He passed away 20-25 years ago.
12:21What did his father say?
12:23What did your father say?
12:25He said,
12:26you can't go alone.
12:27What did he say?
12:28He said,
12:29where will you go with me?
12:31I will go with you.
12:32Tell me,
12:33did he do Hajj?
12:35No, he didn't.
12:36He passed away,
12:37but he wanted me to do Hajj.
12:39I used to pray for him.
12:42I don't know,
12:43but in my dream,
12:44Allah told me that
12:45he is passing away.
12:47Okay, my brother.
12:49You had a good dream.
12:50I had a dream about my father.
12:52I will tell you what this dream says.
12:54Wait for it.
12:55We will include you all in the program
12:57after a short break.
12:59We will start the second part
13:01with you.
13:02We will include our callers.
13:03Assalamu Alaikum.
13:04Walaikum Assalam.
13:06Where are you calling from?
13:08I am calling from Lahore.
13:10He is calling from Lahore.
13:12What is his name?
13:13What is his name?
13:14Adil Arshad.
13:15Adil Arshad.
13:16Okay, tell me your dream.
13:18I want to know the meaning of this dream.
13:22My father has passed away.
13:24It has been a year.
13:26My uncle saw my father in a dream.
13:29He said that he saw my brother crying.
13:34Okay, I will not tell you about it.
13:40Your uncle saw your father in a dream.
13:43We have noted it down.
13:44We will tell you what the dream says.
13:47We will include one more caller.
13:48Assalamu Alaikum.
13:50Walaikum Assalam.
13:52How are you, son?
13:55Tell us about your dream.
13:57I saw a dream.
14:00There was a mosque.
14:04There was a mosque.
14:09I saw a dream.
14:12I went there.
14:13There was a mosque.
14:15There was my sister.
14:17I don't understand.
14:18Okay, will you repeat your dream?
14:24There was a mosque.
14:29There was a fair.
14:32I wanted to see how beautiful the fair was.
14:38There was my sister.
14:41I heard my sister's voice.
14:44I went there.
14:46There was a man.
14:49He said that he will shoot my sister.
14:55He said that he will shoot her.
14:57Okay, it is difficult for you to speak.
14:59May Allah give you health.
15:01We have noted it down.
15:03We will tell you what your dream says.
15:05We will include one more caller.
15:07Assalamu Alaikum.
15:08Walaikum Assalam.
15:10Where are you calling from?
15:12I am calling from Rajanpur district.
15:18My name is Syed Sajjad.
15:20What dream did you see?
15:23I dream at night.
15:26I am scared.
15:28What are you scared of?
15:31I am scared of Jinnah.
15:33You are scared of Jinnah?
15:37We have noted down your dream.
15:39We will tell you what your dream says.
15:41We will include one more caller.
15:43Assalamu Alaikum.
15:44Walaikum Assalam.
15:46Where are you calling from?
15:48My sister has got married.
15:52She is coming back home crying.
15:55Wait a minute.
15:57Did you see a dream or your sister?
16:00I saw it.
16:02Did your married sister come to you crying?
16:08She is coming back home crying.
16:10She is coming back home crying.
16:14On the way,
16:16the pearls of her jewelry are falling.
16:20She is in a state of unconsciousness.
16:25The pearls of her jewelry are falling.
16:27I pick up the pearls of her jewelry.
16:30I can't pick up anything.
16:32She is in a state of unconsciousness.
16:36How long has it been since she got married?
16:38It has been three months.
16:40Is her family not doing well?
16:43Yes, they are not doing well.
16:46May Allah make their situation better.
16:48We pray for them.
16:50We will include one more caller.
16:52Assalamu Alaikum.
16:54Assalamu Alaikum.
16:56Walaikum Assalam.
16:58Where are you calling from?
17:00I am calling from Faisalabad.
17:02In my dreams,
17:04I see the shadow of the day.
17:06I get very scared.
17:08At night,
17:10I get so scared that I can't sleep.
17:14We noted your dream.
17:16Keep watching the program.
17:18We will tell you what your dream says.
17:20We will include one more caller.
17:22Assalamu Alaikum.
17:24Assalamu Alaikum.
17:26Walaikum Assalam.
17:28Where are you calling from?
17:30I am calling from Canton.
17:32Please tell us about your dream.
17:34My aunt had a dream
17:36about my mother.
17:38My mother is a goat herder.
17:42Have you raised any goats?
17:44No, we haven't.
17:48Is your family big?
17:50No, they are not big.
17:54Is your mother the head of the family?
17:56No, my father is alive.
18:02No, my father is alive.
18:04My mother is a housewife.
18:06I didn't understand.
18:08Does your mother live with you?
18:10Yes, she is a housewife.
18:14We are two sisters.
18:18Your father is the head of the family.
18:22We noted your dream.
18:24We will tell you what your dream says.
18:28Walaikum Assalam.
18:30Walaikum Assalam.
18:32Where are you calling from?
18:34I am calling from D.G Khan.
18:36Please tell us about your dream.
18:38My dream is...
18:40My dream is...
18:42My dream is...
18:44My dream is...
18:48I study in Sakhara.
18:52We are five sisters.
18:54I study in Sakhara.
18:56I see some family members.
18:58I get tired.
19:00I study.
19:02Why did you study in Sakhara?
19:04Because we are not getting married.
19:06We are five sisters.
19:08I study in Sakhara.
19:10I see family members.
19:12I study for this reason.
19:14Who is it?
19:16Who is not allowing our marriage?
19:18Who is this family member?
19:20Do you mean siblings?
19:22Who is putting obstacles?
19:25Relatives, relatives, neighbours, who are they?
19:29So, the people you see in your house, who are they?
19:32Brothers, nieces, nephews, who are they?
19:35Sisters, sometimes sisters.
19:37Sisters, I often see sisters.
19:39Those who are not in a relationship, I see them.
19:43There are five sisters, sometimes I see them.
19:47Those who are not in a relationship, you see them.
19:49I pray to God that you give good relations to all the sisters.
19:52May God bless you.
19:53Inshallah, Moosa and Ghazifa will also tell you.
19:55Listen carefully and then read it.
19:57Thank you very much.
19:58Let's include one more caller.
20:01Hello, Assalamualaikum.
20:03Where are you calling from?
20:04I am calling from Kinza, Gujarat.
20:07I wanted to tell you that when I was about to get married,
20:10the one I liked, the one I wanted to marry,
20:14her mother didn't agree.
20:16And whenever she meets me in my dreams, she is upset with me.
20:19Whenever she meets me.
20:21She is upset with you in her dreams.
20:23Is she upset in real life?
20:25Yes, she is upset in her dreams.
20:27In reality, she is upset.
20:29She is upset in her dreams too.
20:30Okay, in reality, she is upset.
20:31And my brother,
20:33And my brother, I wanted to ask,
20:34he sees snakes in his dreams.
20:37They don't come close, but they can be seen from a distance.
20:41What do they do?
20:42They kill someone.
20:43What does your brother do?
20:45He drives a trolley.
20:47He drives a trolley.
20:50We have noted you down.
20:51You were in the Gujaratia program.
20:52Thank you very much.
20:53We will include one more caller.
21:07Yes, Assalamualaikum.
21:10Where are you calling from?
21:18Turn off the television.
21:19I am calling from Daska.
21:21I am calling from Daska.
21:23You are calling from Daska.
21:24Tell us about your dream.
21:25If possible, please turn off the TV.
21:27Turn off the TV.
21:30Tell us about your dream.
21:32In my dreams,
21:34I am alone.
21:38In my dreams,
21:40I am alone.
21:42Wherever I go,
21:44there are four lanes.
21:46As I keep walking,
21:48I don't find my destination.
21:50My path gets blocked.
21:52Whenever I go to my home,
21:54my path gets blocked.
21:58Do you live alone in your real life?
22:03My son and I.
22:05I have been a widow for 20 years.
22:09I don't find my destination in the streets.
22:11Whenever I go to my home,
22:12my path gets blocked.
22:14I understand your dream.
22:15May Allah help you.
22:16Thank you very much for participating in the program.
22:18We will add one more caller.
22:20Peace be upon you.
22:24The call got dropped.
22:25We will add the next caller.
22:26Peace be upon you.
22:27Peace be upon you.
22:28We want to talk to Mufti Khair Raza.
22:31Mufti Khair Raza is listening to you.
22:33He wants to talk to you.
22:34Tell us about your dream.
22:35Where do you want to talk to him?
22:41I want to talk to Mufti Khair Raza.
22:43Mufti Khair Raza is listening to you.
22:44Tell us about your dream.
22:45I don't have a dream.
22:47I want to talk to Mufti Khair Raza.
22:55Mufti Khair Raza is a believer.
22:57May Allah bless him.
22:59We will add one more caller.
23:01Peace be upon you.
23:02Peace be upon you.
23:08He is offline.
23:09We will add one more caller.
23:11Peace be upon you.
23:16Please turn off the TV.
23:22Please turn off the TV.
23:26Peace be upon you.
23:31Peace be upon you.
23:33Peace be upon you.
23:35Peace be upon you.
23:36Please turn off the TV.
23:38We are having a problem with the TV.
23:40Please turn off the TV.
23:42So that we can add you to the program.
23:46Did you turn off the TV?
23:48So that we can add you to the program.
23:49He is not doing it.
23:52We will add you to the next call.
23:53Peace be upon you.
23:54Which recording is this?
23:57Peace be upon you.
23:59Peace be upon you.
24:01Peace be upon you.
24:02Peace be upon you.
24:03Who is this?
24:04Where are you calling from?
24:06I am calling from my house.
24:07I want to ask you about my husband.
24:09He is sick.
24:11He is sick.
24:13He is sick.
24:14Tell me about your dream.
24:15He ran away from home.
24:24There is a disturbance in the voice.
24:25This happens often.
24:26When our sisters and brothers come on the phone,
24:28they get a little nervous.
24:30We will add you to one more call.
24:31Peace be upon you.
24:34Peace be upon you.
24:35Who is this?
24:36Where are you calling from?
24:38I am calling from my house.
24:41Tell me about your dream.
24:44Tell me about your dream.
24:46I saw in my dream that I am doing Umrah.
24:49I am doing Umrah in the house of Allah.
24:53I was asking him if it was good.
24:57Have you done Umrah there?
24:59No, I have not done it before.
25:02May Allah fulfill your wishes.
25:04We will go to a short break with this beautiful question.
25:10The third segment has begun.
25:12We have reserved this segment.
25:14Ask us what your dream is.
25:16There is a caller.
25:18Let's add him to the last caller of this program.
25:20Peace be upon you.
25:21Peace be upon you.
25:23Who is this?
25:24Where are you calling from?
25:26I am calling from Khoistan.
25:28I am calling from Khoistan.
25:31He is calling from Torkham.
25:33Tell us about your dream.
25:35I am calling from Khoistan.
25:36From Khoistan.
25:39I saw that my leg was broken.
25:42Your leg was broken.
25:43The upper leg or the lower leg?
25:45The upper leg was broken.
25:48Half of it was broken.
25:50I saw that there was a small insect in it.
25:54My leg was broken.
25:55I was scared.
25:57This is my dream.
25:59The caller has dropped.
26:00He is calling from Khoistan.
26:02He is scolding us.
26:03It was a dream.
26:04We understood it.
26:05Moosa will tell us what a dream is.
26:07Let's go to Moosa and ask him what a dream is.
26:11The second dream was of a sister.
26:13She sees insects in her dream.
26:18She gets scared.
26:21She asked what it means.
26:23In reality, when you are worried about small things
26:28or when you have to face a problem for some other reason.
26:32There is a problem.
26:33Some people try to overcome the biggest problem.
26:40They try to overcome it.
26:42But some people overcome small problems.
26:46She has overcome some problems.
26:49She has fear in her heart.
26:51That is why she is seeing dreams in which she is scared.
26:56That is why I say that no matter what the situation is,
27:01there is no need to be scared.
27:03Our Lord is Allah.
27:05He is capable of everything.
27:07You should obey Him.
27:09You should turn to Him.
27:11InshaAllah, you will not face any problem.
27:17He will remove it.
27:18After this, the sister said that she can see the insect,
27:21but she can't see the face.
27:23She can see insects in white clothes.
27:26She can see the fragrance.
27:30But she can't see the face.
27:32What is the meaning of this?
27:34It is not a bad thing to not be able to see someone's face in a dream.
27:43It is not a problem.
27:45It is a sign that she is happy.
27:48She is wearing good clothes.
27:50The environment is such that she looks happy.
27:54This means that she is in a good state in the presence of Allah.
27:58There is one thing in this.
28:00There is a good deed that the deceased grandmother used to do.
28:04After her death, her sons and daughters did not do that deed.
28:11They did not continue that deed.
28:13It was a good deed.
28:14They did not continue it.
28:15So, it is possible that there is an element of anger in this.
28:19So, please pay attention to this.
28:21After this, Mehwish asked Quetta that she can see a lizard in a dream.
28:28It is scary.
28:30She tells her family, but they don't pay any attention.
28:34Finally, the lizard becomes like a hair.
28:38One thing is that a person gets worried for no reason.
28:44Some people look worried all the time.
28:49This happened, that happened.
28:51When they share their worries with others,
28:55they understand that it is a habit to be worried all the time.
29:02So, they don't pay attention.
29:04So, it can also mean that you are not worried.
29:09Worries overpower you.
29:11If there is something, you have doubts.
29:15You are not unwell, but you feel that you are unwell.
29:20When you tell your husband or family in such a situation,
29:24they will not believe and will not pay attention.
29:28This is one thing.
29:30Secondly, I would like to say from another angle.
29:34Sometimes it happens in reality that a person is worried.
29:39And the worry is such that there is a need to pay attention to it.
29:42Or God forbid, there is an internal disease.
29:47So, when you tell someone, the family is careless.
29:52And they don't pay attention.
29:53This can also mean that.
29:55So, please pay attention.
29:57And secondly, I would like to say to everyone.
30:00Take care of the people who live in the house.
30:03They are not related to you.
30:05Relationships are not made with money.
30:07If you go and say that I need a brother.
30:11I will spend so much money.
30:13I need a sister.
30:14I need parents.
30:15I need relatives.
30:17So, they are not made with money.
30:18And anyway, whether it is parents, siblings, husband and wife.
30:25All these relationships are very precious.
30:27And as long as they don't care for each other.
30:29The car of life does not run.
30:31I have said this in an indication.
30:33So, obviously, the listeners should understand this.
30:36After this, Mumtaz asked Karachi.
30:38That the deceased father has been dead for a long time.
30:4320-25 years.
30:44He wanted me to do Hajj, but he could not do it.
30:47And the father also had a great desire.
30:49Obviously, we will think that he is ill.
30:53Or there must be some reason that he could not do it.
30:56In a dream, he saw that he was in the shop.
30:59And a cheque came in front of him.
31:01Then he sees that the father is in front of him.
31:05And he is present in front of him.
31:08So, he asks, where are you going?
31:09He says, I am going to Hajj.
31:10He says, there is a lot of crowd there.
31:12Don't go alone.
31:13If I go with you, where will you go?
31:15Let me do it.
31:16So, in the meantime, his eyes opened.
31:18This also means that either his love was so much that he could not go there.
31:25There must be some compulsion.
31:26So, sometimes what happens is that someone's longing is so much.
31:31Even if he could not go, Allah gives him reward.
31:35So, sometimes this can also be a sign.
31:38And the second sign is that Mashallah, he is in good health.
31:41And by the grace of Allah, he is in the shadow of Allah's mercy.
31:44So, you don't have to worry about it.
31:47That I had a desire that I could not perform Hajj.
31:50So, don't take this deficiency on yourself.
31:53So, do good deeds for them.
31:55Keep praying for forgiveness.
31:56And if possible, whenever you do Hajj or Umrah, do good deeds for them.
32:02After this, Farida sister asked DJ Khan that her daughter saw that her daughter is in mud.
32:09So, she asked the interpretation of this.
32:11Sometimes, if there are doubts in the heart about the religion of Islam or other thoughts about the religion of Islam,
32:21then such dreams are seen.
32:23And sometimes it also happens that your friend circle in the surrounding does not have good thoughts.
32:30Then such a dream is seen that you are in the middle of them, in the mud.
32:35In the middle of them, things can also be affected by you.
32:40Your mind can also be polluted.
32:42And if this is not the case, then sometimes there is also a satanic dream.
32:46Satan comes like this and troubles the person.
32:48So, you should pay attention to all three things.
32:50After this, Umar Hayas asked Sahiwal that there is an armory in the house.
32:58There are beautiful people in it.
33:00There are rays of light.
33:01There is another person.
33:02He is in a warrior's attire.
33:04He follows them.
33:06So, the worshippers take him in their lap.
33:08And then it is said that this is the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
33:13And the one in the warrior's attire is Maulana Ali al-Murtadha, may Allah be pleased with him.
33:17The second dream he saw that this is his wife and three children.
33:23So, they are circumambulating the Kaaba.
33:25And then they stay there for a long time in Masjid-e-Nabwi.
33:28These two dreams are very good for you.
33:31May Allah give you such a service, such a field, which will be related to there.
33:39And you said that the call has come.
33:41So, I think this is a very fortunate thing.
33:43May Allah bless you more.
33:45After this, Adil Arshad Sahib from Lahore asked that his uncle saw that his father's brother was crying.
33:57So, it is not right to see someone among the deceased crying in a dream.
34:01Especially, the non-believers.
34:03It is not right to see them crying.
34:06So, they need your prayer of forgiveness.
34:09They need your reward.
34:11Whatever good deed you do, be it obligatory or compulsory, whatever good deed you do,
34:15you should reward them.
34:17And it is obvious that you are their children.
34:19And it is the right of parents to reward their children.
34:24After this, Amna from Sialkot asked that she did not understand much.
34:29She goes to Jamia.
34:31It is a very beautiful Jamia.
34:33There is a person there.
34:35He says that I will shoot him.
34:37You are in some difficulties.
34:39It is obvious that you call and you call in Quran Sunnah.
34:44You have a great passion for the Quran.
34:46And you are very passionate about Dar-e-Nizami.
34:50So, sometimes there are obstacles in your work.
34:53So, this is a sign that Allah will complete all your work.
34:57After this, Sayyid Shujaa Sahab from Rajanpur asked that he is afraid of Jinn in his dream.
35:02Then, a sister said that she is afraid of Jinn in her dream.
35:08So, I will say to both of them that there is nothing to worry about.
35:11Stop praying.
35:12Do ablution and sleep.
35:14Read Ayatul Kursi before sleeping.
35:16Inshallah, nothing will happen.
35:17And sleep on the straight bed.
35:18Inshallah, nothing will happen.
35:20The sister comes back home crying.
35:23She says that the pearls of her jewelry are falling.
35:27She picks up something.
35:29She cannot pick up anything.
35:30She is unconscious.
35:31This dream says that her sister is married.
35:35So, she is not happy in her marriage life.
35:38There are some issues.
35:39And the issues are going ahead.
35:42If it is not settled now, then God forbid, the relationship may break.
35:48May Allah bless them.
35:49And if I hear their voices, then I will tell them to try to make a relationship.
35:54It is very easy to break a relationship.
35:56It is difficult to make a relationship.
35:57And Allah likes to make a relationship.
35:58After this, he asked Faisal Abbas.
36:01In fact, he asked a relative.
36:03His aunt saw his mother running a goat.
36:06Usually, the elders of the house, like mother and grandmother, take care of the house.
36:13They take care of the children.
36:15So, seeing a goat in a dream means that they are taking care of their children and family.
36:24This is a sign.
36:25Then D.J. Khan's sister asked,
36:27When you do Istikhara, you see a goat.
36:29My sister, Istikhara is about the good or bad of a deed.
36:33It is a consultation in the court of Allah.
36:35It is not about the unseen.
36:36Yes, it is not about who is included and who is not.
36:38That is why you are seeing widespread dreams.
36:42May Allah bless them.
36:44Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas.
36:46After Fajr prayer, recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas seven times.
36:50After that, take a deep breath and drink water.
36:54Recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas seven times.
36:59After that, recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas seven times.
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38:31After that, recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas seven times.