姑里放话火箭不应在能吉里助选 雪巫统主席:只是个人看法

  • 3 months ago
新闻报报看 | 巫统元老东姑拉沙里认为,行动党没有必要到能吉里助选。但是,雪州巫统主席梅格却反驳了这个说法。梅格认为,所有要求行动党不要参与能吉里州席补选活动的呼声,只不过是个人看法而已。梅格也代表巫统欢迎行动党到能吉里来助选。(主播·:庄文杰 、 林晓倩)


00:00After the Uyghurs and the Action Party united together to form a government,
00:03the two parties have established a certain tacit understanding
00:08in the past several elections,
00:11especially in terms of the coordination of voting for each other.
00:14Everyone is doing their best in the election campaign.
00:17But what we didn't expect was that the next week,
00:20Ji Landan and Neng Jilizhou, who were going to be nominated,
00:22recently announced that local Uyghur leaders
00:25were going to gather the Action Party outside the door
00:27to prevent the Rocket from sending people to Neng Jilizhou to help vote.
00:31The first person to open fire on the Action Party
00:33was the Uyghur leader, Deng Gulashari.
00:36As the leader of the Uyghur people in Neng Jilizhou,
00:39yesterday, when he was interviewed by the online media Malaysian Now,
00:43he publicly issued a guest order to the Rocket.
00:46He said that the Action Party, as a Chinese-dominated political party,
00:49has no reason to go to Neng Jilizhou,
00:51which is almost 100% a Malay electorate, to run for office.
00:54He even mocked and said
00:56that most of the leaders of the Action Party
00:58can't even speak Malay well,
01:00so it's no use going there.
01:02He thought that this was just a waste of time for the Action Party and the Uyghur people.
01:06However, after the topic of whether the Action Party should run for office
01:10sparked controversy,
01:12Gulashari slightly modified his previous statement,
01:17his tone.
01:19Gulashari denied that he wanted to stop the Action Party
01:22from helping to run for office in the Neng Jilizhou election,
01:25because he has no right to stop anyone from helping in the Neng Jilizhou election.
01:29But Gulashari emphasized that he just thought that
01:31the Rocket was not necessary,
01:35or that there was no need to go to Neng Jilizhou to help run for office,
01:39because 100% of the people in Neng Jilizhou are Malay.
01:43Not only that, Gulashari also asked the reporters,
01:45what do you want the Action Party leaders who are not Malay
01:49to do in Neng Jilizhou?
01:52Okay, although Gulashari emphasized that he did not want to stop the Action Party from helping run for office,
01:56but Gulashari's statement
01:58obviously means that he does not want the Rocket to go to Neng Jilizhou.
02:01Of course, this also made the Action Party not very happy.
02:04Jilandan Action Party Chairman Azhar
02:06said in response that
02:08any campaign strategy can be discussed in private,
02:12and the Rocket can also accept not to run for office for the sake of collective benefit.
02:16But the problem is that there is no need for the leaders to publicly defame their allies.
02:21Especially Gulashari should not issue a curfew through the media.
02:25However, not all the Uyghur leaders do not want to see the Action Party
02:29appear in Neng Jilizhou to help run for office.
02:32Like Uyghur Vice Chairman Zohari,
02:34he tried to make an excuse.
02:36He said that in a multi-ethnic country like Burma,
02:39each race is inseparable,
02:41so there is no need to prevent the Chinese from running for office in Malaysia.
02:45In addition, he emphasized that
02:47if the Action Party can go to Neng Jilizhou to help run for office,
02:51there will be no problem.
