Trejo vs. Greenberg, 10/80

  • 3 months ago


00:00It's time for the Family Feud.
00:12Introducing the Trejo family, Cece, Kathy, Ray, Sandy, and Pat, ready for action.
00:20And the Greenberg family, Dan, Robin, Edith, Nicole, and John, on your marks, let's start
00:28the Family Feud.
00:29With the star of Family Feud, Richard Dawson.
00:30Thank you.
00:31Now, if I look a little haggard, it's because I didn't sleep at all.
00:32I didn't sleep at all.
00:33I didn't sleep at all.
00:34A cuckoo moved in above me.
00:35A cuckoo.
00:36A cuckoo.
00:37A cuckoo.
00:38A cuckoo.
00:39A cuckoo.
00:40A cuckoo.
00:41A cuckoo.
00:42A cuckoo.
00:43A cuckoo.
00:44A cuckoo.
00:45A cuckoo.
00:46A cuckoo.
00:47A cuckoo.
00:48A cuckoo.
00:49A cuckoo.
00:50A cuckoo.
00:51A cuckoo.
00:52A cuckoo.
00:53A cuckoo.
00:54A cuckoo.
00:55A cuckoo.
00:56A cuckoo.
00:57A cuckoo.
00:58A cuckoo.
00:59A cuckoo.
01:00A cuckoo.
01:01A cuckoo.
01:02A cuckoo.
01:03Dear, welcome.
01:04Trails, please.
01:05How much have you won, my dear?
01:14Well, we've won $10,506.
01:15Let's meet everybody here first.
01:17I'd like you to meet my sister, Pathy.
01:22Yes, I've met Pathy.
01:26My brother, Ray.
01:27His wife, Sandy.
01:29And my sister, Pat.
01:31Pat, okay.
01:32I pray that we do get through this show.
01:35We will, we will.
01:36Will, I've been laughing like an idiot while I went downstairs to change.
01:40If you didn't see our show, it's a classic, I swear to you.
01:43I don't think we've ever had...
01:46I know I've never been that much out of control.
01:51It was the one question that wiped me out in Fast Money was,
01:55at what month in pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant?
02:01And, of course, Kathy gave me the answer. She said, September.
02:06And I think the rest of the thing took about eight minutes, and I couldn't talk.
02:09I couldn't talk.
02:10Anyway, they've come to challenge you right now.
02:12Make them feel at home.
02:13Greenberg family.
02:15How are you, man?
02:17Thank you.
02:19I'm sure you saw that spectacle upstairs.
02:22I'm very ashamed of myself.
02:24Please introduce your family.
02:26Okay, Richard, this is my wife, Robin.
02:28Hello, Richard.
02:29This is the woman I first fell in love with, my mother, Edith.
02:32My brother's wife, Nicole.
02:33Hello, Nicole.
02:34Hi, Richard.
02:35And John.
02:36I'm the brother.
02:37My brother.
02:38Nice to see you.
02:39Now, what do you do, sir?
02:40I'm an attorney.
02:41I do criminal work.
02:42I understand we have a policeman on the other side.
02:44Bump, ba-dump, bump.
02:47All the TV shows we win, though.
02:49That's right.
02:50In real life, we win.
02:52In real life, you win?
02:53Yeah, the people win in real life.
02:54A bit nasty now.
02:56What have you got there?
02:57I've got a little present for you.
02:59It's a campaign button.
03:01As you know, this is an election year.
03:03It is indeed.
03:04And none of the candidates, at least to us,
03:06seem very appropriate or good enough.
03:08And we decided, how about Richard Dawson for president?
03:11And we even had a motto.
03:13All right.
03:19What's the motto?
03:20The motto is two kisses for every girl
03:22and a smile on every face.
03:24Just the way you leave them.
03:25How's that?
03:26Thank you.
03:27A word of pride.
03:29My brother teaches at Lone Hill School in Pomona.
03:34Oh, yeah?
03:35San Dimas, actually.
03:36And they made that.
03:37Well, thank them all.
03:38All the people.
03:39Junior high students.
03:40All the little girls love you, Richard.
03:42All the big ones, too.
03:43Big hug for me and thank them.
03:45Let's play the tune.
03:46All right.
03:47Thank you.
03:52Oh, that's really pretty.
03:54It really is nice.
03:56I might run after them.
03:59But I won't debate anybody.
04:02Because if they said the word September,
04:03I'd just fall apart.
04:05I'd lose my campaign right there.
04:08100 people surveyed.
04:09Top six answers are on the board.
04:11Got to try and find the most popular answer.
04:13Here's the question.
04:14Name something you hate to be in the middle of
04:16when unexpected company arrives.
04:25Two answers will beat us, do you see?
04:29I'd say shower.
04:32All right.
04:33Good answer.
04:34Number one.
04:35Do you want to play or pass?
04:38Okay, Richard, we're going to play.
04:39Like a good lawyer,
04:40he knew exactly what the jury was going to do.
04:42Going to play.
04:43You rascal.
04:46You put my career in jeopardy.
04:47What do you mean, hello?
04:48He said, hello.
04:50I'm going to say cleaning the house.
04:52All right.
04:54Richard, good to see you, sir.
04:56Okay, I'd say probably making a whoopee.
05:00Oh, that's a good answer.
05:03Unless they join in, it is a bummer.
05:08Good guy.
05:10Thank you, Sandy.
05:11Thank you.
05:12Good luck.
05:14Something you hate to be in the middle of.
05:16Watching a movie.
05:18All right.
05:19Watching a movie.
05:21What do you think?
05:23Being on the telephone.
05:26If any of our 100 people say telephone.
05:29Oh, it's not.
05:33Okay, uh...
05:37All I can think of is helping my kids with their homework.
05:41And when the unexpected company arrives,
05:43you hate them.
05:44That's not bad.
05:45That's not bad.
05:47And when the unexpected company arrives,
05:49you hate them.
05:50I don't like that.
05:51All right.
05:52Helping the kids with their homework.
05:53If it's there, you're all right.
05:55If not, third strike, Greenberg's got a chance to steal.
05:57The homework.
05:59Not bad.
06:00$69 up there for you
06:02if you give me the right answer, Dan.
06:03Let's go, Dan.
06:05Read the book.
06:06Good book.
06:07Good book.
06:08Yard work.
06:09Need an answer.
06:11We'll try yard work.
06:14Yard work.
06:15If it's there, you get the $69.
06:17If not, Cece and her family get it.
06:19Yard work.
06:20Not bad.
06:22Number four.
06:29Number six.
06:35Horrible September.
06:37I mean, cuckoo is with child.
06:39That's horrible.
06:40We'll be back right after this.
06:43My job transferred me to Japan.
06:45It was moving home for me.
06:47But for my husband, it was 7,000 miles away
06:50from diners, friends, football.
06:53I try to keep things around
06:55that make it feel a little more like home.
06:57Like this T-shirt collection he loves,
06:59I don't want them to wear out.
07:01Tied with wear care.
07:03Unlike regular powders,
07:04it helps prevent damage to cotton clothes
07:06so they last longer.
07:08He's starting to fit in really well,
07:10at least in most cases.
07:13A typical car insurance agent is on the job
07:15during regular business hours.
07:17On the other hand,
07:18GEICO insurance professionals are on the job
07:2124 hours a day.
07:24A 15-minute call could save you 15% or more
07:26on car insurance.
07:30Oh, uh, I didn't want mail.
07:34You don't have to sacrifice service to save money.
07:39A 15-minute call could save you 15% or more
07:41on car insurance.
07:43You'll never see boredom on this face.
07:45Dove knows your face is important.
07:47I work with kids that have dyslexia.
07:49My day is hectic,
07:51but it's definitely very rewarding.
07:53At the end of the day, it's my time.
07:56Dove Cleansing Cloths.
07:58With one-quarter moisturizer
07:59and vitamins A and E,
08:01they create a luxurious lather,
08:03leaving skin feeling soft and hydrated
08:05as they clean.
08:07I like my face to be soft for myself
08:09as much as for them.
08:13How well do you know your dog?
08:24You can't always tell when your dog is feeling pain.
08:27In fact, one out of five dogs
08:29slows down from painful arthritis.
08:31Don't let your dog suffer needlessly.
08:33There are safe and effective medications.
08:36See your veterinarian for an arthritis exam
08:39and ask whether a leading pain reliever
08:41is right for your dog.
08:43$69 there.
08:45Nothing there.
08:46Let's go!
08:49All right.
08:50Good luck.
08:51Good luck, everybody.
08:52Oh, thank you.
08:54Now, does Dan, his law firm,
08:56does he work for a lawyer,
08:58or has he got his own law firm?
08:59His own law firm.
09:00Is it?
09:01Is that what it's called?
09:02Daniel L. Greenberg
09:03of Professional Law Corporation.
09:05In case I ever get into trouble
09:06or any of my friends,
09:08you'll notice who I'm looking at, Jim.
09:10We'll know where to go for
09:12with an attorney here.
09:14100 people surveyed.
09:15Top six answers are on the board.
09:17Here's the question.
09:18Name something people keep neatly trimmed.
09:24Wow, good answer.
09:25Four answers will do it.
09:32All right.
09:37We're gonna play, Richard.
09:38We're gonna play.
09:40Daniel Greenberg,
09:45How are you?
09:46Much better now.
09:48Your first laugh.
09:50Something people keep neatly trimmed.
09:52Well, I think probably their hairstyles.
09:55Good answer.
09:56All right.
09:57Here's the hint.
09:59Here's the hint.
10:01That's right.
10:05Hello, pretty.
10:06Hello, Richard.
10:07What do you think, my love?
10:09The only answer I can think of is eyebrows.
10:12Let's take a look.
10:16No, there.
10:18Although I said to Tom Snyder that...
10:20How are you?
10:21Nice to see you, Richard.
10:22Good to see you.
10:23Well, now you could get a brush fire going in here.
10:26Something people keep neatly trimmed.
10:28How about their lawn, Richard?
10:30Their lawn.
10:31Good answer.
10:32All right.
10:34All right.
10:35We're so proud.
10:39Two answers left, young man.
10:41One strike.
10:43How about their rosebushes?
10:45Trim the rosebushes?
10:47Hedge and bushes.
10:49We did have benches and hedges out there,
10:51but we've got hedges and bushes now.
10:54Three seconds.
10:59I rest my case.
11:01Nobody's going to want me down.
11:03How about their nails, Richard?
11:05Good answer.
11:06Robin said nails.
11:08You did it.
11:10Good girl.
11:11Thank you.
11:12Now, going to polish it off here.
11:14Oh, I'd love to.
11:15Something people keep neatly trimmed.
11:16One answer left.
11:17How about themselves?
11:22There you got it.
11:23It's not third strike.
11:27Not there.
11:28$97 up there for you, Trejos.
11:32Oh, my God.
11:33What do I think?
11:35Need an answer.
11:37Oh, we can...
11:39They took our thing.
11:42Your feet.
11:43I don't know.
11:46I don't know.
11:47Please don't start to do this to me again.
11:51Now, they're going to buzz you if you don't give the proper answer.
11:56Three seconds left.
11:59I don't know.
12:00Oh, my God.
12:01I don't know.
12:02I don't know.
12:04Number six.
12:11Oh, no.
12:13Hands up, those who want to have their feet trimmed just a little later.
12:17Not now.
12:18We'll be back right after this.
12:20When you go to the fair,
12:22to the fair, do you love the mouth-watering taste of sweet fried funnel cakes?
12:26Now, bring home all of the fun and flavor of hot, fresh funnel cakes
12:30with the all-new All-American Funnel Cake Kit.
12:33Now kids can have a carnival in the kitchen.
12:35It's so easy. Just add water to whip up a batch of batter.
12:38Put the ring in the fry pan, add oil, then pour.
12:41The mouth of the pitcher is designed so it pours the batter perfectly
12:45for the lightest, crispiest cakes ever created.
12:48Flip the funnel cakes like flapjacks.
12:50So light, so crispy, so delicious.
12:53Deep-fried funnel cakes are so authentic,
12:55it's like having a carnival in your kitchen.
12:57But that's not all.
12:58Make flavored funnel cakes like strawberry cakes with whipped cream,
13:01blueberry shortcakes, All-American apple cakes,
13:04or chocolate cakes topped with ice cream.
13:06Take your funnel cake kit camping
13:08and enjoy the fabulous All-American flavor in the great outdoors.
13:11I haven't had a funnel cake that good since I went to the boardwalk.
13:14It's delicious.
13:15It's finger-licking good.
13:17They're light, they're fluffy, crispy, and delicious.
13:20My whole family loves eating funnel cakes at carnivals and boardwalks.
13:23Now with this kit, we can make them in our very own home.
13:26You'll also get the complete recipe book with dozens of fabulous dessert recipes.
13:30Now, order the great All-American funnel cake kit,
13:33complete with funnel cake pitcher, frying ring, sprinkler,
13:36powdered sugar, tongs, recipe book, and 2-pound canister of funnel cake mix.
13:40Enough to make dozens of funnel cakes, all for only $19.95.
13:43But wait, on this special TV offer,
13:45you'll get the amazing new All-American fudge kit
13:48as our free gift just for trying funnel cakes.
13:51Now, make the most delicious mouth-watering fudge you've ever tasted.
13:54You get everything you need to make dozens of fabulous fudge delicacies,
13:58just like on the boardwalk.
14:00It's a $20 value free with funnel cake.
14:02This is the best fudge I ever tasted.
14:05You get it all, the funnel cake and the fudge kit,
14:08a $40 value all, only $19.95.
14:11To order your very own funnel cake kit with a bonus fudge maker,
14:14call toll-free 1-800-203-7744.
14:17That's 1-800-203-7744.
14:21Oh, those Card Sharks questions.
14:23If there were a pill that you could take
14:25that would make you feel sexually satisfied and happy without women,
14:29would you take it?
14:31The penetrating, provocative puzzlers of Card Sharks,
14:33today at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Eastern.
14:36$97 there, $69.
14:39Let's go.
14:44Have you seen you today?
14:45No, I haven't seen you.
14:46Fine, fine.
14:48Let me think.
14:49Dollar values are doubled.
14:50100 people surveyed.
14:51The top five answers are on the board.
14:53And this is a good question.
14:55We've been saving it for years.
14:56Here's the question.
14:58Name an animal that can kill with its bite.
15:02A lion.
15:04A lion.
15:06One answer will beat that.
15:11An animal that can kill with its bite.
15:13A snake.
15:14A snake.
15:16All right.
15:18Play it, play it, play it.
15:20We're going to play.
15:22Excellent, Dolly.
15:25I think you're almost as surprised as I was.
15:27I was.
15:29An animal that can kill with its bite.
15:31How about a tiger?
15:32All right.
15:33A tiger.
15:35All right.
15:40Shark, Richard.
15:45All right.
15:51I would say a species of spider.
15:53Some type of deadly spider.
15:55Good answer.
15:57The non-deadly spider wouldn't kill you, would it?
16:00They don't agree with me, but I do.
16:02They don't agree with you?
16:03No, they do, but they don't.
16:04Oh, are people here?
16:06Oh, they're lollipop to that people.
16:09The main thing is if you think it's a...
16:11I hope so.
16:13What's a deadly one?
16:14Praying mantis?
16:16Black widow.
16:17Black widow.
16:18Praying mantis, deadly, isn't it?
16:21I think they bore you to death with their praying.
16:27Black widow.
16:28Black widow?
16:29Well, no racial jokes.
16:32What else?
16:33What other kind of spider that kill you?
16:36Some from South America.
16:38I think the violin spider.
16:40Oh, that's right.
16:41Yeah, they hit you with the violin.
16:42They murder.
16:44The bass fiddle spider?
16:47And of course, from Sweden, the piano.
16:50Piano's why.
16:53Hit you with a Gutenberg.
16:57The deadly, lethal spider.
17:02Oh, dear.
17:03Oh, dear.
17:04I'm amazed.
17:06Drum spider, of course.
17:08Animal that can kill with a spike.
17:11How about a dog, Richard?
17:13A dog?
17:15It can.
17:17You get to...
17:19You know, if you upset a poodle,
17:22you can be in a heck of a lot of trouble.
17:25First of all, they speak a language we don't.
17:27It's French.
17:28And you'll never know where you are.
17:31A dog for all the money!
17:34Not there.
17:36Well, animal that can kill with a spike.
17:40A rat.
17:41A rat.
17:43A rat armed...
17:47Armed with a violin spider.
17:51Oh, dear.
17:53The dreaded killing rat.
17:57Not there.
17:58$176 up there for you.
18:03Need an answer.
18:05We're gonna take a crocodile, alligator.
18:07All right, but bring it back by tomorrow.
18:10Because Dr. George wants it.
18:11Use in the weather.
18:13Crocodile's there.
18:14You got it?
18:15If not, you got it.
18:17Number 5.
18:21Yeah, wolf.
18:24$273, plays $69.
18:27Let's go.
18:32Dollar values have doubled.
18:34100 people surveyed.
18:35Top four answers are on the board.
18:37Here's the question.
18:38What animal is the biggest?
18:40A dog.
18:45All right, the last one on the board.
18:46Here's the question.
18:47Name something that's harder to do the older you get.
18:50Yes, dear.
18:55We're gonna play, Richard.
18:56Very proud of you, my love.
18:57Something that's harder to do the older you get, John.
18:58A dog.
18:59A dog.
19:00A dog.
19:01A dog.
19:02A dog.
19:03A dog.
19:04A dog.
19:05A dog.
19:06A dog.
19:07A dog.
19:08A dog.
19:09A dog.
19:10A dog.
19:11A dog.
19:12A dog.
19:13A dog.
19:14All right, get up in the morning.
19:15All right, get up in the morning.
19:17Good answer.
19:18First try.
19:20How about work?
19:22Good answer.
19:23Good answer.
19:25Good answer.
19:26Good answer.
19:28Come on, Robin.
19:29Something that's harder to do the older you get.
19:30Yes, John.
19:31A dog.
19:32A dog.
19:33A dog.
19:34A dog.
19:35A dog.
19:36A dog.
19:37A dog.
19:38A dog.
19:39A dog.
19:40A dog.
19:41A dog.
19:42A dog.
19:47I can't think of anything, Richard.
19:50All right, my love.
19:51If walk is there, you're all right, and if not, third strike.
19:56Not there.
19:58Sowing, crocheting, making whoopee.
20:01All right.
20:02We think making whoopee.
20:03Whilst crocheting?
20:04It's not easy.
20:05Whoopee there?
20:06That's what I thought Robin was gonna say.
20:07Little whoopee gets you the 82, if not, you are the champ.
20:16You got it!
20:17Number three.
20:18Bend over.
20:19Is that where?
20:20Near Normandy, isn't it?
20:21Oh, it's Wendover.
20:22Number four?
20:23To C. 273 plays 154.
20:24It's a little better.
20:25Step over.
20:26Step over.
20:27Step over.
20:28Step over.
20:29Step over.
20:30Step over.
20:31Step over.
20:32Step over.
20:33Step over.
20:34Step over.
20:35Step over.
20:36plays $151. Let's go!
20:44Dollar values have tripled.
20:45This will decide it. 100 people surveyed.
20:47Top three answers are on the board.
20:49The question is name a reason people stick with a job
20:52even if they don't like it.
20:57Number one.
20:58We're gonna play, Richard.
21:03Reason people stick with a job
21:04even if they don't like it.
21:0830 seconds.
21:11Good answer.
21:12Good answer.
21:14All right.
21:15Right answer.
21:16You got it all.
21:19For the benefits?
21:20For benefits.
21:21All right.
21:24Benefits say you're okay, and if not, first strike.
21:25The benefits.
21:26They are...
21:27They're unbeatable.
21:28You ain't gonna beat them.
21:29Nobody, you know.
21:30They come along and bam.
21:31You gave it a heck of a shot, Dan.
21:32273 and nice prizes.
21:33Thank you very much.
21:35Good luck with your law firm and your career.
21:36Thank you, Richard.
21:37You're gorgeous.
21:38Thank you.
21:39Bye, love.
21:40Thank you, Richard.
21:41Please thank all your students again.
21:42Thank you.
21:43Thank you.
21:44Thank you.
21:45Thank you.
21:46Thank you.
21:47Thank you.
21:48Thank you.
21:49Thank you.
21:50Thank you.
21:51Thank you.
21:52Thank you.
21:53Thank you.
21:54Thank you.
21:55Thank you.
21:56Thank you.
21:57Thank you.
21:58Thank you.
21:59Thank you.
22:00Thank you.
22:01Thank you.
22:02Thank you.
22:03Thank you.
22:04Thank you.
22:05Thank you.
22:06Thank you.
22:07Thank you.
22:08Thank you.
22:09Thank you.
22:10Thank you.
22:11Thank you.
22:12Thank you.
22:13Thank you.
22:14Thank you.
22:15Thank you.
22:16Thank you.
22:17Thank you.
22:18Thank you.
22:19Thank you.
22:20Thank you.
22:21Thank you.
22:22Thank you.
22:23Thank you.
22:24Thank you.
22:25Thank you.
22:26Thank you.
22:27Thank you.
22:28Thank you.
22:29Thank you.
22:30Thank you.
22:31Thank you.
22:32Thank you.
22:33Thank you.
22:34Thank you.
22:35Thank you.
22:36Thank you.
22:37Thank you.
22:38Thank you.
22:39Thank you.
22:40Thank you.
22:41Thank you.
22:42Thank you.
22:43Thank you.
22:44Thank you.
22:45Thank you.
22:46Thank you.
22:47Thank you.
22:48Thank you.
22:49Thank you.
22:50Thank you.
22:51Thank you.
22:52Thank you.
22:53Thank you.
22:54Thank you.
22:55Thank you.
22:56Thank you.
22:57Thank you.
22:58Thank you.
22:59Thank you.
23:00Thank you.
23:01Thank you.
23:02Thank you.
23:03Thank you.
23:04Thank you.
23:05Thank you.
23:06Thank you.
23:07Thank you.
23:08Thank you.
23:09Thank you.
23:10Thank you.
23:11Thank you.
23:12Thank you.
23:13Thank you.
23:14Thank you.
23:15Thank you.
23:16Thank you.
23:17Thank you.
23:18Thank you.
23:19Thank you.
23:20Thank you.
23:21Thank you.
23:22Thank you.
23:23Thank you.
23:24Thank you.
23:25Thank you.
23:26Thank you.
23:27Thank you.
23:28Thank you.
23:29Thank you.
23:30Thank you.
23:31Thank you.
23:32Thank you.
23:33Thank you.
23:34Thank you.
23:35Thank you.
23:36Thank you.
23:37Thank you.
23:38Thank you.
23:39Thank you.
23:40Thank you.
23:41Thank you.
23:42Thank you.
23:43Thank you.
23:44Thank you.
23:45Thank you.
23:46Thank you.
23:47Thank you.
23:48Thank you.
23:49Thank you.
23:50Thank you.
23:51Thank you.
23:52Thank you.
23:53Thank you.
23:54Thank you.
23:55Thank you.
23:56Thank you.
23:57Thank you.
23:58Thank you.
23:59Thank you.
24:00Thank you.
24:01Thank you.
24:02Thank you.
24:03Thank you.
24:04Thank you.
24:05Thank you.
24:06Thank you.
24:07Thank you.
24:08Thank you.
24:09Thank you.
24:10Thank you.
24:11Thank you.
24:12Thank you.
24:13Thank you.
24:14Thank you.
24:15Thank you.
24:16Thank you.
24:17Thank you.
24:18Thank you.
24:19Thank you.
24:20Thank you.
24:21Thank you.
24:22Thank you.
24:23Thank you.
24:24Thank you.
24:25Thank you.
24:26Thank you.
24:27Thank you.
24:28Thank you.
24:29Thank you.
24:30Thank you.
24:31Thank you.
24:32Thank you.
24:33Thank you.
24:34Thank you.
24:35Thank you.
24:36Thank you.
24:37Thank you.
24:38Thank you.
24:39Thank you.
24:40Thank you.
24:41Thank you.
24:42Thank you.
24:43Thank you.
24:44Thank you.
24:45Thank you.
24:46Thank you.
24:47Thank you.
24:48Thank you.
24:49Thank you.
24:50Thank you.
24:51Thank you.
24:52Thank you.
24:53Thank you.
24:54Thank you.
24:55Thank you.
24:56Thank you.
24:57Thank you.
24:58Thank you.
24:59Thank you.
25:00Thank you.
25:01Thank you.
25:02Thank you.
25:03Thank you.
25:04Thank you.
25:05Thank you.
25:06Thank you.
25:07Thank you.
25:08Thank you.
25:09Thank you.
25:10Thank you.
25:11Thank you.
25:12Thank you.
25:13Thank you.
25:14Thank you.
25:15Thank you.
25:16Thank you.
25:17Thank you.
25:18Thank you.
25:19Thank you.
25:20Thank you.
25:21Thank you.
25:22Thank you.
25:23Thank you.
25:24Thank you.
25:25Thank you.
25:26Thank you.
25:27Thank you.
25:28Thank you.
25:29Thank you.
25:30Thank you.
25:31Thank you.
25:32Thank you.
25:33Thank you.
25:34Thank you.
25:35Thank you.
25:36Thank you.
25:37Thank you.
25:38Thank you.
25:39Thank you.
25:40Thank you.
25:41Thank you.
25:42Thank you.
25:43Thank you.
25:44Thank you.
25:45Thank you.
25:46Thank you.
25:47Thank you.
25:48Thank you.
25:49Thank you.
25:50Thank you.
25:51Thank you.
25:52Thank you.
25:53Thank you.
25:54Thank you.
25:55Thank you.
25:56Thank you.
25:57Thank you.
25:58Thank you.
25:59Thank you.
26:00Thank you.
26:01Thank you.
26:02Thank you.
26:03Thank you.
26:04Thank you.
26:05Thank you.
26:06Thank you.
26:07Thank you.
26:08Thank you.
26:09Thank you.
26:10Thank you.
26:11Thank you.
26:12Thank you.
26:13Thank you.
26:14Thank you.
26:15Thank you.
26:16Thank you.
26:17Thank you.
26:18Thank you.
26:19Thank you.
26:20Thank you.
26:21Thank you.
26:22Thank you.
26:23Thank you.
26:24Thank you.
26:25Thank you.
26:26Thank you.
26:27Thank you.
26:28Thank you.
26:29Thank you.
26:30Thank you.
26:31Thank you.
26:32Thank you.
26:33Thank you.
26:34Thank you.
26:35Thank you.
26:36Thank you.
26:37Thank you.
26:38Thank you.
26:39Thank you.
26:40Thank you.
26:41Thank you.
26:42Thank you.
26:43Thank you.
26:44Thank you.
26:45Thank you.
26:46Thank you.
26:47Thank you.
26:48Thank you.
26:49Thank you.
26:50Thank you.
26:51Thank you.
26:52Thank you.
26:53Thank you.
26:54Thank you.
26:55Thank you.
26:56Thank you.
26:57Thank you.
26:58Thank you.
26:59Thank you.
27:00Thank you.
27:01Thank you.
27:02Thank you.
27:03Thank you.
27:04Thank you.
27:05Thank you.
27:06Thank you.
27:07Thank you.
27:08Thank you.
27:09Thank you.
27:10Thank you.
27:11Thank you.
27:12Thank you.
27:13Thank you.
27:14Thank you.
27:15Thank you.
27:16Thank you.
27:17Thank you.
27:18Thank you.
27:19Thank you.
27:20Thank you.
27:21Thank you.
27:22Thank you.
27:23Thank you.
27:24Thank you.
27:25Thank you.
27:26Thank you.
27:27Thank you.
27:28Thank you.
27:29Thank you.
27:30Thank you.
27:31Thank you.
27:32Thank you.
27:33Thank you.
27:34Thank you.
27:35Thank you.
27:36Thank you.
27:37Thank you.
27:38Thank you.
27:39Thank you.
27:40Thank you.
27:41Thank you.
27:42Thank you.
27:43Thank you.
27:44Thank you.
27:45Thank you.
27:46Thank you.
27:47Thank you.
27:48Thank you.
27:49Thank you.
27:50Thank you.
27:51Thank you.
27:52Thank you.
27:53Thank you.
27:54Thank you.
27:55Thank you.
27:56Thank you.
27:57Thank you.
27:58Thank you.
27:59Thank you.
28:00Thank you.
28:01Thank you.
28:02Thank you.
28:03Thank you.
28:04Thank you.
28:05Thank you.
28:06Thank you.
28:07Thank you.
28:08Thank you.
28:09Thank you.
28:10Thank you.
28:11Thank you.
28:12Thank you.
28:13Thank you.
28:14Thank you.
28:15It's easy for other kids to eat properly with Happy Faces, Little Trees, and Mr. Spoon.
28:22Yet studies show many children aren't getting the recommended amounts of nutrients.
28:26That's why many parents choose PediaSure.
28:29It's a complete balanced source of the protein, vitamins, and minerals children need for healthy
28:33growth with a taste that's kid approved.
28:36If you're concerned your child isn't getting adequate nutrition, ask your doctor about
28:41We make a lot of cereal here.
28:42You know what our favorite is?
28:43Honey Bunches of Oats.
28:44We can't keep it to ourselves.
28:45Hey, how about some Honey Bunches of Oats?
28:48I like the honey oat flavor.
28:50We've got to feed America.
28:51See you here on the Cube.
28:53Some depending contestants receive West Bend's versatile 6-port automatic slow cooker plus.
28:54Slow cooks, bakes, roasts, grills, and even serves.
28:55Non-sticking with colorful porcelain exterior.
28:56Like Mads, the manicurist.
28:57We'll see you here on the Cube.
28:59See you here on the Cube.
29:01See you here on the Cube.
29:03See you here on the Cube.
29:05Like Mads, the manicurist.
29:06We'll see you here on the Cube.
29:08See you here on the Cube.
29:10See you here on the Cube.
29:12See you here on the Cube.
29:14See you here on the Cube.
29:16See you here on the Cube.
29:18See you here on the Cube.
29:20See you here on the Cube.
29:22See you here on the Cube.
29:24See you here on the Cube.
29:26See you here on the Cube.
29:28See you here on the Cube.
29:30See you here on the Cube.
29:32See you here on the Cube.
29:33He's a liar!
29:35He's a liar.
29:36He's a liar.
29:37Divorce rates are climbing.
29:38Now you know why.
29:39The new Newlywed Game, one of your favorite games, next!
