• 3 months ago
Moletlanyi Tshipa (09-01-2020): Obtaining SubAtomic Particle Sizes From Creation-Annihilation Processes


Riccardo C. Storti (July-2020):
(*) Analysis of The Particle-AntiParticle Pair Representation (PAPPR) of Fundamental-Particle Sizes (Solution Algorithm)
(*) Developed by Moletlanyi Tshipa
(*) Pg. 12, 20-22:
00:00G'day viewers, in this episode we are going to take the particle-antiparticle pair representation
00:06developed by Schipper to a new level, and imbue it with capabilities that Schipper did
00:10not envisage.
00:11We are going to align Schipper's model with the electrogravimagnetic construct, thereby
00:15deriving important quark information.
00:18On route we shall establish three significant quark characteristics.
00:22Number one, the typical quark form factor is a solid ellipsoid, specifically a spheroid.
00:28Number two, the typical quark radius is approximately 0.53 attometers, that is, the typical quark
00:35diameter is about 1 attometer.
00:38Number three, the neutron and proton are approximately 1,558 times larger than the quark, on average.
00:45OK, let's get into it.
00:48Let's begin our journey by identifying where the Schipper research article can be found,
00:52as we did in episode 98 and 99.
00:55Now that you know where to find the primary artefacts, let's expand Schipper's particle
00:59radii model to include quarks.
01:01If you have not already watched episode 98 and 99, please pause this presentation and
01:06watch the previous episodes before proceeding.
01:08Well, assuming that you have followed my instructions, let's move on.
01:13Before we embark upon a quark radii solution, we shall leverage off the results we obtained
01:17in episode 99, whereby we utilized established experimental benchmarks to act as frames
01:22of reference.
01:24We recommend all viewers to watch episode 5 on this channel for a video presentation
01:28pertaining to the formal derivation of the zero-point field equilibrium radii appearing
01:33on screen.
01:34It should be noted that the zero-point field equilibrium radii we derive coincide with
01:39the proton root mean square charge radius and the neutron mean square charge radius.
01:44This means that the zero-point field equilibrium radii equations appearing on screen may be
01:49considered to be authoritative and definitive.
01:52At the bottom of the screen, we compare our spin-angular momentum solution to the benchmark
01:57zero-point field equilibrium radii solutions appearing mid-screen.
02:01Our results show that the dissimilarity between the tabulated information and the experimentally
02:06verified benchmarks are minimized as indicated by the purple emphasis.
02:11In the case of the proton, the best fit occurs when Ix equals a half, such that the deviation
02:17from the experimentally verified benchmark is less than 0.08%.
02:22In the case of the neutron, the best fit occurs when Ix equals two-thirds, such that
02:27the deviation from the experimentally verified benchmark is less than 0.008%.
02:33Now that we have reviewed the results obtained in episode 99, we can embark upon our quark
02:38radii solution.
02:40It may seem astonishing to many viewers, but there are only two particles which have had
02:44their physical dimensions measured to high precision, that is, the proton and neutron.
02:49And then, of these two particles, neutron size measurements are not as straightforward
02:53or precise as the proton.
02:54In fact, the size of the neutron is actually measured as a negative squared quantity, then
02:59converted to a positive-valued quantity as appears on screen.
03:03This means that an experimentally direct like-for-like size comparison between the proton and neutron
03:08isn't actually possible, it can only be inferred.
03:11Once again, we recommend all viewers to watch episode 5 on this channel for a video presentation
03:16pertaining to the formal derivation of the size of the proton and neutron.
03:20OK, so what does all this mean and where does it leave us with respect to a quark radii
03:25Well, given that the proton and neutron contain up and down quarks, we need to find some common
03:31By inspection of the neutron dissimilarity results, we can see that the Ix equals a half
03:36solution produces a dissimilarity result of less than 0.4%.
03:41Thus, we shall assume that the proton solution is common to Elbarions.
03:45Consequently, we shall model the neutron as a rotating disk, as we did with the proton.
03:50OK, let's now visualize what we mean.
03:53The most precisely and accurately measured particle size dimension ever gathered is associated
03:59with the proton.
04:00Hence, we shall assume that the shape of the proton is common to Elbarions.
04:05We shall interpret the two dimensions generated by the spin-angular-momentum-inclusive form
04:10of particle radii as disk radius and disk thickness.
04:15We have determined that a rotating disk fits the experimentally verified root-mean-squared-charge
04:20radius of the proton, to within less than 0.08% error, or in other words, to greater
04:26than 99.92% similarity, that is, accuracy.
04:31The obvious question now arises, how can we visualize the up and down quarks associated
04:36with Baryons, specifically the proton?
04:39Well, as indicated by the illustration, the quarks reside within a so-called probability
04:45This probability domain denotes a three-dimensional volume containing dynamic location information.
04:52Of course, it follows that the form factor of the quarks, that is, their shape, aligns
04:56with the environment in which they reside.
04:59Let's now derive a particle-antiparticle pair representation estimate for up and down quark
05:06To facilitate this, we shall assume that the absolute value of r-sub-beta-s represents
05:11proton-root-mean-squared-charge radius.
05:14Hence, it follows that the quark-mean-squared-charge radii may be directly proportional to the
05:19dimension of the minor disk axis and the ratio of quark mass to Baryon mass, according to
05:24the relationship shown.
05:26Executing the process as indicated on screen, we can see that the average particle-antiparticle-pair
05:32representation estimate for up and down quark radii is approximately 99.5% similar to the
05:39equivalent electrogravimagnetic estimate.
05:42This is a very encouraging result because it demonstrates that the particle-antiparticle-pair
05:46representation model aligns well with the electrogravimagnetic construct.
05:51OK, we have derived particle-antiparticle-pair representation estimates for up and down quark
05:58Let's now derive a radii solution for the remaining quarks.
06:02In order to derive quark radii estimates for the strange, charmed, bottom and top quarks,
06:08we shall leverage off the methodology presented in Episode 8, that is, in our periodic table
06:14of harmonic solutions.
06:16Please review Episode 8 if you have not already done so.
06:19You will see that we have been able to formulate a harmonic representation of fundamental particles.
06:24It is worth your while reviewing, so please try to find some time to have a look.
06:28Our derivation commences with three basic assumptions slash simplifications.
06:33Number 1.
06:34All quarks are related to baryonic matter, represented by the mass of the proton in calculations.
06:40Number 2.
06:41The radii of all quarks reside within the approximate vicinity of the average up and
06:45down quark radii stated in the previous slide.
06:48Number 3.
06:49All quark radii are harmonically quantized relative to average up and down quark radii,
06:55represented by k sub q.
06:58The solution algorithm appearing on screen should be straightforward, easy to follow
07:02and self-explanatory.
07:04In the bottom right hand corner of the slide, you can see that the similarity between the
07:08average electrogravity magnetic quark radii and the average particle-antiparticle pair
07:13representation of quark radii is approximately 85%.
07:17This is a favourable and noteworthy result.
07:20Utilising this similarity result, we can predict an improved form factor with respect to this
07:25shape of quarks.
07:27As we just saw a moment ago, we have been able to reproduce almost 85% similarity in
07:32quark radii estimates between the electrogravity magnetic construct and the particle-antiparticle
07:38pair representation, based upon the strange, charmed bottom and top quarks.
07:43However, if we extend this domain to include the up and down quarks, we can increase similarity
07:48to approximately 90%.
07:51The assumption appearing in the blue box within the Mathcad computational algorithm
07:55is not required in order to calculate the mass-moment of inertia configuration coefficient
08:00I sub z.
08:02The stated assumption is required for the computation of A and B, not I sub z.
08:08The fact that the mass-moment of inertia configuration coefficient calculated resides between zero
08:13and two-fifths means that the geometric solution we are seeking resides somewhere between a
08:18point particle and a solid sphere.
08:20Hence, the obvious compromise is a solid ellipsoid.
08:24Thus, we can build a Mathcad computational algorithm to deliver a solution for the form
08:29factor of quarks in three simple steps.
08:33Step 1.
08:34Select a geometric shape in order to initiate the computational process.
08:38In our case, we selected a solid ellipsoid as our starting point, as justified a moment
08:44Step 2.
08:45Assume the condition that the average electrogravimagnetic quark radii is equal to the average particle-antiparticle
08:52pair representation quark radii.
08:55Please note that the averaging coefficients vanish from the equation, yielding the appearance
08:59of sums.
09:01Step 3.
09:02With the Mathcad computational algorithm having determined that the geometric solution is
09:07spheroidal, we assigned an appropriate set of axes scaling factors.
09:12In our example, we have scaled C to be three-fifths of A.
09:16Let's now summarize what we have learned.
09:19On our journey, we have aligned the particle-antiparticle pair representation developed by Schipper
09:25with the electrogravimagnetic construct developed by Storti and Desiato, consequently deriving
09:31important quark information.
09:33En route, we have learned five significant lessons.
09:371. The typical quark form factor is a solid ellipsoid, specifically a spheroid.
09:432. The typical quark major axis is approximately 0.53 attometers.
09:503. The typical quark minor axis is approximately 0.32 attometers.
09:564. The neutron mean squared charge radius is approximately 1555 times greater than the
10:03typical quark major axis.
10:065. The proton root mean squared charge radius is approximately 1562 times greater than the
10:13typical quark major axis.