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This Is How Jocko Willink CONQUERS Emotional Pain. A decorated retired Navy SEAL officer shares a powerful story of overcoming pain, loss and a new beginning.

#JockoWillink #InspiringSpeech #JockoPodcast


00:00My wife and I suffered three weeks of turmoil which included losing a child
00:06How do I expedite that moment when we pick up ourselves?
00:10Basically how to push through
00:17So the pain that's going to come it's going to come in waves
00:22At first you won't even notice that they're waves because all the waves are going to be so close together
00:29It's going to feel like you are drowning in sorrow
00:37You're not going to get in the air and like you're not going to be able to escape that sadness
00:43That's what the waves feel like at first
00:47And then at some point there's going to be a little break, just a little break
00:53Just a little bit of light in the darkness
00:56Something is going to make you smile, something is going to make you laugh
01:01Something's going to just show you just a little bit of light
01:07And then another wave of pain
01:11And then another wave of pain is going to come back again and it's going to be strong and you won't have any control over it
01:19All of a sudden you're going to be just crying uncontrolled
01:25You won't be able to say no, no, I'm in the light now, I'm smiling right now, I'm not going to go back there
01:30No, you're not going to be able to control it, that's scary
01:34You're at the mercy of God
01:36You're at the mercy of this ocean of sorrow
01:40But don't let that scare you
01:43Don't let that scare you because I'm telling you that that wave is going to subside again
01:49And this is going to go on, it's going to go on and the waves
01:54They will become weaker
01:58When you feel a little bit of a break
02:02When you feel a little bit of a break
02:07What you can do is you can row the boat
02:11You can row the boat and what I mean by that is start doing something productive to get your mind moving forward
02:19Let's sort out the drawers in the bedroom, let's vacuum, let's do something productive
02:28If there's something that distracts you, that's fine, do it
02:36Let there be some calm in the water
02:42As the calm calms, also you're going to find moments where it's like you can have things that are going to bring on the waves
02:52And that's okay too, bring on the waves, go look at the pictures, write down the memories, read the letters, read the notes, read the emails
03:08And then there's that standard service, you're going to do the memorial, you're going to do the burial
03:15And when that's over, let a little bit more time go by
03:23Give yourself another week of washing around, of feeling that sorrow, of letting the waves toss you around in the ocean
03:46But after another week, what you do is you go and you write a letter, you write a letter to your child
03:53And you explain to them, explain to them how much they meant to you
04:03Explain to them how heartbroken you are that they are gone, and then explain to them why you are going to carry on
04:18And explain to them how in losing them, you have learned without a shred of doubt how truly precious life is
04:32And that they have taught you the immeasurable value of your own life and your family's life
04:45And explain to them that you know
04:50That you know that they love you and that you know that they would want more than anything for you to be happy and productive and impactful in the world
05:08And explain in that letter what you will do to make them proud
05:14Of how you live your life
05:20And then take that letter and go to their grave and read it to them
05:32And cry
05:36And kiss their soul
05:39And kiss their soul
05:47And tell them that you will see them on the other side
05:52And then, go live your life
05:59And those waves are still going to come
06:03And there's still going to be pain, and there's still going to be sorrow
06:07But you go and live your life
06:10Live it well
06:13And make them proud
06:29And there's still going to be pain, and there's still going to be sorrow
06:34But you go and live your life
06:37Live it well
06:40And make them proud
06:43And those waves are still going to come
06:46And there's still going to be pain, and there's still going to be sorrow
06:50But you go and live your life
06:53Live it well
06:55And make them proud
