'Doctor Who's' Ncuti Gatwa, Millie Gibson, Russell T Davies step into our video studio at San Diego Comic Con 2024.
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Presented by Google TV
00:00I was so excited to come to Comic-Con because I was like, it's a mecca of nerds.
00:05I just can't wait to be amongst that joy and positivity.
00:10People living their best lives.
00:18Who are you?
00:20I'm the Doctor.
00:24Have you ever been to Comic-Con before?
00:25No, first time. But very, very excited to be here.
00:30Hull H sounds epic. Like a juggernaut of joy.
00:34So, excited to be here.
00:36Every day, I'm at Comic-Con.
00:40An old hand.
00:41Yeah, I'm a really big fan.
00:43No, I've never been and I'm so excited because I've been warned about how incredible it is,
00:50but how equally crazy it is.
00:51And Hull H as well.
00:52Hull H!
00:53That's a big one.
00:54You're going to love it.
00:55Yeah, I promise you.
00:57What have you been saying to prepare them, Russell?
01:00Oh, throwing them into the lion's den.
01:02You're on your own, please.
01:06I did sort of say it's big. It's 6,000 people.
01:09But it's wonderful.
01:10The thing is, it's a whole lot of love, frankly.
01:13The joy and the love and the optimism and the energy of the room.
01:16You'll be buzzing off it for ages, honestly. It's going to be lovely.
01:20What has it been like getting a chance to experience the joy from the series so far?
01:26Because you guys are coming into this after everyone has already seen the first season.
01:30People have already been in your DMs asking questions about what's to come in Season 2.
01:34What are you most excited for people to see and to tease about what's to come?
01:40For Season 2?
01:43Look at me.
01:45I don't know what I'm allowed to say because we've shot Season 2 already.
01:48You find yourself thinking, don't mix that up, don't say the wrong thing.
01:50I know, I know.
01:51I know, but there's such good stuff to come.
01:53We're making some announcements later on today.
01:57The further adventures of Ruby Sunday are yet to come, which is just dazzling and so surprising.
02:03The Doctor goes to places he's never been before.
02:05It's good, isn't it?
02:06It's very good.
02:07It's so good.
02:09Millie, what has stood out to you about what audiences have experienced from Ruby?
02:13What part of her journey has really meant the most to you and to the fans thus far?
02:19Oh, I definitely think finding her mother.
02:22I mean, that's been such a...
02:23From the moment we get introduced to her family in the Christmas story,
02:27people were so attached to Carla and her foster family being her chosen family.
02:32It's not necessarily the family you're born with, it's the one you choose.
02:36And that's been a really beautiful element in the show.
02:38But yeah, the whole finale with finding Ruby's true mother was such a beautiful thing to film,
02:44but also to watch back.
02:45And yeah, everyone was so touched by it because it wasn't expected
02:49and it's just so beautiful that she's just a normal person.
02:52And yeah, that was so beautiful.
02:55Well, I've heard a rumour that episode four of season two was your favourite to film thus far.
03:03What can you tease about what is to come for Ruby then?
03:10That ep, oh my gosh, yeah.
03:12That ep was the first one I filmed and the biggest challenge for me,
03:16but also it was so... I was so proud of how it came out.
03:20And I think, I mean, Russell, what's...
03:24Episode four of season two or episode four of season one?
03:33Your story, yes.
03:34It's, I mean, it's great things.
03:35It's giving nothing of surprises away.
03:37It's Ruby alone and life after the Doctor.
03:41And you're just magnificent in it, darling.
03:43It's a massive achievement.
03:45It's gorgeous.
03:46All right, well, Shudhi, for you, the difference between seasons one and season two,
03:51how did, you know, how did you grow into the Doctor, I guess I will say?
03:57Oh, gosh.
03:58It's still growing into the Doctor, but season two was lovely.
04:03It felt like the suit was fully fitted.
04:06It's like finding my feet in season one, having the time of my life.
04:09But season two felt like a chance to flex the muscles properly.
04:15So exciting because you're fueled by the writing and by, like, each new story,
04:20each new monster, each new addition into our world.
04:24There's many in season two.
04:26And so it's just the fun of the show, I think,
04:28that just, like, drives you growing into the character.
04:32Just having fun with it.
04:34How has this really compared to what you imagined and what you dreamed?
04:38Because this is a character that you manifested for yourself.
04:42So, you know, now that everyone has seen it and you've gotten all of the love,
04:46how has this whole experience compared to what you hoped?
04:49Incredible and surreal.
04:51Very, very surreal.
04:53Like, we all have our earliest images of Doctor Who.
04:58It's something that we've all grown up with.
05:00And still now, to this day, it's a pinch-me moment that I'm the Doctor.
05:05I'm the Doctor.
05:06It feels so wild to say that.
05:09But the experience has just been incredible.
05:12Full, fast-paced, challenging.
05:16Like, it stretches you as an actor, as a person.
05:20But it's just been great to work with these two,
05:22this amazing companion, incredible writer.
05:25It's just an incredible team.
05:28So, yeah, to join that legacy is really nice.
05:32It's pretty special.
05:33It's pretty special.
05:34It's for life, isn't it?
05:36It carries this message for life.
05:37Yeah, yeah.
05:38And you get to see the joy that it brings.
05:40Like, when you come here, I was so excited to come to Comic-Con
05:43because I was like, it's like a mecca of nerds.
05:48I just can't wait to be amongst that joy and positivity.
05:52People living their best lives.
05:54Have you seen any good Doctor Who cosplay yet?
05:57I mean, we've only been here probably a few hours.
06:00No Doctor Who cosplay yet.
06:02Online we have.
06:05We're not yet in the flesh, which is going to be crazy.
06:07But, yeah, online we've seen such incredible cosplay outfits.
06:12Is there one in particular that you hope that someone tried to pull off?
06:17I want someone to do my scar.
06:21Your eyebrow scar.
06:22Yeah, because I've seen someone do it online.
06:25And I was like, that's sick.
06:27That's lovely.
06:28I'm just bringing it back.
06:31I want someone to do my scar.
06:33I'm not sure that'll come across well.
06:39It's a detail.
06:40It's a detail.
06:41You know.
06:42Well, Russell, in your experience, what is the best Doctor Who cosplay
06:46you've ever seen?
06:47Because you've, I'm sure, seen a few.
06:49Oh, gosh.
06:50Again, I've been to that many conventions, actually.
06:52I've seen stuff online.
06:54I love how fluid it gets.
06:56I've seen women in a female version of Colin Baker's costume and stuff like
07:02And I love that.
07:03I just think it's extraordinary.
07:04And, you know, we all know that Shooty had so many costumes.
07:06And I love that.
07:07What I love about it now is that, I mean,
07:10some cosplayers love recreating the whole look.
07:13But Shooty's had so many looks that if you're six years old,
07:16you've got a duffel coat, you could be the Doctor in Episode 3
07:19of 70 Degree Yards.
07:20You can grab anything and become the Doctor now.
07:23So you don't have to hunt.
07:24You don't have to spend money.
07:25You can just become the Doctor.
07:26And I love that.
07:27It's opened the gates, I think.
07:29Well, what has that, actually,
07:30that experience been like of opening the gates of being Doctor Who?
07:34I know you've talked about the representation of this character being a
07:38black man, being queer.
07:40But what have you heard from the fans?
07:42And what has that experience been like from, you know,
07:44people ages six to 60 feeling like they can be the Doctor, too?
07:51It feels great.
07:53It feels really great because it's a character that I was able
08:00to put my shoes, my feet, into their shoes.
08:04And that was a great joy to me.
08:06And so now that that's kind of spreading out all over,
08:10I mean, it's always been the case.
08:12Everyone's always been able to identify with the show
08:14and put themselves in that character.
08:16But now it's kind of expanded a bit more, and that feels lovely.
08:19And I was going to the gym yesterday.
08:23A guy stopped me, black, American,
08:26and was talking about just how cool it feels.
08:29And I was just like, well,
08:30I think it was the American thing that got me the most.
08:33I was like, wow, this show just reaches far and wide
08:37and means a lot to so many people.
08:39So that's really beautiful that we're continuing that.
08:43I wanted to ask about the global brand of Doctor Who.
08:46The expansion, obviously, Disney+,
08:48kind of continuing to make the show bigger, broader,
08:52obviously still decidedly British.
08:54But what has it been like having this kind of global reach
08:57for the brand, and what do you kind of hope that means
09:00for the further expansion of Doctor Who?
09:03Absolutely. The expansion of the Who universe is on its way.
09:06And I love it.
09:07I can't believe there's anyone in the world
09:09that doesn't watch Doctor Who.
09:10And Disney Plus has been so brilliant at taking the show
09:13from the BBC and onto a worldwide platform.
09:16It's always been shown worldwide,
09:17but it's kind of got an energy and a heft and a weight to it
09:20and a simultaneous transmission.
09:22And it's what you were saying about representation.
09:24It's like, I think the fans of this show come
09:27with such an open mind and such a big heart
09:29and so much imagination that they have vistas and planets
09:34and horizons in their heads.
09:36And to spread that across the world has just been lovely,
09:38and there's been great responses to it.
09:40We're delighted, really delighted.
09:42Well, how much longer will this era last?
09:44That's what everybody wants to know.
09:47We've got two under our belts now.
09:49How many more seasons will we get from you all?
09:51Well, we've shot season two,
09:53but that's only halfway through season two.
09:55We've got all those months of post to come.
09:57It's a long way off, so no decisions yet,
10:00and we are happy making it at the moment.
10:03We hope it continues forever.
10:05All right, so you guys have signed on for 10 seasons
10:07is what you're telling me.
10:08Of course.
10:09I'm not doing any of the work right now.
10:10Lock the doors.
10:11Lock the doors.
10:12That's it.
10:13Well, we're mostly talking about season one,
10:15but we've added one more for season two as well.
10:18Verada will be joining as our also companion.
10:22What has it been like working with her,
10:24adding her to this relationship already
10:26between Ruby and the Doctor?
10:28Exciting, exciting.
10:30Verada brings such an incredible energy to the TARDIS,
10:34and it's just joy to work with.
10:37But also we got to extend what we built in season one.
10:42She appears in season one, in episode three.
10:45And she's so, so beautiful in it, honestly.
10:47It makes...
10:48I mean, the more the merrier.
10:50Friendships are better with three.
10:52The universe is safe.
10:53The universe is safe.
10:54Three of us saving it.
10:55The city is self-saved.
10:57Russell, what can you tease about what we will see
10:59from her in that dynamic of having a second companion?
11:03Oh, it's too late to give away too much,
11:05but it's exciting.
11:06Her arrival into the show is one of the most bonkers stories
11:09we've ever shot.
11:11She's hurtled into the Hooniverse.
11:13It's like she is thrown in in the first five minutes
11:15of her story and never stops running after that.
11:18But it's great.
11:19You see her build her relationship with the Doctor.
11:21You see her meet Ruby.
11:22You see the Doctor and Ruby in a new light then,
11:25with a new friend.
11:26Like you were saying,
11:27different friends bring out different aspects of you.
11:29I wish she was here, actually.
11:30I feel like I'm answering on her behalf.
11:32She will undoubtedly be at Comic-Con one day,
11:34and you will adore her.
11:36Well, listen, we talked about the legacy of this show.
11:39It already began with having David Tennant
11:42as part of this regeneration of Doctor Who.
11:46If there were any other Doctors
11:48that you could bring into the series,
11:51who would you want to be?
11:53Matt Smith would be fun.
11:55That would be quite fun.
11:57Have I mentioned that?
11:59I don't think you've ever mentioned that before.
12:03What a lovely audition he would be.
12:05That's so new.
12:06To be fair, all of them.
12:08Yeah, all of them.
12:10Oh, so many.
12:12I had the joy of working with David, though.
12:15That was absolutely incredible.
12:18I think we should recreate them all with CGI.
12:21All of them.
12:22CGI, William Hartnell,
12:23who was the very first Doctor in 1963,
12:25now no longer with us many years ago.
12:27He passed away in the 70s.
12:28Imagine that?
12:31We can do anything.
12:32We've already gotten some Easter egg Doctors
12:34in there as well.
12:36I remember seeing...
12:37Who was it?
12:39Richard E. Grant.
12:40Richard E. Grant, yes.
12:42Yes, that was fun.
12:44I'm not even sure you knew about that.
12:46I did not know.
12:47We dropped that in post-production.
12:49He was very willing.
12:50He did a special photo shoot for that.
12:52Oh, did he?
12:53We didn't just grab a photo off the shelf.
12:55He went to Soho.
12:56He did a photo shoot for us.
12:58He was up for the game of it.
13:00I think we can keep doing that.
13:01I love doing it.
13:02It just gets the fans buzzing, doesn't it?
13:06Good Easter egg.
13:08Well, to that point of the fans buzzing,
13:10since I know we can't give away the reveals
13:12of maybe what's going to happen later this afternoon,
13:14but if you were to describe in just maybe two words
13:20what is to come for Doctor Who,
13:22what would each of you say?
13:25Two words?
13:29We could also do a whole sentence if two is too short.
13:33Oh, really?
13:35I know, Russell.
13:37I was going to say much fun.
13:40Much fun, but yours is really growth.
13:42Yeah, yeah.
13:43I'll write it.
13:47It's not all love.
13:52He's up against it.
13:53He is up against it.
13:55Epic danger.
13:56Epic danger.
13:57Epic danger.
13:58Epic danger and epic growth.
13:59Actually, think of that series climax.
14:01That's like, wow.
14:02I'll take my growth somewhere else.
14:04Growth danger.
14:06Growing danger.
14:07Growing danger.
14:09There we go.
14:11Russell, I know you are also going to be hanging out
14:13with Alex Kurtzman later during this festival.
14:15I am.
14:16What is it like to have Doctor Who, of course,
14:19also in that line and in that legacy with Star Trek,
14:24both as these shows that have been so revolutionary
14:27in our culture, revolutionary for fans.
14:30How does it feel to continue on as we've been talking
14:34about the legacy of this?
14:36It's an absolute honor.
14:37That's the Star Trek boss, and tomorrow I'm doing
14:39a panel with him.
14:40So it's Doctor Who and Star Trek being brought together.
14:42I've got to say, they've been so kind to us.
14:44The Star Trek people are so lovely,
14:46because that show is a behemoth in this country
14:48and worldwide.
14:49And they were very kind.
14:50They sort of put the shows in alphabetical order,
14:52Doctor Who and Star Trek.
14:53I did have to say, it's all right if you put Star Trek
14:55in alphabetical order.
14:56It's OK.
14:59I've had a Zoom with him and chatted with him.
15:01I think I've literally seen everything he's ever made.
15:03So I'm just going to be a bit fanboy and a bit stalker.
15:06And it'll be good to really talk.
15:08I see two program makers coming from actually
15:10two different worlds, two different cultures.
15:12But we both make science fiction shows.
15:14I'm so glad this opportunity has cropped up.
15:16I can't wait.
15:17Oh, that's adorable.
15:18That's amazing.
15:19Who tells about that?
15:22You're gone.
15:23It's after you've gone.
15:25Got rid of him.
15:27Onto the good stuff.
15:29He's like, you guys don't have to worry about being there.
15:31Don't worry about it.
15:32Only worry about it when he then pitches you
15:34the crossover episode.
15:37Better pitch that.
15:38We wish.
15:39Come on.
15:41Well, since Doctor Who is on my watch list for the rest of,
15:45well, I guess, 2025.
15:47I mean, if I wanted to go through all the episodes
15:49again, it would actually take my entire life.
15:51But I'm curious, what is on y'all's watch list?
15:54What are a couple of things?
15:56Oh, um.
16:00The bear.
16:01Is it?
16:02The bear.
16:03The bear.
16:04House of Dragon, I need to watch season two.
16:05I've watched season one.
16:06I need to catch up on season two.
16:08I need to catch up as well.
16:10Acolyte, I need to watch the rest of it.
16:12Love that.
16:13Geordie, with my Geordie.
16:16What else is on?
16:17I love the Acolyte.
16:18I love the boys.
16:20I saw him in the lift.
16:22Did you?
16:23Which one?
16:24Oh, Homelander.
16:27Oh, my God.
16:28I think so.
16:29Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:30He looked, yeah.
16:31It's so violent.
16:32I love that show.
16:33So violent.
16:34It's so good.
16:35Oh, my gosh.
16:37Love that.
16:39Great show.
16:40Yeah, I feel like we couldn't do a crossover of Doctor Who
16:41and the boys.
16:42I think that might be a different show.
16:43I think the standards and practices would have a word
16:45with that.
16:48Health and safety.
16:49That was a cool thing.