BBTN Catatkan Laba Bersih Rp1,5 Triliun di Semester I-2024

  • 2 months ago
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BBTN) berhasil mencetak laba bersih Rp1,50 triliun sepanjang semester I-2024. Perolehan tersebut naik tipis dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar Rp1,47 triliun.


00:00From the topic of choice, let's move on to the information requested by the Pemirsa Pt. Bank Tabungan Negara Presero TBK or BBTN
00:07Booking a clean bank at 1.5 trillion rupiah in the first semester in 2024
00:12Growth in the topang, credit and payment channels reached 352.06 trillion rupiah or grew 14.4% annually
00:26Quoted from the open information of the Indonesian Stock Exchange
00:29Pemirsa Pt. Bank Tabungan Negara Presero TBK or BBTN
00:32Booking a clean bank at 1.5 trillion rupiah in the first semester in 2024
00:36Growth in the topang, credit and payment channels reached 352.06 trillion rupiah or grew 14.4% annually
00:51Compared to the same period last year at 307.66 trillion rupiah
00:57Along with this achievement, the total asset was increased by 13.7% year-on-year at 455.60 trillion rupiah
01:04Compared to the same period last year at 400.54 trillion rupiah
01:08The main director of Pemirsa Pt. Bank Tabungan Negara Presero TBK, Nixon L.P. Napitupulu
01:13Said in the midst of a very challenging global economic condition, BTN can still show positive performance in the first semester of 2024
01:20Optimistic expectations until the end of 2024 are able to show positive financial performance
01:26The payment of household loans still dominates the total payment of leases, reaching 299.24 trillion rupiah
01:34The KPR subsidy is still the largest contribution, reaching 171.01 trillion rupiah
01:39Grew 12.4% year-on-year compared to the same period last year at 192.16 trillion rupiah
01:46While the non-subsidized KPR grew 12% year-on-year to 101.76 trillion rupiah
01:51Compared to the same period last year at 90.83 trillion rupiah
01:55The NPL Gross ratio of leases is still maintained at a good level of 3.1%
02:00Meanwhile, the tax of the third party was recorded at 365.4 trillion rupiah
02:04Or increased 16.6% year-on-year compared to the same period last year at 313.3 trillion rupiah
02:11Procurement of low-interest funds, or CASAM, reached 189.21 trillion rupiah, increased 11.16% year-on-year
02:18From various sources for
03:41The trading volume at level 1,255 increased significantly
03:48For BPN, it reached level 1,600, the highest level in the last six months
03:54And also the highest level in terms of year-to-date and also in the last year
03:59On April 18, the growth was more towards the limit, 1420
04:03On June 19, it was pushed to level 1,175, the lowest level in the last six months
04:12Then traded today, BPN shares have been traded at around 1,300
04:18Where from level 1,175, BPN shares have risen to around 1,300
04:24Next, let's look at the valuation side with some indicators
04:28Let's go to the next graph, we will try to see from the position
04:32The price-to-earning ratio is around 5.34x, the PSR is 0.55x, and the PBV is 0.60x
04:40PCFR is minus 0.35x
04:43A combination of fundamental, technical, and also from the valuation side
04:47And hopefully it can be one of the references for you