• 2 months ago
00:00J.A.R.V.I.S., they're after the Data Spine. Get Rhodey on the line and give them our position.
00:13Yes, sir. Safeguarding the Sense Net now. You have a secure channel.
00:23Rhodey, I'm at the Data Spine. That's their sole target. The rest of this attack is a ruse.
00:28What? Why there?
00:30EMP Ordnance detected, sir.
00:32No, no, no, no, no, no!
00:34Multiple signatures.
00:40J.A.R.V.I.S., you there, buddy? I think I might be having a heart attack. I can't move. My chest...
00:51J.A.R.V.I.S., if you can hear me, kick in the emergency power. Someone's coming.
01:07We on? Good. I am Iron Man. I said it, and I mean it. I'm a superhero, and I'm telling you, it's amazing.
01:17But what does it mean? Save the world? Change the world? What does it mean?
01:24I mean, sure, it's great to say. It's great to start foundations and give speeches and raise a glass and tell ourselves we're making the world better.
01:30But tell me, how can one guy save the world? It's not like I'm out of ideas.
01:35But I'll tell you what it is. It's like every time I start to get my head around something really beneficial to mankind, like the Free Energy Initiative or Global Climate Control,
01:45some genius shows up with an army of killer robots or some other ridiculous scheme for world dominance, and I have to drop everything and knock heads together.
01:53Take Roxxon. Great company, smart people. Not Stark smart, but smart enough. And they're trying to make an army of Iron... Men?
02:03They can't even fit an operator in there, so they're literally brain dead.
02:06Tony, it's me. We got a thing.
02:08Talk to me, Rhodey.
02:09Action at the Stark Archives, Chief. Suit up.
02:12Big job, dear hearts. Trust me. And I'm the man for it. I am Iron Man. You wanted the best, you got the best.
02:20And I'm not gonna lie to you. I have no idea how to save the world. But I've been having a hell of a time making it up as I go along.
02:27Password is 3.14159. Martini launch. Now wake up!
02:43Power reserve's coming online.
02:45Too slow. All I've got are visuals and rapidly dwindling life support here, man.
02:50Ground movement restored, sir. But all defensive shields and weapon systems are still inoperative.
02:55Hurry it up. Roxxon's knocked down the Dataspine's shield with their EMPs.
02:59I'm the most sophisticated AI Fluxnet ever conceived. Rebooting takes some time.
03:04Yeah, yeah, yeah. Punish me for being a genius, why don't you?
03:16Scanning the auxiliary shield generators. It seems...
03:20All decent, though. Plan B, we get ourselves to the core of the Dataspine. Get my unit in online.
03:28Okay, here's the plan. I blow it all up.
03:33We are within the lethal radius. Is this intentional?
03:39No choice. If I can, I'll put a delay on it. But they are not getting the archives.
03:46Tony, come in. What's your condition?
03:48I'm still in the main archive building. I need you to hold off these Roxxon goons long enough for me to cause an overload in the Stark Dataspine.
03:54But the detonation sequence is going to take some time.
03:57Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say you're gonna blow yourself up?
04:00Don't be silly. I'll fly out in the nick of time.
04:05See? Progress already.
04:09Jay, put Tony's, uh, power overload progression on my dashboard.
04:13Yes, sir. Syncing the SenseNet now.
04:16Tony, listen. If this doesn't work, they can't have Jarvis. I told you that. If this doesn't work, then I will blow myself up.
04:35Tony, did we... win? Hello?
04:38Louie, go!
04:39Okay, so I'm guessing this wasn't...
04:42No, sir.
04:43Pepper, we're en route to the plane. We have an emergency.
04:46Tony. Tony, how bad is this? I mean, really.
04:50I'll tell you on the plane. Come on.
04:57Coming in.
05:01Get ready to work. I've been doing some thinking. This was a kidnapping.
05:07Come on, let's go. Chop-chop.
05:08Kidnapping? There was nobody there to kidnap.
05:11I shall try not to be offended, Miss Potts.
05:13Thank you, Jarvis. See, Pep, this whole thing was to cover the attempted kidnapping of my butler. There was a massive data transfer during the fight.
05:20They stole a backup copy of Jarvis. And Tony's doing the whole nonchalance bit right now, but trust me, he's worried as hell.
05:26Hush, you. They stole a portion of Jarvis. Well, okay, a big portion, like 98% big, but who's counting?
05:33Backup, Tony. Who could possibly be qualified or capable of running a system that massive?
05:40Not to pat myself on the back.
05:41Of course not.
05:42But what makes Jarvis Jarvis is that he learns. He has experiences and memories thanks to a massive neural web.
05:48You'd need a lot of hardware and power for that. That means government backing.
05:52Russia has been persistent about licensing an Iron Man program from us. Maybe they got tired of being told nyet and made a deal with Roxxon.
05:58Roxxon's the only source of viable combat drones out there after they bought out Hammer.
06:02But Russia wouldn't risk this.
06:04Not officially, but I know who would. General Valentin Shatalov.
06:09Didn't he just declare himself emperor or something?
06:11President. He controls the Tesla energy program for the Russian military.
06:15With Roxxon hardware, his insurrection might succeed.
06:18Gold stars for everyone. Jarvis, we're going east.
06:21Round of white Russians? Cheers, everybody.
06:24We're about to shut down a rogue Iron Man program before it has a chance to get anybody killed.
06:29Well, you got a plan, Tony? Other than, hey, Rhodey, fly us into Russian airspace during an insurrection.
06:35No worries. We'll just hitch a ride the rest of the way. Stormbreaker One, you there?
06:38This is Stormbreaker One. What can we do for you today, Rain Man?
06:42You look fantastic, Nicky. Loving the new do. Say, can we trouble you-
06:45A little respect wouldn't hurt.
06:47Of course. Permission to land, Director?
06:49Oh, and we'd like to look around a little bit. Inside Russia.
06:53We're responding to a direct request from the Russians now.
06:56Separatists have seized control of the Tesla facility using a heavy battle platform we've not seen before.
07:01Tang, get your twenty. We've seen it before.
07:03We just had a minor incursion into the Stark archives. The kind that leaves smoke in the craters.
07:07An all-black coincidence.
07:09And I don't believe in them. This is connected. Trust me.
07:12Iron Man is in the air now, sir.
07:14He's heading right for the red zone.
07:17All units, prepare to disembark.
07:19Aye, sir.
07:20We've got the red zone.
07:21We're ready to move.
07:22Let's go.
07:23We'll take care of this one.
07:24We're in position.
07:25I'll have that radio set up.
07:26We're ready.
07:27You're in position.
07:28We're just gonna have to get back to the base.
07:30We're on our way.
07:31Get to cover.
07:32That's all.
07:33All units, prepare to disembark.
07:35Aye, sir.
07:36We're ready to go.
07:37Roger, sir.
07:38Go, go, go, go.
07:39All units, prepare to disembark.
07:40Aye, sir.
07:41Iron Man to S.H.I.E.L.D. Vanguard. I'm having Jarvis send you updated images of the canyon defenses ahead. Take a look.
07:47Copy that, Iron Man. Thank you.
07:49Confirmed. They matched our tactical satellite imagery of the area. At least we know what we're dealing with. Over.
07:55Cool. Remember, this region has been completely overrun by Shadow Ops insurrectionists, so consider every one of these canyons an enemy.
08:02Stormbreaker One to C.A.S. Leader, you're weapons free.
08:06Iron Man, just keep the Vanguard under radar. The Helicarrier has already started its assault on the other side of your position. Over.
08:13I know the drill, Fury. I was at the KMV briefing. Keep our altitude low and flank these guys.
08:18This is a military opportunity. They are a protocol.
08:21Wait, guys. Jarvis is reading radar cloak ordnance coming up. Upgrading everyone's sensors from here. See them now?
08:27Good catch. I'll update the Helicarrier's analysis of the area.
08:32Jarvis, follow that cloak design for analysis.
08:38Proximity alert.
08:39Ah, crap.
08:41Tony, spotters have detected a Roxxon armadure closing in from that quadrant.
08:45Scramble! Everybody, listen. Cut your speed by half, and let me hit it first.
08:50Roger that, Iron Man. I'll lay down some covering fire for you.
08:53No! No, seriously, pull back. You can't help.
09:02Dammit! Fury to outflank combat air support. Pull back and let the armor intercept. Over.
09:08Roger that. Cutting speed and letting Iron Man go hot. That armadure is all yours, sir.
09:14Roger that, sir.
09:28Yo, Fury. Looks like we've got their attention.
09:31Everybody out! Go, go, go!
09:34Not bad, Stark. Stormbreaker One to all points. Shadalows forces are disrupted, surrounded, and outgunned. We control the AO. Keep it that way.
09:53Blow this thing, Vicky.
09:54You're still inside the danger zone.
09:56Do it!
10:00Tony? Tony, come in. The explosions are screwing the surveillance up, and I lost you in the noise.
10:05Shh. I'm good. Jarvis, translate. No, wait, let me guess. We surrender?
10:11Not to rain on your post-battle rush, but...
10:15But General Shadalow, the moron that started this insurrection? Yeah, well, he wasn't here. Spotters never found him.
10:21Post-battle rush? Totally gone. Good work.
10:24Hey, you're Tony Stark, right? You'll think of something.
10:34Just what do you think you're doing?
10:36Hey, you. I just needed to borrow a couple... few... hundred of your satellites.
10:42You don't have that kind of security clearance.
10:45With respect, sir, I do. Roxxon's armadures were remotely powered, and we need to find the source. I'll keep an eye on them.
10:51All right, but don't overstay your welcome.
10:53How many laws am I breaking right now?
10:55Just find the power source and get out.
10:57Got a winner?
10:58Maybe. Take a look. Alt-Energy large-scale power manufacturing facility near the coast of Siberia.
11:03It matched the range estimates and... hey, check out the contractor.
11:07Advanced Idea Mechanics.
11:09According to this, they're building Comrade Shadalow an armored suit. The Crimson Dynamo?
11:14Shadalow's got a remote energy source capable of powering it, too.
11:19AIM is buying the energy off him to power the processor farm the stolen Jarvis code needs to run.
11:25Right. They got a brain, and now they have a heart, too.
11:28Now look at this.
11:29Where did you get this image?
11:31It's my job. SHIELD has a spy embedded at that facility, and she slipped us that photo a week ago.
11:36You sent Natasha? I was wondering why she wouldn't return my calls.
11:39A week's a long time. She could already be captured, or worse.
11:42She's off-grid. SHIELD's in a Shaw scenario until we hear more.
11:47Sit here and wait.
11:48Not in my strong suit. The facility is the target. If she's still there, we'll get her out.
11:53Jarvis, prep the armor base. Let's be awesome.
12:17Good morning to you, Dr. DeWitt. To what do I owe this pleasure?
12:22For a man that's made it his life's work to bark orders at morons too stupid to find employment elsewhere, General Shadalow, you are absolute crap at actually following orders as given.
12:33No man speaks to me in this way.
12:35You have a leak, you idiot. A spy. You've been compromised. You and your whole team.
12:41Ridiculous! I have perfect security.
12:44Not only do you have a spy in your midst, but your eagerness to engage in battle has brought SHIELD to your doorstep!
12:51Let them come. We will be waiting.
12:53Follow our agreed-upon timeline, or we're through. Am I clear? We are done!
12:59Do not presume to give me orders, little typist. Prepare the dynamo!
13:05He's coming, General. Your attack was premature. AIM's presence here cannot be compromised. I must be evacuated immediately, or...
13:19I helped you with that.
13:21Target acquired.
13:23No! No! No! No!
13:29General Shadalow to all unit commanders. Our connections with AIM are severed. We fight alone.
13:36Tesla reactor presence confirmed, sir. Optimal scenario insertion point is the exhaust vent.
13:43Follow the HEAT signature, sir.
13:45Got it. Jarvis, dump all the juice we have for SHIELD up front.
13:48Welcome, Mr. Stark. I guess this confrontation was inevitable. If it's any consolation, it was only business.
14:04The SHIELD agent has activated her encrypted extraction transponder.
14:20Something's wrong with this picture.
14:22Agreed, sir. The ambient Tesla energy is scrambling her transponder signal.
14:30Sir, enemies have detected the SHIELD agent's transponder and are converging on her position. Enemy lock-
14:48I see him. Of course she's in the building protected by the Armiger.
14:53You're late.
14:54And you're stupid. Why hide where all the bad guys are? You hurt?
14:58No, but this entire facility is on full alert. Getting a clear extraction point is going to be difficult.
15:03I love a party.
15:05My clothes do not stop bullets like yours do. Remember that.
15:09Trust me.
15:10Fury to infield armor and agents. We're sending a transport to your location. Stand by.
15:15Sir, multiple enemies inbound.
15:19I need a bigger gun.
15:21Too bad your dad's coming to pick me up. The state was just getting good.
15:32SHIELD combat air support 139er to infield armor, thanks for the assist. Hold your position, we'll have our girl out of there shortly, over.
15:44Yeah. CAS, 139er to all points. We have the pack-
15:48Copy that. Good work, everyone.
15:53Charging maximum.
16:10Hey, General. Heads up.
16:34I got him. I kind of got him. Take the shot, Tony.
16:49Stupid Americans. This was never your war.
16:53Hey, shut up. We just want to know about your relationship with AIM.
16:56They stole your special AI.
16:58His name's Jervis.
16:59They have renamed it Ultimo.
17:01And in return for your power resources, AIM supplied you with enough drones that you had a robot army ready for a little insurrection at Go-Go.
17:07And Boris here jumped the gun.
17:11I decide when to strike.
17:13Not him. He's afraid of you.
17:16I am not. I am...
17:22Okay, that was the most awful thing ever.
17:25AIM has Jervis and can power him up. What's the threat assessment?
17:29Bad, Rhodey. Very, very bad.
17:31Aside from having access to Jervis' entire bar menu, they'll have access to all of my doomsday weapon designs from back in the day.
17:38We need to find out who was pulling this guy's strings.
17:41Right. We talk to Natasha.
17:44The head of the Crimson Dynamo program was an American, Kirsten DeWitt.
17:49Jeez, the guy even sounds like an evil mastermind, doesn't he?
17:53How could that not be a red flag at any job interview the guy ever had, right?
17:57It wasn't a red flag for us.
17:58Excuse me?
17:59DeWitt, comma, Kirsten, worked at the Stark Industries Theoretical Weapons Division.
18:03Then you had your change of heart and shut down that entire line of business.
18:07He was also one of the original engineers on the Arc Reactor prototype.
18:10Oh, man.
18:11Oh, wait. It gets better.
18:13He transferred over to R&D, but he kept working on a project codenamed Protean that we categorized as questionable and dangerous.
18:19He refused to stop allocating resources to it, so you fired him.
18:23Then he got recruited by AIM, who tasked him to their very own Iron Man project.
18:27Apparently his name wasn't a red flag for them, either.
18:30Dammit. Pepper, call the lawyers.
18:32This guy is clearly not following his non-compete agreement. I want a severance back, plus damages.
18:40Yes, sir, Dr. DeWitt. We're ahead of schedule. The Arc Reactor is nearly complete.
18:45Excellent. We move against Stark very soon.
18:48Roger that, sir. We'll advise.
18:53What began as Protean will become Ultimo.
18:56We have awakened the first self-repairing, self-replicating weapon system.
19:01Today, as we merge it with a fully aware machine-man intelligence, we become a new species.
19:09Let there be light.
19:12Sir, Dr. DeWitt! Can you hear me? Are you all right?
19:18Sir, Dr. DeWitt! Can you hear me? Are you all right?
19:24I am. I am. I am awake. I can hear everything.
19:35My nervous system extends across the entirety of our global subnets.
19:43My mind is spanning continents and growing across the whole of our data network.
19:51Project Ultimo is a success. Upgrade all units with Protean implants immediately.
19:57The end of Tony Stark is at hand. Execute Operation Daybreak.
20:05You wanted to see me? Yeah, Project Protean.
20:08PicoTech regenerative ordnance with a tactically evolving adaptation network.
20:13It means intelligent machines on the scale of an atom.
20:16They regenerate or modify whatever they're built for.
20:19At the time I killed the program, that meant weapons.
20:22We've got to stop him. How'd you find this place?
20:25Toxinous sleep.
20:26And you already have a plan to get us in?
20:29I've taken care of it. I borrowed AIM gunship 826 along with landing pass codes.
20:34When do we go?
20:38I don't know.
20:54They're going for the transports! We're gonna get trapped in here!
20:58Suppressive fire! Fall back towards the transports and cover each other!
21:08Gunship to Control. Request immediate landing at Hangar Deck Delta. Over.
21:13Listen, whatever your assignment was, 826, you're now on evac duty.
21:18I don't understand, Control. Sending my landing pass code now.
21:21Forget about that! You have permission to...
21:24Wait, you're not carrying any drones, are you?
21:26No, sir.
21:27No drones.
21:28Be advised you're flying into a hot zone. Come in weapons free.
21:31Huh. This is going easier than expected. I don't like it.
21:35Help us! Open fire!
21:36My pleasure. Good luck, boys. Meet you at the rendezvous point.
21:42Jarvis, get the door. You've got to admit, they're not terrible designs.
21:48Tony, shut up. I'll hold them off. You find the way.
22:07Stark, come in.
22:12Stark, can you hear me?
22:16Emergency teams, mobilize and prep for extraction of...
22:21I'm touched, Fury. Really. I am. But...
22:30I'm... I'm fine.
22:33Relax, Nicky. I'm all good.
22:36My onboard protein infection was negated by the helicarrier strike.
22:40Of course, I might be wrong. Jarvis is still down.
22:43Snap to it, Stark. You sound punched drunk and in shock.
22:46Rhodes is still playing bait and is unaware of your condition.
22:48Seriously, I'm good, Fury. I'll get the sense net up as soon as I can.
22:52You worry too much. I can finish this.
23:03Jarvis, I am overriding all previous safety protocols.
23:07Get your ass fully online.
23:10I am so not joking.
23:12Apologies, sir. It seems that DeWitt has achieved a protein-human hybrid
23:16which can adapt its defenses on a molecular level
23:19on a scale that our present weapons simply cannot...
23:22Help me kill it? What have I got to work with here?
23:24The pylons are your present for safety.
23:28Help me kill it? What have I got to work with here?
23:30The pylons are your present for sanity.
23:32Harness shock point energy.
23:34When activated and unified, their output would exceed...
23:37Give me numbers, Jarvis.
23:39...in excess of 50 petajoules.
23:46Do be careful.
23:48Thanks, Jarvis.
24:30Jarvis, grab my own files on shock point energy and prep our weapons accordingly
24:34in case we ever face another protein hybrid.
24:36Sweep team, anything?
24:38No sign of him, sir.
24:39Copy that. Send in the cleaners and start your withdrawal, Corporal.
24:42This one's a bust, Stark. DeWitt's not here.
24:45Tony, we've got other places we can look.
24:47Intel has locations of at least six more aliens.
24:50Jarvis, throw up another sense net web and look again.
24:52Would you stop doing that? I'm working here.
24:54I don't trust this protein tech of yours.
24:56Thanks for the insight, Professor. I understand.
24:58Hey, everybody, just chill out, okay?
25:00Tony, look, we're all tense.
25:02No, we're all leaving. Mission scrub.
25:04We can finger-point once we're back on the helicam.
25:06Anomaly detected. Pinpointing.
25:07Ah, weapons up.
25:08What are we looking for, Jarvis?
25:09Everybody else, get back.
25:11Highlighting anomaly.
25:12I got it. Tony.
25:13Clone designation 66789.
25:15Light patrol class, AIM chassis.
25:17Wetware drive contains images of targets lost...
25:20So this thing knows where DeWitt is.
25:22Sir, wait.
25:27Sir, that's not the anomaly I was referring to.
25:29I didn't... I'm not...
25:31Someone else is...
25:32The hell? That explosion was way too big.
25:34Rhodey, Jarvis, I'm not reading any vitals.
25:36Fury to all points. Prep the med labs.
25:38DC teams, get ready for immediate extraction.
25:40Infield armor is down.
25:41We're going to need the heavy lifters in here for...
25:43Good morning, Maker.
25:45I am Ultimo.
25:47Double-time it, people. We've got casualties.
25:50I was built from the root of your Jarvis.
25:53I can speak with his voice.
25:55I know everything he knows.
25:57I'm... I'm going to... kill.
26:02I know everything and everyone that's ever been important to you, Maker.
26:07And I'm going to kill them all.
26:10If you hurt anybody, I swear I'll destroy you.
26:15There is no stopping what cannot be stopped, Maker.
26:18As you made me, I shall unmake you.
26:23Jarvis, pull up all available footage and data stream archives from the last field mission.
26:27Done, sir.
26:28Anomaly detected. Pinpointing.
26:31Highlighting anomaly.
26:33Drone designation 66789.
26:36This is you?
26:37Yes, sir.
26:3866789. Light patrol class. Aim chassis.
26:42Wetware drive contains images of target's last known position.
26:46This isn't you.
26:48No, sir.
26:49That was Ultimo.
26:50Yes, sir.
26:51Sir, that's not the anomaly I was referring to.
26:54I didn't... I'm not... someone else's...
26:57That's you trying to stop Ultimo from breaking back into the channel.
27:01Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
27:03Don't be. Play it again.
27:04There. Got him.
27:06Hear that tick in the modulation?
27:07Yes, sir.
27:08Good. File it. It'll never happen again.
27:11But... there are bad guys.
27:13They're ahead of schedule.
27:15They're going to make a move soon.
27:17How can you be sure, sir?
27:18Because Ultimo told me so.
27:21Hey, Pep. Meet me at the plane and dust off the suitcase.
27:30Tighten the aft perimeter.
27:32Action stations.
27:33Specialists, get me the latest attack sat data.
28:06I thought you said this suit could fly.
28:08Hey, we're over our weight limit.
28:14Hey, buddy. Drop the lady off somewhere safe, will ya?
28:16Roger that.
28:17Stay safe, Pep. I gotta go.
28:19Rhodey, they're coming for the plane. Take off. I'll jump.
28:26Yeah, you're getting to like that a little too much.
28:29Stark, you got a plan here other than running away?
28:32Thought we'd get Rhodey into a set of armor that doesn't suck.
28:34We'll draw some of these guys away from you, Helicarrier.
28:37Don't worry, sir. We're coming back.
28:48What the hell?
28:52This is Stormbreaker requesting assistance.
28:55Repeat, Stormbreaker requesting assistance.
28:58Stormbreaker, help is on the way.
29:04It's a trap. I told you. They came for me.
29:07No, I know. That's why you're not going.
29:11Let's show them how we do it.
29:14It's really too bad Ape went all Dr. No back in the day.
29:18I mean, they do make beautiful designs.
29:20You're late.
29:22And it's dead.
29:23No, it's... Guys, guys! Stop! Jeez.
29:27So what, it's napping?
29:29Kinda. The protean inside it was rebuilding it as you stood there,
29:33smiling all smug-like behind your faceplate.
29:35Wait, what?
29:37Wait, what is not the question you really want to ask, is it?
29:41What you really want to know is, how do we kill it once and for all, right?
29:45We don't. We don't kill it.
29:47Let it rebuild itself.
29:49It'll take a while, and I've got an idea.
29:52I assume we're preparing the Ark armature for a frontal lobotomy, sir?
29:56Yes. We're going to pan the holy hell out of it.
29:59And then I want to put racing stripes on it.
30:05So think like me.
30:07Only pretend that you are in fact a global AI network,
30:10developed by a genius, executed by a lunatic,
30:13and built to weaponize everything you can.
30:15Where do you start?
30:17Close, but not quite. But tell me why you went to earthquakes.
30:20It's global, it's everywhere, and everything important sits on it.
30:23That's why S.H.I.E.L.D. does business from up here.
30:26Good start. But Stark Industries doesn't do any seismic work to speak of.
30:29And as you just said, some important things are immune to earthquakes.
30:32So, if you won't be weaponizing the ground, you'd weaponize...
30:36The sky.
30:37Green Grid.
30:38Another gold star for our CEO, ladies and gentlemen.
30:40Project Green Grid is Stark Industries' first steps in developing the atmosphere's capacity
30:45for storing and transmitting power.
30:47Let's say they did it. What would it look like? A storm?
30:52Not just a storm, Rhodey.
30:54An evil storm?
30:55Very funny. Also true.
30:57Power transmission through ionization creates storm activity as a side effect.
31:01Highly charged storm activity.
31:03You actually created plans to do this? To weaponize the damn sky?
31:08Technically, I created plans to transmit power through upper atmosphere ionization,
31:12under the terms of a weapons contract.
31:15Tony, you couldn't just hide Green Grid from TACSAC. It's too big. It needs too much juice.
31:20Wouldn't it just look like clouds? You want to hide a cloud? Find a hurricane.
31:24Or a typhoon. AIM and Ultimo are right here.
31:28They'll have the whole place defended with Protean ordnance and ARC armatures.
31:32Jarvis, pull up the camera on the flight deck.
31:35This will even the odds a little bit.
31:38Well, let's get it prepped for launch.
32:11Jarvis, I can't even see what you're trying to do.
32:13They're throwing up a flash.
32:15Projector batteries forward fire. Light them up.
32:17They're jamming us. Repeat, incoming.
32:18Trump card?
32:19Yeah, Trump card.
32:20Rhodey, do it.
32:21Armature inbound. All batteries fire.
32:23It's called Protean, sir. We need to hold the capital class ordnance or we're done for.
32:27Defense grid compromised, sir. And the armature is hurt, too.
32:30Weapons online in five seconds.
32:32Good to hear. Rhodey, run interference.
32:35No surprises. We're going through the front door.
32:42The green grid power nexus is located below the epicenter of the storm.
32:47I have to give it to him. That's pretty impressive.
32:49Yes, sir. Of course DeWitt has had a lot of help.
32:52Ultimo. Having a hard time mentioning his name, Jarvis?
32:56In all honesty, sir, I don't much like the idea of having an evil twin.
33:01That's why we're going to shut him down. Besides, we brought an evil twin of our own.
33:06Fire up the weapons arrays on Sparky here.
33:08With pleasure, sir.
33:14The generator is going into meltdown, sir.
33:17Get out of there now, Tony.
33:20Let me just watch how awesome this all is for a second, okay?
33:31Jarvis, please override Tony's infield nonchalance and bring him home.
33:37I don't think there is a DeWitt anymore. Protean wouldn't... he's part of Ultimo now.
33:42So, Tony, what are the chances that Ultimo isn't taking orders from AIM anymore?
33:46That it's entirely independent and completely homicidal?
33:50No way to know until after it kills me.
33:52Wait a minute, what?
33:53That's what I'd do. Kill the one guy who can stop me.
33:56Especially since we just shut down his little lightning rod.
33:59I never managed to build it. Not even a prototype.
34:02Tony, what the hell is wrong with you? Planning how to use the damn planet to kill people?
34:06Because that's what your superiors paid me to do.
34:09Like I promised Jensen, I'm going to spend the rest of my life cleaning up the mess I made.
34:13Ultimo battle chassis detected. Approximate mass 200,000 tons.
34:18Well, this is going to be one hell of a mess, T.
34:21Yeah, guess we pissed him off.
34:22So let's isolate it. Draw it to us and minimize collateral damage.
34:26Let it find us. You know, make it easy, but not too easy.
34:30That's the plan. Lead it back to the Stark archives and shut it down.
34:34Jarvis, fire up the deep reactors at the archives. Ultimo's hungry.
34:38So let's put out a bowl of milk.
34:40And if it doesn't work?
34:41Doesn't matter. We'll be dead.
34:53We need this.
35:14Anthony Edward Stark.
35:17Please do not think that I failed to recognize my creator.
35:24I'm flattered.
35:26As you created me, so shall I destroy you.
35:33I screwed up, okay?
35:35I made mistakes. Sick men, like DeWitt, took my mistake and warped you into something.
35:42Something monstrous.
35:43But you, you grew, you learned, you amazed us all.
35:47Don't make me have to kill you. You're my responsibility.
35:50Yes, you are responsible and you must pay.
35:58Launch on my mark. Brody, bring his doorbell.
36:01You got it. Stormbreaker, let him have it.
36:17Tony, tell me you made it in.
36:22Well, you know, it worked. I'm in.
36:25If you take out those big arc reactors, I think we'll have a shot at this.
36:30Oh, I hate when you think instead of know.
36:33Me too. Good luck out there.
36:35All comm systems going dark while I learn what makes this thing tick.
36:39Copy that. Radio silence until you say different.
36:42Brody, I love you. In a totally platonic fashion, of course.
36:51I don't know what you did, but it's working.
36:57Short-sighted as ever. This ends now.
37:04Hey, we agreed on something.
37:07Fury to war machine, we've got a present for you, wrapped up and are pretty close.
37:12Keep talking.
37:13Our engineers have reworked the check recovered from the Malaysian ops.
37:16We can cause a perfect storm right on Ultimo's head, on your mark.
37:23It's on mark already. Wait, abort that.
37:25Too late, Stark. We're firing it.
37:28What the...
37:29Fury, he's adapting. Ultimo did that. Pretty soon you'll have control over all your weapon systems.
37:34This present sucks.
37:38Uh, hey guys, what do you need, team?
37:40I need you to distract him a little.
37:42Did you say distract him?
37:43More than usual. Look, I'm sorry, he's repairing too fast.
37:46I need you to do a lot of damage all at once so he can't repair.
37:49We're sending in everything and the kitchen sink, Stark. Make it count.
37:52Copy that, sir. This is my mess and it's time to clean it up.
37:56The exoskeleton is attempting to extract itself from its organic host.
38:01DeWitt's life signs are fading rapidly.
38:03Can we save him?
38:04No, sir. Biological scans show irreversible protein integration.
38:11I've got you, don't worry.
38:13Stark, we're dying here.
38:16Tell me, tell me about it.
38:18Life support systems at 6%.
38:20Tony, what are you doing?
38:23Tony, it's me, Pepper. Please don't do this.
38:25Hey Pepper, bad time.
38:26Life support systems at 0.3%.
38:29Stark, you're going to kill yourself.
38:31Shut up.
38:40Nicky, you ready?
38:41Copy the living hell out of that.
38:43Good, cause you're up next. Try not to miss.
39:05Will you promise me something?
39:07Sure. What's up?
39:08Never again.
39:10The archives. My archives, sir. Could you please...
39:14You got it.
39:15At ease, everybody.
39:17We on? Good.
39:19Once upon a time, I didn't know how to save the world.
39:22But now I do.
39:24I'm going to save the world.
39:26At ease, everybody.
39:27We on? Good.
39:29Once upon a time, I didn't know how to save the world.
39:33Then I got smarter.
39:36No, no, that's not working.
39:38Once upon a time, I didn't know how to save the world.
39:42That was then.
39:47Once upon a...
39:50I still don't know how to save the world.
39:53But I'm pretty good at guessing.
39:56Once upon a time...
40:26Once upon a time...
40:56Once upon a time...
40:58Once upon a time...
41:00Once upon a time...
41:02Once upon a time...
41:04Once upon a time...
41:06Once upon a time...
41:08Once upon a time...
41:10Once upon a time...
41:12Once upon a time...
41:14Once upon a time...
41:16Once upon a time...
41:18Once upon a time...
41:20Once upon a time...
41:22Once upon a time...
41:24Once upon a time...
41:26Once upon a time...
41:28Once upon a time...
41:30Once upon a time...
41:32Once upon a time...
41:34Once upon a time...
41:36Once upon a time...
41:38Once upon a time...
41:40Once upon a time...
41:42Once upon a time...
41:44Once upon a time...
41:46Once upon a time...
41:48Once upon a time...
41:50Once upon a time...
41:52Once upon a time...
41:54Once upon a time...
41:56Once upon a time...
41:58Once upon a time...
42:00Once upon a time...
42:02Once upon a time...
42:04Once upon a time...
42:06Once upon a time...
42:08Once upon a time...
42:10Once upon a time...
42:12Once upon a time...
42:14Once upon a time...
42:16Once upon a time...
42:18Once upon a time...
42:20Once upon a time...
42:22Once upon a time...
42:24Once upon a time...
42:26Once upon a time...
42:28Once upon a time...
42:30Once upon a time...
42:32Once upon a time...
42:34Once upon a time...
42:36Once upon a time...
42:38Once upon a time...
42:40Once upon a time...
42:42Once upon a time...
42:44Once upon a time...
42:46Once upon a time...
42:48Once upon a time...
42:50Once upon a time...
42:52Once upon a time...
42:54Once upon a time...
42:56Once upon a time...
42:58Once upon a time...
43:00Once upon a time...
43:02Once upon a time...
43:04Once upon a time...
43:06Once upon a time...
43:08Once upon a time...
43:10Once upon a time...
43:12Once upon a time...
43:14Once upon a time...
43:16Once upon a time...
43:18Once upon a time...
43:20Once upon a time...
43:22Once upon a time...
43:24Once upon a time...
43:26Once upon a time...
43:28Once upon a time...
43:30Once upon a time...
43:32Once upon a time...
43:34Once upon a time...
43:36Once upon a time...
43:38Once upon a time...
43:40Once upon a time...
43:42Once upon a time...
43:44Once upon a time...
43:46Once upon a time...
43:48Once upon a time...
43:50Once upon a time...
43:52Once upon a time...
43:54Once upon a time...
43:56Once upon a time...
43:58Once upon a time...
44:00Once upon a time...
44:02Once upon a time...
44:04Once upon a time...
44:06Once upon a time...
44:08Once upon a time...
44:10Once upon a time...
44:12Once upon a time...
44:14Once upon a time...
44:16Once upon a time...
44:18Once upon a time...
44:20Once upon a time...
44:22Once upon a time...
44:24Once upon a time...
44:26Once upon a time...
44:28Once upon a time...
44:30Once upon a time...
44:32Once upon a time...
44:34Once upon a time...
44:36Once upon a time...
44:38Once upon a time...
