When The Night Falls Full Movie

  • 2 months ago
When The Night Falls Full Movie


00:00billionaire shrouded in secrets. I was the broke nobody he'd paid a million dollars to move into
00:07his beautiful mansion, take care of his sweet baby girl, and to never ever ask about her mother.
00:14He was the lingering question in the back of my mind. I couldn't get enough of him and the
00:20feeling of those intense blue eyes on me watching my every move. I wanted to know if he felt it too
00:28late at night when Ellie had gone to bed, when the night fell, and it was just the two of us
00:35in this huge lonely house, wondering, waiting, would he be the man to unlock a part of me that
00:42only existed in my fantasies? Or was I just his nanny?
00:46So, any good options? The agency sent over more than 100 profiles.
01:03I took the liberty of doing an initial screening. And? Take a look.
01:08No. No. Too old. Oh, yeah. Too young. She's not in there, Iris, okay? Tell them to send some more.
01:24We're running out of time. They've sent over everyone in their system that meets our requirements.
01:29I can't just choose anyone, Iris. All right? She has to be believable.
01:38Theo, choose someone. For Ellie.
01:50Look who decided to show up. Sorry, Chef. Traffic was insane.
01:54Yeah, well, get pretty because you'll be waiting on our clients tonight.
01:57I'm your sous. I haven't even been front of house before.
02:00Yeah, well, you are our only option, so...
02:04Can't TJ do it?
02:05TJ was on time tonight, so TJ gets to be my sous tonight.
02:12Aw, jealousy doesn't suit you, Jazz. Not with that bone structure.
02:16So, you're gonna work front of house? You're gonna like it.
02:21Yes, Chef.
02:26Theodore Jefferson is a very important client. I need you on your best behavior tonight.
02:35You know what? I will be your waitress tonight, but things are over between us, Greg.
02:42I still meant what I said.
02:48Oh, I'll have one call. I'll swear it all away.
02:50There's a friend of mine.
02:51Oh, that's fantastic. That's good to know.
02:53And you are?
02:54Hi. My name is Jasmine, and I will be serving you tonight.
02:59Uh, thank you. Listen, could you please check and see what the holdup is in the kitchen?
03:03It's nearly past my daughter's bedtime.
03:04Of course.
03:05Thank you.
03:06Of course.
03:06So, anyway, uh, the arm is some deal. Are you, uh, is that gonna close for you?
03:10That's gonna go through.
03:12That might dance for a while.
03:15I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
03:16It's okay.
03:17It's okay.
03:18It's okay.
03:18It's okay.
03:18It's okay.
03:18It's okay.
03:19It's okay.
03:19It's okay.
03:19It's okay.
03:19It's okay.
03:19It's okay.
03:19It's okay.
03:19It's okay.
03:19It's okay.
03:19It's okay.
03:20That might dance for a while.
03:26Two steaks up.
03:31They gave us the hardest time when we were trying to get this South Street project.
03:33All right, last but not least, here is the cheese.
03:37Tell me when.
03:40When, when.
03:43Okay, all right, all right, for the finale. Here we go, here we go, here we go.
03:50Oh, I'm so sorry, sir.
03:56No, it's fine, it's fine.
04:08What happened?
04:09Oh God, it's Mr. Jefferson.
04:12I think I made him angry.
04:14What did you do?
04:15I knocked over a glass.
04:17It was an accident.
04:19I'm telling you, I'm not a waitress.
04:21TJ, would you give us a moment alone, just me and my waitress?
04:34Pissing off Mr. Jefferson is the one thing I told you not to do.
04:41Just get out.
04:43Please, Greg, chef.
04:45You know I need this job.
04:49You still want to be head sue at my new restaurant?
04:51Yes, of course, which is why we need to keep this professional.
04:58Without this, there is no professional.
05:06I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
05:08No, Jasmine was just leaving.
05:19I told you to stop working with that creep.
05:25I needed the job, and creep or not, he's one of the best chefs out there.
05:30That doesn't excuse his behavior.
05:32Hey, you'll find another job.
05:35It took me months to find that one.
05:37Can't just expect a job to fall magically into my lap.
05:45Did you order something?
05:59Mr. Jefferson, what are you doing here?
06:01May I come in?
06:05Thank you.
06:09Hi there.
06:10I'm Theodore.
06:12You're one of Jasmine's friends?
06:16I was working at Mr. Jefferson's house last night.
06:19I am sorry to barge in on you like this, but I needed to see you.
06:24Yes, would you mind?
06:26Could we have a moment alone, please?
06:28Oh, it's okay.
06:37Seriously, what are you doing here?
06:40I have an offer for you.
06:42What kind of offer?
06:45You met my daughter, Ellie.
06:47Yeah, cute kid.
06:49I'm glad you think so, because I'd like to offer you a job as her nanny.
06:59What would this nanny thing entail exactly?
07:03For starters, you would move in.
07:06Move in? I don't think so.
07:10It would only be for a year.
07:11Listen, I appreciate what you're doing, but I'm perfectly happy here.
07:20Not even for one million dollars?
07:26You're kidding, right?
07:29No, I couldn't be more serious.
07:32For a year of work?
07:34Yes, and a green card.
07:38Unless you're looking forward to getting deported back to Canada.
07:42How did you know about that?
07:44Everyone who enters my home is thoroughly screened, Miss Gibson.
07:49Why me?
07:53Let's just say I have a good feeling about you.
08:02So, do we have an agreement?
08:06One condition.
08:08I have full kitchen access.
08:12You have a deal.
08:17Your hair.
08:19Has it always been a harbor, Miss Gibson?
08:22Huh? Yeah.
08:24Don't change it.
08:26Who isn't planning on it?
08:28Come on, morning.
08:29Eight o'clock.
08:35Oh, Miss Gibson, don't be late.
08:51So you're really doing it?
08:52It's kind of my only option right now.
08:55Do you really think you can trust this guy?
08:58Not a chance, but he's covering my bills and he's sponsoring my visa.
09:03One year can't be that awful.
09:05But you're moving into a stranger's home.
09:07It seems nuts.
09:08Look, you got any better ideas?
09:12Listen, the guy's a little intense, but he seems like he's a really good dad.
09:19Oh my god.
09:23You're totally into him.
09:26I didn't know you liked the daddy vibe.
09:28I do not.
09:29Just be careful, okay?
10:00You're late.
10:01I had to pack for a year.
10:03Take a seat.
10:08I need you to sign these.
10:10Should I have my lawyer go through this?
10:13You have a lawyer?
10:15No, but that's what I feel like people say when they're given a novel to sign.
10:21I know it looks like a lot, but it's fairly standard.
10:25Keep Ellie on track with her homeschooling.
10:27Keep her entertained.
10:29Keep her happy.
10:30And at the end of the year, you'll leave here $1 million richer.
10:35That's standard, eh?
10:38And the most important thing.
10:40Never ask about Ellie's mother.
10:44Why not?
10:45That topic is off limits.
10:46Do you understand?
10:52Remind me again why you think I'm the right person for this.
10:55I told you.
10:57I can read people.
10:59You strike me as someone that I can trust.
11:18So what happens now?
11:20You'll be set up with a security clearance shortly.
11:24Don't let Marco and Samuel intimidate you.
11:27They're here for your safety.
11:29Safety from whom?
11:31Don't concern yourself with my affairs.
11:33The two of them are mostly here just to make sure that you don't leave the property.
11:38I signed up for living here, not being imprisoned here.
11:43There are people out there who want what we have.
11:46People capable of horrible things.
11:49And I am trusting you with the one thing most dear to me.
11:54Miss Gibson, I do not give second chances.
11:59Ellie, hey.
12:06How are you, darling?
12:09It's good to see you.
12:11So this, this is Jasmine.
12:14I like that name.
12:15Jasmine is going to be your new nanny.
12:17As long as that's okay with you.
12:20Tito, may I speak with you privately?
12:24Yeah, yeah, I'll be right back, okay?
12:26Want to help me write a play?
12:28A play?
12:30Well, I've never written one before, but I would love to try.
12:33Do you have a notebook?
12:35I don't, but I'm sure there's one around here somewhere.
12:40Play's about a princess who's locked away in a big castle
12:45by mysterious handsome warlock.
12:48That sounds strangely familiar.
12:50Charles Edward Crowley.
12:54What are you doing?
13:04Ellie, could you give me a moment alone with Miss Gibson, please?
13:10Do you make a habit of going through people's personal things?
13:13Ellie, need to talk to you in private.
13:14I don't have time for that right now.
13:17Do you make a habit of going through people's personal things?
13:19Ellie needed a notebook.
13:21I don't take lightly to snooping.
13:23And I don't take lightly to lying.
13:25Who are you?
13:27Your employer.
13:28I have a right to know who I'm working for.
13:31I'm only going to say this nicely just this once, Miss Gibson.
13:36Know your place.
13:40What are you hiding from?
13:44You signed a contract.
13:46Which means for all intents and purposes, for the next year, I own you.
13:59Miss Gibson, shall I show you to your room?
14:15Make yourself comfortable.
14:17And Ellie's room is just down the hall.
14:56Lord Charles?
15:00Who are you?
15:03I'm Jasmine.
15:09As Jasmine laid sleeping, the prince arrived just in time to give her a true love kiss.
15:17What do you think?
15:18It's a wonderful play.
15:20Do you think Daddy will like it?
15:22I'm sure he'll love it.
15:24I'm sure he loves all the plays you write.
15:26I never got to see one before.
15:29He's always too busy.
15:32Too busy for what?
15:33Ellie has written a play.
15:35Jasmine, help.
15:40Oh, well, we need to get a red carpet for him.
15:43Oh, that's perfect.
15:45Well, I wish I could stay and watch it, so good luck.
15:59Oh, well, since when have you been into puppets, Ellie?
16:07They're actors, Daddy.
16:08Have to use your imagination.
16:11Didn't know that I was living under the same roof as a little Shakespeare.
16:14It's amazing what some people can hide about themselves.
16:19All right, ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to begin.
16:23One day, Aladdin was walking in the neighborhood.
16:37Any requests?
16:39I didn't hire you to be the house chef.
16:41You have other responsibilities.
16:43This was my one condition.
16:46Now, what do you want?
16:49I'm fine.
16:51Suit yourself.
16:52Oh, I put together something for you.
16:55What's this?
16:56I stayed up late last night,
16:58charting out activities that you and Ellie could do together.
17:04I'm not going to be told what to do by the nanny.
17:06Isn't that why you hired me?
17:08I'm not the one who follows orders around here, Miss Gibson.
17:26Now, please do your job and make sure Ellie is ready for her first tutor.
17:38You two seem to be getting along well.
17:45Look at this.
17:47She thinks she knows my daughter better than I do.
17:51And you find that endearing?
17:53What? No, I find it insulting.
17:58I've seen the way you look at her.
18:00I want to remind you why it is we need her.
18:04I have had enough women in this household
18:06tell me what to do this morning.
18:07Thank you very much.
18:09Consider it a strong suggestion, then.
18:12I don't know what you think that you've picked up on,
18:15but my emotions are in control.
18:18They always are.
18:20I've learned my lesson, Iris.
18:23I'll never let a woman cloud my judgment again.
18:28One or two?
18:29Just wanted to say good night.
18:31Oh, hey, good night.
18:33Are you going to eat with us?
18:35Oh, no, honey.
18:36I'll have something later.
18:37Daddy, tell Jasmine to eat with us.
18:41Um, would you like to join us?
18:45It would just be like if Mommy was here.
18:47Oh, Ellie, that's enough, darling.
18:50So, there we were at a hole in the ice,
19:08and Jade was determined to catch something.
19:11Now, Jade was very, very creative.
19:14A lot like you, Ellie.
19:16So, she took dental floss and tied it to a hockey stick.
19:22So, did you catch anything?
19:24Not a bite, but it was still a perfect day.
19:29Where's Jade now?
19:31She is back home in Canada.
19:35I hope I get to meet her soon.
19:39Well, it's somebody's bedtime.
19:42All right.
19:47Oh, good night, sweetheart.
19:51Good night.
20:14You kept it.
20:16Well, the alarm hasn't gone off, so I'm hoping it's not a breach.
20:31Well, it's probably just a blackout.
20:33There's probably a power line down somewhere.
20:36It's pretty windy outside.
20:42What are you so afraid of?
20:43If you knew what I've been through,
20:46you'd be nervous too, Miss Gibson.
20:48Jasmine, please.
20:55You know, we've all been through some tough things,
20:57and in my experience, it's heavier
21:00when we try to carry it alone.
21:08Earlier, you lied to my daughter.
21:10Earlier, you lied to my daughter.
21:14Your sister, she's not back home, is she?
21:18That wasn't included in my file.
21:25I am sorry for your loss.
21:28It was a long time ago.
21:31Is that why you moved here?
21:34Kind of tore my whole family apart.
21:40Ellie was three years old when she lost her mother.
21:43Oh, my goodness.
21:44That must have been really tough.
21:47It was.
21:50And she's only recently stopped asking about her
21:53every single day, which is why I try not to bring her up.
22:00I understand.
22:02Well, since you know so much about me,
22:05I think it's only fair that I learn a little bit about you.
22:12Ask your questions.
22:14But there's no guarantees I'm going to answer.
22:21What exactly do you do for a living?
22:25I'm a lawyer.
22:27I'm a lawyer.
22:28I'm a lawyer.
22:28I'm a lawyer.
22:29I'm a lawyer.
22:32All right.
22:34Are you still a British Lord?
22:39You Googled me.
22:41Yes, I did, Charles.
22:47Yeah, I had to get away from those people, from that life.
22:51What people?
22:53You know, the less you know, the better.
22:55I wouldn't want to put you at risk, too.
23:00Why don't you have a British accent?
23:05My mother's American, and I went to international schools my whole life.
23:12Final question.
23:14Why'd you keep that list?
23:20You have a very special way with my daughter, and
23:24I guess I just, I wanted a piece of that for myself.
23:30She really is a special girl.
23:33She reminds me so much of my sister.
23:37I'm really growing fond of her, Mr. Jefferson.
24:10Just let me say something.
24:12What's wrong?
24:14I know you're afraid, Theo.
24:17Jasmine, we can't.
24:20I'm not her.
24:39Because it has really big ears and a long snout.
24:44Ellie, honey, your French tutor's going to be here in a few minutes, OK?
24:48Are you done, sweetheart?
24:49One more bite.
24:52OK, silly.
24:53You know what?
24:54Let me get a picture of you two.
24:56Just lean in there tight.
24:57On three.
24:58Say pancakes.
24:58One, two, three.
25:01That's a good one.
25:11How'd you sleep?
25:13Oh, yeah.
25:14Yeah, I slept great.
25:18You want some breakfast?
25:21No, thank you.
25:22I'll just have some coffee.
25:36All right, you want some more?
25:39Oh, no, no, thank you.
25:41That's plenty.
25:42Um, gosh, you know, this is lovely and all, but I didn't hire you to work in my kitchen
25:48as a waitress.
25:49I hired you to spend time with my daughter.
25:52So would you please go check on Ellie and make sure that she's getting ready?
25:56You know, I was on track to open up my own restaurant.
25:58So I guess I'm sorry if I'm wasting my days away in the kitchen here.
26:02But if I am going to be locked away here for a year, I am determined to enjoy myself.
26:13I'm almost finished with my drawing.
26:21Oh, can I see it?
26:26Do you like it?
26:28I love it.
26:31What are you drawing?
26:37I think you're the talented one.
26:40My mom used to paint a lot.
26:44Well, maybe if I practice, I'll get better.
26:49Oh, that sounds like the ice cream truck.
26:54Do you want some?
26:55Daddy doesn't let me leave the house.
26:59If you won't tell, I won't.
27:08But it's all warm, and then the ice cream makes it cold.
27:11You left the property?
27:15Oh, this was my fault.
27:16What were you thinking?
27:19I'm sorry.
27:21I'll deal with you later.
27:22Come on, honey.
27:33It's open.
27:36Glad you found some clothes.
27:38Is this funny for you?
27:39We have strict rules for a reason.
27:42The ice cream truck was right outside.
27:44She's a kid.
27:45She's got to see the world.
27:46She is my kid, and I know what is out there.
27:49Listen, you don't need to raise your child to be afraid of everything just because you are.
27:54Ellie is brilliant and beautiful, and you are forcing her into hiding.
27:59You're going to dim her light.
28:01And I hope it's not too late before you realize what you're doing.
28:04That's it.
28:05I get it.
28:06I'm fired.
28:09What was that?
28:20You drive me crazy, Miss Gibson.
28:35Ellie had a nightmare.
28:36She's asking for you.
28:40She's asking for Jasmine, too.
28:50And there were more cupcakes than they could eat in a year, but they did.
28:56The end.
29:36Hey, girl.
29:37Hey, you ready to come home yet?
29:39I'm actually kind of starting to like it here.
29:42Oh, no.
29:43Do I have to stage an intervention?
29:45Oh, my God, stop.
29:47Uh, last time we talked, you were telling me all about fake passports and crazy rules.
29:52And now you're acting like a kid at Disneyland.
29:55I don't know.
29:56He's starting to surprise me.
30:00Hot rich guy is also charming?
30:04Listen to you.
30:05You're totally falling for this man.
30:07I am not.
30:12Run a background check on the roommate.
30:15Good morning.
30:21Marco, can you give us a minute?
30:30You shouldn't dress like that.
30:32You don't like this?
30:35I don't want other men eyeing you up.
30:37Other men?
30:43Look, I'm sorry if you overheard that conversation earlier.
30:47You told your friend about my passport.
30:51Do you understand how important privacy is to me?
30:54I know.
30:56I told her a while ago, back when I didn't trust you.
31:05Do you trust me now?
31:11I am finding it very hard to resist you, Miss Gibson.
31:15Then don't.
31:18But first, take me on a date.
31:24Funny you should mention that.
31:27I may have a little something coming for you.
31:30I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.
31:32I may have a little something coming for you.
31:35I'll see you tonight.
31:37Eight o'clock.
31:52You look incredible.
31:56I don't think I've ever worn something so nice before.
31:59I actually have another surprise for you.
32:04No peeking.
32:07All right, almost there.
32:09And I have brought your protégé, Chef Hobbs.
32:16Great to see you again.
32:18So I called Chef Hobbs after I tasted your food the other night, and I said,
32:22what could she have possibly done to lose her job with you?
32:24And as I explained on the phone, it was all just a bait.
32:29I'm preparing quail tonight.
32:30I do hope you both enjoy it.
32:32It is going to be a featured entree at our new restaurant.
32:36Well, yes.
32:36Theodore's been a very generous investor.
32:41Sorry, I need to take this.
32:45What the hell are you doing here?
32:50I see you've made yourself at home here.
32:52I want you out now.
32:54Jas, I want you back.
32:57This isn't you.
32:58You're delusional.
33:00Oh, and so you're just going to flush your entire career down the toilet to become, what,
33:04some trophy wife who gets discarded in a couple of years?
33:08I would watch the way you speak to me, Greg.
33:10I would hate for you to lose your lead investor.
33:12Our lead investor.
33:16I cannot do this without you.
33:19What's going on here?
33:19Just two old friends catching up.
33:31Hey, hey, hey.
33:33You okay?
33:34What just happened?
33:35I just wish that you would have told me before inviting that man here.
33:41I wasn't thinking.
33:44He said that you two were on good terms.
33:46He said that you two were on good terms again.
33:50I mean, he seemed generally happy that you're doing so well.
33:53I don't want that man knowing anything about my life here.
33:58What did he do to you?
34:02He and I had a thing, briefly.
34:05But it felt wrong, so I cut it off.
34:09Then on the night that you and I met, he came on to me.
34:12When I rejected him, he fired me.
34:15That was right before you offered me the job as Ellie's nanny.
34:23Jasmine, you would tell me, right, if you felt pressured by me, you know, in that way.
34:34I couldn't live with myself if you thought that I was abusing my power as your boss.
34:41In order to get what I wanted.
34:43You, you're not like that man at all.
34:49You're different from any man I've ever known.
35:02Thank you.
35:05Thank you for telling me that.
35:09Now, come with me.
35:12There's some trash I need to take out.
35:16Gregory, pack your things.
35:21I can assure you, Mr. Jefferson, whatever she told you is an outright lie.
35:25You have 10 minutes before I have security forcibly remove you from the property.
35:30Oh, and expect to hear from my lawyers on Monday.
35:33You can no longer count on my money.
35:36Get out.
35:42Wow, that was intense.
35:56Too much?
35:58No, truth be told, I've always wanted my honor defended by a handsome prince.
36:04A prince, huh?
36:06Well, I guess a British lord will do.
36:17Did I ever mention that I lived in London once?
36:21Yeah, I was studying at a bakery for a while there.
36:25I loved it.
36:37I knew that I'd seen you somewhere before.
36:39What are you talking about?
36:41The patisserie.
36:43Near Covent Garden.
36:45How did you know?
36:46It's my favorite cafe.
36:48How could I forget?
36:50You were...
36:52You are so beautiful.
36:56Oh, my God.
37:12I wanted you then, and I want you now.
37:27Then what are you waiting for?
37:43Theo, I think I'm falling in love with you.
37:52And no, you don't have to say anything.
37:54I just...
37:55I wanted you to know.
38:10What time is it?
38:13Iris says, Ellie, you stay here and pet me.
38:20I need to do something today.
38:26Can I help you?
38:28No, that's sweet, but it's a bit personal.
38:37Whatever part of the house you need, I'll make sure you have your privacy.
38:42I know you're not going to like this, but I need to leave the house today.
39:00No, you can't do that.
39:02It's important.
39:05It's not safe.
39:09Look, I can't go into details, but you're just going to have to trust me on this.
39:15You know, you are always asking me to trust you, Theo, but trust is a two-way street.
39:34Hello, little one.
39:36Sorry it's been a while.
39:38I've been busy.
39:41I've met this little girl.
39:43She's so wonderful.
39:45She reminds me so much of you, Jade.
39:49She's smart and creative and so full of joy.
39:59And her dad is pretty wonderful, too.
40:03Don't get me wrong, he's got his trust issues, but...
40:09I really think I'm falling for him.
40:13How touching.
40:14Oh, oh, I'm sorry.
40:15I didn't realize anyone was here.
40:17So you're the girl Charlie's playing house with?
40:22Oh, my apologies.
40:25I guess he's Theo to you, right?
40:30Who are you?
40:32I'm Lana, Ellie's mother.
40:38That's impossible.
40:42Don't tell me he gave you the my ex died sob story.
40:47Such bullshit.
40:51I'm sorry.
40:53He can be so manipulative sometimes.
40:56What do you want from me?
41:00I just wanted you to know the truth.
41:04I told myself I'd never let another woman suffer in the dark like I did.
41:11All I ever wanted was to be the best mother I could.
41:17But you know how your Theo is, right?
41:21He's paranoid, overprotective.
41:26He wouldn't even let me leave the house.
41:29I got tired of him controlling me.
41:32And when I wouldn't play his little games anymore, he stole my daughter from me.
41:37He blackmailed me and he forced me to disappear from her life.
41:42I assumed telling her I died was the easiest way for him to cover up the truth.
41:47How do I know you're not lying to me?
41:53Darling is using you.
42:02No, I don't believe you.
42:05It's all right here.
42:10He just submitted this to the court.
42:17Exhibit D, Jasmine Gibson proving strong,
42:21loving maternal figure to provide child with a loving and stable home environment.
42:32Oh, my God.
42:36I intend to gain full custody of my daughter.
42:41I strongly advise you stay out of my way.
42:58You left the house without my permission.
43:00It took me hours to find you.
43:03I met your wife.
43:08What? Lana?
43:11Lana's here?
43:14Okay, listen, we need we need to get out of here right now, okay?
43:17You lied to me.
43:19She's very much alive.
43:22Yes, I'm sorry.
43:24I can explain all that, okay?
43:26Well, while you're explaining your way out of a resurrected ex,
43:30perhaps you could also let me know about the custody battle I'm unknowingly helping in.
43:50You have every right to be upset, but I can explain this.
43:54But right now, we need to go somewhere safe.
43:57I'm not going anywhere with you.
43:59Jasmine, please.
44:01Please just give me the chance to tell you the truth, okay?
44:08You had your chance, Charlie.
44:27You look cozy.
44:37Thanks for getting this to me.
44:39I really appreciate it.
44:40No problem at all.
44:44Do you want to come in?
44:52Theodore sends his apologies that he had to get Ellie to a safe place.
44:57I'm glad he didn't come here.
45:04How is she?
45:05She's safe and coping, if that's what you mean.
45:14But he misses you a lot.
45:19I met her, Iris.
45:22Lana, his wife.
45:25His ex-wife.
45:27I'm sorry you had to find out like that, but there's still a lot that you don't know.
45:33So tell me.
45:34Tell me the truth.
45:39The truth isn't mine to tell.
45:43Go to this address.
45:45If not for him, for Ellie.
45:56You came.
46:06I need answers.
46:08Come in.
46:08Where's Ellie?
46:12She's sleeping in her bedroom.
46:16All right, why would you tell me that Ellie's mother was dead?
46:20Or why tell Ellie for that matter?
46:22She deserves to know her mom is alive.
46:27When Ellie was a baby, Lana tried to poison her.
46:40Neither of us ever wanted any children.
46:43But when she became pregnant, Lana was intent on keeping her.
46:48Later, I realized that she only wanted Ellie as an insurance policy.
46:54And once Ellie was born, the real Lana showed up.
47:00Drinking, abuse, infidelity, you name it.
47:05After I served her with the divorce papers, she drank half a bottle of vodka,
47:10went to the fridge, and put a lethal dose of cough syrup into Ellie's baby formula.
47:16And you're sure she did this?
47:18I can't prove it, but I know it was her.
47:21And she tried to gain full custody.
47:24Then she went into hiding after we left.
47:27This all happened in England?
47:31We had to get far away from her.
47:34You know, new country, new identity, new lives.
47:40Do you understand now?
47:41If I'd stayed there, then she would have at least gained partial custody of Ellie.
47:48Well, what about me?
47:51I'm a piece of your custody puzzle too, aren't I?
47:56The moving in, the photos, all of it.
48:05I have to admit that at first, that was true.
48:09But you've become so much more than that to me, Jasmine.
48:15You have to believe me.
48:16You have to believe me.
48:21You know, if you had just been honest with me from the start, I would have helped.
48:25I know. I should have been.
48:30But I'm telling you the truth now.
48:36And you have to believe me when I tell you.
48:44I love you, Jasmine.
48:47I love you.
48:54But wait, wait.
48:56Why would she return for a daughter that she never wanted?
48:59A daughter that she tried to poison?
49:01I mean, she's after my wealth.
49:04You know, my title.
49:07She accused me of kidnapping in order to gain access to my assets.
49:10Look, Ellie is nothing more than a ponderer.
49:14Does she even have a case?
49:17She's Ellie's mother.
49:19And the courts do always swing that way.
49:23That's why I've taken so long in order to build up enough evidence to prove
49:28that Ellie is safer with me.
49:32The court hearing, it's next week.
49:36And if you'd be willing to testify on my behalf...
49:40Oh, Theo.
49:42I need some time to think about that.
49:45That's... it's just a lot all at once.
49:47Of course. I understand.
49:50Yeah. No, you take your time.
50:00Hey, Meg.
50:08What the hell are you doing here?
50:10Jasmine, I want to help you.
50:12There's nothing that I want from you.
50:14Trust me, Jasmine. You're being played.
50:16Why would I trust someone who tried to poison their own daughter?
50:19Is that what he told you?
50:23You for a thing.
50:25He really has your brain washed, doesn't he?
50:27All I know is that he is great with Ellie and she is thriving under his care.
50:33Under our care.
50:36Listen here, little girl.
50:40If you testify next week,
50:42I'm gonna make sure you're looking over your shoulder the rest of your pathetic little life.
50:49I'm not afraid of you.
50:54Well, I did it once.
50:58I might just put a little too much cough syrup in your nightcap.
51:08What the hell are you smiling about?
51:15Get away from her.
51:17You okay?
51:21You've made a huge mistake, my darling.
51:24You need to leave now.
51:25I've got this under control.
51:29Intimidating a witness?
51:32How do you think this is gonna look in court, Lana?
51:41This isn't over.
51:51I'm so sorry to involve you in this.
51:55No, it's okay.
51:55She won't bother us again.
51:57What do you mean?
51:59I did it once.
52:00I might just put a little too much cough syrup in your nightcap.
52:10Good morning, handsome.
52:14I'm so sorry if I woke you up.
52:15No, don't worry about it.
52:16Oh, you look so cute sitting there sleeping.
52:19I wanted you to get your beauty rest.
52:21What? I'm not beautiful already?
52:23Oh, you are gorgeous.
52:26That's the right answer.
52:29I'll be back in a couple hours.
52:32You want to have dinner with me today?
52:34No, I'm good.
52:35I'm good.
52:35I'm good.
52:36I'm good.
52:36I'm good.
52:37I'm good.
52:37I'm good.
52:38I'm good.
52:39I'm good.
52:39I'm good.
52:40What are we having?
52:42I don't know.
52:43I'll surprise you.
52:44Oh, my favorite.
53:10Oh, there you are.
53:18Oh, I was just out grabbing a few things.
53:21Ellie's looking for you.
53:22Something about your famous cookies?
53:23Uh, tell her I'll be right down.
53:49Close your eyes.
53:52Close them.
53:56What is it?
53:57Open it.
54:01This is very cute, but Iris already gave me a set of keys.
54:05Oh, yeah, these?
54:08These aren't to the house.
54:10There's more inside that.
54:22We can go back to London now.
54:24Now that Lana's taken care of.
54:28Will you join us?
54:30Of course.
54:34And, um, the keys?
54:37Well, these keys are to your new restaurant.
54:43It's right near Kensington Gardens.
54:45Oh, this is too much.
54:48I want to give you everything.
54:51Everything that you've ever wanted.
54:54And I want to start a family together.
54:57Just the three of us.
55:02I have to tell you something.
55:06What is it?
55:12I'm pregnant.
