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Have you heard of Heroes of Wrestling? Maybe you've heard someone just say "the worst wrestling pay per view ever", that's basically the same thing. Let's watch some of it.

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00:00My name is Luke Owen and I love bad wrestling.
00:17Join me on my journey through a cavalcade of crapness watching what many believe to
00:22be the worst wrestling matches of all time to make my friends and you fall in love with
00:28bad wrestling too.
00:29This is my quest to find the worst match ever.
00:59The date was October 10th, 1999.
01:21The location?
01:22Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
01:24The event was Heroes of Wrestling, a show that was meant to be the launch of a brand
01:27new promotion, but instead has gone down in history as one of the worst wrestling pay-per-views
01:31of all time.
01:32The idea was simple.
01:33Get all of the biggest names from yesteryear not currently signed to WWE or WCW and build
01:36a federation around them.
01:37The only problem being that, well, they were all unsigned for a reason.
01:41Of the 8 matches of this wretched card, only 2 of them even managed to score above 0 stars
01:45from Dave Meltzer, with 5 of them reaching well into the negatives.
01:48This video's match between the Iron Sheik Nikolai Volkov and the Bushwhackers was among
01:52the worst of them, receiving a score of absolute zero and enduring as perhaps the worst wrestling
01:58match of all time, so let's just see how bad this was.
02:20This is filmed in somebody's house, maybe in 1999.
02:26Also got to remember as well with the Iron Sheik, 2 years later, less than 2 years later,
02:38he'll be at WrestleMania X-7, where he has to win the gimmick battle royal because he
02:43can't take the bump to be eliminated from the battle royal.
02:50Imagine being at this pay-per-view.
02:52Oh, I mean, look how excited you are, you get to see the stars of old.
02:57The stars of the 1980s, relived once again in 1999.
03:03I mean, this Sheik was on the SummerSlam main event just 8 years before this.
03:11That's not that long, you think about things that were 8 years ago from now, and like,
03:17you know, AJ Styles debuted 8 years ago.
03:21Yeah, that's very true.
03:22Time is a flat circle.
03:24I love that Nikolai Volkov is still really standing the Soviet Union.
03:32Buddy, it's over.
03:34It's over, mate.
03:35Someone's got to tell him.
03:37I ain't going to be Sheik-y, baby.
03:43There's our USA chance.
03:44Of course.
03:45So, we can now be saved for the USA by the Australian bushwhackers.
03:50He's from New Zealand.
03:51My favourite thing.
03:53Matches that include no Americans.
03:56They get the USA chance.
04:00It is wild.
04:01The people are still so offended at the sinking of the Soviet national anthem.
04:08The Cold War's been over for 8 years.
04:10Don't you say you're f***ed up!
04:12You're in America!
04:14You're in America!
04:18Again, the Soviets and Iran, are they allies?
04:29In wrestling?
04:31Like, really?
04:32I mean, not really.
04:34Well, not even in the world of wrestling?
04:36Well, maybe in the world of wrestling.
04:39I suppose they both did hate the USA.
04:41There you go, united by hatred.
04:43It appears that he's getting ready to do his club gimmick.
04:50But it looks like he's gotten a couple of the stanchions.
04:54That cordoned off the people.
04:56Yeah, look at him go!
04:58He's still got it.
04:59Look at him go!
05:00You still got it.
05:03Oh, no he don't.
05:05He's struggling with them.
05:11Give me the mic.
05:14I'll take that, America!
05:17Volkov, you're going to have to do most of the match.
05:21I think I just s*** in my pants.
05:29We've come to save the day.
05:31Look at our arms.
05:32Look at our arms.
05:33Oh, they all come out here and lick some children.
05:35That'll show these raskies.
05:38They're both raskies, right?
05:41I keep thinking as well, because you see that there are...
05:43Look, there you are, licking a child.
05:45Because there are children at ringside.
05:47And the next match after this...
05:49I think it's the next match after this, or it's only down the line.
05:53Why are they licking all these kids?
05:56It was the 80s, Sullivan!
05:59It's the 90s now!
06:00It's nearly 2000!
06:02They did it in the 80s.
06:03It was a different time then.
06:05What, the age of the nonce?
06:11It's what we all know the 80s to be.
06:15You're a nonce, are you?
06:16On TV you go.
06:23That guy is so happy.
06:24He's like, I want to get licked by the bushwhacker.
06:26I don't care which one it is.
06:27Butch or bitch, I don't care which one it is.
06:30I don't want to get licked by any of the bushwhackers.
06:33I don't know why they would want to get licked.
06:36Anyway, so there's kids in the front row.
06:38One of the matches that's coming up is the Abdullah the Butcher match.
06:42Which is a bloody affair.
06:45It's like blood being sprayed.
06:46Like, they're glad they're getting licked now,
06:48because they're going to be covered in blood shortly thereafter.
06:55I'd like to remind everybody that there was a time
06:57before the bushwhackers,
06:59when these two men were considered good wrestlers.
07:03Well, let's see if they pull that out of the bag now.
07:05They're not being held back by the constraints of the WWF.
07:09Perhaps here, in Heroes of Wrestling,
07:12we can see the sheepherders back.
07:14Oh no!
07:15Oh, dearie me, no.
07:17Oh, those baddies.
07:18The pesky foreigners.
07:20The other foreigners, of course.
07:22Well, these are the pesky foreigners.
07:23The pesky foreigners.
07:24Oh, look at those vicious knees.
07:26Not the good foreigners.
07:28They are, of course, underway now.
07:30Has the bell been rung?
07:33They're policing these pesky foreigners.
07:36They don't abide by your American rules.
07:42He's holding his face.
07:44Really, this is the story of how a Russian man
07:48and an Iranian man have come together
07:51to stop these two child lickers.
07:56And that was a very mistimed double close-up.
08:00Oh, that was even worse!
08:02Oh, my God.
08:04The baby was so slow getting in the ring.
08:10We're doing a great job.
08:13We've done our first two spots all right.
08:16I think it'll go swimmingly from here.
08:18Everything's gonna be just fine, lads.
08:20Right, so a lot of stalling.
08:22There's a huge amount of stalling.
08:23We have to add two wrestling moves.
08:26And they're off.
08:28They've had enough of this.
08:30I don't want your wrestling, Hattori.
08:34I don't want to take no bump, Hattori.
08:39I took my one bump.
08:41I'm out of here.
08:42I can't believe they attempted to leave.
08:44And now it's struggling to get back into the ring.
08:47Come on, come on, let's have a lock-up.
08:48Here we go, here we go.
08:50You've settled things down.
08:52The craziness of earlier is now back to normal.
08:56Here we go, Volkov is doing stuff.
08:59Classic wrestling manoeuvres there.
09:00There was a boot to the midsection, a headlock and a punch.
09:05Look at that.
09:06Look at him choking him on the floor.
09:11Oh, brilliant. Off the ropes.
09:12It worked so well last time.
09:15Oh, my God.
09:19Here comes Shikibaby.
09:22Things are really, business is really about to pick up now.
09:25They're stepping on them.
09:26They're not even stomping on them.
09:27The referee is distracted.
09:29Now the referee is employing rules in this?
09:32Like there wasn't rules about anything before.
09:34Oh, my God.
09:36Every spot is just send him into the ropes.
09:38He'll come back and you'll just like bop him.
09:42Bop it.
09:44Knee it.
09:45Pull it.
09:47Just vaguely touching them until they fall to the ground.
09:49He hit him right in the throat.
09:51Look, and now, again, distracting the referee.
09:54And this referee is very strong.
09:57He's having the whole back up.
09:59So much focus.
10:00So it's come down to the wrestling.
10:01Here we go.
10:02Neck crank.
10:03I think the referee is the best worker in this match.
10:06Here we go.
10:07Here we go.
10:08Wind it up.
10:10That was a rubbish kick.
10:15It had about as much force as that kick that Vince did on the football to hit Pat McAfee in the gut.
10:22Just like...
10:25Mr. Burns ass kick.
10:31So weak.
10:32Everything's so weak.
10:34Disregarding the rules now.
10:35Disregarding the rules.
10:36I'm just going to get in the ring.
10:37These bloody Americans.
10:39Sick of them.
10:40I want to play American wrestling.
10:45That's a good bump.
10:46That's a good bump.
10:47That's a pretty good bump.
10:48That's a good bump right there.
10:52Oh no, he's lost him.
10:53He's attempting a maneuver.
10:56He lost him in the process, but he's recovered.
11:00Thank God he did.
11:06He lightly sat him down on his knee.
11:10It's because he did that the first time and then was like,
11:12that didn't look very good.
11:13I better do that again.
11:15Oh damn, it looked worse the second time.
11:18Jesus Christ.
11:20She's got the camel clutch in.
11:22Oh no.
11:23He can't sit down.
11:24He can't bend his knees.
11:26He can't.
11:27He really can't.
11:28These bushwhackers are real cheaters.
11:30They're massively heeled.
11:32These pesky foreigners are wrestling fair and square.
11:37Cheating pricks keep getting in a room.
11:39Oh, they just need him right in the bollocks.
11:43Never mind.
11:47How do you...
11:48The spot is to miss a knee drop and you still hit it.
11:54He's hit it by accident.
11:55It's because I think for the...
11:56Oh, hot tag.
11:57I think for the first time in wrestling history,
11:59he tried to do a knee drop and an elbow drop at the same time.
12:02The innovation.
12:04Here we go.
12:05Here we go.
12:06Punches, punches.
12:07Oh, lovely punches.
12:08And the double noggin knocker.
12:10Noggin knocker.
12:13Oh, but M. Bison's...
12:20Wish.com M. Bison over there.
12:23Bushwhackers refuse to play by the rules.
12:27Oh no, he clogged the sheik.
12:29Oh no, he clogged the sheik.
12:31Thank God the referee was...
12:32One, two, three.
12:33One, two, three.
12:37That referee wanted to get out of here.
12:41One, two, three.
12:42That's it.
12:43That's it.
12:44He was getting a call from the back.
12:46Go to the finish.
12:47Go to the finish.
12:48Go home.
12:49Go home.
12:50That was the worst discount I've ever seen.
12:51Okay, we're done.
12:52There wasn't any moves in that match.
12:54What are you talking about, Sullivan?
12:57Have you forgotten the...
12:58Have you forgotten the rib breaker and the elbow and knee drop at the same time?
13:02That was very good.
13:03That was very innovative.
13:04Oh my God.
13:06Now they're making them smell their armpits and stuff.
13:11You've been to Australia.
13:12You know.
13:13I know.
13:14I do know.
13:15And I haven't been, but I've met Australians.
13:17We're from New Zealand.
13:18And now these two, they're fighting.
13:19They're fighting each other.
13:20We're getting a breakup angle.
13:24That's nice.
13:25Friendship won in the end.
13:28Take that, America.
13:31You can't break up the Soviet Union and Iran.
13:35Try as you might.
13:39One of them may not be a nation anymore.
13:44And as far as I know, I'm pretty certain the Soviet Union didn't like theology.
13:52Theocracies, rather.
13:55That's the best bump The Sheik has taken in about ten years.
13:58Yeah, for sure.
13:59And here we go.
14:00Here's the finish.
14:01Look at that.
14:02Body check.
14:04One, two, three.
14:06In slow motion, it is the right speed.
14:10We, of course, made a real point on this show the first time.
14:14Where are you looking for the absolute wretches of pro wrestling?
14:20Or are you looking for the ones where they fell down and funny, entertaining?
14:24So we ended up with a bit of a spectrum here.
14:27At the top is like, no, this actually makes me angry.
14:31I hate wrestling.
14:32I never want to watch wrestling again.
14:34And then down here, it's like, look at her.
14:37She's wearing a full secret gown and wrestling boots.
14:41She's never wrestled before.
14:43And then also my vag.
14:44And also more of the same.
14:50I don't know what end of the spectrum it really falls on.
14:54I had a good time with this.
14:56I thought it was really.
15:03I was entertained the whole way through.
15:05Yeah, I think I think I was not as insane as I was for Jenna.
15:08So I think I would have placed this just above that.
15:12I think it was better than Shelly and rebel.
15:15It's currently number one.
15:18It can only go up or down from here.
15:22It's first and last.
15:24I think that's a fair rating.
15:26I like it.
15:28If you want to watch all of our reactions in full,
15:30head on over to patreon.com forward slash restaurant where you can see the uncut version of this episode.
15:36And we'll be back next month to see if we can find a match that was worse than that or better than that.
15:43Until then, I've been Nicko and D.A.D.
15:45That's been Tempest.
15:47That's been Sullivan.
15:49That's worst match ever.
15:51Hello and welcome to another edition of Survival Series,
15:55the show that helps distract you from the decline of Western society.
15:59It doesn't.
16:00For these 20 minutes, Dan, I hope it does.
16:02It's all I can think about.
16:04Today, I'm joined by the champion Pete Quinnell.
16:07It's me.
16:08I win a lot.
