Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds by Noah Antwiler | The Spoony Experiment

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Alle Mongotare:

✓Leon Elektronik Playliste: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlWQ-4sbH3WVrfzhBUhfEUBACjL3krtLhZ
✓Basti & Chanti - Die Seelmanns
✓ Kapitän Kevin Playliste: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlWQ-4sbH3WWA7N8NSQ5tGrLe0u-3uSPf
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✓Der Asozialste Talk im Netz Playliste:

Überall Folgne Alder!
In mein LINKTREE findest du mein Twitter und mein DAYLIEMOTION Archiv, wo ich alles Uploade was geil ist und weit auf Youtube verstreut is: https://linkr.bio/KanalMongomedial
00:00I met you on a Thursday, Friday I took you home
00:07Well Saturday I'mma beggin' on you baby, just leave me alone
00:14You're turnin' me upside down, pullin' me to the ground
00:18When you shake me, shake me
00:20I'm givin' you what you need and I'm beggin' please
00:24Don't break me, break me love
00:30I'm givin' you what you need and I'm beggin' please
00:34Don't break me, break me love
00:37I'm givin' you what you need and I'm beggin' please
01:00Me, I'm gonna blow the dome
01:14You're gonna blow the dome
01:16Piece of cake, piece of cake, piece of cake, piece of cake
01:31Oh, I can see Dupré's got a lot of pressing business to attend to here.
01:35They just spend the whole time chilling at the castle
01:37while you bust your ass exploring the fucking sewers.
01:40And yeah, the entire game is based around a massive sewer level.
01:44There's no way out of the castle and magic doesn't work
01:46and so the only thing anyone can think of is to seek a way out through the sewers.
01:49And I HATE freaking sewer levels.
01:53There's almost nothing I hate more than being stuck in an RPG
01:56and acting as glorified pest control.
01:58Most of the enemies you encounter in this game are
02:00bats, rats, flesh-eating worms, and slugs.
02:04Seriously. Slugs?
02:07Truly an enemy worthy of the Avatar's steel.
02:10This is balls. I don't feel like a hero.
02:13I feel like the fucking Orkin Man.
02:15This sewer is five floors deep.
02:17Apparently Castle Britannia's sewer system is the most convoluted,
02:20over-engineered, labyrinthine, demon-slug-infested hellhole imaginable.
02:26But that's not to say this game is easy.
02:28Oh no.
02:29This game has one of the steepest difficulty curves I've ever seen.
02:32This game starts off fucking impossible.
02:36The first serious fight that you ever have that isn't common vermin
02:39actually comes quite early in the first level where you face something called a Headless.
02:43And this is what I get for complaining because this son of a bitch is unbeatable.
02:48I mean, would you look at this?
02:49Look at what's going on here.
02:51I can't hit this thing.
02:52And when I do hit, which is once in a blue fucking moon,
02:55all that ever happens is my axe gets damaged.
02:58I mean, oh fuck, how is this even possible?
03:01My steel fucking axe is getting damaged instead of the Headless.
03:05I'm swinging a steel axe against a Headless Wookie,
03:08and my axe is the thing that's consistently losing out.
03:12Just what the fuck?
03:14This doesn't make any sense. Fuck!
03:16What does this thing come from the planet Krypton?
03:18I literally broke my axe off hitting this thing.
03:21The Witch King of Angmar wasn't this destructive to man-made weapons.
03:24Oh shit, there's two of them?
03:26I can't even take one of these assholes. Fuck!
03:29Why can't I kill these fucking things?
03:31I'm the goddamn Avatar.
03:33I've become a complete pussy somehow.
03:35I just don't get this.
03:36What happened between Ultima 7 and now that made me fearful of fucking bats?
03:41They're bats!
03:42And now I'm getting physically dominated by a creature without a fucking head.
03:46I mean, someone explain to me how this thing is even alive.
03:49How does it eat?
03:50Does it just shove food down its neck hole?
03:52That thing is just out of my league.
03:54But get this, even the rats are basically an even match for you at the start.
03:58I mean, look at...
03:59Oh sweet Jesus, did you fucking see that?
04:01That fucking rat just tore my goddamn head off in one hit.
04:04One. Hit.
04:05What have the rats eaten this fucking sewer?
04:08Where are they getting all this cheese that's turning them into goddamn R.O.U.S.'s?
04:12The level design and pacing of this game is just fucked.
04:15You'll be walking around exploring when all of a sudden, out of the darkness,
04:19You catch ball lightning in the fucking face.
04:21What the hell was that?
04:23You just randomly find two gazers on the first floor,
04:26monsters that are way above your current power level.
04:29You have no chance to beat these guys until about the halfway point of the fucking game.
04:33I mean, what happened here?
04:34I feel more like Lester the Unlikely than the Avatar.
04:37There's no good explanation for this.
04:39Even a common thief you find in the sewers looks you over and says,
04:42you look out of shape and he thinks he can take you.
04:45And guess what?
04:46He can.
04:47He can.
04:48I mean, what?
04:49I'm the guy who took down Mondain and I can't physically intimidate a sewer urchin?
04:54Fuck you!
04:55But seriously, the only explanation we get for my catastrophic power loss is that,
04:59since Ultima 7, I just haven't been working out.
05:03It took me four hours to beat this headless thing using hit-and-run tactics.
05:07I want you to see this.
05:09I broke three weapons on this motherfucker.
05:12I broke a battleaxe and two daggers stabbing this thing to death.
05:15And I still couldn't bring it down.
05:18I actually ran out of weapons.
05:20I used all my crossbow bolts and eventually had to resort to using my bare hands
05:24before somehow, I still don't know how, I won.
05:28It got so desperate I had to go back to the castle and steal weapons from my friend's rooms.
05:33And I'm pretty sure that's not the way the Avatar should act.
05:36Why doesn't Lord British lift a finger to help out?
05:40He doesn't do anything.
05:42He doesn't even heal you, which is the only thing he's ever been any good for.
05:46In fact, all he does in this game is mistreat the serving staff to the point they go on strike.
05:51Why do I do what this lazy piece of velvet-wearing shit says?
05:55Again, why don't they just open the armory and give me the best weapons and armor in the castle?
06:00I'm the Avatar!
06:02Throw me a longsword, somebody!
06:04Oh, I'll tell you why they don't.
06:06It's because the armory's locked and the only key to it is lost in the sewers,
06:11guarded by an angry fucking tree.
06:13And naturally, this thing is virtually unbeatable.
06:16How does an angry fucking tree even grow down here?
06:19It's a sewer!
06:21Actually, wait a minute, I don't need to go to the armory.
06:23Where's my black sword?
06:25Where's the Hoe of Destruction and all the magic armor I picked up from the last game?
06:29Shouldn't I have that with me?
06:31Why would I not have that on me at all times?
06:34Guess what, they're not in the game.
06:36And that's a pretty big plot hole, considering the black sword figures prominently into Serpent Isle the next game,
06:41and at least there, you start off with it and there's a plausible explanation for its disappearance later on.
06:46But you start with virtually no equipment.
06:48Hell, if you don't find the secret door in your own bedroom, you're really fucked,
06:52because then you don't get your bag of runes, and you never will.
06:56Why is there a secret door in my bedroom?
07:00Why wouldn't I know about it if some vitally important equipment of mine is stored there?
07:04What assholes made this game?
07:06The controls in these games suck.
07:08No, they go beyond sucking.
07:10Jumping is a complete mess, because you control with the mouse and jump with the J key.
07:14Trust me, it's terrible.
07:16And it's made worse by the fact there are several sections of the game where precise platforming is absolutely necessary.
07:22Just wait till you get to the parts with moving platforms, have fun reloading,
07:26and the leveling system is needlessly complicated as well.
07:29You level up automatically, but you don't gain your skills automatically.
07:32You have to spend your skill points with trainers who hang out in the castle,
07:36but you don't know who trains what skills,
07:38unless you talk to every single person to find the exact person teaching the exact skill you want.
07:43What skills do you want? Well, let me go looking.
07:45Crossbow? No.
07:47Charisma? Um, no.
07:50Haggling? Are you serious?
07:52How about using a sword?
07:54Does anyone know how to use a sword?
07:56Worse, the number of skill points you get when you train is random,
08:00so you have to keep reloading until you train up a decent amount.
08:02I hate this shit.
08:04The worst part of this game is any time you find a locked door.
08:07Why? Because then you need to use a key,
08:09and over the course of this game you'll collect roughly a zillion fucking keys,
08:12and there's no way to tell what key works on what door.
08:15It's like in Metal Gear, when you have to try every single card key on every single door.
08:19Who thought this was a good idea?
08:21Oh, no way, I take it back.
08:23The worst part is when you run across an NPC in the hallway,
08:26and she won't fucking...
08:28Move aside, wench! I'm the fucking Avatar!
08:32Oh, and what the hell is this thing?
08:35Looks like a flan from Final Fantasy X Cross with a three-eyed goldfish from The Simpsons.
08:39Oh, jeez, what the fuck?
08:41Just move, you fucking jelly cheeseburger! Fuck!
08:44I guess you can argue that I just suck at this game.
08:47I mean, that's possible, but I didn't have this hard a time with the first game.
08:50This Headless is the first real fight you have.
08:53I hate that there's no way for the game to remember magic spells.
08:56Every time you want to cast a new spell, you have to look it up in the book,
08:59or print up a cheat sheet, figure out what runes you have and what runes you don't,
09:03translate the runes to find out what they mean, select the runes and cast it,
09:06so there's no fast way to select spells in combat.
09:09And more often than not, the spell just backfires and causes you damage.
09:13What's up with this? I was casting the Armageddon spell last game,
09:16and now I'm getting burned casting first-level shit?
09:19Fuck this!
09:20I know, I know, Spoony's begging on a classic game,
09:23he doesn't like anything, send the angry emails,
09:26here come the trolls!
09:31Okay, that's it!
09:32I'm installing anti-personnel mines in front of that fucking door,
09:35this shit keeps happening!
09:40Oh, you wanna fight?
09:43Oh, don't you fucking test me, you headless hairball!
09:46Not after the month I've had!
09:50Okay, well, I think Linkara would say at a time like this,
09:53you may be a headless monster immune to weapons, but me?
09:56I am a man!
10:01Now, me, on the other hand, I fight like a dirty bastard.
10:19I am a man!
10:20I am a man!
10:21I am a man!
10:22I am a man!
10:23I am a man!
10:24I am a man!
10:25I am a man!
10:26I am a man!
10:27I am a man!
10:28I am a man!
10:29I am a man!
10:30I am a man!
10:31I am a man!
10:32I am a man!
10:33I am a man!
10:34I am a man!
10:35I am a man!
10:36I am a man!
10:37I am a man!
10:38I am a man!
10:39I am a man!
10:40I am a man!
10:41I am a man!
10:42I am a man!
10:43I am a man!
10:44I am a man!
10:45I am a man!
10:46I am a man!
10:47I am a man!
10:48I am a man!
10:49I am a man!
10:50I am a man!
10:51I am a man!
10:52I am a man!
10:53I am a man!
10:54I am a man!
10:55I am a man!
10:56I am a man!
10:57I am a man!
10:58I am a man!
10:59I am a man!
11:00I am a man!
11:01I am a man!
11:02I am a man!
11:03I am a man!
11:04I am a man!
11:05I am a man!
11:06I am a man!
11:07I am a man!
11:08I am a man!
11:09I am a man!
11:10I am a man!
11:11I am a man!
11:12I am a man!
11:13I am a man!
11:14I am a man!
11:15I am a man!
11:16I am a man!
