• letztes Jahr
Die Engländerin Gemma ist mit dem Amerikaner Nathan verlobt und ihre Hochzeit steht bevor. Doch kurz vor dem großen Tag wacht Nathan morgens einfach nicht mehr auf. Gemma ist am Boden zerstört und beschließt trotzdem Nathans Frau werden zu wollen, auch posthum. In And Mrs muss sie sich gegen rechtliche und soziale Widerstände durchsetzen, um den Mann, den sie liebt, zu heiraten.


00:00Oh, it's such a pity that you're sleeping, because I'm wearing nothing but nipple tassels
00:09and a willingness to please.
00:14This is embarrassing.
00:15Couldn't I have died getting mauled by a bear?
00:16I know.
00:17She's made for me.
00:19I know.
00:20She's Nathan's sister, of course, but...
00:21She's a nut.
00:22We are here today to celebrate the life of Nathan Pecherszewski.
00:23Is that Polish?
00:24You say Polish, I think big hearts.
00:25Great sausages.
00:27But, Nathan, you know, it's a pity that you're sleeping, because I'm wearing nothing but
00:28nipple tassels and a willingness to please please.
00:29I know, it's such a pity.
00:30I know, I know.
00:31You're not a good father, but you're a good son.
00:32You're a good son.
00:33You're a good son.
00:34You're a good son.
00:35You're a good son.
00:36He's a good son.
00:37You're a good son.
00:38You're a good son.
00:39You're a good son.
00:40You're a good son.
00:41I think, big hearts, great sausages.
00:48Nathan really wanted to marry me.
00:50Why not get married?
00:51Nathan is dead.
00:53Yes, ma'am. I know that.
00:54Thanks for the heads up.
00:58The law is the law.
00:59My hands are tied.
01:01I'm afraid what you're asking is impossible.
01:03Nathan isn't here anymore.
01:05Marriage is about building a future.
01:08That is the promise that I made!
01:10Am I crazy?
01:11I can't answer that, Bouvier.
01:13I'm dead.
01:22That's how she needs to say goodbye.