Jenny JETPACK Full

  • 3 months ago
Jenny Adventures


00:00Then you're taking all the weight of these controls on your shoulders. You get really tired
00:03I mean if you try to like hold your hands out like this even without anything in it
00:06It gets really tiring and if they're too short, then you are kind of like a Tyrannosaurus
00:11Godzilla, no Godzilla arms
00:13Okay, good. So that looks pretty good. I'm just gonna make sure these are nice and tight
00:17He has to listen to the spiel anyway
00:19And then we make an adjustment on the seat to make sure that it's all the way underneath your bottom
00:23And it looks like that's pretty good as well
00:25Put these down
00:29Yes, so I'm gonna introduce you to this harness it's a five-point harness just like what they use in NASCAR and
00:36Some aircraft and also baby seats. That was just gonna say that I feel like a baby. That's right
00:42So before I make it tight, I just want to make sure you know how to get out of it
00:46So then when you come back in you can get out of it
00:48So there's a buckle here this round part right here
00:50Right go ahead and put your hand on that on the outside and what you do is turn it all the way in one direction
00:53Yeah, I should go ahead and demonstrate to me that you can recognize what a circle looks like
00:58Just like now once these are tight, then they'll come flying out when you release it
01:02I just wanted you showing that so that when you come back in we know that you can get you don't get to take it
01:06Home as a souvenir
01:09So now I'm actually gonna crank it down pretty tight
01:11Because the idea is I want you to be out one with the jetpack
01:15Because the way that you turn is by changing your weight by redistributing your weight, so I don't want you flopping around in the harness
01:22It's gonna make you turn all over the place
01:24I want you to make turns when you want to make turns not just because you lose so it's gonna feel tight
01:28Go ahead and lift these up for me. You're sitting down all the way, right?
01:36So no dancing
01:41Smiling it makes you aerodynamic. Oh, yeah, I don't know then I won't have a problem
01:47You're comfortable in the water, right? Yes, I died
01:50You want to be fine once you're in the water you won't even feel
01:53Go ahead and look up at me. So I'm sure that your back is all the way against the back
02:02Once you're in the water you when you come back, I'll ask you if you felt how tight it is. Can you breathe?
02:07Okay, I want to make it a little tighter then
02:10No, that's good. So say hello to your new arms these controls right here
02:15So you'll be wearing a helmet and I'll be giving you instructions and a lot of those instructions are going to involve
02:20Raising and lowering your arms. So I say arms up or arms down. It means with these not like
02:28You would be surprised that five out of ten people when I say arms up go
02:33Now when they go up I go up. Not necessarily. Okay, not necessarily
02:37But you have control I have the control of the power, but you have control of everything else
02:42So again my instructions here are gonna involve raising and lowering your arms just as a frame of reference right here this like ridged area
02:49That's about two inches. All of your moves up and down are gonna be within that two inches distance. The key to this is small
02:57Relaxed moves the more relaxed your hands and your arms are the better. You're gonna be at this
03:01Okay, so if I tell you arms up to let's see what that was good even smaller now
03:07I'm not measuring once you get out there with a ruler to see if you went up to or one
03:10But really what I want to express to you is that the smaller a move you make the better make a move
03:15That's so small. You don't think it'll do anything and then see what happens and then make another very small move
03:20It doesn't have the effect that you're looking for
03:22It's easier to make a series of small moves and to make a big move and try to have to recover from it
03:27There's no big jerky moves involved with this
03:29Everything is like as small as you can if you the more relax your hands
03:33You'll find out that all you have to do is gently lift these up and then let gravity make them fall down look and lean
03:38You're gonna drop your shoulder a little bit, but you have to turn your head you can't just right and you can't do this
03:42Well, you didn't say that before eyeball eyeball that turn your head
03:46Take your chin and stick it on the shoulder in the direction you want to go
03:49If you want to turn right take that and put it over there. No turn your head
03:52That's turning your head not to do that much turn it all the way for one second
03:57I said not to do it that way. Okay, I want you to do it that much but not for that long just for a second
04:02Okay, I started to turn. I'm now I'm still turn
04:10So cool, so we talked about arms up and on arms down and we talked about turning
04:14So now this is the key if you've ever been on a jet ski or a treadmill
04:19Same idea
04:21Key goes on this post right here
04:23It's very important when you insert the key that you don't put it on the inside of the control arm
04:26But on the outside because the way you stop it is by yanking it off
04:29And if you put it inside like that, it's gonna get stuck
04:31So when you want to start it up, you're gonna put the key on the post like that. You're gonna see a sequence of lights
04:36Yeah, no, it's not
04:38And what you want is that green flashy light?
04:41No, as long as it's making contact, it's good
04:44When you see the green flashy light, then you're gonna start it up
04:47And so the way you're gonna do that is there's a button right down on the bottom there
04:50You want to feel for it? Yeah, you can push it one time. Oh my god
04:55So that's it on off switch
04:57You just push it one time or else you're gonna turn it right back off
04:59So you push it until it starts up and then you put your hand back on here
05:02Okay, now this as you pointed out before is the throttle you're not controlling that at all today
05:07That's what I'm using the remote
05:08But I want to point out to you because if you turn it up for some reason it's not gonna make you go fast
05:12But you're gonna get a red light the next time you try to start
05:15It's a safety feature. They can't start it when it's at full throttle and launch yourself out of the air
05:19So you can't start it if you have the throttle turned up at all
05:22So if you get that red light, you just got to turn it back down and then you'll be good to start it up
05:26Okay, so it's gonna shut off if by mistake I go like that. No, it just won't be able to start the next time
05:31So when you want to stop the engine what you're gonna do is yank this key off
05:35But you're gonna not reach up and grab it. You're just gonna take your arm and swing it out like that
05:38So do me a favor and put the key on
05:41Now we're gonna do a little exercise and go ahead and look at the camera and not look at the key and pull it off
05:46Without looking at it. No, look over here. Oh pull the key
05:48No, did you reach up and grab it? You just got a wing?
05:52Fail one more time. Okay, that's pretty good
05:56I didn't feel that. The key wasn't on though.
05:58But you got the idea. It wasn't on.
06:00Alright, so we'll leave that off to get in the water
06:02And please insert this
06:04onto the appropriate part of your anatomy
06:06Let's try my anatomy
06:08Can I put the camera on first?
06:10This is the fun part
06:12We said we were gonna put it right here, right?
06:14No, the other way
06:16Enrique's the camera guy
06:18He's not gonna let you put it backwards
06:20So, I don't think we need this
06:22Are we going on any time in the next five minutes?
06:24Yeah, let's start it up
06:26Underwater mode, just in case
06:28I don't know
06:30In my area, electric teams
06:32Put it on right now
06:38Are you sure?
06:40Yes, I believe it does say rec
06:42And it is six seconds ahead of time
06:48If it falls off, oh well
06:50Yeah, like you said
07:02You want those?
07:04Yeah, like that
07:06Safety first, camera second
07:08Oh, I know
07:10I can adapt it
07:16Yeah, when somebody says good luck
07:18Um, you know
07:26Oh, it's gonna come in
07:28See, we just keep taking stuff off and off
07:30Alright, it's on?
07:32Yep, go ahead and flip it on
07:36I don't think you realize, but we have like everybody here
07:40Because if I die, then
07:42You probably won't die
07:44Especially if it's a camera, you know
07:46So before I let you go, go ahead and put your arms up like that
07:48And right now, the way you are, it's gonna be how you start
07:50In the water, like you're sitting in a stand
07:52You're gonna be floating, this thing floats
07:54And you float, so you're gonna be floating in the water
07:56Just like this, in this orientation
07:58And I'm gonna ask you to put your key on
08:00And start it up, put the key on
08:02You're gonna feel the hose flow of the water, it's gonna tug back on your hair
08:04Then I need you to get squared up like this
08:06And you're gonna be leaning back
08:08You gotta be in this position with your legs underneath
08:10Put your arms up like that
08:12And right now, it's the only time
08:14Your hands are gonna be underwater
08:16So the water level is gonna be like right about here
08:18So that should be like where my hands are
08:20A start, just a start
08:22And then we're now on the air?
08:24I'll tell you right now
08:26So the water level is gonna be here
08:28I'm gonna start to give you throttle
08:30And you're gonna lift straight up in the air
08:32So the water is gonna go from here
08:34To about there, as soon as that happens
08:36Very gently and easily, you're gonna lower your arms down
08:38Just above the surface of the water
08:40And that'll make you go forward
08:42And that's where you want your hands, right above the surface of the water
08:44Alright, got it?
08:46And you're gonna manage me, right? I will
08:48Can you put me underwater too? We'll see how you do
08:50Can you give me a high five? Thankfully, no
08:52Hey, that wasn't very nice
08:54Not because of you, but because of all the other students
08:56I wish I could hear you
08:58Well, if I'm doing okay, can you try to
09:00Of course, I have a whole
09:02I have a whole list of moves
09:04It just depends on your aptitude
09:06I think he's gonna take it off on me
09:08Alright, go ahead and put your, you're gonna move your feet back
09:10So they're right underneath you, and you're not gonna stand up
09:12First thing you gotta do is give me a pelvic thrust
09:14So thrust this out to me, with your hips
09:16And then stand straight up
09:18So hips out, and then stand up
09:20There you go, okay, cool
09:22So Rich is gonna show you where the water is
09:24I feel like
09:26We had a height requirement for this
09:28No, the robots
09:52I'm floating
09:54I should keep this over water
10:02Hey Rich
10:04Make sure when you start her, start her away from the gator on that end
10:12This is Jesus speaking
10:14Can you hear me?
10:16My assistant Rich is now peeing in the water
10:18Just so you know
10:20I recognize that look on his eye
10:22If you want, you can pee back on him
10:24Ready for roll?
10:26Ready for roll?
10:28Ready for roll?
10:30Ready for roll?
10:32Ready for roll?
10:34Ready for roll?
10:36Ready for roll?
10:38Ready for roll?
10:40I hope he's not pooping
10:42I hope he's not pooping
10:44That would be worse
11:10That would be worse
11:26One more thing I want to tell you
11:28If you are turning
11:30But you're not trying to turn
11:32You're dropping one of your arms
11:34Now as soon as you're ready
11:36Go ahead and pee on it
11:54Go ahead
11:56I might have to wiggle the key around a little bit
12:07Almost, one more time, step up