• letztes Jahr
Die Gladiatoren-Dramaserie Those About To Die, die von dem gleichnamigen Buch von Daniel Mannix inspiriert ist, beleuchtet die komplexe und korrupte Welt des Gladiatoren-Sports im Antiken Rom. Inszeniert wird die Serie von Roland Emmerich und Marco Kreuzpaintner.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/those-about-to-die


00:02-"Those About to Die is a huge show.
00:04Takes place in the old Roman Empire."
00:06-"The gambling, the factions against each other,
00:09the chariot races, the gladiator fights."
00:11-"We're working with the best and most cutting-edge technology."
00:15-"It's truly amazing.
00:17I've seen absolutely nothing like it."
00:19-"This is, in a way, a breakthrough.
00:21It's gonna be epic."
00:26-"I was always fascinated by the Roman Empire,
00:29and I always wanted to do something with sports.
00:32So, for me, this is a dream to tell the story."
00:35-"Scorpus is last again,
00:37primed for one of his come-from-behind victories."
00:39-"Maybe not this time."
00:42-"Roland's famous for his blockbusters,
00:44and this is his first step into the land of TV.
00:47The scale at which he thinks is incredible."
00:51-"These days, anything can happen.
00:53Men rise."
00:54-"We've had these amazing practical sets,
00:57like the underbelly,
00:58the Coliseum,
00:59the best sets I've ever worked on."
01:01-"We've got a big production value here,
01:03and the attention to detail is thrilling."
01:05-"Game engine technology has enabled us to show things
01:08that would have been almost impossible before."
01:11-"There are distinct advantages with virtual production.
01:14You get natural lighting
01:16that you would not get with a green screen.
01:18But the thing that makes the difference
01:20is the integration of the actors and the LED wall."
01:24-"It was really easy for us actors
01:26because everything looks so real."
01:29-"There was a strict collaboration
01:31between us and the VFX department.
01:32That's why I insisted on adding a stunt performer
01:34in his choreographies
01:37who could simulate the actions of the lion.
01:40In this way, every action and reaction
01:42is as credible and realistic as possible."
01:45-"I trained for every fight scene and all the stunts."
01:50-"Gladiators are fighting for life and death,
01:52so you don't want to hurt the other guy.
01:54But it has to look like you do want to hurt him."
01:59-"We did some of our own stunts.
02:01When we were learning the chariot racing,
02:03you're so exposed.
02:04It's not a machine that you're in control of.
02:06It's four horses with their own ideas."
02:08-"I will face him on the track, and I will defeat him."
02:11-"The costumes and makeup and hair
02:13are at the best level you can possibly imagine.
02:17So I think that really helps
02:18to be totally immersed in the character."
02:21-"We made 95% of all the costumes.
02:24It was a big challenge, but the more information
02:27I put in their costumes, the better for the actor."
02:31-"Oh, wait, father.
02:35-"Nothing is more important than protecting our beloved Rome."
02:39-"I really think that we got the perfect show about Rome."
02:43-"The scope and scale in the series is quite breathtaking.
02:46And then you have all these complex, interesting characters.
02:49Trying to survive in a very difficult, dangerous world."
02:52-"You fall in love with these characters.
02:55And because of that, I think we got something really special."
02:59-"Show them you can fight or die trying."
