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Panayam kay Spokeperson Radm. Armand Balilo ng Philippine Coast Guard ukol sa paglubog ng oil tanker sa Bataan at rescue operation ng PCG dahil sa bagyong #CarinaPh at habagat
00:00Updates on the sinking of oil tankers in Bataan and the rescue operations of the PCG due to the typhoon Karina and Habagat.
00:06We will discuss this with Rear Admiral Armon Balilo, the spokesperson of the Philippine Coast Guard.
00:12Rear Admiral Balilo, good afternoon.
00:16Assec Dale, Linia, good afternoon to all of your listeners.
00:22Sir, we just have a few information about the sinking of the motor tanker Terra Nova in Limay, Bataan yesterday.
00:28How many liters of fuel did it carry? What were the details and reasons for the sinking or the sinking of the tanker?
00:37Assec Dale, I did not hear what you just said.
00:43How many liters of fuel did the tanker carry?
00:49And if there is a reason, did the reason for the sinking or the sinking of the tanker already occur?
00:55Based on the document that we received, the contents of the motor tanker Terra Nova is 1,400,000 liters of industrial fuel oil.
01:12Now, the reason for the sinking, we already interviewed the captain and the crew, but the investigation is still ongoing.
01:21We will give you the correct information after the investigation.
01:30Well, so far in your investigation, was there a violation of the MD Terra Nova in its sailing in spite of the bad weather, sir?
01:43Secretary Bautista already ordered a joint investigation by the Navy and the Coast Guard.
01:51Initially, when it sailed, there was no public storm warning signal in Bataan, that's why it was allowed to sail.
02:03But you know, in this kind of situation, we always say that the master of the ship is the captain.
02:11He is the one who can decide if it needs to continue or return.
02:15That's what the captain did. He saw that the weather was bad, but the weather was bad, that's why he decided to return.
02:25But what happened was that there was a derangement and they were pulled into another ship.
02:31As a bad omen, the line that was pulling them was cut off and they lost control of the ship.
02:38That was the reason why they submerged and continued to sink.
02:47Sir, based on what you said earlier, the working fuel of the ship was depleted.
02:52How wide was the oil spill and what are the steps that we are doing until now?
03:01As of this morning, the report that was sent to us,
03:05that is still the estimate of our personnel on the ground.
03:11Around two kilometers, the oil slick and oil sea were seen.
03:17That is from NG, the working fuel of the ship.
03:25There is nothing to be worried about because it looks like the crew secured their tanks before they abandoned the ship.
03:35What we are doing is, we have already placed a dispersant and we will collect the emulsified oil.
03:45You said that the oil spill in Manila Bay has reached the ground.
03:51What are we doing to avoid this?
03:56As you know, there is no leak in the tank of the ship.
04:03But Admiral Gavan has an instruction that we should prepare for the worst scenario.
04:09That's why we are coordinating with LGUs and we are preparing to respond if there is a leak.
04:20Based on the trajectory of the oil, vis-a-vis the wind and the current of the sea,
04:30what will be affected is Manila, Nabotas, Bulacan and Pampanga if there is a leak.
04:38That's why we coordinated and dispatched personnel to those areas to monitor and monitor the local government units.
04:49Sir, if this 1.4 million liters of fuel leaks,
04:54how big will be the damage and how far will the oil spill reach?
05:01As a drill, I can't say the damage it will cause but definitely, it will create an environmental catastrophe.
05:11That is what we are trying to avoid, that it will not spread.
05:18As we know, the last motor tanker empress affected the wildlife and marine environment in Mindoro.
05:29That is what we are trying to avoid, that it will not happen.
05:35But currently, sir, you are removing this.
05:39How much fuel have you siphoned out?
05:45We haven't siphoned out yet.
05:49We will talk to the owner and salvage company.
05:55We will ask them for the details of the siphoning and their operations.
06:01So while that's happening, the fuel is still leaking from MT Terra Nova?
06:08The fuel is still leaking from the tank, from the engine of the ship.
06:14This is still minimal.
06:17We are now on the ride of MT Terra Nova.
06:20The 16 out of 17 crew members were saved.
06:24How is it now?
06:26What is the update on the other person?
06:31Earlier this morning, we turned over to the family the 10 rescuers of the Philippine Coast Guard,
06:37to us, Delchora Aquino.
06:40Early this morning, their family was here and they are now in the care of their family.
06:47The other one who was on the way home, we turned over to their family.
06:52The other six who were on the way home were also on the way home.
06:58Sir, in other talks, how was the deployment of the rescue teams for the rescue operations
07:04due to the effects of the typhoon earlier and now?
07:07How many people were deployed by the PCG for this?
07:13As of now, almost all of the personnel here in Metro Manila
07:17were used to save and evacuate our countrymen during the typhoon earlier.
07:25We were rescued on the first night only in San Juan, Mandaluyong,
07:31Sparras, Cavite, North Caloocan, and here in Camanaba.
07:35As of now, those who were able to return to the country are now on standby.
07:40They are on standby.
07:42Although they are on standby, they are still preparing.
07:45If the heavy rain falls again and there is a need, we will be able to deploy again.
07:52From your data, where are the places where most people need rescue
07:57because of the floods?
08:01You know, Nina, we were overwhelmed by the calls.
08:04Almost all areas of Metro Manila are asking for rescue.
08:08Here in the closest to us, Caloocan, Malabon, Botas, and Valenzuela,
08:14we were able to use our bodies.
08:17There were a lot of requests for rescue.
08:21Okay, but are there still people who need to be rescued?
08:27Because we received information that some of them were in the roof of their houses.
08:34Were there a lot of people rescued?
08:38Yes, a lot.
08:40We were able to rescue people who were in the roof of their houses
08:46and whose water was leaking.
08:49We prioritized the children, the elderly, and the elderly.
08:54In fact, we were able to rescue dialysis patients
08:58who were trapped in a dialysis center here in Manila.
09:02I would like to ask, how would you compare your rescue operations
09:07during the floods?
09:10The floods were heavier.
09:12It was only for a short period of time.
09:14The floods lasted for a long time.
09:16We were really shocked.
09:17At least here, it only rained for a day.
09:23We were able to respond immediately because we made preparations.
09:28How many people were rescued?
09:32I don't have data on how many.
09:35If you look at our social media,
09:38I don't have data on how many people were rescued.
09:44I don't have a consolidation plan yet.
09:47But once I have one, I will update you.
09:50Sir, maybe you can send a message to our countrymen from the Philippine Coast Guard.
09:57Well, to the motor tanker Terra Nova,
10:02we are doing everything we can
10:05so that the oil content of our ship does not spread.
10:12We are mobilizing people and equipment.
10:15We are also talking to experts.
10:18We are also asking for help from the private sector
10:21so that we can help prevent oil spills.
10:27Thank you very much, Mr. Onas.
10:28Thank you, Onas, Rear Admiral Armand Balilo,
10:31the spokesperson of the Philippine Coast Guard.
