Let's Play Destiny pt 44

  • 3 months ago
Hey everyone. I am sorry that it took so long for us to record more episodes of this and get more videos up on the channel. That is entirely my fault. This year has been rough for me for a lot of personal reasons that I would rather not get into. Depression, anxiety and the like kind of left we with no desire to do much of anything. My will and my drive to create for this channel has just been gone, but I am doing better for now. We have four episodes of Let's Play Destiny for you, and the Jak and Daxter video will go up after that. Then we will work on finishing Destiny. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy.

The song at the end is Toward the Unknown by Helstar

Personal Twitter: @fsmetal
Gaming twitter: @Dionysos19852
00:00It's a bygone thing now.
00:06That was always a big selling point of the PS3.
00:13I fucking love this system, it's got so many good games on it.
00:20I picked up a game for it, picked up an old game for it recently, I finally bothered to
00:24get the, what are they called, Half Price Books, the movie trading company was doing
00:35a sale where there was buy two, get one free, and I used that as an excuse to get a couple
00:42of albums, Karma Code by Lacuna Coil, what was the other one, I don't remember what the
00:58other one was, it was Karma Code by Lacuna Coil and something else, you could look it
01:10up, it'll tell you just a little bit, oh, Cleansing by Prong, which has snap your finger
01:32snap your neck on it, which is a good fucking song.
01:39And then for the free item I got, I finally bothered to pick up Red Faction Armageddon,
01:46which I had always heard is not that great, but, you know, for the cost.
01:50Yeah, it's not bad, just try a little bit.
01:56You ready to go back to orbit?
02:08But yeah, I really like that Cleansing album by Prong, that's really good, more recently
02:17I picked up, well I sent you a copy of one of the albums I picked up because you can't
02:22find it on Spotify or Bandcamp or YouTube or anywhere, that being Reign of Misery by
02:32Dead Rising.
02:36Let's dig it into the deep obscure shit.
02:39I mean, it wasn't too bad for what it was, I mean, I heard a couple tracks off of it.
02:49I guess we still can't go to that one.
02:53Yeah, it's not bad.
02:54It's got a cover of Pull the Plug by Death on it.
03:12It's not a bad album, but I just kind of wanted to share the well, so I posted a link in a
03:18couple of different, oh shit, it's level 30, do you want to try it or do you want to level
03:27up some?
03:28I mean, we could try it.
03:32See how it goes.
03:33Yeah, we're not level 30 yet.
03:36I'm level 29, you're almost level 29.
03:48But beyond that, I picked up, oh, Cutscene Time.
04:14I bought a Hypocrisy compilation album, which you probably know who Hypocrisy is, right?
04:20Sounds familiar.
04:22Saeedus Death Metal Band.
04:23Oh, it's just shit again.
04:24Oh, it's already in the respawns?
04:26That's great.
04:28Okay, so
04:57these guys are a little bit bullet spongy.
05:08There's one guy.
05:31This is going too bad so far.
05:47Got him!
05:55Fuck yeah!
05:57Kick his ass!
06:03Ya think?
06:08I'm trying, Zavala, but I'm also really low on ammo, so...
06:14Enter the Cabal ship, alright.
06:18Whatever you say.
06:20Are you just booking it?
06:22That's what I'm gonna do.
06:38Guy got inside.
06:41Zavala, we're in.
06:42What's next?
06:44Cabal protocol is to detonate any ship that crashes.
06:48If they haven't after all this time, it must be a base of operations.
06:52They're looking for something on the gridlock.
06:55See what they know about Oryx.
06:59Okay, so we just sneak past them and they leave us alone?
07:05Looks that way.
07:09These guys aren't gonna leave us alone.
07:23I got a supercharge.
07:26And then I also picked up Devil Driver.
07:31Their debut album, which is signed by the band, which is awesome.
07:36That's cool.
07:40And then I got Born of Osiris.
07:45And I really like both of them, honestly.
07:50I know that's digging more into core stuff than typical metal that I listen to, but I really like both of them.
07:59I am out of ammo.
08:06There we go.
08:28Oh, nice.
08:46There's a terminal nearby.
08:48It should have the info we're looking for.
08:50You're going to get over there and then we're going to get attacked while you're doing your thing, right?
08:58I wouldn't doubt it.
09:02How about you give me some ammo, motherfuckers? There we go.
09:06Oh, you run out of ammo, too?
09:08Just got some more.
09:11As soon as I said I needed more ammo, he just showed up.
09:14It's like the game was listening to you.
09:18Apparently. I've got to say that more often.
09:25Oh, level 29.
09:31Who are you?
09:34Who's the big guy?
09:40I punched the shit out of him. Did you see how much damage that took?
09:44Oh, fuck yeah.
10:10Is that an interruption?
10:22I mean, we'll try. They got a head start, though, so there is that.
10:37Mausoleum. Dreadnought. Rings of Saturn.
10:48Oh, boy.
10:50I have a bad feeling about this.
10:53So do I.
11:02We found the cabal team headed for the rupture. They're outnumbered by Taken.
11:08Forget what they say about the enemy of my enemy.
11:11Something stands between you and the rupture? Put it down.
11:16Oh, boy.
11:21All we need is a bunch of Taken in our way.
11:33Where do you guys keep coming from?
11:37Oh, shit.
11:55Those cabals don't last much longer.
12:04With that, it's just withdrawing Centurion.
12:08Let him take all he wants. It won't be around long enough for it to matter.
12:21Okay, where are they?
12:22I'm not gonna go over there.
12:37Oh, there you are. You're back here.
12:57I'm not gonna go over here.
13:02They're over there.
13:09They killed me.
13:10I'm just gonna hang out up here.
13:12Stay safe, because they killed me.
13:16There's some enemies over here where I died.
13:24I'm not even 100% sure where you are.
13:27I'm just gonna hide.
13:29I'm gonna hide until you get revived.
13:34Two, one, respawn.
13:50It's linked to the rupture, but I can't understand how the hive controlled it.
13:55Let's try another statue.
14:00Okay, where's the other statue?
14:04Oh, we gotta find it ourselves, really?
14:07Oh, my God.
14:19Just gotta run around and find them, I guess.
14:22That seems to be the case.
14:25Is that... no, that's not it.
14:36Is that it over there?
14:47Nope, that's... that is not it.
14:51Oh, here's one.
15:13Is that it?
15:18That was the one I already did.
15:21Like, when you get close to it, like, the marker shows up.
15:39Hopefully not the marker from Dead Space.
15:43Oh, God, no.
15:45What do you think about that?
15:48Oh, it's over here.
16:02Well, you found both of them.
16:20Oh, shit.
16:21Something's coming through.
16:23Oh, no.
16:24Oh, no.
16:25Please don't be anything bad.
16:29Oh, no.
16:32I'm trying to get up to where you are.
16:46Why do I get the feeling that something much worse is gonna wind up coming through?
16:52I guess something will.
16:54Oh, shit, I fell off.
16:59Oh, I'm down here, too?
17:22Oh, okay.
17:30What the fuck?
17:35All right.
17:43Okay, so we can't go through the rupture?
17:46Oh, something's coming through.
17:49Oh, boy.
17:50Oh, God.
17:51Oh, shit.
17:52I was right.
17:56Holy shit.
18:39Okay, so we got a big pissed off thing now.
18:48I'm trying to do a super charge on it when I can get to it.
18:54Stop being alive.
18:58Okay, I did not do anything.
19:00He's stuck on something.
19:05I think there's, like, nothing to him.
19:12Yeah, what is he doing?
19:15He's stuck on something.
19:18Oh, he's no longer stuck.
19:20He's no longer stuck.
19:22Oh, you can't destroy it.
19:26Oh, now he isn't.
19:31Do you have a super charge?
19:33I don't.
19:34On the night.
19:53Jesus Christ.
20:03What the fuck?
20:04What the fuck?
20:05Are you still alive?
20:06Yeah, barely.
20:09All my health just went down in, like, one attack.
20:13Where'd all these thralls, taken thralls come from?
20:15I don't know.
20:20Oh, he's...
20:21I don't know where the hell he is.
20:23His health's low, too.
20:25Oh, there he is.
20:40Oh, shit.
20:41I'm dead.
20:49I was focusing on him and thralls snuck up on me.
20:56Ten, nine, eight, seven, three, two, one.
21:11Now I can respawn.
21:18Someone's dead, too.
21:22Oh, there we go, he's dead.
21:23Got him!
21:24Got him.
21:27We got him!
21:31The rupture is closed.
21:34It will only open for Ascendant Hive.
21:39Then how do we reach Oryx?
21:42Become your enemy.
21:43Oh, thank God.
21:44Become Ascendant.
21:47We'll sort this out, Guardian.
21:49Head back to the tower when you can.
21:51Almost level 30 already.
21:53I reached level 30 just now.
21:56The mission ended.
22:16Oh, you didn't die.
22:30Good job.
22:31Thank God.
22:32Because if we would have died, we would have had to start all over again.
22:38Yeah, I died twice.
22:41You're just almost level 30.
22:42So I guess when you go back to the tower.
22:46I guess I'll get you back.
22:50Alright, oh, you're almost level 30.
23:05So I guess we need to go back to the tower, get some upgrades, yeah.
23:16I mean, that was one level above what I was, but we did it.
23:21That was kind of tough, but we did it.
23:51Something I haven't brought up is the music in this game is really fucking good.
24:03I guess I wouldn't expect anything less from Bungie, though.
24:11Yeah, it's true.
24:12Alright, let's go talk to you.
24:19Let's go talk to you.
24:34Identify my shit, NotDeckardCain.
24:41Code, code.
24:47Alright, let's see what items we got here.
24:59Sniper rifle does more damage than my shotgun.
25:22Those boots are not as good as my current ones.
25:26Ooh, my helmet has 163.
25:30Very nice.
25:33My helmet offers more defense than my chest plate does.
25:40I'm sure that makes sense to somebody.
25:43My helmet's only 136.
25:49Mine's 160, the one I just got.
25:56I probably should start looking at the shops themselves and start buying stuff, because
26:02I never really do that.
26:04I haven't done any of that either.
26:08Only by returning to the moon will you find the materials we need there.
26:12Cruel rituals may be of use to us yet.
26:25I gotta talk to somebody in the tower?
26:34Yes, it had me talk to Aeris and Zavala.
26:50I was speaking of your actions and bravery today with the new recruit.
26:54I pointed you out and recounted a few of your deeds.
27:00They did not believe me, so I said to them truthfully that your service is the exception.
27:07Most who serve at Vanguard will not reach your heights, but that does not make their
27:14service less important.
27:15If they come to you seeking advice, I would ask that you give them respect and remember
27:24how far you've come.
27:32So I guess we gotta go back to the moon.
27:40I gotta talk to Zalva in the hall of guardians at the tower.
27:46Where's she at, or whoever that is?
27:52He's down here.
27:58He's that guy that's played by Lance Raddick, make he rest in peace.
28:06He's down there.
28:07Oh, yeah, there he is.
28:10He'll probably give you an item of some kind.
28:16That's what he did for me.
28:30Is that all we needed to do here?
28:35I think so.
28:39All right.
28:42Are you ready to go back to orbit?
28:51Go back to orbit.
28:59So I guess we gotta go to the moon and gather items for some kind of ritual so we can get
29:06through that portal that we were just at.
29:17Set destination.
29:24All right.
29:29Let's go.