Trump Calls Harris "Real Garbage": CNN Anchor Reacts

  • 2 months ago
Trump Calls Harris "Real Garbage": CNN Anchor Reacts


00:00the campaign trail in his first big rally since Biden exited the race. Trump riled up his supporters
00:07with angry rhetoric focused, of course, on Vice President Kamala Harris, calling her a liar and
00:12an ultra-radical liberal. He is standing by that divisive tone. Here's what the former president
00:17and Republican nominee said just moments ago. She's a San Francisco radical. She's actually,
00:26I think, a much worse, in a way, a much worse candidate. She's the most radical person probably
00:31that we've had in office, let alone the office of the presidency. I'd love to be nice, but I'm
00:36dealing against real garbage. Wow. CNN's Steve Contorno joins me now. I think that might be
00:43the first time we've heard a presidential candidate call another American garbage.
00:48Give us some sense. This sounds like this is the way things are going.
00:51Absolutely, Sarah. And let's be clear,
00:55nice Trump only lasted about 30 minutes into his convention speech. And it's certainly
01:00nice Trump did not make the stage last night in North Carolina. Instead, he was on the attack
01:06from almost the moment he took that stage. Listen to what he had to say about his potential new
01:12opponent, Vice President Harris. So now they bring in this one who's worse than him.
01:19She's worse than him because he's a fake liberal. You know, he wasn't that liberal. He was fake.
01:25She's a real liberal. She really is a real liberal. She's much worse than him. And when
01:30you're dealing with these people, they're very dangerous people. When you're dealing with them,
01:34you can't be too nice. You really can't be. So if you don't mind, I'm not going to be nice. Is that
01:44From there, he launched a litany of attacks against Harris, her record tying her to the
01:50Biden administration, really testing out how they intend to define Harris in the coming weeks. And
01:56as Jeff said, that opportunity for the Trump campaign to give their first impression of
02:01Harris to the American people is now underway. And it is a frantic sprint by the Trump campaign
02:09because they know this campaign has changed dramatically in the past week.
02:14They have built a campaign to go up against an unpopular 81-year-old incumbent. Well,
02:19now they have a much more dynamic, a much more unknown opponent in Vice President Harris,
02:25someone who potentially could appeal to voters that Joe Biden was having trouble
02:31keeping in the Democratic tent. And so now you are seeing the first and early attempts
02:36by the Trump campaign to define Harris. And one of the more interesting criticisms
02:40was that he took a shot at Harris for not appearing in Washington for the Israeli prime
02:46minister's address to the Congress. He actually said she's, quote, totally against the Jewish
02:50people. That's a remarkable statement, given that her own husband is Jewish. And also,
02:55his vice presidential nominee also did not appear at that speech either, Sarah. But you're seeing
03:00these attacks come out. They will be sharpened in the coming weeks, and they will not end until
03:05November. All right, Steve Contorno, things are going to get nasty. Thank you so much.
03:10Appreciate it, Kate. Southwest Airlines announcing major changes today.
