World Most Beautiful Recitation Surah Rahman |Beautiful Recitation |Quran | Tilawat e Quran

  • 3 months ago
World Most Beautiful Recitation Surah Rahman |Beautiful Recitation |Quran | Tilawat e Quran

#viral #Quran #Recitation
#most beautiful recitation
#surah al-Fatihah
#surah al-Baqarah
#surah Al-Imran
#surah an-Nisa'
#surah al-Ma'idah
#surah al-An`am
#surah al-A`raf
#surah al-Anfal
#surah at-Taubah
#surah Yunus
#surah Hud
#surah Yusuf
#surah ar-Ra`d
#surah Ibrahim
#surah al-Hijr
#surah an-Nahl
#surah Al-Isra
#surah al-Kahf
#surah Maryam
#surah Ta Ha
#surah al-Anbiya'
#surah al-Hajj
#surah al-Mu'minun
#surah an-Nur
#surah al-Furqan
#surah ash-Shu`ara'
#surah an-Naml
#surah al-Qasas
#surah al-`Ankabut
#surah ar-Rum
#surah Luqman
#surah as-Sajdah
#surah al-Ahzab
#surah Saba'
#surah Fatir
#surah Ya Sin
#surah as-Saffat
#surah Sad
#surah az-Zumar
#surah Ghafir
#surah Fussilat
#surah ash-Shura
#surah az-Zukhruf
#surah ad-Dukhan
#surah al-Jathiyah
#surah al-Ahqaf
#surah Muhammad
#surah al-Fath
#surah al-Hujurat
#surah Qaf
#surah ad-Dhariyat
#surah at-Tur
#surah an-Najm
#surah al-Qamar
#surah ar-Rahman
#surah al-Waqi`ah
#surah al-Hadid
#surah al-Mujadilah
#surah al-Hashr
#surah al-Mumtahanah
#surah as-Saff
#surah al-Jumu`ah
#surah al-Munafiqun
#surah at-Taghabun
#surah at-Talaq,
#surah at-Tahrim
#surah al-Mulk
#surah al-Qalam
#surah al-Haqqah
#surah al-Ma`arij
#surah Nuh
#surah al-Jinn
#surah al-Muzammil
#surah al-Mudathir
#surah al-Qiyamah
#surah al-Insane
#surah al-Mursalat
#surah an-Naba'
#surah an-Nazi`at
#surah `Abasa
#surah at-Takwir
#surah al-Infitar
#surah Al-Mutaffifeen
#surah al-Inshiqaq
#surah al-Buruj
#surah at-Tariq
#surah al-A`la
#surah al-Ghashiya
#surah al-Fajr
#surah al-Balad
#surah ash-Shams
#surah al-Layl
#surah ad-Duha
#surah ash-Sharh
#surah at-Tin
#surah al-`Alaq
#surah al-qadr
#surah al-Bayyinah
#surah Az-Zalzala
#surah al-`Adiyat
#surah al-Qari`ah
#surah at-Takathur
#surah al-`Asr
#surah al-Humazah
#surah al-Fil
#surah al-Quraish
#surah al-Ma`un
#surah al-Kauthar
#surah al-Kafirun
#surah an-Nasr
#surah Al-Masad
#surah al-Ikhlas
#surah al-Falaq
#surah an-Nas
#most beautiful recitation


00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:03In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:09The Most Gracious
00:12He taught the Qur'an
00:14He created man
00:16He taught him to explain
00:19The sun and the moon
00:21With calculation
00:22And the stars and the trees
00:24They prostrate
00:27And the sky, He raised it
00:29And He set the balance
00:31So that you do not transgress in the balance
00:34And establish the weight with justice
00:37And do not lose the balance
00:40And the earth, He placed it for the she-camels
00:43In it are fruits
00:45And the date palms with full-blossoms
00:50And the grain, full of grass and wheat
00:55Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
01:01He created man from clay, like pottery
01:07And He created the jinn from fire
01:14Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
01:20The Lord of the two sunrises
01:22And the Lord of the two sunsets
01:24Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
01:30The two seas meet one another
01:33In an unseemly way
01:37Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
01:43Out of them come pearls and emeralds
01:47Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
01:53And to Him belong the ships that sail in the sea, like mountains
02:00Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
02:07All who are on them will perish
02:10And the Face of your Lord, the Owner of Majesty and Honour, will remain
02:16Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
02:23Whosoever is in the heavens and the earth asks Him
02:27Every day that He is busy
02:30Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
02:37We will give you a great reward, O you two fattened ones
02:42Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
02:48O gathering of jinn and men!
02:52If you are able to pass through the limits of the heavens and the earth
03:03Then pass! You will not pass except by authority
03:10Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
03:17There will be sent against you two flames of fire and copper
03:24And you will not be able to defend yourselves
03:28Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
03:35When the heaven is split open, it will be like a rose, like fat
03:44Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
03:51On that Day, no man or jinn will be asked about his sin
04:01Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
04:08The criminals will be known by their marks
04:11And they will be seized by their forelocks and their feet
04:16Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
04:23This is Hell, which the criminals deny
04:30They will be circling between it and boiling water
04:36Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
04:42And for him who fears the Station of his Lord are two Gardens
04:48Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
04:55Two springs, which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
05:04In them will be two springs flowing
05:07Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
05:13In them will be of every fruit, two pairs
05:18Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
05:25They will be reclining on couches, their beds made of clay
05:33Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
05:37Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
05:43In them will be curtains of silk,
05:47Which no man or jinn has ever touched before them
05:55Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
06:02As if they were rubies and coral
06:08Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
06:14Is the reward of good except good?
06:20Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
06:27And besides them are two Gardens
06:32Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
06:38They will be filled with water
06:44Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
06:51In them will be two springs, which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
06:56Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
07:02In them will be fruit, and date-palms, and pomegranates
07:08Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
07:15In them will be a beautiful garden
07:20Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
07:27In them will be a beautiful garden
07:33Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
07:40Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
07:48Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
07:55They will be reclining on green cushions and fine carpets
08:03Which, then, of your Lord's favours do you both deny?
08:12Blessed is the Name of your Lord, full of Majesty and Honour
