Verdun-Death Everywhere

  • 2 months ago
Holy cow. Also checkout and and and and and
00:00I just want to crouch all the time I know what you mean yeah did you swap
00:07roles at all or I'm killing oh you're your days are numbered blue boy no I'm
00:17the same okay so actually it's a decent rifle if you I know I used to wear I'm
00:25just looking at what the rifle haha goo air with the scope all right that that's
00:32enough for me I must hide I should like being the commander it's fun the Magnum
00:41it's pretty sweet yeah and who are we now um we are still Germans damn I can't
00:50hear her playing against Britain the Entei alliance or they could be the
00:57Swedes oh my god dirty cuties
01:04are they getting in our trenches my love yes yes
01:20yep we are the brown over it oh my god that you drop right next to my body blog
01:34that was a grenade that dude's head just came off
01:48it's a creeping barrage
01:56oh my god I feel like I should just be shooting like this suppressive fire
02:26my ears he scared me so bad pain edited me so hard where's that guy shooting I
02:41can't even see him it looked like he's behind the wood but all I see is a
02:46muzzle flash I don't want my grenade I don't use binoculars
02:59oh my where there's no kill feeder cam is there there's a I'm not sure about a
03:18cam no Jesus that guy Asian name I don't know where I'm just dead
03:26Oh left side
03:41how yeah the left side they're just insta killing us
03:55I can't hit
04:07don't get down what the fuck
04:15I gotta kill two kills over there if you move at all you stop reloading
04:24sucks yep
04:37that was mortar strike I like how I didn't show them now yeah and it just
04:45auto spawns me what the hell
04:48that's odd I don't like how it spawns me so far back
05:05Chinese name you know not to be mean but it always makes me skeptical if they're
05:14cheating or not because they seem to be the biggest cheaters of any game look at
05:20arc right Chinese name 2046 yeah so it makes me wonder it's like are they a
05:33legit player are they cheating because some of their shots it's like I don't
05:37even know where you were you like
05:45Jesus I don't know what kind of name that is Russian maybe Jesus
06:07I can't even like pop oh I'm not even popping out of the trench how am I
06:36getting shot you know what I mean yeah
06:51wait how did that not hit that guy what
07:06oh okay did you just spawn on me no it looked like a gun was poking through
07:30sandbags and I can see the muzzle flash okay I don't know if it was actually
07:38like going through yeah they're coming in that left side where I was okay
07:51I'm in the right no no
08:00my phone is blocked
08:34yeah we're supposed to attack I was wondering why it came so much easier
08:52Jesus those are my friends
09:10oh I'm so dead I ain't gonna make it home
09:25I'm crawling through the grass no it wasn't you Jim oh that's you wait it
09:40wouldn't let me aim
09:48I shoot them in the ass I don't care
10:01we shot each other
10:05I like the mag and the grenade it's so nice yeah I'm so far back now
10:20yep shit we're getting momentum nice those are my friends oh man I'm such a
10:37bad sniper unlock the scope man then prove it I hit that guy he didn't die
10:46shit I hope he shits blood and bullets
10:54Wow that was a lot of explosions
11:29Oh he had to jump on me we killed
11:59how does that guy pop out and not get hit I was shooting I mean like the
12:12pistol just in that area don't know he popped out shot me not a single point of
12:26you know don't be sniping at me aples
12:39I missed I got sniped from the side that's not fun
12:56so long to spawn I know
13:00Oh half half my health
13:30that's nice
13:38bad idea or good idea yeah that's you man let's go oh someone got shot this
13:48side dude I shot as I got you know but I don't know if my bullet rendered
14:14that was a good kill I couldn't aim I did get him though I shot at him like
14:31twice I know that was so scary I guess I'll watch that angle I feel like
14:37you come up through there
14:45hell yeah
14:48and how do we capture it just stand in it or get kills while in it
15:36oh that's a teammate oh dude I shot him oh my god in my heart
15:49nice we have a foothold now we're gonna have to defend it in a second
15:59yeah Oh
16:02two or three more coming
16:19where's my gun it's glitching out I can't see my gun until I shoot you have
16:27your pistol out yeah and it was invisible dude that's sketchy
16:44all that guy did he kill us both in one shot the dude I killed died immediately
16:50after me no a guy shot a guy in front of me but I died too now that's it looked
16:57like it was a two-for-one I'm already getting shot at I just spawned
17:11oh my god dude
17:16wait what the fuck just what is with this game I aimed and my guy had to rack
17:26a bullet well your gun jammed oh I didn't know that was a thing I called in
17:32mortars I got one two three four five kills nice
17:40so your guns jammed yeah your grandpa guns it's actually quite cool I think
17:49oh red yeah what was the bad timing because there's two guys when it
17:57happened right in my face it was like oh
18:10there's so many guys
18:27is that our overall time left in the whole match six minutes oh maybe so it
18:33might be a tie again it might be a
18:42I can crawl like a snake to buddy I wasn't an aide
19:04that guy no he's not dead but I couldn't even hit him this headset sucks I hate
19:13when the sound randomly fucks up because I previously hit the wheel like 20
19:18minutes ago yeah I got shit on dude sometimes I can hit good sometimes I
19:27can't hit at all I can't even get up there without dying
19:47I'll fall back balls on my back
19:58Oh fuck they're such good shots like they don't miss it might not be a kill
20:06shot but dude they don't miss
20:16I don't even know where that guy is
20:21wait is that guy that guy just shot through the sandbags not okay literally
20:31I'll show you it when we're done
20:45that's why you're a wire
20:58Oh fart gas
21:25come on
21:32that was fast dude Oh leave me alone buddy
21:53with a snazzy pistol dude Jesus Christ that's a hot area oh yeah how do you
22:10wait it started me with the goggles okay killed me I didn't see him how do you
22:17shoot me
22:24but yeah I don't understand when people cheat at games like this that would not
22:30be fun I think it's a loser like you're a fucking loser if you cheat at a game
22:35like this
22:54it's F what take it off what to take my fucking goggles off I thought you said
23:06it's just for now I'm dead so sorry
23:18why are you so far back course I can get without dying you're just sprays yeah I
23:28see you barely in that grass Oh what you barely see yeah
23:44can't shoot the mortar bullshit it's right there
23:50what the hell is going on with these people so many times I missed because I
24:01just jerked and then that guy got an easy shot on me man
24:35I ain't gonna get to fall back oh I did
24:50oh no
25:02yeah at least we didn't lose I guess