Hollyoaks 25th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 25th July 2024


00:00Have you thought about what weeding you're gonna do?
00:01Not yet.
00:02Have you noticed he's worked talking about the eulogy?
00:05He's really bottling things up.
00:07I just hope he's talking to someone.
00:09Because he's not talking to me.
00:10Why are you so desperate to go after Warren?
00:12All you need to know is that you're gonna help me end Warren Fox, or I will end you and everyone you love.
00:18You're out of your depth, Steve.
00:20I own you now.
00:21If anything ever happens to me, Fraser's cash is in the attic of the new house.
01:30It's just the best the house ever has.
01:54I'd rather get something else.
01:56Uh, do you mind? They're children present.
01:58I thought you were packing for Italy?
02:00Oh, no, I've, um... I've cleared my diary so I can help with the big move.
02:04But where are all the McQueens?
02:06Slacking, no doubt.
02:07They've disowned me, cos they hate your son.
02:09Oh, disowned you?
02:11That lot? Well, that's rich.
02:13Oi, this is a fresh start for us all. No more stress.
02:16And by the look of it, no sleep.
02:19Do you know what? You're right. I do need my beauty sleep.
02:22So why don't you take them two for a walk,
02:24and you go get the rest of the stuff from flat.
02:26Oh, no, no, but I'm here to... I was gonna help...
02:28I'm not asking.
02:43Nice place. And a fancy-pounced breakfast.
02:46You're a man of many talents.
02:48What do you want, Rex?
02:50I need you to keep Warren busy while I pick up a delivery today.
02:54A delivery for Blue?
02:56It's not your concern.
02:58And if you so much as breathe a word to Warren
02:59about me sprinkling a little bit of sugar on his cappuccino,
03:02I will send your hubby our sex tape.
03:05I own you, remember?
03:06What do you reckon, dear?
03:08So, what have I done to deserve such a wonderful...
03:11Huh, nice to see you again.
03:14You, er, joining us?
03:16I'd love to, but, well, we've got a lot on today, don't we, Steve?
03:18Morning, gents.
03:19Can you grab us some napkins, please?
03:22Is, er, he helping you with Blue?
03:24You don't need to worry about that, OK? It's under control.
03:26If you lock in the fridge as well, there's some yoghurt.
03:32Nice bloke?
03:37And he's quite forgiving.
03:38Unlike Warren.
03:39You see...
03:42I did a little thinking last night
03:44and I realised the secret I've got over you
03:48is way more juicy than what you've got over me.
03:50Oh, is that right?
03:52Come near me or my family again
03:55and I'll tell Warren you were dirty little mole.
03:58As soon as I do that...
04:00you and your sex tape
04:02will be wiped off the face of the earth, mate.
05:55You going somewhere?
05:59Yeah, this is um, Artie's.
06:03I brought it over by mistake. I've made your brain.
06:05And you're taking it back?
06:07I thought you weren't talking to her?
06:09We're not, but she needs her stuff and besides, I don't want another row.
06:14Everything all right?
06:16Yeah, all good.
06:18I've pumped and dumped milk to the fridge, so I'll see yous in a bit.
06:25Mum, I'm not avoiding the funeral plans.
06:27Right? I just had a rough night, that's all.
06:30Joel, this is me you're talking to.
06:32If you're struggling, just tell me.
06:34Look, if you want to know the truth, I'm scared.
06:37I don't want to say goodbye to my son.
06:39I don't want to see him get carried down a tiny wee white box.
06:43Leave him at the cemetery. I don't think I can do it.
06:46You know that's normal, right?
06:48Is it?
06:49Joel, I've been through this. Arlo...
06:52Mum, Arlo's alive.
06:53I didn't know that when he was missing, did I?
06:56Look, I know this is the worst thing in the world that could have ever happened
07:00and tomorrow's going to be rough, but you will get through it.
07:04And I promise you, every day after that, it's going to get easier.
07:08You don't have to be strong.
07:10You just need to be there for your family.
07:15Hey, thanks, Mum.
07:18Go on. Go on.
07:30I didn't think you were coming.
07:32Yeah, I wasn't going to. Mum gave me a kick on the backside.
07:36Come on, let's, um...
07:38Let's pick these clothes for tomorrow.
08:10Oh, it's our teas.
08:13Rest in my family.
08:17Do you want to start talking?
08:29James, I'm chocker with work right now.
08:31If you want a family barbecue, then you're going to have to organise it.
08:34Just tell all your mates it's a two-for-one.
08:36I'll call you back.
08:37So here's an advance for all your troubles.
08:39Thank you.
08:40What's going on here?
08:41Well, we have a single's night.
08:43The rectress pays me in advance.
08:44It's not crime, is it?
08:47You'd better get to work, then.
08:49And it's a number 20 for showing them out, then, yeah?
08:51You are a little minx.
08:53See you later.
08:56Aw, sweet kid.
08:59I told you to stay away from me, family.
09:01You've got no right bringing me kids into it.
09:03I'll blow my cover to Warren, and I promise you I'll do a lot worse.
09:08No, you won't.
09:09You buffing?
09:10Try me.
09:13Now, I'd love to stay and chat.
09:15I've got places to be.
09:24I swear to you, I wasn't trying to play you.
09:29Then what were you doing?
09:31Because from where I'm standing, that's exactly what you did.
09:34I was trying to save your life.
09:36By giving all our cash to Blue.
09:38I didn't have any other choice.
09:41Look, I wanted all this to end so we could start our life together,
09:44raise our family without sleeping with one eye open.
09:48Do you know who this Blue is?
09:51I found this on the day of the bomb hoax.
09:59I had no other choice.
10:01What was I supposed to do?
10:03How about not going behind my son's back?
10:05You don't think I actually believed your lies about Theresa's clothes?
10:08I did it to protect my babies.
10:11Look, I get that you want this to end.
10:14We all do.
10:15But don't you ever go behind my back like that again.
10:18OK, so what happens now, then?
10:20You risk our safety for a case of cash.
10:23It's not about the money, Mercedes!
10:25Then what is it about, Warren? Because I am clearly not getting it.
10:29It's about making sure everybody in this village knows that Warren is not to be messed with.
10:33The minute that Blue or anybody else thinks that he's weak, Warren is dead.
10:37Well, I am sorry, but that is not a life I am accepting for my kids.
10:42Oh, you just don't get it, do you?
10:44And you, you are a selfish idiot!
10:48But I love you to bits.
10:51And I am not going to let you die.
10:54So you hand over that money and this ends today.
10:59So you need to decide what's important.
11:02Your pride?
11:04Or the people that you love?
11:29© transcript Emily Beynon
11:59© transcript Emily Beynon
12:29© transcript Emily Beynon
12:59I got your message. What's happening?
13:26Blue wants that 500k.
13:29And Mercedes made me realise that family is more important than money.
13:31So you're giving it to him?
13:33Warren, think about it.
13:36You give that money to Blue, anything could happen.
13:38It could kill you.
13:39And if I don't?
13:40I could be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.
13:43Look, if we get through today, I get a future with Mercedes and the twins.
13:48That's a big if.
13:50I know the risks.
13:52That's why you two are coming.
13:54Sorry I'm late.
13:56Where were you?
13:58What's the plan of attack?
13:59We drop the money in town.
14:01Get Blue off my back for good.
14:03Sounds good.
14:04I'll grab the cash.
14:10What's up? You look a bit pale, mate.
14:14What's up?
14:16It's your double crossing, Warren.
14:18Better not try anything today.
14:21What do you take me for?
14:22I mean, Rex.
14:24Nothing happens to Warren, okay?
14:31Let's go.
14:33After you.
14:43You do realise this isn't over?
14:46Even if Warren does give up that money, Blue will smell blood.
14:49He'll come back for more.
14:51And if he doesn't, they'll hunt him down and tear him to shreds.
14:55So long as Warren and I are in business, we are a threat to Blue.
14:58We're damned if we do and damned if we don't.
15:00And what if there wasn't a business?
15:04Well, that's not straightforward either.
15:06I thought you'd do anything for Warren.
15:08You know the sacrifices I've made to protect Warren.
15:11I know.
15:13I know you've got a past, but you're also a really good person.
15:18And just like me, you would do anything to protect your family.
15:23So please, I am begging you.
15:28Close the business.
15:30Walk away.
15:32Only you can help me here.
15:37If I do this, you have to swear that you'll stand by my son.
15:46Of course I will.
15:48I swear.
15:54I'll call Warren and I'll get him to hand everything over to Blue.
15:59And then we'll shut everything down.
16:04Family first.
16:07Thank you.
16:17Thought we were dropping the cash in town.
16:19Change of plan.
16:20Come on in.
16:30Do the honours.
16:33That's right.
16:40Except you're not the loyal soldier you make out, are you, Rex?
16:45I thought you were at the doctor's.
16:46And then you rock up at the club with paint all over your shoes.
16:49The same paint that's on the case.
16:51I was at the doctor's. I can prove it.
16:52You're lying.
16:53I'm not lying.
16:55Making out you're working for me.
16:56And all this time you've been working for Blue.
16:58What are you doing?
17:00You've got this all wrong.
17:02Steve, tell him!
17:04Goodbye, Rex.
17:05Wait, wait, wait!
17:06Warren, Warren, Warren!
17:08What are you doing?
17:15What are you doing?
17:16What are you doing?
17:17What are you doing?
17:18What are you doing?
17:19What are you doing?
17:20What are you doing?
17:21What are you doing?
17:22What are you doing?
17:23What are you doing?
17:24What are you doing?
17:25What are you doing?
17:26What are you doing?
17:27What are you doing?
17:28What are you doing?
17:29What are you doing?
17:30What are you doing?
17:31What are you doing?
17:32What are you doing?
17:33What are you doing?
17:34What are you doing?
17:35What are you doing?
17:36What are you doing?
17:37What are you doing?
17:38What are you doing?
17:39What are you doing?
17:40What are you doing?
17:41What are you doing?
17:42What are you doing?
17:43What are you doing?
17:44What are you doing?
17:45What are you doing?
17:46What are you doing?
17:47What are you doing?
17:48What are you doing?
17:49What are you doing?
17:50What are you doing?
17:51What are you doing?
17:52What are you doing?
17:53What are you doing?
17:54What are you doing?
17:55What are you doing?
17:56What are you doing?
17:57What are you doing?
17:58What are you doing?
17:59What are you doing?
18:00What are you doing?
18:01What are you doing?
18:02What are you doing?
18:03What are you doing?
18:04What are you doing?
18:05What are you doing?
18:06What are you doing?
18:07What are you doing?
18:08What are you doing?
18:09What are you doing?
18:10What are you doing?
18:11What are you doing?
18:12What are you doing?
18:13What are you doing?
18:14What are you doing?
18:15What are you doing?
18:16What are you doing?
18:17What are you doing?
18:18What are you doing?
18:19What are you doing?
18:20What are you doing?
18:21What are you doing?
18:22Let's get a few bits sorted for tomorrow, and well, Daniel's making a car, isn't he, bud?
18:26Yeah, it's for Noah.
18:31That's the good that.
18:33Leonardo Da Vinci, go on, go on with your hands.
18:35Ready for dinner.
18:38How are you doing?
18:39Yeah, good.
18:41I've had better days. You?
18:43Well, I'm on my third cup of coffee already, which, well, may as well need it in my blood.
18:49Joel, listen, thanks for coming today. Helped me with the flowers.
18:53Yeah, I'm glad I was there.
18:55And, you know, if me asking you to write something for Noah's funeral tomorrow is gonna stress you out, then just...
19:00Well, just leave it. It's fine.
19:02Just really hope we get through tomorrow in one piece.
19:04Yeah, we will.
19:06Tomorrow's gonna be one of the hardest things we'll ever have to do, right? But we'll get through it together.
19:10And we'll be stronger for it, won't we?
19:19Are you gonna help me with this stuff, or what?
19:26There you go.
19:27Got some of the guy last time.
19:29Yeah, but they didn't have that nice bread you like, so I just got loads of cereal.
19:32You like cereal?
19:40Thank you.
19:57I handed over the cash.
19:59Blue won't be bothering us anymore.
20:01And did you see him?
20:03No. He sent one of his little rats.
20:05And you're okay? Nobody got hurt?
20:08Well, it hurt handing over 500k, but...
20:17I got your missed calls. Is everything okay?
20:20Where have you been? I've been trying to get a hold of you all day.
20:23It's worked. Been a bit mad.
20:25Let me guess. That Rex character.
20:28I'm getting a weird vibe off him. What's his deal?
20:35It's Warren.
20:37He's been trying to get Blue off me back,
20:39and he's put a connection between Rex and Blue, so he's sacked him.
20:42So I'm not gonna see him again, love.
20:44At the end of the day, everything's gonna get better now, okay?
20:47I promise.
20:48What's the matter?
20:50I just... I feel so low-key.
20:53You know, Leela and Joel and...
20:58Thank you.
21:00What for?
21:02Choosing us.
21:04Hey, I am gonna let you into a little secret.
21:12is all I've ever wanted.
21:14And now I've got you, and I am never gonna let that go.
21:20Here is to our family.
21:23To our little family.
21:26There's nothing else I need to know?
21:30I love you.
21:33So much.
21:37Love you too.
21:56Warren torched the van with me inside it.
21:59They burned the cache.
22:03Is it time to take him down?
22:41I thought it was them tickets.
22:43Do you wanna go to singles night or not?
22:48Yeah, it's cool, but how about a VIP table instead?
22:50I'll be doing all the promo events for the club,
22:52so I get to go in for free.
22:55Oh, my God!
22:56What is on your face?
22:57No, stop it! Stop it!