Emmerdale 25th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Emmerdale 25th July 2024


00:00I mean it. If he's touched her, I will kill him.
00:13Where's Belle?
00:14What are you doing?
00:15Where is she?
00:16I don't know where she is.
00:17I'm gonna check upstairs.
00:18She's not up there. Alright? She's gone. She left me.
00:20Lydia, it's me.
00:22I'm sorry it's so late.
00:23Why aren't you in Wales?
00:24I couldn't. I had to get away.
00:36Lydia, it's me.
00:42I'm sorry it's so late.
00:44Why aren't you in Wales?
00:46I couldn't… I had to get away.
00:50What's happened?
00:52I just needed to come home.
00:55I want to know what happened.
00:57We had an argument.
00:58An argument? There's blood on the door!
01:00Yeah, it's mine!
01:02Look, I got angry after she left, and...
01:05And what?
01:06I swear to God, if you've done anything to her...
01:07Why would I?
01:08Well, like if you got mad or something!
01:09I wouldn't hurt her! I love her!
01:12You said you had an argument. What was the argument about?
01:15Just stuff that's been going on between us.
01:17You could have to do better than that.
01:18Tom, we've been to the house.
01:19Yeah, we've seen all the cameras, the sensors on the windows.
01:22She wanted all of them fitted, all right?
01:24She got paranoid after the burglary.
01:25She was convinced that they were coming back.
01:27What about this little book, where you're listing everything she buys?
01:30I didn't want to do that, but I had to.
01:31Her spending was out of control.
01:33Well, maybe it's you trying to control her.
01:35Have you got any idea what it's like living with someone who's mentally unstable?
01:38Well, Belle seemed to manage.
01:39Yeah, from the outside looking in, maybe.
01:41But you try being in the eye of the storm.
01:43You're not making sense!
01:46I'm going to ask her one more time.
01:47What happened?
01:49You'd better start talking while you still can.
01:53I told you.
01:55We had an argument.
01:56About what?
01:57Well, I'm not telling you that. It's private.
01:59All right, that's it.
02:00She lied about the miscarriage, all right?
02:03She aborted our baby.
02:44We haven't been getting on well.
02:47Belle had been having problems that I thought I was supporting her through.
02:51But I guess there must have been a whole bunch of other stuff going on that she just wasn't telling me.
02:57Other stuff? Like what?
03:01I don't know.
03:02I presume hallucinations, paranoia about being pregnant.
03:09I mean, I don't even think she was taking her meds.
03:11She always takes her meds. She never misses them.
03:13All right, well, I don't think she was taking them before she checked into the unit.
03:17And then more recently...
03:20I found a load of them hidden under her bed.
03:24Why didn't you tell any of us this?
03:26Well, because I'm her husband and it's my responsibility.
03:29And I'm her brother!
03:30Hang on!
03:31You sat right in front of me and told me how devastated you were that she'd had a miscarriage.
03:35Yeah, because at the time, that's what I thought had happened.
03:38I only found out the truth...
03:41last night.
03:44She's been keeping it secret all that time?
03:47Look, I don't want either of you thinking badly about...
03:52I think she just...
03:55fixated on the baby being a problem and then...
04:00and then she blamed me for putting her in that position.
04:07I mean, maybe she's right.
04:09Maybe I shouldn't have been pushing for us having kids.
04:16I'm sorry.
04:18Why didn't you speak to any of the mental health team about this?
04:22Or any of us lot.
04:24Because she seemed fine when she came out of the unit.
04:27Stupidly, I thought I could handle it all myself.
04:35Where do you think she is now?
04:36Where do you think she is now?
04:38Well, I don't know. She just walked out.
04:41But I'm worried she ain't got anything on her. No, no, no phone, no money.
04:44Maybe we should call the police.
04:46Well, I mean, I don't know if that's such a good idea. I don't want her to get sectioned or anything.
04:49Yeah, but if she's out there on her own in the middle of nowhere...
04:52I don't think we've got much choice.
04:58So she's with you?
04:59With you?
05:03We ended up coming to Wales. We got a bit panicked, so...
05:07Okay, I'll tell them.
05:10That was Lydia. She's made her way back home.
05:13Where's she all right?
05:14Well, I don't know. I guess we'll find that out when we get back, won't we?
05:22You must be starving.
05:30Are you all right, sweetheart?
05:33It's just nice to be here.
05:35No place like home, eh?
05:38What was that?
05:39Oh, it's just the barn door.
05:41I've been telling Sam to fix it for weeks.
05:47Do you want to tell me what's been going on here?
05:51I don't know.
05:53I don't know.
05:55I don't know.
05:56Do you know what's been going on here?
06:00Me and Tom had an argument.
06:03Did he not come back with you?
06:06I called the boss.
06:07From Wales?
06:09That's a long way.
06:15What did you do to your hand?
06:18It just...
06:20fell on some glass.
06:23Is there anything else you want to tell me, love?
06:28That's okay.
06:30We'll get you settled here.
06:33And we'll see how you feel tomorrow.
06:36Okay? That's it.
06:39That's it. You get some rest.
06:41We'll sort it all out in the morning.
06:57Where are you?
06:58Oh, no!
06:59It's me, it's me.
07:00What are you creeping around for?
07:05Is that fly spray?
07:06Yeah, it was the nearest thing to hand.
07:07I was going to spray it in your face like that.
07:09I was going to swat you in the head until you died.
07:11With a, erm...
07:13It's just a coat hanger.
07:17Sorry if I wake you.
07:22I'm sorry.
07:24I'm sorry.
07:32Mandy's got her earplugs in.
07:33I'm at work in about two hours, so...
07:38Must be laughing stock at the village.
07:42Falling into the arms of the local psycho, once again.
07:46I think I would have learnt my lesson by now.
07:49Well, there's definitely something going on.
07:52So Ella's definitely pregnant.
07:55So she says.
07:56Why would she lie?
07:58Oh, yeah.
07:59That is the million dollar question.
08:06Come on, Jossie!
08:07It's morning!
08:09You're going to be late!
08:11I'll get your breakfast ready.
08:13Dad, why aren't you answering?
08:14I've been phoning all morning.
08:16Is there anything I can do?
08:18The tickets are available, but Charlie said we need to tell him today.
08:21Ring me back.
08:23What tickets are those?
08:24They're for cricket, but I'm not sure if Dad can go.
08:26Oh, well, I can always take you.
08:28What do you know about cricket?
08:29You'd be surprised.
08:31I'm going upstairs.
08:38What's up with Face, eh?
08:39Oh, he's trying to get these cricket tickets, but Jay's not answering him.
08:47Well, I'm worried about him.
08:48He's not sleeping, and he just doesn't seem to be happy here.
08:52Well, he's the one who said he wanted to live here.
08:54Yeah, I know.
08:55And now he's stressing out.
09:04Oh, at last.
09:06I've been tiptoeing around like a mouse in a cheese shop.
09:09What time is it?
09:12It's time for you to have a nice cup of tea.
09:15A nice cup of tea?
09:16And something proper to eat.
09:18Thanks, Lyds.
09:21You don't need to thank me.
09:23I've been worried about you.
09:24We all have.
09:26In fact, so much so that Cain and Charity
09:29headed all the way to Wales to check you were OK.
09:32Unaware that you'd made your way back up here.
09:36It's all right.
09:37I told them that you're here, safe and sound.
09:40They had no right.
09:42They only did it because they're worried about you.
09:44They don't care.
09:45They shouldn't have gone there. It's none of their business.
09:53We were just talking about you.
09:55You all right?
09:56Not really, no.
09:58Lydia's just told me you're trying to hunt me down in Wales.
10:01I'll put the kettle on.
10:02I won't be doing it again, that's for sure.
10:04Not with Lewis Hamilton here, anyway.
10:06Why would you go behind my back?
10:08We were worried about you, that's all.
10:10And with good reason, by the sound of it.
10:14You've spoken to Tom. What's he said?
10:15It's OK. Listen...
10:19He told us everything.
10:21What does that mean?
10:22Look, we totally get why you didn't want to tell us.
10:26Tell you what?
10:29Tom told us...
10:31that you had a termination.
10:45What's all this?
10:46The vet equivalent of hiding in a fridge.
10:49I was up with Liam after night.
10:50I thought I'd perk myself up with a shot of caffeine.
10:52Is he all right?
10:53Well, he's not speaking to our new pregnant receptionist,
10:55if that's what you mean.
10:56He's phoned in sick, by the way.
10:58I hope there's not a sound of things to come.
11:00Well, I'm so smart, isn't he, Sid?
11:02I'd better get off.
11:03I'll see you later.
11:04Good night.
11:05Good night.
11:06Good night.
11:07Good night.
11:08Good night.
11:09Good night.
11:10Good night.
11:11Good night.
11:12Good night.
11:13See you later.
11:14You've been in town?
11:15Oh, a hair supplier's gone bust, so I thought I'd grab a few bargains.
11:18We were just talking about Ella,
11:19and whether we were a bit quick to give her that job.
11:21She's phoned in sick.
11:23Oh, come on.
11:24She's had a flaming car crash.
11:26Never mind getting her head around the fact that she's pregnant.
11:28Yeah, I'm living with the father, who, let me tell you,
11:30is not looking forward to the pass of her tiny feet.
11:32We should have thought of that before we went out in the rain without a coat.
11:35None of us know what's gone on,
11:36so maybe we should just, you know, sit back.
11:43Find mum to see in Ella later?
11:44Oh, my God.
11:47Don't think so.
11:48I'll see you later.
11:53I'm just saying, he needs to step up a bit.
11:56That baby and Ella, they're not going anywhere.
12:01I don't understand why you went down there.
12:03Well, if you hadn't have left your phone behind
12:05and disappeared off the face of the earth, you wouldn't have had to.
12:07I didn't leave it.
12:08Tom must have taken it out of my bag.
12:10Why would he do that?
12:12Look, we were just worried about you, OK?
12:14We still are.
12:16I mean, come on, missing your appointment with Rachel
12:19and all this stuff about the baby.
12:22I couldn't have caught with a baby.
12:24No, we know.
12:26We can totally see that.
12:28In fact, Tom can see that now, too.
12:30What do you mean?
12:31I'm just saying, he is not angry with you, OK?
12:34In fact, he's angry with himself for letting you down.
12:37And he said that, yeah?
12:39He just wishes you'd confided in him.
12:41He would have tried to stop me.
12:43So then why didn't you just come to me or Chas or Lydia?
12:46How could I?
12:47Everything that you've all been through.
12:49Belle, nobody would have judged you,
12:51would have just helped you through, you know?
12:54That's what families do.
12:56The most important thing is you keep on taking your medication.
13:01I am.
13:06Why are you looking at me like that?
13:09Look, Tom said he found a load under the bed.
13:12No, he didn't.
13:14He didn't, cos I take them every single day.
13:16Why would he lie?
13:17Because he's trying to make you think I'm losing it!
13:20He's done this before, hasn't he? He did this when I went into the unit!
13:23Belle, that was your choice.
13:25You said you didn't feel in control.
13:27Because of him!
13:28OK, look, nobody's having a go at you, Belle.
13:31All we're saying is you just need to keep on top of everything, that's all.
13:35Yeah, all your symptoms are going to come back,
13:37and nobody wants that, do they?
13:41No, I need to go to the house.
13:43I need to get some stuff before he comes back.
13:45Well, I'll give you a lift if you want.
13:47No. I want to walk.
14:02I just needed some fresh air.
14:04I didn't sleep brilliantly last night.
14:06I'm not surprised on that bloke mattress.
14:08We might beat sleeping in a car.
14:10I meant what I said, though. I am going to look for somewhere else.
14:13No, you don't have to. You never know. Liam might help you out.
14:16I doubt it. I went round to see him yesterday.
14:19He wouldn't even open the door.
14:20Are you kidding me?
14:21It's OK. I don't blame him.
14:24Why would he want anything to do with me?
14:26Because you're carrying his baby!
14:28Look, Ella, I know he's got his history, as you do,
14:32but he's still got to take responsibility.
14:34If Liam doesn't want to be part of the baby's life,
14:36then that's his choice, and I accept it.
14:39I'm sorry, I don't agree. It's not right.
14:41Where are you going?
14:42What do you think? Talk some sense into him!
14:47You look tired.
14:49Yeah, I was up early this morning.
14:53Because you had a sudden yin to see the sunrise
14:56or because you put stuff on your mind?
14:58I think you know the answer to that.
15:01Have you discussed it with Ella?
15:06Liam, you can't keep burying your head in the sand.
15:10I've had enough of this.
15:11I'm sorry.
15:12I'll leave you to it.
15:15Wendy, you can't just barge in here and start...
15:17I've tried being nice, but being nice doesn't sort this mess out.
15:20I don't think this is any of your business.
15:23Ella's camping out at my salon.
15:24She's got no friends, no family.
15:26She's trying her hardest not to barf in the backwash,
15:28but she's just wondering when you'll get the common decency
15:30to discuss the fact that you've got her pregnant!
15:32Do you have any idea how difficult this is for me?
15:35In a few months, a little person's going to arrive
15:37and wonder who their dad is.
15:39She just wants to know what to tell them,
15:41and that's not a lot to ask.
16:00I'm sorry.
16:21Going somewhere?
16:24Well, surely not without me.
16:27Do we have to eat here?
16:29I can easily cook breakfast for you at home.
16:31Yeah, but then I'd have to spend the next four hours
16:34washing every bowl, plate and pan that you use,
16:37and then a panda.
16:40I'm surprised that you're showing your face around here.
16:44Table for two, is it?
16:46Come this way.
16:51Will this do you?
16:52Well, um...
16:54I'd like to sit somewhere a little brighter.
16:57I'm afraid all the others are taken.
17:01Well, if this is all that's available, then...
17:06Shall we just order?
17:07And I'm afraid that there's no hot food.
17:10None at all?
17:11Call yourself a restaurant?
17:13Blame Eric.
17:14No need to talk about that now, eh?
17:16You thought you got away with it, didn't you?
17:18I'm sure Brenda would be very interested
17:21to hear about your little sideline in extortion.
17:27I'll leave him to explain.
17:33Nicholas said you might be here.
17:36Room for a little one?
17:41Why are you here?
17:43Why do you think?
17:45I've been worried sick about you, Belle.
17:47Just walking out like that, no money, no phone.
17:49I was desperate.
17:51For what?
17:53To get away from you.
17:55Because I'm scared of you.
17:58Who's been looking after you for the last year?
18:01Putting my own needs on the back burner
18:03to make sure that you were OK?
18:05Why did you tell Cain and Charity about the abortion?
18:08They wanted to know why I trashed the cottage.
18:10What was I supposed to say?
18:11You lied.
18:12You told them I hadn't been taking my meds.
18:14But you haven't. I found tablets under your bed.
18:16No, you didn't.
18:17I have been taking my meds.
18:20You get confused sometimes. You know that.
18:22Stop lying.
18:23Oh, I'm the liar?
18:26That's rich.
18:28Coming from the girl who told everybody
18:30that she had a miscarriage
18:31after trotting on down at the abortion clinic.
18:34I'm going to Dad's.
18:44Back to Hicksville?
18:46With the rest of the rednecks?
18:49Don't talk about my family like that.
18:51You know, Jethro and Ellie May
18:53are really worried about you.
18:56They agree that you just can't seem to get a grip
18:58on your mental health.
18:59Please just stop it.
19:00Mood swings, forgetfulness, paranoia.
19:03I mean, you've got the lot.
19:05And they are so grateful that I'm looking out for you.
19:09And what do you do?
19:10You just throw it back in my face.
19:11Because you're making it up.
19:13Why do you think I am so angry, Belle?
19:17I don't know.
19:19Are you sure about that?
19:20Are you sure about that?
19:26OK, OK.
19:28Let's go through it then, shall we?
19:31I look after you.
19:32I buy you clothes.
19:33I put food on the table.
19:34I mean, I work hard to give you a better life.
19:38I put up with your whining.
19:40Day after day after day.
19:43Your mood swings, your violence.
19:45I would never hurt you.
19:47You attacked me in the middle of the village, Belle.
19:49People around here, they think you're mental.
19:51No, they don't.
19:53They think I deserve a medal for putting up with you.
19:57And what do you do in return?
20:00You murder my unborn child.
20:03Because I would never put a baby through this.
20:06What have I done other than love you, Belle?
20:20I'm sorry, Tom.
20:22Please don't hurt me.
20:24Hurt you?
20:25Are you serious?
20:27Just sometimes you get mad.
20:32I'm the one that's been hurt, Belle.
20:34By what you did.
20:37I know.
20:41I mean, we conveniently forget that I have mental health issues.
20:47We conveniently forget that I have mental health problems too, you know.
20:51I mean, I nearly ended it the other day.
20:56But we're not allowed to talk about that.
21:00It always has to be about you.
21:05You destroyed our marriage.
21:07Killed our baby.
21:10And put me at rock bottom.
21:13I've treated you badly.
21:16And I can see that.
21:20I don't understand what happened here, Belle.
21:23I mean, where's the girl that I fell in love with?
21:29You used to be such a kind, funny, loving girl.
21:35And now, I mean...
21:37Now even your own family thinks you've lost the plot.
21:42That's not true.
21:44Well, you might think differently.
21:46You heard some of the things they were saying about you.
21:49You think they've got your best interests at heart, but they haven't.
21:52I don't believe you.
21:54I don't believe they'd suck me off.
21:57They think you're deteriorating.
22:01They don't know what to do with you.
22:03And honestly...
22:05Honestly, I got the impression that they were glad that I'd taken you off their hands.
22:12Hey, I'm...
22:14I'm sorry, I wasn't going to tell you that.
22:17But it's time that we were honest with each other.
22:21So, if you were thinking about going back to your dad's, then...
22:27You might want to reconsider.
22:32I don't understand.
22:33Hang on.
22:34We were in this together, you, me and Vinnie.
22:37We were trying to help you find out what was going on.
22:40It started out like that.
22:42And you're telling me that you knew that that man pushed Rishi down the stairs
22:46and you didn't go to the police?
22:48I thought it the better option at the time.
22:52Because there was money involved?
22:56Can you keep your voice down?
22:58Is that why Laurel and Jay split up?
23:00No wonder she ended up in hospital with a heart attack.
23:03Look, I made a mistake and I'm sorry.
23:08No, you're not.
23:10You're only saying that because you were found out.
23:14I don't know what's wrong with you right now, Eric.
23:17But I do know that you are not the man I fell in love with.
23:24Rishi was our friend and you denied him justice.
23:31I don't know how you sleep at night.
23:37You're like a little ray of sunshine.
23:40I bet you feel really good about yourself.
23:45Don't you think it's time to maybe read a book or something?
23:48Why are you on my case all the time?
23:51Are you OK?
23:54Look, I know this is a bit strange. It's weird for me as well.
23:58But we've just got to make the best of things, haven't we?
24:03You're missing your dad.
24:05I thought he'd be around every night.
24:07Well, he can't be because he doesn't live here anymore.
24:10Because you threw him out.
24:12Oh, Archie, come on. That's not fair.
24:14He'd still be here if it was up to him.
24:16No, we both decided it was best if we...
24:18No, you decided. You don't want me here either.
24:21I heard you talking to Gabby this morning.
24:23No, I said that I was worried about you.
24:25Why would you be? You're not even my real mum.
24:27Oh, Archie, come on.
24:29I don't want to be here either. I hate this house.
24:46I got your message.
24:49Thanks for finding the time. I know you must be busy.
24:52Well, I've taken the afternoon off, so...
24:55Right. Great.
24:58So this is unexpected.
25:00It certainly is.
25:02But I'm glad we can talk about it like adults.
25:04Yeah, erm... Can we just cut to the chase?
25:07First things first.
25:09Is that a...?
25:11Pregnancy test, yeah.
25:13I had a test.
25:15Well, you say you did, but for all I know,
25:17that could just be yet another one of your lies.
25:19Well, unless the hospital have got some massive conspiracy going on
25:22that I'm not aware of, then...
25:24If you went to hospital.
25:26What are you talking about? Mandy came with me.
25:28It's a treatment room with meth.
25:30Just take the test.
25:40I'm sorry we had to go through all that.
25:42But sometimes it's best to just get stuff off your chest.
25:47Don't you think?
25:53I can go round and get Piper
25:56if you don't want to face them all.
25:58Oh, and I rang back Mr Rogers, by the way.
26:01You know, the farmer in Wales.
26:04And I told him that I'm not going to take the job.
26:07Not if you don't want me to.
26:09I didn't say that.
26:12I want this to be a new start for us, Belle.
26:15I've got a shedload of experience under my belt.
26:18The world's our oyster.
26:20We can go anywhere we want.
26:23I'm going to make you so happy, Belle.
26:26We're going to have the best life together.
26:33I'm not going to hurt you.
26:35I love you.
26:47I can't live without you.
26:53Let's make another baby.
26:56What's wrong?
26:57No, stop it. Stop it! Get off me!
27:00I don't want to be married to you.
27:02I'm going home.
27:04You are going nowhere!
27:06You can't stop me!
27:11I will kill you before I let you leave this house.
27:15And what do you think Cain's going to do to you?
27:24The only reason I've not told him
27:27is because I don't want him going to prison for someone like you.
27:42I'm surprised you didn't follow me to the bathroom and watch me pee on it.
27:46And no, before you ask, I haven't slept with anybody else.
27:54Are you going to say anything or...?
27:59There's nothing to say.
28:04I'm sorry.
28:08I know it's not what you want.
28:11But I think I do.
28:14I don't want anything from you.
28:17To be honest, I was tempted to disappear and never be seen again.
28:22I'm trying to be grown up about it.
28:25So, over to you.
28:31One minute I was OK, the next I felt really light-headed
28:36and my chest felt really tight.
28:39And what were you doing at the time?
28:42Well, I was actually dealing with an 11-year-old boy, but...
28:46That's enough to give anyone palpitations.
28:49Oh, I feel really stupid now.
28:52The good news is, everything seems to be OK.
28:55I mean, your blood pressure was raised a little bit when you came in,
28:58but that's to be expected if you're in a bit of a panic.
29:01So I've got nothing to worry about, then?
29:03You keep on top of your medication and push yourself just that little bit further.
29:06Every day. You'll be back on track soon.
29:09Just don't do too much too soon.
29:12And no more confrontations with 11-year-old boys.
29:16Thanks, Pampery. I'll, um... I'll keep that in mind.
29:19All right.
29:23Compliments to the chef.
29:25In fact, we might even put an order in for the wedding buffet.
29:28What do you think? Life to be.
29:30We could do that, right?
29:32I thought we were going to go for cold food.
29:35Hang on, hang on. Have you two set a date?
29:37Yeah, we have. 15th of August.
29:39No way!
29:40You kept that quiet, you pair of dark arses!
29:43So where are you going to do it?
29:45Well, we haven't decided yet.
29:47Well, you better get a move on, cos you know what these wedding venues are like.
29:50No, no, no, we're just going to go for something small.
29:52Yeah, small but tasteful. You are still marrying Mandy, right?
29:55No gold carriage, then?
29:57So no dirty dancing?
30:00Look, I just want something very lucky.
30:02Well, you've at least got to give us a couple of thrones.
30:04Oh, no, what are we, just a jote here?
30:09You won't be able to cope on your own.
30:12I'll manage.
30:15You think you can really just walk away?
30:19I can't do this anymore.
30:21I don't want to be with you.
30:24I don't love you, Tom.
30:27Well, go on, then.
30:29Run on back to the Emirates.
30:33Go on, then.
30:35Run on back to the Emirates.
30:37Maybe they can throw you a celebratory hoedown.
30:42Up in the top?
31:03It won't be long before you come crawling back.
31:07I wouldn't bank on it.
31:35Are you OK?
31:37I'm fine.
31:39Please go back to Paddy and Marlon.
31:41We didn't mean to upset you. It was just a joke.
31:43I know. Don't worry about it.
31:45I am worried.
31:47Look, I know we got off to a bad start, but...
31:50I've really enjoyed spending time with you these last few weeks,
31:53and I don't want to spoil that, so...
31:56please unlock the door.
32:03I'm sorry.
32:05Look, it's not to do with anything you said.
32:08You're not going to call it off, are you?
32:10No, it's just we haven't really spoke about the wedding,
32:13and every time we do speak about it, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
32:16So what's the problem?
32:18I might have been having a few cash flow issues.
32:21Oh, well, Paddy's on a good wage. I'm sure he can pay for things.
32:24No, major cash flow issues, like thousands of pounds.
32:29Thousands of pounds?
32:31Does Paddy know?
32:33I don't even think about telling him.
32:35Andy, he's going to find out sometime.
32:37Oh, not if I can find a way of paying it back.
32:44I think we should send out a search party.
32:49Is everything all right? You were ages.
32:51Sorry, there was a queue.
32:53Well, we've just been making song lists for the DJ.
32:56Oh, yeah?
32:57Well, there's a lot of slipknot.
32:59Some tell Swift.
33:01For the hardcore fans. And we were thinking karaoke.
33:04I'm going to go to the bar.
33:06Oh, I'll get it.
33:07Rhona, I'll get the drinks.
33:17I don't want to talk to you.
33:19Brenda, please.
33:21I've said all I needed to say.
33:24I've made a terrible mess of things.
33:29I've broken up a family, destroyed somebody's marriage.
33:34Don't let us go the same way.
33:38Just tell me why.
33:40I don't know.
33:41It started off as something good.
33:44It's a way of getting to the truth.
33:47To avenge Rishi's death.
33:50And it turned out to be something...
33:53..something a lot darker.
33:56Well, that doesn't answer the question.
34:02I had a bit of a reputation around here years ago.
34:07I could be quite...
34:14Conniving, really.
34:16There's nothing to be proud of.
34:19But it made me feel like I was THE top dog.
34:24I just wanted to prove that I still had some fight in me.
34:33Should have been stretched off years ago, shouldn't I?
34:37If you ever...
34:41..ever do anything like this again,
34:44I'll go.
34:47You do know that, don't you?
34:50I have learned my lesson.
34:58..I love you.
35:02I can see why Tom probably felt the need now
35:05for those cameras and sensors, you know.
35:08That book.
35:10Checking on what she was spending.
35:12I guess it's all suddenly starting to make sense, isn't it?
35:17You know what, like...
35:19..the way she reacted to that night we had.
35:21The girly night.
35:22No wonder she couldn't wait to get out there fast enough.
35:25Cos she knew we'd be quizzing her about the miscarriage that never happened.
35:28Who knows what's going on in her head?
35:31Look who I've found.
35:35You're back.
35:41Just seen Tom.
35:44I've told him that our marriage is over.
35:54Gabby said there was a problem with Archie.
35:56Yeah. He's very upset that he hasn't seen you.
36:00And whose fault's that?
36:02Yours, obviously, but I didn't say anything.
36:04Anyway, I had a chat with him and he told me to back off
36:07because I wasn't his mum.
36:11Which technically is true,
36:13but you know that I love him as much as the other kids.
36:15You know that.
36:17Well, I'll have a word with him.
36:19I just want him to be happy, Jay.
36:21Well, maybe you should have thought about that
36:23before you threw his dad out and tried to keep him.
36:26Did you just say that out loud?
36:34Nothing to worry about, Archie. Your dad wanted a little chat.
36:37Yeah, Laurel told me to come round and have a chat with you.
36:40Well, we decided.
36:42I didn't do anything.
36:43No, no, you're not in trouble.
36:45We're just worried about you.
36:47What's going on, son?
36:51I just feel like I don't see you anymore.
36:54Oh, your dad has to work.
36:56Yeah, look, it's not that easy now.
36:59Laurel's asked me to change all the rotors round.
37:01Then call over after.
37:03I can't.
37:05She doesn't want me here.
37:06Oh, no, hang on. You can come over and see the kids whenever you want.
37:09That is not what you said the other day.
37:12Oh, for goodness sake.
37:13Jay, have you come here to have a go at me,
37:15or do you want to talk to your son?
37:17Why do you have to argue all the time?
37:19OK, OK, I'll, um, go and put the kettle on,
37:22and you can have a chat. Yeah?
37:28I'm sorry.
37:29It's OK.
37:30No, it's not.
37:32OK, I've been so busy feeling sorry for myself.
37:37I forgot that you're hurting too.
37:39Why can't you just move back in?
37:42It's never going to happen, Arch.
37:44It's not the same without you here.
37:48I'll have another look at my shifts, all right?
37:51See if I can juggle things around a bit so we can spend more time together.
37:55Listen, it doesn't have to be like this.
37:59You could either live with me, or you could live with your dad,
38:03or you can bob between the two of us.
38:07You know I would love you to live with me.
38:09Archie's old enough to make his own mind up, yeah?
38:13Then can I live with my dad?
38:17Yeah, yeah, of course you can.
38:20We just want you to be happy, love.
38:28How did this even happen? You said you were on the pill.
38:31It must have been that time I got drunk and I was sick.
38:34When? It didn't cross your mind?
38:36You're the doctor. It's not just my responsibility.
38:39For all I know, you could have had this planned from day one.
38:42Believe me, this is not something I factored in when I came to live in this village.
38:49And, yeah, when I found out, I was as shocked and as appalled as you are.
38:54But I've got my head round it now, and I think maybe, just maybe,
39:00a little bit of happiness might come out of it.
39:02No. No, this can't happen.
39:05It already has.
39:06You're not listening to me!
39:07Look, I lost my daughter, my everything, to someone like you.
39:12Someone like me?
39:13You ended a child's life. I cannot be around someone like you.
39:17But you can still be around for your baby.
39:21I'm sorry.
39:23I cannot have a child with you, Ella.
39:29So I think we just need to look at other options.
39:33I think that's for the best.
39:39What's going on? Why is Jay here?
39:41Yeah, I'll tell you later. We're having a little swap around.
39:44Archie's going to move up the road.
39:46Er, why?
39:47Well, he's going to move in with his dad, which is absolutely fine.
39:50Oh, there he is.
39:52Right, how are we getting on?
39:53Thing wrapped up.
39:54Oh, well, it's a good job, cos I don't think I can fit much more in the car.
40:00Right, er, I'll be back in a minute.
40:07Er, so, listen, if your dad wants to watch every episode of The Walking Dead,
40:11you know you've always got a bed here, yeah?
40:13Aw, I'll see you soon, Shren.
40:15Don't be a stranger.
40:16I'll come and see you.
40:19Come here.
40:22Right, are we ready?
40:24You'll be good for your dad, yeah?
40:27Right, can I just get that out of the box?
40:32You grab the case, Archie.
40:44You OK?
40:45What have I done?
40:46Hey, Laurel, this isn't your fault.
40:49I've just torn my family to pieces, haven't I?
40:53Look, don't get upset, Laurel. It's bad for your heart.
40:58What does it matter?
41:00It's broken already.
41:03You have to question the wisdom of going through with this pregnancy.
41:10Do I really have to answer that?
41:13Can you guarantee the safety of this baby?
41:16Oh, don't you dare suggest that I would ever do anything to...
41:18You said you snapped.
41:20Yeah, that was a long time ago.
41:21And that you've spent the rest of your life self-monitoring your behaviour.
41:25Not because I'm scared I'm going to kill somebody,
41:28but because I know other people are watching my every move.
41:36You know that I have never, ever laid a finger on anyone since Joanne.
41:42But I'm still being judged by people like you every single minute of every day.
41:46And so you should.
41:49I was a kid, Liam.
41:52A lonely, unloved child who did something terrible and has regretted it ever since.
41:58So is that it, then?
42:00I don't get a chance at happiness.
42:05No, I don't think you do.
42:06I'm sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but...
42:10Right, then.
42:13Well, there's nothing left to say, then, is there?
42:17I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble.
42:29There you are!
42:33Did you manage to get any sleep?
42:35A bit, yeah.
42:36Sam will be back soon.
42:38Want some stew for tea?
42:40I don't have any money for the pot right now, but...
42:43I'm going to look for a job.
42:45Don't worry about that now.
42:47Maybe later they'll give you your job back.
42:49Yeah, maybe.
42:51I'll give you a shout when it's ready.
42:58I tried, Mum.
42:59I already did, but...
43:02He isn't kind.
43:04Or good.
43:07And I can't do it any more.
43:10I'm sorry.