Salón de té La Moderna - Ep 207

  • vor 3 Monaten
Salón de té La Moderna - Ep 207


00:00A few days later
00:09Good morning.
00:10Good morning.
00:11For you.
00:12For me?
00:14It's a secret.
00:15Thank you.
00:16A few days later
00:30This is my day-to-day.
00:32But for you it should be strange to see the gallery so empty, right?
00:37That would be if I saw something, Pietro.
00:39Because my mouth opens by itself, but it's still hard for me to open my eyes.
00:44That's what being up early has.
00:45You have to get used to it.
00:47Yeah, well, with all the beautiful customs in the world,
00:49do I have to get used to being up early?
00:52But how do you complain, girl?
00:55Are you sure about what you're doing?
00:58Because it's not just getting up early to clean the bookshop.
01:03It's doing the work in the tea room all day.
01:06I'm very sure, Pietro.
01:08What scares me is being up early and not working.
01:11Besides, you only get three days a week.
01:17Hey, and how do you manage not to have such a hard time?
01:20I've been doing it all my life.
01:22I was up early in Italy, now I'm up early in Spain, I'm up early all over the world.
01:27I try to enjoy the advantages of being up early.
01:32Like, for example, I enjoy the wonderful sunrises I see every day.
01:38You have to see how you are, Pietro.
01:40Always taking the good things out of the bad.
01:48But wasn't Salvita going to come to see you at the bookshop?
01:51Yes, but I don't know, it seems like she's been a little late.
01:56It's just that I don't like to leave you here alone.
01:59I'm more worried about you being late at work.
02:02Go back to the lab, Pietro.
02:04I'll stay here waiting on my own.
02:06If Salvita is coming.
02:09I hope so.
02:11Okay, I'm leaving.
02:16Give me a kiss.
02:18Take care.
02:24My love, it's just about visiting the doctor.
02:27That's it.
02:28But I don't want to know anything about that man, I don't like him.
02:31Give me a chance, please.
02:32He's a prestigious psychiatrist.
02:34Besides, we're not talking about an income.
02:36We're just talking about going to talk to him and that's it.
02:39But we'll only do it if you want.
02:44But please, tell me you'll do it.
02:51If it's important to you, I'll do it.
02:56Thank you, my love.
02:58I'll tell the doctor that this afternoon you'll go to see him.
03:01I'll go to his consultation.
03:04Well, Tamara, I have to go to the gallery.
03:07I want to talk to Celia.
03:09I'd like you to help Jacobo in the inauguration of his place in Seville,
03:13like you helped me in Madrid Cabaret.
03:18Do you want to come with me?
03:20I think I'll stay home until the consultation.
03:23Do you think you'll be okay here alone?
03:29Yes, I'll be fine.
03:31I'll be fine.
03:32Making a normal life is the first step for my recovery.
03:36And that's what I want now.
03:39A normal life.
03:42Me too.
03:44A normal life.
03:57I'm sorry, I fell asleep.
04:01Well, since you're late, you could at least make up an excuse, right?
04:04So I don't feel so stupid for being here waiting for you while you were sleeping.
04:09No, it's not that.
04:11Yesterday I had to return some notes from the faculty to a friend of mine from Tuna.
04:16From Tuna, let's finish.
04:17The thing is that we had a drink and I lost my temper.
04:23Of course, because you're not used to going out, are you?
04:27Well, we didn't arrive later than usual either.
04:30The idea was to sleep a couple of hours, but it got complicated. I'm sorry.
04:35From what I see, you haven't heard of something called an alarm clock, have you?
04:38The one who named it was very right, because it's used for that, to wake up.
04:43And so you don't arrive late to places.
04:45No, if it's an alarm clock, it won't be that I put three.
04:47But that's how they sound, I turn them off and I don't find out.
04:50Well, they're very useful, yes.
04:53Well, let's get started.
04:55Because my shift at La Moderna starts in five minutes.
04:58And as you'll understand, I'm not going to start cleaning the library now.
05:01So you'll tell me what to do.
05:04Well, what are you going to do? Leave?
05:07Leave on the first day without working.
05:10It's obvious that you have no idea how to keep a job.
05:13Oh, well, of course, since you don't need it.
05:16You'll keep your job here and no one will find out.
05:19I'll cover you and clean the library before Miguel arrives.
05:21Look, Salvita, I'm going to tell you something.
05:23No, you don't even have to ask.
05:25I'll take care of the dirty work and they'll pay you the same.
05:29Don't get me wrong.
05:31I like to be paid.
05:32But I want to be paid for working, not for not working.
05:35So at my shift at La Moderna, I'll come and do what I haven't done.
05:38No, no, I'm telling you that...
05:40Salvita, I'll need the money.
05:42But I have plenty of dignity.
05:55At least César would have left me a phone number so I could talk to him.
05:59Well, think...
06:01What if I did you a favor?
06:04A favor?
06:05Yes, because international calls are very expensive
06:08and you would have ruined both of us.
06:13Who could it be?
06:16Uncle, good morning.
06:18Come in.
06:20Good morning.
06:21I know it's early for visits, but Inés,
06:24I need to know how your first session with the Leopolda went.
06:27Well, the truth is that I was impressed with her.
06:31I hope for the best.
06:32Yes, I thought she was a very good professor.
06:34She's a very good professor.
06:36She's a very good professor.
06:38She's a very good professor.
06:40She's a very good professor.
06:42She's a very good professor.
06:44She seemed like a very good professional.
06:46And yesterday the visit was just to get to know each other,
06:48but she immediately knew how to detect my problem.
06:51So, her prestige is deserved.
06:54As soon as the fashion arrives, I want to thank Mrs. Lázara
06:57for getting me a slot in Mrs. Juanes' tight schedule.
07:00Well, we just have to wait for her to get you slots in her schedule for the next sessions.
07:06No, it won't be necessary because there won't be any more sessions.
07:11What do you mean, there won't be any more sessions?
07:13You just told us that you were impressed with that speech therapist.
07:17Well, the truth is that she was very honest with me
07:19and she told me that she couldn't be 100% sure that I could sing again.
07:23Well, but that doesn't mean that there are no options.
07:25Your sister is right.
07:26If there is a possibility, no matter how small it is,
07:29why don't you try it, Inés?
07:31You can't keep the feeling that you haven't tried everything.
07:34I don't know, I don't know.
07:36Well, well, well, let's not rush it.
07:38You don't have to decide it now.
07:40Think about it calmly.
07:42By the way, I'm going to La Moderna by car today.
07:44If you want, I can give you a lift.
07:46Sure, you're a good guy, but you'd better drive.
07:48Yes, yes, yes, yes, but don't rush it.
07:50I'll wait for you downstairs.
07:56Inés, change your mind.
07:58You have to think better about what the guy says.
08:00You're right, the therapist can help you a lot.
08:02Look, Laurita, I don't want to get my hopes up.
08:04I had a dream that was to sing,
08:06but it won't be the first dream that I have to give up.
08:09Come on, let's go, the guy is waiting for us.
08:12Let's go.
08:33Piedro, we need more bandages.
08:36They have to take them off their hands today.
08:38Yes, I'll prepare the tray right now.
08:40Very well.
08:43I saw Inigo in the gallery.
08:45He finally decided not to join Matilde.
08:47Well, I'm glad for both of them.
08:49Me too.
08:53Well, I'll let you finish and I'll come back later.
08:56No, wait, wait.
08:57I wanted to tell you something.
09:00Maybe it's better if we don't talk about our things here,
09:03that the colleagues are already commenting a lot, Pietro.
09:05Antonia, let them talk whatever they want.
09:08I don't care.
09:10It's okay, tell me.
09:12Then I'll go to the Italian consulate with Lucia
09:15to clarify my legal situation.
09:18Now that we know that she is alive.
09:21Have you already spoken to the consulate?
09:24Yes, it's going to be complicated, Antonia.
09:27Because for the Italian authorities I am widowed.
09:30And Lucia is in legal limbo,
09:33having been given for dead.
09:35My mother, Pietro.
09:38What a mess we are in.
09:41We must be patient, Antonia.
09:43The consulate has told me that they will do everything possible
09:45to fix the situation.
09:49Today they will tell me something else and start the procedures.
09:53The procedures?
09:54How long are we talking about?
09:56Antonia, I know.
09:57I hope it's not long.
09:58Because as soon as all this is fixed
10:00and Lucia can go to Italy,
10:02we can continue with our plans, right?
10:05You and me.
10:08So in the end it's just a matter of waiting, right?
10:12In that, you and I are experts.
10:18Well, there is something else.
10:21I already imagined it.
10:23The consulate has told me that
10:26while all this is clear,
10:28I am responsible for Lucia.
10:33What does responsible mean?
10:36That I am the legal tutor.
10:40So you're telling Cristiano that
10:43you have to take care of her.
10:49I'm sorry, Antonia.
10:50I know it's not easy for you,
10:52but it's not easy for me either.
10:54I'll take care of it, Pietro.
10:58I know it's not easy for you either.
11:02I'll take the exams.
11:05Okay, but take care of yourself.
11:20That's why I chose you, Cecilia.
11:22I would like my friend Jacobo to open his shop in Seville
11:25and you would lend him your help.
11:27As I did with me here in Madrid Cabaret.
11:29But Seville is so far away.
11:31It will be complicated, but...
11:33If you want, I could put your friend in touch with a friend of mine who lives in Seville and is a photographer.
11:40Yes, the truth is that he is very integrated in social life and has an extensive agenda of contacts, artists, writers ...
11:46Well, that's just what he needs. I knew I could count on you.
11:50Now that I think about it, I could talk to acquaintances of the local press to give you coverage.
11:55I do not promise that it will have the same impact as the reopening of the Madrid Cabaret, but ...
11:59Few parties can be compared to that one. Things to say.
12:03By the way, how is this new stage in the business going?
12:06Well, the truth is that I can't complain. The room is going very well, the business too.
12:10So full every night, imagine.
12:13I'm very happy to hear that.
12:15Oh, by the way, I haven't said anything. You have the beautiful store.
12:19How is the business going?
12:21Well, well, we just started, but well, little by little.
12:24I'm very happy to hear that.
12:26Well, I won't entertain you any longer, I'm sure I'll have to do a lot of things.
12:29Look, I'll leave you ...
12:31May I have a pencil?
12:32Yes, of course.
12:33Here I write down the phone number of my friend Jacobo.
12:36I'll see you when I can.
12:38Thank you very much, Celia.
12:40Good morning.
12:41Good morning.
12:42Really, Fabio, are you going to condemn me for a moment that I lost the papers?
12:45We were motivated for the sentence, I gave ten.
12:48Well, I think it would be best if we end this conversation.
12:51You leave and we both wait for the police and justice to do their job.
12:55And you're telling me that as a friend or ...
12:59As a friend.
13:01As a friend.
13:03As a friend.
13:05As a friend.
13:07As a friend.
13:10As a friend or ...
13:12As a diplomat?
13:16The word friendship, at this time, believe me, comes in handy.
13:40Excuse me.
13:44But how formal, boss.
13:46Bringing the uniform to work in a suitcase and everything.
13:49Well, more formal would be that you arrived at your time.
13:51What have you been doing all this time, poor man?
13:54You don't know anything, Elias.
13:55I'm not here to work, I'm here to say goodbye.
13:58I'm going to town, to Cuenca, to celebrate my grandfather's birthday.
14:01But you're still with that.
14:03But you're still with that.
14:05Because Teresa already told you yesterday that the vampire denied permission.
14:10Look, I don't care what Mrs. Alazara says.
14:13Yes, well, you don't care when they kick you in the street.
14:16Add, friend, that you are playing with your job.
14:19It is a risk that I have decided to assume.
14:21Besides, yesterday my grandfather called me on the phone.
14:27At 100 years old, hooked up and calling you on the phone.
14:30What a man, what a race.
14:32You have to go, yes or yes.
14:34Now I know who you got the goose bumps from.
14:36The fact is that he called me to tell me that the celebration could not be missed.
14:39That it will surely be his last birthday.
14:41And my grandfather is very tough.
14:43If something gets into his head, no one can take the idea away from him.
14:46Well, you have to go, yes or yes, boss.
14:50So, whatever the vampire says, to me, clean.
14:54And don't you feel a little sorry to miss Trini and Miguel's wedding?
14:57With everything you've done for that couple, boss.
15:00Yes, a lot.
15:01He could have been the godfather, imagine.
15:03Be the godfather.
15:05The pride that has to give that.
15:08Well, I'll bring you some sausages from the town as a wedding gift.
15:11And problem solved.
15:12Well, don't worry, it's not bad that he doesn't come for good.
15:15Everything is in place, boss.
15:16Because with your down, he would surely be the godfather.
15:18And I'm going to leave the pavilion very high.
15:20And I'm going to tell you about the wedding with hair and signs.
15:23I won't leave details.
15:24That scares me, Elias.
15:25That they wait for me a few days later.
15:27Well, I hope you have the suitcase full of garlic.
15:29Because the vampire is coming.
15:35Can you tell me why you are dressed as a street?
15:37What kind of joke is this?
15:39No joke.
15:40The centenary of my grandfather is a very serious matter.
15:44Well, I hope it is.
15:45And that it compensates you.
15:46Because if you leave through that door,
15:48I will do everything possible so that when I return, it is still closed.
15:53Well, you have a strong door.
15:55Sometimes it locks.
16:00I will not tolerate such a detachment from my authority.
16:04All this?
16:06It's your fault.
16:19With all the coffee I'm serving you these days,
16:22at this pace I end up asking for a job at La Moderna.
16:26I'm sure Don Germín would hire you.
16:29You do it very well.
16:31It's a shame I don't think the uniform would suit you so well.
16:34Have your coffee, ma'am.
16:36And let's not get distracted.
16:38I have the delivery service all morning,
16:40but they can appear at any time.
16:43The service must be delighted with you.
16:46With so much free time, so much walking that allows you to do.
16:49You have to be especially careful,
16:51especially with the people who come to the house.
16:54Oh, mother, please stop repeating it to me all the time.
16:57It is that if someone discovers you now,
16:59with all the sacrifice we have made so far,
17:01it would be useless.
17:03The sacrifice we have made?
17:06I will thank the sacrifice I have made,
17:08that I am the one who is locked in that hole,
17:10for following his advice.
17:12It is the only way to get rid of you from jail.
17:16And since you specify all the details,
17:18do it well and punctualize everything.
17:23Well, now that we are talking about this matter,
17:25there is one thing that we have to deal with.
17:30The time has come to consume the second part of the plan, daughter.
17:34You must leave here and start your life away from this country.
17:38Mother, I'm not going anywhere.
17:40What do you mean?
17:41That I'm not going anywhere.
17:44Not until Matilde ends up locked up in a asylum.
17:47Carla, let's think ...
17:49Has Matilde already entered Dr. Mendoza's clinic?
17:52I'm afraid not.
17:53Are you afraid or do you know it?
17:55Don't hide things from me, mother.
17:57Don't treat me like a little girl.
18:00I'm not hiding anything from you, daughter.
18:02From what I've been able to find out,
18:03there has not been a new entry in the clinic.
18:05But that does not mean that this will not happen soon.
18:08And what are you waiting for?
18:09I don't know.
18:11But no visits and showing up in front of her.
18:15It's the only way I have to drive that idiot crazy.
18:19Tell me, what else can I do?
18:21What else can I do to put a strength shirt on that damn dead fly?
18:26Calm down.
18:28And what did I tell you?
18:30Nothing about going back to her house ...
18:32I'm not going to stay here with my arms crossed.
18:35I'm going to do everything it takes.
18:38To fulminate that dead fly at once.
18:41And if I have to give her a push to drive her crazy, I will.
18:45You won't.
18:47Challenge me.
18:48You have everything to lose.
18:50I've told you no, and it's no.
18:52Could you trust me once and for all?
18:55Shut up and listen to me.
19:02You're happy, boss.
19:04But hey, have a good trip.
19:07And give Grandpa some good memories.
19:09And another thing, I'm not getting married,
19:11but I also like chorizos.
19:13So bring me a ristrita, boss.
19:16I'll keep it in mind.
19:17Well, good trip.
19:21I should scold you for what you've done.
19:25But I can only congratulate you for facing Mrs. Lázara
19:28and not letting you trample.
19:30Well, I just hope that now she doesn't take it with you.
19:33Well, I don't care about that woman.
19:35Well, I don't care.
19:37But I'm not going to stop investigating.
19:40The only thing I'm going to do now is be more discreet.
19:42Come on, you do have to be.
19:44Look, I've thought about going to the Madrid-Paris warehouses
19:47and being able to talk to an agent who works with her.
19:50Maybe that way I can get information.
19:53Be careful, Teresa.
19:55You see that she's no longer joking.
19:57You see, Trini told me
20:01that a few days ago a woman came
20:03and recognized Mrs. Lázara.
20:05And when Lázara realized, she got very nervous.
20:07She took her to the warehouse, they were talking,
20:09and when she left, Trini thought they had argued.
20:12I don't know, maybe she's an old co-worker.
20:16That's why I have to go.
20:18To investigate.
20:21Wouldn't it be better if you wait for me to come back?
20:23Don't worry, I can take care of myself.
20:26Hey, go now, you're going to miss the bus.
20:30Well, have a good time
20:32and remember everything I've told you.
20:38I will.
20:40Turn around.
20:47Excuse me, Marta.
20:50I'm not going to tell you how to do your job,
20:53but I think it's more comfortable for everyone
20:55to do things as usual,
20:57cleaning before opening.
20:59Yes, I know.
21:00The only thing is that I didn't have time and ...
21:02Yes, not to say that I think it's the best for you.
21:04So you don't have to waste your minutes of rest
21:07at La Moderna to come to the races
21:09to pass the marker here.
21:10No, yes, yes, it's my fault.
21:13No, yes, yes, it's my fault.
21:15Well, since it's the first day,
21:17I didn't know how to calculate the time well and ...
21:20Look, take Salvita as an example,
21:22he does know how to calculate it.
21:24Because he has time to work,
21:26but also to go out there.
21:28And no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
21:29don't tell me you didn't go out yesterday
21:31because I've learned to read your face perfectly
21:34and what a face you have today.
21:36Look at him.
21:37He looks tired.
21:40Not to say that he is exhausted.
21:42And he hasn't slept.
21:44Come on, he hasn't sat down well
21:46the early morning he had to come to open the bookshop for you.
21:49Isn't that right, Marta?
21:53The only thing I know is that ...
21:55that Salvita came at the right time
21:57and was very awake when he opened it.
22:01If you say so,
22:02then it will be the closeness to books
22:04that makes him look sleepy.
22:06At Herrero's house,
22:07I hope that from now on
22:09you start to sleep better
22:10because on my wedding day
22:12you will be alone in the bookshop.
22:13You better be awake.
22:15All day?
22:16Yes, yes,
22:17that's how businesses usually work.
22:19They open during the day.
22:21But no, don't worry,
22:22because I won't be absent much,
22:23just the time it takes to get Trini and me married.
22:26And now do me a favor
22:28and go take these books to Mr. Verdes' house.
22:32And I know where he lives.
22:33It won't take you more than ten minutes.
22:35Ten minutes on the clock.
22:42I say it will take half an hour.
22:44What do you say?
22:52No matter how many times I think about it,
22:53I can't understand it.
22:54How is it possible that Cañete,
22:55such an efficient worker,
22:57has decided to absent himself from work
22:59without permission?
23:01Well, as you already know,
23:02Cañete needed a few days of permission,
23:04but that's not an excuse
23:05for him to have taken them on his own
23:07and without meeting the needs of the salon.
23:09But there are many,
23:10because in three days,
23:11just in three days,
23:12we have the convention of pharmacists.
23:14They are not dates for the salon
23:15to run out of its head of waiters.
23:17Well, I've tried to make him understand that,
23:19but nothing.
23:20It seems that he cares more about his grandfather's birthday
23:22than the salon.
23:23It is clear that it is his grandfather's centenary.
23:24I can understand that, but...
23:25Well, you will also understand
23:27that it has been a displeasure to the authority
23:29and that it cannot be allowed.
23:30Something has to be done.
23:31Yes, yes, something has to be done.
23:33And you don't know how I dislike it,
23:35because Cañete is an exceptional worker.
23:38A worker of those
23:39that no businessman can afford
23:41the luxury of losing.
23:43It was my fault.
23:45I shouldn't have extended this situation to the extreme.
23:48Of course I did.
23:52Of course what?
23:53Mrs. Lázaro, I don't like
23:54that you stay in the middle.
23:56Why are you suddenly quiet now?
23:58Of course nothing would have happened
23:59if Teresa hadn't given him those days off
24:01without talking to me first.
24:04I'm very sorry for the lack of communication
24:06in the chain of command.
24:07It won't happen again.
24:08I hope so.
24:09Because I don't like these misunderstandings at all.
24:11They affect the operation of the salon
24:14and create conflicts
24:15between perfectly avoidable workers.
24:21Oh, am I interrupting?
24:23No, darling, come in, come in.
24:24Mrs. Lázaro and I had already finished.
24:26Isn't that right?
24:28By the way, Mrs. Lázaro,
24:29I wanted to thank you for putting me in touch
24:31with the speech therapist I recommended.
24:33You're welcome.
24:37Excuse me.
24:45How are you, darling?
24:46Very well.
24:47I'll listen to you, uncle.
24:49I'll listen to you.
24:51I'll listen to you.
24:52It's one of the most beautiful phrases
24:54that the Spanish language has.
24:56Especially if it comes from your lips.
24:58What do I have the honor of you wanting to listen to me, Inés?
25:01I'm going to continue the sessions with the speech therapist.
25:07You don't know how happy I am.
25:09You've done the best.
25:11The problem is that the next session
25:13would have to be this afternoon and ...
25:16And you come to ask me for permission.
25:18Others could already learn.
25:21Well, I give you that permission.
25:23So take advantage of the time with that woman
25:25who is going to achieve wonders with your voice.
25:28Thank you, uncle.
25:29I'll see you later.
25:30Of course.
25:38Finished for today.
25:39The next day I will have everything in the morning.
25:42Of course.
25:43And so you dedicate your rest time to that.
25:45To rest.
25:46Good morning.
25:47Good morning.
25:51Lini, come in.
25:53I imagine that working so closely
25:55you will take advantage of any moment to see each other
25:57and finish things at the wedding.
25:59There are only three days left.
26:01Yes, three days.
26:02There are three days left.
26:03Well, and since we don't see each other,
26:05I take advantage of every minute I have
26:07to come here and organize the wedding.
26:09We don't see each other.
26:11But nothing.
26:12Well, don't worry.
26:13In three days you are already married.
26:15You make a very good couple.
26:17Have you ever been told?
26:18Thank you.
26:20Very good couple.
26:21I'm sure you will be very happy together.
26:29Honey, I have a news, but a news from Las Cordas.
26:33I'm starting to tremble because when you become a reporter ...
26:36Cañete has had the courage to face the vampire
26:39and then he has gone to his grandfather,
26:41like that, so camping,
26:42and you don't know how the vampire is.
26:44Knowing her, she will be fine.
26:45Well, well,
26:46I think she has the sharpest fangs
26:48that shine on her and everything.
26:49But I'm worried about Cañete,
26:51because I hope this doesn't cost him the job,
26:54because things are not like to lose a newspaper like that.
26:57Like to lose a godfather.
26:59That's what we've lost, a godfather.
27:01And you don't know who hasn't taken a minute
27:04to offer himself as a substitute.
27:06Elias, as if I were watching him.
27:09What do we do?
27:10What do we do?
27:11Because he doesn't stop with the beating.
27:12And I swear, I'm going to go crazy.
27:14What do we do?
27:15Do we tell him no?
27:16Obviously, it's Elias.
27:17But he's actually a little bit right,
27:19because we need a godfather.
27:20And now, if you hurry me,
27:21well, also a godmother.
27:23The further away we have Elias from Gompilla,
27:25the better.
27:26Because between these two,
27:27nothing good can come out of there.
27:29Too late.
27:31What do you mean?
27:32Well, Elias,
27:33lately he's been very weird
27:34and he has that face that he gets
27:36when he's plotting something.
27:37My God, when that little head starts thinking,
27:39I'm afraid of what can come out of there.
27:47I don't know.
28:00Pietro, you're home.
28:03And this one?
28:04And Fiori?
28:05This morning, when I went shopping,
28:07I passed by a garden and...
28:09I couldn't resist.
28:11But Lucia, you can't pluck flowers from gardens.
28:14I know, but what can you do?
28:17there's nothing like flowers
28:18to warm a home.
28:21You like them, don't you?
28:22Yes, yes, they're pretty, yes.
28:25Well, I imagine that now
28:27you go up to eat with Antonia, right?
28:31Today, only I'm free at this time.
28:33Antonia and Marta are still in the tea room.
28:37It will take time to return.
28:39Have you eaten?
28:41I've just bitten something.
28:43Oh, then,
28:45maybe you're still a little hungry,
28:47and so we can eat together.
28:51I don't like to eat alone.
28:56Besides, what a coincidence,
28:57this is a dish that you like a lot.
28:59Calle Pepe.
29:03I had forgotten this smell.
29:05How long have you not eaten a Calle Pepe?
29:10Since we were married.
29:12Well, better.
29:14So, even if I didn't do very well,
29:16you'll know how wonderful it is.
29:19Shall we sit down?
29:35Smells like home.
29:45They're delicious.
29:47Thank you.
29:52I confess that
29:53you don't know whether to continue with the sessions or not.
29:56Yes, I have that feeling,
29:58although I don't know very well why.
30:01Well, because I don't want to get my hopes up
30:03and then get into trouble.
30:05You yourself made me understand
30:07that you weren't sure
30:08that I could fully recover my vocal cords.
30:11Inés, I'm going to be honest with you.
30:16I don't do miracles,
30:17but I do get results.
30:21But in my case...
30:22You're not the most complicated case
30:24I've come across.
30:25I managed to regain confidence
30:27in an important soprano.
30:28I'll never tell you her name.
30:30She stayed in Fónica
30:31one day before releasing an opera in Milan.
30:35The Scars?
30:38I also helped a Minister Tartamudo
30:40prepare a speech
30:41he had to give
30:42at the Congress of Deputies,
30:44and we got it in just three days.
30:46So he gave the speech without Tartamudo?
30:49Of course.
30:50Another client
30:51was a famous theater actress.
30:53I won't tell you her name either.
30:55She panicked a week before her premiere,
30:58to the point where she lost her voice.
31:00In five sessions with me,
31:02she regained her voice
31:04and was able to sing.
31:06Do you know what these three patients
31:08I just told you about had in common?
31:11They had lost their confidence.
31:14My job was to help them regain it.
31:18So, going back to you,
31:22do you trust yourself?
31:29I'll tell you, Arti,
31:30when I first met Tartamudo,
31:34I'll tell you, Arti,
31:35when we wanted to open
31:37a restaurant for the two of us.
31:39Do you remember?
31:40Of course I remember.
31:43It was our dream,
31:45to set up a small trattoria.
31:47I'd cook the pasta
31:48and you'd take care of the desserts.
31:52A dream that stayed with us.
31:56Like so many others.
31:59A long time passed.
32:00It seemed like another life.
32:03It's not true.
32:04For me, it's like it was yesterday.
32:06Well, no.
32:07Many years have passed.
32:10It doesn't matter.
32:12For me, it's like
32:13everything I lived in the United States
32:15had faded away.
32:16Like it never happened.
32:19And being with you now, eating,
32:21I don't know,
32:23it feels so familiar to me
32:26as if we'd never stopped being together.
32:30I can't say the same.
32:33I can't, Lucia.
32:35Many very important things
32:36have happened to me.
32:40Things and people.
32:50I think that in my case
32:51it's not a matter of trust,
32:53but that my vocal cords
32:54are still damaged.
32:58It's true that
32:59in speech problems like yours,
33:01there's a physiological part.
33:02But other times,
33:03there's also a strong emotional load.
33:06The voice is the mirror of the soul.
33:08And if the soul is sad,
33:09the voice also goes out.
33:13I'm aware that
33:15you have suffered
33:17serious damage to your vocal cords.
33:20and if you'll allow me to trust you,
33:25I don't think your problem
33:26is just physical,
33:27but emotional.
33:29I feel that you have
33:30lost your confidence in yourself,
33:32but above all,
33:33your hope.
33:35Am I wrong?
33:40I can help you
33:41regain your peace.
33:43But it will be a vain effort
33:44on my part,
33:45if instead,
33:46you're not willing
33:47to fight to sing again.
33:51Yes, you're right.
33:53I've lost
33:54my confidence in myself
33:55and my hope.
33:56It's as if
33:57I could read my mind.
34:01as I can read your mind,
34:03I can also read
34:04that you still want
34:05to fight for your dream.
34:11I owe it
34:12to a very important person for me.
34:16A gentleman, right?
34:19A man I'm
34:20deeply in love with
34:23the one I've lost forever.
34:27You've just taken
34:28the first step
34:29to regain your voice,
34:31to recognize
34:32and assume your pain.
34:35But enough chit-chat.
34:36It's time
34:37to get to work.
34:39I'm going to teach you...
34:40Get up, get up.
34:42I'm going to teach you
34:43some neck relaxation exercises.
34:46Are you ready
34:47to start the session?
34:49I'm ready.
34:50Are you ready
34:51to start the session?
34:53I'm ready.
35:20Get up.
35:44Good afternoon.
35:47I didn't realize
35:48there was someone else.
35:50When I do this,
35:51I lose track of time.
35:53The world disappears
35:54around me.
35:57Do you like it?
35:59It's very pretty, yes.
36:01Would you dare
36:02to tell me what it represents?
36:06It's a bird.
36:07But I don't know
36:08what kind of bird it is.
36:10A crane.
36:11In distant Japan,
36:12this technique
36:13is called origami.
36:15And origami
36:16in the shape of a crane
36:17is given to wish
36:18good health
36:19and a quick recovery.
36:22Take it, it's a gift.
36:28Thank you very much.
36:32But this will have to be
36:33a secret between you and me.
36:36It's better
36:37not to tell Dr. Mendoza
36:38according to what things.
36:41Tell Dr. Mendoza
36:42what you think
36:43he wants to hear.
36:44Over time,
36:45you realize
36:46that this is the best.
36:47Because if I tell the doctor
36:48what I think
36:49according to what I see,
36:50he would take me
36:51for a whore.
36:54Although it's not easy
36:55to deceive Dr. Mendoza.
37:01My name is Brigida,
37:02by the way.
37:10I'm going to seem
37:11very daring to you.
37:14Could I ask you
37:15why you are
37:16in this consultation?
37:19Excuse me.
37:21It's just that sometimes
37:22I don't realize
37:23how clumsy I am
37:24asking questions.
37:27you're the one
37:28who didn't expect it.
37:29Yes, I know what's going on
37:30and you don't have to
37:31answer me.
37:33Whatever the reason
37:34why you're here,
37:36you'll overcome it.
37:39Just like I overcame
37:40mine on your day.
37:42I hope so.
37:49Could I be your friend?
37:54I don't see why not.
37:57It's just that I don't have many,
37:58you know?
37:59Well, actually
38:00I don't have any.
38:02But I'm learning
38:03to relate better
38:04to people.
38:05Not to scare them
38:06with my craziness.
38:08It's my turn.
38:10Dr. Mendoza is waiting for me.
38:24Why do you have to think
38:25that your father
38:26is going to kill you?
38:28I don't know.
38:29I don't know.
38:30I don't know.
38:31I don't know.
38:32I don't know.
38:33I don't know.
38:34I don't know.
38:35I don't know.
38:36Why do you have to think
38:37that your father
38:38and your mother
38:39still have to have
38:40a fake wedding?
38:41So stay like this,
38:43Don't get any bigger.
38:49Do you think
38:50you're fooling me?
38:51But Esperanza del Carmen
38:52Pere Aragon
38:53doesn't fool her.
38:56I've found...
38:57Well, I think
38:58I've seen a spot.
38:59Don't you see a spot
39:00around here?
39:01No, no.
39:02What I see
39:03is that you were alone
39:04talking in front of the mirror.
39:09You're pregnant.
39:10So what?
39:11Esperanza, please.
39:12I've already said it
39:13many times.
39:14I've said it three times already.
39:15It must be for a reason.
39:16Well, I'll tell you
39:17three more times
39:18that I'm not pregnant.
39:19I'm not pregnant.
39:20I'm not pregnant.
39:21Oh, you're not like San Pedro
39:22who denied three times
39:23that he knew Jesus
39:24and it turns out
39:25that they were intimate.
39:26Well, if you have nothing
39:27more to accuse me of,
39:28I'm going straight
39:29to the postman
39:30so you don't end up alone.
39:31The rushes that have come
39:32to work,
39:33the same rushes
39:34that have come
39:35to work,
39:36that you just met,
39:37like who says.
39:38Well, it's that, let's see,
39:39when you know
39:40the love of your life,
39:41you can't waste time.
39:43These sudden marriages
39:45always hide something.
39:49Of course.
39:50That's why I caught you
39:51more than once
39:52eating some cake
39:53from the postman
39:54and eating it
39:57Well, I'll pay you later.
39:58Are you calling me a thief?
39:59Not a thief,
40:00but a liar, yes.
40:02Because here
40:03a lot of sweet cravings
40:04come in.
40:05Oh, the pregnant woman.
40:06She's crazy, girl,
40:07with the fly
40:08behind her ear, really.
40:09Not a fly.
40:10A fly.
40:11And fat like your gut.
40:25Hey, wait, wait, wait,
40:27let me help you.
40:28Between the two of us,
40:29I think it will be easier.
40:33From attraction,
40:34from fair,
40:36to art.
40:37Agustín Comas conference.
40:41A little clumsy, right?
40:43Do you think so?
40:45I thought he liked you
40:46and gave me the good look.
40:49Yes, but now seeing him,
40:51I don't know,
40:52you are the expert,
40:54but I see it
40:55as something else,
40:56like a conference
40:58of the nice and erudite
41:01Agustín Comas.
41:03It is clear that you
41:04don't need a fly
41:05to be sold,
41:06you have a very high esteem.
41:07You don't believe me,
41:08I'm actually very insecure,
41:10especially when I have
41:11a pretty woman in front of me.
41:13Yes, you really
41:14get along very well,
41:15because I would never have had him
41:17as someone insecure.
41:18All facade.
41:19The real Agustín Comas
41:22is not so easy to see.
41:24And I thought
41:25I had him cornered,
41:27then there is more
41:28in you than what you see.
41:31Yes, I am a whole box
41:32of surprises,
41:33and you are only
41:35what you see
41:37or you hide a secret.
41:40the thing is that
41:41I can't tell you,
41:42because otherwise
41:43they would cease to be secrets.
41:45Well, much better,
41:46because I prefer to discover
41:47the secrets for myself.
41:52Well, Esperanza,
41:53stop with absurd conjectures
41:54and let's focus
41:56on the practical,
41:57my wedding.
41:58On the practical
41:59and on the fast,
42:00because that ...
42:01I still don't have
42:03a godmother for the wedding,
42:05because in theory
42:06it had to be Miguel's mother,
42:07but maybe she won't be able to come.
42:09And we had thought
42:10about you,
42:12but of course I don't know
42:13if you really want
42:14to be the godmother.
42:16Of course I want to.
42:17Better godmother
42:18than me you won't find.
42:19If not, ask Antonia.
42:22better not ask her.
42:24then would you like
42:25in case Miguel's mother
42:27Of course,
42:28but when will you know that?
42:30Because if I'm going to be a godmother
42:31I have to ask for a date
42:32at the hairdresser.
42:33Don't you want me
42:34to go with El Moño?
42:35Well, I'll talk to Miguel.
42:36Yes, but fast,
42:37because you get married
42:38in three days
42:39and my hairdresser
42:40is highly requested.
42:43I'll talk to Miguel today.
42:44How exciting!
42:45How exciting!
42:52Look at her,
42:53she's ready.
42:54She brings up the subject
42:55of the godmother
42:56and shuts me up.
42:59I think the most interesting
43:00part of the design
43:01is the name, right?
43:04I'm very happy
43:05that you're the speaker
43:06for tomorrow.
43:07Thank you very much.
43:08I hope to see you there.
43:09I'll come by.
43:11I don't promise anything,
43:12but I'll try.
43:13By the way,
43:15wouldn't it be better
43:16if we used the magic
43:17of the cinematographer?
43:19I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
43:20I don't want to get in
43:21where I'm not welcome.
43:22I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
43:23Because the expert
43:24here is my niece.
43:25Good luck tomorrow, Agustin.
43:27Thank you very much,
43:28Mr. Fermin.
43:31He even sees it...
43:33His uncle says so.
43:35It's a bit suspicious.
43:37You know what?
43:38I don't know if you'll be able
43:39to transmit the magic
43:40of the cinematographer.
43:41Because I think
43:42what you're interested in
43:43is not magic,
43:44but money.
43:45Or am I wrong?
43:47No one gets into
43:48the cinema business
43:49for money,
43:50especially not in this country.
43:52Although I'm sure
43:53that in the future
43:55the art of entertaining
43:57will move a lot of money.
43:59That's how I am,
44:01an advance in my time,
44:03a precursor,
44:05a visionary,
44:07a pioneer,
44:08what you are
44:09is a great seller of yourself.
44:13But what do you do
44:14with what you send?
44:16Add to the poster
44:17the magic you have.
44:28Good afternoon, Antonia.
44:30Wait for me
44:32to move away a bit
44:33and I'll make you a seat.
44:34Thank you.
44:38How silly,
44:39I left my tweezers.
44:40I'm going home,
44:41I'll be right back.
44:42You don't have to.
44:43Take them.
44:44No, no, no.
44:46I'm going to take mine.
44:48But we can share
44:49the things, right?
44:50It's fine.
44:53I just...
44:55I prefer each one
44:56to have their own.
45:00I don't know
45:01if I can share
45:07It's fine.
45:09Thank you.
45:19I know I'm to blame
45:20for this situation
45:21in which Pietro and I
45:22find ourselves
45:24and you too.
45:28The three of us
45:29are uncomfortable like this
45:30and I just hope
45:31that this is fixed
45:32as soon as possible.
45:33I hope so too.
45:40I understand
45:41that your situation
45:42isn't easy,
45:44that you're
45:45in a legal limbo.
45:49right now,
45:51you don't exist.
45:53nothing easy.
45:55It's as if my life
45:56was standing still
45:58until I got
45:59some papers
46:00to certify
46:01that I'm alive.
46:03And what are you going to do
46:04when you get there?
46:06Are you going back to Italy?
46:10I don't know yet.
46:12I just had in mind
46:14to reunite
46:15with my family,
46:16that's all.
46:19Well, for now,
46:20I've been able to meet
46:21my husband
46:22and Pietro.
46:24And finally,
46:25I've been able to talk
46:26on the phone with Giancarlo.
46:29And how was it?
46:31And how was it?
46:35Well, Giancarlo
46:36still needs time
46:37to assimilate
46:38that I'm alive.
46:40It was a surprise for him.
46:42For everyone.
46:45Yes, for everyone.
46:47I never thought
46:49that I would meet
46:50Pietro again
46:51just about to get married,
46:52according to you.
46:56That's something
46:57I've never understood.
46:59I never thought
47:00that after so long,
47:02Pietro would still be waiting for her.
47:08it may sound ridiculous,
47:12But I've always dreamed
47:13of going back to Pietro.
47:15To go back to our life
47:16and that our love
47:17would still be intact.
47:23Is everything okay?
47:25Here, chatting
47:26among neighbors.
47:27That's how you say it
47:28in Spanish, right?
47:31that's how you say it.
47:33Thank you.
47:34Keep them
47:35if you need them.
47:37I don't like
47:38keeping what's not mine.
47:49I'm from the consulate.
47:51I have news.
47:52And what about this?
47:53They're going to start
47:54all the procedures
47:55to fix your situation.
47:56That's great news,
47:59Let's go home
48:00and I'll take care of it.
48:27Thank you.
48:29Look, I admire my boss
48:30like no one else,
48:31but what he's done
48:32is very risky.
48:33Things aren't like they used to be.
48:35I think Mrs. Teresa
48:36is a bit over the top.
48:37I've never heard you
48:38talk like that about Cañete.
48:39Because I'm worried about him.
48:41And putting your job at risk
48:42just like that,
48:45it's true that the days off
48:46have to be approved
48:47by a superior.
48:48But Mrs. Alazara
48:49hasn't given them to him
48:50because she didn't want to.
48:51She did it to annoy him.
48:52But the point this time
48:53is that Mrs. Alazara
48:54has the last word
48:55and that last word
48:56may be farewell.
48:58I'm a good dog,
48:59a good dog.
49:00I'm weirder than the good ones,
49:01Mrs. Teresa.
49:02I can smell,
49:03I can smell this,
49:04these little things.
49:08That order is already being made.
49:09Yes, of course,
49:10I'm on my way,
49:11Mrs. Alazara,
49:12if you'll excuse me.
49:16I saw in the obligation
49:17to inform Mr. Fermin
49:18about Cañete's decision
49:19to take a few days off
49:22without permission.
49:24Very good,
49:25I think it's correct.
49:26Mr. Fermin has to be aware
49:27of everything that happens
49:28in the living room.
49:29As I have also seen
49:30in the obligation
49:31to inform him
49:32that this situation
49:33has been caused
49:34by his negligence.
49:36By my negligence, he says.
49:38I warned him.
49:40I told him
49:41to inform me
49:42at the right time
49:43the days Cañete
49:44was going to take.
49:45We are not talking
49:46about any employee.
49:48We are talking about
49:49the head of waiters
49:50for the love of God.
49:51Don't have the audacity
49:52to interrupt me.
49:57Here you have
49:58a list of tasks
49:59that I want you to do.
50:03As you will see,
50:04some would correspond
50:05to Cañete,
50:06but since you have had
50:07the good fortune
50:08to give him a few days off,
50:10it will also seem good
50:11to help him with work.
50:14But if there are no hours
50:15in the day to do all this,
50:17then find them
50:18and I don't want complaints.
50:20As you can see,
50:22there is a blank space
50:24to write more tasks
50:25as I can think of.
50:29You wanted to play with me,
50:30didn't you?
50:31Very well.
50:33Well, I'm going to take you
50:34to the limit
50:35and you won't have time
50:36to breathe.
50:39If you think
50:40that's how you're going
50:41to get rid of me,
50:42you're less clever
50:43than I thought.
50:44And now, if you'll excuse me,
50:46I have a lot of things to do.
50:47And let him say it.
50:53Table 7 is waiting.
51:05Thank you for coming
51:06to pick me up.
51:08How could I miss
51:09a walk back home
51:10with my wife?
51:13I didn't want to ask you
51:14during the walk,
51:15but how was
51:17the session with the doctor?
51:19I don't know.
51:20I really told him
51:21the same thing
51:22I told him the first day,
51:23but I have the feeling
51:25that he didn't believe
51:26anything I told him today.
51:28Well, that could be
51:29your interpretation.
51:31I don't know.
51:33I don't like that man very much.
51:36Let's give him a chance.
51:38He's a professional
51:39of solvency
51:40and a recognized doctor.
51:42Maybe that's his method,
51:44but I can assure you
51:45that it gives very good results.
51:50I'll be more collaborative
51:51next time.
51:52Today I felt a little crazy.
51:55I'm going to propose a plan.
51:57What do you think
51:58if you rest
51:59and I prepare dinner?
52:02And then we sit here
52:03on this sofa
52:04and listen to music.
52:07And we hug.
52:09We hug a lot.
52:12And whatever God wants.
52:13Give me.
52:16I'm going to get more comfortable.
52:19Give me.
52:31What's going on?
52:34It was her.
52:36What do you mean?
52:38You know who I mean.
52:41My love,
52:42the bird could have flown
52:43and hit herself.
52:44But don't you see?
52:46it was on top of my robe.
52:47It's here.
52:48Someone has put it.
52:49Someone has put it.
52:50No, we're not here alone.
52:51No one has come in here.
52:54Tell me someone is playing with me.
52:56Please tell me I'm not crazy.
52:58Calm down.
52:59Calm down.
53:05What have you done, Carla?
53:07Don't tell me you're out again.
53:09Wait, are you telling me
53:10that my wife
53:11did it with a dead bird?
53:13She put it in my bed
53:14to make me believe
53:15that she found it there.
53:17That's right.
53:18I'd like to value her
53:20after what she told me.
53:21I live with Lucia
53:22because she doesn't know where to go.
53:25She has no place
53:26and I can't leave her.
53:27Of course.
53:28Otherwise, she wouldn't be a good Christian.
53:29She's not a good Christian either.
53:30She has two wives.
53:31I didn't know you had an appointment.
53:33No, I didn't have an appointment.
53:34In fact,
53:35my husband fixed it for me
53:36at the last minute.
53:38What do you want?
53:39To thank you
53:40for throwing me a cable yesterday.
53:42if you don't mind.
53:43What I would appreciate
53:44is that you don't have me
53:45waiting like a dog
53:46ever again.
53:47My family is watching me all the time.
53:49They watch everything I do.
53:51They turn their attention
53:52to everything I say.
53:53All the time,
53:54looking for signs
53:55that I'm crazy.
53:56Well, Mrs. Lazara
53:57was giving me
53:58a care package.
53:59But I hope
54:00to have it
54:01against the ropes
54:02sooner or later.
54:03What's that?
54:04What happened?
54:05Well, you see,
54:06I went to the Almacenes Madrid-Paris
54:08and I talked to one of the dependents
54:09who worked with her.
54:10What's going on with Elias now?
54:12Well, he's going to make us
54:13lose the whole thing, Miguel.
54:15But, let's see,
54:16can we know what happened?
54:18What does he want to publish
54:19in the newspaper?
54:20All I want to know
54:21is if I'm going to be a godmother.
54:24and why are you in such a hurry?
54:25Why are we going?
54:27You have to see
54:28how fast.
54:29You already know how much
54:30I play with this
54:31and that I, for a friend,
54:33But it's just that
54:34from the first moment
54:35we said we were going to do this
54:37I'm sorry,
54:39this ends here.
54:40The conference
54:41hasn't interested you much, has it?
54:44I found it very interesting
54:45and very pleasant.
54:46For someone
54:47who doesn't know much
54:48about cinematography,
54:49I think it's been
54:50a very good experience.
54:51It's hard to impress her, isn't it?
54:52Don Inigo.
54:56You have to call
54:57Dr. Mendoza's
55:00Excuse me?
55:01He just called
55:03asking about Matilde.
55:04From what I can see,
55:05he had an appointment with him
55:06and he hasn't shown up.
55:07I'll call Luchín
55:08and see what you think, Antonia.
55:09I don't think anything, Pietro.
55:11I say what it is.
55:13When we get
55:14Luchín back to Italy,
55:16if you want it,
55:17everything can be
55:18as it was before.
55:20Dr. Mendoza's consultation,
55:23Yes, yes, yes.
55:24That's right.
55:25Thank you.
55:26I'll wait.