En esta lista veremos los momentos en los programas del universo Chespirito en los que se tocaron temas serios.
00:00When an ad came out in a TV advertising agency, where they required a TV producer apprentice and a writer apprentice of the same.
00:10So I was very attracted to the producer, I went to the agency, but the queue was like 200 people, and the other writer was like 15.
00:19So I graduated in that and that's why I'm a writer, because the queue was smaller.
00:23Hello and welcome to Spanish Watchmojo, I am Fernando, and in this list we will see the moments in the programs of the Chespirito universe in which serious topics were touched.
00:38The common thing is that those who go to school are the boys and girls.
00:42But the truth is that education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of age, place of origin or whether you are Don Ramón.
00:51This is how one day, the father of the chilindrina ends up sitting next to him to take a class, despite the mockery of some of his classmates.
01:01What for you is a reason for mockery, should be a reason for admiration.
01:06The fact that a man like Don Ramón comes to study at an age at which many have retired.
01:12Motion of order, I am not an old man, professor.
01:16No way!
01:19And although initially his motivation was to escape from Doña Florinda, Don Ramón spends a whole day at school.
01:26He realizes how difficult the work of Professor Jirafales is and both leave us a very important lesson.
01:34And you put up with this every day of the year?
01:38And also the breaks, Don Ramón.
01:41But then why do you continue this?
01:45Because despite everything, Don Ramón, I have faith in the children.
01:49And if we want to build a better world, here are the foundations, look.
01:53Number 9. The importance of cinema.
01:56An old worker from an old audiovisual studio is very sad because the place is going to be transformed into a tower of apartments.
02:05Oh, and now who will be able to comfort me?
02:13Chapulín Colorado!
02:16I'm going to tell you all a story, follow me!
02:19Along with Chapulín Colorado, they decide to say goodbye to the place, remembering all the movies that were recorded there.
02:26They make a tour of the universe of Chaplin, Frankenstein, El Gordo y el Flaco, La Pantera Rosa, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza and more.
02:35And when they reach the end of their journey after many episodes, they recognize the importance of the seventh art in the face of the imminent destruction by the supposed idea of progress.
02:46But they can throw the walls and the panels and the lamps and they can destroy everything.
02:53But what they will never be able to destroy, Chapulín, was what those people did to entertain us.
02:59The cinema will continue to live, that is, the function must continue.
03:06Number 8. Revenge is never good.
03:09The day the neighbor's doorman's hen lays an egg, the guy asks for permission to eat it.
03:16To the hen, not to the doorman.
03:18But inadvertently, Kiko almost sits on top.
03:22No, Kiko!
03:24What happened? What did I do?
03:31And he thinks he's the one who laid the egg.
03:34My son.
03:37When he calls his mother scared, she believes, as always, that the culprit of all the confusion is Don Ramón.
03:44And the classic scene of ...
03:47What is this?
03:49Come on, Kiko, don't mess with this girl.
03:52Only Kiko forgets that he has the egg in his hand and bursts it.
03:57The guy gets furious and asks Don Ramón for his hammer to hit Kiko and says one of the most iconic and remembered phrases.
04:07Revenge is never good. It kills the soul and poisons it.
04:12The guy realizes that despite receiving unfairly the blows of Doña Florinda, Don Ramón is not a vengeful person either.
04:21Number 7. The danger of making bets.
04:25The Quagináis and El Tripaseca challenge Dr. Chapatin to play poker because they believe he will be an easy victim.
04:32But nothing goes as expected.
04:35They gave me all the same again.
04:37Yes, in size.
04:39And in number.
04:42I'm liking this game. Does that mean I won again?
04:49So the crooks threaten him and the doctor goes to whoever can best help him.
04:54Oh, and now who could defend me?
05:02After the steep entrance of the Chapulin, the doctor takes advantage of the fact that he is hanging the cunico to escape with the money he won betting.
05:11So the crooks force the Chapulin to play billiards in his place, but the bet is big.
05:18I have already told you a thousand times that I never bet money.
05:22But we are not going to bet money.
05:24So what are we going to bet?
05:26We are going to bet life.
05:28When he realizes that he is losing, he refuses to be defeated and has to fight for his life.
05:34That bet is almost expensive.
05:37Number 6. Accept the past.
05:40When Sgt. Refugio finally declares to Marujita, she does not know what to answer.
05:46But then what Marujita?
05:49She has not answered me.
05:51Does she accept or not accept to marry me?
05:54Do you prefer to consult it with the pillow?
05:58And it is because she believes that he is a very good man and that she is not, because she has a very complicated life story.
06:05In an attempt to leave the past behind, she tells the chimoltrufia to help her disappear the letters of her former suitors, and she takes care of them.
06:16I need you to take these letters and throw them in the trash or burn them, whatever you want.
06:22But after a terrible confusion, Marujita believes that Refugio has read her letters, that he knows too much about her past and that he does not deserve it.
06:31And in order not to hurt him, a sad excuse is invented.
06:36I'm going to marry another man.
06:40How do you say?
06:42Yes, I had not told you.
06:46And my boyfriend is very rich, he has many commercial companies, all of them very important, of course.
06:52And he has a yacht in Acapulco and another yacht in Cancun and another yacht in Monterrey.
06:58Monterrey does not give the sea, Marujita.
07:01Number 5. What money does.
07:04A man is behind a girl, but she is not interested.
07:08Well, I'll tell you for the fifth time, I do not want to marry you, and it's the last time I tell you.
07:15And his father does not agree either, until he finds out that the man has a lot, but a lot of money.
07:22Does my daughter not care that I have 10 or 15 million pesos?
07:25No, I have 20, 20 million pesos.
07:30Why hadn't I come before?
07:32And he decides to fix his wedding.
07:34But the girl finds out and does not want to.
07:37Oh, and now who can defend me?
07:43Then the Colorado Chapulín goes to his rescue to stop that injustice and uses one of his best weapons, the paralyzing chicharra.
07:53Finally, the father learns the lesson.
07:56And I swear that I will never ask you to marry someone you do not want, even if he has a lot of money.
08:01Number 4. Be a real man.
08:04Finally, Doña Florinda has trusted Don Ramón and this time allows him to sell his churros.
08:11And although he does not like the uniform, he gets to work.
08:14But when he receives a call from nature, he leaves the boy in charge.
08:19And of course the boy can not stand the temptation and ends up eating all the churros.
08:26Boy, boy, do not tell me that you ate all the churros.
08:34When Doña Florinda is going to collect the money earned, instead of accusing the boy,
08:39Don Ramón has compassion for him because he knows that he is always hungry.
08:44He says that he was the one who ate the churros and is waiting for the feared answer of Doña Florinda.
08:51And I?
08:55I dare you to associate me.
09:00Who is going to hit me?
09:01But she tells him that the boy had confessed everything and congratulates him for accepting the responsibility instead of accusing him.
09:09It gives pleasure to have a man as a neighbor.
09:16Number 3. The importance of giving.
09:19It is Christmas and finally peace reigns in the neighborhood.
09:23Everyone gathers for dinner and even Doña Florinda tries to get along with Don Ramón and is without ruleros.
09:30Mr. Belly brings gifts for everyone and the boy gets a toy truck but he does not seem to be very happy.
09:38What do you think it is?
09:40Well, a truck.
09:42And what, don't you like it?
09:44Well, of course, boy.
09:46Well, it does not seem, boy.
09:48He runs out suddenly and when he returns he feels very happy.
09:53A very noble act that made everyone excited.
09:57Did you give your truck to the son of the poor woman?
10:01Well, of course, don't you see that he is a poor boy?
10:04Number 2. A very generous act.
10:07When Mr. Belly reaches the limit of his patience for the 15 months of rent that Don Ramón owes him, he decides to evict him.
10:15It's okay, Mr. Belly. Today I pack and in the afternoon I'm leaving the neighborhood.
10:20Very well.
10:21While he keeps his things, Don Ramón finds a photo album.
10:26Yes, my daughter, I was looking at the photo album and there are so many memories of the neighborhood.
10:35Mr. Belly also starts reviewing the album and finds something very peculiar.
10:41It's him.
10:44Well, what's up?
10:47Don Ramón.
10:50Don Ramón.
10:52It can be said that I owe him my life.
10:54It is a photograph of Don Ramón when he was a boxer.
10:57And he says that many years ago he owed a thousand pesos and had nowhere to get them.
11:03So he got them by betting on a fight where Don Ramón participated.
11:08Only betting on the other.
11:10Don Ramón, stay here at home. You don't owe me a single cent.
11:15Professor Jirafales listens to the whole conversation and decides to address it.
11:20Excuse me, but I couldn't help but listen to what he said in there.
11:23And as I remember, you told me that you had never attended a boxing event in your life.
11:28Indeed, I have never gone to any function.
11:31Professor, if that agent leaves here, where is he going to live?
11:37A very belly act, Mr. Generous.
11:41Do not panic, we are already reaching the end.
11:44Just make sure to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
11:51Now yes, let's go to the end.
11:55Number 1. Have a clean conscience.
11:58Several objects begin to disappear in the neighborhood.
12:02Nobody knows what is happening until Kiko finds one of them inside El Chavo's barrel.
12:09Then everyone assumes that El Chavo was the one who was stealing,
12:13and one of the most terrible and memorable scenes on television begins.
12:19What's wrong with you?
12:32El Chavo decides to leave the neighborhood.
12:40El Chavo leaves the neighborhood.
12:44He tells Kiko that he went to confess to a father,
12:47because despite not having stolen anything, everyone made him feel like a rapist.
12:52But the little father told me that the most important thing was to have a clean conscience,
12:57and I have a clean conscience.
13:00And who had really stolen everything, Mr. Hurtado, listens to El Chavo talk,
13:06regrets and decides to return everything stolen.
13:09My iron is back!
13:11And mine!
13:14And my shotgun!
13:16And my panties!
13:19And you, do you agree with our choices?
13:21Do you remember other chapters where Chespirito has touched on such serious topics?
13:26Tell us in the comments and don't forget to watch these other original videos of Watch Mojo Español.
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