Space Angel - Ghost and Crystal Mace pt 3

  • 3 months ago


00:005, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1.
00:31Last time, while Scott and Taurus went to explore the mysterious planet from which radio signals had been disrupting space communications,
00:40Chris was visited by a mischievous ghost who pressed the wrong button, causing the Starduster to blast off and to perform a hair-raising series of acrobatic maneuvers.
00:51Stop! Stop!
00:53Okay! Stop!
00:58Not like that!
01:10I like it! Let's go faster!
01:21Stop! Stop!
01:32The green button! Quick!
01:34I can't reach it!
01:44Now what's she doing?
01:46She must have gone plum loco!
01:48But she's flown the Starduster before! I don't understand!
01:54Here she comes!
02:18I like it! Let's do it again!
02:37Oh, no you don't!
02:39Skipper, Crystal has got to be in some kind of trouble!
02:48I wish there was some way we could help!
02:50There they are! You! What did you do with Humphrey?
02:54Humphrey? Who's Humphrey?
02:57You know perfectly well who Humphrey is! You stole him in that floating stovepipe of yours!
03:05What on earth?
03:10Before you accuse us of something we didn't do, would you mind telling us who you are?
03:14I'm the boss around here!
03:16How do you do? I'm Scott McCloud.
03:19What did you do with Humphrey?
03:21We want Humphrey! We want Humphrey!
03:25We want Humphrey! We want Humphrey!
03:33All right!
03:35So your name is Humphrey. Mine is Crystal.
03:39Shouldn't you be home in bed?
03:41Ah! You've got television!
03:48This is the chief. Who wants me?
03:50Oh, no!
03:52I said who wants me? Who's calling?
03:54Me! Humphrey!
03:56I'm terribly sorry, sir, but...
03:58Humphrey who? What is this? Some kind of a gag?
04:01You're not very funny! I don't like this show!
04:05I think I need glasses.
04:10Central Control!
04:11Yes, chief?
04:12What's the word from Scott? What in heaven's name is going on out there?
04:16But, sir, you just talked to the Starduster.
04:19I did no such thing. I got some kind of a jumbled voice. Made no sense at all.
04:24Chief, that signal came from the Starduster.
04:26We've been trying to reestablish contact, but all we get are those same eerie signals that Scott went out there to explore in the first place.
04:34Now, Humphrey, be a good little ghost, or whatever you are, and let me take over.
04:43Crystal will have to land the Starduster by herself and return Humphrey to his people in time to save Scott and Taurus.
04:49Can she do it?
04:51Don't miss the next exciting episode with Space Angel!
05:12Thanks for watching!
