الشيخ حجاج الهنداوى العصريه تاريخيه عزاء الحاجه إكرام عبدالفتاح زيد شبرا زنجى منوفية 1_8 _ 2017

  • 2 months ago
00:00The Qur'an is in front of you, so listen to it and be silent, so that you may be welcomed.
00:07Ayat from the Book of Allah
00:11Recited by the Qari of the Arab Republic of Egypt
00:16and the Qari of the Egyptian media and the Arab television and the Islamic world as a whole
00:23Your Excellency, the Sheikh of Ramadan Al-Hindawi
00:28The Qari is the one who lives in Cairo.
00:32We pray for him with Tawfiq and for us and for you with a good listening.
00:38So let the grateful one proceed.
00:49I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:58In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
01:13The Qur'an is in front of you, so listen to it and be silent, so that you may be welcomed.
01:25Say, Indeed, the command is for Allah.
01:43Say, Indeed, the command is for Allah.
01:55They conceal within themselves that which they do not reveal to you.
02:11They say, If we had any command, we would not have been judged here.
02:38Say, If you were in your homes, those who were sentenced to death would have gone forth.
03:06Say, Indeed, the command is for Allah.
03:36Say, Indeed, the command is for Allah.
04:06And Allah is Knowing of that which is in the breasts.
04:22Indeed, those of you who turned away on the Day when the two groups met
04:46Say, Indeed, Satan has taken away from him some of that which they have earned.
05:00Say, Indeed, Satan has taken away from him some of that which they have earned.
05:28Indeed, Allah has pardoned him.
05:43Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
05:58In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
06:24Say, Indeed, He has destroyed everything for the sake of Allah.
06:40Say, Indeed, the Lord has made everything for the sake of Allah.
07:00Say, Indeed, the Lord has made everything for the sake of Allah.
07:30Say, If we had any command, we would not have been judged here.
08:01Say, If you were in your homes, those who were sentenced to death would have gone forth to their homes
08:23And Allah would have tested that which is in your breasts, and would have tested that which is in your hearts.
08:54And Allah is Knowing of that which is in the breasts.
09:06Those of you who turn away on the Day when the two groups meet
09:28Say, Indeed, Satan has taken away from them some of that which they have earned.
09:43Indeed, Allah has pardoned them.
09:58Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
10:18O you who believe!
10:39Do not be like those who disbelieved and said, I am not worthy of worship.
11:10And they will fall to their deaths when they are thrown into the earth, or they will be humiliated.
11:31If they had been like us, they would not have died, nor would they have been forgiven.
12:01If they had been like us, they would not have died, nor would they have been forgiven.
12:18So that Allah may make that a regret in their hearts.
12:33And Allah gives life and causes death.
12:53And Allah gives life and causes death.
13:12And Allah gives life and causes death.
13:35And Allah is Seeing of what you do.
13:48And if you are killed in the way of Allah or of them,
14:08you will be forgiven from Allah, and mercy is better than what you deserve.
14:38And if you are killed in the way of Allah or of them,
14:58you will be forgiven from Allah, and mercy is better than what you deserve.
15:28And if you are killed in the way of Allah or of them, you will be forgiven from Allah, and mercy is better than what you deserve.
15:58And if you are killed in the way of Allah or of them, you will be forgiven from Allah, and mercy is better than what you deserve.
16:24And if you are killed in the way of Allah or of them, you will be forgiven from Allah, and mercy is better than what you deserve.
16:54So by the mercy of Allah, you will die for them.
17:08And if you are a strong heart, you will not depart from Allah.
17:38So by the mercy of Allah, you will die for them.
17:53And if you are a strong heart, you will not depart from Allah.
18:23So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them, and make amends for them.
18:42And if you are a strong heart, you will not depart from Allah.
19:04So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them, and make amends for them.
19:15And if you are determined, then trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah gives you strength.
19:35Indeed, Allah gives you strength.
20:05And if Allah should punish you, no one can overcome you.
20:19And if He should punish you, then who is it that could help you after Him?
20:33And upon Allah is the separation, and you are among the believers.
20:49So by the mercy of Allah, you will die for them.
21:02And if you are a strong heart, you will not depart from Allah.
21:32So by the mercy of Allah, you will die for them.
21:48And if you are a strong heart, you will not depart from Allah.
22:18So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them, and make amends for them.
22:48And if you are determined, then trust in Allah.
23:18So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them, and make amends for them.
23:34And if you are determined, then trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who trust.
23:53And if you are determined, then trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who trust.
24:23So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them, and make amends for them.
24:45And if you are determined, then trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who trust.
25:15So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them, and make amends for them.
25:35And if you are determined, then trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who trust.
25:55And if you are determined, then trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who trust.
26:25And if you are determined, then trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who trust.
26:55And upon Allah let them put their trust.
27:25And never will there be for the believers any doubt.
27:43And whoever wills to repent for what he has done on the Day of Resurrection, then he will be forgiven, and every soul will have what it earned.
28:08And Allah is the Greatest.
28:38Allah is the Greatest.
29:08They are a degree with Allah, and Allah is Seeing of what they do.
29:37Indeed, Allah bestowed favor upon the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from among themselves,
29:57that he may reveal to them His verses and purify them and teach them the Book and wisdom.
30:18and purify them and teach them the Book and wisdom.
30:34And if they had been before, they would have been in clear error.
30:50Indeed, Allah bestowed favor upon the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from among themselves,
31:17that he may reveal to them His verses and purify them and teach them the Book and wisdom.
31:47and teach them the Book and wisdom.
31:57And if they had been before, they would have been in clear error.
32:15Allah is the Greatest.
32:45Allah is the Greatest.
33:15Allah is the Greatest.
