'An emotional evening at the White House' as Biden makes somber speech

  • 3 months ago

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00:00U.S. President Joe Biden addressed the nation days after he made the historic decision to
00:05pull out of the race.
00:06The 81-year-old defended his record and said it merited a second term in office.
00:12He once again reiterated his endorsement for Vice President Kamala Harris.
00:16Biden called her experience tough and capable.
00:20I've made it clear that I believe America is at an inflection point.
00:27All those rare moments in history, when the decisions we make now determine our fate of
00:32our nation and the world for decades to come.
00:36The great thing about America is here, kings and dictators do not rule, the people do.
00:44History is in your hands.
00:47Now for more on Biden's speech, here's Fraser Jackson reporting from Washington.
00:52It was certainly an emotional evening in the White House as well.
00:55A lot of the staff that worked there and that I work with every day went to a watch
00:59party in the Rose Garden and after he gave that speech, he walked out and addressed them
01:04and you could hear this really loud cheer that went up.
01:06I was told by several people who were in that meeting that it was a very joyous atmosphere,
01:12a really, really good energy in there and there was a loud chant of POTUS, POTUS, POTUS
01:17that went up as well.
01:19But obviously that came after the speech which was somewhat somber but also poignant and
01:24cheerful as well.
01:25It was basically a chance for Joe Biden to defend his record of his presidency thus far
01:30but also describe his vision for the future, the next six months, the final six months
01:35of his presidency and also to begin to lay out his legacy as it were.
01:41He said it was the privilege of his life to serve the United States.
01:43He said he's given his heart and his soul to the nation like many who've come before
01:48He also evoked the history of the Oval Office itself, saying that he was surrounded by portraits
01:54of former presidents like George Washington, FDR and Abe Lincoln as well.
01:59He then said what I thought was the most poignant line in the speech was, I revere this office
02:04but I love this country more.
02:06Joe Biden trying to draw that line, that differentiation between a president who understands when their
02:12time in office is over and it's best to pass the baton on to somebody else and trying to
02:17draw that line and that comparison to the previous occupant of the White House who tried
02:21to cling on to that office through various legal challenges.
02:25So that was something that was quite interspersed throughout the speech, I thought.
02:29He said about his, about Donald Trump, the defense of democracy is more important than
02:35any title.
02:36I draw strength and find joy in working for the American people.
02:40Nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy, including personal ambition.
02:44Note, he never actually mentioned Trump by name but he did go on to say that he thought
02:49Kamala Harris was the best person for the job.
02:51He said that Kamala was experienced, tough and capable.
02:55And then there was another slight bar about Donald Trump thrown in towards the very end
02:58of that speech where he said the great thing about America is here kings and dictators
03:03do not rule, the people do.
03:05He said the idea of America lies in your hands.
03:09So it was a real kind of idea of a signing off of this great statesman.
03:12That was the kind of the vision that his team wanted to portray with this fourth and arguably
03:18final Oval Office address from Joe Biden.
