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00:00Hello everyone, today I am doing L-U-S-E, I pronounce it lush, lush or lushful, I can't
00:11even, I can't even pronounce that word. I have a pronunciation problem everyone, my
00:15name is Paul Branson and I do all sorts of things. I go to farmers markets, I go to festivals
00:21and tours and a whole bunch more. I try to do that more during the summer and during
00:26the winter I do a lot of movie reviews and food reviews and even during the summer I
00:30do all sorts of things as well. So I got lots up on my channel, check it out and every now
00:36and then I won't be able to say a simple word like lush if that's how you pronounce it.
00:43I'm not sure, I guess my pronunciations of words are kind of goofy sometimes. Sometimes
00:49I make up words, well I don't make up words, I say the word and it doesn't exist. But today
00:54I'm doing this, dark cocoa cream cookie. And there's four in here and I got this from
01:00Dollar Tree, never heard of the company before, never heard of it at all. And I said okay
01:07I gotta try this, share it. At the back there it says share it. So now I'm just going to
01:13read about it because I really know nothing about this. So the calories are 180, the fat
01:19is 12%, the trans fat is 18, the fiber is only 3. I like to have my fiber a little bit
01:29higher than 3 if you know what I mean. Sugar is 11%, protein is 2 grams, cholesterol nothing,
01:38sodium 20 mg's, potassium 1%, calcium 0 and iron. And there seems to be a fair amount
01:46of ingredients in here. Wheat flour, so it's not gluten free. A lot of words, vegetable,
01:53palm oil, sugar, corn starch, cocoa powder, cocoa cream filling, some words I just can't
01:58pronounce and they always say that's a bad thing, sunflower, cocoa powder, hazelnut.
02:03So obviously not a lot of hazelnut. They advertise it, oh no they don't. Okay that was something
02:11else I was thinking about. But there's hazelnut in here. So let's give this a go, shall we?
02:17Oh they're bigger than I thought. I didn't actually expect them to be big. Oh maybe not.
02:22We'll open this up. But I like the packaging. I kind of thought they would be round. I didn't
02:30actually think they would be like, oh there's two in here. Wait, they seem hard too if I
02:35can actually open this thing. Well that's weird. So they are. They're little round ones
02:41and there's like four in here. They smell like, they smell like dark chocolate. I don't
02:49As you can see though, the cream doesn't ooze out. There's not really a lot of cream in
02:54there. Let's see. It crumbles too. It crumbles like chocolate. I'm not sure if I can even
03:24it crumbles when you try to do this like
03:28I like I like some bars that I've
03:30reviewed where I open it up and the
03:32cream just comes falling down
03:54you know with tea or coffee these would
03:59actually be not bad like they're okay
04:01but they really do crumble
04:11yeah you know what they're nothing
04:15um they were cheap I got them a Dollar
04:20Tree. Dollar Tree seems to have a lot of
04:23cheap snacks and well I like going in
04:27there and Dollarama I don't really know
04:30what what type of company this is or
04:32where it's from say in the back here
04:35yeah it's Canadian imported into Canada
04:38oh it's important so made in Turkey if
04:42I'm saying that right I don't know if
04:45I'm pronouncing that word right everyone
04:47so it's made somewhere it's Hala oh it's
04:50Hala I didn't notice that Hala if I'm
04:54saying that right I don't know I they're
04:58okay like I would actually eat them
05:00again they're nice and they would be
05:02really good with coffee
05:07I just don't like all the all the mess
05:11it comes with
05:22and it says it also has me may contain
05:24traces of milk and peanuts so it's
05:27obviously if you have any sort of peanut
05:30allergy or milk allergy or even gluten
05:33allergy obviously you wouldn't be able
05:34to have this but they're okay like I I
05:37give it a 6 out of 10 maybe a 6.5 out of
05:4110 around there I think it would be much
05:45more nicer with tea or coffee but I do
05:47like them I don't hate them by any means
05:49and I was so stupid I didn't even
05:52recognize this there's four in a little
05:54package like that so that's that's not a
05:56bad deal $1.50 or it might have been
05:58$2 but I like them I I don't hate them
06:01um next time I have them because I have
06:04some more I'll definitely finish them
06:06or I'll give some out to some other
06:07people and see what they think but bye
06:10for now everyone yeah my name is Paul
06:12Branson and I review many things check
06:14me out gorgeous day out today anyway
06:18here it's been really hot here really
06:22hot I don't even know why I'm telling
06:23you that like desert hot I'm not used to
06:25it I prefer the fall weather spring
06:28weather or winter weather way more than
06:31heat but this morning is actually quite
06:33nice alright enjoy your day everyone
06:36have an incredible one check out my
06:37other reviews I have horror reviews and
06:40all sorts of more bye for now and thank
06:42you for watching
