• last year


00:00On your mark, get set, go!
00:08These two teams are in fierce competition to see who can bounce one ping-pong ball into
00:11the basket.
00:12The first team to get their ball to stay inside the basket will win $20 and control of the
00:16craziest game show on TV, Double Dare!
00:26And here's your Double Dare host, Mark Summers.
00:29Thank you very much, Harvey.
00:30Thank you, and welcome to Double Dare, the game where getting the most dollars gets
00:34you a run through the Double Dare obstacle course and a chance at winning eight great
00:39And before we get going, let's say hello to our teams.
00:41First off, the Hamsters.
00:43Let's hear it for them.
00:44Right over here, Melissa and Heather.
00:45Welcome to the show.
00:46Nice that you have a big crowd out there who's cheering for you.
00:52Melissa, now you are a soccer player, correct?
00:56And how's your team doing this year?
00:57Well, we lost every game.
00:59But things will get better, I promise.
01:01What position do you play?
01:02Well, sometimes I play center and sometimes I play right wing.
01:06Which do you prefer?
01:07Right wing.
01:08Very good.
01:09Now, Heather is your twin sister, correct?
01:11Oh, okay.
01:12Sorry to wake you there.
01:13I didn't mean to do that, Melissa.
01:14Now, Heather, who's older?
01:15I am.
01:16By how many seconds or minutes?
01:18And do you boss her around?
01:19Not all the time.
01:20Not all the time.
01:21Well, I wish you a lot of good luck.
01:24Trying to stop your winning ways today, however, are the Destroyers.
01:27Let's hear it for the Destroyers right over here.
01:34All right, Billy.
01:35You are a collector of small cars, correct?
01:38How many do you have?
01:40And how many of you, how long have you been collecting those cars?
01:42Since I was about three.
01:44My goodness, you've been a fan for a long time.
01:46Now, Ronnie is your teammate here on the Destroyers.
01:48And what kind of collection do you have?
01:50I collect baseball cards.
01:52How many do you have?
01:53A lot.
01:54A lot of them.
01:55Well, that sounds good.
01:56All right.
01:57You ready to win some money?
01:59How about you ladies over here?
02:01All right.
02:02Well, let's get going, all right?
02:03Now, you know on Double Dare, it's the only game where daring for dollars can double your bucks.
02:07And here's how it works, okay?
02:08I'm going to ask you a question.
02:10And if you don't know the answer or you think the other team is stumped, you can dare them to answer it for double the money.
02:17But you have to be very careful because they can always double dare you back for four times the dollars.
02:23And then you have to answer or take the physical challenge, all right?
02:27Now, $20 starts off over here because you were the first to get the ball into the basket.
02:31You also have control of the game.
02:33We're going to start off with our first question.
02:34Good luck.
02:35Here we go, hamsters.
02:36What fast food chain is associated with the Golden Arches?
02:42Of course.
02:43McDonald's for $10.
02:44That brings you up to $30.
02:45Very nice.
02:50Here's your next question.
02:51You're still in control.
02:52What is the only state in the U.S. named after a president?
02:57You got 10 seconds or you can dare them.
03:00I'll dare them.
03:01You're going to dare them?
03:02Now worth $20, what is the only state in the U.S. named after a president?
03:07Washington is correct for $20.
03:13All right, gentlemen, you now have control of the game.
03:15$10 separates first and second place.
03:17Here's your question.
03:18What Star Wars movie is Jabba the Hutt in?
03:21Return of the Jedi.
03:23Is correct for another $10.
03:28Next question, aardvark.
03:30Aardvark translates literally as A, long nose, B, gum tongue, or C, earth pig.
03:39You've got 10 seconds or you can dare them.
03:43Long nose.
03:44Long nose is incorrect.
03:46No money changes place.
03:47However, you get control over here.
03:49The answer is earth pig.
03:50Aardvark translates as earth pig.
03:52Sounds pleasant, doesn't it?
03:53All right, ladies, you have control.
03:55What is the name of Inspector Gadget's niece?
03:59Penny is correct for another $10.
04:05Okay, nearly half the bones in your body are located in this one place.
04:11Where is it?
04:1310 seconds or you can dare the Destroyers.
04:18Half the bones in your body are located in this one place.
04:23All righty.
04:25Lose control, that means we have to tell you that the answer is your feet.
04:29That's what we were looking for, your feet.
04:31You get control over here.
04:32Gentlemen, here's the next question.
04:34In the Winnie the Pooh stories, what's the tiger's name?
04:39Tigger is correct for $10.
04:40You get control over here for $40.
04:44A little high-five action going on over here.
04:46$40 here for the Destroyers, $40 over here for the Hamsters.
04:49Tie game, still have control.
04:50Here we go.
04:51How do killer whales usually travel?
04:53Is it A, together in groups called pods, B, on discount fares from travel agents, sure,
04:59or C, on the backs of small fish?
05:03Or you can dare them.
05:05A, together in groups called pods.
05:07That's correct for $50.
05:08Very nice.
05:12Here's your next question.
05:13Which president is on the $5 bill?
05:18Ten seconds, gentlemen.
05:21You can dare them.
05:24Okay, you're going to dare them.
05:25You've got five seconds, ladies.
05:26Which president is on the $5 bill?
05:29Lincoln is correct.
05:33Very close game.
05:35$5 is worth $20, and now you have $60, $50 over here.
05:38Here's your next question, Hamsters.
05:40What cartoon character says, I taught I taught a putty tat?
05:45Tweety, together.
05:46Very nice.
05:50A macadamia is what type of food?
05:53A nut.
05:54It's a nut.
05:55Are you calling me a nut?
05:56No, it's a nut.
05:57All right, $80, okay.
06:01How many Earth years equal one year on Jupiter?
06:04How many Earth years equal one year on Jupiter?
06:06Is it one, 12, or 24?
06:09Or you can dare them.
06:13I'll dare them.
06:14Okay, beware of the dare now.
06:15For $20, how many Earth years equal one year on Jupiter?
06:19One, 12, or 24?
06:20Or you can double dare them back.
06:2212 is correct.
06:23Very good.
06:28You're a bright young man.
06:29Very nice.
06:30Okay, next question.
06:31You're still in control.
06:32In what movie did Bill Murray get slimed?
06:36Is correct.
06:41$80 apiece according to our score here.
06:43You're still in control.
06:44And here's your next question.
06:46If you attend school from kindergarten through high school,
06:50how many school years would that be,
06:51assuming you didn't go back or skip any?
06:53If you attend school from kindergarten through high school,
06:56how many school years would that be?
06:5813 is correct.
06:59For another $10.
07:03No double dares yet.
07:04This is terrific.
07:05In the video game Donkey Kong,
07:07what's the name of the man who was trying to rescue the girl?
07:12Mario is correct.
07:15Still a tight game.
07:16A kangaroo's baby is called a pain in the neck,
07:20a joey, or a mini-roo?
07:23A joey.
07:24A joey is correct.
07:25Another $10.
07:29What's the third planet from the sun?
07:33Earth is correct.
07:34Another $10.
07:37$120, $80, $40 separates first and second place.
07:41Here is your next question.
07:43In the movies, what is Rocky's last name?
07:48Oh, Adrian, yeah.
07:49Rocky Balboa.
07:53Next question, gentlemen.
07:54How many points on a snowflake?
07:58Six is correct.
07:59Another $10.
08:02All right, $140, $80 over here.
08:04Just $60 separates first and second.
08:06Here is your next question.
08:08The first commercial chewing gum made in 1848
08:12had the flavor of molasses, maple sugar, or pine sap?
08:18You can dare them if you'd like.
08:21You're gonna dare them.
08:22All right, ladies, for $20,
08:23the first commercial chewing gum made in 1848
08:27had the flavor of molasses, maple sugar, or pine sap?
08:32You can double-dare them back.
08:35Maple sugar.
08:36You're gonna say maple sugar.
08:38It's pine sap.
08:39That means the $20 goes over here,
08:41brings you up to $160, according to our board.
08:47Gives you control again.
08:48Destroyers, here's your next question.
08:50How old was Louis XIV when he was crowned king of France?
08:55You can dare them.
08:56How old was Louis XIV when he was crowned the king of France?
08:59We dare him.
09:00You're gonna dare him.
09:01Okay, five seconds.
09:02You can double-dare them back.
09:03How old was Louis XIV when he crowned the king of France?
09:06We'll double-dare him.
09:07Double-dare him.
09:08Okay, now worth $40,
09:09or you can take the physical challenge.
09:10Physical challenge.
09:11Gonna take the physical challenge.
09:14Answer is, how old was Louis XIV
09:16when he was crowned king of France?
09:18He was five years old.
09:19And, gentlemen, I think we should move down
09:21in this direction, all right?
09:22Now, why don't you join me over here?
09:24Stand right over here.
09:26Just on this side, if you would.
09:27There you go.
09:28Now, this one is called the symbol catch.
09:30Now, which one of you likes to play symbols?
09:31Any one of you?
09:33You're gonna give it a shot, all right.
09:34I'm gonna ask Robin to hand those symbols to you.
09:36Very simple job,
09:37and that means I'm gonna ask you to come down over here with me.
09:40Now, what we're going to do here
09:41on this particular physical challenge is quite simple.
09:43All you have to do is pick up one of these ping-pong balls,
09:46throw it over there to your partner,
09:47and he has to catch it in the symbols.
09:49Wanna give it a shot?
09:50Go ahead, give it a try.
09:53You know, this might be a little bit easier
09:54if you, yeah, just kind of do it that way, all right?
09:56You wanna try one more?
09:57Go ahead, give it another shot.
09:58See if you can do it.
10:00Very good.
10:01Now, that looks pretty easy.
10:02Too easy, don't you think, gang?
10:04Robin, come here a second.
10:05You know what I like to do?
10:06Why don't you put the blindfold on this gentleman over here?
10:10Hold the symbols up the way you were holding them.
10:12Now, you can tell him.
10:13You throw the ball, and you can say,
10:15now, if you catch one ball in those symbols in 30 seconds,
10:1940 more dollars for your team.
10:21All right.
10:22You can yell to him whatever you'd like.
10:23You may have to yell kind of loud,
10:24because I think we're gonna have a lot of cheering
10:26from our audience.
10:27You ready?
10:28On your mark, get set, go!
10:29Here we go.
10:30Catch it in there.
10:31Take them apart again.
10:32Go ahead, throw the ball in.
10:33Oh, come on.
10:35Keep going.
10:36You've got 25 seconds.
10:38Oh, a little quicker.
10:39Here we go.
10:41Oh, my.
10:42Come on.
10:43Keep trying it.
10:44He got it!
10:45He got it!
10:48Very nice.
10:49Very good.
10:51That sound, that sound means the first round is over.
10:55We're gonna add $40 over here.
10:56Brings you up to $200.
10:58Congratulations, Destroyers.
11:03Okay, end of round one, but in round two,
11:05we're gonna take a short break before we come after that
11:07so our crew can set up some of our crazier challenges.
11:10But the game isn't over yet,
11:11because the dollars are gonna really double
11:13and get quite large here in round two.
11:14We're gonna come back with more Double Dare right after this.
11:21Nice job.
11:27Welcome back.
11:28Welcome back to round two of Double Dare,
11:30where it's still anybody's game
11:32because the dollar values are now doubled.
11:35And players, when you hear this sound...
11:38That means the game's over, all right?
11:40Now, this is fairly simple, or so it seems,
11:43and probably simpler for me since I don't have to do it.
11:46We have feathers here.
11:47We have a yellow one for the gentlemen,
11:48a red one for the ladies.
11:49All you have to do is use your flippers
11:51that we have attached to your hands
11:53to flip them with the air
11:55over to where I'm gonna be standing,
11:57which is over here.
11:58First person to do that
11:59gets 40 additional dollars and control of round two.
12:02Everybody understand?
12:04All right, I'm gonna move over here then.
12:06Don't forget, you have to get it past me.
12:09Are you ready?
12:10On your mark, get set, go!
12:13There we go.
12:14Come on, guys. Come on, girls.
12:16Come on, girls.
12:17Well, what do we...
12:18Our judge says the ladies.
12:19The ladies did it.
12:20Congratulations, ladies.
12:21Okay, let's go back and play some more Double Dare.
12:28Our non-partial judge says the hamsters take control.
12:31That brings them up to $120, and you have control.
12:34Here is your first question in round two
12:37for Melissa and Heather.
12:38What does it mean to use only uppercase letters?
12:44To write your incursive or handwriting.
12:47I'm sorry?
12:48Incursive or handwriting.
12:50Cannot accept that. I don't believe.
12:52What does it mean to use only uppercase letters?
12:54We're looking for all capital letters.
12:55That's what we were looking for, all capital letters.
12:58So you lose control, and this question is worth $20,
13:00goes over here to Billy and Ronnie.
13:02What does YMCA stand for?
13:06YMCA, what does it stand for?
13:09You're gonna dare.
13:10Okay, worth $40, what does YMCA stand for?
13:12You can double dare them back.
13:14Can we take a physical challenge?
13:15You can't take the physical challenge, no.
13:17You have to double dare them back,
13:18and they have that opportunity.
13:19So it's now worth $40.
13:20You can guess, or you can double dare them.
13:25What does YMCA...
13:27We're looking for Young Men's Christian Association.
13:30All right, back over here to control for the Destroyers.
13:32Here's your next question.
13:34Which part of every cell links up like a twisted ladder?
13:40Which part of every cell in your body links up
13:42like a twisted ladder?
13:43You can dare them.
13:46Okay, now worth $40.
13:47What part, which part of every cell
13:49links up like a twisted ladder?
13:51You can double dare them back, worth $80.
13:53We'll double dare them.
13:54All right, now it's worth $80,
13:55or you can take the physical challenge.
13:57Physical challenge.
13:58Physical challenge.
13:59What part of every cell links up like a twisted ladder?
14:01We're looking for DNA.
14:03That's what we're looking for.
14:05Gentlemen, why don't we step over here
14:06and take a look at our next physical challenge?
14:10Right over here.
14:11All righty, right down here.
14:13Now, Robin is going to come over here
14:14and show me exactly what we have.
14:16We have a pancake.
14:17This is very easy.
14:18A pancake is here.
14:19And we have an empty plate.
14:20Now, all I'm going to ask you to do
14:21is I'm going to ask you to stand,
14:22oh, say, in this direction.
14:23Why don't you turn around?
14:24Face the other direction.
14:25Hold on to this.
14:26And I'm going to have your partner
14:27stand over here, back to back, okay?
14:30Now, what your job is,
14:32is to flip that over your shoulder
14:35over to your partner's shoulder,
14:37and he'll catch it.
14:38And if you do that in about 20 seconds,
14:40that's it.
14:41You'll win some money.
14:42$80, as a matter of fact.
14:43Okay, you about ready to go?
14:45You know what?
14:46This pancake looks a little empty to me.
14:47I like to eat it with something on it.
14:49Dave, where's Dave?
14:51Dave's going to help me out here.
14:53Let me have that pancake just for a second.
14:55Hold on to that.
14:57And I don't know about you,
14:59but from time to time,
15:00I've got, what do I have here?
15:02I've got some cherries, I think,
15:03or some jelly.
15:04I'm going to put that on there.
15:07I've got, you don't want anything?
15:08I know this is kind of,
15:09well, this is my show.
15:10Wait a minute.
15:11And then we've got some syrup.
15:12I'm going to put a little bit of syrup on there.
15:14And how many of you like whipped cream on your...
15:17Sure, why not?
15:18All right.
15:19All right, we're going to do that.
15:21Now, what I'm going to ask you to do
15:22is I'm going to ask you to...
15:23Now, not yet.
15:24When I say go,
15:25you just have to flip that over.
15:26You catch it.
15:27You've got 20 seconds to do it.
15:29You do that, you got $80.
15:30All right, you ready?
15:31One more thing.
15:32Hold on, I'm not quite ready yet,
15:33as a matter of fact.
15:34What I'd like to do is...
15:35Don't go away, guys.
15:36Have a good time out there.
15:37I just kind of want to protect myself here,
15:38as a matter of fact.
15:41Are you ready?
15:43On your mark.
15:44Get set.
15:46Here we go.
15:47Catch it.
15:48All right, he got it.
15:49First time.
15:50He got it.
15:51Stop it.
15:52Right there.
15:53Just needs one.
15:54Just needs one.
15:56They did it, and that's $80.
15:57Let's play some more Double Dare.
15:58There you go, Robin.
15:59Let's hear it for them.
16:01You were all concerned
16:02that you were going to get messed up.
16:03You were all concerned
16:04that you were going to get messy.
16:05You were terrific.
16:06Did you ever work in a restaurant at all?
16:08You should think about doing that.
16:10$320 over here.
16:12$200 separates.
16:13Let's carry on with round two.
16:14What's the highest title
16:16you can earn in the Army
16:17worth $20?
16:20Five-star Major General.
16:22Not what we're looking for.
16:23We're looking for
16:24General of the Armed Forces.
16:25That is the one we're looking for.
16:26So you lose control.
16:27We're going to move right over here.
16:29That sound means the game is over,
16:31and the Destroyers
16:32have won Double Dare today.
16:36Very nice.
16:42All right.
16:43Billy and Ronnie split $320.
16:46That's $160 apiece,
16:48and you also get an opportunity
16:49to go to our Double Dare obstacle course.
16:51We're going to do that
16:52in just a few seconds.
16:53Hamsters, Melissa and Heather,
16:54nobody goes away empty-handed.
16:55You get to split $120.
16:57That's $60 apiece.
16:58You did a great job,
16:59and you also get
17:00some terrific consolation prizes.
17:01Harvey, why don't you tell the ladies
17:03what they've won?
17:04You get a month's supply
17:05of Bubble Yum Bubble Gum.
17:06Yum it up with Bubble Yum.
17:08Green Slime Shampoo.
17:10Gets you clean, won't turn you green.
17:12Every kid needs a hug,
17:13and these Hug-a-Pet Animal Backpacks
17:15are in stores everywhere.
17:16Give kids of all ages
17:17a best friend to carry
17:18schoolbooks or toys.
17:19Furnished by Hug-a-World.
17:20Thank you, Harvey.
17:21Harvey, the only man in America
17:22with just one name,
17:23and we'll find out his other name
17:24maybe someday.
17:25Who knows?
17:26Well, you ready for this obstacle course?
17:28Look exciting to you?
17:29It is to me as well.
17:30Well, they start off today
17:31with the Recipe Tire Run.
17:32Now, let me explain this.
17:33We have tires there.
17:34You've seen the football players
17:35kind of go through it
17:36and practice from time to time.
17:37Well, today we're making
17:38Double Dare Cake, gentlemen,
17:39and we have some brown sugar,
17:40some chocolate frosting,
17:42some eggs,
17:43sorted other things in there.
17:44If you get through that quick enough,
17:45as I'm sure you will,
17:46and you get that flag,
17:47Harvey's going to tell you
17:48what you're going to win.
17:49Video games.
17:50A super value from Atari.
17:51The new Atari 7800 video game system
17:54that plays video games
17:55only a computer could play before.
17:57Okay, if you want to follow me
17:58in this direction, men,
17:59we will find obstacle number two.
18:01It's called the Syrup Canal,
18:02and guess what it's filled with?
18:04Lime syrup.
18:05You got it.
18:06It smells like lime syrup, doesn't it?
18:07Go underneath there, grab that flag,
18:09and you'll win this.
18:10A metal detector.
18:11White's Coin Master Metal Detector
18:13for hours of treasure hunting fun
18:14with feather touch tuning
18:15and features usually found
18:16on costlier models
18:18from White's Electronics.
18:20Okay, that's obstacle number two.
18:22Then we move over
18:23to obstacle number three.
18:24You pass that flag up to your partner
18:25who goes up this ramp
18:27full of chocolate syrup.
18:28We've got chocolate syrup.
18:29Jump up to that ramp,
18:30come down the slide
18:31into some whipped cream
18:32and some chocolate pudding.
18:33Don't forget to grab your flag, however,
18:35and pass it on to your partner.
18:36Do that correctly, you'll win this.
18:38A $125 gift certificate
18:40from Toys R Us.
18:42The world's biggest and best toy store
18:43is your favorite place to go
18:44with thousands of toys
18:45and tons of fun in every aisle
18:47from Toys R Us.
18:48Okay, this one's called the Nightmare,
18:50and you're looking for flags.
18:51You continue to look for flags.
18:52It looks something like this.
18:53Your partner will come over,
18:54rip that open.
18:55I think it's Velcroed together.
18:56There are several feathers in there.
18:58Let me tell you, guys,
18:59I mean lots of feathers.
19:00I want you to just throw those feathers
19:01wherever you want.
19:02Find the flag.
19:03Now, your other partner
19:04can tell you where it is.
19:05If he sees one that you dumped out
19:06and you don't see it,
19:07go and say it's over there
19:08to your left or to your right, okay?
19:09Do that, you're going to win this.
19:10A brand-new bike.
19:11The Ross Contact Lightweight Bicycle
19:13is built with the finest parts
19:14available today.
19:15Beautiful to look at,
19:16fast to ride.
19:17If you're looking for
19:18an elegant racing machine,
19:19this is it.
19:20This is called the Tank,
19:21and you'll pass the flag
19:22to your partner
19:23who will leap into these
19:24little styrofoam peanuts.
19:25There's a flag in there.
19:26You got to grab that
19:27and you have to wager yourself
19:28through the peanuts.
19:29Jump out over there,
19:30pass the flag,
19:31and you're going to win this.
19:32Your own telescope.
19:33Bushnell's Astronomical Telescope
19:35is one of the finest in the world.
19:36Big 910-millimeter objective lens,
19:38focal length brings heavenly bodies
19:39227 times closer.
19:41Furnished by Bushnell.
19:42Okay, this one is called Icy Trike.
19:44We think this ought to be
19:45in the Olympics someday.
19:46It's kind of an interesting effect
19:47with a tricycle,
19:49and we have this bottom greased
19:51with some bizarre substance
19:53that makes it very slippery.
19:54So you'll get on and pedal across.
19:56Now, I'm going to tell you
19:57that you can use your feet this time.
19:59If you find yourself pedaling around
20:00and it takes too long,
20:01use your feet to get yourself across.
20:03Grab that flag.
20:04You're going to win this.
20:05A color television.
20:06Hitachi's 19-inch color television,
20:08100% solid-state video.
20:10Features memory-fine tuning,
20:11lighted channel indicator,
20:12and quick-start technology
20:13from Hitachi.
20:15All right, this may be
20:16the most difficult one,
20:17Ronnie and Billy.
20:18This is the Rope Climb.
20:19You have to grab the rope,
20:20pull yourself up,
20:21and leap over to the other side.
20:23Grab the flag as you're going over,
20:24or you can jump up and get it.
20:26You do that,
20:27you're going to win this prize.
20:28It's a VCR.
20:30Now you can record
20:31and watch Double Dare
20:32whenever you want
20:33with this VCR from Sharp.
20:34It has an 8-function remote
20:35and 110-channel capability
20:37from Sharp.
20:38Okay, listen closely on this one.
20:39Now, the person who is not going over
20:41on this particular stunt,
20:43on this particular part of the obstacle,
20:45should go over there
20:46and sit on the other side
20:47of the teeter-totter.
20:48I'll tell you why.
20:49Because if you're over there,
20:50the person who comes off our rope
20:52will jump onto this.
20:54You'll lift your partner up there,
20:56grab the flag.
20:57If you do that in 60 seconds or less,
20:59Harvey, tell them what the win.
21:01A fabulous vacation!
21:03The luxury Buena Vista Palace,
21:04an official Walt Disney World hotel,
21:06located in the heart
21:07of Walt Disney World Village.
21:08You'll dine in award-winning restaurants
21:10and enjoy unlimited transportation
21:11throughout the vacation kingdom.
21:13Okay, you're going to get messy.
21:14Don't worry about it.
21:15It's not important.
21:16The main thing is to do this
21:17in 60 seconds or less.
21:19You'll win all those prizes.
21:21Who's going to start things off?
21:22You are.
21:23All right, what I want you to do
21:24is start over here.
21:25Do not start off until I say go.
21:26What you may want to do
21:27is come down and get yourself
21:28in position right over here,
21:29because when he hands you the flag,
21:30you've got to go underneath there.
21:32Everybody, cheer him on.
21:33Are you ready?
21:34On your mark, get set, go!
21:38All right, he's making his way through.
21:40Grab the flag, pass it on.
21:42Okay, I want you to go
21:43right through the trough here.
21:44Grab that flag, pass it on.
21:45Pass it on.
21:46Come on over here and get it.
21:47Come on over here and get it.
21:48Save time.
21:49All right, go up there now.
21:50Go up the chocolate syrup ramp quickly.
21:53Do it as quickly as you can.
21:54Keep going.
21:55Keep going.
21:56Pull yourself up.
21:57Grab those bars up there.
21:58Come on.
21:59Okay, pull yourself up.
22:00Keep going.
22:01We've got 36 seconds all the way down.
22:04All right.
22:05Grab the flag, grab the flag.
22:07Pass it on.
22:08All right, over here to the pillows.
22:09There we go.
22:10Open it up, rip it up.
22:11Come on, rip it up.
22:13Grab a flag in there.
22:14Get a flag.
22:15There it is.
22:16Pass it on.
22:17Get in the tank.
22:18Hurry up.
22:19You've got 20 seconds.
22:20Go in there.
22:21Jump in there.
22:22Get the flag.
22:23Get the flag.
22:24All right, come on over here and grab it.
22:25Pass it on.
22:26Pass it on.
22:27You've got 11 seconds.
22:28Get on the trike.
22:29Get on the trike.
22:30Come on.
22:31Push yourself across quickly.
22:32Push yourself across.
22:33Get the flag.
22:34Pass it on.
22:35Go over here.
22:36You've got three seconds.
22:37Pull yourself up.
22:38Oh, time is up.
22:39Time is up.
22:40Why don't you come down here?
22:41Let's give them a round of applause.
22:42They did a great job.
22:43Come on over here.
22:44Harvey, listen to the prize.
22:46You've won.
22:47Harvey, tell them what they've won.
22:48They've won the Atari Video Games, the Metal Detector,
22:50the Toys R Us $125 gift certificate,
22:52the bike, the telescope, and the color TV.
22:55All right, that's terrific.
22:56We'll see you tomorrow with more Double Dare.
22:59Way to go.
23:00Nice job.
23:01Very good.
23:02All right, why don't you come over here and take a look
23:03at what we went through here, guys, huh?
23:04Look at this.
23:05You went right through there, and it's scattered
23:06all over the place.
23:07Every contestant on Double Dare receives a free pair
23:08of Reebok sneakers.
23:09Reebok, the official shoe of Double Dare,
23:11because life is not a spectator's court.
23:14We'll see you next week.
23:15We'll see you next week.
23:16We'll see you next week.
23:17We'll see you next week.
23:18We'll see you next week.
23:19We'll see you next week.
23:20We'll see you next week.
23:21We'll see you next week.
23:22We'll see you next week.
23:23We'll see you next week.
23:24We'll see you next week.
23:25We'll see you next week.
23:26We'll see you next week.
23:27We'll see you next week.
23:28We'll see you next week.
23:29We'll see you next week.
23:30We'll see you next week.
23:31We'll see you next week.
23:32We'll see you next week.
23:33We'll see you next week.
23:34We'll see you next week.
23:35We'll see you next week.
23:36We'll see you next week.
23:37We'll see you next week.