Hollyoaks 24th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Hollyoaks 24th July 2024


00:00Now you said you own this place, but this says it's registered to Warren Fox.
00:04We're together.
00:05For me.
00:06I know how hard the end of a marriage can be, so
00:09I thought I'd try and make things a little less rubbish.
00:14I am gonna find this blue and I am gonna deal with him.
00:17All I wanna do is be a dad again.
00:19Either a dad or a gangster, you can't be both.
00:23That's why we all agreed to get you out of the house by tomorrow.
00:25I've just got my blood test results.
00:27I've got LSD in my system.
00:29Someone's been drugging me.
00:30They've got access to me.
00:33You better find out who it is.
00:59Watermelon sugar high.
01:19Watermelon sugar high.
01:23Watermelon sugar high.
01:24Watermelon sugar high.
01:28You better start packing, cos you ain't staying here.
01:45Mmm, it's a bit flourish.
01:49That's got great taste.
01:52And it sounds just like a song...
01:55Right, what is going on, OK? Just let me go!
02:00Do you really reckon pretty boy Barman's got it in him to drug Warren?
02:04It's got to be someone who sees him all the time and knows his routine.
02:08For all we know, it could be Norma.
02:10Or Mercedes.
02:12Or you.
02:13What? No, you seriously don't think that...
02:17How do I know it's not you?
02:20I want Blue out of the way, remember?
02:22Stop him muscling in on my business.
02:25Warren knows where my loyalties lie.
02:27Time to make a grown man sweat.
02:29Whoa, whoa, no. You don't need to start with the beating, do we?
02:32Ethan could just be working for someone and following orders.
02:35Have you got the ball for this?
02:37Warren's expecting answers.
02:39Of course I have. I have, I can do it.
02:41Listen, me and Ethan, we go way back.
02:43So I'll get him talking.
02:47But when that doesn't work,
02:49I'll make him say things my way.
02:58did you drug Warren?
03:02I should be out there looking for the little rat who did this.
03:06That is what staff is for.
03:08Let Ste and Rex do the legwork.
03:10And let me take care of you.
03:12The doctors have given me the all-clear.
03:14I don't need babysitting.
03:16I think you need a reminder of what's important.
03:20Yeah, stopping this blue messing with my head.
03:22Shutting him down.
03:23Making amends with Mercedes.
03:25And keeping your children safe.
03:27We and Mercedes were already hanging by a thread.
03:30She blames me for ruining the grand opening of Castle McQueen.
03:33And she reckons there's too many secrets between us.
03:35Then convince her things are going to change.
03:38She and the girls are your family.
03:40Your future.
03:41It's your job to do whatever it takes to protect them.
03:44How can I convince Mercedes I can protect her
03:46when this scumbag won't show his face?
03:48Well, without you in her life,
03:50Mercedes and the children will be even more exposed.
03:53You need to make her understand that.
03:59Can you please just let me feed my babies before you chuck us out?
04:02I'm pretty sure Warren can cough up for that B&B he found,
04:05or a five-star hotel.
04:06Prince, do you want me to meet your brother to calm down?
04:08Calm down?
04:09That selfish cow's swapping spit rum with her brother's killer.
04:11That ain't going to get sorted with a cuppa, is it?
04:13Mercedes, we agreed that you could stay for one more night
04:16just so you could find somewhere for the children,
04:18but it really is best that you leave.
04:21What happened to making Warren pay as well?
04:23Or was that all a lie?
04:24I wasn't back with him then.
04:26Look, we can still have Castle McQueen.
04:28Think about it.
04:30This is for our kids' future.
04:33Us three are going to the cafe to clear out our stuff
04:35and you better not be here when we get back.
04:37I can't run that cafe on my Todd Prince
04:39with two newborns in tow, please.
04:41That's your problem, ain't it?
04:43This is an amazing opportunity for all of us.
04:46Look, we all deserve a fresh start, some stability.
04:50This could be it.
04:53Nah, Bea, it's not my bag.
04:55You know I'm much more of a soul boy than a shoegazer.
04:58No, I'm not dissing you.
05:00To each his own, innit?
05:02I tell you what, try Dekko off the trading post.
05:06All right, lad, take it easy.
05:12That's a phrase I've not heard in a long time.
05:15It's me, Disco Benny, trying to flog some vinyl.
05:18You know, 80s guitar, The Cure,
05:20Echo and the Bunnymen, that kind of thing.
05:22I loved Echo and the Bunnymen.
05:24Don't tell me you're a shoegazer.
05:26Can someone explain to me what that means?
05:28Indie rock fans at a gig, you'd see them standing there,
05:31swaying side to side,
05:33gazing down the corner,
05:35swaying side to side,
05:37gazing down at the Doc Martens in a sulk.
05:42We weren't sulking.
05:44We were taking in the atmosphere, appreciating the music.
05:47Well, Benny's flogging some vinyl.
05:49Watch that if you're interested.
05:52I had to sell my vinyls years ago.
05:54Always regretted it, especially my Porcupine.
05:57It's an album title.
06:00OK, I'll call him back,
06:01tell him to get his collection down to the dog at lunchtime.
06:04Meet me there and you can have a shufty.
06:07See you later, shoegazer.
06:13So, you two are finally going on a date, then?
06:16It's not a date.
06:18I haven't even thought about dating again.
06:20Yeah, of course you haven't.
06:22Especially someone who's my complete opposite,
06:24not to mention a different face.
06:26I'd better get to work.
06:33Where have yous been?
06:35I was out of it when you left.
06:37At the doc?
06:39We had the appointment for the week, didn't we?
06:41I thought that was this afternoon.
06:43It's OK.
06:45Tony was dead sweet.
06:47I suppose he gets it, don't he?
06:49Listen, why didn't you call me to remind me?
06:51Because, Joel, I know you're still not ready.
06:54It's not that, right? I'm just... I'm exhausted.
06:56I'm sorry I wasn't there.
06:58Are you OK?
07:00Yeah, I thought you were going to tidy up.
07:02Yeah, I will.
07:03We need to clear the table.
07:05I've got loads of paperwork to sort out for Noah's...
07:08I said I'd do it.
07:09For you, man.
07:11Right, have you thought about what reading you're going to do?
07:14You know, prayer?
07:15Is Grace hired?
07:17Not yet.
07:18Why don't you choose to submit from the Bible?
07:20But it doesn't even have to be religious.
07:22Yeah, it's just saying a few words.
07:25And it'll only be me and you there.
07:27Now, can we just talk about this later, please?
07:29Right, I'll take the bins and I think I'm going to go for a walk.
07:38Are you OK?
07:41I just don't want to push him, Pez, but I...
07:44I can't do this on my own.
07:47I can't organise my baby's funeral on my own.
07:49Come on, you're not on your own.
07:51And you never will be.
07:53Let me help you.
07:55Let me do this for my little brother.
08:00It's OK, my darlings.
08:02We're going on a little adventure, yeah?
08:04We'll figure this out.
08:10Go away!
08:15You're packing?
08:16Does that mean we're still moving in together?
08:18We can give up marching orders from this place
08:20or book to B&B while we sort ourselves out.
08:22Come to the house like we planned.
08:24My girls, they need a permanent roof over there.
08:27Too late, Warren.
08:28If you can't even be honest with me, then what is the point?
08:31Here, let me.
08:32I don't need your help.
08:35I am furious at you.
08:37I'm sick of all the lies, the secrecy.
08:39I'm just...
08:44I hate the fact that I need you.
08:47That we need you.
08:49It's OK.
08:51It's OK.
08:53Look, this does not have to be the end.
08:58Of us, of our family.
09:01Just hear me out.
09:05Why would I spike my boss?
09:07And why do people keep tying me up?
09:10If I'm being completely honest, I usually prefer a blindfold.
09:17If someone made you do it,
09:19yeah, say one of his enemies,
09:21then just tell us.
09:22We'll protect you.
09:24Will we?
09:25Warren's trusting us to get to the bottom of this.
09:27So all we're doing is ruling out anyone that works for him.
09:31And what about your little guard dog?
09:33That's it, get the bat. It's behind the bar.
09:34No, Steve, don't get the bat. Steve, please!
09:36What are you waiting for? Unlock the door.
09:37I'm just trying to find the key.
09:39It's in the door!
09:47The LSD is in my pocket.
09:49How did it get there? It'd been with you the whole time.
09:55You put it there.
10:00Sorry, there's been a misunderstanding. Just go.
10:04Just get out!
10:05OK, I do not get paid enough for this.
10:09Are you trying to set me up?
10:17I was looking forward to running a cafe
10:19and learning how to do these swirly shapes on top of the coffee.
10:25Theresa, you're meant to be helping with the packing,
10:27not faffing around with a coffee machine.
10:29I've tried to do my face and it looks like a budgie.
10:31Well, Castle McQueen is closed for business.
10:34Oh, no, it's a shame, innit?
10:36We could have run this as a family, couldn't we?
10:39It would have been brilliant.
10:40It would have been brilliant.
10:41It would have been brilliant.
10:43We could have run this as a family, couldn't we?
10:45It would have been brilliant.
10:46I could have helped out after school and...
10:48Do you not think we're being just a little bit harsh on our nurse?
10:51Absolutely not.
10:54It's the girls I feel most sorry for.
10:56Me too, especially with Warren as a father.
10:58Well, one of them.
11:00If we do cut ourselves off from Mercedes,
11:03then we're not going to be able to see the girls grow up, are we?
11:07And our nurse did have a point about this place.
11:09It could mean security for the next generation of McQueens.
11:12Hunter and Zoe's baby.
11:15So what, you're saying that we just forgive and forget, just like that?
11:19Guys, this is ridiculous.
11:20What are we doing?
11:22Warren signed this place over to Mercedes, right?
11:25I mean, it says Castle McQueen outside.
11:27It doesn't say Castle Fox.
11:29We could run this as a family.
11:30Warren doesn't have to have anything to do with it.
11:32Well, if we do, then neither does Mercedes.
11:34We don't need her, and she's living it up with Warren's cash,
11:37and she don't need us.
11:38But she's always said,
11:40don't let a grudge get in the way of a business opportunity.
11:44And what would Hunter want, eh?
11:46He wouldn't want us to let a vendetta get in the way of our success.
11:50He'd put family first.
11:52We'll never get a chance like this again.
11:54So what do you say?
11:55Shall we turn this place into the best cafe in Chester,
11:59in Hunter's memory?
12:05All right.
12:07Castle McQueen's open for business!
12:11I should have told you that this blue situation was still going on.
12:15I thought keeping it from you was the right thing to do.
12:18Keeping stuff from each other, Warren, is never the right thing to do.
12:24I know.
12:25I have handled this all wrong.
12:29But I will never lie to you again, I swear on my life.
12:32Look, Merce,
12:34we have both lost a child.
12:37Not have both parents around.
12:40But we have got a chance to do things right.
12:44For us to have our own family.
12:48You look at me in the eye and you tell me the truth.
12:54Are you the reason that Freddy's in a coma?
12:58I thought he was blue.
13:00I knew it.
13:01Look, I was just trying to keep you safe.
13:05I am gonna find this blue and I'm gonna finish it!
13:07And then what?
13:09What, you end up in prison or worse?
13:12I won't.
13:14Look, all I want is for you and the girls to be OK.
13:23If anything ever happens to me,
13:27Fraser's cash is in the attic of the new house.
13:39Our new house.
13:47I want you to know that I am giving up everything for you.
13:55Don't make me regret it, Warren.
14:03Why did I trust you?
14:07I'm such an idiot.
14:09There's nothing wrong in seeing the good in people, Steve.
14:11It's a very attractive quality.
14:13You're not getting away with this, do you hear me?
14:15Warren, what are you doing here?
14:18I need to get some paperwork from you and Mercedes.
14:25there's been a breakthrough.
14:29I found a little bottle of LSD in the club.
14:34So whoever it was was wrapped around us the whole time.
14:38Just like you said.
14:39So who is it?
14:44We're still trying to figure that out, aren't we?
14:46Well, it's hardly a breakthrough, is it?
14:48Get me a name.
14:51I won't let you down. I promise.
14:53Good lad.
14:59There's a good boy.
15:01Looks like we understand each other.
15:20As if my day couldn't get any weirder.
15:23I'm just checking on him to, like, sort of on a date.
15:26And, like, not really.
15:27All right, well, if it's romance you're after,
15:29there is a singles night at The Loft next week.
15:31Bring your mates. It's a tenner and a wristband.
15:33Tenner? That's a bit steep, buying it.
15:36OK, well, that means you can Q-jump and get two-for-one cocktails.
15:40Plus, if your dad can find love again, then I'm sure you can too.
15:45You know, there's someone for everyone, right?
15:49Oh, killing moon on 12-inch.
15:52I saved up to buy this,
15:54but the record shop had sold out before I had enough money.
15:57Life is so cruel.
15:59Echo and the Bunnymen were the first band I saw live.
16:03My parents didn't approve, so I told them I was going to the cinema
16:07to see Three Men and a Baby.
16:09Quite the rebel you were.
16:11Well, I was more of a loner and a misfit.
16:16But their songs made me feel like it didn't matter,
16:20like I was part of something.
16:23It's a part of music, you see.
16:25I mean, growing up, it didn't matter how hard things were
16:28at school or at home.
16:30A little bit of Saturday night soul at the local disco.
16:33That got me going.
16:35I was always too shy to dance.
16:37Too busy staring at your shoes?
16:40Another bevy while we wallow in nostalgia?
16:44Go on, then. Oranges, please.
16:46Oh, you mellow.
17:08Oh, excuse me, do you have a pen?
17:21You know what? Good for you, Misbelle.
17:23Getting back in the dating scene after the whole Zane thing.
17:25No time to let the grass grow, am I right?
17:27Do you think it's too Zane? Is that what it looks like?
17:31Oh. Um...
17:33It's actually none of my business, so...
17:36Thank you.
17:40Here we go. Where are you going?
17:42I thought we'd have another there.
17:48OK, next on the list is...
17:53Why don't we have a brew?
17:55No. Go on, Percival, what's next?
17:59It's about carrying the coffin.
18:07Didn't think about that.
18:09So, um, what does it say? Do the parents have to do it?
18:13It's completely up to you and Joel.
18:16If you decide not to, the funeral director can do it.
18:19We've just got to let them know.
18:23Oh, what should I do? I mean, I can't...
18:26I can't decide without Joel, can I?
18:29Just do whatever you think's right, Mum.
18:35I can't even imagine what it's like.
18:38I can't even imagine looking at the coffin. Never mind.
18:44Yeah, just...
18:46I'd just rather they do it.
18:50How about that brew? Yeah.
18:53You know, I just don't want to do anything wrong.
18:56Like, I don't want to make, you know, a decision that Joel's not happy with.
19:00I don't want to upset him.
19:03It's all going to be OK, Mum.
19:05I promise.
19:07You notice he's swept talking about the eulogy?
19:10He's really bottling things up.
19:16Do you know if he's been going to church much?
19:19Maybe he's been going there to get his head together.
19:21Oh, I don't know, Bess.
19:23I barely even know what I'm doing half the time, never mind anyone else.
19:26You know, I just hope he's talking to someone.
19:29Cos he's not talking to me.
20:01You did the right thing, keeping your mouth sharp.
20:05I should serve you up to Warren on a plate.
20:08Yeah, but you won't.
20:10Unless you want your hubby to see me and you getting close on the day of your sentencing.
20:15Filming us.
20:17Having sex.
20:18This is sick.
20:21It was an insurance policy.
20:23I had to keep you in line.
20:26Well, you thought it was a coincidence.
20:28The mysterious blue getting you released.
20:31Why did you try and get rid of Freddie?
20:33Can't have been to protect Warren.
20:35To remove scent, didn't it?
20:37So I've been played.
20:39Since the day we met.
20:41Sorry, Steve.
20:43You're not that irresistible.
20:45Planting the drugs on me, though.
20:47Didn't work, did it?
20:49Like I said, it's nothing personal.
20:51I needed to get rid of the gear.
20:53Probably would have pinned it on Ethan.
20:55Think you were onto something there.
20:57So are you in?
20:59So are you in?
21:01Are you blue?
21:06What if I am?
21:09Because if you are,
21:12you're a dead man.
21:15I don't even know why you're doing this.
21:17Why are you so desperate to go after Warren?
21:22All you need to know
21:24is that you're going to help me end Warren Fox
21:26or I will end you and everyone you love.
21:30Are you buffing?
21:36Breathe a word about me drugging Warren
21:39and your family will pay the price.
21:44You're out of your depth, Steve.
21:48I own you now.
21:54You're out of your depth.
22:27I did it.
22:29I'm going to be a great barista.
22:31Or is it baristest?
22:33Sort of.
22:35Theresa, what's that supposed to be?
22:37Two eyes, a nose and a mouth.
22:39Yeah, that's not what that looks like.
22:44It's a good job we live next door to an A&E department
22:47because you're going to scare the pensioners half to death.
22:50Oh, you're so pretty.