Coronation Street 24th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Coronation Street 24th July 2024


00:25Auntie Tanya will be all right.
00:27Us Battersby's find a way, don't we?
00:32You had that spirit too, didn't you?
00:34My beautiful boy.
00:39I'll leave you to sleep.
00:40Er, yeah, not bad, thanks.
00:42Can I get you anything?
00:43Something to eat, tea, coffee?
00:44What are you, an air stewardess?
00:46I can still make myself a drink.
00:55So, um, have you, er, spoke to Janice yet?
00:58No, and I don't want her knowing.
00:59That's the last thing I need right now.
01:01Yeah, I understand.
01:03But I'm here.
01:04I mean, I've got me upload with Rowan later,
01:06but I could always cancel it.
01:07I thought you were mad for your uploads.
01:09Tanya, I think your appointment's a bit more important.
01:12I told you last night I want to deal with this by myself.
01:15So appointments, treatments, everything.
01:18Listen, you said yourself I don't need the added stress.
01:20So feel free to manifest positive outcomes
01:23till the cows come home.
01:25But please, respect my decision on this.
01:37Trust Billy to get out the cleaning.
01:39Oh, give him a break. He's doing the big shop.
01:43Have you heard about being rehoused yet?
01:45Must be horrible having it hanging over you.
01:47Yeah, it's fine.
01:50I'm just glad we're all talking again.
01:52Even if I hate to admit it.
01:54You're housing.
01:57He's not going to let it go.
01:59It's fine. We've been added to the emergency housing list.
02:02Oh, that's good.
02:04Yeah, it's great.
02:06Yeah, right.
02:07Yeah, if he's not having it, I'm not either.
02:10Come on, what's the problem?
02:12Well, it's better than being homeless.
02:15And we're grateful.
02:17But just have this friend right.
02:18She went in last year and they were all in one room
02:21in bunk beds until they got a place.
02:23Imagine my lot in one room, even for a night.
02:26Yeah, there'd be murders.
02:27Yeah, and we'd have to share the bog with another family
02:30if it's a shared place.
02:31That's awful.
02:33I know. For them.
02:35Just take my lot, leave it in.
02:38I agree.
02:40And that's not even the worst bit.
02:43The landlord is sending round an estate agent to number five today.
02:47What, to sell it?
02:49No, to move it three feet to the left, of course, to sell it.
02:52And do you know what the cheeky get asked?
02:54If I would clean the place this morning.
02:57No chance.
02:58If he wants to scrub melted cheese off the grill,
03:00he can do it himself.
03:02Just chill.
03:04I only come round here to wish you luck with your OT
03:06and I get roped into cleaning duties.
03:08I've had enough. I'm going home. I stink.
03:11Well, I'll text you later and let you know how the OT goes.
03:14Tar summer.
03:16Love you, bro.
03:18Love you.
03:22So, how is she?
03:24How are you?
03:25Saying that? I mean, both of you.
03:27OK. Come on, you're no toy.
03:29Tough, sentimental, practical.
03:33Well, yeah, we all are.
03:35Until you get cancer.
03:37Right, yeah, well, that's what worries me.
03:40Is Leanne still mental?
03:42You can't say that any more.
03:44Call the cops.
03:46Right, well, yeah, she is.
03:48She's still having her little chats with C-3PO?
03:52She talks to him more than she talks to me.
03:55It's so weird.
03:57I'd love to see it, though.
03:58Yeah, and I wouldn't see it.
04:00Anyway, enough of jokes.
04:01You know, I'm not really in the mood.
04:03You need Sam looking after her.
04:05You know, if you're at the hospital with Tyrone.
04:07OK, yeah, thanks for the offer.
04:09She wants to handle it on her own, so...
04:12Drop that sausage roll.
04:14Pot down the pasty.
04:17Is she having a funny turn?
04:18Look, this is what you call enthusiasm.
04:21Have you heard of it?
04:24Let me tell you.
04:26I have hired a new chef.
04:30I poached him from my deadly rival over at the Lancastrian.
04:35I've had my eye on him for ages.
04:37Ever since I sampled his crackers.
04:39Does Ronnie know?
04:41Prawn crackers.
04:43Get your head out and butter you.
04:45Well, congratulations, but what's that got to do with my sausage roll?
04:49Let me tell you.
04:52New chef means new menu.
04:55And I am inviting you lot to try it.
04:58Oh, what do you reckon?
05:00Could ask Sally to have Alfie again.
05:03We've not had a proper night out for ages.
05:05Oh, no, it won't be night.
05:06It's early evening.
05:07Yeah, I want you out of the way
05:10by the time the movers and the shakers turn up.
05:13So where are the canaries in the coal mine?
05:15It's posh nosh and it's free.
05:18Do you want it or not?
05:20How's Paul?
05:22Yeah, yeah, he's doing okay, thanks.
05:24It's good to know.
05:30What time's your appointment?
05:32I'm catching the bus in ten.
05:34Do you want me to give you a lift?
05:36Nick, I told you last night.
05:39Just don't push me away.
05:43I know Rome's come between you and Leanne,
05:45but it's nothing to do with me.
05:48Okay, fine, yeah, thank you.
05:49Yeah, a lift would be great.
05:50But that's all, okay?
05:51I'm going to go and see the nurse on my own, yeah?
05:55I got you plenty of fresh fruit and veg.
05:57It's good for the baby.
06:00Well, I don't cook.
06:01Well, these are apples.
06:04The ultimate fast food.
06:08I'm bored.
06:12You never mention it.
06:13I'm stuck inside on my own all day.
06:16You were never off your phone before anyway.
06:17What difference does it make?
06:18Well, I'm not eating any of this crap.
06:20I'm thrown up half the morning as it is.
06:24Well, on the bright side,
06:26at least your ticket to Ireland's booked.
06:28I just need to get you the money for a flat.
06:29So you keep saying.
06:32And yet, here I am.
06:36I need a bath.
06:57Yeah, the package, when's it arriving?
07:01The tracking, please.
07:02I need it ASAP.
07:06I can't imagine how you must be feeling.
07:08Well, I know you and Taya don't see eye to eye.
07:11The truth?
07:13She hates my guts.
07:16But that's irrelevant to your feelings.
07:17She's your sister.
07:22Get rid of the static.
07:25What are you thinking?
07:28I'm frightened for my sister.
07:32Because she might die.
07:34I missed her biopsy.
07:35I can't let her down again.
07:38What can you do?
07:40Support her.
07:42Have you offered your support?
07:45What did she say?
07:47She wants to deal with it herself.
07:50So again, what can you do?
07:55Respect her wishes.
07:59As we would want our wishes respected.
08:04Thank you.
08:06That's all it is.
08:08And the answers didn't come from me.
08:10They came from you.
08:18Oh, thank you.
08:21I'm proud of you.
08:24Are you still all right to come to the meet and greet later?
08:27Oh, yeah.
08:29I just have to get changed.
08:30But yeah, I was going to be retired anyway, so.
08:33I'm over the moon that you'll be there.
08:36What's a big smile for?
08:39I just can't believe how far you've come.
08:47Well, I won't be living here myself.
08:49Place is a tip from the photos.
08:51Tie it up.
08:52Flip it.
08:54Good idea.
09:02And that's it for today.
09:03Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
09:05Well, thanks for being so gentle with me.
09:08I'm not a massive fan of needles.
09:10Who is?
09:11I had one bloke who nearly jumped out the window when he saw the size of the needle for his rabies shot.
09:18It's going to be a long two weeks waiting for the operation.
09:22Do you have someone with you?
09:23No, I'm happier just doing this on my own.
09:26Your husband?
09:27I'm widowed.
09:31So sorry, I saw Mrs. Habib in your file and I just...
09:34Oh, it's fine.
09:37I'm trying in my own ham-fisted way to subtly find out if you've got a decent support network.
09:44Family who live nearby?
09:47Anyone who can come to treatments with you, etc?
09:50I mean, I live with my sister and my brother-in-law, but apart from that, it's just me.
10:00Sorry, I've been rushed off my feet over the road.
10:02It's fine.
10:03Hiya, ma'am.
10:04Hiya, sweetheart.
10:07You a new one?
10:08I'm just checking everything's okay after his fall.
10:11Right, I'm Paul's mum, Bernie, with an IE.
10:14I'm Jackie, also with an IE.
10:18I don't know why I spelt my name.
10:20Sorry, my head's a bit frazzled today.
10:22Right, who wants a brew?
10:23It's all right, I'll do it.
10:24No, no, no.
10:25I'm the professional team-maker round here.
10:27Well, you were lucky with that fall, anyway.
10:30It's all right.
10:31I mean, he's not been having any problems using the stairlift since his fall.
10:35I see here you've been told that it's not safe to use it.
10:47I know what you said, but, er...
10:49Well, David said he'd look up to Simon.
10:51Just never listen to anything I say ever again.
10:53It's okay.
10:56I'm going to be with you every step of the way if it's what you want.
11:04I don't believe this.
11:06A bloke, he's taking photos.
11:18Do you see a lot of your mum, Karl?
11:20Hmm, not as much as Jack's seen of his.
11:23Why's that? She's his step-mum.
11:24And, B, it's not even her you believe.
11:26Looks like her to me.
11:27And I've watched her enough times.
11:29It's not her, I'm telling you.
11:31Right, this is another hashtag,
11:33Abby Webster, who looks exactly like your mum.
11:36I don't think that's a good idea.
11:38I don't think that's a good idea.
11:40I don't think that's a good idea.
11:42I don't think that's a good idea.
11:44I don't think that's a good idea.
11:46Step-mum, I know that step-fingers may take away you,
11:49but how would you like it
11:50if someone was making sexual comments about your mum?
11:52She's a lollipop lady, so good luck with that.
11:55Hey, his mum didn't show us the lollipops.
11:58Oh, stop it, Jack, he's not worth it.
12:01Right, lads!
12:02That is enough of that.
12:08Hey, is that his mum?
12:09I don't know, I don't recognise the way her clothes are.
12:12They found some online.
12:13Stop it!
12:14Stop it!
12:16I might have known it would be so much social media-wise.
12:19Why can't you lot enjoy a kickabout
12:22or a snog behind the bike sheds like they did in my day?
12:25Yeah, well, a lot's changed since the war.
12:28You'd better be talking about the Falkland Sunny Gym,
12:31or you and me are going to have a right fall-out.
12:34Go on, cheeky little twerags!
12:38Go on!
12:41Took me back a bit, that.
12:43Right, come on.
12:45What's gone on?
12:47We were making fun...
12:48It were nothing.
12:50Just bants.
12:52Well, it didn't sound like bants to me.
12:54Well, if the drama's over, I'm going home.
13:01I think you and me
13:03need some auntie and nephew chit-chat-choo time.
13:07Not you. Come on.
13:10There you go.
13:12We're on the housing list, but...
13:14It's as long as King Kong's arm.
13:16Yeah, I know. I've been there myself.
13:18But at least the court should help push it to the top of the list.
13:21Yeah, about time they'd paved the way.
13:23Cheers, Jude.
13:24Yeah, cheers, mate.
13:31I'd say a penny for them, but I'd be wasting my money.
13:35You're thinking about what happened with Sean and Dylan.
13:39How was I to know that was Mason?
13:42Sean is our friend.
13:45Maria and Gary, too.
13:47Mason nearly drove Liam to suicide.
13:51I know, I know, I know, I know.
13:54It's just that his brothers are beating him black and blue.
13:58This is not your problem.
14:00He was a stranger to you until yesterday.
14:02He has friends, relatives who can step in.
14:06Trust me, after a spell inside,
14:09not everyone's that lucky.
14:13Here we go.
14:15Oh, you two on a little date, are you?
14:17Yes, we are.
14:19And we could do with a bit of privacy, please.
14:22Thank you.
14:24Now, then.
14:26Are you going to tell me what all that was about?
14:31Can I go home?
14:33I said I'd get on the computer and get me some mates.
14:35Well, you can bring your thingy-me-bob down to the hotel.
14:38I'll find you a quiet corner.
14:40Your dad and Abi are on a job,
14:42but they're going to be joining us later.
14:45You're having a very posh hotel dinner.
14:49Oh, yes, you are.
14:51On your anti-debit.
14:53I'm all right. I had some Monster Munch on the bus.
14:56Never mind Monster Munch.
14:59I'm counting on you to rate my new taster menu.
15:03I was hoping you might tic-tac it for me.
15:08Drum up a bit of PR.
15:12Hey, you know the golden anti-rule, don't you?
15:16And you know I'm not nine, right?
15:18And you know you're not too big to put over my knee, right?
15:22Yeah, all right.
15:24OK, maybe you are.
15:30The golden anti-rule is this.
15:33You can tell me stuff you might not want to tell your dad,
15:37and I'll keep it to myself.
15:39You see, your dad worries about you.
15:42He loves you more than anything on this planet.
15:47Whereas me, well...
15:49I just quite like you, so I'm not really that bothered.
15:55Come on, spill.
15:57They found some...
15:59...porno of Abi.
16:02But... can't be her.
16:08It isn't.
16:09How do you know?
16:10The deep fakes. Some tech stuff.
16:13You can stick someone's head on anything these days and...
16:16Well, I don't know why I'm explaining it to you.
16:19You'll probably know more about it than me.
16:21Why didn't me dad tell me?
16:23Well, you know what your dad's like.
16:25He's a right prude.
16:28He probably thought...
16:30...if he told you...'d go looking for it and be scarred for life.
16:35Who made him?
16:37I don't know.
16:39Some weirdo in the back bedroom or a Russian bot.
16:45Them's the...
16:47...kind of people that make things like that, aren't they?
16:50Don't tell him that I know.
16:53It must be gutting enough for Abi.
16:57...I don't want to make her feel worse.
17:00What a lovely lad you are.
17:02Fingers crossed...'ll all be forgotten about after the summer holidays.
17:06Of course it will.
17:07I'm so proud of you.
17:09You've handled this like a right proper grown-up.
17:14Are you too big for a hug?
17:17What, me?
17:20Oh, hi.
17:22Sam's just...
17:23Girls, they're following Toya or me or both of us.
17:27The Institute.
17:28Yeah, Nick thought he saw someone taking photos of us at the hospital.
17:31Why would they do that?
17:33Come on, you've seen one of those 17,000 documentaries.
17:36You've seen it.
17:37You've seen it.
17:38You've seen it.
17:39You've seen it.
17:40You've seen it.
17:41You've seen it.
17:42You've seen it.
17:43You've seen it.
17:44You've seen it.
17:45You've seen it.
17:46You've seen it.
17:47You've seen it.
17:4817,000 documentaries about scam outfits.
17:51They're trying to get information.
17:52Blackmail innocent people.
17:53That's how these clowns operate.
17:55Hey, where are you going?
17:56I'm going to that Chariot Square hotel.
17:57Rowan's got some membership drive.
17:59This ends now.
18:00I'll go.
18:02I'll go.
18:03You stay here with Sam.
18:06So, how come you were so obsessed with the house being empty in your text?
18:11You know what a pain everyone's been.
18:13Blame me for Roy.
18:14Asking me questions.
18:15Getting all the goss they missed online.
18:17And that's just Shona.
18:19Look, do you want one of these?
18:20David's Ciders.
18:22Look, they're non-alcoholic.
18:24It's just that Shona gets them for him thinking that he won't notice.
18:31Well, it's got fruit in it.
18:38Anyway, look, I wouldn't worry about all this.
18:41You know, yesterday's news.
18:43People would have forgotten about it by tomorrow.
18:45I don't care what they do, I'm not staying round here.
18:47Yeah, and where are you going to go?
18:49Don't worry about it.
18:50You've got friends here.
18:52People who actually care about you.
18:54Yeah, like who?
18:55Like me, for one.
18:56Look, where are you even staying?
18:58What's with all the questions?
19:00I feel like I'm back at the cop shop.
19:01I came round here for a laugh.
19:03Remember them?
19:11You OK?
19:13Are you in any pain, Paul?
19:16I am, after that.
19:18I think I pulled a glute.
19:22My colleague was right.
19:24It's just not safe.
19:26Yeah, but we're very careful.
19:28Obviously, I mean, we know the drill.
19:31I don't say this for kicks,
19:33so I want you to take me seriously, right?
19:36Your condition has deteriorated to the extent
19:39that you mustn't use the stairlift any more.
19:42Are you kidding me?
19:43What, after all the palaver of getting hold of it,
19:45then fitting it?
19:46No, Bernie, please, let her speak.
19:48Sorry, sorry, me gob gets out of me sometimes.
19:51It's OK.
19:52I know, it's a lot to take in.
19:55So, if we can't use the stairlift,
19:58how do we get him up and down the stairs?
20:00We can't.
20:02You're on the list for another property, right?
20:04With wheelchair access.
20:06Yeah, we are, but, you know,
20:07that could take months, from what we've heard.
20:10Well, how do we get him out and about
20:12if we can't use the stairlift?
20:14It took both of you to get him on and off it,
20:17and even then, parts of his body
20:19was dangerously unsupported.
20:21I'm afraid...
20:23No, Paul, I'm sorry, it's dangerous.
20:26So, we just lift him up and down the stairs,
20:30cos we've got plenty of help from family and friends.
20:34We can't just lug him up and down the stairs
20:36like a sack of potatoes.
20:38What if someone's slipped?
20:41That's not to mention keeping an eye on
20:43which body parts need support.
20:49So, you're saying he can't leave the flat again?
20:52Not until you're in a suitable property.
20:55But you've just made us, like, do it.
20:58Right, and what...
21:00What if there's a fire?
21:01What are we meant to do, like,
21:02tie some bed sheets together and lower him out the window?
21:06Stop it.
21:13Yeah, Dad, whatever.
21:15Yes, I said fish cakes are fine.
21:17All right, no worries.
21:18I'll see you in a bit. Bye-bye.
21:21Hello, stranger.
21:23I'm glad I bumped into you.
21:27Marvellous. Well, that's all tickety-boo.
21:30Thank you.
21:31Oh, hello, Nick.
21:33Come to smell my success?
21:35Oh, David's doing all right.
21:37Ain't you?
21:39Come to see what we have to offer?
21:41Call off your people.
21:42I'm sorry?
21:43Come on, not in here, Nick.
21:44In the hospital, following us, taking photos.
21:47Got something to hide?
21:49Nick, what are you doing?
21:51Don't plead on me upholstery.
21:53It's just been done.
22:06Stay away from my family.
22:08What are you doing?
22:09Leave it now, Nick. Leave it.
22:10He's a criminal, you know.
22:11Changed his name.
22:12Lute Salter.
22:13Did five years in prison for aggravated burglary and assault.
22:16I am so sorry about this, Mr Cunliffe.
22:19Are you OK?
22:20I'll be fine.
22:21I'm going to kill him for this.
22:22Not in here, you're not.
22:23Have the attendees arrived?
22:24Yeah, but they're outside.
22:26I'll go speak to them.
22:28We're going to have a chat.
22:30I'll be fine.
22:32I'll go speak to them.
22:34We're going to have to rearrange.
22:36I am sorry.
22:37I tell you what, I'll get you a brew.
22:39And some nibbles.
22:43What the hell has got into you?
22:45Come on, he had it coming.
22:47I know you don't like Rowan, but this is off the scale.
22:49Do you think I'm having it away or something?
22:52No, he just pushed me too far, that's all.
22:54All right, then.
22:55Well, go on, tell me what it is.
22:56What's he done that's made you come here and punch his lights out?
22:59I don't want any trouble, just please leave me alone.
23:01Are you joking me?
23:02After what I've been through?
23:04No, no, no, you don't get off that easily.
23:06I'm sorry, but I had to.
23:09You know what happens to people who cross a line.
23:11Look, please don't do anything.
23:14Two months in young offenders?
23:16What's that worth, eh?
23:17I'm broken, eh?
23:18You're broken.
23:22Look, if you hurt me now, you're going to go back in that for longer.
23:24You're only on licence, my dad says.
23:26I forgot what a wimp you were.
23:28Well, come on, mate, we used to be mates.
23:30The police made me give evidence, I'm a parent.
23:32You're a liar!
23:33It's the truth, get off me, you're hurting.
23:37I can't be bothered with you.
23:39But if I see you again, you're dead, do you understand me?
23:42You're ruining our lives and you can't see it because you're indoctrinated.
23:45Oh, don't be ridiculous.
23:47Open your eyes.
23:48Oh, my eyes are wide open and I can see the problem clear as day,
23:51it's you and Sawyer.
23:52Right, is that right?
23:54I mean, it's not Rowan going around assaulting people and slagging them off online.
23:58They followed Toya to a cancer appointment.
24:00They took photos of her.
24:02Why would they do that?
24:03I don't know, to intimidate her.
24:05Well, how do you know all this?
24:06Because she told me when she got back.
24:08Well, how can she be certain it was somebody from the institute?
24:10She just is.
24:11Oh, why?
24:12Was he wearing a badge?
24:13Oh, come on, who else is taking photos of her?
24:15Oh, Nick, this is insane.
24:17Have you heard yourself?
24:18Oh, what, me?
24:19Well, have you thought maybe she was mistaken?
24:21Well, have you thought maybe she was mistaken?
24:23It could have been anybody taking photographs.
24:25What, at a hospital?
24:26Well, they're taking photos of their grandmothers in growing toenails.
24:29Well, how could she know that they were taking photographs of her?
24:31Did they come right up to her with the camera, flash it in her face?
24:33I don't know.
24:34I didn't interrogate her.
24:35Well, maybe you should have done, you know, before assaulting someone.
24:38Come on, it was one punch.
24:40You better hope he doesn't want to press charges.
24:46We have to do it for your freedom and my back.
24:49And it'll definitely be the ground floor?
24:51Yeah, or with a lift.
24:53How long?
24:56Quickly, I hope.
24:58Now Paul has lost the grip in both hands,
25:00the request for new accommodation should be fast-tracked.
25:03Well, you're supposed to be helping his sister, but you've done that yet.
25:06Not you, personally.
25:08We'll find Paul somewhere more suitable than here.
25:11And due to your situation, you'll be a priority.
25:14You're already on the list.
25:22Come on, let's get out of here.
25:24I'm not leaving without Leanne.
25:26She's not going to want to come out with you now,
25:28not after what you've just done.
25:29I'm losing her.
25:30You're losing me?
25:31I thought you wanted the other one.
25:33I'm not joking.
25:34I'm not joking!
25:38I care for Leanne, you know, I want to help her.
25:41She's a big girl, she can look after herself, all right?
25:44And if we hang about here too long, I'm going to arrest you.
25:48Fine, it won't be fine if they keep you in overnight, will you?
25:51Stick you on remand, who's going to look after Sam then?
25:53OK, well, just tell the police the truth, you know?
25:55They were hassling Toya, they were following her.
25:57I don't think that's going to get you off, is it?
25:59I mean, you assaulted him at the end of the day.
26:01And you know how his lot like to suit people.
26:05So what's happening?
26:06He's not going to press charges.
26:08Debbie was offering to call the police, but he was having none of it.
26:11Oh, that's noble of him, isn't it?
26:13He's only going to quit, dear.
26:14Think you should go and apologise?
26:16I'm not apologising.
26:18He asked for it.
26:19Nick, you just punched him.
26:21He deserved it.
26:22All right, do you know what? Just go home.
26:24I'm going to need to stay here and rearrange this talk that you've just ruined.
26:27I'm not leaving without you.
26:29Well, you don't have a choice.
26:40You know, I still can't believe you got with Bobby that time.
26:44Why was that with me?
26:45What, nothing? Just...
26:48Wouldn't have put you two together.
26:52Yeah, he's nice.
26:56But it ain't going anywhere.
26:59But you were seeing someone else at the time, right?
27:04Not really.
27:05And was that Nathan?
27:06Right, can we just talk about something else?
27:08Yeah, but, Lauren, I don't really understand why you don't just press charges against him.
27:11Can we just stop going on about him?
27:13It's really upsetting for me.
27:16All right, I'm sorry, but I won't mention it again.
27:21Why are you so interested, anyway?
27:24No reason.
27:26Look, let's just talk about something else, yeah?
27:28Is this Bethany?
27:32What, she's...
27:33She's asked you to do some digging or something?
27:35No, no, of course not.
27:37I don't believe you.
27:38Well, it's true.
27:39I'm just being nosy.
27:41All right.
27:42So you didn't want to actually see me?
27:43Of course I wanted to see you.
27:44No, you used me, like everyone else does.
27:47I'm worried about you like everyone else is.
27:50But I don't even know where you're staying.
27:51Because it's none of your business, is it?
27:55Oh, please, Lauren, just stay, yeah? Please.
27:59Let's just hang out.
28:01I thought you were my mate.
28:02I am your mate.
28:05No, Max.
28:08Mates don't do that.
28:19Phew! Blimey, Nick, eh?
28:21That's enough stress for one day.
28:23I can't believe Nick bumped someone.
28:25Hmm. Should know better at his age.
28:28Do you know why he did it?
28:29Because he's a man, and he's thinking with his fists.
28:33Don't you grow up like that.
28:35I won't.
28:36Or at least, don't do it in front of a load of witnesses.
28:39Can I try my switch somewhere?
28:41Yeah, of course you can, there.
28:42Pop in the office. I know where it is.
28:49Catch up.
28:53You need to leave.
28:55Excuse me?
28:56Yeah. You're not welcome here.
28:59Says who?
29:00Says me. The owner.
29:03We have a business meeting. It's all arranged.
29:06Hmm. I don't care.
29:08Fellas, can you give me a minute?
29:16You messed with my family. That makes you the enemy.
29:21You're going to have to be more specific.
29:23Abi Webster. Fake porn videos.
29:26It's nothing to do with me.
29:28Well, you've got till I count to three, and then I'm calling the police.
29:33I'll say, I've seen you with an underage girl.
29:37Don't be ridiculous.
29:40I could ruin the reputation of this hotel overnight.
29:44You're being pathetic.
29:51We'll go somewhere else.
29:57But you'll regret this.
29:59Do you know, I don't think I will.
30:12So, do you want to do out for your birthday tomorrow?
30:14I can't afford it, can we?
30:16Well, 30's a big one.
30:18Yeah, I don't really feel like celebrating, to be honest.
30:20I'm too worried about the house.
30:25You'll never guess what I saw earlier.
30:27Is it the three-eyed cat?
30:30Is it the three-eyed cat?
30:33No, Kirk said he saw one the other day.
30:36Oh, never mind.
30:37He's probably winding me up.
30:39Kirk's on his head.
30:40No, it was Kit.
30:43He's buying your house.
30:45Are you kidding?
30:46I saw him outside with an estate agent.
30:47Looked like he was going in for a viewing.
30:49I don't believe this.
30:50My own brother.
30:52Oh, here they are.
30:55About time and all.
30:56Please, don't say anything.
30:58You know, about the mud.
31:00Oh, will I heck.
31:02Golden anti-rule, remember?
31:04Sorry, will I?
31:05One of us took ages doing the rest.
31:07Yeah, I had grease in it.
31:09Well, you're here now, so you can relax.
31:12Please do take a seat.
31:15Thanks, Debbie. I really need this.
31:16Yeah, me too.
31:17So, I've got chef to knock up a very special menu for you all.
31:23Sounds good.
31:24They're so nice of you.
31:25It's one of those fancy tasting menus.
31:28Ten courses.
31:30Have a shufty.
31:32A little bit of everything.
31:34Gout at Chariot Square.
31:36Gout. Gout.
31:38That's French for taste.
31:40Lend us your glasses.
31:42What's C for?
31:44Well, it's...
31:45It's frothy stuff.
31:47Can you eat it?
31:48Course you can.
31:49It's gourmet.
31:51Our chef's after one of those Michelin stars.
31:54What's gooseberry rib souffle?
31:59Do gooseberries have ribs?
32:01Will you stop asking questions?
32:03This is what you call art, is this?
32:06I don't want to eat art.
32:08I want to eat food.
32:10You are such a Neanderthal sometimes, Kevin.
32:13I do apologise on behalf of my brother.
32:16Sorry, Deb, I'm with Kevin on this one.
32:18Look, can I just have something like steak and chips?
32:21Oh, yeah, that too.
32:23Three, sorry.
32:25Do you know, I don't mind a bother, I really don't.
32:30Three steak and chips it is.
32:33Well done.
32:38He said he was going to try and do it up and flip it.
32:42Oi, I want a word with you.
32:44Why, what have I done?
32:45You know very well what you've done.
32:47I saw you with that estate agent.
32:49Is he buying it, then?
32:52You total Judas, I can't believe you would do this to me.
32:55Well, I can explain.
32:56Oh, yeah, I bet you can.
32:57Spotted a bargain, did you?
32:59Yeah, I did, actually.
33:00Oh, this is bang out of order.
33:01Ches, get him.
33:03Go on.
33:07No, no, no, no, Ches, he's a copper.
33:09He'll get you arrested.
33:11Right, well, then, you're barred.
33:13Go on, get out.
33:14Look, after my mum died, she left me a bit of money.
33:17So I'm trying to find somewhere to live round here.
33:19Oh, and you thought you'd just steal our house, did you?
33:21Put our kids on the street.
33:23No, I thought I could buy it and rent it out.
33:27To you guys.
33:29Yeah, it's an investment for me, and you guys get to stay in your home.
33:32Everybody wins.
33:37You idiot, I can't believe you've done this.
33:39Yeah, I'm sorry, I lost my rag.
33:41Well, now he's going to tell Leanne everything.
33:43No, not necessarily.
33:44Oh, come on, why wouldn't he?
33:45He told Debbie not to contact the police.
33:47Yeah, so he can get his own revenge by spilling the beans on us.
33:50Do you know what?
33:51This is going to be horrific.
33:53OK, just calm down.
33:54This dress isn't going to be good for you.
33:56Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you belted Rowan.
34:04Nick told me what happened.
34:06Is Sam home?
34:09No, he's at Hope's.
34:14Because I want to talk to you both about what's been going on.
34:21Are you OK?
34:22No, I'm not.
34:23I am so sorry.
34:24Can you just, please?
34:26I know I've not been a very good sister.
34:29But I was really hurt by you.
34:31Telling me that you didn't want me involved in your cancer treatment.
34:34Listen, I think...
34:35No, it's fine.
34:36I understand.
34:37You have to do what's right for you.
34:39And I'm sorry.
34:40I'm sorry.
34:41I'm sorry.
34:42I'm sorry.
34:43I'm sorry.
34:44I'm sorry.
34:45I'm sorry.
34:46I'm sorry.
34:47I'm sorry.
34:48I'm sorry.
34:49I understand what's right for you and...
34:51Well, Rowan's made me realise that I need to do what's right for me too.
34:55Look, I might have been a bit hasty...
34:56No, no.
34:57I don't think you were.
34:58You were just taking care of your wellbeing.
34:59So, I'm going to do the same and take care of mine.
35:03So, I'm going to withdraw with love.
35:06You'll always be my sister.
35:07That won't change.
35:09But because of the situation here and what's going on with you two,
35:11I just feel like I need to withdraw emotionally, for your sake.
35:15Wait, so, are you still going to be living here?
35:18I'll still live here. This is purely about your cancer treatment.
35:22So I will be actively disconnecting. I hope you understand.
35:29Here we go. Two coffees, one with milk and one with help.
35:32Thanks, Shona. Thank you.
35:33Oh, shall we get some food as well? I really fancy one of Roy's pies.
35:36No, we've got bits. Leftovers. We need to eat them.
35:40Oh, right. Well, that's mates off.
35:42He thinks money grows on trees.
35:44Oh, well, you know where we are, if you change your mind.
35:51Oh, hiya, mate. How are you doing?
35:55Yeah, I'm all right.
35:57I owe you an apology. I had no idea who Mason was.
36:00It's fine.
36:01Are you OK? Yeah, I'm fine.
36:03Oh, Stu, you left your phone on the counter and Eliza's ringing.
36:06Oh, OK, thanks.
36:09So, are you coming back to work at the restaurant?
36:12I don't think so.
36:14That's not because of Mason, is it?
36:16No, I just don't think I'll have time, that's all.
36:18You look worried about something.
36:21I'm fine, honestly. I'm just hungry.
36:24Who did... Who did that?
36:27Was it Mason?
36:29No, it was just football.
36:30You rufty-tufty boys, hmm?
36:35So, have you put an offer in, then?
36:37Just need to check my finances, but I will be doing.
36:40Fingers crossed you get it.
36:41Oh, I'd love you forever.
36:43It's dead kind of you.
36:45Yeah, it is.
36:46Hey, and we've been thinking about getting some work done and all.
36:49You know, like decorating.
36:51New units in the kitchen, maybe.
36:53We could get a new bathroom.
36:55I don't think my budget will stretch that far.
36:58Your face! I'm winding you up.
37:03Oh, I'm just so glad we're going to have a roof over our heads.
37:09Yes, love?
37:10Two pints of bitter love, please.
37:11It's really nice of you to do that for our drama.
37:13Oh, it's something Paul said to me the other day.
37:16About families.
37:17And I want to do some good.
37:19So you see us as family now?
37:21Not a Gemma and Paul, yeah.
37:24What about me?
37:26You're kidding, aren't you?
37:28I thought we were past this.
37:30No chance.
37:33I'll keep things nice for them two,
37:35but to tell you the truth,
37:37I don't like you, Bernie.
37:40I never will.
37:44I think you're making a mistake.
37:46Well, there's a change.
37:47Oh, come on.
37:48All this withdrawing with love nonsense.
37:51Look, I know you're confused.
37:52I'm not confused.
37:53I'm irritated.
37:54I'm annoyed.
37:56Well, that's OK, too.
37:58Come on.
37:59Come on.
38:00She needs you.
38:01And she'll always have me,
38:02just not in the sphere of her treatment.
38:04She's got cancer, Leanne.
38:06Come on, you know how much she loves you.
38:08I know.
38:09I know.
38:10I know.
38:11Come on, Leanne.
38:12Come on, you know how difficult cancer treatment is.
38:15She's scared.
38:17What, are you just going to walk out and leave her to it?
38:20Well, it's what she wanted.
38:21It's what she asked for.
38:22No, no, no.
38:23It's not what she meant.
38:24She told me after the blood test.
38:25You know, she just wants you with her.
38:27OK, Rowan's helped me realise
38:29that it's going to be in Toya's best interests.
38:31If she wants to get through this,
38:32she's going to have to channel positive energy.
38:34Oh, for pity's sake.
38:35I know you don't believe that,
38:37but it's what she needs.
38:42Right, who wants a cup of tea?
38:44Oh, yeah, go on, then.
38:47No, I'm fine, thanks.
38:49You OK, pal?
38:52Just tired.
38:54I think I'm going to go to my room.
38:58He seems a bit down. Do you think he's all right?
39:00Yeah, he's quiet in the hotel tonight as well, wasn't he?
39:03Yeah, and so were you.
39:05Give a ho over.
39:07I was just stuffed after my free steak.
39:10So everything's OK with you, then?
39:12Yeah, I'm fine.
39:13You're the one who stayed away from me.
39:16I didn't stay away from you.
39:19I just... I just needed a break
39:21from all the stuff that was going on.
39:23Well, why didn't you tell me that?
39:25Explain. I thought you was going off me.
39:28Don't get rid of me that easily.
39:31What are you doing here?
39:33I got you this, so you won't be bored.
39:38Where did you get that?
39:39A museum?
39:41It's not that old. It still works.
39:43It's got loads of channels on it. You'll be fine, look.
39:46Horse racing.
39:48You'll be fine.
39:50You'll be fine.
39:52You'll be fine.
39:54You'll be fine.
39:56You'll be fine.
39:59Horse racing.
40:01Quiz show.
40:03Some antiques thing.
40:05I want to go to Ireland.
40:14You are?
40:15No, I want to go now.
40:16I'm sick of being stuck here.
40:18I told you, I don't have the money.
40:21You're minted.
40:22I'm really not, but I'll have it soon.
40:26I've told you, a few weeks.
40:28And then you can put the deposit down on a flat and you'll never see me again.
40:31No, I'm not waiting that long.
40:33Book a hotel.
40:34Or summer. Just do something.
40:36Lauren, I know you feel trapped here.
40:38OK, but we have to do this properly.
40:41Why don't you have a look at some places online?
40:45Find somewhere nice.
40:49It's worth waiting for, this.
40:51A fresh start for you.
40:54It's her choice.
40:56She's only doing what I asked.
40:58Yeah, I don't think it's her making the decision.
41:00I agree, but we can't force her to change her mind.
41:04I'm going to talk to her.
41:06No, don't. Don't!
41:08Come on, you need her.
41:10And she'll regret it.
41:12You know, this is as serious as it gets.
41:15You have got to stop behaving like this.
41:18What do you mean?
41:19These aren't the actions of a brother-in-law, OK?
41:23I know why you're doing it.
41:25But if you carry on, then so will Ian, and we'll all lose.
41:35I want to help you.
41:37Yes, and you are.
41:39You are, and it makes me...
41:42..appreciate you, but...
41:46..we're not together.
41:48So you just need to rein in the whole Rambo act, OK?
41:52OK, I'll try.
41:56I can't promise anything, you know,
41:58if they come sniffing around again.
42:03We always knew that this day might come.
42:06It's awful being trapped inside, though.
42:08Yeah, how about, right, we have one last day out before...
42:13I'm locked in.
42:15Yeah, yeah, how about we go out tomorrow?
42:19We'll have a nice time.
42:27Well, I've not locked you up yet.
42:30No, I'm still a free man.
42:31What's going on?
42:33I'm just going to pick up Sam.
42:35No, not that. I meant..., the hotel. It's not like you.
42:41Red mist? I mean, you invented it.
42:43Yeah, exactly. It's something I do, but not you.
42:46OK, so what's your point?
42:49My point is, you drove back from the hospital.
42:51You parked, all. You went into Chariot Square.
42:54You went looking for a fight.
42:56To warn him off?
42:58No, it's Toyah.
42:59Yeah, I'm very protective over her.
43:02So now we're getting to it.
43:03All right, who are you, Columba? I'm going to get Sam.
43:05No, just...
43:07Are you two still...
43:16We're not, but... want her.
43:21When she got the cancer diagnosis, it changed the way I felt.
43:26How do you mean?
43:29I wanted to cry.
43:32I couldn't face losing her.
43:36Is she part of the system?
43:39Can't change how I feel.
43:41Well, that's a worry,
43:43because you're actually meant to be going out with Leanne.
43:46I know.
43:48But I think I'm falling in love with Toyah.