Workshop Preparaciones GEDYT Agosto 2022

  • 3 months ago
Workshop Preparaciones GEDYT Agosto 2022


00:00:00Circuits, yes, that's how we have the material, here we will surely share the screen also so that you can see what I am showing, this came here, you should already be seeing the screen and today's goal, we had this morning a call with Diego to align ourselves, is this part here.
00:00:25Preparations because doubles, we already chewed them, obviously it is not validated because it is necessary to meet a series of prerequisites to validate doubles, but it is chewed, we were already more or less analyzing where we were going to advance and so on.
00:00:42Now we go for preparations, so what we have to see today is what the rules of preparations are and how we are going to do with Marquis to adjust to what you need.
00:01:02Male challenge, we have talked for a long time, we are approaching it, at some point we are going to start attacking it, today is the day to attack preparations, how are we going to face and how are we going to solve this problem of preparations, which in fact scares me a little.
00:01:23Because in some clinical meetings, I heard, for example, say, and where do we load the preparations? Do you remember Diego Pulpeiro? In one of the talks, I don't know if Dr. Argento said, and how do we, the doctors, load the preparations?
00:01:48And someone at the meeting said, no, no, you don't load the preparation, that's why I insist that now we are standing in the preparation milestone, how it impacts, how we order it, so that this is very clean.
00:02:03Well, to tackle the issue of preparations, the first question I have for Sandra is, at what point in the entire clinical circuit for the call center team does this concept of preparation appear?
00:02:26And I want to propose something, in the shift, there it appears for the first time, do I have to link a preparation?
00:02:38Actually, with the system that, with the Marquis system, let's say, it should appear when, if it is a HEDIT patient and our doctor prescribes the preparation, it should be linked to when I give him the shift
00:03:00Ay, ay, ay, how nice what you are saying, ay, ay, ay, so what you are saying is that you are validating a noise that we heard the other day, that is, the doctors
00:03:17Actually, it is like this, if the patient is from HEDIT, yes, the doctor prescribes the preparation, in an 80% I would tell you, because there is a link that does not do it, but it should be in a 100%, then the doctor prescribes the preparation when the patient is in the consultancy or when the patient leaves the consultancy.
00:03:47If the doctor does not prescribe it, we do it by default, that is, we choose according to the criteria the preparation that we are going to send.
00:04:01Ok, that is a whole story and we are going to think about it, so let's start the debate, the round, the free fight with this, let's see, what we are saying is that, I am going to repeat it as an achievement, but it is to fix,
00:04:25A patient falls into a consultation, the doctor tells him, you have to do a study, and what you say is that in that instance the professional prescribes the preparation, and how is a preparation, what text does it have?
00:04:44It is an order, it is a medication, it is a prescription for the medication, I can send you the ones that we use, which puts the patient's data, it puts various kits, one equal to one, prolonged treatment for video colonoscopy preparation and that's it.
00:05:04It is a prescription because you have to go to the pharmacy to buy it.
00:05:09Exactly, it is a prescription, it is not an indication, it is a prescription.
00:05:13Sani, remind me something, today with that preparation, you know what preparation the patient has to be assigned.
00:05:23Of course, when the patient calls by phone to ask for the shift, we tell him, the doctor indicated a preparation, if not, if the doctor indicated it, what preparation did he indicate, if the doctor did not indicate it, I give it to him by default.
00:05:41That preparation is not in the system, let's say, it was written in the prescription and the patient tells you.
00:05:46It is a prescription, it is a medical order, it is a prescription, nothing more.
00:05:51Okay, but San, what Diego asks, I was also going to ask you, today, you, when the patient calls you, you don't have that in the system to know?
00:06:04No, and also if they had it in the system, they couldn't either, because the doctor would have to have put it in the clinical history, which would mean that I have to enter the patient's clinical history, which the boys do not have access to.
00:06:19Or some, to see what the doctor prescribed him, if the patient does not have the prescription, I decide what preparation I send him.
00:06:29Wait, wait, wait, Sandra, but that's going to happen, wait, how do I order my thoughts, you are telling me that today you do not have access to the prescription, correct?
00:06:41Correct, actually, except that the patient sends it to me, sometimes they send you the study order and they also add the preparation.
00:06:51But wait, let me follow the circuit, then, you received Gustavo's call, hello, yes, I want a shift, okay, what do you do, do you ask him, do you have a prescription? Because you don't have the element to know if he has it or not.
00:07:03The patient to request the shift has to have previously sent me the prescription, the indication of the study that the doctor asks for.
00:07:12The order, two things, the order and the prescription.
00:07:16We ask him for the order, if he sends the prescription, he sends it, if not, I ask him what the doctor gave him.
00:07:22Ah, okay, so I call you Gustavo and I'm going to say, well, look, to take a shift I need the order, ready, I give you the order.
00:07:29You ask him, well, what medicine did he give you? Do you do that to him?
00:07:34Of course, for the preparation.
00:07:36Of course, but I ask that only to our patients, that is, to the patient himself, because the patient who comes from outside, usually the doctor does not prescribe the preparation.
00:07:49That is, a patient who comes from the consultancy of Dr. Pirulo generally does not bring preparation, so we always define ourselves, it is very rare that an external patient has a preparation.
00:08:02Well, but how do you define that preparation for an external patient?
00:08:06It's random, actually, we have like, you have to give two vareskit, a picoprep, a sulfodone, again, two vareskit, a picoprep, a sulfodone, and actually today it is almost not respected, we give what we want.
00:08:24Well, with the elements that you gave me, we are going to take a little step, little, little, little.
00:08:32I say, I would ask him, ok, you say the vareks or whatever, but how do you give it to the patient? Do you give him an order?
00:08:42Of course, I send him the indication and I send him the recipe, we have some online editable recipes where we upload the data to the patient and we send it to him.
00:08:54Here we do everything and more and a lot of what is not possible.
00:09:01And those recipes that they send are signed as if they were from a professional, I imagine.
00:09:06They are pre-armed recipes that are digitally confirmed by one of the doctors here at GEDIT.
00:09:22Do you call that sending preparation?
00:09:25No, no, no. That is prior, it is actually later. I give him the preparation, I select it when I give the shift.
00:09:39When I give the shift, according to the schedule, the system unfolds the different preparations at the time I assigned the shift.
00:09:49That is, if I assign a shift at 10 in the morning, it will unfold the list of the vareks, vareks kits, fodon, pico, prep and others at 10 in the morning.
00:10:00I select the accent I want and when I confirm the shift, the patient receives the preparation.
00:10:07After that, I make the recipe and send it to him in a separate email.
00:10:14So there are two objects, one is the recipe and the other is the preparation.
00:10:21You wanted to ask something.
00:10:23No, no, I was just about to add that.
00:10:26I was interpreting that Sandra mentioned preparation to the indication of which accent they were going to give him.
00:10:36So if it's two things, as Diego said, two separate things.
00:10:39The medical prescription, I mentioned it because your system has this of medical prescriptions.
00:10:47If not, it is a manual management that we do from the call center.
00:10:53And the preparation, yes, that is, you must take this.
00:10:57The preparation automatically leaves the system.
00:11:03Is it a text?
00:11:06Yes, it's a long thing.
00:11:09They are all long.
00:11:11It's a text of 4 or 5 pages, Diego.
00:11:13Of course, because in reality the preparation comes out, the questionnaire comes out, the consent comes out, the brochure comes out.
00:11:21It's a link, I'll share it with you.
00:11:24Please, it's great.
00:11:26Currently it is a link, a link that is a PDF that brings 4 pages.
00:11:30The preparation and then a questionnaire and a consent.
00:11:33And the information brochure.
00:11:35It is a link that brings the preparation and those sheets that the patient has to complete.
00:11:45And does that link arrive by email?
00:11:48That link does arrive by email.
00:11:55And it is related to the schedule of the shift.
00:12:04What do I do? Do I share the screen?
00:12:06Come on, I'll stop sharing.
00:12:19We are...
00:12:22We are getting tangled up.
00:12:24No, I'm entering the mail first.
00:12:32Can you see me there?
00:12:36This is what the patient receives.
00:12:38He has an assigned shift.
00:12:40Study, B.A., B.Sc.
00:12:42And when I click here...
00:12:48It takes a while.
00:12:50It's okay, it can be big.
00:12:54Those PDFs, you already have them, right?
00:12:57Yes, all of that is on the page.
00:13:00And they are links.
00:13:02We have an Excel with all these links.
00:13:06If you go to the website of HEDIP,, you will see a section on preparations.
00:13:11We have it in a shared, in an FTP, the link.
00:13:16So every time they send it or the patient enters our website,
00:13:22they have the option of seeing the preparation.
00:13:27How many are these?
00:13:30Of these, you have four for each preparation,
00:13:36and there are eight preparations.
00:13:39Varex, VarexKit.
00:13:41The question is this, Sandra, how many PDFs are there?
00:13:45About 80, I have no idea how many there are.
00:13:4880 different types of PDFs.
00:13:50Yes, I think, I have no idea.
00:13:53I should ask the salesgirl.
00:13:55This is what the patient receives, you see?
00:13:58The indications, the informed consent, the questionnaire,
00:14:04and the brochure of the colonoscopy.
00:14:10Of the colonoscopy, nothing more.
00:14:13Now, when I'm going to take a shift,
00:14:18any shift, suppose,
00:14:26I'm going to take a shift.
00:14:44I'm going to close some pages to see if I'm in a hurry.
00:14:55Suppose I give you a shift to...
00:14:59How many shifts were released today?
00:15:05All those who were on vacation were canceled.
00:15:14You can hide it, there it is.
00:15:18I can already select the preparation here.
00:15:22Well, stay there a little while. If you told me that there are 80 PDFs, more or less,
00:15:26it means that there you have to have 80 possibilities.
00:15:28No, it brings me what is from 12 to 15.30.
00:15:33What happens is that each headquarters has its own group of links.
00:15:40So, I have the Barex one for each of our headquarters,
00:15:44because as the headquarters have the preparations with the logos,
00:15:49for example, Fleming has the logo of Hedith and Fleming.
00:15:53So, there are groups of preparations with the logo of each headquarters.
00:15:58That's why it's so much, let's say.
00:16:00That's why the preparations are...
00:16:03Let's see, I say there are four possible schedules.
00:16:05Here you have four schedules and you have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
00:16:12And they are four by seven.
00:16:15That's why. Four schedules and seven products that can be combined with each other.
00:16:21And in turn, you have combinations according to the headquarters.
00:16:25One thing is your own headquarters and the other is external headquarters.
00:16:28Yes, and actually here, because I'm only giving a colonoscopy,
00:16:34if I go back, well, this is going to take a long time,
00:16:38but when I add a high endoscopy, it brings me the combined studies.
00:16:44That is to say, that same plus the issue of the high endoscopy video.
00:16:50Let's go back.
00:17:06What patience you have to have.
00:17:14This always takes so long?
00:17:20Oh, yes. It's a pleasure.
00:17:25Here I put more BEDA.
00:17:28Accept. Select.
00:17:34And when I go to look for it, it brings me the combination of BEDA and BCC
00:17:46Yes, it's fine.
00:17:50And the one with the free endoscopy, which is actually wrong,
00:17:55because it would only have to bring me the combinations.
00:17:58That is, it would have to bring me BCC and BEDA.
00:18:00Everything else should not bring it to me.
00:18:02But hey, it can fail.
00:18:05And these are the links that, if I want, I can open separately.
00:18:14Let's see. Depending on what happened, I'm going to start saying what I understood.
00:18:22That is, there is a total of 80 PDFs, which are the ones that have the different types of preparations.
00:18:33I threw you the number 80.
00:18:35More or less.
00:18:37More or less.
00:18:41Action 1. Action 2.
00:18:43The PDF that you select will be a subset of these that will depend, first, on the site.
00:18:56That is, if the site of Acuénaga, that is, it is reduced, it will not be 80, it will be 40, those of Acuénaga.
00:19:03If it is.
00:19:05It could be 28, those of Acuénaga.
00:19:07Of course.
00:19:094 shifts per 7 possible products.
00:19:11Well, that's why I want to add the dimensions, Diego.
00:19:13First site.
00:19:15Second, the procedure.
00:19:18What I saw is that if she puts a procedure, she cuts it.
00:19:21If she puts another, is that so?
00:19:26Now, what is the issue?
00:19:28Actually, what you are missing there is the schedule.
00:19:32Yes, I know, but stop, let's go by procedure first.
00:19:34By procedure, how is it?
00:19:36If you are two procedures, are they two PDFs?
00:19:38Or is it a PDF for being two procedures?
00:19:41It is the same link.
00:19:43Notice that it is the same link.
00:19:45It has 21 sheets instead of 12, because here it brings me the part of the endoscopy, it brings me the preparation for the colonoscopy.
00:19:54The questionnaire.
00:19:56The informed consent for the colonoscopy and the informed consent for the endoscopy.
00:20:02But it is a specific PDF.
00:20:04It is a specific PDF.
00:20:06That is, by procedure.
00:20:08So by procedure you have, let's say, for a study or for a study group.
00:20:19I'm going to give a verdict on this later.
00:20:23And third, by schedule group.
00:20:26By schedule group, yes.
00:20:28Good. What were those groups, sorry?
00:20:31The schedules are from 8 to 9 and a half.
00:20:37Look, I'll show you here, from 8 to 9 and a half.
00:20:40From 10 to 11 and a half.
00:20:46From 12 to 15 and a half.
00:20:48And from 16 to 20.
00:20:57That is, according to the schedule that is selected, it is the PDF that will show you to select.
00:21:18So you select by a set of filters.
00:21:22Site, procedures and schedules.
00:21:25There are three filter variables.
00:21:28And according to that, it brings you PDFs.
00:21:30Of course.
00:21:32Actually, well, it is by procedure and schedule.
00:21:38Because the site, the only difference that the site makes to me is the link it brings me.
00:21:46But in reality, the priority is the procedure and the schedule.
00:21:51Because for any center, the schedule and the procedure, the preparation is the same.
00:21:56What changes is the aesthetic part.
00:21:59Let's say, not the content.
00:22:01And I ask you a question.
00:22:03What do you select then?
00:22:07Let's say we already have the three rules.
00:22:14That is, according to the site, it sends a PDF.
00:22:16According to the type of procedure, it sends a PDF.
00:22:18According to the schedule, it sends a PDF.
00:22:20What do you select then?
00:22:22I select the preparation, this link.
00:22:26And what is the difference?
00:22:28The product.
00:22:31I choose here, Varex Plus.
00:22:34I accept it.
00:22:36And here it tells me that the patient is going to receive Varex Plus.
00:22:39Then I put it.
00:22:44Stop, stop.
00:22:45And what does it depend on whether you put one or the other?
00:22:48If the patient has a prescription as a first measure.
00:22:54And if he does not have a prescription, it is at the operator's choice.
00:22:59And what?
00:23:00At the operator's absolute choice?
00:23:02Yes, at the operator's absolute choice.
00:23:05Because we are going to have the prescription.
00:23:07That is, we are going to have the medicine because there is going to be a prescription, right?
00:23:11Okay, but I'm going to have that when the patient is mine.
00:23:15I already know that.
00:23:17When the patient is mine, I ask him.
00:23:19The doctor told him some laxative.
00:23:22Yes, he gave me sulfodone.
00:23:24Well, that's it.
00:23:25So I choose what the doctor gave him.
00:23:27Yes, yes, yes.
00:23:29Now, I'm going to give you something else.
00:23:32Sometimes it happens that the doctor gives him a laxative and when he calls to ask for it.
00:23:37It didn't happen to us recently.
00:23:39He says, look, don't change it for me because it's very expensive.
00:23:42Or the last time I took it, I felt very bad.
00:23:47So we change the indication that the doctor gave him and we clarify it.
00:23:52Because in itself, the indication that we have is that we cannot change the laxative that the doctor prescribed.
00:24:04Well, let's see.
00:24:06Here is a debate.
00:24:08Don't you love it?
00:24:10There is a beautiful debate.
00:24:12I don't even know where to start.
00:24:15I'm going to start at the beginning.
00:24:17For Diego, Emiliano and Sandra.
00:24:19And Vero.
00:24:21For everyone.
00:24:22Jorge and Gregorio.
00:24:25The topic is as follows.
00:24:27Here, what we are saying is that Sandra selects a subgroup.
00:24:34Sorry, I say it another way.
00:24:35Sandra selects a subgroup.
00:24:41A pdf.
00:24:43To say it in Creole.
00:24:45That pdf is the indication.
00:24:49Now, that subgroup depends on the site, the time and what the doctor prescribed.
00:24:58In most cases.
00:25:00Because Sandra says.
00:25:02There are cases where I don't have the prescription.
00:25:04Then I have to say it.
00:25:08Now Marquis.
00:25:10Has the prescription data.
00:25:12You don't have the prescription data today.
00:25:16The medication is a variable that the system will have.
00:25:18As to make an automatic decision.
00:25:22What is the problem?
00:25:24The problem is what Sandra said.
00:25:26When the patient says.
00:25:30I understand that the preparation that we are going to send is with X.
00:25:32But X is bad for me.
00:25:34Change me.
00:25:36What does Sandra do today?
00:25:38She makes a prescription.
00:25:42And she changes the medication.
00:25:44But she makes a prescription.
00:25:46So, in short.
00:25:48What I am reading is that.
00:25:50For the preparation to come out.
00:25:52The prescription must always exist.
00:25:54It doesn't matter.
00:25:56It doesn't matter if.
00:25:58In your business today.
00:26:00It matters within a framework.
00:26:02But in your business today.
00:26:04It doesn't matter if Sandra does it.
00:26:06Or a doctor does it.
00:26:08You cannot give the preparation if there is no prescription.
00:26:10Is this correct?
00:26:18I understand that in one.
00:26:20The prescription was made by the doctor.
00:26:22In our patients.
00:26:24In the external patients.
00:26:26If the prescription does not come.
00:26:28We end up generating it.
00:26:30In one way or another.
00:26:34That's the reality.
00:26:36That's the reality.
00:26:38That's what I care least about.
00:26:40Because I can generate the prescription.
00:26:42Out of the system.
00:26:44And then see that the doctor.
00:26:46Modifies it.
00:26:48You are putting my finger.
00:26:50In a wound that is already infected.
00:26:52Don't do this to me Sandra.
00:26:56I'm going to explain to you what the issue is.
00:26:58If I have to ask the doctor.
00:27:00To make me the prescription again.
00:27:02Because the patient has an allergy.
00:27:04It can take a long time.
00:27:06Let's say.
00:27:08This is a deviation.
00:27:10To a process that maybe.
00:27:12We will have to evaluate.
00:27:16What to do when the patient.
00:27:18Asks you or tells you.
00:27:20That the prescription is expensive.
00:27:22Or whatever.
00:27:24Sorry San.
00:27:26Can't we leave this out?
00:27:30That's what I'm saying.
00:27:32It's a case that can happen.
00:27:34And I think this deviation.
00:27:36We can evaluate it later.
00:27:38Because for today.
00:27:40I can solve it by hand.
00:27:42And I think that within the set.
00:27:44Of all the things that we have.
00:27:46To see with Mark and others.
00:27:48It's a little bit of everything.
00:27:50I can tell the man.
00:27:52He has to pay.
00:27:54And that's it.
00:27:58Let's say.
00:28:00It's a small deviation.
00:28:02That nothing.
00:28:04We can evaluate it.
00:28:08I think that everything.
00:28:10Related to the preparations.
00:28:12It's bigger than this.
00:28:14Of the order.
00:28:16I can tell the doctor.
00:28:18I'm going to change the medication.
00:28:20To the patient.
00:28:22I need you to get into the system.
00:28:24And do it.
00:28:26I can do it at the moment.
00:28:28And if not.
00:28:30I think we should move forward.
00:28:34I want to hear you.
00:28:36You said something.
00:28:38I understand that.
00:28:40Preparation is complex.
00:28:42It's already quite complex.
00:28:44There are different schedules.
00:28:46And today.
00:28:48It's the choice of the operator.
00:28:50Let's forget about those grays.
00:28:54They are grays.
00:28:56I want to be standing in the same place as you.
00:28:58What gray?
00:29:00Sandra sometimes changes the doctor's prescription.
00:29:02Forget that.
00:29:04What do you mean?
00:29:06Don't have it on the scope.
00:29:08I don't know.
00:29:10It's the leader.
00:29:12I wouldn't put it on the scope at all.
00:29:14Take it out.
00:29:16I understand that you are worried.
00:29:18And it's good that you know.
00:29:20But don't worry about this.
00:29:22This type of situation.
00:29:24It can happen to us.
00:29:26When the prescription is over.
00:29:28Because we gave him a 60-day turn.
00:29:30And you have to do it again.
00:29:32Or this change of the laxative.
00:29:34It seems to me.
00:29:36It's something to know.
00:29:38And then see.
00:29:40Telling the doctor.
00:29:42I need to do the prescription again.
00:29:44In the system.
00:29:46And I can use it outside.
00:29:48Give him another one.
00:29:52I don't want to make the deviations.
00:29:54Maybe I'll use you when we start.
00:29:58But I'm honest.
00:30:00I can't lie to you.
00:30:02The same thing happens to us.
00:30:04Let me introduce you to something.
00:30:08This is the last talk.
00:30:10Of all the talks we've had.
00:30:14This is the one we all tried to avoid.
00:30:18When we have someone in the family.
00:30:20That we don't want to present.
00:30:22Here it is.
00:30:24It's called preparation.
00:30:26So let's see.
00:30:28What do we put on him?
00:30:30I'm going to start with something.
00:30:32I'm going to start with something.
00:30:34And you will tell me.
00:30:36Let's start.
00:30:38Let's see how.
00:30:40If they don't give us permission.
00:30:42We do it directly.
00:30:44It's not serious.
00:30:48That's what I thought.
00:30:50When it's an order from a doctor.
00:30:52Maybe we're not going to create.
00:30:54The order of the study.
00:30:56But one thing is the recipe.
00:30:58And another thing is the order.
00:31:00The order.
00:31:02Can be created by an administrator.
00:31:04That's how it works.
00:31:08That's why we're going to start.
00:31:10Chewing a lot of alternatives.
00:31:12Today the tool as it is.
00:31:14The order can be made by an administrator.
00:31:16In the name of the professional.
00:31:18But just the recipe.
00:31:22There is no such functionality.
00:31:24To make a recipe.
00:31:26You have to be a doctor.
00:31:28In fact.
00:31:30I'm going to share the screen.
00:31:32We all see it together.
00:31:34I can be Dr. Ador.
00:31:36And Dr. Movilla.
00:31:38And that's it.
00:31:42But before that.
00:31:46I wanted to think.
00:31:48The following.
00:31:50It can be that.
00:31:52And what I'm going to say at the same time.
00:31:54Let's see if you understand what I'm going to say.
00:31:56Do you see this Excel?
00:31:58Are you seeing this Excel?
00:32:00I still don't see it.
00:32:02I see.
00:32:06Let me see.
00:32:08I was presenting something else.
00:32:10That's why you didn't see it.
00:32:12There it goes.
00:32:16It's okay.
00:32:18Don't tell me it's okay.
00:32:20I didn't say anything yet.
00:32:22I was answering Veronica.
00:32:24Let's see.
00:32:26I'm going to start here.
00:32:28Excel guys.
00:32:30Technically it's a table.
00:32:32This is a table.
00:32:34A table is a set of rows and columns.
00:32:38What I'm going to do is design a table in real time.
00:32:40A table that says.
00:32:46Then I have something called site.
00:32:48Something called schedule.
00:32:50Something called procedures.
00:32:54And something that is going to be called.
00:32:58I know that up to this point you say.
00:33:00What's wrong with this guy?
00:33:02You don't understand anything.
00:33:04What can we do?
00:33:06We can make a table.
00:33:10Where I say.
00:33:12Presentation A.
00:33:14Presentation A.
00:33:22I have it mapped.
00:33:24A pdf.
00:33:26That is going to shoot.
00:33:28Whenever the site is X.
00:33:30I don't know.
00:33:32Put it to be Ascuenaga.
00:33:34And Junkal too.
00:33:38The schedule is.
00:33:40This is what you told me.
00:33:42I have it documented here.
00:33:44For example.
00:33:46From 10 to 11.
00:33:48That the procedure is.
00:33:50The procedure.
00:33:52That is.
00:33:56The procedure is.
00:34:20is the following, if it is indicated VAREX, if it is indicated VAREX, the procedure, the procedure that was given is the same, the schedule is the same and the site is the same, I shoot that test, which is a bit what you have today, because for it to come out automatically, it has to exist.
00:34:38Today I tell you, you have this, this and this rule from what I heard, you do not have this rule, what I am proposing is to put the dimension of medication within the problem, which Marquis has that data, then you would not have to select anything, because by the table that I am showing you, that presentation would be shot.
00:35:03That would be great.
00:35:04How nice that you tell me that, because this is the most feasible to do.
00:35:10And of course, now, what happens when I don't have the prescription, I'm going to have to prescribe it.
00:35:18I love you, stop, stop, because there, let me see how we can do a couple of things, stop.
00:35:26Oh my God, what is this, my God.
00:35:29This, when you are going to take the turn, yes, here we are taking the turn, yes, you are going to look for Pugliese, for example.
00:35:37Now we are in the tool, right?
00:35:40When you look here for the patient, what we can do when you are going to give an order, yes, when you are going to give an order, you look, we can put a rule that does not let you take the turn if you do not have everything prepared for the presentation.
00:36:03For example, it's good, that is, if you are giving a procedure on a site, yes, and you don't have a PDF for that, the system will tell you, look, it requires something, it requires something, for example, or you don't have the recipe.
00:36:23It would be that you are missing the preparation, that the preparation is not chosen, let's say, to be able to assign the turn and send the email.
00:36:29No, what he says is a step back.
00:36:32Let's see, I'll answer both of you, stop, stop, I'll answer both of you.
00:36:37And this goes for Diego and for Sandra at the same time.
00:36:40We cannot today, it is very expensive and I don't know how to think about it and how to solve the problem that the user selects the presentation, Diego.
00:36:49That's what I'm trying to avoid, I don't know if you noticed.
00:36:53I mean, I can't make Sandra or Vero select them when they give the preparation turn, but I can do that with the data that you make the decision today, the system automatically sends the preparation.
00:37:08And how are we going to do that?
00:37:09For those who send the preparation, I need this complete table.
00:37:13I need the site to be there, the schedule to be there, the procedure to be there, the medication to be there.
00:37:18So, if any of these things are missing, I can tell the operator, hey, listen to me, you can't give the turn because there is something missing for the preparation.
00:37:30Yes, it's just, look how nice, it doesn't let me, what I want to do, there it is, this, this, that it appears in red, yes?
00:37:38You see that here it says the time to select, it doesn't have a budget.
00:37:41Well, I can also tell the operator, you are missing data for the preparation, we are going to make it more beautiful.
00:37:48I'm not going to send you a message that says you are missing data for the preparation.
00:37:50But notice, Veronica and Sandra, that when I looked for the procedure, what do I have in this table?
00:38:00What do I have for the preparation?
00:38:02I have the following, I have the site, I have the procedure or the procedures, I have the schedule.
00:38:14I already know that it is for such a schedule, so what do I do?
00:38:17I look at it, if it is from such to such, and I already have this, this and this, correct?
00:38:22Are you following me so far?
00:38:25Good. What am I missing?
00:38:27I am missing the recipe.
00:38:29If it doesn't have a recipe, I can't give you the preparation.
00:38:33That's why I was just asking you, do you need the recipe?
00:38:38And we came to the conclusion that you do need the recipe.
00:38:43Excuse me for laughing, but I know I'm pushing you to a place.
00:38:47In other words, you need the recipe, because if not, the system does not know what the medication is.
00:38:54And where is the recipe?
00:38:56Well, the recipe, if Veronica tells you a message, I can't give you the preparation because the recipe is missing.
00:39:01Because the recipe is missing, you have to go to the patient's file, and in the patient's file you will have the recipe.
00:39:10Here are the recipes.
00:39:12Here it says, request recipe, dispense recipe.
00:39:16Wait, leave me there, I have an issue.
00:39:18Gustavo, can you see the recipes? No, right?
00:39:22These are recipes on the web, and this is to dispense, but I don't know if I have all the recipes here.
00:39:31In the administrative part, you mean?
00:39:34Sure, I can see the history of the recipe as a doctor sees it.
00:39:37And excuse me, girls, for the impoliteness, but we are working in Wardsham.
00:39:41In fact, we are going to see it between the two of us, we are going to answer that question.
00:39:45It should be.
00:39:47It should be, correct.
00:39:49Here I am seeing that there are three recipes for this patient.
00:39:53One was done by Dr. Caro, two were done by Dr. Caro, and this one was done by Dr. Argento.
00:39:58Well, and now I'm going to enter as a doctor, which is what we were just telling Gustavo.
00:40:03You, from the clinical module, from the administrative module, cannot give recipes.
00:40:08But as Sandra said well there, nothing takes away that you can enter as professionals, let's say, as a doctor.
00:40:16So, wait, who is this? Apuliese.
00:40:20Let's go to the clinical module.
00:40:22Let's go to the clinical module.
00:40:24And in the clinical module.
00:40:28Let's see how many recipes Apuliese has, and let's see if this closes.
00:40:32In fact, let's do a little test.
00:40:35I don't know if you've seen this, Veronica and Sandra, what I'm doing is entering as a doctor.
00:40:40And now you are going to see how a recipe is made.
00:40:43They enter the recipe module, this is done by doctors.
00:40:46They enter the recipe module.
00:40:48And here I have two recipes.
00:40:49I have two recipes.
00:40:51But this may be due to the date, maybe there are three in the history.
00:40:56No, no, I have two.
00:40:59Why do I have two?
00:41:01Here I have two recipes, Argento and Caro.
00:41:04And on this side I have three.
00:41:07One is from the 20th.
00:41:09We are going to order by date.
00:41:11One is from the 8th, another from the 26th.
00:41:14One is from the 8th, another from the 26th.
00:41:16We are waiting for the date.
00:41:20No, it's because later.
00:41:22Gustavo shows you all of them.
00:41:25He shows you all of them.
00:41:27So, what are we seeing with Gustavo here?
00:41:30That the recipes that are seen, I'm talking about seeing,
00:41:34that the recipes that are seen in the clinical module are seen in the administrative module.
00:41:38Therefore, Veronica and Sandra could see if the Varex is prescribed.
00:41:46I don't remember what you told me.
00:41:48The Varex.
00:41:50So, look here, you will be able to know if it is such or such.
00:41:54The Varex.
00:41:56What you cannot do in the administrative module is to make the recipe.
00:42:01Therefore, when you are taking the shift, if the recipe is not there,
00:42:04I cannot execute the table because I am missing the medicine.
00:42:08So, I don't know which preparation to send.
00:42:11I am missing the Varex.
00:42:13So, here I can tell you, you cannot take the shift because the preparation recipe is missing.
00:42:20That's exactly how we can make a text.
00:42:22What should you do?
00:42:24Take care that the recipe is there to be able to take the shift.
00:42:27I'm very bad, girls.
00:42:29They want to kill me.
00:42:31They want to throw me with a TV.
00:42:32So, and how are we going to do that?
00:42:37Because I don't have someone to make the recipe for all the shifts I give.
00:42:42So, if we cannot do it administratively or the system does not allow it,
00:42:47there you have to evaluate what can be done.
00:42:52Well, alternative one.
00:42:54Let's see, because we give shifts all the time, constantly.
00:42:57If I have to send a doctor who is assembling recipes all the time to be able to take the shift or the preparation,
00:43:08no, no, no.
00:43:10Alternative one.
00:43:12Diego, Emi, without building anything.
00:43:15We generate a professional who is called professional.
00:43:21Where the girls are going to enter with professional, professional.
00:43:24With a single functionality of recipes.
00:43:27So, if the system tells them, it does not have the recipe,
00:43:32they enter this single functionality, which is going to say professional,
00:43:35that the only thing they are going to see in this option and they generate the recipe.
00:43:38What is it called? Bares, they told me, right?
00:43:40Yes, Bares.
00:43:42How, Diego?
00:43:44No, no, that single functionality that is part of the administrative module.
00:43:47No, the first thing I'm offering you is don't make me build,
00:43:51that they have a single functionality specific to recipe.
00:43:55But this single functionality does not have to be just for us,
00:43:58it has to be for all alcoholics.
00:44:00Yes, of course, obviously.
00:44:03No, no, for that.
00:44:05And only that it has, that is, we, from that,
00:44:10can only come programmed to say diagnosis, video colonoscopy,
00:44:16and that only gives me the options to choose the preparations.
00:44:22We can give you something there.
00:44:25Of course, because in reality, for me, for example,
00:44:29these things occur to me.
00:44:31First, that the diagnosis is for video colonoscopy, one.
00:44:38Two, that I only have to choose the preparations I give.
00:44:46And third, who is the firm?
00:44:49With what signature is that order going to come out?
00:44:53Signature and registration.
00:44:55Of the three things you asked me, the third is the one I can give you.
00:45:00The previous two are complicated, I'll explain why.
00:45:05Let's see, the recipe module is not the recipe module for alcohol,
00:45:09it is the recipe module.
00:45:11So, when you go to look for the Barex, yes?
00:45:15Is it called Barex with a long B?
00:45:16Yes, Barex.
00:45:20You put Barex here, you look and the system will lift you.
00:45:24The Barex lifts it from the pharmaceutical manual,
00:45:31which is what is consensual, so to speak, with the doctors.
00:45:38Look at what's in Barex, it's full.
00:45:41It's full.
00:45:45Sorry, I make a clarification.
00:45:48Preparations are 73.
00:45:51Ok, thanks Jorge.
00:45:53I was not so wrong.
00:45:55This is a problem.
00:46:01This is a problem because the probability of error is high.
00:46:11Because there are many options that the operator has to choose from.
00:46:24I mean, it scares me.
00:46:28We already had errors today making the recipe manually.
00:46:34I ask for a hook, I ask for a hook.
00:46:37If it can be an error for you, the operators,
00:46:39it can also be an error for the professionals.
00:46:42Yes, but the difference is that the medical professional is doing a medical act
00:46:49and we are operators.
00:46:51So, I tell you, because I'm in a mess right now with a patient
00:46:56to whom the recipe was made wrong and another medication was given.
00:47:01And obviously I can't tell the lady that we did it.
00:47:05The lady is very angry with the doctor who doesn't even know.
00:47:09I mean, the doctor lent the signature, let's say.
00:47:12But one thing is, it has no consequence and it has no harm
00:47:17because at most instead of giving him the Barex kit,
00:47:20you gave him what happened now, we gave him an Unipex,
00:47:23the lady didn't take it today, nothing.
00:47:25But I say, when you have all these options,
00:47:29if the operator chooses wrong, the risk is that the patient arrives poorly prepared.
00:47:33And then, not being doctors, those who prescribe
00:47:39and that the prescription that the patient receives goes with a seal and so on,
00:47:43they are going to say, yes, but your doctor was the one who prescribed this to me
00:47:48and he prescribed it to me wrong, because I was poorly prepared, suppose.
00:47:52Because the Barex was chosen wrong.
00:47:58I understand you, but ...
00:48:01Let's see, this occurs to me.
00:48:05Since we are going to create a professional apart,
00:48:10we cannot limit that professional to the medical act of prescribing.
00:48:17And since the doctor is half useless, we only let him prescribe this.
00:48:22Because what you say, I mean, we are not so wrong.
00:48:26It's not that you go south and I go north.
00:48:29It seems to me that we can find a place of contact in the southwest,
00:48:33in the southeast, but we are not so wrong.
00:48:36Because now I understand what you say and I throw it to Diego and Emiliano.
00:48:40Here what Sandra is saying, I get a lot of things here,
00:48:44that I actually put Barex and how many are, look, it must be 15.
00:48:48So, the question is, if we limit this pharmaceutical manual a little bit,
00:48:54that instead of 15, it is 3, it will be the same as Dr. Argento,
00:49:00it will be the same as Sandra and her team.
00:49:03It seems to me that there we are getting closer to a path, or not?
00:49:09Let's see, yes, at first I liked it, now I have a doubt.
00:49:13Because I say, that would be the same for any doctor.
00:49:17Sure, I can't make a doctor see one thing and another not.
00:49:21Well, that will have to be asked to Sánchez.
00:49:26That will have to be seen with Sánchez.
00:49:29Because you know what, Diego?
00:49:31Let's see, in general, in general, our doctors,
00:49:35we are not going to have any problem because there is an institutional indication
00:49:40that many do what they want.
00:49:43Because, for example, we cannot prescribe synastal.
00:49:48And our doctors prescribe it the same,
00:49:52because they have a problem with the laboratory, whatever.
00:49:56Now, if you take it out of that list, they can't give it, they can't give it.
00:50:03Well, that is already a definition of the medical direction.
00:50:07Sure, well, that's why, that's a definition.
00:50:10Let's explore the alternatives, I say.
00:50:12The alternative to reducing the listing is.
00:50:15With which later, if in the list there are five products or four,
00:50:19well, we see it internally.
00:50:21But, well, I'm interested in this option of being able to reduce that list.
00:50:25It is possible, but it is completely transversal.
00:50:28What you take out of here, no one can give it to you.
00:50:30As a recipe.
00:50:32Okay, and another thing.
00:50:34Eventually, can I add, because, for example, I'm not ...
00:50:38Perfect, ready.
00:50:40For me, this is the alternative.
00:50:41Sorry Diego, this base is,
00:50:44there are all the possible drugs to give, I say.
00:50:48We have a specialty in gastroenterology and we will be limited.
00:50:52I say, there are not only preparation products for colonoscopy,
00:50:56there could be another drug.
00:50:58Totally, I say.
00:51:00Here the user can say, well, do you know what is ibuprofen preparation?
00:51:03But don't put ibuprofen, sir.
00:51:05And put Varex.
00:51:07Do you understand what I mean?
00:51:08Yes, yes, yes.
00:51:10I say this for Sandra, for the colonoscopy.
00:51:13Of course.
00:51:15I say, we are not going to reduce it only to the products.
00:51:18As is. Very good, Diego.
00:51:22Did you understand, Sandra?
00:51:24How, how, how?
00:51:26What Diego says is,
00:51:28when you look for the generic here, which is preparation,
00:51:30the system does not know,
00:51:32for the system it is not preparation
00:51:34of gastroenterology studies.
00:51:38What the system raises here is a BADEMECUM.
00:51:40Yes, yes, yes.
00:51:42It is a catalog of possible uses.
00:51:44BADEMECUM, if we used it.
00:51:46The operator can put paracetamol here,
00:51:49the colon operator.
00:51:53And you will say, hey, but listen, if it is an endoscopy,
00:51:55why do they put paracetamol if it has nothing to do with it?
00:51:57And because it is raising it from the same tool
00:51:59that any doctor raises.
00:52:01What we are saying is that when you put Varex,
00:52:03the operator does not raise all the Varex,
00:52:04but neither does the doctor raise all the Varex.
00:52:06That is,
00:52:08you have to define the GEDIT nomenclator,
00:52:10which has to have a view for all GEDIT,
00:52:12doctors and operators.
00:52:14It means that the guys can also make a paracetamol recipe
00:52:16from there?
00:52:18And yes,
00:52:20because I can't prevent them from raising another Varex,
00:52:22because it is not an endoscopy.
00:52:24It is not an endoscopy.
00:52:26It is not an endoscopy.
00:52:28It is not an endoscopy.
00:52:30It is not an endoscopy.
00:52:32It is not an endoscopy.
00:52:34So it has to be determined.
00:52:36Let's ask Sandra.
00:52:38Where do you get the value of the VADM CUD GEDIT?
00:52:42it is true.
00:52:44Currently, also.
00:52:46Today for today,
00:52:48we can make a recipe whatever comes.
00:52:50Thank you, Sandra.
00:52:52You are taking my finger
00:52:56out of the wound.
00:52:58It hurts a little to see it.
00:53:01Let's see.
00:53:02I'm going to ask you another question because I don't remember this, when I do the prescription here,
00:53:08is that sent directly to the patient?
00:53:12No, no, no.
00:53:13Do I have to send it?
00:53:15Of course, not necessarily, no. You have to send it.
00:53:19That depends on a definition of what I said.
00:53:22There are clients who ask us for the recipes to be sent automatically by mail.
00:53:29There are clients who ask for that, but all of them, not just one, all of them.
00:53:33I can't make some yes, others no.
00:53:36Either we send them all, or the user decides to send this by mail.
00:53:45No, no, no, that's fine. That's a company decision, let's say.
00:53:48We could, actually, if I have the option to send it, it works for us.
00:53:54Because it's not that I have to go to the mail of shifts to get the idea,
00:53:58I press a button and send it.
00:54:00The recommendation, Sandra, and above all that we are going to start with,
00:54:03is not to do it like that at the beginning, because, for example,
00:54:06what they told us when we implemented this, of the order that is sent by mail,
00:54:10is, hey, they told us, but I was wrong.
00:54:13I grabbed it, I prescribed something, I was wrong and I sent it by mail.
00:54:16And the mail, when it comes out, it comes out.
00:54:18Yes, no, no, no, that's fine.
00:54:20It's fine, but let's see, I have the option that I make the prescription
00:54:26and I can press a button and say send to the patient.
00:54:29No, you don't have that. You have to do this mechanism, let's say.
00:54:33You're going to have to print it, yes?
00:54:36And you have to send that PDF to the patient.
00:54:39Ah, ok, ready, as I do today.
00:54:41Of course, what you have here is the possibility of printing it,
00:54:44and this, yes, you would have to be able to send it by mail, as a file.
00:54:49Ok, yes, yes, as I do now.
00:54:53And then we have the issue of the doctor's signature.
00:54:58Don't worry about the doctor's signature, because that comes out with a holographic…
00:55:02It's fine, but if we're going to be the professional, what signature are we going to put on it?
00:55:07The one you upload is the professional.
00:55:11In fact, notice that here I did it with the prescription of Dr. Boccarelli, right?
00:55:17Look at this, look at this.
00:55:19Boccarelli, and this is a job you're going to have to do later,
00:55:22we'll see how you're going to do it.
00:55:24Boccarelli is a professional.
00:55:26Someone sent me there, sorry.
00:55:28Let's go back, I'm going to do it like this.
00:55:30There it is, let's go this way.
00:55:32Boccarelli is a professional who doesn't have the digitized image of his signature.
00:55:38Look at this, Jorge Y.
00:55:40Because you're going to have to manage this later.
00:55:44In the part of the professional it says signature,
00:55:47and here you have to upload the digitized image of the signature.
00:55:52Let's see if I have any signatures around here.
00:55:57Here I have an ultrasound study.
00:56:00Where can I have an image?
00:56:02I think I had it here.
00:56:08A signature, where did I have it?
00:56:10If I had a signature, here.
00:56:13There you have one.
00:56:15Here I have a signature.
00:56:16That's the one I was looking for.
00:56:18I record the signature, and now when I send the recipe to be printed,
00:56:25it fails.
00:56:26Well, it can fail.
00:56:27It can fail.
00:56:28It can fail, right Diego?
00:56:30Just like that.
00:56:34Hey, now that you mentioned the signatures,
00:56:37do the reports also come out?
00:56:40Yes, of course.
00:56:41Yes, of course.
00:56:42I have all the signatures, by the way.
00:56:44No, just like that.
00:56:45Well, here I should have shown it.
00:56:47I don't know why I didn't show it.
00:56:49Let's see, if you want Gusti, let's send it to Cristian,
00:56:52because maybe...
00:56:55Ah, no, I know why.
00:56:57You didn't update it.
00:56:58No, no, no, I know why.
00:56:59I know why, I know why.
00:57:01Here is Boccarelli's signature.
00:57:03Do you know why he didn't show it?
00:57:06Because the recipe that I put...
00:57:09I mean, go print it.
00:57:10I have it with Dr. Argento.
00:57:12Dr. Argento doesn't have the signature.
00:57:14If I, like Dr. Boccarelli,
00:57:17now make the recipe for the Varex...
00:57:21No, yes, yes, go on.
00:57:22Don't send him anything, Gusti.
00:57:24I'll put, I don't know, the Varex now, right?
00:57:27I'll put the Varex.
00:57:28This 24, I don't know if it's right or wrong.
00:57:32And there I put the indication.
00:57:34Now I record the recipe,
00:57:37but in the name of Dr. Boccarelli.
00:57:40And since Boccarelli has the signature,
00:57:42it comes out beautiful.
00:57:45Wait, but there, in addition to the signature,
00:57:47you miss the registration number and that.
00:57:50Yes, yes, well, that depends on whether you
00:57:52will want it in the signature
00:57:53or we have to put the registration.
00:57:56Ah, ok.
00:57:57I think you have to put it, right?
00:57:59Yes, as you want, yes.
00:58:02No, no, no.
00:58:03I apologize for the fact that
00:58:05every time we give it high.
00:58:07When I give it high to a doctor,
00:58:09I load the registration,
00:58:11I put the signature or everything,
00:58:13so I'm not going to be asking you
00:58:15for each one that...
00:58:16No, that's what I meant, a field
00:58:18so we can fill it,
00:58:19but put it in the field.
00:58:20Here it is, here is the registration number.
00:58:22What happens is that I don't have it in the report,
00:58:24because what I can, let's say,
00:58:25there are clients who tell us,
00:58:26no, I don't want it to come out with the registration,
00:58:28I want it to come out with the signature,
00:58:30yes, with the registration, with a stamp.
00:58:32Sure, sure, you can do it.
00:58:34The photo you upload of the
00:58:36digital signature of the doctor,
00:58:38you can upload it, the signature alone.
00:58:40So when we do the report,
00:58:43we bring that signature
00:58:45and below we incorporate
00:58:48the registration number that comes out
00:58:50of the professional file
00:58:51that you loaded the registration.
00:58:53Or we have clients, as Diego says,
00:58:56who make the signature,
00:58:59the doctor,
00:59:00and below he puts his stamp
00:59:02and then they digitize it.
00:59:04The signature with their stamp.
00:59:07We have it as the first option.
00:59:11We only have the signature
00:59:13and then the registration number
00:59:15goes into the doctor's profile
00:59:18and every time he does something
00:59:20it joins automatically.
00:59:23We have to get Chavez to put
00:59:25the MP and the number.
00:59:28And the thing is, which one does it take?
00:59:31Look, we have MN,
00:59:35National Registration.
00:59:36No, I also have Provincia,
00:59:38there are both of them.
00:59:39If you are in Provincia,
00:59:40you have Provincia registration.
00:59:41Yes, look, Jorge,
00:59:42it takes both of them here.
00:59:44Ah, okay, I understood
00:59:46that it only took Provincia.
00:59:49The thing is, which system,
00:59:52how do you use it?
00:59:54Usually, when they give me
00:59:57the high score,
00:59:59they tell me which registration
01:00:00to use.
01:00:02Some people use the double registration,
01:00:04but they always use one.
01:00:05Usually they use the national one,
01:00:07unless they only have
01:00:08Provincia registration.
01:00:10Okay, this definition,
01:00:12we use it with the medical part
01:00:15and we give it back to them.
01:00:17Yes, correct.
01:00:20I want to clarify there,
01:00:23since you are going to talk about it,
01:00:25you are going to see it,
01:00:27it seems to me more,
01:00:32how to call it, more,
01:00:36not sure, but,
01:00:40I can't find the word to say,
01:00:42it seems to me more formal, let's say,
01:00:44that the doctor's signature
01:00:47and his seal.
01:00:49With that you make sure that
01:00:51that came from the doctor
01:00:52who gave you the signature
01:00:53and the seal that he put below,
01:00:56and not that the number is added
01:00:59in a loaded way,
01:01:01as if it were a word.
01:01:03It doesn't stay the same,
01:01:05it seems to me that it is more,
01:01:08more polite, more polite
01:01:10on the side of the doctor,
01:01:11so it will depend on what the doctor says,
01:01:13here in this case,
01:01:14how he wants to see it
01:01:16when he sends the prescription.
01:01:19If he wants to see his seal
01:01:20embossed there or not.
01:01:22Ok, ok.
01:01:24Well, let's go back
01:01:26to this neuralgic point.
01:01:29So, the question is,
01:01:32to be able to have
01:01:34the necessary preconditions
01:01:36to shoot the PDF,
01:01:41the problem we have here,
01:01:43in the drug,
01:01:44that for us,
01:01:45the drug,
01:01:46where do we get it from?
01:01:47From a prescription.
01:01:48So, being ...
01:01:50Let's see, up to here,
01:01:52sorry to interrupt you,
01:01:53to recap, up to here.
01:01:55That table is essential,
01:01:56it is essential
01:01:57so that we can have
01:01:59structured those data
01:02:00and that the system can establish.
01:02:02For the doctors themselves
01:02:04who could make the prescription
01:02:06of the drug,
01:02:07the system could determine
01:02:09exactly what a doctor prescribed
01:02:12and assign him a shift,
01:02:14a certain preparation.
01:02:17The problem perhaps we have
01:02:19with those patients
01:02:20who did not attend
01:02:21with doctors from here,
01:02:22who call having obtained
01:02:25an outside order,
01:02:26for which, well,
01:02:28we should do something
01:02:29similar to what we do today.
01:02:31The call center should assign
01:02:34that preparation in a manual way
01:02:37to be able to do it,
01:02:39it needs to be a prescription.
01:02:41Yes, I mean,
01:02:42I'm changing the bottle,
01:02:44there is no longer a manual selection.
01:02:46It will be automatic,
01:02:47but to be able to do it automatically,
01:02:48you have to assign a prescription
01:02:50for which the call,
01:02:52an agent of the call,
01:02:53will have to go
01:02:55to build that prescription
01:02:57choosing a drug from a list.
01:02:59As a doctor would do it.
01:03:01As a doctor would do it.
01:03:02With the same functionality.
01:03:05up to there we are,
01:03:07this pending definition of the list
01:03:09would remain,
01:03:10whether we shrink it or not,
01:03:11let's say it is a topic
01:03:12that we have to see
01:03:13so that it is more agile for the call
01:03:15to be able to manage these cases.
01:03:18I would like to hear from Emi.
01:03:22You are very quiet, Emi.
01:03:24I'm not very quiet,
01:03:25but sorry,
01:03:26I'm doing something else.
01:03:27I heard everything,
01:03:28but I can't give my opinion.
01:03:30Excuse me.
01:03:33I wanted to consult something,
01:03:34can it be?
01:03:36When do we make that prescription?
01:03:38Once we have selected the shift?
01:03:40You need to do it.
01:03:42I mean, Vero,
01:03:43it's like this,
01:03:44if you raised the order,
01:03:45did you see this part
01:03:46that I raised the order?
01:03:47Yes, yes, yes.
01:03:48You want to take the shift,
01:03:50the system should not leave it to you
01:03:52if it could not map the pdf.
01:03:57That is,
01:03:58if something was missing from this
01:03:59to generate the pdf,
01:04:00the system will tell you here.
01:04:02So what we are going to say,
01:04:04ah, ok,
01:04:05so if the prescription is missing
01:04:06because I don't have the drug,
01:04:08you're going to have to generate the prescription
01:04:13and look for it again to take the shift,
01:04:15so you don't have an unfulfilled precondition.
01:04:21Did I answer you or did I mess up?
01:04:23No, no, yes,
01:04:24I'm thinking about how to do it
01:04:25while I have the patient online
01:04:28and generate the prescription.
01:04:30I mean,
01:04:31I won't be able to schedule the shift
01:04:32until I have the prescription,
01:04:33so that's how it is.
01:04:34That's what we're saying, right?
01:04:38Let's see.
01:04:40I'm going to ask you something else.
01:04:43Do you also have to make the prescription?
01:04:46Yes, but we do it after we give it to the shift.
01:04:49Because we give it to the shift,
01:04:51we send the preparation
01:04:52and then we make the prescription.
01:04:54This brings me to another question.
01:04:56While I have to do all this management,
01:04:59does the shift stay with me?
01:05:04So what you are seeing
01:05:06is what everyone sees.
01:05:08Until you take it.
01:05:12And I can't take it
01:05:13until I have the prescription?
01:05:16You can't take it
01:05:17until you have the prescription, right?
01:05:23But how long will it take you to make the prescription?
01:05:27Remember that it's not 100% the case.
01:05:29You told me
01:05:30that 80% of the cases
01:05:32are the doctors who make the prescription.
01:05:35you will be able to take the shift
01:05:36because the prescription
01:05:37will be immediately with you.
01:05:38Yes, but I have a lot of patients
01:05:39who come from abroad.
01:05:43And besides,
01:05:44that's another issue
01:05:45because the patient who comes from abroad,
01:05:47I don't have the patient's data,
01:05:48I don't have the data,
01:05:49the coverage,
01:05:50I have to ask for a credential number,
01:05:52I have to ask for a lot of data
01:05:54to be able to upload it
01:05:55to be able to make the prescription.
01:05:57That will take me longer.
01:06:01Correct, correct.
01:06:02Correct, you need the coverage.
01:06:04Ah, of course,
01:06:05because I'm going to have to do the order.
01:06:07No, no.
01:06:08If the process is going to change,
01:06:09I have to ask for the data
01:06:10of the coverage
01:06:11at the beginning
01:06:12when I do the order.
01:06:14There is no problem.
01:06:15No, it would be to get them used
01:06:17to doing the order from the beginning,
01:06:19which is not the case now.
01:06:20Now we do the prescription at the end,
01:06:22when we have already confirmed the shift.
01:06:24But due to the fact
01:06:25that first you propose
01:06:26the availability to the patient,
01:06:28the grid,
01:06:29and in the end
01:06:30you end up defining the product.
01:06:31What happens is that
01:06:32I'm not going to be able to define it,
01:06:34I'm not going to be able to book it,
01:06:36nor am I going to be able
01:06:37to give it the availability
01:06:38until I have it done.
01:06:39But wait, wait, wait.
01:06:40Sandra and Vero,
01:06:41look at how the circuit is going to be.
01:06:43Look at this part.
01:06:44Look at the screen.
01:06:45The patient is going to call you, right?
01:06:47You are going to locate it.
01:06:50Let's say, in theory,
01:06:51you should have the order
01:06:52if you don't generate it.
01:06:54Once you have the order,
01:06:55you have to download it
01:06:56to look for the availability.
01:06:57There you already know
01:06:58what procedure,
01:06:59on what procedure
01:07:00the patient is going to call you.
01:07:01You don't give him the schedule
01:07:02if you figure out that...
01:07:03Well, there...
01:07:04Sorry, because I changed it.
01:07:05I'm going to change the coverage.
01:07:06You don't give him the schedule
01:07:07if you figure out
01:07:08that the recipe is missing.
01:07:09I mean,
01:07:10who has the power here?
01:07:11The operator.
01:07:12No, the patient.
01:07:13No, no.
01:07:14But the patient
01:07:15is not looking at the screen,
01:07:17You are the only one
01:07:18who is looking at it.
01:07:19I know, I know.
01:07:20If you see red here,
01:07:21it means you can't give him the order.
01:07:22So you have to tell him,
01:07:34You have to give him the order.
01:07:35So you have to tell him,
01:07:36let's see,
01:07:37wait a moment
01:07:38the recipe is missing.
01:07:40give him the recipe,
01:07:41go back and look,
01:07:43And there,
01:07:44since he's already going to have the recipe,
01:07:45you won't get any alert,
01:07:47no rule,
01:07:49And there
01:07:50you're going to give him the turn.
01:07:51Quantify in time.
01:07:52One minute,
01:07:5330 seconds.
01:07:54One minute.
01:07:55One minute.
01:07:56Because you have to give him the recipe.
01:07:57One minute
01:07:58Un minuto desde que arranco hasta que le hago las dos recetas, ¿me jurás?
01:08:04¿Las dos recetas?
01:08:05Claro, la del laxante y la del estudio.
01:08:09¿La orden y la receta?
01:08:11La orden y la receta.
01:08:17¿Para uno que no tenga nada?
01:08:19No, bueno, pero lo podemos probar.
01:08:21Podemos sacarlo en un caso desde cero.
01:08:23Sí, obvio.
01:08:24Dale, vamos a hacer eso.
01:08:25¿Para el que ya tenés?
01:08:27No, para el que ya tengo no me interesa.
01:08:29Para el que ya tenés, ya tenés todo.
01:08:31Para el que tengo que empezar de cero.
01:08:34Donde el paciente me llama por teléfono y me dice,
01:08:38necesito un turno para una colonoscopia.
01:08:41Allá me mandó la orden, con lo cual,
01:08:43yo de la orden que el paciente me manda,
01:08:45yo puedo copiar los datos, por ejemplo.
01:08:48Porque muchas veces no tienen la credencial y eso encima.
01:08:52Vamos de cero.
01:08:53Diego, Diego, mirá que Sanda te lo va a tomar muy literal, eh.
01:08:57Pero vamos de cero.
01:08:59Hace un minuto, eh.
01:09:01No, no, no.
01:09:03No me dio toda la casuística, pará.
01:09:05No, pues trazá.
01:09:07Pon un reloj de arena.
01:09:09Acá está.
01:09:10Acá está el cronómetro.
01:09:11Mirá Jorge, mirá Jorge.
01:09:14Igualmente es un tema importante.
01:09:18Bueno, por eso, vamos con un paciente.
01:09:21Vamos con un paciente de cero, Sandra, ¿OK?
01:09:23Bueno, dale.
01:09:25Sí, señor.
01:09:28Ahí largamos.
01:09:29¿Cómo se llama el paciente?
01:09:33No sé.
01:09:34Poner el reservado verónica,
01:09:35que es el que usamos nosotros para todo lo que no sabemos.
01:09:37No lo tengo, me estoy consumiendo el tiempo, eh.
01:09:39Dale, reservado verónico.
01:09:40No existe el apellido de reservado.
01:09:42Pará, lo estamos haciendo de cero.
01:09:43¿Qué DNI tiene, señor?
01:09:46Dale, 16975907.
01:09:49¿Estoy en la base, yo?
01:09:51Sí, pero me diste un número que no.
01:09:53No, porque vos sos distinta.
01:09:54Pará, ahí le cambié un dígito.
01:09:56Nos estamos yendo a buscar a Renaper.
01:09:58Por favor, que ande Renaper, por Dios.
01:10:01Ahí estoy levantando un paciente que nunca vino.
01:10:03Sí, no, no están dando Renaper.
01:10:06Bueno, pero esto no es culpa,
01:10:07esto no va a estar en el tiempo, eh.
01:10:10Bueno, depende.
01:10:12Sí, depende.
01:10:13Está igual.
01:10:14Yo te lo anticipé.
01:10:15Yo te lo anticipé.
01:10:17Si cayó Renaper, vamos a tener a Sandra golpeando la oficina.
01:10:21Está igual.
01:10:22Si está caído Renaper, si está caído Renaper,
01:10:25le tenés que dar de alta mano,
01:10:27cosa que no debería pasar porque Renaper debería estar arriba.
01:10:33Ahí vamos, eh.
01:10:35Te está corriendo el tiempo.
01:10:37Me está corriendo el tiempo y estamos en Cuba.
01:10:39Estamos en Cuba.
01:10:43Puedes fallar, dijo tu Sandra.
01:10:45Sandra, vos anotá que no es culpa de internet, eh.
01:10:51¿Cuánto llevamos ya?
01:10:52Qué mal, eh.
01:10:53Un minuto y veinticinco.
01:10:54Uno veinticinco.
01:10:55Y uno veinticinco y yo ya me...
01:10:57Los rulos saben dónde fueron a parar, ¿no?
01:10:59Bueno, pero es el servidor de Cuba.
01:11:02Si es el servidor de producción, la performance es distinta.
01:11:05Ojo, ¿no?
01:11:06Pará, pará.
01:11:07Vamos a hacer una cosa.
01:11:08Dejáme buscar en un ambiente,
01:11:09dejáme buscar en otro ambiente productivo,
01:11:12así medimos bien el tiempo.
01:11:15Te voy a buscar en un paciente.
01:11:18Te voy a dar el DNI de mi papá.
01:11:21Primero dejáme ver si está andando Renaper.
01:11:28Y después vamos a recalcularlo.
01:11:32Dejáme ver esta.
01:11:33Vamos a ver si anda Renaper.
01:11:38No, no está andando Renaper.
01:11:39Ah, sí, sí anda.
01:11:41Ahora me va a dar el de tu papá, ¿ok?
01:11:44Vamos de vuelta.
01:11:46Y ni porque me voy a perder.
01:11:48Claro, porque este ambiente no tiene.
01:11:51Bueno, pero si no anda, a ver, vamos a hacer esto.
01:11:54Si no anda Renaper hay que cargar todos los datos a mano,
01:11:57¿o no?
01:11:58Claro, sí, pero bueno.
01:11:59Ahí bajamos.
01:12:00Ahí bajamos tremendo.
01:12:01No todos los datos.
01:12:02Podés cargar los que son fundamentales en ese momento
01:12:05y después se le pedirán de nuevo más datos.
01:12:08Pero vamos a hacer una cosa.
01:12:09Probémoslo con Renaper.
01:12:10Circuito Renaper y después centro Renaper.
01:12:13Bueno, dale.
01:12:17Prende el cronómetro.
01:12:18Te doy el DNI.
01:12:194, 3, 7, 7, 4, 5, 2.
01:12:234, 3, 7, 7.
01:12:254, 5, 2.
01:12:274, 5, 2.
01:12:29Es la libreta de enrolamiento.
01:12:31Masculino, tu papá.
01:12:34Vamos, Renaper.
01:12:35Vamos, Renaper.
01:12:36No me vas a quedar tan mal, Renaper.
01:12:37Te está fallando, Diego.
01:12:38No quiero ser mala, pero.
01:12:39Es la ley de Murphy.
01:12:40Ponele nuevo paciente y lo cargamos a mano.
01:12:41Bueno, vamos nuevo paciente.
01:12:43Vamos entonces con el otro circuito.
01:12:44No me quiero comer esos 42 segundos.
01:13:04Por favor.
01:13:05Un segundo.
01:13:06Lo siento.
01:13:11Muy bien.
01:13:12Muy bien.
01:13:13Jefe, plan...
01:13:14Libro de p zoo.
01:13:15Mire porque esa cuarta самка esta fiesta
01:13:16cuando caminábamos eso.
01:13:28Y yo si que no me antes hice nada pero ya.
01:13:29pero ya.
01:13:32Who parametrized this?
01:13:34It's Galenoro.
01:13:36No, no, but it's for something else, because someone hasn't parametrized well there.
01:13:39Well, anyone can win.
01:13:41No, no, of course, because he doesn't have this.
01:13:43Well, what's his name?
01:13:45Dor, D-O-R.
01:13:48Roberto Carlos, like the singer.
01:13:51Very good. Perfect. Born?
01:13:55May 4, 1933.
01:13:59Good, perfect.
01:14:01Ready, you're going to take the address.
01:14:04Yes, you're going to take the height.
01:14:07We can still do that, right? I don't want neither the address nor the height.
01:14:11Ah, ok, but yes, the email. Give me the email. I have to put this one.
01:14:19Arroba Gmail.
01:14:21Good. Yes, Grego.
01:14:23Jorge, look, Sandra, that Emilia is asking yes or yes that the address of the patients be included.
01:14:31Well, let's take it. Don't break my chronometer.
01:14:34I would like that when ...
01:14:36That info comes from Renaper, right, D-O?
01:14:39Yes, yes, but it comes from those who declared the ...
01:14:43Ok, ok.
01:14:44It's communication time that ... no, it doesn't work for me.
01:14:47Cell phone.
01:14:49Uh, wait.
01:14:51It doesn't matter, throw me whatever.
01:14:53156-541-5187, which is mine.
01:14:56Or whatever I put in, but it doesn't matter.
01:14:59With this I gave it high, yes?
01:15:01What does the locality ask me? If I need it, I will have to put it in the locality.
01:15:06There it is.
01:15:07I already have the patient high.
01:15:09Therefore, now I can look for it.
01:15:12It was Dor.
01:15:17What was your father's ID?
01:15:30Why didn't he give it to me high?
01:15:35Time is running out, Diego.
01:15:37I know.
01:15:40When it's not my day, it's not my day.
01:15:44No, he doesn't pick it up.
01:15:46I don't know why he didn't give it to me high.
01:15:50I don't know.
01:16:14Dor, how much did you tell me Roberto Carlos?
01:16:19Ah, I never gave him my ID.
01:16:36I'll put anything here.
01:16:43I'll put the locality here.
01:16:45I'll put anything here.
01:16:52That's it.
01:16:53I didn't give him my ID, that's why I didn't find it.
01:16:56So, I'll put it up here.
01:16:59What happens?
01:17:00He needs the order, right?
01:17:02So, we're going to give him the order.
01:17:05The order is going to be a programmed procedure order.
01:17:07You're going to put the diagnosis.
01:17:12You're going to put the procedure.
01:17:14Veda, for example.
01:17:18That's it.
01:17:19He already has the order.
01:17:20Therefore, on this side, now you look for it again and it will come with order.
01:17:26Here it will tell you order.
01:17:28You lower the order.
01:17:30You look for it and here it will tell you, look, it will tell you two things.
01:17:36He needs the budget.
01:17:40And it will tell you that he needs the medication.
01:17:43So, since he needs the medication, you're going to look for it to go get the medication.
01:17:50You come here.
01:17:51You look for this patient to get the medication.
01:18:00Here it also goes the pain, the prescription.
01:18:03This goes the Varex.
01:18:08There you add.
01:18:12You record.
01:18:13He already has the medication.
01:18:14Therefore, here you look for it again and it will let you take the turn.
01:18:20This, eaten, we have to get two minutes out of it.
01:18:26It's going to be three minutes.
01:18:27Because I morphed the Renaper that was not giving, that I forgot to put the DNI.
01:18:36It's going to be three minutes.
01:18:37Now, sorry, because there is a part of the circuit that you have to take into account.
01:18:42What is the part of the circuit that you have to take into account?
01:18:45That when you did the order, the order needs a budget when ...
01:18:52Ah, no, the budget is when it is not convenient.
01:18:56Okay, right?
01:18:58Wait, but I'm going to ask you another question.
01:19:01When I do the order, yes?
01:19:04Where do I add the original order that the patient sent me?
01:19:09Let's go back.
01:19:10Let's go back.
01:19:11Pause, stopwatch, reset.
01:19:14You're like crazy, huh?
01:19:15No, no, well, the thing is that I want to see real times.
01:19:18I want to see real times.
01:19:19So, let's go.
01:19:20Return turn assistant.
01:19:22One of zero.
01:19:24It's called, I don't know, Matarazzo.
01:19:25Well, suppose the system is down.
01:19:28We give it high manual.
01:19:29We put OSD.
01:19:30Is time running?
01:19:32There it is running.
01:19:34We put OSD.
01:19:35The affiliate number.
01:19:36The correct name.
01:19:40Date of birth, 1-1-1950.
01:19:43We're going to make this one from such and such a place.
01:19:44It doesn't matter.
01:19:45Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa.
01:19:46The DNI.
01:20:06What else do we do?
01:20:07We give it high manual.
01:20:08We put OSD.
01:20:09We have the DNA.
01:20:10It's very important.
01:20:11I think I pifed just now.
01:20:12One, two, three, three, two, one, one, two.
01:20:13The mail.
01:20:14Yes, the mail.
01:20:15It's going to be from Gmail.
01:20:17And the telephone.
01:20:18Pa, pa, pa, pa.
01:20:19This is without re-napping.
01:20:20Because we're just having a bad time with re-napping.
01:20:22So I've given it high.
01:20:23Now, Matarazzo.
01:20:25What we're saying is, there's no order.
01:20:26What we are saying is that there is no order, well, then we go to the order, we generate
01:20:32the order, a programed procedure order, yes, pain, stomach, procedure VEDA, well, ready,
01:20:42there we have the order generated, you want to upload the file, you record and upload the
01:20:48digitized image, to select the file, to select the file, now it's going to click, it doesn't
01:20:54have a file server now, you are going to record, yes, ah, yes, look, it downloaded it, ah, look,
01:21:01go and everything, ready, I already have the file linked, what do you have to do now, you have
01:21:06to give it the turn, then here in Matarazzo, F5, it already has the order, so you are going
01:21:12to look for order, if the order does not require a budget, a message will not appear here,
01:21:19yes, the order to select does not have a budget issued, here it is with a budget because it
01:21:24is not convenient, but there you have another time, Sandra, if the order does not have a budget,
01:21:31someone has to generate the budget, yes, after here you have to make the recipe,
01:21:38so from here you are going to have the general doctor, you are going to have to look for the patient
01:21:43to make the recipe, recipe, you will put the Varex, Varex, diagnostic, the indication,
01:21:59you don't even need it, well, that's it, so now when you look for it, it will let you give the turn,
01:22:07you look for it, nothing else will come out here now because it is not convenient because it does not have a
01:22:11budget, 2 minutes 36, and you have the order, with the image uploaded, with the recipe generated and
01:22:24as it has the recipe, you already have all the conditions to load this, obvious that the first
01:22:31one is not going to be 2 minutes 36, 7 minutes, 10 minutes, but when they are agile they will be faster
01:22:38and that I loaded the patient by hand, because they are not giving me renaper,
01:22:42and it is loaded in cuba, that the performance of the server, I insist, although it is not very
01:22:48significantly too less than production, but if it is less, it will perform,
01:22:53but when they asked me, the first time I said, how long is the recipe going to take, I told him a
01:22:58minute, and I was stunned, now the whole complete circuit, 3 minutes, fast, 3 minutes,
01:23:07ok, and the issue of the address, Jorge, what do you say, well, let's see it, because the reality is that
01:23:14we never ask for the address, and for me it should not be an obligatory field,
01:23:20in a reception time the address was asked, but now that there is no more mail or anything,
01:23:31that everything is handled digitally, it seems to me that it is irrelevant to ask for the
01:23:36data of the patient's address, you can put the locality and others, well, we are going to see that later,
01:23:42that has more to do with a future exploitation of data and others that I think can be
01:23:47interesting, I think that if it comes from renaper, I insist, we have a point in favor, in any case,
01:23:52later we see how we complement the circuit, if it is checked at the reception, I don't know, I think
01:23:57we have several instances there, but it's fine, I was more interested that we can close the circuit,
01:24:04let's say, going back a little then, the complication arises with the patients from outside, but we can
01:24:11solve it with this profile, let's say, that allows us to generate the recipe, and that would be the condition
01:24:18to be able to schedule the shift. I stayed a little there with, let's see, I understand that it doesn't take long,
01:24:25but I stayed thinking a little about the additional complications that this issue can give us,
01:24:31that you have a selected shift to give, but it is not confirmed until, well, it is in all the
01:24:38conditions given. In that sense, Diego, it is only a question, there is no way that it is reserved
01:24:46for a few minutes, that is, the system works like this, let's say, it leaves it there pending and it could
01:24:50take another person on the same shift? The issue, Diego, is that this is solved at the procedure level,
01:24:56because the user should not give a schedule to the patient until he has the possibility,
01:25:02the user what he is going to see is what is missing to be able to give him the schedule.
01:25:07Okay, but how do you know what is missing if you don't press an enter, let's say, that you shoot him,
01:25:13I don't know, it's a question. No, no, it's perfect, let's say, the circuit would be like this,
01:25:18the user is going to look for the patient, he is going to look for the order, if he does not have the order, he
01:25:27cannot give the offer, he cannot give a schedule, if the order is there, he can select it, when he
01:25:36selects the order and looks for it, available shifts come out, but do not give them to the patient,
01:25:42because you see that you cannot select it, that is why I say to handle the procedure,
01:25:46do not tell him what the procedure schedules are, because here the system is telling you, look, you
01:25:50cannot give it because it requires coverage, but the restriction is given because the order
01:25:56selected has a budget issued, then you have to go and make the budget before giving him the schedule.
01:26:05Do I explain myself, Diego? Yes, yes, yes, okay.
01:26:07Okay, that's what happens today with externals, that the budget has to be issued so that the external
01:26:13has to be linked, in reality, here it would be the budget has to be made so that I can
01:26:20give him the shift, it is the union, let's say, of Adrián's program, today I go to Adrián's program,
01:26:26I check if the patient has a budget, if it is approved and if it is ok, I give him the shift,
01:26:32if it is not ok, I do not give it to him. Sandra, there is a rule that says,
01:26:37we tell you this, it is already chewed by Emiliano, Diego, if it is particular, it has to have a
01:26:46budget, if not, you cannot give the shift. If it is coverage and it is covered, you do not need a
01:26:56budget, if it is coverage and it is not covered, it will demand the budget. In fact, look,
01:27:04I'm going to put it here, well, no, he's not going to let me.
01:27:06Okay, I don't know if there are other issues, but I wanted to go over the painting a little bit,
01:27:15to align ourselves all well in what information we should complete and how, because I say, for
01:27:21example, in the sites, well, there can be several, that is, we put you together, I don't know, if in
01:27:29Ascuena and Juncal the same preparation goes, we leave you as it is there, for example, in a single
01:27:34line. Yes, we can put it together, Diego, that is, what do I need? Obviously, the sites, I don't
01:27:43care if they are messy, because there are not many, then I order it, nothing happens with that.
01:27:48The schedules, the ranges, yes. The procedures, I will need the procedure codes,
01:27:56that there, let me think, here in procedure we are going to have to put together something special.
01:28:05How many, Sandra, I mean, preparation requires the colon and what other types of combinations
01:28:14can we have? And you have colon with endoscopy, colon with echondoscopy,
01:28:20argon, muco, polypectomies, what else? NBI? Yes, echo, I already said it. No, none more. They are
01:28:43charged in the system today, those combinations. Because, of course, this part is sensitive,
01:28:51these do not worry me so much because they are trivial, but not this one, because you are going to have two
01:28:55different situations, you are going to have, for example, such a procedure or a combination of
01:29:01procedures, that is, although the procedure is such, with the procedure such, with the procedure such,
01:29:05but you see that here there are two elements. We are going to have to work on that for the other
01:29:13picture, to put together the possible combinations of doubles, right? But they are cousin and sister,
01:29:21but it is not the same, because here you have to tell me, if this comes alone or if this comes in three,
01:29:29now, if it came to me 3-23 alone, it will not shoot it, 3-23 should come with 32-13-2-31 and with
01:29:4032-13-2, there if it shoots it to me. Yes, it's fine, it's fine. And that cannot be lowered now,
01:29:49of those combinations, we have them armed in omnia, for example, the table cannot be lowered?
01:29:57Jorge? No, but the combination, no. The Excel that we have for preparations, let's see,
01:30:11GEDIT, double studies, it could be this Excel, let's see, do you want me to share what I have?
01:30:23No, no, no, keep it there because I want to close one more part. So Diego, this is complicated,
01:30:29but this is even more complicated, because here you have to put the code of the drug,
01:30:39and this is going to be, it is a matter of internal debate of you, because if you did not put the
01:30:49code of the drug, it will not shoot the presentation. It is the greatest of the risks that I see,
01:30:53which in fact I did not say, and I want to be honest with you, the risk that this has is that if it is not
01:31:00well prepared, the user on this side can get stuck. But Diego, the drug column is going to come from
01:31:09what is indicated in the recipe, let's say, that is already tabulated. But you know what, Diego?
01:31:16Medicines, the GEDIT catalog today, of you, I think there are, I don't remember if 45,000 possible
01:31:23combinations. Now, obviously you are not going to put 45,000 combinations here, you have,
01:31:30what you have to tell me is, of those 45,000, what are the drugs that are going to shoot?
01:31:39Today there are 7, I think, if I remember correctly.
01:31:46There are 7. Well, you will have to put the codes of those 7 only. And one more issue,
01:32:02which I will throw out now, later we have to see how to solve it. A patient can have several
01:32:10recipes, so later we will have to determine which is the recipe that I am going to read at the time of
01:32:17throwing out this pdf, right? Because the recipe is not linked to the shift or the order. So what
01:32:27recipe date do I take? You say that the doctor in the office could have prescribed him to do a
01:32:32study for which he requires a preparation and makes him a recipe, and in turn to have made him a
01:32:37second recipe of another drug or whatever. And how does the system do to identify?
01:32:43And what I'm asking, how do we do it? What happens is that you are telling me that of the 45,000
01:32:50possible drugs, there are only 7 that apply to this formula.
01:32:56Yes, of the list you saw there that Varex there were several, with which I say it would be very
01:33:06interesting that we work on this to reduce that list. I don't know, I say it is linked one thing
01:33:12with the other. I understood that once we reduce that list it will be for everything.
01:33:17Yes, correct, correct.
01:33:19With which, within Varex, if I had more than 10 options of Varex, I would have to see if
01:33:26to choose one or two. Well, that's what we have to do with doctors.
01:33:30But with that, you also do not limit another type of drug that the doctor wants to add that is not usual.
01:33:37Of course, Jorge, but that has to do with the doctors. Because Varex, you have 25,
01:33:43really Hedith is going to prescribe a Varex that is inside, that is outside what you do,
01:33:52that is what we are saying. Ibuprofen, paracetamol, we are not going to touch it.
01:33:56In reality, it is what we said before, this has to be a rule of direction. In other words,
01:34:02if the doctor is going to have to choose that, he will not have another one. With which,
01:34:09that has to do with doctors. It is what I was explaining to you before, today we have the
01:34:16preparation of synastal that cannot be given and doctors give it the same. Now, if you take it out of
01:34:23the circuit, you will not be able to prescribe it. And if the patient, I'm going to give you an example,
01:34:34the patient comes from the private consultancy of Dr. Dubner, who is a Hedith doctor,
01:34:42but the order and the order of the laxative is done in his private consultancy, I am going to have to
01:34:51generate it by hand, because despite the fact that he is a staff doctor, this comes from the outside.
01:34:58So there I am going to be able to reset the order that she prescribed, let's say. In other words, I am going
01:35:06to have to redo the order that she prescribed, because I am not going to be able to use that.
01:35:10Yes, correct.
01:35:12But it would be only for cases outside of Hedith, because if Hedith says no synastal is given,
01:35:21the doctor will not be able to select it.
01:35:23Of course, but we have to take that into account, Sandra, because if Dr. Dubner or whoever is from
01:35:30outside prescribed synastal, you should repeat that.
01:35:33Look, today we don't discuss what our doctors are, but for example, we have had cases of patients
01:35:41who tell you, no, they prescribed me the Fofodone and we say, look, we don't give Fofodone,
01:35:48we give the one who is a relative, cousin, brother, that we already know that we can give him the Fofodone,
01:35:54which is the same content, it is the same generic, let's say, what changes is the laboratory issue.
01:36:02But I tell you again, Diego, this is a business decision, that is, if Hedith decides that she is not going to
01:36:08give the synastal preparation, if the order comes to me, even if it is from Dr. Dubner, I have to
01:36:15tell the patient, no, look, we don't work with that preparation, I'm going to give you instead of the
01:36:22synastal, I'm going to give you something else, besides the synastal is one of the most expensive.
01:36:25No, I agree with you, what happens is that the business decision here is mixed with the
01:36:30possibilities or not that the system gives us, or well, to be able to work, too.
01:36:36Okay, that's why it's even simpler, because if you tell the doctor, look, from now on,
01:36:42this is the only thing that will be able to be reset, because the system does not allow us anything else,
01:36:47that they accommodate themselves and that they give the preparation in any case, I don't know, Dr. Dubner
01:36:56works in Swiss Medical and does studies in Swiss Medical, well, to give the synastal to
01:37:01the patients who do studies in Swiss Medical, not to those who do Hedith.
01:37:05Okay, okay.
01:37:08But, let's see, it is not a decision of ours, that is a management decision,
01:37:13they tell me what I have to give and I have no problem.
01:37:17No, no, it is clear, it is clear, what I say is that the medical decision, in some way,
01:37:23will also not be conditioned, but I say, yes, we have to take into account the limitations that,
01:37:27around there, I say, when we want to shrink the list so that the call operator does not have so many
01:37:32different versions of the same medicine and does not make a mistake, well, that also implies conditioning
01:37:37the medical part in some way, that is why I think we have to review it together.
01:37:43Yes, no, watch out, there are several points that, within this analysis, we have to chew a little more,
01:37:49that is, if you want, in fact, give me a second, we are going to document, let's say, what are all the
01:37:57rare things that we find, that is, on the one hand, we have the problem of the bademekun,
01:38:05bademekun, bademekun, adjusted for the, what are those special drugs called,
01:38:16because they are not all drugs, for the laxatives,
01:38:19yes, this, bademekun, adjusted for the laxatives, and here we put those that would be linked to the
01:38:35preparations, this is a topic, a topic to solve, this is a topic to solve, then there are other
01:38:43topics to solve, Diego, for example, this that we said, that we have to solve this ourselves,
01:38:49this is ours, we have to chew it, let's say, patient, with several recipes, which I take for
01:39:05preparation, because, on the other hand, there is a problem, let's say, what happens if the patient comes to
01:39:12do his second study, he already had a previous laxative, then what do I take for this, how do I know
01:39:24for this study what is the laxative that I have to take, I have not solved that, I have to think about it,
01:39:30I explain what I say, right? Yes, you have a history of recipes and you have to tell the system which one
01:39:38has to choose. And there I ask you, Sandra, something. You really have to choose the one that is
01:39:43in force, because if it is not in force, because the study was already done, the date has passed, it should not
01:39:48appear. I liked what you just said, and can it be that a patient has two in force recipes?
01:39:53I asked Sandra the following, what happens, no, the question is, can a patient have two
01:40:13in force recipes? He should not, he should not, because in reality the doctor prescribes him at the
01:40:22moment he comes to the consultation. But stop, listen to me and correct me, they have to do two
01:40:30studies, so the professional makes me two recipes, both are in force, can this happen?
01:40:40No, no, no, when they are double studies they are done together, at most it can lead to having a
01:40:54breath test on one side and a video colonoscopy on the other side. Yes, but the breath test does not
01:41:01have a laxative linked. No, no, no, but those who have studies with laxatives cannot program,
01:41:09that is, it is colon, at most after the colon, suppose that you have to do a polypectomy that
01:41:16could not be done at that time and that you have to do it in a sanitary environment, that takes another
01:41:22time and it will not go with two laxative recipes, no, that cannot happen. So Diego, it is not bad
01:41:31that Sandra said, that is, it has to be in force. No, it's fine, it's good, I was thinking about something,
01:41:38I'm going to a super extreme case, but I say, the patient comes to the consultation, the doctor gives him
01:41:44an order to have a colon done within, well, he gives him an order that will be done within the
01:41:49month and in turn he prescribes ibuprofen, so to speak, there you have two recipes, both in force.
01:41:58Yes, but there I go out here and say, look, the ibuprofen is not on this list, so it does not shoot anything,
01:42:06because for it to shoot, it has to meet these four conditions. And also, I don't see that there is an
01:42:12impediment, let's say, I can't think of a case that can have two studies. The only thing that can
01:42:19happen, which is what Vero just said, is many times if the patient is very constipated, they give him,
01:42:25for example, the Varex kit and they give him the Varex Unipeg, but it will not be deployed in that
01:42:32list of preparations either, because it is another additional medication, or they can give him, for example,
01:42:39the Reliveran, because the patient, when he comes to the consultation, says, if the last time I did
01:42:44the study I vomited a lot. Well, they prescribe the Reliveran, which is free of charge, but it will not
01:42:50appear on the list of preparations to send. Of course, to put it in another way, this table is
01:42:56silly, let's say, this table you put what medication it is, what time and place of treatment, and it shoots
01:43:02this, right? But you have to tell me what medication it is. And a question, sorry, in this situation of the
01:43:09possible change that Sandra mentioned, I don't know, that a doctor prescribed one thing, but the patient
01:43:16after, when it's his turn, says, no, look, I prefer that they give me such a thing, that they gave it to me again,
01:43:24could that change be made? And how? Because I say, there you would have two recipes with validity,
01:43:32with two products that are on the list. I'm going to a hyper-extreme case.
01:43:37In reality, that's what we said before, that we leave it as a deviation to evaluate,
01:43:43because it is assumed that the patient, when he goes with the recipe, if he has any problem with the
01:43:51Reliever, should manifest it to the doctor. Sometimes those things don't happen, or it can also
01:44:02happen to us that they don't get the Reliever because it's in need, for example, that's something
01:44:08that can happen to us. So yes, those cases have to be evaluated, how are we going to do it? It occurs to me
01:44:15that in that case I am going to generate the recipe for the new Reliever, and I am going to put it together,
01:44:21and I am going to send it to you, and that's it. No, Diego? No, because if the new Reliever is not on the table,
01:44:30no, no, no, in those cases I am going to give it to you, suppose. We had a lack of Laxantepico Prep at one time,
01:44:40so I changed it and gave it to the new Prep, which was going to be on the table. I am always going to
01:44:45handle what is on the table, not with anything else. The problem is going to be if you have two recipes,
01:44:51two current recipes, that one points to one preparation and another points to another preparation.
01:45:02What do we do in those cases? That's what Diego was just asking. I mean, imagine, give me apart the
01:45:09Varex, what else do you have? The new Prep. Now, imagine this situation, that the patient has two
01:45:27drugs, two active recipes, one for the Varex and another for the new Prep, he has two recipes.
01:45:32What preparation do I shoot?
01:45:41What happens is that he should not have two active recipes made by the doctor,
01:45:48yes? If the patient calls me because he can't get it and so on, I'm going to shoot the one I
01:45:54generated. When I load the new recipe, don't I step on top of the previous one?
01:46:09No, and there is a problem. The only one who can modify a recipe is the one who generated it.
01:46:14So if Dr. Caro made a recipe, if he made the Varex, you can't eliminate it. And for the system,
01:46:23this is the one that counts. There we have a somewhat complicated point to solve.
01:46:29Well, I'll send it out of the system.
01:46:30But you're not going to be able to give me the shift, stop.
01:46:36Of course, you won't be able to give me the shift.
01:46:38The shift will be given and will be given with the order and with the preparation of the Varex. Now,
01:46:51if the patient calls me that I can't get it, that it can't be prepared with the Varex and so on,
01:46:55I can send the recipe and stuff out of the system and ask Dr. Caro to please
01:47:01cancel the one I made and make a new one.
01:47:04It makes sense.
01:47:08But I, to solve the issue with the patient,
01:47:13I can change the preparation and put it in observations, suppose.
01:47:16That's why I tell you, it seems to me that this type of thing is also going to have to have a change in the
01:47:26behavior of the doctor, that when he is going to prescribe, both the endoscopists and the
01:47:31medical consultants are going to have to question the patient and not let go of what is coming.
01:47:40With the slogan that now you will not be able to freely change the laxatives or anything,
01:47:46but you will have to question the patient, interrogate, not question.
01:47:51How do you see it?
01:48:01Sorry, I got lost in this last part.
01:48:06Of course, you have to educate the doctor, you have to educate him and the system is going to help us
01:48:14that the doctor is a little more educated, nothing more.
01:48:18It is not that it will be easy because they are quite ill-mannered, but the reality is that today,
01:48:28having this type of limitation, you would have to see it the same with the directors,
01:48:33that they are aware and that they tell you, because today they tell you, yes, yes,
01:48:37they have to do what we did and then they do what they want.
01:48:40But the problem that was raised is that the doctor is going to have to repeat the prescription.
01:48:45Let's see, what I think is that if this is later linked to the framework of the report,
01:48:53I, to solve it, you suppose, I take the turn with the Varex kit, yes, with the Varex,
01:48:58the patient calls me and tells me, no, look, I can't get it anywhere, change it for me.
01:49:03We often tell the patient that we cannot change the preparation because it is what
01:49:09the doctor prescribed to him, that he knows his clinical history, but suppose that the guy
01:49:14broke down or whatever, then I can generate the recipe for the new prep system from the outside
01:49:22and send the preparation as it corresponds to him together in an email, and I warn the doctor that
01:49:32when he is going to carry out the study, in addition to that, he is going to have to generate the recipe
01:49:37to be able to put the correct preparation with which the patient prepared. There are few cases of
01:49:44this type of thing, but it is a point to take into account because it has happened to us that they ask us
01:49:52for the change of preparation, so for me not to have the patient waiting, having to remember
01:49:58that the doctor has to send it to me and so on, I solve it administratively and I tell the doctor,
01:50:05be careful that when you do the study you are going to have to generate a new recipe.
01:50:09Excuse me, there is one thing, I did not understand this, all the part,
01:50:15this that they say that the recipe that is emitted, in addition to helping Sandra and Avero to shoot
01:50:22the correct preparation, is also going to appear in the report? That was always like that?
01:50:29The preparations always appear in the report.
01:50:32No, no, I know they appear, but I don't know if one day we asked Marky to appear according to the recipe.
01:50:37Ah, well, no, then let the doctor carry it, even easier, because then the doctor is not going to have to
01:50:43generate a new recipe, but he is going to put in the report that the patient prepared with NovoPrep,
01:50:48and they ask the patient when they are going to do the study.
01:50:52Yes, you will also be able to see the current recipes. Ah, you are going to say that you are not going to do it with
01:50:58the recipe, you are going to do it outside, I didn't say anything, but yes, yes, today it is not united,
01:51:02you can choose the preparation you want and the doctor can choose the preparation he wants in the report.
01:51:06Yes, actually, because the doctor asks the patient with what he prepared.
01:51:12Well, it will continue like this.
01:51:13That's why, but in this case I think the way to solve these exception cases would be by doing the
01:51:18procedure that you indicated, Sandra, doing it outside, indicating an observation to the system,
01:51:22for the doctor who has to make the recipe and that the patient prepared with something else.
01:51:27But why would he have to make the recipe?
01:51:29Actually, it occurs to me that he would have to make the recipe because it would be what corresponds,
01:51:34it would be to leave the correct record of what the patient prescribed.
01:51:40We can ignore it now, yes, as you say, Emi, because I assume that this of the recipes goes
01:51:49together when the patient comes to do the study, that the system shows him with what the patient
01:51:57No, I mean, yes, it is true that in the dashboard you can see what recipe, what they prescribed,
01:52:03Ibupirac, Omeprazole and they prescribed PicoPrep, but you are going to see it with one more drug,
01:52:09not with this direct association that you just said.
01:52:12The doctor has to say what he prepared, what you say is that it is not going to come from any of the systems.
01:52:18That it does not come by default, of course.
01:52:21Yes, in the template there will be a list field where there are the 6 or 7 laboratories.
01:52:28Yes, because there we can make a mistake, that is, the doctor has to say it.
01:52:32That automated part is going to be very dangerous.
01:52:36Well, then he would not necessarily have to make a recipe if he indicates in the study,
01:52:41or that he knows that in the study he has to indicate the preparation with which the patient
01:52:46really prepared.
01:52:47Reviewing the circuit, Diego is like this.
01:52:49He makes a recipe for Varex, right?
01:52:53He makes a recipe for Varex.
01:52:56When they get to give the shift, the patient says, no, I can't.
01:52:59And what did I tell Sandra?
01:53:01Well, you can't eliminate it, so you're going to have to give it the shift with Varex.
01:53:04The preparation for Varex is going to arrive and Sandra what she says is, well, I'm going to have to
01:53:09change that and I'll send it to you by email.
01:53:11Mr. Patient, it is not with Varex the prescription, the one you have to use is this.
01:53:15What Sandra said is, what do we do?
01:53:17Do we tell the doctor to put the one that goes?
01:53:20It could be.
01:53:21That depends on you.
01:53:23You can or you can't.
01:53:24That is not going to change the system at all.
01:53:26The only thing that can change is that if the patient says, hey, look at what you're asking me,
01:53:30because Varex is doing me wrong, I don't have the recipe.
01:53:33Do you give me the recipe?
01:53:34Well, yes, they load the recipe.
01:53:36And what we are saying is that in the report, the report will not raise any of this.
01:53:41The one who does the study will have to select the preparation in the form.
01:53:52To move forward with this, what I propose is the following.
01:53:55Let's make a case.
01:53:56Let's make a case.
01:53:59But for the case, we have the work first.
01:54:02In other words, the first thing we are going to do is, we have to prepare the environment
01:54:09for this to happen.
01:54:11Until that happens, the only thing you can advance, Diego, is this.
01:54:16Where did I stay?
01:54:18This part.
01:54:20This is useful, you see.
01:54:22The Vade Mecum has cost for the laxatives.
01:54:25That is to say, what impact will it have that the codes that you later, not now,
01:54:31later you are going to pass me, which are the drugs that are going to shoot,
01:54:37that are going to shoot PDFs.
01:54:40That those drugs are in quotations, that there is not a great variability.
01:54:43This part, we are going to need you to have it chewed.
01:54:49Is the Vade Mecum list, Diego, can you pass it to me?
01:54:53To have the real basis and be able to work on that.
01:54:55Yes, there are about 48,000 and a bit of records.
01:54:58Okay, okay.
01:54:59Come on, we'll pass it to you.
01:55:01With Jorge copies.
01:55:02It's going to be an Excel.
01:55:03Yes, yes, yes.
01:55:04Okay, okay.
01:55:08So, this is a commitment from you.
01:55:10Our commitment is to build a test case with everything we define.
01:55:22So we can test it with a real case.
01:55:25Let's say, just as we had spoken.
01:55:27Do you remember that this morning we spoke on the subject of the doubles?
01:55:32I told you, those can be assembled, but it is not a conditioning to test it.
01:55:38There is a time of ours that is not developed for it to work.
01:55:43Here, more or less the same thing happens.
01:55:45They are gaining time with how to reduce the Vade Mecum if possible,
01:55:49but we have to put together the case.
01:55:51We have to put together this matrix, give the behavior to the meds, blah, blah, blah, blah,
01:55:59to test this in a real case and see how that preparation arrives.
01:56:03Surely we will be asking you at some point to pass a PDF.
01:56:07We are going to do that on the go.
01:56:10Okay, okay.
01:56:14Well, I'll stay calm because we are close.
01:56:19It is not closed, but we are very close.
01:56:22No, Sandra?
01:56:23Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
01:56:27The only way to give it the final look is going to be a bit like what we did today.
01:56:31Sit down and try it and say, yes, it works and does what we want it to do.
01:56:40Okay, Diego.
01:56:42We are then.
01:56:43I ask you to pass me that Vade Mecum and that tablet if you can leave it there in some slot of the circuit file
01:56:50as to also have the theoretical guide, let's say, of the info that we will have to complete later.
01:56:56As is.
01:56:57Take it as a theoretical guide because later we will have to tune.
01:57:00Maybe, Diego, maybe you know what?
01:57:02Instead of schedule I put you from A to ...
01:57:04Yes, yes, yes.
01:57:05I don't know, we're going to analyze that.
01:57:07No, no, it's okay.
01:57:08But to prepare the scheme.
01:57:10Okay, perfect.
01:57:11Yes, Diego, I'll pass you those two things during the day.
01:57:18I don't know what happened to Emi today.
01:57:21Short participation.
01:57:22I don't know.
01:57:23Emi is depressed.
01:57:24I don't know what's wrong with him.
01:57:26He's working on his finance task.
01:57:30Sorry, sorry, sorry.
01:57:31Ready, ready.
01:57:32No, I had to call a patient, but I'm already ...
01:57:34No, no, we are, we are.
01:57:35We are loading you, Emi, nothing more.
01:57:37We were struck by the fact that you were very quiet today.
01:57:40Nothing more.
01:57:41Ah, it's true.
01:57:42Come on.
01:57:43Well, guys, I'm calm.
01:57:45A good workshop.
01:57:46It was a great concern, the issue of preparations.
01:57:49So, anything, of course.
01:57:52Say, hey, but how did you think, Diego?
01:57:54We are open, it is not closed yet, yes?
01:57:56But it is more or less settled.
01:58:00If we could have something to try and measure a little, it would be great.
01:58:07Yes, that's what I think, Sandra, too.
01:58:10I mean, let's see it live.
01:58:12Yes, yes, yes, yes.
01:58:14So we can count the time well.
01:58:17Totally, totally.
01:58:20Okay, guys.
01:58:22See you later.
01:58:26Thank you.
01:58:27Later, if you want, we'll send you, because I don't know what other, for this week,
01:58:30what other shift you have.
