Ultima 7 The Black Gate by Noah Antwiler | The Spoony Experiment

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Alle Mongotare:

✓Leon Elektronik Playliste: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlWQ-4sbH3WVrfzhBUhfEUBACjL3krtLhZ
✓Basti & Chanti - Die Seelmanns
✓ Kapitän Kevin Playliste: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlWQ-4sbH3WWA7N8NSQ5tGrLe0u-3uSPf
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Überall Folgne Alder!
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00:00I met you on the first day, right after you woke
00:07Well, Saturday I'm a-beggin' on you, baby, just leave me alone
00:14You're turnin' me upside down, pullin' me to the ground
00:18When you shake me, shake me, I'm givin' you what you need
00:22And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
00:30And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
00:35And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:00And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:05And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:10And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:15And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:20And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:25And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:29And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:33And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:37And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:41And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:45And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:49And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:53And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
01:57And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:01And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:05And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:09And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:13And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:17And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:21And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:25And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:29And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:33And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:37And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:41And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:45And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:49And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:53And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
02:57And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
03:01And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
03:05And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
03:09And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
03:13And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
03:17And I'm beggin', please don't break me, break me, love
03:21Okay, it was a cool innovation at the time. You never used to get this in games.
03:25Know, oh, that Britannia has entered into a new age of enlightenment.
03:32Know that the time has finally come for the one true lord of Britannia to take his place in the head of his people.
03:40And all the people shall rejoice and pay homage to their new guardian.
03:49Know that you too shall kneel before me, Avatar.
03:53For I shall be your companion, your provider, and your master.
04:04This is the Guardian.
04:06I'm the Guardian.
04:07Ah, no! Not that one!
04:09This is the Guardian of Ultima 7 and he is a far more effective villain.
04:13This guy literally sticks his head through your monitor and tells you he's gonna take over Britannia and shit on your couch
04:18because he's a big red motherfucker and that's how he rolls.
04:21So you go over there and find that over 200 years have passed because time works differently between your two worlds
04:27but it doesn't really matter because apparently people in Britannia live longer than Yoda
04:31because all your old companions are still alive and looking pretty good.
04:34The deal is that nobody here has actually heard of the Guardian except you.
04:38But since you've been gone, people have sort of forgotten about the whole Avatar thing
04:41and have started up a new similar religion called the Fellowship
04:44which is less introspection, independence and virtue
04:47and more traditional church-going, passing collection plates and singing hymns on Sunday.
04:51Even Lord British recommends that you join since the Fellowship does a lot of good charity work
04:55and pretty much stands for all the same stuff you do.
04:57Plus they give you a free necklace if you sign up and pancakes in the Fellowship Hall.
05:01Oh, that sounds great!
05:02I mean, except for the fact that they're evil pod people being controlled by a red dude from another dimension
05:07and nobody will believe you.
05:09In fact, the first thing you see upon your arrival in Britannia
05:12is the brutal ritualistic murder of the local blacksmith.
05:15Oh, God!
05:17I mean, whoa!
05:19They even staked his manservant to the wall with a fucking pitchfork!
05:23Immediately it's clear that in this game the mood has officially changed.
05:27Shit just got real.
05:29And you better believe this stirred a lot of controversy back in the day.
05:32This was more graphic and brutal gore than had ever really been shown in an RPG up to this point.
05:37Jesus, this is stuff you'd see in the movie Seven.
05:40And yet nobody makes the connection that this guy who was carefully staked to the ground,
05:44quartered with an axe and his blood carefully collected in buckets
05:47has anything to do with the only organized religion in the world.
05:51Now, don't get me wrong, I like the story, but I think this is where the narrative really drops the ball.
05:56You've got a really interesting setup here.
05:58You're the Avatar, the founder of a religion or philosophy that's guided the world into salvation and enlightenment
06:03and you return after two centuries to find that, well, basically it's grown obsolete.
06:08The world's moved on, evolved into a new way of thinking and practicing religion and they're doing fine.
06:13People are happy, giving to charity and honestly things are a lot smoother than when you were around.
06:18You remember that gargoyle war? Yeah, that was on you.
06:21I mean, sure, you may have your suspicions.
06:23The place is rather culty with their robes and secret medallions
06:27and you suspect they might be trafficking in a new narcotic called Silver Serpent Venom.
06:31And of course the ritual murder and the nailing of a guy to a wall with a pitchfork,
06:35but it's all suspicion, it's nothing solid.
06:37You've got this dilemma here on whether or not you should really be meddling
06:40and telling people what kind of religion they can and can't worship.
06:44Or at least you would have a dilemma if the game didn't immediately remove all ambiguity
06:48about the Fellowship being irredeemably evil.
06:53There's no surprises here. From the beginning the game just outright tells you these guys are the villains.
06:58The first thing I wanted to do was to kick down the door of the Fellowship Hall
07:01and start beating some answers out of dudes, but of course you can't do that.
07:04You have to follow the breadcrumb trail of clues through the whole game,
07:07which leads to the Fellowship, but way to ruin the suspense here
07:10by having this guy appear and twirl his mustache at you.
07:13They don't even try to pretend like this Guardian guy might be on the level,
07:16like he might really be a benevolent deity. I don't know, it bothers me.
07:19But somebody answer me this.
07:21Why does the Guardian even bother to taunt you in the first place?
07:24His ultimate goal is to build this interdimensional black gate,
07:27come through and take over the world.
07:30But why advertise your presence? To rub my face in it or something?
07:34Wait until after you've won, dude!
07:36If you'd never said anything, I'd never have known you'd taken over Britannia
07:39until it was way too late.
07:41I'd still be looking for that sumbitch who stole my Xbox at the end of Ultima V.
07:44Instead you had to go and piss me off and ensure that I'm coming to Britannia to try to stop you.
07:49Okay, so you find the murdered blacksmith and try to find evidence of the Fellowship's involvement.
07:54You're joined by the blacksmith's son, a little kid named Anakin, I mean, Spark.
07:58He's quick but obviously not much with a sword,
08:01so naturally I did the logical thing and gave him a shotgun.
08:04What? I'm the goddamn Avatar, I'm supervising him!
08:08But yeah, that's pretty much the plot. It starts off really simply.
08:12You're chasing the suspects of the murder, two Fellowship missionaries named Elizabeth and Abraham,
08:16all over Britannia and fighting crime on the way.
08:19Eventually you discover the Fellowship is secretly working to bring the Guardian into the world
08:23by constructing a blag-ho, and to prevent anyone from interfering,
08:27they also build these weird geometric generators that have ruined the magical aether,
08:31disrupted the moon gates, and driven all the wizards on the planet uselessly mad.
08:35Elizabeth and Abraham are always one step ahead of you in this story,
08:39and the only way to follow them is to go undercover in the Fellowship.
08:42The main villains are really the creepy head of the Fellowship, Batlin,
08:45and his right-hand pirate man, Captain Hook.
08:48Yes, it's really Captain Hook.
08:51You also have to talk to fucking Chuckles again in this game,
08:54and to get a vital clue, you have to play the game.
08:58This was infuriatingly annoying back in the day,
09:01since you had no idea how to play the game, nobody tells you,
09:04and this was before you could just look stuff up on the internet.
09:07When you finally figured it out, you wanted to skin Chuckles alive
09:10and throw his carcass in a salt mine.
09:12The trick is, you have to use only one-syllable words,
09:15and if you don't, he stops talking to you, and you have to start all over again.
09:19Oh, and by the way, I reviewed the footage from the last review,
09:22and Chuckles fucking cheated!
09:24He used a two-syllable word!
09:26What asshole wrote his jokes, anyway?
09:28Like I said, the plot is somewhat frustrating when you already know
09:32the guy in charge of the Fellowship is evil,
09:34but you have to play along with the story like a dope
09:36and do all the things Batlin asked you to do
09:38to prove your body Phaetons are purged, or something.
09:41Batlin gives you a quest to prove your worth of the Fellowship
09:43by sending you to collect a hidden cache of Fellowship funds
09:46from the dungeon Destard.
09:48Do not worry, it is completely deserted.
09:51Uh-huh, deserted my ass!
09:53Fuck you, Batlin, this place is full of fucking dragons!
09:56Look at all the fucking dragons! Look at them!
09:59How the fuck did they get a chest here in the first place?
10:02And when you go back to confront him with his lies that lured you into certain death,
10:06oh, he's ready for you.
10:08With an apology!
10:10Yeah! And you have to put up with it!
10:12Fuck this! I wanna shove my sword up his ass!
10:15Why can't I kill this dickhead?
10:17Ugh, anyway, the most awesome part of this game is an expansion pack
10:20called The Forge of Virtue,
10:22which adds some weird new island that mysteriously rises out of the ocean,
10:25causing earthquakes and destruction all over Britannia.
10:28Lord British tells you to go check it out, and when you do,
10:31you find it's the ruins of Castle Exodus from Ultima III.
10:34But sadly, there's no killer grass surrounding it now.
10:36The Black Core at the heart of Exodus is still beating,
10:39and you have to pass the tests of truth, love, and courage to banish it to the Vortex.
10:43Yep, you gotta get rid of the Dark Core of Exodus.
10:46Why do we keep leaving these pieces of the world-destroying monsters
10:50just laying around to destroy and corrupt the world?
10:53Is it too much to ask Lord British to send some guys to clean up after I'm done?
10:57You remember at the beginning when I said this game was violent and dark?
11:00Yeah, that was nothing.
11:02That was barely the beginning compared to the other shit you see in the dungeons of this place.
11:06I mean, oh! Oh my God! Oh Jesus, look!
11:10A sorcerer just sacrificed a baby to summon a demon flanked by a horde of headless abominations!
11:16Look at the bones!
11:18I don't think I've ever seen a game this dark and graphic.
11:21I mean, okay, you saw a mass grave for children in SWAT 4,
11:25which is one of the most nightmarish things I can imagine,
11:28but even in that, you didn't actually see a ritualistically vivisected infant on an altar to a dark god.
11:34Anyway, the whole point of the Forge of Virtue expansion pack is to create an obsidian sword,
11:38and to give it power, you infuse the blade with the trapped greater demon.
11:42This is where the game gets simultaneously awesome and ridiculous.
11:45By the end of the Forge, your attributes are maxed,
11:47and when you exile the Dark Core of Exodus, Lord British raises your strength to double maximum.
11:52And you have the black sword, which can suck the soul out of any creature in the game
11:56and kill them instantly at your command.
11:58And you're supposed to be the good guy in this game.
12:00I'm not even kidding. You have the touch of death now.
12:03It doesn't matter what you wanna fight, demons, dragons, hydras, whatever.
12:06You touch it, it dies.
12:08But I know what you're thinking, because it's the exact same thought
12:11that crossed every single gamer's mind in the world when the black sword tells you about its ultimate power.
12:16Can I use the touch of death on Lord British?
12:20You can kill the shit out of him.
12:22You even get a very theatrical scene where you take great pleasure in killing the lazy prick.
12:27There can be only one, you immortal fuck!
12:31This game spoils us.
12:33It's all about being a nice guy and not doing this sort of thing,
12:36but it still allows us to indulge in our perverted fantasies of ultraviolence every once in a while.
12:41You can also cause a loose brick to fall from an archway just as Lord British is walking under it
12:45and kill him that way.
12:47And I have no idea how anyone figured that out.
12:50Of course, the game is essentially unwinnable at this point,
12:53so I just settle for trapping Chuckles in a circle of black powder kegs
12:56and painting the walls with his fucking gore.
12:58You're not supposed to, but it's still a great game that rewards you for exploration
13:02and gives you an outlet to venture frustrations.
13:05Like, fuck you, Chuckles!
13:06By this point, your character is basically death incarnate
13:09and the game is absurdly easy since no force in Britannia can stand before you
13:13and your sword drinks the souls of the guilty and innocent alike.
13:16Well, except for the four villains in the last battle,
13:19because I guess even the demon of the black sword has a sense of fair play.
13:22Oh, and just in case you were thinking you could use the black sword to kill Batlin,
13:26since he's obviously the chief villain Scientologist,
13:29the black sword says no because it doesn't really want to.
13:33So I can kill Lord British and make the game unwinnable,
13:35but killing the villain, which is logical, I can't.
13:38Aw, jeez, cute.
13:39Speaking of being godlike, the game still gives you the option of casting the Armageddon spell,
13:43which kills all life on the planet except for Lord British and Batlin for some reason.
13:47I just don't get this.
13:49Why would it give you this option?
13:51It's like the game is deliberately handing you the history eraser button
13:54and then telling you very nicely not to push it.
13:56So of course you do it!
13:58Why in the hell would another wizard sell you the Armageddon spell?
14:01Why would you sell a deranged religious nutjob the Armageddon spell?
14:06It's not worth the money if you never get to spend it!
14:08There's a lot of weird stuff in this game, too.
14:11I mean, whacked out loads of Easter eggs.
14:13If you go to Serpent's Hold, you'll find that every character there
14:16is the crew of Star Trek The Next Generation.
14:18The second best weapon in the game is a gardening tool called the Hoe of Destruction.
14:24The Hoe of Destruction.
14:26I am dead serious.
14:28Hey, don't underestimate the lethality of garden tools.
14:31You remember that pitchfork that nailed the gargoyle to the wall?
14:34I call that one the Pitchfork of Annihilation.
14:36But the Hoe of Destruction story?
14:38It gets better!
14:40You find the magic hoe in the toolshed of a guy
14:42who lives near the crash site of a Kilrathi starfighter from Wing Commander.
14:46I am so not even kidding about this!
14:49This guy tells you all about the crash,
14:51mentions the Kilrathi by name,
14:53implying that not only the Wing Commander and Ultima series exist in the same continuity,
14:57but this must mean the Kilrathi are actually the dudes in the TIE fighters
15:00you were shooting down to become a space ace in Ultima I!
15:03I know, right? I just blew my own mind!
15:07And no, you can't just hop in the starship and fly around,
15:10although that would pretty much make this game the most awesome thing ever.
15:14There's also loads of nudity and sex in this game.
15:17It's weird. You never used to see this in games.
15:20Not only is there a bizarre nudist colony living inside a cave of giant bees,
15:24didn't I start off this review by saying how much more mature and sensible this game was than Ultima I?
15:32So anyway, yeah, there's a family of nudists, and they live inside a cave of giant bees.
15:36One place I'd think you really wouldn't want to be a nudist,
15:39but aside from that, you can go to Buccaneer's Den and nail dirty pirate hookers on Hoar Island,
15:44and just in case your hardtack's buttered on the other side,
15:47you can actually go to the brothel and have the male pirate prostitute Roberto polish her mizzenmast.
15:52I'm not sure how prostitution fits in with the eight virtues, but this has to be a landmark in gaming.
15:57Being able to play an openly gay character in an RPG? It's something, anyway.
16:01There's also a flying carpet hidden in the mountains. Best way to travel in the game.
16:06And I know it seems like nitpicking, especially after mentioning the Kilrathi starfighter,
16:10but it always makes me laugh that the flying carpet comes equipped with eight bucket seats.
16:14I can show you the world
16:18Shining, shimmering, splendid
16:22I really liked this game back in the day, but it definitely helped that I bought the strategy guide,
16:26because otherwise I would have never figured out what the hell I'm supposed to do.
16:30The quests are so complex, it's easy to lose track of what you're doing and who you're doing it for,
16:34and there's no journal feature to remind you if you ever take a break and forget.
16:38Each step in the process is littered with a dozen more sub-steps and favors you have to perform for everyone you meet.
16:43For example, the Guardian has set up these magic generator devices around the world
16:47to disrupt the aether, screw up the moon gates, and brainwash the weak-minded.
16:51But to destroy them, you first need to contact the Time Lord. No, not that one.
16:55Let's just take this one step as an example. You have to contact the Time Lord
16:59so he can tell you how to destroy the generators, but you don't know where he is.
17:03First you have to play the game with Chuckles, who tells you to talk to a fortune teller.
17:07The fortune teller tells you to ask the Wisps, who are extra-dimensional beings who know where the Time Lord is.
17:11You ask the Wisps because they only communicate with a woodland race of Ewoks known as the Emps.
17:15But the Ewoks won't talk to you until you give them honey, which is their favorite food.
17:18And the only way you can get honey is to go to the cave of giant bees past the nudist colony.
17:21To get past the bees, you need smoke bombs from a local hunter.
17:24You use the smoke bombs to get the honey, you give the honey to the Ewoks,
17:26but they still won't help you contact the Wisps until you get permission from their leader.
17:29And their leader won't give you permission until you convince a nearby group of loggers to stop cutting down the silverleaf trees.
17:33So you stop the loggers, the Emps give you a whistle to talk to the Wisps.
17:36So you find the Wisps, blow the whistle, and talk to the Wisps,
17:38but the Ewoks won't tell you where the Time Lord is for free.
17:40You have to trade him a notebook of a famous Britannian sage named Alagner.
17:43Alagner won't give you his notebook until you can tell him the answer to life, the universe, and everything,
17:46which you can only find out from a guy named Cain and Skyra Bray.
17:49But Skyra Bray was wiped out by a lich and is also turned into a land of the walking dead.
17:52So to talk to anyone who's dead, you need the seance spell.
17:54The island is also conveniently surrounded by giant white monoliths of rock,
17:57and there's no place to land your carpet.
17:59So you have to go on foot and pay the undead ferryman.
18:01Only a ghost named Cain knows the answer to your question,
18:03but he won't talk to you until you destroy the lich.
18:05The only way to destroy the lich is to imprison it in a magic cage and dump a special magic potion on it.
18:08But to get the cage, you need to convince the ghostly blacksmith to finish making it.
18:11To do that, you need to find his wife's ring.
18:13She only gives you the ring when you play her music box.
18:15When you give the smith the ring, he agrees to make the cage, but first he needs an iron rod.
18:18So you give him a rod, he gives you the cage, but now you have to enchant it.
18:21To enchant the cage, you need to make a special alchemy potion.
18:23Put the lich in the magic cage, dump the magic potion on him, and kill the lich.
18:26But then you need to find someone willing to sacrifice themselves to destroy the lich as well as souls,
18:29forcing him to talk to everyone on the island.
18:32You tell Lagner this, who says you can have his notebook.
18:34Actually, he says you can have the key to his warehouse, which has the notebook in it,
18:36which of course is a labyrinth full of bullshit teleporters and secret doors.
18:39You find the notebook, give it to the wisp, who tells you to reach the time lord,
18:41you have to drop your orb of the moons one step to the northwest,
18:43but you don't have an orb of the moons, so you have to talk to Lord Bridges who gives you a spare.
19:01Das war eine Runde!
19:03Eigentlich war das eine halbe Runde, weil ich gar nicht darüber gesprochen habe,
19:06wie man den Zeitlord von seinem Gefängnis befreien kann.
19:08Das ist die zweite Runde, und ich würde es erklären, aber...
19:11Ich fühle mich nicht gut.
19:14Der Zeitlord erklärt, dass die Schwarze Gürtel
19:16von einem großen celestialen Verbindung aller Planeten verbunden ist,
19:18und die Zeit ist kurz.
19:20Obwohl das alles nur Orbital Wobble sein könnte.
19:22Aber um eine lange Geschichte zu machen,
19:24etwas weniger lange,
19:26du bremst die Generatoren auf,
19:28findest heraus, wo die Schwarze Gürtel ist,
19:30und sie befinden sich in der Stärkung des Königreichs,
19:32die von den Gefängnissen der Gürtel vorbereitet worden ist,
19:34um so gläubig wie möglich zu sein.
19:36Um ihren König zu begrüßen,
19:38haben sie sogar einen riesigen Thron gebaut,
19:40in einer überraschend kleinen Räume,
19:42die fast nicht groß genug ist,
19:44mit menschlichen Dörfern
19:46und einer blanken Steinwand
19:48und ein paar schwarzen Fenstern.
19:50Was für eine Räume ist das?
19:52Eine Räume für Eier?
19:54Wie soll ich rein kommen?
19:56Ich brauche Räume für die Beine, Leute!
19:58Ich bin vielleicht ein dunkler Gott der Verzweiflung und Dominanz,
20:00aber sogar ich brauche ein kleines Lumbarsupport.
20:02Es ist wert zu erwähnen,
20:04dass dein Partner-AI nicht allzu gut ist,
20:06weil sie so fest in Formationen bleiben,
20:08dass sie oft direkt in Todesfange blödern.
20:10Aber du bist bislang fast unbeschädigt,
20:12also musst du nur zur letzten Begegnung fliehen
20:14und einfach alles töten, was deinen Weg blockiert.
20:16Wenn du endlich mit der Schwarzen Gürtel
20:18in die Kammer kommst,
20:20schlägt Battlin-6-Captain Hook auf dich,
20:22der mich mit seinem oh-so-tödlichen Schwert attackiert.
20:24Wenn du ihn tötest,
20:26schlägt er dich aus,
20:28um dich allein zu lassen,
20:30um die Schwarze Gürtel zu zerstören.
20:32Nein, das kannst du nicht tun!
20:34Ich muss nicht!
20:36Verdammt, du Lichter!
20:40Verdammt, du Lichter!
20:42Verdammt, du Lichter!
20:46Denkst du, du hast gewonnen?
20:48Denk noch einmal!
20:50Deine Hälfte,
20:52deine Uni Erde,
20:54hat dein Glaube
20:56Geschäftgypt und
21:02jeden anderes.
21:04Du musst dich verschwinden!
21:06Wer sie ist,
21:08ich bin sie nicht mehr!
21:10Die Stunde liegt viel zu kurz!
21:12Was soll das�
21:14Es PACT!
21:16Stoppt mit den gefährlichen Plans
21:18Wenn ich weiß, wer sie sind...
21:22Ich rufe auf die Macht der Götter!
21:33Was willst du, mein Meister?
21:36Der helle Aligner kommt.
21:39Vorbereite ein neues schwarzes Zettel.
21:42Dein Weltraum wird eine gute Ergänzung zu meinem Dominion sein.
21:47Aber was, wenn Hokogen...
21:49...oder der Spoony versucht, uns zu stoppen?
22:49Abonniert den Kanal!
