
  • last month
00:21If you were awake, you could've woken me up too.
00:25I thought you were sleeping soundly.
00:30Okay, so what were you going to tell me?
00:35Let me go. I'll tell you later.
00:38Shall we go now?
00:40Let's go.
01:27So, do you know your classmate Kwan Minju?
01:33A few days ago, she was attacked and she was injured. Do you know about this?
01:40Do you remember where you were on the night she was attacked on 10th June?
01:46Don't worry. Just tell me what you know.
01:54I went to the shop with my friend Seehan where she works part-time.
01:59Did you meet Minju?
02:01Yes. It was her birthday that day, so we threw her a party.
02:06What did you do after that?
02:09Then I went back home.
02:14And Minju?
02:16As far as I know, Seehan dropped her home after that.
02:24Ingyu, is there anything else you forgot to tell me?
02:31That night, a CCTV footage recorded you going to Minju's house.
02:37Why did you follow her to her house?
02:43Hey, Ingyu!
02:45What happened to her?
02:54So, when I say hi to you at school, you say hi to me. Can you do that?
03:22Get this thought out of your head.
03:26Is it because Ingyu likes me? Is it because he's your friend?
03:31I wanted to tell Minju something.
03:34What did you want to tell her?
03:43I'm sorry, I can't tell you that.
03:46Ingyu, tell me. What did you want to tell her?
03:51Whatever it is, tell me the truth.
03:54Trust me, Grandma. I haven't done anything wrong.
03:56Okay, so what do you want to say about this evidence?
04:01We retrieved this hearing aid from the scene of the incident.
04:04When we tracked its serial number, we found out that this is your hearing aid.
04:08The fact that you got this hearing aid from the scene of the incident,
04:12the fact that you got a video of you going to Minju's house,
04:15makes you a suspect.
04:18Hey, what are you saying?
04:21Ingyu can never do that. Believe me.
04:23You must be mistaken, sir.
04:28As long as we don't find a witness or evidence to prove Ingyu innocent,
04:33Ingyu will remain a suspect.
04:37My child.
04:54Stop staring at me.
04:59Because your face looks like Yangchun's.
05:08I don't have time to waste.
05:11I still have to find a way to go back to 2023.
05:18When I came to meet you for the first time,
05:21you told me that Minju is no longer in this world.
05:30So, can you tell me exactly when and how she died?
05:40Can you give me the details?
05:44She died on 13th October, 1998.
05:51And she was murdered.
06:01You said that you saw a dream in which you went in 1998 and you were Minju.
06:09So, it's possible that she has some connection with Minju's death.
06:14And if all this is connected,
06:16it's possible that Minju will get a chance to live again.
06:26I don't understand what you mean.
06:30If both of your lives are connected by a single thread,
06:34and if you pull that thread and change the past,
06:38it's possible that Minju won't die.
06:42Today is 10th July, 1998.
06:46And the day when Minju was murdered,
06:55that date was 13th October, 1998.
07:00So, only three months are left for Minju's murder.
07:08Wait a minute.
07:11What if I get murdered in the end?
07:15Take me to your dream right now.
07:22I'm yours.
07:26Why didn't you knock?
07:28I need your computer.
07:35Uncle, I'm in Duhon's room.
07:39You didn't go to school or shop today. Why?
07:42I had some important work today.
07:44Was it more important than going to school?
07:46What's the matter?
07:48I had some important work, uncle.
07:50Why is the computer so slow?
07:52Why isn't it working?
07:54Give it some time.
07:56What's wrong with you?
07:58You never stopped me from going to school.
08:01Don't tell me you're going to stop studying too.
08:04What are you saying?
08:06Nothing is difficult these days.
08:15You'll hit me again?
08:21Go get me some ice-cream.
08:24Just for 1000 rupees?
08:31What's the problem?
08:36I'll get it for you.
08:39I'll get it for you.
08:42I'll get it for you.
08:44I'll get it for you.
08:50You'll find out anyway.
08:52I'll tell you everything right now.
08:55I know I've changed a bit.
08:58There's a reason behind it, uncle.
09:03The truth is...
09:06I'm not Kwan Minju.
09:09So you're saying...
09:11you're not Kwan Minju.
09:14You're Hanjun, born in 2023.
09:20I gave you a diary in 2023.
09:23I told you to go back to 1998.
09:26I told you to change Kwan Minju's fate...
09:29so she wouldn't die.
09:31That's right.
09:33That's exactly what I meant.
09:35Sir, I mean...
09:36I knew you'd understand me.
09:40But the problem is...
09:42I don't know how to go back to 2023.
09:47So please help me go back to 2023, sir.
09:53I know what I should do.
09:59Let's go.
10:03To the hospital.
10:04Let's get you examined.
10:06You're talking nonsense because you're injured.
10:09Let's go to the hospital.
10:11I'm not talking nonsense because I'm injured.
10:13Why don't you understand?
10:15What you said to me...
10:19Yes, you're right.
10:22That hasn't happened yet.
10:26I'm telling you the truth.
10:29You'll know later that I'm telling the truth.
10:31Sir, how can I make you believe me?
10:37Why won't they believe me?
10:40I'm Han Jun from 2023.
10:42I'm Han Jun.
10:44I'm in Minju's body for a short while.
10:46Is this so difficult?
10:48It's very difficult.
10:50Who will believe me?
11:02Try to stay away from her as much as you can.
11:06Because if she keeps meeting you,
11:08it'll be difficult for her to forget you.
11:10As a friend, I'm requesting you.
11:14Yes, friendship is more important.
11:20I'll go crazy.
11:31Look, he's here.
11:46Let's teach him a lesson.
11:50I thought you wouldn't come to school today.
11:55Are you going to study all the time?
11:57You and Sihan were showing love to Minju,
11:59so I knew something was wrong.
12:01I tried to trap her.
12:03She refused, so you attacked her.
12:05You scoundrels.
12:07Will you tell us the truth now?
12:10Minju rejected you too, right?
12:21Have you lost your mind?
12:27I told you not to mess with Minju.
12:29Leave me.
12:34You tell me.
12:36Did Ingyu try to kill Minju or not?
12:40What nonsense are you talking?
12:42Ingyu was called to the police station yesterday.
12:49What are they saying?
12:51What do you mean?
12:54The police arrested him for attacking Minju.
12:57They interrogated him.
12:59They even got evidence against him.
13:01Now they suspect him of murder.
13:05Maybe you didn't know.
13:08I thought you two were friends.
13:12But who knows?
13:14Maybe you did all this.
13:17And Ingyu is taking the blame for you.
13:21After all, Ingyu is your slave.
13:23He's always ready to obey you.
13:25So he took the blame for you.
13:29You scoundrel.
13:31Who is whose slave?
13:33Say that again.
13:35Will you stop fighting?
13:43Didn't you hear me?
13:46Sit down, all of you.
13:47Sit down, all of you.
13:57Let's go to the counselling office.
14:15Why can't I come to school?
14:19Look, Ingyu.
14:21I'm not asking you to leave school.
14:23I'm just advising you to stay at home for a few days.
14:27But I haven't done anything wrong.
14:29I know.
14:30I trust you.
14:32You've always been a good student.
14:34Why would you do this?
14:36Then why, sir?
14:38Some reporters have found out about this.
14:40We even got a few of their calls this morning.
14:42They were asking if the police suspect
14:45that they're attacking someone in your school.
14:48They've found out.
14:50And they can come here at any time.
14:53Maybe they're waiting outside the gate
14:56to interview you.
14:59So it's best
15:01that you stay at home for a few days
15:03until things cool down.
15:12If I don't come to school,
15:14they'll think I'm the culprit.
15:16That's why I'm hiding.
15:20I don't want that, sir.
15:24We just want to save you and Minju.
15:28The one who was attacked
15:30and the one who's being suspected.
15:32Wouldn't it be strange for them to be in the same class?
15:35How would Minju feel if she saw you?
15:43Hello, ma'am.
15:45Do you remember me?
15:47I met you at the hospital
15:49when Minju regained consciousness.
15:51Yes, you're her friend.
15:54Is Minju at home?
15:56Yes, but...
15:58Mom, who is it?
16:00Your friend.
16:02Hi, Minju.
16:04You should be at school.
16:06Is there a problem?
16:08I need your help.
16:10What happened?
16:12Why are you taking her?
16:43There they are.
16:56Sihan told me everything.
17:00I really didn't do anything.
17:02I lost my hearing aid a few days ago.
17:06We found it at the crime scene.
17:08Have you seen it before?
17:18Please don't say that.
17:20You think I did it too.
17:24So now you're my best friend like Sihan.
17:29I just want to tell you
17:33that you're very important to me now.
17:38You don't trust me either.
17:42I'm sorry.
17:50Come with me.
18:00Is this what you came to tell me?
18:06The man who attacked me that night
18:09wasn't Ingyu, sir.
18:10I see.
18:12So you remember everything now?
18:14I don't remember.
18:17How can you be so sure that it wasn't Ingyu?
18:20The hearing aid I found there
18:22didn't fall from Ingyu's hand.
18:24It fell from my hand, sir.
18:26From your hand?
18:28Then what was the hearing aid doing with you?
18:30Actually, Sihan and Ingyu came to my shop
18:33to throw me a birthday party
18:35where I work.
18:37I was getting ready to go home
18:38when Ingyu's hearing aid fell.
18:40I picked it up thinking
18:42I'll return it when I find it.
18:44So you're saying
18:46the hearing aid was with you
18:48and not Ingyu
18:50when he attacked you.
18:54I remember very well
18:56that I picked it up and kept it in my pocket.
18:59But I still don't understand one thing.
19:01When Sihan went to drop Minju off at her house
19:04why did you follow him to his house?
19:13Ingyu found out
19:15that his hearing aid was missing.
19:17That's why he went there to ask
19:19if we saw his hearing aid.
19:21Am I right?
19:33So now you understand everything, right?
19:39If what you said is true
19:42then I understand
19:44why he followed you.
19:46And I also know
19:48that Ingyu's hearing aid
19:50has nothing to do with the attack on you.
19:52So you're saying
19:54Ingyu is no longer a suspect, right?
19:56Ingyu's hearing aid
19:58and the CCTV footage
20:00have nothing to do with the attacker.
20:02There's no proof that he attacked me.
20:04So now
20:06he shouldn't be a suspect, sir.
20:08How did you learn to talk like that?
20:10Why, sir?
20:14Because before the attack on you
20:17Ingyu and Sihan were with you that night
20:19so they can be called as witnesses.
20:21But yes
20:23I don't think Ingyu can be considered a suspect.
20:31I'm glad everything is fine.
20:32I'm glad everything is fine.
20:38Okay, Ingyu.
20:40How do you feel?
20:42Your name is out of the suspect list.
20:44You feel good, right?
20:46It's too late to go to school now, right?
20:51Are you hungry?
20:58Thank you, Minju.
21:00If you weren't there
21:02I wouldn't be doing this.
21:05You should thank Sihan, not me.
21:08He came to my house
21:10and asked me to help you.
21:12If he wasn't there
21:14I wouldn't know anything about you.
21:18Forget it.
21:20I did what I should have done.
21:23He would have done the same for me.
21:30If you were in trouble
21:32why would I stand on my own two feet?
21:34Oh, really?
21:36You just saved your life.
21:38You were so scared.
21:40When was I scared?
21:42When you were looking at Minju.
21:44Don't you trust me?
21:46You were just about to cry.
21:48Nothing like that happened.
21:50Here it is.
21:54This looks delicious.
21:56Thank you so much.
21:58Thank you.
22:05That's a lot of chili powder.
22:08Yes, that's why it's spicy.
22:10But I don't add chili powder just like that.
22:12I have a secret recipe.
22:14Two tablespoons of chili powder
22:16and one tablespoon of vinegar.
22:18This is the secret recipe
22:20to make delicious noodles.
22:26Does it still taste like black bean sauce?
22:29This is my golden ratio.
22:30Two tablespoons of chili powder
22:32and one tablespoon of vinegar.
22:34There's no better way to make
22:36black bean noodles than this.
22:38I see.
22:40Do you want to try?
22:42No, no, no.
22:48It's delicious, right?
23:01What happened?
23:10Should I tell you a good joke?
23:13Yes, go ahead.
23:16How does the king say bye
23:18when he's going somewhere?
23:20Does the king say anything special?
23:26Bye, king.
23:28Bye, king.
23:30Bye, king.
23:42There's one more.
23:44What happens when an almond dies?
23:47Does an almond die?
23:50I don't know.
23:52Tell me.
24:04I didn't know you knew jokes.
24:07It's good.
24:09It was funny.
24:11Why? I thought it was funny.
24:13It was a joke about brains.
24:15That's what I said.
24:19Forget it.
24:21Let's eat.
24:28Let's eat.
24:55Do you know
24:56what happens when an almond dies?
24:58You tell me what happens.
25:05It was good, right?
25:07Yes, very much.
25:09What happened? Didn't you have fun?
25:11I told you I had a lot of fun.
25:13You've become very boring these days.
25:15You didn't laugh at such a good joke.
25:17Okay, tell me.
25:19Where did you hear this bad joke first?
25:21Okay, one more.
25:23Do you want me to tell you?
25:38She's always locked up in her room these days.
25:41She only listens to music on her earphones.
25:44And she goes to school less these days.
25:48Do you know?
25:50A boy came to meet her at home one day.
25:52He's a rascal.
25:54This is what happened to him
25:56after hanging out with those idlers.
25:58What are you saying?
26:00Look, I don't mind making good friends.
26:04Think a little seriously about this.
26:06And you should talk to him.
26:09We're going to get divorced,
26:11so I can't tell his dad.
26:13You're the only one
26:15who can talk to him.
26:22She's a student,
26:24and she can't take a day off like this.
26:27Okay, fine.
26:29I'll talk to him and talk to him.
26:32Are you happy?
26:49There's one more thing.
26:50There's one more thing.
26:52What happens when an almond dies?
26:55I don't know. Tell me.
27:03Wait a minute.
27:05No, what's this?
27:07I don't like such a lame joke.
27:09It was such a stupid joke.
27:14Oh, man!
27:16But it was a good joke.
27:18Maybe I'll laugh later in this joke.
27:31Oh, man!
27:33Why am I thinking about her?
27:39This is too much.
27:47What were you trying to say?
27:50You think I talk nonsense, don't you?
27:53No, I never said that.
27:59So, do you believe what I said?
28:03Before I answer that,
28:07I'll ask you a question.
28:13If you're really Hanjun from 2023,
28:17then who is my niece Minju?
28:19Who should be in this body right now?
28:44Tell him I'm here.
28:47Please tell him.
28:49Tell him I'm here.
28:57What happened?
28:59I thought I heard something.
29:06So, Minju...
29:15I'm sorry.
29:17I don't know where Minju is right now.
29:23You don't know where she is?
29:26Look, don't think too much about this right now.
29:29Forget about all this.
29:31Just remember that you and I have the same goal.
29:33We want to bring your niece back.
29:35And I want to return Minju's body to her as soon as possible.
29:41And then I want to come back.
29:44In the year 2023,
29:45in Hanjun's life,
29:47which is what I really am.
29:50So, if I help you return to Hanjun's life in 2023,
29:56what will you do for me?
29:59Yes, when I was in high school,
30:02I was very good at studying.
30:04I'll use my studies to help him get good grades.
30:06So that when he passes school,
30:08he can get admission to a good college.
30:10So, you mean you'll study hard
30:13and you won't skip school?
30:15Yes, of course.
30:17So, uncle,
30:19please help me right now.
30:26I don't know if you're Hanjun or Minju.
30:29But if you stop skipping school
30:32and study hard,
30:34then I'm ready to listen to you.
31:23Other subjects happen somehow.
31:26I just get stuck in math every time.
31:35Wait a minute.
31:37What if I don't get good grades for Minju
31:39and I don't get admission to a good college?
31:43I can't do that.
31:48I don't think anyone will want to join us.
31:51Let's go and ask Minju.
31:53She won't do it.
31:55Let's try.
32:01this Friday we'll play basketball
32:03with another team.
32:05The losing team will have hamburgers.
32:07But we don't have a player.
32:09It's not necessary that you know how to play well.
32:11We just need a player.
32:13It won't take long.
32:15She won't listen to me.
32:18Wait a minute.
32:20Did you just say yes?
32:22Yes, I said yes.
32:26You haven't taken part in anything yet.
32:29Not the cleaning of the club,
32:31nor the spring festival.
32:33But you're taking part in this.
32:37I want to work as much as I can these days.
32:39And I like basketball.
32:41Thanks for taking me on the team.
32:43Sean, congratulations!
32:47Go, Minju!
32:49Go, Minju!
32:51Thank you!
33:18Go, talk to her.
33:20It was fun, wasn't it?
33:22Listen, it's a good opportunity.
33:24Go, go.
33:26Why are you sitting? Go.
33:35For you.
33:39Thank you so much.
33:43Thank you.
33:48Hey, Sean.
33:50What are you doing tomorrow?
33:56Hey, Arjun.
33:58What's going on? What are you looking at?
34:00Girls are playing basketball in the gym.
34:02And Minju is playing really well.
34:04What? Who?
34:06Who is Minju?
34:08She was losing our class in the first half.
34:10Then she took three points and changed the game.
34:19Hey, have some water. Thanks.
34:22Hey, Sean. Listen.
34:39I've been here many times since she regained consciousness.
34:43Is she really Minju?
34:46I can't believe my eyes.
34:48Oh, she took the ball. Did you see that?
34:51Since when is she so good at basketball?
34:53She used to make excuses for her illness and leave PE class.
34:56I don't know that.
34:58But now she's playing really well.
35:00Take this.
35:16Was Minju always this good?
35:18I don't know. She was always quiet.
35:20That's why I never gave her a chance.
35:24You can do it!
35:26You can do it!
35:33Go on, Minju!
35:35Go on, Minju!
35:37Go on, Minju!
35:39Was Minju so good at sports?
35:40She's playing really well these days.
35:42She was always quiet.
35:44And she never made excuses.
35:46Go on, Minju!
35:48Go on, Minju!
35:50Go on, Minju!
35:52Well done, Minju!
35:54You're going to choke.
35:56Forget that.
35:58If we win, we'll get hamburgers.
36:00Go on, Minju!
36:02Go on, Minju!
36:11Go on, Minju!
36:13Go on, Minju!
36:15Go on, Minju!
36:17Go on, Minju!
36:19Go on, Minju!
36:21Go on, Minju!
36:23Go on, Minju!
36:25Go on, Minju!
36:27You should always be in the team.
36:29Would you like something to eat? I'll feed you.
36:31Okay, we'll have pizza toast.
36:33Pizza toast? Okay.
36:35Let's go.
36:37Thank you.
36:38Hurry up.
36:52Why are you looking at me like that?
36:55You're not Quan Minju, right?
37:02That's why your personality changed
37:04and you started playing basketball so well.
37:05Oh, so that's what you meant.
37:07You've changed a lot.
37:09When I used to talk to you,
37:11you'd hardly say anything.
37:13And now, you've become a new person.
37:16No, come on.
37:18I haven't changed that much.
37:20CN's right.
37:22I think you've changed a lot too.
37:32Because you guys thought
37:33that I'd tell you the truth.
37:43I'm behaving differently these days
37:46because I want to pull my attacker towards me.
37:50I want him to come in front of me again.
37:56Have you lost your mind?
37:58You should stay away from him,
38:00but why are you doing this?
38:01You should stay away from him,
38:03but why are you pulling him towards you?
38:05Because I used to be very shy.
38:07My attacker would feel
38:09that I'd stay quiet even if he remembers everything.
38:12But when he finds out that I'm not the same anymore,
38:15what will he do?
38:17He'll get confused, right?
38:20He won't understand what I'll do
38:22and he'll get worried.
38:24And then we'll spread some rumour.
38:26Minju remembers who attacked her.
38:31No, man.
38:33You might be able to distract him,
38:35but you'll be in danger.
38:37I know you want to catch your attacker,
38:40but we should leave this to the police.
38:42And it's not like the attacker is watching you 24x7.
38:45How will he know that you've changed?
38:55He must be watching me from somewhere.
38:58How do you know that?
38:59As far as Minju remembers...
39:02I mean, as far as I remember,
39:05the attacker was from our school.
39:09Have you regained your memory?
39:11I don't remember everything,
39:13but I do remember a few things.
39:15The attacker was wearing our school uniform.
39:20Why didn't you tell me this before?
39:23So you're saying...
39:24So you're saying...
39:26the attacker is watching you every day.
39:30You're right.
39:33That's why we have to catch him as soon as possible.
39:41He might be connected to the man
39:44who killed Minju in 1998.
39:55Hello, friends.
39:57The photos of the basketball match
40:00that we took that day are here.
40:02Show me.
40:04Sign behind the person who wants a copy of the photos.
40:08I want a photo of Sihan.
40:15Look at Minju's photo.
40:17Let's take a few copies.
40:19Where's the pen?
40:21We have to write our names.
40:23I'll definitely take this photo.
40:26It looks so good.
40:28I don't like any of the photos.
40:30Minju has a lot of them.
40:32Don't you want a photo of Sihan?
40:34Why would I?
40:36The whole school knows you're crazy about him.
40:39I'm not crazy.
40:41I'm scared.
40:43Why are you shouting?
40:46I'm sorry.
40:52Show me.
40:54Nice photo.
40:56I like her a lot.
40:58What are you saying?
41:01Hey, Minju.
41:05I'm Sihan from class four.
41:10I saw you playing basketball.
41:12You were so good.
41:16Thank you.
41:19This is for you.
41:23Look, I got you a straw.
41:25Thank you so much.
41:27Do you like it?
41:29Actually, I can't digest milk.
41:32What do you mean?
41:34It'll be better if you get me juice next time.
41:37Juice? Orange juice?
41:39We'll have orange juice next time.
42:04What is this?
42:06Someone gave it to me to drink.
42:08Why are you drinking it?
42:11Maybe he attacked you.
42:13Don't take anything from anyone just like that.
42:15You said
42:17someone from the school attacked you.
42:19It wasn't him.
42:20How do you know?
42:22You said you don't remember his face.
42:24Yes, but it wasn't him.
42:26He didn't look like a criminal.
42:28You're crossing the line.
42:30You're reading his face now?
42:32He was class four's CO, Hanukh.
42:36You remember his name and class?
42:39Do you like him?
42:45He's very cute.
42:48But not my type.
42:51So what's your type?
42:53Do you want to know?
42:59I like mature guys.
43:02Who can take care of me without any trouble.
43:05And who can stand by me in every difficult time.
43:09With whom you don't even know that you're in love.
43:12You find out later.
43:15Who will slowly
43:17make a place in my heart.
43:30Why are you looking at me like that?
43:32You're talking about your dream boyfriend, right?
43:35What's so funny about it?
43:38Do you still miss him when you look at me?
43:40Do you feel something inside?
43:42Are you crazy?
43:44It's nothing like that.
43:45It's nothing like that.
43:47Your anger tells me that it's true.
43:49I told you it's nothing like that.
43:51I feel something inside.
43:53Are you crazy?
43:55Minju, it's nothing like that.
43:57I told you it's nothing like that.
44:04I'm here.
44:06Oh, you're here.
44:08Come, let's eat something.
44:12Come, let's eat something.
44:14Grandma, can you get me something to eat?
44:16No, son.
44:18It's time for dinner.
44:20Your stomach will get upset.
44:22Just get me one.
44:24I said no.
44:26Try to remember.
44:28You ate this yesterday and the day before.
44:56Minju, wait. We're coming too.
45:00We're going to the comic book store after school.
45:03Will you come too?
45:05Yes, why not?
45:07I just remembered.
45:09We have to go straight home after school.
45:11We're going to get a report card today.
45:13We have to stay safe at home.
45:15Oh, report card.
45:17I forgot about it.
45:19Our teacher can give us a report card.
45:22But why does he put our results on the wall?
45:25I don't like it.
45:27He puts the results on the wall?
45:31He puts everyone's results on the wall?
45:33Yes, everyone's.
45:41Look, the results are on the wall.
45:44It's really on the wall.
45:50Move. Excuse me. Move.
45:53Who's Minju? Who's Minju?
45:59131th rank.
46:01I messed up my math again.
46:04Ingyu came first in the entire school again.
46:09Yes, and Seehan came fifth.
46:12How does Seehan and Ingyu get such good marks?
46:16They've been studying for a long time.
46:18Ingyu studies all the time, so he gets good marks.
46:21But Seehan studies all the time even before his exams.
46:25How does he get good marks?
46:27He's very smart.
46:30I'm jealous of him.
46:37I'm tired.
46:38When it's our turn,
46:40why does the class teacher give us such difficult work?
46:54What? Tell me, what do you want to say?
47:00You guys do your work.
47:03Ingyu, you got very good marks in your mock exams.
47:07You're very good at studying.
47:09I was more fortunate this time.
47:11Come on, why are you being so humble?
47:13To be honest,
47:15I've been having a hard time studying math since the accident.
47:18So I was thinking,
47:20since we're friends...
47:22Okay, I'll help you.
47:26I haven't even told you yet.
47:28You need my help in your studies.
47:29I'll help you in every subject.
47:33Ingyu, you're so nice.
47:38There are so many dry leaves here.
47:45Why don't you study with us?
47:47My math is very good.
47:49Not math, English.
47:51You have to work on English.
47:53After passing 11th,
47:55in the winter...
47:56I haven't told Ingyu the secret yet.
48:00So don't tell her either, okay?
48:06What's he going to do after 11th?
48:09Do you have any plans?
48:16I told him
48:18that before 12th,
48:20I'm going to take a separate English class.
48:23Your class?
48:24I'm going to take a separate class.
48:26Your English is good.
48:30My grammar is good,
48:32but there's a problem with listening.
48:34Listening is important for exams.
48:36Yes, that's right.
48:38Listening is very important.
48:40So can we start studying together this week?
48:47I'll leave now, okay?
49:22I messed up.
49:25Let's go.
49:28We came here first.
49:33Let's go.
49:36Whoever comes first should get a chance.
49:39Please get up.
49:41Shut up, kid.
49:43Get out before I lose my mind.
49:46I won't go anywhere.
49:48I didn't say anything wrong.
49:50Then why are you getting angry?
49:52Shut up.
49:55You're wrong here.
49:57She's right.
49:59Whoever comes first should get a chance.
50:07Get out before I lose my mind.
50:17Will you play with me?
50:25I lost.
50:28You play very well.
50:31It was fun.
50:36Thanks for helping me.
50:43Do you know him?
50:45Yes, he's the handsome man
50:47who got me a chair.
50:52My name is
50:54Han Jun Hee.
50:56Next time we meet,
50:58remember my name.
51:05Han Jun Hee?
51:07Han Jun Hee.
51:13Oh, God.
51:14Korean, Math, Foreign Language,
51:16Social Studies, Science.
51:18You didn't get good marks in any subject.
51:21You've already got admission.
51:23I'll study in a community college.
51:25Shut up.
51:27You won't get a job there.
51:29If you want a good job,
51:31you'll have to study hard.
51:33Oh, God.
51:36I'm home, Mom.
51:40Where's your report card?
51:54You got 131th rank?
51:58How did you get
52:00such good marks?
52:06I always thought
52:08you'd get good marks.
52:12I mean, Mom,
52:14are you happy with my rank?
52:16Of course.
52:18You got good marks.
52:19That's why I didn't expect so much.
52:21How did you get 100th rank
52:23even though you were sick?
52:26I got 100th rank?
52:28Was I so bad at studying?
52:31My dear,
52:33I'm so proud of you.
52:35This is what happens
52:37when you study hard.
52:39You've shown
52:41how strong you are.
52:43I used to study every day.
52:45You must've been reading comics
52:47while studying.
52:53I still expect a lot from you.
52:55Because you haven't studied
52:57with all your heart.
53:02Maybe you're right.
53:07My dear kids,
53:09you're my happiness.
53:15I'll work hard
53:17so that you study hard
53:19and get everything you want.
53:25I'll leave now.
53:27I have to go to the village.
53:32You got good marks.
53:34That's why I have to give you some pocket money.
53:36Pocket money?
53:40Eat whatever you want.
53:42Thank you so much, Mom.
53:44It's okay.
53:46You don't have to thank me.
53:47It's okay.
57:17I believe in you
57:20I believe in your mind
57:23I believe in you
57:25I believe in your mind
57:27I believe in you
57:48I believe in you
57:50I believe in you
57:52I believe in you
57:54I believe in you
57:56I believe in you
57:58I believe in you
58:00I believe in you
58:02I believe in you
58:04I believe in you
58:06I believe in you
58:08I believe in you
58:10I believe in you
58:12I believe in you
58:14I believe in you
58:15I believe in you
58:17I believe in you
58:19I believe in you
58:21I believe in you
58:23I believe in you
58:25I believe in you
58:27I believe in you
58:29I believe in you
58:31I believe in you
58:33I believe in you
58:35I believe in you
58:37I believe in you
58:39I believe in you
58:41I believe in you
58:43I believe in you
58:45I believe in you
58:47I believe in you
58:49I believe in you
58:51I believe in you
58:53I believe in you
58:55I believe in you
58:57I believe in you
58:59I believe in you
59:01I believe in you
59:03I believe in you
59:05I believe in you
59:07I believe in you
59:09I believe in you
59:11I believe in you
59:13I believe in you
