
  • 2 months ago
A Krishna Bhajan is a devotional song or hymn dedicated to Lord Krishna, a beloved deity in Hinduism. It is a form of bhakti, or devotion, expressed through music and lyrics.
00:00I wonder through fields of green Seeking your divine sheen
00:20But a thief with playful eyes You're the one who mesmerizes
00:28Krishna, Krishna, my heart's desire Your love sets my soul on fire
00:35A flute's melody sweet and deep You call my spirit from its sleep
00:42Giver of wisdom, protector of all You answer when devotion calls
01:03In every creature your spirit resides A universe within you abides
01:10Krishna, Krishna, my heart's desire Your love sets my soul on fire
01:17A flute's melody sweet and deep You call my spirit from its sleep
01:24Dance with me under the starry night Let your love be my guiding light
01:45In your embrace I find my peace Your grace my soul's release
01:52Krishna, Krishna, my heart's desire Your love sets my soul on fire
01:59A flute's melody sweet and deep You call my spirit from its sleep
02:22Double check its responses, you're
