The Invisible Man Fear Uncovering - Hindi

  • 3 months ago
In this episode, we unravel the spine-chilling mystery behind the shocking murder of Cecilia's sister by an invisible boy. Get ready to dive deep into this unseen thriller as we break down every twist and turn, uncover hidden details, and explore the psychological and emotional layers of this gripping story.


00:00The film begins with Cecilia Kass waking up in the middle of the night
00:03when she prepares to save herself from her abusive boyfriend, Adrian Griffin.
00:06She gives him a bottle of Dijabam,
00:08and to save Adrian from waking up, she picks up her stuff,
00:11turns off the alarm and quietly leaves the house.
00:13Meanwhile, she keeps an eye on him on her phone through a camera.
00:16As soon as she leaves, Cecilia sees Adrian's dog coming out to see her.
00:20She removes her shock collar.
00:22But she accidentally bumps into a car,
00:24which turns off the alarm and Cecilia has to run.
00:27Because she knows that Adrian is awake.
00:29She gets out of her property and runs on the street to meet her sister, Emily.
00:33As soon as she gets in the car, Adrian comes running
00:35and asks Cecilia to open the door.
00:37He even breaks the window of Emily's car.
00:40Before she runs away.
00:41After this, Adrian gets a bottle of Dijabam, which Cecilia dropped.
00:45Two weeks pass and Cecilia is living with her childhood friends,
00:48Detective James Lanier and his daughter, Sydney.
00:50Cecilia is also afraid to step out of the house
00:52because she is afraid that Adrian will find her.
00:54James tries to convince her to go out
00:56and she reaches the mailbox.
00:58But she is shocked by a jogger,
01:00which she thinks is Adrian,
01:01which she runs back home.
01:03Then Emily comes to meet him,
01:04which Cecilia does not like.
01:06Because Adrian knows where she lives
01:08and he thinks he is following her to find Cecilia.
01:11Then Emily shows Cecilia a news article
01:13in which it is said that Adrian has committed suicide.
01:16Cecilia is shocked to hear this news.
01:18She tells Emily and James how badly Adrian behaved with her
01:21and controlled her.
01:23And how he wanted a child.
01:24But Cecilia knew that this would mean
01:26that she could not go away from him.
01:28So she started taking pregnancy pills without his knowledge.
01:31Cecilia and Emily meet Adrian's brother and lawyer Tom,
01:34who shows them his will,
01:36in which it is written that he has given Cecilia $ 5 million,
01:39which she can take on the condition that she is mentally capable
01:42and does not commit a criminal offense.
01:44With this news, Cecilia gives James a new staircase as a gift
01:47and opens an account for Sydney's college tuition.
01:50Both are very grateful.
01:51At night, Cecilia begins to have a strange experience,
01:54as if someone is in the room with her.
01:55She goes out of the room to look for James and Sydney,
01:58but they are not there.
01:59She goes out in the cold,
02:00where she sees someone's breath next to her.
02:02In the morning, Cecilia makes breakfast for James and Sydney,
02:05but when she turns her back,
02:06she drops a knife from an invisibility counter
02:09and then heats the stove,
02:10which starts a small fire,
02:12which Sydney quickly extinguishes.
02:14Later that night,
02:15Cecilia is sleeping on the bed with Sydney.
02:17The invisibility removes the cover from her
02:19and quietly takes pictures of her.
02:21Cecilia wakes up and tries to take the cover back.
02:23But then she sees something like footprints on the cover.
02:26They slowly start moving towards her
02:28until she doesn't feel the push.
02:30And she calls James.
02:31She claims that there is someone in the room with her,
02:33but James and Sydney don't see anyone else.
02:35Later, Cecilia goes to an architectural firm for an interview,
02:38but when she tries to present her work,
02:40she finds out that her bag is completely empty.
02:43Before she becomes unconscious,
02:44she gets a little panic attack.
02:46Later, Cecilia's blood work is done
02:48and she is told that there were a lot of Tyjabomb marks in her system.
02:51Looking at this, she feels very bad
02:53that she dropped the bottle in James' bathroom
02:55and there were Tyjabomb marks on it from Adrian's blood.
02:57Cecilia and James go to talk to Tom.
02:59They give him the bottle and Cecilia claims
03:01that Adrian is completing his last threat to find her
03:03wherever she goes.
03:05And he has left a mark for her.
03:07Knowing that Adrian was famous in the field of optics
03:09to be invisible,
03:11Cecilia believes that she has found a way
03:13to make herself invisible.
03:15Tom does not agree with this
03:16because he has a pot with Adrian's ashes
03:18and he also shows him pictures of the crime scene
03:20so that it can be confirmed that Adrian had cut his wrist.
03:23Later, Cecilia goes to meet Emily,
03:25who is not happy to meet her
03:27because of an email from Cecilia's account.
03:29However, she insists that she has not written it.
03:31Emily does not believe her claims
03:33that Adrian is doing this
03:34and sends her sister away.
03:36Cecilia goes home to read the email
03:38and sees that someone has written a harsh message to Emily
03:40which seems that Cecilia does not want to have anything to do with him
03:43and wants him to die instead of Adrian.
03:45Cecilia goes to Adrian's house for dinner
03:47which she had arranged.
03:49James is listening outside
03:50and hopes that Cecilia will ask Adrian to blame herself.
03:53They sit in front of the security camera.
03:55She tells him that she can't keep the child
03:57but Adrian shows her attraction to her
03:59to look good to her.
04:01She makes an excuse to go to the bathroom.
04:03A few moments later, when Adrian is sitting alone,
04:05the knife in his hand goes up
04:07and his throat is cut.
04:09Cecilia comes back outside
04:10and pretends to cry for the camera
04:12but it is clear that she used his suit to kill Adrian
04:14and changed the situation.
04:16James arrives at the scene
04:17but despite seeing the suit in his bag,
04:19Cecilia is adamant that Adrian has committed suicide
04:21and James has no other option but to accept the story.
04:24Cecilia leaves with Zeus.
04:26Now she is a free woman.
04:28Cecilia escapes with her sister Emily
04:29and her childhood friend James Lanier
04:31from her cheating lover, optics addict Adrian Griffin.
04:34Cecilia is afraid to go out.
04:35She thinks that Adrian will find her
04:37but she hears that Adrian has committed suicide
04:39and she has left him 5 million dollars
04:41on the condition that he proves himself mentally capable.
04:44Cecilia is soon attacked by an invisible force
04:46which she believes to be Adrian
04:47who is still alive and has found a way to become invisible.
04:50This becomes the reason for the tension between her,
04:51Emily and James
04:52because Adrian wrote an e-mail to Emily
04:54and attacked James' daughter, Cydney
04:56which made them believe that this was all Cecilia's doing.
04:58Her theory is proved right when she goes to his house
05:00and finds a machine and a suit
05:02which she had developed to make people invisible.
05:04When she tries to prove this to Emily,
05:06the invisible man kills her in front of everyone
05:08and shows that this was done by Cecilia.
05:11Cecilia is locked up in a psychiatric ward
05:13and she finds out that she is going to be Adrian's child's mother.
05:16After she manages to save him and escape,
05:18he kills many guards before threatening to kill Cydney.
05:21To protect Cydney, the invisible man beats James
05:23but Cecilia arrives just in time
05:25and sprays him with a fire extinguisher before killing him.
05:27She takes off his mask
05:29and finds out that Adrian's brother Tom is wearing a suit.
05:31The police finds Adrian alive
05:32and it seems that Tom has kidnapped him
05:34but Cecilia knows that this was her plan.
05:36Cecilia goes to Adrian's house on the pretext
05:38that she can blame herself
05:40and that she can hear through James.
05:42Instead, she uses the suit that was stolen from her
05:44and stabs him in the neck
05:46which looks like a suicide for the security camera.
05:48Cecilia leaves the house.
