Adventures Through The Public Domain - Space Angel Episode 40 - Rescue Mission (Fullscreen)

  • 2 months ago
00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:05© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:30Space Angel, in the story of The Rescue Mission.
00:38The Space Force Operations Building on Earth is the control center for all space traffic.
00:43Jupiter 7, you are clear for blast-off.
00:46This is Saturn 4-5 requesting automatic entry program, over.
00:50Mars 173, your trajectory is good. Cut power in 15 space units.
00:55Mayday, mayday, this is Survey 2 calling all stations.
00:59We have been hit by micrometeorites. Control out, power out, over.
01:03Lieutenant, we have a mayday from Survey 2 on the interstellar frequency.
01:07Get to position. I'll notify Master Control.
01:10Survey 2, this is Earth Control. Give us your position, over.
01:14Master Control, we have a mayday on interstellar channel 37.
01:18Right, Lieutenant. Give me 37.
01:21Earth Control, this is Survey 2. We are in Sector 7, subsection 390.
01:26Orbiting Prometheus at 18,000, over.
01:29Give me Sector 7 on the astro chart.
01:32There they are. They're awfully near the surface.
01:35Survey 2, this is Master Control.
01:37We have you targeted. We'll dispatch rescue ship immediately.
01:40Keep us advised of your condition and location, over.
01:43Roger. We'll comply and thanks. Out here.
01:47There doesn't seem to be any ships in the immediate area of Prometheus.
01:50No, sir. I guess the Space Force station orbiting Pluto is the closest.
01:54That's about 25,000 astroleagues away from them.
01:57Good. Tell them to dispatch two ships immediately and notify the Chief.
02:02Just below in the Chief's office, Scott and Torres go over the flight test plans for the new dart.
02:07All the wind tunnel and vacuum chamber tests checked out, eh?
02:10That's right, Chief. We're ready for actual flight check.
02:14Pardon me, Chief. We have a mayday from the Prometheus area.
02:17We've dispatched two Space Force ships from the Pluto wing.
02:20Yeah, that must be the survey ship. We'll be right up.
02:24You can see on the astro chart the ships from Pluto are on the way.
02:28Good, good. They sure are moving fast.
02:31Survey 2, this is Pluto 4. We have you on our scope.
02:35We'll arrive area destination at 12 space periods, over.
02:39Pluto 4? What's that?
02:43Pluto 4? Well, that's only a local recon ship designed for Pluto environment.
02:47Major Todd to Pluto 4. What happened to the regular Space Force? Come in, Pluto 4.
02:52They're all off the base. We're going out to do what we can.
02:55There are two of us, sir.
03:00This is Survey 2. We're losing orbital velocity. We're falling into Prometheus.
03:05Are you tracking us?
03:07Major, tell them to eject as soon as they register atmosphere environment.
03:11Master Control to Survey 2. Advise you eject at buoyancy level. Please acknowledge.
03:16We read you, Major. Will do. Acceleration 2 G's. Approaching ejection level.
03:23We'll contact you later by relay. I hope. Out here.
03:38The light's out. They're down.
03:40I hope they ejected in time.
03:42Even if they did, they can't last very long on that planet.
03:45Its atmosphere is poisonous gas, and the gravity is almost six times that of Earth.
03:50How about the Pluto ships? They'll be there in a few minutes.
03:54They'll be of little use on that planet. They haven't the escape velocity to get off.
03:59Pluto 4 to Master Control. We are in the area last reported by Survey 2.
04:04Pluto 4, this is Master Control. See if you can spot the capsule. It should be in Section 12.
04:10But don't get in too close. You haven't the power to sustain an orbit.
04:14If you get closer than two astro-legs, you'll fall in.
04:17Roger, Master Control. We are 2.5 astro-legs out and starting search.
04:23That's a mean-looking planet. Seems to have a heavy gaseous atmosphere.
04:28The terrain is really rugged. Hey, I've spotted them.
04:32The capsule seems to be intact, but we are not getting any signals from them.
04:36It's possible their signal isn't getting through the heavy atmosphere.
04:39If we could get in a little closer, we might be able to pick it up.
04:43That is, if they're alive.
04:45No, Pluto 4. Don't chance it. Even if they are, there's nothing you can do to help them.
04:51Professor Mace on the evening star calling for the Chief.
04:54Put him through.
04:56I just heard that Survey 2 is down.
04:59That's right, Professor.
05:00Chief, Scott, Crystal's on that ship.
05:05Oh, no. Crystal is one of the crew on Survey 2.
05:09How can they survive on the desolate planet Prometheus?
05:12Don't miss the next exciting episode with Scott McCloud, Space Angel.
05:26Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel, in the story of The Rescue Mission.
05:42Last time, a Mayday call was received from the rocket ship Survey 2.
05:47The ship was orbiting the planet Prometheus with its controls out and power out.
05:52The crew had to eject and land on the desolate, uninhabited planet.
05:55Professor Mace had just informed them that Crystal was on that ship.
06:00That's right, Chief. Survey 2 was launched from the evening star.
06:04Professor, I thought she was on the evening star with you.
06:08Survey 2's regular navigator wasn't feeling well, and Crystal asked to take his place.
06:13Who else was on that ship?
06:15Captain Rogers and Flight Engineer Bantley.
06:18We'll get back to you, Professor Mace. Pluto 4 is reporting on them now.
06:22You can tune in interstellar frequency and get the reports.
06:25Master Control, this is Pluto 4. We are getting a signal from them.
06:30They are all alive. Landing not too severe.
06:33Environment registers 20 atmospheres. Oxygen content negligible. Mostly heavy gases.
06:40Get the exact gravity reading.
06:42Pluto 4, can you give us an exact gravity reading?
06:45Roger, Master Control. Gravity reads 5.5 G's.
06:50Wow. Five and a half times that of Earth.
06:54How about a Jupiter ship? Their escape velocity is great enough, and a ship could be there in 30 space periods.
07:01It wouldn't work, Taurus. Remember, they need additional boosters to get off Jupiter, and there are no boosters on Prometheus.
07:08Chief, DART 2 could get in and out of there. We have 10 million pounds of thrust and very little weight.
07:16There are lots of holes in that plan. The DART 2 hasn't been flight tested yet.
07:21Even if you got there in 50 space periods, you could only bring out one at a time.
07:25You'd never make it. And if the DART didn't work, we'd lose another man.
07:29A Jupiter ship could drop the oxygen they need. That would give us the extra time.
07:34Might work. They'd have to drop in a man in a motorized suit to hook it up.
07:39Remember, gravity is so strong, the crew can hardly move.
07:43Space Force from Neptune can do that.
07:46Aye, O'Hara's out there. He's the man for you.
07:50How about it, Chief?
07:54This is the Chief.
07:55Yes, sir.
07:56Call out DART 2 and load it on the Starduster, ready for testing. Immediately.
