Für vier Neuntklässler steht in Incoming die erste Highschoolparty bevor. Da wollen sie natürlich einen guten Eindruck machen, aber leider folgt die Party Murphys Law: Was schiefgehen kann, geht auch schief.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/incoming--2
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/incoming--2
00:00What's that bell rings we're in high school, you know what that means anything is possible
00:06She's a sophomore man, it's never gonna happen. She hasn't met the new me. I don't want to dance around anymore
00:16For a second there, I thought you might have been fucking the door. Can you leave?
00:21My parents went out of town this weekend. My brother's throwing a massive rager. Wow, you clits are my three plus one
00:28I'm out. I think I'm out too, man. We're the only freshmen invited. That's all make my move on Bailey
00:33You're gonna earn your brother's respect. Oh, you're gonna stop being scared and you're gonna lose that shitty nickname. What up fetus? Hey fellas
00:42Are we really just going to drift their life? Well guys like Dennis banger mom
00:48Can't do it there's gonna be people fighting
00:52Fucking and all sorts of crazy shit
01:00You go up to some kid and you look I'm right in the eye and say hey, my name is Benj and I want to be
01:05your pal
01:06Okay, we're gonna fucking party tonight
01:16High school's the best man
01:18Hey, you're in my class, right? Yo, mr. Studebaker who's ready for a science lesson
01:26This isn't just a party
01:28It's our future
01:33So, what are you waiting for?
01:37We're not your uber, uh-huh. Where do you live Taco Bell?
01:47What the fuck even is ketamine I think it's for cats or something it's for cats or something