ωωҽηχt24th July2024FullShowHighIights HD_v720P

  • 2 months ago
ωωҽηχt24th July2024FullShowHighIights
00:00Oh, look who has arrived in style, boy.
00:04We talked about this last week.
00:06What are you doing?
00:07But I'm not stopping until I get my title back.
00:09I want Ethan Page.
00:11Feels good, doesn't it?
00:14Say what?
00:16Hey, yo, cut the music.
00:19Since losing my championship a few weeks ago,
00:22I feel like I lost a piece of myself.
00:24Some guys who I really trust back in the locker room,
00:26and it all led to one thing.
00:29Ethan Page, you gonna see me again.
00:32And I ain't gonna stop until I get that title back.
00:35Believe that, dawg.
00:39I didn't want to do this in front of the whole world,
00:41but the advice you're looking for is coming from a good place.
00:45I need you to understand that, okay?
00:46I appreciate you, dawg, but my mind is made up.
00:49I'm trying to keep you from making a mistake
00:51and being blinded by your passion.
00:53I done told you, he ain't trying to hear you, dawg.
00:56We don't need that, dawg.
00:57You might as well find your way back to SmackDown.
01:00I'm just here to pick up the ball you dropped.
01:02I don't care if you had a whole group.
01:04They still couldn't help you get the ball off the ground in the first place.
01:11You are letting your emotions dictate your actions.
01:15Go to the back. Let me handle this my way.
01:17We don't need to do this right now.
01:19But it sounded like you said you're better than me.
01:21So you know what? Let's do it tonight.
01:23You're mistaking my kindness for weakness.
01:25Tonight is on.
01:27It's on. Me and you tonight.
01:29Another trick decision, another trick mistake.
01:39Trick isn't playing around. Let's see if we get this one.
01:44Oro pinned the champ last week.
01:46Wait, Oro blew his ego that bad?
01:48I said last week, none of this bothers me.
01:51That you're okay with the champ thinking you're not so bright.
01:54You guys aren't worth my time.
01:58Getting ready.
02:02That's Brooks Jensen.
02:04I was just getting ready to say.
02:06And Jensen didn't even wait.
02:08Failed to make this one official.
02:10There we go. Why wait?
02:12Coming out firing.
02:14Oh, man.
02:16You know why?
02:18It's Brooks Jensen.
02:21Jensen can do anything he wants.
02:24You wanted him. You got him.
02:27Brooks Jensen in this moment.
02:29You're going for broke.
02:31Physical matchup. Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.
02:33Destroy the other.
02:35Notice qualification matchup.
02:37Three strikes, right?
02:39Strike one.
02:45And there's nothing the official can do.
02:47You vouch for this man.
02:49Who is your partner?
02:51All on his own.
02:55He won on that night.
02:57But Briggs is destroying himself.
02:59Briggs wins.
03:01You got to understand.
03:03Oh, man.
03:05Still friend's book.
03:07Disrupted many different things.
03:09He's disrupted NXT live events.
03:11But why fight the guy who's trying to guide you?
03:13Wait a minute.
03:15He shot Spears.
03:17Spears didn't even do it.
03:19And Jensen's stabbing his...
03:21This is wrong.
03:23This is disgusting.
03:25No disqualification. Anything goes.
03:30Spears with grit on his face.
03:32A steel chair.
03:34And Jensen...
03:40I just got off the phone with...
03:44I'm really hoping to run into y'all
03:46and talk about our conversation last week.
03:48Sometimes you got to look to the past to move forward.
03:50Did the two of you ever lose these tag team championships?
03:52You know what? Let me check about that.
03:56That would have been an insane match.
03:58That could still happen.
04:00It could happen tonight.
04:02Three of us. You're getting three of us.
04:04All right. Six man tag action.
04:06We'll find a partner.
04:08We'll see you out there tonight.
04:10I am competing in the next WWE speed tournament.
04:12I don't know who I'm facing yet.
04:16You said it was a distraction when I did it.
04:26She's tough. She's insane.
04:28So powerful. Watch this.
04:30Something looks incredible.
04:32Right now she's only going to make the women's division strong.
04:34I think Fallon considers anyone a rookie
04:36other than JCHS.
04:38Speaking of Isla and Alba, have they defended those tag titles since they won them?
04:41Whenever those tag titles get defended,
04:44When was the last time you guys won a match as a tag?
04:46We were both partners before,
04:48but I was the one who pinned GC and Jasmine.
04:50Lash and I are going to put you
04:52and you in your place.
04:54Yeah, we will.
04:56Come on. You know what? We got to go out for Oreos.
05:00Eddie Thor!
05:02Television, Lexus King.
05:04This is going to be a board burner.
05:06Starting it off.
05:08DJing at the club.
05:10You got to do that.
05:13Look at this one.
05:15How big of a match-up is it for these two as King?
05:27Of this match-up.
05:29How much do you actually pay?
05:31Wait for the coronation.
05:33Rockabye, baby.
05:35How much do you pay in membership?
05:39This time it's King who's able to weasel.
05:42With a super kick.
05:44Looking for that coronation.
05:48King got spun.
05:50Thor with the victory.
05:55Cheap shot from King.
05:57This is the second time.
06:02This is wrong, boy.
06:05The King has won.
06:10Trip Williams, you wanted Ethan Page.
06:12But you got Cedric Alexander.
06:14But one thing I'm not playing around with is
06:16I'm not waiting for Page to give me no rematch.
06:18I'll fight anyone.
06:20That means I need to start tonight with Cedric Alexander.
06:22I will do that or no one is going to stop me
06:24from getting my NXT title back.
06:26You think so?
06:28Last week you had something to say, now you're here in the locker room.
06:30Just figure it out.
06:32Oro Mensa.
06:38The Adonis.
06:44We see Jakarro in the last shot here with Oro.
06:46They could have a tag team match.
06:48Jakarro was digging, man.
06:50She was digging this dude.
06:52Oro has seen this movie already.
06:54He wasn't going to let it happen again as Mensa.
06:56He's got talent.
07:00Just got caught with an airdrop.
07:02Adonis in the face.
07:04Adonis didn't like that. He fired back as well.
07:06What business did...
07:08Maybe he needs to focus on business.
07:10Trying to counter.
07:12He certainly does.
07:14Carvin rolls right through.
07:16It is a lot of distraction.
07:18Mensa looking for that neck breaker.
07:20Turned right around and just big.
07:22To pick up the win in an air fall.
07:24I'll tell you right now.
07:26Why would you be looking big?
07:28Just like Adonis just did.
07:30Spineboard right in the face.
07:32Mensa turning right around.
07:34And then a clubbing blow right back.
07:36Not only to Adonis,
07:38but also a memento
07:40being built for Mensa.
07:44Hey, Ethan Page.
07:46So if you need a little bit of remembrance,
07:48it goes like this.
07:50One, two, three.
07:52A ransom letter.
07:54Old school. I like it.
07:56Me? Silly.
07:58Her silly? She's got you over a barrel, kid.
08:00That's hilarious.
08:02I need this situation dealt with.
08:04So, Charlie, let me know
08:06what we're going to do, okay?
08:08I have a match tonight, and for your sake, Dempsey,
08:10I better not lose.
08:12Do or say.
08:14What does she mean by that?
08:16I don't know.
08:18What's she going to say?
08:20A surprise!
08:22Snow quarter catch crew,
08:24of course, with Renny Sinclair.
08:26Just saw the family out here
08:28to our left.
08:30An interesting matchup.
08:32Well, I'm getting to that.
08:34Sinclair is trying to use what happened in the parking lot.
08:36She's got a chip in the game.
08:38She's on the outside
08:40as well, but every woman right now
08:42is looking to the best
08:44here in the ladies.
08:46For a submission.
08:48Dempsey. Do you see Dempsey's eyes?
08:50There's another submission.
08:52A sigh of relief.
08:54Bright coming back in with a drop kick.
08:56Booker just got some breaking news in my ear there.
08:58You see it against the wall, don't you?
09:00They're not out here for just...
09:02Tony D'Angelo, the rest of the family
09:04is flying from the middle.
09:06Indeed, into the cover.
09:08Referee, Ray!
09:10Kendall Gray, holy hell!
09:12Kendall Gray just flew!
09:14Things certainly are, and again,
09:16down is... Hey, Dempsey!
09:18That was beautiful there.
09:24She said it was win.
09:26You gotta talk about the Great American Match
09:28two-week special. Two huge shows, actually.
09:30Maybe it needs two huge hosts.
09:32Don't say that if you don't mean it, Hanky.
09:34Brother, of course I'm in, but how do we make it happen?
09:36Oh, I got some ideas. Walk with Walker.
09:38We won the match. We were good.
09:40The opportunity comes and you change...
09:42Look, I heard I need a third tonight.
09:44What's the word?
09:46That's one thing that we can agree on. You're in.
09:48Cedric thinks that his kindness
09:50is being taken advantage of. Trick Cedric!
09:52We're gonna bring championship gold back to Cheshire, I promise.
09:54Theo does better against Roxanne
09:56than I did against her, but...
09:58Hey, you smashed it last week.
10:00You took Obafemi to the limit.
10:02New Cheshire shirts for the new champion
10:04because I know Theo's gonna smack.
10:06These shirts are available everywhere.
10:08This is so sick. Black is my color.
10:10The attention to detail here? Incredible.
10:12Hey, Theo's on now.
10:14She's gonna smash Roxanne. Come on.
10:16A year ago, we saw you go after
10:18the NXT Women's Championship.
10:20Gained confidence.
10:22And I feel like a year later,
10:24I don't need that.
10:26I feel like they've seen what I've gone through in the past year.
10:28Ridge Holland has been a huge part.
10:30How has having him around
10:32affected the overall environment
10:34of Chase Yu? People judge him
10:36because he's not perfect for
10:38one second. Empowers me to be
10:40myself. Chase, Duke, Riley,
10:42they let him in. Yeah, I mean, I'll be honest
10:44with you, Theo. I feel like we're seeing
10:46such a different side of you. What would
10:48winning the NXT Women's Championship...
10:50I'm trying to win it for all of Chase Yu.
10:52For the little girls who, like me,
10:54worked last year, Tiffany seemed like the biggest mountain
10:56to climb, and now Roxanne seems impossible
10:58to get through. And the rest of the world
11:00are wondering what the NXT Women's Division
11:02will look like in a few months. Focused on winning
11:04the NXT Women's
11:06Championship. Can Theo
11:08bring gold back to Chase Yu
11:10after great American
11:18Trick is
11:20thinking about right there. You've got
11:22to know if you bet it.
11:32Trick Williams,
11:34these two started the night.
11:36Alexander was talking about the emotions
11:38of Trick Williams.
11:40Is this for someone like Cedric Alexander?
11:42A huge, huge moment.
11:44Alexander was trying to give a little bit of friendly advice.
11:46Say what you want to say about Cedric. He's a hell of a
11:48talent, Vic. For Cedric
11:50Alexander, he's a superstar!
11:52I mean, come on, dog.
11:54He's not the only one to say that.
11:56You have to be emotional in this
11:58business, especially if it's like Trick Williams.
12:00Oh, yes, man!
12:02For a moment, a kick out.
12:04And then right back up.
12:06And now they're talking about Trick Williams. That's got to be
12:08friendly. Oh, yes!
12:10Same can be said for his opponent, Cedric
12:12Alexander, who just drove
12:14Williams. And not to be outdone,
12:16he does it a second time.
12:18He tried to give some advice to Trick Williams.
12:20Man, what's up on the top?
12:24Alexander, who just got planted.
12:26Reach up!
12:28Knocked out. Oh, and a
12:30near fall.
12:32Here we go!
12:34And Williams
12:36was kicked out.
12:38Trick, who said his goal is the NXT championship.
12:40And it landed on
12:42Trick. And another
12:44near fall. Now what's Alexander
12:48Different Cedric Alexander right here, Vic.
12:50Plan B may not be working.
12:54For Trick Williams!
12:56Wow! Shows sportsmanship
12:58to a man that has been trying
13:00to lend out for Trick Williams.
13:04We saw these two earlier
13:06in the locker room.
13:08What has gotten in?
13:10Come on!
13:12Where's the official?
13:20You want two minutes with Ava? Sorry.
13:22Stevie just took up all her time because she doesn't shut up.
13:24That's a lie, but what can I do for you, champion?
13:26It's NXT champion Ethan Page.
13:28It's the same thing. What can I do for you?
13:30Everyone's seen you beat Dante. No one's seen the other thing.
13:32How could you just lie to the champion?
13:34That wasn't a lie. Everyone is watching NXT.
13:36You should just, you should be lucky that
13:38you're champion. You think I'm lucky?
13:40Look, we are lucky. Everyone,
13:42we're lucky that you're champion. Oro Menza
13:44was NXT champion. Oro is the champion?
13:46No, he's hypothetical.
13:48And I will double thank Ava for you,
13:50Mr. Page. No worries. Don't worry about him.
13:52Carbon Petrovic,
13:54Soul Ruka!
13:56Legend Jackson
13:58meeting moments
14:02It's going on. It's tag team action
14:04here live. Legend Jackson
14:06wants to be a part of that two week special.
14:08Caviar dreams, man.
14:10Oh, beautiful.
14:12Sold the show at Battleground in Vegas.
14:14Take a look at Lola Vice.
14:16They break it out for you so you don't agree with JCJ.
14:20What do you mean?
14:22Have really talked a big game.
14:24Powerbomb into a pin!
14:26And Lash.
14:28As of late, Vic.
14:32One at a time. Come on.
14:36Here we go!
14:38Right into the stomach.
14:40Jakara Jackson earlier tonight and last weekend
14:42somewhere smiling right now.
14:44That was close. Oh!
14:46Don't get caught with Soul Ruka.
14:48We know what could happen.
14:50Not in the spirit of competition, these four.
14:52Petrovic, I don't think realizes.
14:54Petrovic, two for one!
14:56Wow! That's it!
14:58Is it enough? And Jackson
15:00able to break up. Ready to compete here
15:02earlier today, but they certainly
15:04A unique tag team move.
15:06Oh, yes!
15:10And a just punch!
15:12That was hot!
15:14My God, man! Metaphor!
15:22Isla and Alba,
15:24you said defending
15:26your championships, your WWE
15:28Women's Tag Team titles anywhere, right?
15:30You defend them against the
15:32brightest star at the Great American
15:36Question now, will it be
15:40But trust and believe, if Pete don't come out here
15:42and try me again, I'm going to bust his ass.
15:44He'll be a hell,
15:46gets a special sit down interview and I don't.
15:48Scrappy little underdog that everybody's
15:50rooting for, not getting what I deserve
15:52as champion.
15:54You want to talk about
15:56Easy, easy. We didn't like
15:58him then, we don't like him now.
16:00Alright, kicking for the Gallus firm.
16:02Next week, son, me
16:04and you, Great American
16:06Bash. What about that, Denny?
16:08I don't know about that, Joe. Have you seen this?
16:10He wants to do what?
16:12No, no, no.
16:18Okay, alright, we are
16:20going to address 1, 2,
16:223 business and lay it to rest.
16:24What Oro did to me last week,
16:26it was not official and
16:28to me, none of this bothers me.
16:30Okay, ignore them, they're ignorant.
16:32Okay, listen to me. Were you
16:34or any of your colleagues
16:36in the ring to make the count?
16:38It wasn't a legitimate match, so
16:40the count wasn't official. See?
16:42Nobody was in this ring
16:44to count 1, 2,
16:463. You referees usually
16:48absolutely suck, but you just did something
16:50great with your life.
16:52And Oro, we saw
16:54he's back, quick, over,
16:56he did it again, he did it again.
16:58That didn't count.
17:00Oh, my.
17:021, 2, 3.
17:041, 2, 3.
17:06Oh, look who it is, man in the hour.
17:08Look, don't try to flatter me, we're still
17:10coming after that count. So I think I might give you
17:12Olympian a shot at the cup next week.
17:14Who? Tevion. Guy who represented
17:16this country in the 2020 games.
17:18Not the one who got his ass whooped by the girl.
17:22I'll see you next week, Tevion.
17:24Yeah, you will.
17:26We'll see if that one gets made official.
17:32What have you thought about the
17:34Rascals reunion thus far?
17:36Wait a minute, next live right here
17:38on NXT.
17:40I believe in Joe Hendry.
17:42Present with a
17:44live concert next week
17:46when NXT is live.
17:48Nathan Frazier and Axiom. And Tevon
17:52So he doesn't have to
17:54get ready.
17:56I'm buckled in, oh yes.
17:58You know, something that kind of struck me
18:00as we've thought about the Rascals,
18:02and I'll throw Trey in there as well, you know, same
18:04for the Rascals.
18:06And what a dropkick!
18:08Or as you would say, the shnout.
18:10This guy right here, Axiom.
18:14Moves like a blur. One another, look what it's done.
18:18Looking for something, and this is it.
18:20One of the best tag teams.
18:22He's going to be on WWE speed and attack.
18:26I still think they're the same, man.
18:28This is moving too quick.
18:30And I believe it's Wesley.
18:34To the next level, here we go!
18:36Oh man!
18:42Talk about high octane.
18:46For himself
18:48and his team, Evans, because he's in
18:50the neighborhood, he's in the Rascals
18:52treehouse right now.
18:54Frazier turning right back around, wiping out
18:56Wesley. Like a rubber band,
18:58he just snapped right back.
19:00What high flooding
19:02by the Young OG.
19:04Not to be outdone.
19:06Bothered him just
19:08a little bit, and Wesley
19:10demotivated him just a little bit.
19:12And now he's controlling the body of Vince
19:14in a big slam.
19:18Look how fat.
19:20Standing shooter star, almost. For the tag team
19:22champions, they still have gold around their waist.
19:24Nothing like being double champion.
19:26Tag was made. Young OG's legal.
19:28Double super kick! Here we go!
19:30And the Rascals cut it in.
19:32Javon Evans can only learn.
19:34Oh, this is Wentz's
19:36opportunity. Wentz back.
19:38Oh no!
19:40Tag is made.
19:42Big knee under the jaw!
19:44Another half inch up, he would have fallen into a
19:46cover. Combination offense,
19:48knife drop kick to the shoulder blade.
19:50Hasn't felt it either, his lead coming right
19:52around. Trey made the tag.
19:54And I don't know if you heard Trey, he said get Axiom,
19:56he called the shot, and the Rascals are rolling.
19:58Your opponents right there, Rascals right there
20:00trying to take it to the young OG.
20:02Rascals now continuing
20:04to roll. And look at the finish.
20:06Oh! Oh my
20:08God! You've got to be kidding me!
20:10Oh, another near
20:12fall. Not enough to beat.
20:14Nathan Frazier right now trying to counter
20:16and he certainly did. Trey tagging
20:18himself in. And he came right
20:20across. Lee swinging wildly.
20:22Evans didn't miss. We all knew
20:24this was going to be high flying, but what a
20:26counter by Evans. Can he
20:28get the victory for his team?
20:30First, Spanish Fly!
20:32Second, Phoenix Splash!
20:34Legal, and somehow the
20:36Rascals. Right there, Vic.
20:38NXT! NXT!
20:40Here we go!
20:44Double stomp!
20:46His partners, that being
20:48Axiom, has taken out. Come
20:50get you, son! Lee
20:52has taken out everybody!
20:54Whips his pin!
21:00As you saw,
21:02Wesley wiping everybody out.
21:04Looking at each other. And a nice
21:06show of respect. Ava, I am
21:08done. I need Oro. I
21:10want Oro. And a match would be great.
21:12How are you? Uh, Ethan, what
21:14changed your mind? What changed my mind is I've had it up
21:16to here, and, hell, I'll put
21:18my NXT title on the line to get this over
21:20with. I will have the contract drafted,
21:22and then you guys will sign it, and at week 2 of the
21:24bash, it will be you vs Oro for that
21:26NXT title. Good.
21:50Professional Free Agent Tag Team
21:52which can happen very soon.
21:54Sign up for WWE. Let me
21:56tell you all that on April 2024,
22:00said in their report that Chris
22:02Sabin and Alec Shelly
22:04are finalizing a deal with All Elite Wrestling.
22:06But things have changed
22:08a lot. And guys,
22:10recently, Wrestling Observer
22:12Dave Meltzer said in his report
22:14that Chris Sabin and Alec Shelly
22:16can sign up for WWE. And
22:18he also said in the report that
22:20Motor City Machine Guns,
22:22WWE and AEW, both
22:24companies are negotiating with them.
22:26Whichever company gives them a good offer,
22:28Motor City Machine Guns
22:30will sign them. If you look at the situation,
22:32it seems that WWE
22:34is the company that can give them a better offer.
22:36Chris Sabin and Shelly
22:38both, at the beginning of this year,
22:40after leaving TNA Wrestling,
22:42had kept quiet about
22:44what they were going to do next,
22:46and which company they will join.
22:48So guys, do tell us in the comments
22:50whether Motor City Machine Guns will join WWE
22:52or AEW will give them a good offer
22:54to call them in their company.
22:56So let's move on to the next update.
22:58So guys, recently,
23:00WrestleNomics revealed the viewership
23:02of the AEW Rampage episode last week.
23:04On July 19, 2024,
23:06the viewership of the episode
23:08AEW Rampage came to 2,84,000
23:10and the demographic rating
23:12of 1849 came to 0.10.
23:14If we compare the episode
23:16that happened last month,
23:18i.e. the episode of AEW Rampage
23:20that happened on June 7, 2024,
23:22the viewership of that episode
23:24came to 3,49,000
23:26and the demographic rating of 1849
23:28came to 0.12, i.e. in one month
23:30there was a lot of decline in viewership.
23:32Guys, if we talk about the episode,
23:34then the company announced
23:36only 5 matches for this episode.
23:38In the first match, The Lucha Brothers,
23:40Penta L Zero, Miedo and Rey Fenix
23:42teamed up and defeated
23:44Private Party, Isaiah Cassidy and Marqueen.
23:46The second match was
23:48of Women's Division,
23:50in which Chris Statlander defeated
23:52Sidney Vinal. In the third match,
23:54Minoru Suzuki defeated The Butcher.
23:56In the fourth match, The Learning Tree,
23:58Chris Jericho and Big Bill
24:00teamed up and defeated
24:02The Outrunners, Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd
24:04in a tag team match.
24:06And guys, if we talk about the main event,
24:08then Orange Cassidy, Kyle O'Reilly
24:10and Tomohiro Ishii
24:12teamed up and defeated
24:14Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett
24:16in a six-man tag team match.
24:18And guys, the show was over there.
24:20So let's talk about
24:22today's final update.
24:24So guys, recently a very big update
24:26has come out about Sky Blue's injury.
24:28You all know that
24:30on July 20, 2024, in the AEW Collision episode,
24:32Sky Blue faced Hikaru Shida
24:34in a singles match.
24:36But during that match,
24:38Sky Blue was injured.
24:40After that, the referee stopped that match
24:42and Hikaru Shida won.
24:44But after the match,
24:46Kyle Fletcher shared a photo of Sky Blue
24:48on a social media account
24:50in which a bandage was tied to Sky Blue's leg.
24:52And now recently,
24:54Brian Alvarez has updated
24:56his report on the injury of many superstars
24:58of AEW.
25:00If we talk about Sky Blue,
25:02then he said that Sky Blue's heel
25:04has been injured. And on the other side,
25:06Delton Kestel is going to undergo surgery.
25:08Alvarez also said that
25:10Kestel didn't get any injury.
25:12This is a different kind of injury.
25:14And guys, Alvarez also said in the report
25:16that Jay White's foot has also been injured.
25:18But he doesn't expect
25:20to stay out for a long time.
25:22He fought his last match
25:24in the AEW Collision episode
25:26and that match was on July 6, 2024.
25:28And Alvarez also said
25:30in his report about the injury
25:32of the last AEW superstar
25:34Kill Switch, who was injured
25:36on July 20, 2024
25:38in the AEW Collision episode.
25:40He was injured in his hand.
25:42As you all know,
25:44in that episode, the Patriots
25:46defeated the Bang Bang Gang
25:48and won the AEW World Trios Championship title.
25:50Kill Switch has an injury on his bicep.
25:52So guys, let's see
25:54how long his injury recovers.
25:56And apart from this, AEW
25:58has not given any other superstar's injury
26:00or any update.
26:02If you liked the video,
26:04then like, share and subscribe to the channel.
26:06Thanks for watching.
