• 5 months ago
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks to the press about President Biden dropping out of the election.

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00:00Thank you. Yes, we're questions on this subject. Yes.
00:03I know you said that this was a bottom up process, but Kamala Harris is the Vice President of the
00:09United States. There was no other competition. This is going to be selected by party delegates,
00:15insiders, essentially. What's your case to the American people and to the Democratic voters
00:20that voted for Joe Biden that this isn't a coronation?
00:23The bottom line, it was a bottom up process. People just rallied right to her side.
00:28The enthusiasm in this big, diverse, representative party was amazing.
00:35It was palpable. You could cut it with a knife.
00:38Are you worried that Republican efforts will bubble up in states
00:41to keep Harris off the ballot, to leave Joe Biden on the ballot?
00:45No. Yes.
00:48When are you guys going to meet with the Vice President?
00:50Soon. See, we're getting more questions in with short answers.
00:55You had a number of conversations with the President over the last
00:58several weeks. You went out to Delaware. That was described as a bit of an emotional meeting,
01:03sort of. I'm wondering, did you ever personally ask him not to run for re-election?
01:09Look, what I would say is that the President has done an amazing, amazing job as President,
01:18one of the best we've ever had, and he put his country first and made the right decision.
01:24Thank you, everybody.
